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The Wingham Advance, 1907-03-14, Page 4
4 THE \VINGHAM ADVANCE TuuRs1)Av', MARCH 14, 1907 --In order to start a movement to itttproee the condition of earth roads 4 In (lntario, "'the Farmer's Ativot.ate," in co-operation with tate Pane New Spring Goods r Faster will soon be here, and you will want your New Suit, Light Overcoat, Hat, Gloves,. Tie, Fancy Shirt, etc., etc. We have one of the largest and best assortments of Saitings ever shown in this part of the country -all the newest designs and best qualities at lowest prices. Do not buy a ready-made suit and be dissatisfied all the time you wear it, when for very little more you can get one, made to order in any yle you wish -0110 you u ser. ft el are•d wil hear well and good. e guarantee :satisfaction. HATS We have the beat aGsertment of Hats in the new- est styles. The Perfectus Health Hat is one of the best Hats made. We are sole agents for it. We can give you anything in nen styles. You will not find anything that has been carried over for years in our stock, all new. Our Caps are new and stylish. We also draw your attention to our new Fancy Shirts and Necktie?. We have a large assortment of these beautiful goods. Anything you want in Men's Fur- nishings, give us a call. Maxw 7 i r :j:z r Tailors and Men's Furnishings Are You Buliding a House, We are in a position to offer you very low prices on nails, wire 1 and all other building materials. Do not fail to get our prices before purchasing elsewhere. TO H_1/2..1 D—A. 1Ae assortment of Sap Pails, Milk Pails, Galvanized Pails and Tubs. Barn or FenceP CENTRAL HARDWARE A .1.../.1,0,0%••••••%04,0%,kkekek,••••%,`" es/4,W.] bitoL'tat Works Department of the Ontario • wizen -The'* Provincial elections were held (xos er nment, is (lifeline $ . nl I in '4atxitob1 on Thur d:t\ last, and to foe• the hest results blurt :1season's use suited in at victory %r the ceeeeelea Of the inexpensive implement called five (Roblin) Government. The the i.plit log dr tg. There are tan sets ' figures acre:-•-1\m'ets ttil'es, 2b I Lib- of price s, onefo the Eastern (ma owe er:tls, 12, majority, lis, The tight was ` for the Western part of the Province, sharp, indeed hitter, The Liberal The secondfirst .prize p i e in andch thirdtse is a prize $2$10. leader was defeated, and one member There is vinfee to3, nd •, adpriz con- ' of the administration is also among Thi res are cert' siru tee, The hejudgingc co -ti- the defeated. Two elections are yet will be done by Mr. A. W. Campbell,to lie held. Good Roads Conic i.sioner, 1� nlier ' lrtrticulars may be obtained by drop- • The Dominion Grange in session pin; a cau'd to "The Farmer's Advo - passed the following ,resolution ea tate,' London, Ont,. We might add "We look Upon the Senate as still he- that the entries for this exceedingly ing what it was once described as be- interesting and practical competition • ing, a mere refuge for worn-out poll- will close on March' 7th, tieians, What we would. like to see is the total abolition of this expensive and useless house of refuge, But fail- -Tire General -Manager of the Grand ing this, thet Senate onstit be mads Trunk Pacific expresses himself pleas- aelective,bawith large constituencies as „ ed at the rate the construction of the a basis of representation, new transcontinental road is going +*• on. The company is now contracting ' e- -Ontario now ranks first among to secure the services of 20,000 labor theers from England, Scotland and Rus - only provinces 4 the Dominion, not si`t, during the cousin spring,for value in the variety, but a lso a the construction work. He also imat- value of her tmprodl prod Cobaltn. ed that it would be necessary to secure During las the product of veOriental labor to complete the Wes - valued was 5543,,,89, ounces o1 shoes tern sections of the road, as no trans- nI Co it $36 tons besidesck312 