The Wingham Advance, 1907-03-14, Page 8THE W NGHAM ADVANCE THURSDAV, MARCH 14) 14907 Relmlore. Mr. and Miss Lowry visited at the parsonage in Wroxeter last week.. We notice Mr, Wm, Edwards is getting in another large stock of 1ogtt. Otte popsies, b1 s rmit , Mr. Chit - tick, ie now busy fixing up implements for the farmers. We are glad to hear that Miss Har- ris, who has been ill for souse ttnse, is now recovering. Rev. John Radford preached a very earnest and helpful sermon hist Sun- day, Itis subsea was "Esau selling his birthright.' 4 number of our young people spent very t a v xy pleasant evening at the house of Mr. C. Johann on Friday, the 1st inst. The evening was spent in plagying various gatnes and in sing - An event of unusual interest to the Mpeople of our. village took place in yth on Wednesday, the Oth inst„ when "Mr, Jas. Barton and Miss Ella Edwards, two popular young people of Delmore, were united in marriage. The young couple will reside about a mile from Belmoi•e and your cor- respondent takes pleasure in wishing them a long and prosperous voyage an the matrimonial sea. St. Augustine. While in Lucknow last week, Mr. James Anderson disposed of a heavy draught mare; he reports a good price, Mies Martha Wallace of Donny- brook, who has not, been very well all winter, is not improving as fast as her many friends would wish. Mr. Thos. Bamford and Miss Sarah Craig attended the Epworth League and Sunday School convention held in Blyth last week. Mr. Bamford verily believes "it is not good for roan to go alone.” Our merchant and postmaster, Mr. G. McGuire, had a close call last week. He was felling a tree in the bush, and it lodged in another ; he went under to chop the second ; as he gave it one stroke, the lodged tree carona suddenly down and struck him on the shoulder, consequently he will be laid up for a few days. Quite a land deal has been transact- ed lately in this locality, and we are pleased to say that "Robins" had no hand in it. Neither did the "heelers" at Ottawa get a "rake off." Mr. Uriah Thompson exchanged his one hundred acre farm to Mr. George Smith for his two hundred acre farm, giving $3,800 difference. Wm. Thompson, brother of the former, bas since bought from Mr. Smith his late acquired farm. Another Great Discovery. A well known gentleman in Black Bay, Ont„ Mr. John Cowan, has dis- covered an absolute specific for rheu- matism, and writes ;—"I was affected with sciatica and chronic Rheumatism which I contracted years ago. The The disease had a great hold in my blood, and it was hard to make any impression on it. Reading of Ferro - zone I was convinced of its merit and it's certainly the best I have ever tried. Why it just drove away the Rheumatism. Even stiffened old suf- ferers will experience quick results. The reason is that Ferrozone acts through the blood and thereby de- stroys the cause of the disease. Price 50c per box at all dealers. "The. little Eaton" Is now ready to show you an elegant Large stock of new and up - to -snuff Gents' Furnishings Everything a man wears. Stylish Clothing Newest styles in Boys' and Men's, House Furnishings Stylish Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum; and Oilcloths; Lace, Tapestry and Chenille Curtains; Window Shades, Window Poles. We carry a large stook of above goods. P, S. --All carpets sewed and laid free of oharge, Saturday's Bargain 4 Yard wide Linoleum, good weight, floral and block designs in light and dark ground (10 patterns to ohoose trot) regular $2.00 do ,l► *2.25, SATURDAY..Yr rV Geo. C. Ilanna CLOTMDA AND HOUSE PURNISHEk Old Post Office, Wingliatti. Blyth, Mrs. 