The Wingham Advance, 1906-11-15, Page 8THE WINGHAM ADVANCE - TuuRsr y,
For Clothing,
Dress Goods,
New, Rich and Fashionable Furs, and all
lines of Ladies' and Gentlemen's seasonable Un-
derwear, come direct to D, M. Gordon's. No
house, no matter how much noise they make,
can give better value than you will find here,
and every article new and up-to-date. The new-
est and best is none too good for our customers..
As usual, all lines of, pure, fresh Groceries
are always in stock.
D. M. Gordon
forced the thought of individual re-
sponsibility, from the words --"When
thou btiildest a new house, then thou
shalt make a battlement for thy roof,
that thon bring not blood upon thine
house, if any man fail from thence".
The discourse was pointed, earnest
and practical, closing with an effec-
tive appeal to parents to safe -guard
their homes, by building characters of
the right kind. In the evening, "The
Philosophy of Prayer" was the topic.
It was an able discourse, and indicat-
ed close, thoughtful study and pre-
paration. The tuipressive services of
the day closed with a brief after -ser-
vice. Next Sunday Rev. W. G. How -
'II speak upon the foilowin, sub-
jects : 11 a.m.---"The Spirit -filled Life";
at 7 p.m. -"The Saints in Nero's pal-
ace." The ushers will be pleased to
show strangers to seats.
Merton Hart is visiting relatives in
Chester Davis is home from Toronto
on a visit.
Mr. Percy Dill spent a few days in
Toronto last week.
Miss hazel Vanalstine visited friends
in Paris Iast week.
Mr. Cooper of Fort Frances is a visi-
tor at Mr. A. Ross'.
Mrs. Win. Fessant visited her sister
in Seaforth last week.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Ball visited friends
in Brussels last week.
Miss Countess Carr of Toronto is
visiting relatives in town.
W. R. Cruikshank of Mount Forest The American Jubilee Singers that
will visit Wingham, Tuesday, Nov.
spent Sunday at his home near town. 20th, is one of the greatest organiza-
tions of singers that are touring Can-
ada this season. They appear in all
the leading cities, including London,
Massey Hall, Toronto, Montreal, Otta-
wa, etc. We would advise any wish-
ing to attend this concert to secure
their seats early, as a lot of seats have
been asked for from outside places.
The plan will be open to our town peo-
ple subscribers, Thursday • general
public Friday, Saturday and Monday,
at Walley's drug store.
Mrs. E. Baer has returned home
from a visit to Woodstock and Lon-
Miss May Vanalstine of London has
been visiting her parents on the Blue -
vale road.
Mrs. Wm. Keeler of Guelph was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Keeler
last week.
Miss Mabel Snell left on Tuesday to
visit her sister, Mrs. Coultes of Cal-
gary, Alberta.
Miss Florence Martin of the Junc-
tion has been visiting friends in Grand
Rapids and Saginaw, Mich.
Mrs. (Dr.) Taylor of Goderich was a
week -end visitor at J. A. Taylor's,
Principal of the High School,
Mr. L. E, Tomlinson of Woodstock
spent a few days of this week at the
home of Mr. Baer, Edward St.
Geo. Mutton has returned to town
from Stratford, and is again an em-
ployee at the Upholstering factory.
Mrs. McBurney of Manitoba, and
Mrs. Longman of Montana, are visit-
ing their sister, Mrs. Jno. Campbell.
Mrs. Sills left on Monday for Car-
man, Man., where she will spend the
winter months with her son George.
Miss Q. Tucker returned to Toronto
last week, after an extended visit with
Mrs. P. Hill and other friends in this
Mrs. A. Morton of Dunoon, Scot-
land, is spending the winter months
with relatives in Canada, and at pres-
ent is visiting her brother, J. A. Mor-
ton of town.
Miss Zetta Ferguson of Teeswater
was a visitor at Mr. Jno. Ritchie's last
week. Miss Ferguson rendered a very
pretty solo in the Methodist church
on Sunday evening,
Miss Zot a Wade left on Monday on
an extended visit with her sister, Mrs.
R. Collier of Medicine Hat, Alberta,
before going to Maple Creek, Sask., to
reside permanently.
