The Wingham Advance, 1906-11-15, Page 5COAYRIGfTCO BY TMC L9WMGCSCQ.1906
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The Home
of Good
Presents .its compliments and in-
vites you here To -morrow and
Saturday. This e,tore offers the
advantages of se-leetion from the
finest lines of OVEPtCOA.'T'S this
age has produced, and begs to say
in connection therewith, that
quality rule's supremo, no matter
what price.
Styles Above Criticism.
Values Unapproachable.
We planned to have tho beet
OVERCOATS in town -we think
we've got them. 'We've an Over-
coat for every man's form, for
every man's notion, and for every
man's burse. We have got the
Overcoat for yon. It costs you
nothing to look at it, and only a
moderate price to Wear it.
Remember, we aro the only
Clothing Store in Wingham which
has absolutely new goods. No
Men's Black Melton Overcoats $10.00 to $18.50
Men's Black Beaver Overcoats $7.50 to $12.50
Men's Imported Fancy Tweed Overcoats $7.50 to $14.00
Men's New Stripe Overcoats $7.50 to $10.00
Men's New Black Frieze Overcoats $6.00 to $10.00
We have a large 'range of Youths'
patterns, overchecks, stripes and
♦ Prices
Z We are having a great run on
22 to 30. Price
Overcoats in all the new
plain black, sizes 31 to 33.
$6,00 to $10.00
onr Boys' long Overcoats, sizes
Big Bargains in Men's and Boys' Suits.
Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Trunks and Valises.
Mon's Fur and Fur Lined Coats.
Crowcor Co.
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- —
"Tiny 'Mapco Loaf' Rubbers if you want a neat, smart, accurate fit," -wireless from
'the old woman who lived In a shoo."
Light and pliable, because no wear -destroying adulterants are
mixed with the finest Para gum.
Conform to the shape of tho shoo --give a glove -like, accurate,
stylish fit. Stay in shape. Wear long.
Fol' sale by G. B. GREEN, W INGHAM.
Ste q 7i i
Stones ,
CVO$ uteri $ At ft meeting held, Monday evening
in the lecture -rooms of Knox Church
steps were taken to forma society to
---Of the fib miles of the Suez C" anal, be known as The Teeswater Workers
were cut and 22 are lakes, Union. The object of the organize,.
-Henry Pfeffer packed 140 barrels tion is "To advance the cause of tem -
of apples out of his orchard on the peranco in the community, and to aid
12th con,, Carrick, this year. in any way the intellectual, moral and
-Rev. A. Y. Ilaist, pastor of the religious life of the village and sup,
rounding country,"
Evangelical Association (church at
Stratford, Ont., has just sold his farms, At a special meeting of the village
section 7, township 47, range 17, near Council held last Thursday evening a.
North Battleford, Sask., to Mr. J, petition. asking for the submission of
Peters, thresher, for $10,000, whieli rt local option by-law was presented,
cost hurl a year ago $7.5(1 per acre, The petition was signed by 111 quail -
thus clearing $5,400,
-In the course of a recent speech in
England, Lord Rosehery declared that
no less than $130,000,000 has been in-
vested in public asylums for the in-
sane in the United Kingdom, while
the annual cost, of maintenance is
$15,000,000. While population has in-
creased by 75 per cent. in the last fifty
years, the insane have increased by
230 per cent.
-The ingnest into the death of
Duncan. McPhee, found dead in the
bush near Ayton showed there were
no marks of violence upon the body,
death being duo to exposure. It is
supposed he wandered into the bush
at night, lay clown to sleep and was
overtaken by the severe snow storm
and cold weather two weeks ago. An
empty flask was found near where the
body lacy.
-Colorado is about to astonish the
world with a glass bridge. Across the
gorge of the wonderful Grand Canyon
of the Arkansas River, near Canyon
City, a suspension bridge has been
built more than 2,600 feet above the
surface of the river. Its floor is of
plate glass so that tourists may look
down into the wonderful gorge, the
deepest in the Rockies. The floor of
the bridge is about a mile and a half
above level. An electric railway from
Canyon City will Carry travellers to
the edge of the gorge.
-•J. T. Gordon, of the firm of Gordon
and Ironsides, says total shipment of
cattle. for export from the Canadian
West will aggregate 80,000 for the
present year as compared with 55,000
last season. These cattle, Mr. Gordon
says were three and four years olds,
and averaged 1,325 lbs. The trade is
pretty well over now, and will be
wholly at an end by December lst.