tons continental line had yet been con - 553 ars tons Theof nickel, and 1,f strutted without their assistance. Ont5 i8 tons of arsenic. total value wasf Plans are prepared for the coustruc- overwe tv-two output for 1006 tion of an extension of the Grand over twenty-two million dollars. Trunk Railway northerly from the *." present terminus at North Bay to a -The report of the Minister of Edu- Point where it would strike the trans- continental road. All supplies for cation shows- that in lie there were that section of the Grand Trunk Pact - Separate crateOntario 5,793s, PuHic schools, `4 d tic will be taken in over the Temis- Sep egiat schools, ut High schools and kerning and Northern Ontario line. Collegiate Institutes, The pupils number respectively 397,170, 49,324 *.* and 28,661. The expenditures were : On Public schools, $5,524,102; on -A. short time ago, a meeting was Separate. 5637,134; on High, 51,004,- held in Turnberry to discuss the 493, making a total of 57,165,731. The School Act of last session. The Ad - total number of teachers was 10,338. vance gave space to full minutes of . * the meeting, without comment. We • pointed out, however, to some of the -The report of the Insurance Corn- parties that at the time the meeting mission has been brought before the was held, a Bill had been outlined re - Commons. It is very long, very, de- moving many of the objections to the tailed. very intricate and technical. Act, and therefore the criticisms of It is in the main a verdict against the the Act were unnecessary. A similar system of management of insurance meeting was held in Oxford county, companies in Canada, as compared and that excellent Liberal paper, the with the system in England. It deals and Sentinel-Review, con - with each of the investigated cony- demos the action of the forty or more ponies in turn, winds up with page ratepayers who met in that county after page of typewritten recons- and passed resolutions condemniug mendations, and finally presents a the new School Act. "The spirit of draft bill, which, as a matter of the meeting (says our Liberal contem• course, will become the ground work porary) seemed to be antagonistic of Government legislation. rather than information -seeking, and . a majority of those present showed a decided lack of knowledge so far as -Here are a few railway figures the new act was concerned." The from the latest parliamentary report ; same might be said of the meeting Miles in operation, 21,253 ; under con- recently held in Turnberry. There struction in June 1906, 3,071 utiles ; lo- are many, who because they are op- eomotives in use, 2,931 ; ears, 09,874; posed. to the Whitney Government, assengers carried during the year, have endeavored to make others be - :17,989,61; tons of freight moved, 57,- lieve that the earnest and wisely -di - 066,713 ; total earnings, $125,321,865 ; rected efforts of the Whitney Govern - capital invested, 51,3'32,493,704. Of ment to increase the effectiveness of this imiuese sum, the Federal Govern- the school system of Ontario are sim- ment has contributed $194,188,584; piv a series of mistakes and worse. Provincial Governments, $43,275,02: ; Give the Government a chance to municipalities, $17,125,164. The total work out their plans for the improve - mileage of electric railways in Canada ment of the schools. is 813 miles. The net earnings for the year were $1,291,834. . H. BISHOP .i THE CANADIAN BAN OF COMMERCE ESIABLIStIED 1Se: HEAD orrTC£. TOROS-1-0 B. B. WAIS, President Arm. Tom, General wager A.. FL tPF:T,* uD, Styger,�xateafat :t of Branches *1 -The women of the old land have -The Acting Minister of Public been most persistent of late in their demand for the franchise. They have a had t be picked np in the •arms of Forks estimates th t the two new Departmental buildings to be erected policemene cd forciblyremoved from across the 2 anal from Parliament Hill he lobby