[rch 'flews
Prayer -meeting is being held in the
Sunshine Church on Tuesday evenings
at 7.30.
Alex. A. Porter has been elected
Peoples' Warden of St. Paul's Church,
in place of Jas. IL Eon? removed.
Rev. W, A Smith, B, D., of Luc -
know will preach Missionary sermons
on Belgrave circuit next Sunday,
Nov. 18th.
Rev. T. S. Boyle is in Galt this week
attending the convention of the Ang-
lican Young People's Association, and
gave a short address.
The week night service at St. Paul's
Church will be held on Thursday
night this week, on account of the
h'ector's absence on Wednesday.
The second service for young men in
the course being held in St. Paul's
under the auspices of the Brotherhood
of St. Andrew will be held next Sun-
day night, when the Rector will
preach on the subject of "Life's en-
Services commemorating the jubilee
of the Diocese of Huron, were held in
St. Paul's church on Sunday last.
Bev. N. 1, ferry, M. A., cif St. Cath-
arines, was the preacher of the day
and delivered two excellent discourses
to large and attentive congregations,
Special ntusle was rendered by the
The Ba '
ttsti [
will be occupied
next p
t Loin a1 day by Mr, J. %, Sloat of
Sherbrooke, late of British Columbia,
where he was engaged in pioneer mis-
sion work. Mr, Bloat's pleasing ora-
tory and able sermons won for hire at
high place in the esteem of the Wing.
ham people on his previous visit, and
all will be glad to hear hire again.
Rev. E. R. Fitch will preach anni-
versary sermons in Sherbrooke his
former pastorate.
The services of last Sunday hi the
Methodist church were very profit-
able. Xtc the) Tootling, than pastor *Dm
Before Judge Doyle on a recent date
14 names were -added on Liberal ap-
peals to the Voters' List in Brussels
and they also succeeded in having
three struck off.
From Brussels and the railway sta-
tions near by on the W. G. & B., it is
expected that over 3,000 barrels of ap-
ples will be shipped this fall. They
will go to Winnipeg and the Old
Country chiefly. J. B. Guest, Clin-
ton, is in charge of the work in this
locality and' buys for Messrs. Can-
telon, McMillan and Everett. Apples
are a:rood quality but not up to some
years in quantity.
Last week the action of Wm. and
Mrs. Wilkinson, 4th line of Morris,
against the East Huron and Grey
Branch Agricultural Societies, for in-
jury to the latter's limb at the fall fair
of 1905, was heard, before Judge Ang-
lin, at Goderich, and decision given
against the defendants. Mrs. Wilkin-
son was allowed $500 and her husband
5150. Barristers Proudfoot and Sin-
clair conducted the case of the plain-
tiff and Barristers, Vanstone and
Macdonald were in charge of the de-
fence. Accident was caused by Mrs.
Wilkinson's foot going throngh a hole
in the floor in the former root and
vegetable building by which her knee
was dislocated and her ankle injured,
A number of witnesses were in attend-
ance at the trial from Brussels and
Robt. Sample, whose death occurred
Wednesday of last week, was the third
son of Jno. Sample and was born on
High Ridge Hall farm in Roxboro' -
shire, Scotland, on April 21st, 74 years
ago. They came to Canada in 1852
and after a year's sojourn near Port
Hope moved into the bush 2i miles
north of where Brussels now stands
and took op the fine 200 acre farm
now owned by Walter Yuill. They
followed the "blaze" and afterward
helped chop otit the roadway toward
town. About 15 years ago Mr. and
Mrs. Sample moved to Brussels and
purposed going to Wolseley, Man., to
their sons in the near future. He
had been in failing health for years
but was apparently about as well as
usual until the Wednesday morning
of the day he died. He complained
of shortness of breath and the doctor
was called but the vital spark fled in
the early evening, passing away in a
quiet sleep, In addition to Mrs.
Sample. deceased is survived by four
sons and three daughters, The sub-
jeet of this notice was a Presbyterian
in religion and a Liberal in polities
and was among the pioneers of this
section of country.
Report of S. S. No. 0, Turnberry.
Names in order of merit. Asterisk
after the names of those absent : Sr.