'Weir of Wroxeter is visiting her daughter, Ura. John Hartley, Rev. J. F. Soninzerville of Toronto �ueached in St. Andrew's church. on :iunday. Wni, IlejYvou of Grand Rapids at- tended the funeral of Itis mother, Mrs, Ann Ileff'ron, on Wednesday. Over $200 was subscribed to the Missionary fund in the Methodist Church on Sunday, March 8rd.. A very pleasant eveut transpired in Trinityeh tr 1s on Wednesday even- ing, v sing, March 0th, when Miss Edwards and Mr. Jas. Barton of Behnore were united in matrimony by the rector, i W. Hartley. Rev.as t , TJ Y The milliners have returned to town ;—Miss Porter of Lindsay at I'oppplestone Le Gardiner's ; Miss Baker of Walkerton at G. M. Chambers h Co.; Miss Anderson will have charge of the millinery department in her father's store, J, A. ,A,nderson's. Mr. A. E. Bradwin, our former townsman, has assumed the general managership of the Galt Reformer. The Reformer states that Mr, Brad - win is a consistent Grit and one of the best exponents of Liberal princi- ples in the province. The process of development along the above line must have taken time to develop so full fledged a Liberal, for while editor of Blyth Standard, we believe he took the stand of non-partisan. All the same, we wish him abundant success. The annual convention of the Ep- worth Leagues and Sunday Schools of the Goderich District was held in the Methodist church here on Thursday and Friday, March 7th and 8th. A large number of delegates and friends were in attendance. Rev. J. 0, Reid of Nile circuit and President of the District League, was the presiding offleer. The addresses and debates were very instructive and helpful. Rev. Mr. Joliffe of Clinton gave a very edifying address on the work of the Holy Spirit. Dr. Stephenson of Toronto was unable to be present but sent a good substitute, Dr. Woods - worth, who gave "three excellent ad- dresses during the sessions. Mr. W. H. Kerr of Brussels was present Fri- day evening and gave a very helpful talk on Sunday School work, The choir of the Church supplied music. Mr. J. Leslie Kerr appeared for the first time before a Blyth audience and sang a solo in good form. Mr, Har- land of Clinton contributed two solos. Mr. Reid was re-elected President for another year. Salem. Mrs. Wm. Weir spent last week with friends in Blyth. We are sorry to learn that Mr. T. McMichael is suffering from a very sore hand. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Abraham visited the former's brother in Morris on Monday last. We're pleased to learn that Miss Ada Nokes is able to resume her duties after her recent illness. Mr. Ernest Jacques and Mr. Thomas Hoperaft spent Sunday last at the home of Mr. Albert Gallaher. Miss Ada Gallaher is at present visiting her sisters, Mrs. Ed. Bryans of Grey and Mrs. Alex. Bryans, Morris. Mr. and Miss Stewart, also Mr. and Miss McLaughlin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mines on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith intend to leave this week for their home in the West. The best wishes of all go with them. Mr, C. W. Kitchen and his neice, Miss Olive Green,spent Sunday I ast at the hone of Mr. Chas. Sunburn, formerly of this place. The sad news has reached us of the death of Mrs. Underwood, Wroxeter, formerly of this place. The family have the sympathy of all in their hour of sad trial. The Salem Church is again open for service, and on Thursday evening next the Epworth League will have their regular service at the usual hour, 7.30 p.m. All are invited to at- tend. ,r. Jamestown. Miss Bessie Moses is holidaying with Brussels friends this week. Miss Annie Straehan of Pine River is visiting under the parental roof at present. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bryans spent a day or two of last week visiting Ford- wich friends. Miss Allie McKelvey left for Toron- to last Thursday to resume the art of dress -making. Mr. Thos. McEwen received quite a severe shaking up last week from a fall on the ice. Miss Myrtle Wilson ontertaitred a few Jamestown friends at her home in Brussels last Thursday evening. A most enjoyable time was spent. Mfr. Robt. McKay of Ethel con- ducted service in the hall last Sunday evening. Mr. E. Maunders of Brus- sels is expected for next Sunday even- ing. of rey. Mrs. Jos. Ames visited friends in Brussels last week. John McLennan took a business trip to Stratford on Saturday. Jas. Hogg of Milvertonpaid this lo- cality a flying visit on riday Iast. Mr. Hogg recently purchased the liv- ery business in that town, and speaks quite highly of it, Quite a number of the friends end neighbors of Mr, and Mrs. John Sav- age gathered at their home last Fri- day evening to spend a few pleasant hours and bid them farewell. Before leaving, Mr. John Bryans reed a neat- ly -worded address and Mr. Jos. Pear- son presented Mr. Savage With a gold watch guard, Mrs. Savage with a gold- lined silver cake bucket, and littlel4lies Laura with a silver knife, fork and spoon, The recipients were complete- ly taken by surprise, and Mr. Savage replied very tonchillgly, thanking one and all for their kindness, As they would look Beek to their frlends in (Trey as true friends. Then the com- pany sang heartily, "Blest be the He rr thatbinds,' Mr,land. "Mfrs. Savage leae for their e' house in Dungan- non this week. Glen/moan. Mr, Albert Aitken and bride left Mere last Pt fda,y morning to return to their home in G1enbuln, N 13. Gootge anti Peter Muir are spending ra few &Lys with friends near Chesleyr Quite a tnttrtber ofpeople around ere have fiery lewd golds mid hi ittippe. 1!1111! 11 W"est Wawanosh. Howiek. Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Farrier spent Sunday with friends at Pine lover, Mas. John, Beattie of Pine River is visiting. friends in this vieiuity this week. ATP. and Mrs, Robt. Campbell and fancily left for the West last week, "' where they intend to reside, The trustees are putting in new seats in St. Augustine school. They have also purchased all the necessary articles required by the new law. The railway bridge across the Malt - land at Auburn is nearing completiou. - The last girders were placed in post- ; tion ou Tuesday, The train will be able to cross in a couple of weeks, Jas. Stewart, who lately sold out his hardware business to James li onng, bade good-bye to Auburn on Tuesday, moving his fancily to Wingham, where he intends residing for the present. Auburn loses a good citizen. The Wawanosh Vire Insurance directors met on 'Tuesday, and in ad- dition to the ordinary business of passing on risks, adjusted two loss - clauns, a small one of Mrs, Elliott and her son Jacob Cousins, of Ashfield, - and another amounting to $000 of Mr. Linklater, of Wewanosh, Wnz. Scott has sold his fine farm 1:1 - mile east of Auburn, to Jas. Howatt; - Mir, Scott gives up possession in about a month and moves to Blyth; Mr, klmvatt intends to finish his rental tears on the Brown farm, which is two years, and will not move until it . expires. Jas. Raithby has sold hie farm to his brother George, for over $0,500, but does not give possession for is year, After only a few days' illness there passed away on Wednesday morning last another of our old residents, in the person of Mrs. AIex. Durnin. Mrs. Durnin had been in her usual health previous to a heavy attack of cold, to which she succumbed. The deceased was highly respected, and the funeral on Friday to Dungannon cemetery was IargeIy attended. Mfrs. Durnin leaves two daughters and two sons to mourn her Ioss—Mrs. Jno. Campbell of Ashfield, Mrs. Jas. Bird of Oran - brook, George of Dakota, and Samuel, who resides here, to all of whore is extended the sympathy of their many friends in the community. East Wawanosh. Rev. Mr. Hartley of Blyth visited at David Scott's, sr., last week. Jas. Noble, 0th line, purchased eight pigs from L. Williams of Morris last week. Jno. 3Yightman and family of Mor- ris spent a day last week with friends on 0th line. Jno. Scott, Oth line, disposed of a fine two year old bull, to Robt, Mc- Dowell last week. Owing to the stormy weather the Literary in the 0th line school -house, has been but poorly attended. Chas. Wighttnaa had a Brood -bee on Wednesday of last week. The day was fine and the boys worked well. Wm. McDowell. Westfield, purchas- ed a fine mare from Mr. Jno. Mar- wood, sr., of Donnybrook, last week. Miss Vera McDowell, 0th line, re- turned home from Goderich last week, where she has been spending the past four months with her uncle, Jackson Wightman. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT removes .all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, sprains, sore and swollen hroat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. ( Morris. Township Council met on Monday, llth inst. Mrs. Jos. Clegg is recovering from a serious attack of plurisy. We hope she will soon be as well as ever. A number of people in this locality complain of grain being stolen from their granaries. If the sneak thief is found he will be made an example of. John and Mrs, McCutoheon and daughter, Evelyn, who have been visiting in this locality for several weeks, left for their home in Fro- bisher, Sask., on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Cunningham, sr., was taken to the House of Refuge, Clinton, on Wednesday morning, which she enters as a paying inmate. She was dissatisfied to remain at the home of her son and chose to go to Clinton. When Long Breaths hurt 'You know that troubles exist which heed quick attention. Proper action consists in a vigorous rubbing of the chest and side 'with Nerviline which sinks into the tissues where the pain is seated, and gives relief in a few minutes. No liniment so clean, so strong, so powerful. Results guaran- teed with every 25e bottle of Poison's Nerviline. Get it to -day, EASTER TERM at the BRITISH AMERICAN BUST. NESS COLLEGE, TORONTO, the oldest and best business school in Canada, be- gins on Apr. 2nd. Our catalogue explains our superior work. Write for it, T. M. WATSON,: PmatNemrar. The Bali Telephone Goe of Canada Ts about to issue a . New Telephone Directory For the Vialrlet of Western Ontario, including the Town of Wingham Orderer for new conhectione, ebtangc. of Arm names, changes of street addres• ase er for duplicate entries should be handed in to the Meal Manager AT ONCE, P. N. TANS ,EY LOCAL. MANAGER i♦et>tlwltl • W. J. ;3 Patton and fancily have moved on the old homestead. Seventy-ti.ve rents will pay for the Advance until January 1st, 1908. The telephone gang has completed the work oil the line from (lorries to Wroxeter, Ilugh Halliday bought a brood mare at Mrs. Greer's sale, Gora•ie, for $290, A big price we should say. What has been called the "model farm" has again changed hands, Shel- don I3rleeIhaving bought it re- cently. The Council will meet in Corrie on Mart% 20th, that is if they are still alive after 1- v . , Etat rho dose in last issue of the Vidette. Thos. Burns of Fulton Mills has a sow which littered nineteen pigs on the 4th of Marsh. All are thriving well. This is certainly something un - usual. Mr. and Mrs, David Aldrich, intend going West; be takes with him a nuinber of horses and some other things to operate a, farm neer the village of Heward, Sask. The township printing has been given to the Wingham Advance. In the opinion of the Connell, the Howick offices asked too meet, and it is said that the work in the past has not been very satisfactory, The Advance does good work, and will no doubt do this work well, The Auditors' report for the town- ship of Howick will be ready in a few days for distribution, It gives full particulars of the finances for 1900, and the following figures are an abstract, Receipts;—Tuxes, $26,887 ; school purposes, $874.00; licenses, $150,00; debentures, $1,548.50; loans, $0,800.00; miscellaneous, $315.31 ; hal- ance front 1905, $3,311.02; sinking fund account, $1,808.07; total receipts, $41,753.90. The chief items of expen- diture were ;—Salaries, $1192.81-; roads and bridges, $5405.90; county rate, $1,399.80; school purposes, $8,782.13; debentures, $1,540,50; loans and notes paid, 80,800.00 ; Gorrie police