With the number stated added to the
normal shipments from Canada it is
no wonder exporters have been rather
dull during the fall and autumn
Walkerton, Nov. 3. -After being
out four hours, the jury brought in a
verdict of not guilty of either murder
or manslaughter in the case charging
Agnes Murphy with the murder of
her child, which died by being thrown
from a passenger train near Chesley
in June last. The prisoner's admis-
sions and medical testimony formed
the Crown's chief evidence. Mr. J.
W. Hanna, of Windsor, who conduct-
ed the case for the Crown, held that
the prisoner was guilty of murder or
at least manslaughter, and Mr. Jus-
tice Riddell charged strongly against
the prisoner. However, Mr. A. G.
McNay, K. C., of Owen Sound,, made
a successful defence in a two hour
speech. He censured the constable
who obtained the woman's admissions
without warning her, and showed
that medical theories as to death were
trust of necessity be lasting in
order to successfully weather
the storms of business life.
The Foaes'r CITY Besieges
& SIIORTIIAND CoLtkoa trains
young men and young women
to take minor positions which
eventually lead to positions
of responsibility and trust. Tho
foundation is secure. Our
students go up, not down. We
are unable to supply the demand
for our students. Why? Be-
cause business mien recognize
the superior training they
Write for our business and
shorthand booklet ; it's free.
School term September till
June, inclusive.
Forest City
Business College
J.W. WESTEiIVELT Y.M.O.A. eid0.r
Principal. London.
When That Cold Comes.
How is it to be cured? This method
is simplicity itself. Rub the chest
and throat well with Nerviline, use it
as a gargle and take some in hot water
before retiring, along with one of Dr.
flarnilton's Pills. Next morning finds
you refreshed, free from cold and as
bright as a dollar. These household
remedies are wonderfully successful,
and certainly won't fail in your case.
For sale at all dealers.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bennett have been
residing in Winghani during the past
two weeks, the former being in
charge of the egg etnporirnn of Mr.
Armour, who is ill.
'.Phos. Keith who was threatened
with the loss of an arm from blood
poisoning has been under treatment
for some time. It is expected that
the gran will he saved.
tied electors which is considerable in
excess of. the required number, The
Council therefore ordered that a local
option by-law be prepared for sub-
mission at the municipal elections to
be held in January.
During the special services held here
by the evangelists Crossley and Hunt-
er 333 persons expressed a desire to
live a better and a more Christian life
by signing a declaration to that ef-
fect. These were divided among the
various denominations as follows :
Presbyterians 210, Methodists 111,
Anglicans 7, Catholics 2. The cash
contributions at the various meetings
amounted to $356, and the expense to
$113, leaving 'the evangelists about
$ 440,
Mr. T. E. Walker, living one mile
north of Riversdale, had the misfor-
tune to have his barn destroyed by
fire on Monday night last. The fire
was started it is thought by the ex-
plosion of a lantern. Mr. Walker
was doing the night chores and left
the lantern hanging in the stable
while he. went out to drive in some
stock. On returning he found that
fire had started about where the lan-
tern was hanging. The baric which
was a good one was totally destroyed,
together with the season's crop and a
number of hogs, a binder, mower and
other implements. There were 1000
bushels of grain and a large quantity
of hay and straw. The loss is partly
covered by insurance (said to be 8800)
in the Culross Mutual.
Flour Mills.
We're often asked by farmers, whioh
is better, to get wheat gristod or buy
flour? Gristing is the cheapest; you
save from 250 to Duo on each bag of
flour, and then yon will get our flour, •
which is the best.
Oar chopper is running again, and
can chop from 4000 to 6000 lbs. an
hour, so there will be no waiting to
get your chop done.
Five Lilies Flour, A bbl.. ,$2.10 to $2.30
Prairie Rose Flour, A bbl, . 2.00 to 2.20
Star Flour, per 34 bbl... 2.00 to 2.15
Cream Pastry Flour 1.80 to 2.05
Low Grade Flour, ton26.00 to 27.00
I3ran, per toil 17 00 to 18 00
Shorts, per ton 18.00 to 20.00
Screenings, per ton 18.00 to 20.00
Chop, per ton 20.00 to 25.00
Winter Wheat, per bush.... 68c to 70o
Goose Wheat, per bush G0c to 62o
Manitoba Wheat, per bush75o to 85o
Goods delivered promptly to any
part of the town.
- ih
The Daughters of the Empire are
getting things in readiness for the
formal opening of Alexandra hospital
on the lst of December.
Engineer Kelly recommended the
installation of almost an entirely
new electric lighting plant to carry
4,000 lights instead of 2,200. The ex-
penditure involved would be $12,200,
unless investigation should show the
advisability of using a producer gas
engine ; in which case the cost would
be much less. The council have asked
Mr. Kelly to go to Berlin and Water-
loo to look into systems where pro-
ducer gas engines are used. They
will also seek the services of Superin-
tendent McKenzie, of the Swift Com-
pany, New York, who will be asked
to advise in the matter.