4th ---- G. McCormick, 5. King, V.
Chandler, 5, Goy, H. Mitchell*. Jr,
4th -V. Showers, S. Dickson, R. Por-
ter*. Sr. 3rd -B. Little, W. James,
N. McKague, R, McKague, M. Chand-
ler. Jr, 3rd ---V, King, O. Snell, A.
McKinnon, W. McKagne, It, rams*.
Sr, 2nd -13. Hol`nles, E. Millis, 1'. Val -
lig, A. Poston, E. Dickson, Jr. 2nd
(A). ---B. Chandler, J. Holmes, J. Me•
Kague, L. Snell, M. Eloy*; (I3)- M.
Porter, G. balgleisch. Pt. 2nd -I{,
Votton, P. King, 11 Linklater, C.
Showers. Sr. lst-'B. Chandler, L.
James, G. Tanis. Jr. 1st -R. Me-
Rague, H. Holmes, H. Showers, 0,
Fallis, A. A, Larnonby, teacher,
Wets{ --In Turnberry, Nor, 4, Mrs,
Jan. Weir, a daughter.
Skeene--•1n East Wawanosh, Nov.
filth, Mrs. tbso, aksene, a on,
Reeve Barris spent as few clays in
Rainy ,river on business,
Miss Emma Mulvey of Wingham
visited a few days here this week,
Mics Henry has been re-engaged as
junior teacher hi the school here at a
salary of $375.
Mr. F. Barnard has made a great
improvement to the appearance of his
property by erecting a find verandah.
Brawn & Hemphill recently received
100 pairs of pigeons. They aro going
into the pigeon business an a large
Mr. and Mrs. Ewing and Miss Mann
of Teeswater are here in connection
with the selling of the stock of N. J.
Mrs, (Rev,) Osterhout received the
sad intelligence last week that her
uncle, W. L. G. Snell, died on Wed-
nesday last in Chatham.
Mrs. N. J. Robinson and children
left on Saturday for Oakville, where
they will make a short visit, previous
to moving to Sudbury to join Mr.
Mann & Ewing of Teeswater pur-
chased the stock of N. J. Robinson,
which was sold by auction in Toronto
last weak for (38 cts. ou the dollar,
They will sell the stock at slaughter
prices during the next few weeks,
A meeting was ,held ou Tuesday
evening of this week for the purpose
of taking definite steps to organize a
literary society. The meeting was
held in B, F. Carr's shop and the so-
ciety was organized. The purpose is
to hold meetings twice a month.
The anniversary services of the
Wroxeter Methodist Church will be
held next Sunday, Nov. 18th. Rev.
Dr. Hussey, Fordwich, will _preach
11 a, m. and 7 m. On Wednescla
evening, Nov. 21st, the fatuous Ee.
ardt fancily, musical artists and Swis
bell-ringers, will give the program fo
the an
mz a at concert.
Miss Fanny Moffat of Wroxeter was
ls. • the guest of Miss Agnes Mitchell' last
r We are pleased to see Mr. L. Laird
and Waldo Weir home again, after
e their trip to the Northwest.
e Owing to the anniversary services
Y in Wroxeter next Sunday, the services
e will be withdrawn at Salem in the
West Wawanosh,.
Ed. Craig is doing a gond business
packing apples. Ed. is a hustler.
John Foran, jr., has returned home
after spending the fall in the West.
Nearly all the farmers are taking n i
their turnips, and report ta. good
Miss Latirendetut has returned again
after an e.tended visit to her sister in
S tt'athr oy,
The special services are still con-
tinued at Donnybrook and a good
work is being clone,
Ad, Disber and Jim Redmond have
each a horse 27 years of age, both
good for a day's work,
John Bulford of Michigan is spend-
ing a few clays among old friends
here ; it is 82 years since he left here,
John may take company bank with
We regret to learn that Jno, Mc-
Crostie, brother of \V, S. McCrostie,
clerk of West Wawanosh, is not im-
proving as fast as hie many friends
would wish,
Auburn new railway station is put-
ting on the appearance of being ready
for husiness. But to have to drive
about one mile down the base line and
ahctost another half -mule up to the sta-
tion -as well go to Blyth at once,
Miss Lillie McLaughlin is this week
visiting in Gorrie.