village, $2,052.50: Fordwich, $292.50; grants to wire fences, $157.20; balance in sink- ing fund account, $2,528.07; cash ou band Dec, 31, 50,740.52. Current lia- bilities are $7,262,42 ; available assets, $7,215.17; other assets, $2,130.00. The railway liabilities of the township are $14,700.00, and assets towards this, $12,345.09, i GREAT SALE OF ' Wall Paper For 10 Days Only. Mies Fisher is now offering balance of last year's Wall Paper at greatly reduced prices, all clean and well kept stock, best colorings... . Remnants To Clear. We will have on sale, large and small bundles of remnants for lcss than half price—from now till 23rd just. Opening Days Will be on the Srd and 4th of April, when we will have a magnificent display of new Wall Paper for your inspection and purchase. Easter Cards ads and Easter Novel- ties S e ties in groat abundance. Watch window. K. M. Fisher The "Big Book" Store J. N. Ohishoim's Real Estate Office WINGHAM ONTARIO The following are a few of the many farm propertieson my For Sale lists. Kindly look this list over, and if you see anything you think would suit you, call and get full particulars. l: have also a much larger list which you can see at the sane time, 40 Acres—Half mile from Winghatn, brick house, bank barn, 2 acres of orchoed. Terms easy. 50 Acres—Adjoining Bluevale, in first- class state of cultivation, fine huild- ings, 4 acres fall wheat and 23 acres fall plowing. • 00 Acres -2 miles from Wingham, on Teeswater road, barn 30x40, brick house, easy terms, 100 Acres -44 zniles from Winghatn, good frame buildings, fences in good repair; an excellent property, will be sold cheap, $1800 cash, balance 5%. 100 Acres -12 miles from Wingham and 7 from Blyth, 85 acres cleared and balance beech and maple bush, not one footof waste land, said to be the finest farm in E. Wawanosh, good buildings, easy terms. 100 Acres -9 miles from Winghatn, 8 from Whitechurch, 90 acres cleared, balance hardwood bush, new frame house, bank barn, good fences, 51000 down, balance at 5%. 100 Acres -1e miles from Wingham, new bank barn, frame house, 2 spring creeks, l?, acres orchard, No, 1 fences. $1500 down, balance at 5%. 100 Acres -3 miles from Wingham on Lucknow road, bank barn, frame house, 70 acres cleared, balance black ash swamp, beautiful location, and terms easy. 100 Acres -8 miles from Wingham and 3 from J3elgrave, 0 acres• good bush, spring creek, and good fences. Any reasonable otter accepted. 100 Acres --0 miles from Wingham and 0 from Brussels, first-class buildings and fences, plenty of water, No. 1 soil, Will be sold cheap. 100 Acres --2 miles from Wingham, all cleared, not a foot of waste land, all in grass, excellent pasture faun. 100 Acres -3 miles from Wingham, ex- cellent buildings, 10 acres fall wheat, 10 acres bush. Owner has lived on farm over fifty years. Snap at the price, $2000 down, balance 5%. 100 Acres -9 miles from Wingham and 5 from Brussels, in Grey Tp., bank barn, frame house, spring creek, $1000 down, balance 5%. 100 Acres -3 miles. from Wingham, 10 acres black ash slash, spring creek, bank barn, $1300 down, balance 4%. 100 Acres ---4 miles from Wingham, 5 acres bush, spring creek, fair build- ings, net one foot of waste land. 1300 down, balance $ w a once v/,. 100 Acres -4 miles from Wingham, Tp. Turnberry, good fences, new bank barn and new house, 1 acre or- chard. Snap for quick sale. 100 Acres -7 miles from Wingham, all cleared, no better soil in Canada, le acres orchard, drilled well, sand fair buildings. $1500 down, balance 5%. 100 Acres -3:i miles from. Wingham, rr all in grass, spring creek, small house and small barn, No. 1 soil. $1300 down, balance 5%. 4444.4444444444•••••446144. 44 1 $ You Make A Mistake If you buy a Piano with - A out seeing our stock, comparing e. prices and taking into account A the quality of the instrument. All the best makes always in stock -- Heintzman, Newcombe, Dominion, and others. Also Organs, and the very 1 best Sewing Machines. David Bell Stand—Opp. Skating Rink Property Owners.. 