Two money by-laws were voted on
and carried here on Saturday, llt.h
inst. A loan of $50,000 to the Lloyd
Manufacturing Company, of Minne-
apolis, to establish the Goderich
Wheel Rig Company with a building
and plant of $150,000, and to employ
100 hands, was carried by 617 to 23,
and a by-law to furnish power to the
Jackson Clothing Co., who will start
a branch of their Clinton establish-
ment here with 25 hands, was carried.
by 620 to 22. Both these by-laws are
the result of the efforts of the local
board of trade, who have been united
in their efforts to secure new indus-
tries and otherwise promote the
town's interests.
The non -jury sittings of the High
Court for this county opened Tnesday
afternoon, before Honorable Mr. Jus-
tice Anglin. There were only three
cases entered and the court concluded
its sittings the next day. The cases
are as follows :
Judgment reserved. This was an
interpleader issue as to which assign-
nient of moneys left by the will of the
late Jas. Thompson, Blyth, should
take priority.
Pigott vs. Imperial Cement Co.,
Ltd.. Action for the price of a num-
:ler of alleged defective sacks of
cement. His Lordship directed an
order to issue referring this action to
the master of this Court at Gode-
On Wednesday evening last a pret-
ty home wedding was celebrated,
when Miss Rebekah Webster, daugh-
ter of Mr. D. K. Webster, was united
in marriage to Mr. Win, Gardiner of
Ashfield. Rev. Mr. Millyard perform-
ed the ceremony.
On Sunday last, Rev. D. T. L. Mc-
Kerroll, pastor of Lucknow Presby-
terian church, had the pleasure of an-
nouncing to the members of the con •
gregation the fact that the church
had been cleared from debt, the
money for defraying the mortgage
having been forwarded to the Com-
pany holding same and the receipt for
the amount now being in the hands of
the church officers. The mortgage
papers have since been received by
the treasurer.
A Case In West Arichat.
Mrs. A. P. Ferguson a well known
Cape 13retoner has cured asthma by
"Catarrhozone." ]ler statement is
convincing; althongh 1 was troubled
for years it was only recently I tried
fiat trx'liozoile. \Vhen an attack start.
ed I got out my inhaler and invart-
ably got quick relief, Feeling satis-
fied ('atarrhozone would cure, I eon.
tinned the treatment till one bottle
Was finished. I didn't use more be-
cause I was cured and the asthma has
never returned." ('atarrhozone is
sore death to asthma and bronchitis.
Try it and be convinced, Two sizes,
25c and $1 at all deaeleral,
et al. v. Grey Branch
Agricultural Society. Action for
damages alleged to have been caused
plaintiffs by a defective floor in the
building of defendants at Brussels.
Judgment was entered against both
defendants for the plaintiff 'iVilliam
Wilkinson for $150 and for the
plaintiff Eliza Wilkinson (his wife) for
$500, with costs.
d••i••I••I-•i••i••i FSI•F••i••1••I••F•d••i••F••I••I••i••I
— The Best Materials
Smile, and the world smiles with you,
"Knock," and you go alone
For the cheerful grin e_
Will let you in
Where the kicker is never known.
Growl and the wary looks dreary,
Laugh, and the path is bright,
For a welcome senile
Brings sunshine, while
A. frown sinus ro it the light.
Sing, and the t'vorltl's harmonious,
Grumble, and things go wrong.
And all the time
Yon are out of rhyme
With the busy, bustling throng.
Irick, and there's trouble brewing,
Whistle, and life is gay.
And. the world's in tune
Like a day in June
And the clouds all melt away,
:: The Best Workmanship
= The Best Bread and Cakes
L,ac k i e's E
You Can't
Oversleep Yourself.
If it takes quite a noise t0 wake
yon in the morning, we have the
CLOCKS that will furnish the
necessary disturbance.
They will not arouse you too
soon, neither will they let you sleep
too loug. If you set them properly,
they never fail to do their duty.
They are useful in most houses
at odd times, They're indispensable
in many homes every working day
in the year. From $1,00 up -at
Jewelry Store Wingham
• •.:
.. Wd aro • sole agents for
: the celebrated Scranton Coal, �.
-: which has no equal.
Also the best grades of "
-- Srnithing, Cannel and Do-
.. mestic Coal and Wood of 1.
:: all kinds, always on hand.
We carry a full stock of •i•
.r Lumber (dressed or undres-
sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar
- • Posts, Barrels, etc.