Miss D. McTavish is ,staying with
her grandmother and going to school.
Miss Emma Mulvey of Wingham is
at present visiting friends in Wroxe
The second sermon to young peopl
was delivered by Rev. Osterhout i
the Methodist church last .Sunda
night and drew a large crowd. Th
subject was the "Ideal young woman,
and a strong discourse was given
which was listened to with rnarke
attention. Many expressed then
selves as better pleased even tha
with the one given the Sunday before
The ladies' choir acquitted themselve
very creditably.
cl Thomas McGlynn left for Muskoka
1, last week, where he intends to spend.
n the winter with Wrn. Palmer in the
mill there.
s The young people of Salem have
commenced to practice the ehildren
on Saturdays at 1.80 o'clock for their
entertainment which will be held on
Xmas. eve.
.Eckhart Family will give a musical
entertainment, in the Methodis
church here on the evening of Nov
Misses Ina and Mabel Thomas ar
home from the West. Their man
friends are pleased to welcome them
home again.
On Monday evening, Nov. 5, a num-
ber of . youog men (old enough to
know better) gathered in front of
Mr. Jewett's residence, and not satis-
fied with making hideous noises, sent
a stone crashing through the window,
and threw water in Mr. Jewett's face.
Mr. Jewett is a peaceable, law-abiding
and respected citizen, and such
rowdyism is disgraceful and should
not be tolerated. The names of those
engaged in the disreputable work
would surprise anyone, There is a
stiff penalty for such actions.
At the recent meeting of the Quart-
erly Official Board of Bluevale circuit,
the following was passed as a
We, the members of this official
board assembled Nov. 5th, 1900, desire
to place on record an expression of our
esteem for and appreciation of our
dear departed brother, W. J. John-
ston, sr., who was for many years a
faithful and active member of this
board. Our beloved brother was a
lover of the house and work of God,
regular in his attendance upon the
same, punctual in meeting and lead-
ing his class, and faithful in the dis-
charge of his duties in connection
with the church. Good, kind, and
true to all the ministers and their
families, his home always open to
them, and he himself ever ready to do
what he could for their comfort. Our
brother has gone from our midst and
we miss him greatly, but the influence
of his christian character remains
with us. We shall miss his cheerful
presence, his wise counsel and his
helping hand. We deeply mourn our
loss and do sincerely sympathize with
our sister, Mrs. Johnston, and also the
family whose bereavement was so
sudden and severe. But our loss is
his gain, he has gone to his glorious
reward, and his works do follow him.
He has been gathered into the heaven-
ly garner as a shock of corn fully ripe.
May the Lord our God bestow His
blessing of comfort and support on
our bereaved sister Johnston and
every member of the family, and
tyrant to each member of this Official
Board that grace, which shall enable
us to live and work for Christ, that
we may -finally see with our glorified
brother the reward of faithful ser-
vants of God.
"0 happy, happy soul!
In ecstasies of praise,
Long as eternal ages roll,
Thou seeth thy Saviour's face;
Redeemed from earth and pain,
0111 when shall we ascend,
And all in Jesus' presence reign
With our translated friend!
On behalf of the Official Board,
Arthur Shaw,
Geo. Baker, Pastor,
Miss Marjorie Strachan spent Sun-
day with friends in $russets.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Shaw of Grey visit-
ed in Jamestown last Thursday.
Mr. B. P. Carr of Wroxeter is ex-
pected to preach in the hall next Sun-
day evening.
Mrs. Walter Higgins of Port'Wil-
liam is at ppresent visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mr's, ,las. Wright,
Mrs. Eckmier, sr., of Ethel, is stay-
ing with her son Lonis at present ; she
has reached the advanced age of 80'
years and is still hearty.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coombes and
family along with their household ef-
fects removed to their new home in
Molestvot'th last Monday. We are
sorry to lose these, worthy citizens
from one midst, but feel that our loss '.
will be Molesworth's gain, Robt.