'Will find it distinctly to their advent - age to make me their Agent, based on quick roturns and satisfactory dealing. The following aro a few of the many properties for sale:— • $OSA it story, 9 rooms, nearly new, rents $8t per year, Alice St. $gobSolid 'ilriok Cottage, 7 rooms, almost new, Martha Street. $:0150 I1 story house, 8 rooms good repair, j rents for 290 per year. John St. $00 IS story frame hottse, 8 rooms, hard and soft, water, fine cellar, excellent repair, Frances St. $IZ04 2 story house, six rooms, beautiful $$:L loeatioll, Albort St. $1200 11 story house, 8 rooms, fine cellar stable, 20 fruit trees, two acres of land, Lower Wingbam. $t) A 11. story house. 8 rooms, hares and soft water, good loeatien, rents for $102 per year, Victoria St. $1300 N"ew Brick Cottage,'1 rooms, bard and soft water, Josephine St. $1950tii BrickCottage,plea- 1trio story' osabe, JhnSt. $2/fin e rc solid brick ffeastory oulotbunt bath, #4000 Maple str et. $3rd 2'sterey new Brick Themes furnace, bath, Ia'Pator'y, eleetrio lights; every- thing strictly first-class and up.te-date. If yen want anything at any time in Tteal Estate, tenni) direct to headquarters. - Mabee to loan on farm security. J. IIs Chisholm that 1+:BTA t'E ir18tJRANCE Adis! Lada Aoawr V ,nletouaa Bloc& 'G il;lgha 23 Acres -5 miles from Wingham, 2 - story brick house worth half price of farm, bank barn, good fences, spring creek, 7 acres hardwood bush, soil clay loam, a desirable property. 1550 Acres -10 miles from Wingham, 3 from Belgrave, good fratne house, bank barn, fences good, 2 acres of orchard, will be sold cheap. 150 Acres -2 miles from Wingham, 120 t d $1500 down, balance 150 Acres -2i miles from Wingham, new brick house, bank barn, in goocl state of cultivation, spring creek. A chance for someone. Terms easy. 50 Acres -12 miles from Win ham, in E. Wawanosh Tp., two good houses, "2 sets outbuildings, 4 acres orchard, spring creek. Easy terms. 200 Acres — 9 miles from Winglramn, bank barns, brick house, good fences, 2 acres orchard, a beautiful property and excellent will. $2100 down, bal- ance 5%. 1 acres cleared,excellent bank barn,_- frame house, good fences,nicelysitu. a e a ance at 4i%. A Blacksmith Shop and business, five miles from Wingham, with proper- ty. Snap for good man. Space will not permit me to give any more farms in detail, but! i might just say, if you are ' in- terested in buying land in any i part of Canada, call and see me. 1 X heave for sale your choice of Wingham Town Lots and Pro- perties, ranging in price from $400 up to $10,000, and the intending purchaser will find it to his ad- vantage to look over this list be- fore snaking choice 'of a house, lot or business stand. Maley to Latin on Vann Security. Western Lands for We or Exchange. J. N. CHISHOLM Iea1 Estate, Fire In• surance and Loan Agt. ol0l?10E Ilpet±aire in Vanatone shook, next to Bank of 11%1*ilit:in. ,,11 ..i,,, 1 Just Think ;What it means -•-- three meals _per day, besides the extras. There's difficulty of choice, and . we all get, tired of sameness. 3 • FOOD VARIETY Is here -- always Fresh, Pure and Good. Expert experience is behind every dollar's worth; bought and poor goods never get on our shelves. - MOB GRADE TEAS EXCELLENT COFFEES SELECTED COOKED MEATS CHOICE CHEESE ORANGES ---bitter and Sweet AND MOSTLY ALL TIIINOS GOOD TO EAT. PRODUCE TAKEN WINGHAM Flour Mills. Farmers! Have your Wheat gristed and get 78c a bushel for it, in Flour, Bran ;tnd Shorts, as follows c--- 4 33 lbs. Star Flour at $2....66c 10 lbs. Bran at U. lOc 2 lbs. Shorts at $1 , , . 2c 78c 'se HenryHO SO , HARVEY & QROCER AND BR CROCKERY MERCHANT EBKt 4 WI GHAs 1 6,1,1;4 . �.•u-Y.�W,y .