- Highest Price Paid for all
kinds of Logs.
Residence Phone, No. 55
Office " No. 01
Mill " No. 44
!J. Al McLeanF
Quebec Man tells how the Great Con-
sumptive Preventative was
an all-round Benefit
" My wife took La Grippe when she was
in Ottawa," says R. N. Dafoe of Northfield
Farm, Quo., in an interview. "She got a
bottle of Psychine and after using it for a
few days she was quite well. 1 took a cold
and am using it and atn getting all right.
I think Psychine is one of the best tonics
on the market to -day."
There you have the wbole matter in a
nutshell, La Grippe and voids are among
the forerunners of consumption.
This man had one, his wife had the other.
Psychine not only cured both but it built
them up so that their bodies are strong
enough to resist disease. Alt seeds of
comsumption rise killed by
Price Sale.
Twenty Thousand Dollars' worth of New Goods
to choose from, Move quick—we can save you
money, Come in the morning if possible.
A lot of mill ends to clear, reg-
ular value 10c and 12}o --your
choice per yard. 70
Your choice of the best Ornm's
Prints, only
10 pieces new Plaids, all feat
colors, nice quilt linings, our
Sale Price 50
Gray or White Flannelette
lOc Blankets -your choice........ 75o
A Line of Children's Coats to
clear at,.... ...... ........$1.95
10 Doz. seamless ribbed Cash-
mere Hose, worth 35o, for....
Ladies' Golf Jackets, pure wool,
white, black, navy, cardinal,
cheap at $2,25 -they go at...$1.69
25o 20 pieces wide Flannelette, new
patterns, fast colors, worth 7o
and 8o, for 5o
Men's Heavy Wool Shirts and
Drawers, worth 65c, for 50o
Ladies' new Silk Collars just in,
reg. price 350 -your ohoice....25o
Pretty Plaids, double width, reg.
35o goods -on Sale for 25o
5 Doz. Children's Black Ribbed
Cashmere Hose, all wool, good
value at 20o -our Cut Price -15o
36 inch Union Carpet, worth
35 cents, for 250
Men's Heavy Mole Overalls,
while they last only 750
Extra Heavy Wide Table Linen,
50c quality for 40o
Regular Dollar Table Napkins,
nice size, for
Men's Heavy Black Overcoats,
new style, well made, regular
value $8.00 -on Sale at $6.50
Boys' Suits, sizes 33, 34, 35, reg.
$5.00 value -on Sale for $3.75
A line of fancy flake Dress
Goods to clear, reg. $1, for ... 50o
Heavy Japan Matting, one yd
wide, regular 20o, for 150
One pound tins of Art Baking
Powder with a graniteware
premium, worth 500 to 60o -
your choice for 410
No. 1 uncolored Japan Tea, good
buying at 25c -Sale Price 20o
Ladies' lined Blk. Oloth Jackets,
6 and 7 dollar value for $5.00
Extra heavy Linen Towelling,
worth 10c, for 8c
12 pair fine Lace Curtains, 3
yds. long, good value at $1.00
-Sale Price 750
All colors in wide Silk neck
, Ribbon, 25o quality for 20o,
and 20c quality for 15c
{ Numerous other
Men's Heavy Wool Socks, reg. -�
25 cent value 20o
A lot of Men's Silk Ties, new
patterns, worth 25o, for 19c
at OUT PRICES that we haven't room to quote
Come and see -it will pay you.
No tickets punched or
coupons given during Sale.
3.11 E. ISARD & CO.'
PY(Pconouueed Si keen)
II. Brown, i,ag and Metal Co., buy-
ing all kinds of bides, wool and piea4:
ings, rubber, capper, and feathers of X0• Per Bottleall kinds. Highest price in cash ; if abrought to house, five cents a hundred sass& r tllaitlU $ Imo 02- n dru go tS. "*w
extra; 50e a 140. cash, fol' old iron. Ikea Yr A $LOCUM, Unit?. h Torothl&
For the Fall Trade.
S. Gracey
Has a very fine assortment of New and Up-to-date
If you want anything in the Furniture line this fall, before
buying come and see what we have. We will be pleased
to show our goods. We think we've something that will
be to your liking, and at very reasonable prices.
If you want one of the best Spring Beds that is
made, try the "" HERCULES" SPRING. We have them-�--
they are the best for the money. Yon may try them a
month, and if not satisfactory return them.
We have a few pieces of CARPETS and a few FLOOR
RUGS (Art Squares) to clear out ata price.
Picture Framing a Specialty.
As in the past, wo give
our prompt and per,.onai at•
teution whenever our set--
viF;es are requiretl, at any
hour, night or day.
S. Gracey