of the Housonly to return will cost $2,730,000• The price of the with enforced strength. Some have land will be over half a million. Al -excess even been imprisoned, and actually lowing for less than the to that delight in suffering for the cause so over estimates it is safe to saythat dear to them. The Premier, Hon. the total cost will exceed $4,000,000 refused to even receive a deputation even if the buildings do not fall down Campbell Bannerman, has till now like the Laurier i`ower, before they from the suffragists, but he now sn- are finished. Already land to the e nounCCS that he will support "with ed by cost 5460,000 ployed waas s n Mr, Riopelle ZWueh pleasure" the bill prtoe givet the who received two per cent. or $9,2 , suffrage to women. With the ladies for bar -gaining done in a few Reeks• of the old land enjoying the franchise, *;f it may be only a question of time anis er of Educatfan states when their Canadian sisters will en- * rrvilege. Afters to rJ.ci00,000 tarso Chou e R t, - - -The 1f' ' t Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 the effort now being made to recon- why should theye same not permitted t t t the educational affairs of On- Rest, n rote' Are then not be can, ' intelligent? eS - "should b regarded as only the Dotheynot show their interest in Total assets, - 113,000,000 there re- be ginning of a movement to raise the political matters b attendin politi- standard of masn much to be done, and further cal meetings very often? Their en- trance into the ballot field might in - advances will depend r no slight mea- ,reduce a purifying effect upon our sure upon the co-operation afforded litics that is most desirable. Then by the people of he province"" In link of the pleasing variety intra- Br2ritlles throughout Canada, sad in. the United States and Finland g� dealing with the work of the Gem- dueed into a parliamentary canvass, BA.Nl� N BY 3i.t�,.IL mission on SchTest Books, the when the candidate will be permitted consistent Minister states that action c Business ye transacted by mailwith y br�branchwith the information gained will be and expected to canvass the Inds- voters ady voters 1 Just for instance imagine Bana. Sir. Hislop the Liberal candidate for of the Accounts may be opened and deposits tts�eent©ft�ne view high prices the East Huron calling on all thQ la made or withdrawn. by �iL Every attention is paid f to out-of-town accounts. Wingham, Ont., Branch :—A. E. Smith, Manager. ' dies Bank of Hamilton +.f • Interest Pea cr cc=fin_" gesrteey wzreiiAse BItA it H C. P. SMITH - AGENT In ten years the deposits of the Bank have increase 278 per coat. --as will be nutted from the following figures: 1897—$ --$ 6,43 Y ,436 1902—$14,184,250 1898— 7,634,374 1903— 16,x,880 1899 8,770,9°A 1904— 17,583,149 190010,019,581 1905— 21,464,121 1901— 11,549,904 1906— 24,386,027 WI 111W.Wrim I: terese on de.pesi s of $1.00 and necrar s, allowed at hi :.eft cur - .rt t_ rates. dist beaks, and with the nam o prove in the riding. He would require'five ding better boos" years instead of two for the cam - This is the way the Toronto Tele - Dg aviews the subser mminion Parliament to railway in- - -1 terests :-"The Czar was said to rule Reteeia, when the Grand Dukes ruled the Czar and Russia. both. Canada's Grand Dukes are the C. P. R., the G. d theC N R. They rule the China assuming vience of the paign ; but ob, what pleasure! Be- sides, what good might result'. - THE FAMINE IN CHINA. .00 Another Big Stock -Reducing Sale at Vingham's Big General Store From VVednesday, Mar 13 to Saturday, Mar. 30 Our Special Sales have always been• a success, because we do just what we advertise. We keep faith with the people. YLEASE NOTICE.—OILY the goods mentioned in this advt. will be sold at reduced prices. But we include in the list enough to make a BIG SALE for 15 days. It will pay you to cone to this Sale, even if you have to travel ten or fifteen miles in order to get here. DRESS GOODS.