Hamilton of Grey, who has leased the
farm, takes possession in a couple of
Your stomach churns and digests
the food year eat and if foul, or torpid,
or ont of order, your whole system
suffers from blood .poison. Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tleaa, keeps you well,
icy cents Tea or Tablets, Ask your
Anniversary services of the Metho-
dist Church will be held Nov. 25.
e Rev. H. W. Locke of Kincardine will
y preach at 10.30 a.m., and 7 p.m., and
Rev. W. G. Howson of Wingham at
2.30 p.m. Liberal offerings are desir-
ed, as no tea -meeting will be held.
The iutet inent took place at Tiffin's
cemetery on Saturday afternoon last
of Miss Sarah Isabella Murray, a well
known and highly esteemed resident
of Seafox th. ''Deceased, who was in
her twenty-eighth year, had been ill
only a few days, having caught a
severe cold which affected her heart.
Her sudden and unexpected death
has cast a deep gloom over the entire
community. The sympathy of a wide
circle of friends is extended to those
East Wawanosh.
Some of the deer hunters have sent
home their deer.
Mr. Hugh McLean's sale passed off
very successfully.
Miss Seal is engaged as teacher in
S. ,S, No. 11 for next year.
Miss L. A. Cunningham is again en-
gaged for next year at school No. 9.
Rev. W. G. Howson gave an excel-
lent discourse in Currie's school -house
on Sunday afternoon last, on John
3:113. The sermon was much ap-
A Hard Case Overcome.
No longer necessary to suffer from
muscular rheumatism. Every ease
can be cured. Ferrozone is unfailing
as proved by David Johnston of Or-
mond, Ont. "My wife was a dreadful
sufferer" he writes. "For two years
she scarcely could do any work. Her
knuckles and joints swelled, causing
torture. To get up or down stairs
was impossible, She took box after
box and rubbed the sore places with
Nerviliue. Improvement started and
she mended fast. To -day she is quite
cured and we thank Ferrozone for her
recovery." No remedy more popular
with doctors than Ferrozone; it does
cure, 50e per box at all dealers.
W. J. PRICE, L,.D.S., D.D.S.
(Successor to Dr. Holloway)
Will continue the practice in the office
lately occupied by Dr. Holloway, in
the 'Beaver Block, Wingham.
Christie's Specials
_Dates Having bought a choice nice
lishipment, of
quality too, I offer thein
at a - price --= class of goods 6
considered .-- that cannot be
beaten. Ws only, per lb
,Fruits are going to be high
j` u
this year, but as Xrna9.
season only comes once
in twelve months, of course you'll
=want the beet, It will pay you.
- Yon may depend on getting first
quality here.
in bulk and
Mince Meat It's hero, both
jij (j
packets. Buy
a small quantity and yon 'will pro-
nounce it excellent. In bulk
2 L13S. FOR 250
DON'T PUT OF>:' your Xrans.
baying in Chinaware till the last.
Things are moving now, and as the
prioes are AWAY DOWN you
wan to oome early,
J1 Henry Christie
Gflc att# AND
New Steel Frame Hand -
sleighs. Cannot break or wear
out, Guaranteed to last,
A new Window decoration, a
great invention to represent
stained glass. Suitable for
hall doors, bath room, office
windows, etc. This new mate-
rial is manufactured in France,
is sold by the yard, easily laid
on the glass, won't rob or
scrape off, does away with
troublesome screens and cur-
From 100 each and up
to $1.50..
New, white and colored Linen
Centre Pieces.
1Vools and Yarns of all kinds
kept on hand.
K. M. Fisher
Property Owners
'** ** t+ 4# + + il N•
_ The Gigantic Money-Sayin Sale ---Ory 4
Goods, Gents' Fnrnisbings, Groceries. 2
"f 4
Wonderful Selling* 4+
' Last week was a wonderful week for "big selling" '
• at This Store, but we've been clipping price edges closer 4
' than ever on many lines and a "Record Breaker" is the 4
+•,- mark we've tleterxnined to hit this week.
Will find it distinctly to their advant-
age to make ine their Agent, based on
quick returns and satisfactory dealing.
The following w areafewthe Of t @ many
properties for sale:-
$1350 ]� story house, furnace, excellent
cellar, good stable, two one-fifth
acro lots, Victoria Street,
•P'' -'v it Frame Cottage, good repair, rents for
$78 year, good location, Patrick St.