�.1' Iii Farms For Sale. Lot 33, Concession 1, Culross town. ship, containing 120 acres, of which 90 acres are cleared. The farm is well located, and has fair buildings. Easy terms of payment may be secured. Apply to DUDLEY HOLMES, Winghatn. Bodmin Line Works. The undersigned will deliver lime to purchasers in Wingham during the season 1907. Place your orders early. For particu- lars, apply to A. Nicholson & Sons, Belgrave, Ont. FARM LABORERS AND DOMESTICS. I have been appointed by the Do- minion Government to place Imnmi, grants from the United Kingdom in positions as farm laborer; or domestics servants in this vicinity, Any person requiring such help should notify me by letter, stating fully the kited of help required, when wanted and wages offered. The number may not be sufii• clout to supply all requests, but every effort will be made to provide each applicant with help required. PETER CAMPBELL Canadian Gov't Employment Agt. WINGHHAM, HOMES. One -Way Second Class Colonist Tickets On sale daily until April 30th to points in British Columbia. California, Washing- ton, Oregon, Colorado, Montana. Special Train To Northwest Will leave Toronto every Tuesday during March and April (at 9 p, nt, with colonist sleeper) for accommodation of settlers travelling vo t with live ice steak. Passengers travelling without live stook should take train leaving Toronto daily at 1,45 p. n,. or 11.30 p. m. For tickets and full information, call on L. HAROLD, Town .Agent. .1. 0. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto, For Settlers IN WESTERN ONTARIO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN • ALBERTA How Made and How Beached" Write for free copies of ' p1 TTLR' GUIDE giving fail ppartle- . 1 ulare of special ran service for travelling with lit'o - stock and effects to the Northwest in March and April, with passenger and freight rates. . . WE,STTRN CANADA I1p-to.datc dos - Et et3ption o! Lite wos an western conditions. 80 pages of information invaluable to settlers. Useful maps and statistics. TIME TABLES showing double daily - to Winnipeg and Caplgary'or train service TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Leavo Toronto daily. Comfortable, roomy berths -at moderato rates. b'u11y equipped With bedding cooking range and every con, -- vonienco. itorths should bo reserved (through nearest C. P.R. Agent) atleast two weeks before departure. Write today for free books and anything you want to know abcut thio west and how to reach it. Address C.11, FOSTER, Dist. Pass. Agt., C.P.R., Toronto VA N AMtAN>�iLitfIWlY�i'lt►hN±fWa57tYr1l�Y 'ihbhh`rfAhtJ11�Y�'N�1UfiNi+ AIWOOMAMI ICL•'WiNV�.'1'tN 1 rr Spring Term Begins April 1st During January and February, the Wingham Business College had twenty-five tithes as many calls for Stenographers, Telegraphers, Bookkeepers and College Teachers, as we bad graduates to send. Attendance is always smallest during April, May and June, con- sequently each student gets more individual attention. This is the best term of the year for the student. Learn of the success of our graduates by writing for a handsome catalogue of the Best Actual Business School In Ontario. The "backward" or "rusty" feel et home with nit, as °Amir student is instructed at his owo desk by a painstaking, sympathetic teacher. Graduates guaranteed situations. Enter any time. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE E (Affiliated with Clinton Business College) GEO. SPOTTON h4YJ4GUlt 4.4 (14 141; .1. PRINCIPAL Pi SeT OP` UTx,env- FREE 'Alis I minty isetri'e1ta:5Z Our 1907 Catalogue will tell you how to get, Absolutely Free, a beautiful Carving Set of SHEFFIELD STEEL) with Celluloid Handles and Slerlieg Silvor Mounts, enclosed in a handsome Ousts and &ilk lined case. The outside be- ing covered with leatherette, Our handsome Catalogue and Guide Book is richly illustrated and is free to everyone who asks for it and contains details of other special offers, etc., niso gives full details of new and standard varieties of Seeds, Plants and Bulbs. W'rltb today, IAlC1-1i HUNTER SEGO CO.etirntted x .Ot'dt3ON, Chante a. {- INCREASE InIR 11D PIR ARV