- Forty pieces of Dress Goods, about 600 yards. Every piece bas a red ticket on it. That means sell at a reduction of twenty-five per cent. That is 51.00 goods for 75c, or 60c goods for 45c, 50e goods for 38c, or 40c goods for 30c, etc. FANCY SILKS. -A dozen or more pieces of Fancy Silks at Slaughter Prices. A few pieces regular 50c and 75c Silk at Half Price. A fete pieces New Fancy Silk, 75c for 56c, and 50c for 38e yard. DRESS TRIMMING. -A quantity of Valen- ciennes Lace Applique, Cotton Applique, also Silk Applique in black or white, during the Sale at 25 per cent. less than regular prices. About a dozen pieces of Black Allover Lace at reduced prices. RAIN COATS. -This is the time of year you'll need a Raincoat. We're offering for 15 days, Men's Raincoats and Women's Raincoats and Showerproof Coats at one-third less than regular prices. That is, you get a 512.00 Coat for 58.00, or a 59.00 Coat for 56.00, or a $6.00 Coat for 54.00. GLOVES. -Mens, Women's and Children's lined Gloves and Wool Gloves and Mitts, all on the bargain counter. HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. -All Win- ter Hosiery and Underwear for Men, Women, Boys and Girls at Clearing Sale Prices. TWEEDS. -Fifty pieces Tweeds and Wor- steds for lien's Suits at one-third less than regu- lar prices. MEN'S HATS AND CAPS. -A11 hard and soft Felt Hats for Men and Boys, also all Caps for Men and Boys at half price for 15 days. READY-MADE CLOTHING. -All Ready-to- wear Clothing for Men and Boys. New up -to• date goods. Overcoats, Suits, Pants (Tweeds and Worsteds only) at a saving to you of 25c on every $1,00. LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR SKIRTS. - Every Ready-to-wear Top Skirt in the store is offered at CIearing Sale Prices. Move quick if you want one. LADIES' SUMMER UNDERWEAR. -25 doz. Ladies' Vests, long sleeves, short sleeves or with- out sleeves. This lot we secured at much less than regular prices and you get the benefit of our good buying. 300 Ladies' Vests, regular 25c and 35c for 15 days at 15c each. Chinaware Department. 10 dozen Cut Glass Tumblers, 4 designs, reg. $2.00 a doz., special for 15 days only - $L23 17 doz. Breakfast Plates, colored, blue and green, regular $1.00 a doz. for - - - - 78e 22 doz, Tea Plates, colored, blue and green, 70c regular 900 doz. for 10 doz. Dinner Plates, clover leaf and gold 84c line, regular $1.10 doz. for 20 doz. Tea Plates, clover leaf and gold line, n9c regular 75c doz. for 10 doz. Bread gold line, regular 60cButter t doz. for leaf 48c 6 doz. Oatmeal Bowls, clover leaf and gold line, regular $1.00 doz. for - - - - - 78c 36 Salad Bowls, footed, clover leaf and gold 17c line, regular 25c each for AlsoGlassware at HALF 1PRICE. ieces of China and Bargains in Groceries. A. quantity of Green Tea, reg. 40c lb. for - 20c A quantity of Black Tea, reg. 40c lb. for - 20c Pork and Beans with Chili Sauce, also Boston' Baked Beans, reg. 5c tin, now - - 3 for 10c 800 Cakes Toilet Soap, Crest, Coral and Sea Spray, reg. 5c cake, now - - - - 3 for lOc Eclipse and Morse's best Laundry Soaps, reg. 5c bar, now ........1 for 25e 5c tins good Lye, now 3 for 10c Good Nail Brushes, reg. 5e each, now - 2 for 5c Quantity of 8 oz. packages Cow Brand Soda, now - 3 for 10c 210 tins Choice Canned Peas, regular 10c, Our Sale Price, each - - - - 5c Sweet Oranges -15c doz. New Dates -5c lb. Good Prunes -5`c lb. WRITING PADS. -A large quantity of Writing Pads, good linen paper, regular 15c each. Our Special Price, 9c each. We want large quantities of Fresh Eggs, Choice Butter, Potatoes, Apples, Dried Apples iil�� 000O0000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000008:11Cf 8 HEAD OFFICE, TORONO. i � a� •/ an � g +�'/in ter 8 Capital (paid up) • $3,000,000 Reserve taed pnrod$d- . $3,929,000 Total Assets, over $42,000,000 'IGINGHAM BRANCH. T. R. an The famine in rna is