Brick Block on Victoria Street,
$i000 1i r'tory frame house, convenient, on
Patrick Street.
1100 11 story frame house, fine cellar, four
bed rooms, stable, property in first-
class repair, on Francis Street.
$1250 111 story frame house, furnace. nice
location, rents for $8.50 per month,
$1300 2 story house, splendid cellar, stable
worth ;1300, fruit trees, rents for $102,
$1350 2 story Cottage, nine rooms, on
1VIinnie Street.
$1800 Blacksmith Shop and business, in-
cluding 2 story brick residence, i uo.
of land, 5 miles from Wingham.
$2000 ]I story frame house, 10 rooms, fur-
nace, bath, 2 one-fifth acres lots, on
Minnie Street.
$15001, story frame house, fine cellar,
good stable, convenient, Leopold St.
FARM TO RENT -120 acres, one mile south
of Wingham.
It you want anything at any time in
Ileal Estate, come direct to headquarters.
Money to loan on farm security.
J. II. Chisholm
Van stone Block -- ' Wingham
• 4
The Ammunition Is Ready.
The ammunition is ready. It consists of two mag-
netic ingredients, namely, best quality goods and never
before heard of prices, and will be handed out by oblig-
ing salespeople with perfect safety to the purchasers.
Colne with the hundreds and get loaded with the bar-
gains. They are here for you -might as well share in
thele and save some dollars.
• In Ladies' and Children's Jackets, Furs and Rain Coats. it
I.,* FOR SALE CHEAP. --Four Good Box Stoves. Also a, �;
4* number of Syrup Barrels, suitable for bolding cider. .
V 11
Zkvz 71kkve Co. s
r. 4.
2. .44444144+4.4 44+4'+++++++4R
Wingham Business College
Individual instruction
No vacation
Gold medalists as teachers
Highest standard
Ask for catalogue
Modern business methods
I3ookkeopink a specialty
Ugly towards sluggards
Shorthand and typewriting
Interested in graduates
Newest office systems
Enter any time
Students' literary society
Sympathetic teachers
Commercial correspondence
Ornamental penmanship
Learn telegraphy
Lucrative positions
Excellent text books
Graduates successful
Enter "NOW"
GEO. SPOTTON Principal
Near By Health.
A few days at the mineral
springs of St. Cathoriues,
Mt. Clemens, and Preston, has
benefitted the health of hundreds.
Nothing is equal to the
treatment. Best of hotel ac-
commodation at moderate prices.
LFor tickets and full information, call on
L. HAROLD, Town Agent.
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
All situated on the G. T. 11,
i 11I 1 11111 MIM I[ I I 1 I I P®
Xmas. Is Coming.
What will 1' get my friend for Christmas ? You do not need to
worry over this perplexing question, for W. G. PATTERSON 'has
something to suit everybody. Never before has there been in Wing -
ham, or in any town bf its size, such a large stock of the latest and
best Jewelry and Christmas Goods of all kinds ; we want the people
of Wingham and surrounding country to call and be convinced of
this fact. There'll be no need to send to the city for goods after
seeing our stock ; we will sell our high-class goods for less money
than you can buy them in the city.
Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches of all the best makes
and newest designs. The largest stock north of Toronto to choose
from. Rings, all prices, in all designs ; nothing makes a better gift.
Diamond Rings from $10,00 to $250.00
Solid Gold Neck Chains from $5.00 to $50.00
Our line of Gold-filled Neck Chains run from. $1.25 to $12.00
Solid Gold Brooches run from $x.00 to $50.00
A. large line of Gold-filled Brooches from 50c to $10.00 ,
Solid Gold Cuff Buttons from $3.00 to $6.00
Solid Gold Gents' Tie Pins from $2.00 to $15.00
A splendid line of Silverware, and also Novelties
of all kinds. We have a line of fine Leather Goods
which will *make handsome Christmas Gifts. In short,
we have everything that you could wish for to make
acceptable gifts. Come early and make your choice,
for our goods are selling.
G. Pattersorj
The Great 'Watch Doctor