Farmers' Notes discounted. country, while a- figurehead Parlia- awful proportions, and millions of j men, goes through the ,notions of human beings, scattered Drafts s i framing tapsquare miles, are . a man to "ail for the "crime' of selling the unused portion save some lives, and contributions of a: i ilway ticket. Why not abolish are beingforwarded from Canada and SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Parliament, transfer its powers to the the United States to aid the sufferers. G. T. R., the C P R and C N. R-% ; Christian Herald recently gave a red over 40,000 old on all points in Can - f such lases as the statute 1 dying of starvation. ads, the United States and Europe. S that sends } Efforts are being made in Canada to Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and The apward ,and dded to grin P� 30th Juno dire=t legislation by the railways for together on one plain, where the Chin the railways. • journalist writes thus:- R. Panatane, Solicitor -A great deal has been written and "In the course of my days work as a -i� bout "race suicide.' That the areo flood, earthquake 1 have a to riot, witness s r.evil prevails to ars awful extent is en- deettedly tree; that it is a sin, as watched Baltimore burn, and I Iived 11 well as a crime, is ecaaliy undeniable. for days amid the ruins of San Fran - Bat flare the very -nature of the evil, ; cisco and its refugee camps. I it is alinast impossible to deal effec- thought I knew something about 1 tiveiy with it. During he last thirty- • dreadful disasters, but nothing that I, , L.L.e old land the 1 has ever come within my personal II recen e a c, Toms Canada would be secured in the picture taken from life, where half a and 31st December each year. enjoyraent of She lysin and blessing of ; illion starving people were crowded * Kiang camp is placed, An American D. T. H$PBURIi, tanager bye s ear-. even an , 1 n ra ecage rate has declined 22 per cent. � able in horror h a with been nis awful Chinese - i In 1SS:q England was counted seventh __ if among Euvvpean nations drifting to- ! famine, which is daily reaping a great wards i i from the end. 11 statistic vire ilia/vestnicide; now she is sec- h'e isinfln 'Inman of greater than life. The at San y ii reeab:e. Ca:: 3e is drifting in he ' Francisco, nd adthundredfold dor e orse 1,a, s•.,;e (ner:tiara. %Slay might no,, t than that Coal Coal 1; Government take the matter tip. and 4 to no "To -day y I saw smother and a babe 4 e... ag , b etc the largefenti whose only lame was r three f �•�� t c n. •sax•+, - eel beand aei the tenth chSIO0 ar 5 se u of rushes, so scant as to be n, ` ..; easily seen through, pi tip on l�-e•va-.I the hnn°t with S for 1i •� t end Ir emee of the ten children. As rate I to among the well -to forma windbreak. That 1.Ale Pel W. d f, i lli money ra Moat f their neighbors had at Spring Term Opens Apriln �e�,pen_ three feet b four in h 2 d least one rued, y e mote tevsits t e s : Ute. three axles, the spat on whit y zee, t g :wean =i also be terpin file ,�" ,, ,- of � its crouched hats not even this futile sheI- +, ":t< vhe err.!?.'. nti that are di- r. era o - a gds ane the rnil.ioatiirt4, in the measurement,to steep off the wind Or An Excellent Time to Enter We are elo1e'1 agents for the eelt ated Scranton Coils w no equal. Also Ilse l� des of Wilting, Cannel and Do- mestic Coal *Wood of all kinds, slim% on hand.. O o {' lfo. ao. t �t W " Neo.44 arts of iat*of Lumber MMdreeeed or ung b ra Shiflett, Wit, Cedar Poets, Barrels, etc. $illi, P 1 klatle of �. lift A. YgEAN A FAMOUS SCHOOL CENTRAL 0 STAATFORD. ONT. is recognized to be one of the leading commercial schools of Ontario. Our courses are thorough and practical. Each department is in the hands of ex. perienced instructora. Our graduates are in demand and are meeting with t sncee s. Many leading Business alleges employ our graduates as teac- hers. write for tree catalogue. You may enter at any time. Fancier tc McL:►t:entev, Principals f ,m of fry gifts torr �r Itxr,e mrainhold it come. This little the Great •it mandIr6nandeteel ! 'Weekly e n, in referring to this toes- family .had not even that much. i(t; n, retr?rds ire readers that "this There was only the frozen earth un - was the po„� in pepula ing C,m:da dernneath, the handful of rushes to the u k the, of Fr eireh regime, and it winderardr nothing on threw aides end is centinned in Q aeb!o to this day. nothing above. The mother r had re- of god fano land e ceiired a bofifrl of foots, which she was un tee. t3: r_ h-.indre4 atelia g *was the eominitof the ,►resin, child.: devouring ravenously. The babe It is a question if the policy is not 1 her here breast had been given `worthyof siainlatkisi in Ontario. , portion in a small bowl ; net other at- - sicm!thing sentet be clone ff the pro- j tentioa was paid to it by the famished nr`e is to hold its Own numerically -Mother, who did not even heed the . in the fafu:e. Deterioration hats be- pie of tome foreigners, and show - come •a marked in this favored part ed no interest whatever when I deem* eb- of (Almada as to evoke Bruch earnest near to photograph thespeakiag out." � .ri,r,' l stni]estfrhorot.n interana(::i , N0 Shorthand Training. The demand for our Weems Is far greater than this ma leasatfleent rmtatoitue Is tree. Enter sow and be prepared to accept a goad p ieUIo i in the rammer or fail, NO mks• simmer neetIet. W. J. VLlOr , Plia ntp n Tame sod dkatendsr iSta.) Announceinent, DRESS GOODS. -I have determined to clear out my Dress Goods stock at greatly reduced prices this fall. As the season goes on, many lines are going at less than 75c on the dollar. Black Drees Goods a specialty. PRINTS. -Fall and Dark Winter Prints at cost. 0 FLANNELETTES. -I purchased very largely by the case in all kinds from 5c per yard np. Can give you heavy 36 inches wide, all color- ings, at 100 a yard. SHIRTINGS.-Grey Flannels and Flannel Shirtings, and a nice variety of Shirts made to order. HOME-MADE BLANKETS. -Prom the Wroxeter, Teeswater and Kingsmill factories. Pure stock, well cleansed, and very cheap, at the price wool has been this summer. Call and see them if in need of a pair. Sheeting in white and grey, 86 and 72 inches wide. UNDERWEAR, -I keep the celebrated Stanfield Shirts and Drawers, made from Nova Scotia wools, soft and flexible, and guaranteed not to shrink, in sizes from 36 to 46. Ladies' Wear in the Puritan make. The best brands in Canada. Also Misses' and Children's in all sizes, from 150 each np to the finest. HOSIERY. -From the Wellsley Knitting Mills direct. The best wearing goods in Canada, made from pure Northwest wools, and at prices that cannot be equalled, quality considered. READY•M ADE CLOTHING, -I have decided to clear out my large stock of Clothing this fall and winter, and eau give you great bargains in this line. A nice Overcoat for $4.00, usual price $9 00. A good service- able Suit for $4.00, and a large stock to select from. Boys' Sehoot Snits, a splendid variety. A good work Pant for $1.00, worth $1.40. CARPETS. -A large number of ends in All -wool, Union, Tapestry and Brussels, at about half price. Call and see them and get prices. Soma cheap Hemp Carpets and Mats toi offer, Linoleum in 1, 2 and 4 yards wide. Oilcloth to 1 and 2 cards wide, FUR GOODS. ---A lot of Coon, 'Wombat, Russian Calf, Dog and Bishop Coats for men. Por ladies, Astrachan Coats that cannot be beaten for values and quality. Workmanship guaranteed. Call and see them. Hata, Caps, Gloves, new styles, and large variety to select from. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, a fall line on hand and of best quality. Groceries, always a complete stock on hand, fresh and cheap. * 5 * * * F 5 * 5 5 * * * * * * 5 5 * * * * k * 5 5 * * * * K * * •* k •.* . i i , * , * * • a * * n r ****.i+►***** .►'aar*♦