The Wingham Advance, 1906-06-28, Page 8TIIE WINGHAM ADVANCE THURSDAY, jtmn 2 8, 1906 Orey. Belgrave, Wroxeter. MI w Mary Johnston has gone to Mr. Borgess or Listowel Sem-toyed Mrs. North is recovering from her Winghaut for a week. to visit with her at Wm. Hopper's. recent illness. Art, .Jason of Hensall visited in M. B„ E. Carr wits a bnsiness visitor the re-oneni at Bluevale last Friday. Mr. and Airs. Ed. Beyans attended Belgrave last Sunday. ' ng "erclee of the "Tie Airs. Proctor of Palmerston is visit. Aire. Campbell or London is visthug ing at her daughter's, Mrs. C. Robert- her brother, Wm. Leckie. son's. "Work on the Howie]: Mutual office Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Brandon spent is being rushed, The brick work has Sunday and Monday with friends at been completed. Drayton, John 13rethauer's house presents a The crops are looking extremely good appearance since he has luta it well throughout the country at the bricked and otherwise improved. present time. His many friends were glad to see Airs. Waugh of Clinton Is visiting Jos, Barton of Behuore in on village her brother, John T. Coultes, and again, after being laid up so long with other friends. a broken leg, R. J. Tufts left Belgrave this week The store and residence that is being for the Hamilton Hospital; his health fitted up by Thos. Hemphill is nearing is very poor. completion; the plasterers are doing Airs. Pingle has returned, after their part now, spending a conple of months in To- Mr. Wm. Douglass is on the sick routo and Hamilton. list. He is advanced in years, and a Miss Vannorman of Wingham is general break-up of the system seems spending a few clays at Wm, Watson's to be the trouble. and her grandparents'. Quite a, umber from here took in Mr. and Mrs. Nichol visited a the re -opening services of the Gamic Guelph last Saturday ; they also visit. Methodist church last Sunday and eisueirt, Mr. Geo. Mpotton. Methodist Church last Sunday even- ing, Quite II number from this locality took in the excursion to the Model ram. on Sattwilay. All report hav- ing a good time, the crowd. being Wi- nterise. Mr. John McLennan and little daughter Sonbia, left on Saturday for Hamilton where they purpose apend- lug a couple of weeks with his daugh- ter, Mrs, W. McBride, While cutting wood last week 11. jacklin had the misfortune to let the axe slip, and it ran into his leg a lit- tle above his shoe top. We feel sorry for Harry as it will keep him out of football for a while. Salem. David Halliday is able to be out again after a very serious illness. Alex. Buchanan of Essex is visiting at Jos. Kitchen's home this week. John Lane and John Mulvey bad very successful barn raisings last week, Miss Ada Gallaher is spending a month in Torouto, visiting her sister, Mrs. Goodfellow. Mrs. Dickson and her two little daughters of Niagara are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. R. McLaughlin. Re -opening services were held in the church here on Sunday, 17th inst. Rev. Perrin took the morning service and gave an excellent address, and Rev. C. P. Wells the evening service, Sifitable music was given by the choir. • 1: — A splendid opportunity is offered by the Central Business College of To- ronto, under the Principalship of Mr. W, IL Shaw, (Chairman of The To- ronto Board of Education) to Teachers and others to combine profit with pleasure during the long summer holi- days. See advertisement in this issue. DRAM. Mitchell.—In Winghana June 21st, Ellen Duncan, relict of the late Alex. 'Mitchell, aged 87. Palmer.—In Howiek, June 20th, Itlary Agnes Bray, beloved wife of Wm. Palmer, aged 25. AUCTION SALE —0E ---- Valuable Town Properties. The undersigned has received instructions to offer for sale by Public, Auction at lot 28, Edward street, Wingham, on SATURDAY, THE 7rn DAY OF JULY, at 2 o'clock p. m.. the following valuable properties in the Town of Wingham, viz.— (1). Lot 28,Edward street east. On this property is situate a good 1, story frame dwelling. (2). Parts of lots 70 and 71 on west side of Francis street. on which is situate a comfortable frame cottage. (3). Lots 153 and 154 on east side Cath- erine street, on which are situate a good frame cottage and frame stable. At same time and place will be offered for sale a quantity of household furniture. Terms and conditions will be made known on day of sale, or may be had on applica- tion to the Vendor. JOHN PURVIS, Auctioneer. JANE HARRON, Vendor. FOR SALE. "Barondella," a beautiful bay Stan- dard Mare, 154, hands high, foaled 1896, bred by P. S. Kell, Des Moines, Iowa ; .Registered. Has shown a mile in 2.30 and quarter in 35 seconds. An excep- tionally good breeder ; produces speed. Price, $150.00. W. H. LOWRY, Belmore, Ont. The Best Materials AND The Best Workmanship MAKS t -t The Best Bread and Cakes THEY'RE 41.11 SEW Lackie's TRY THEM. if I 1..I. .1. I .:»1114.1-1-1- 4 A Clearing Sale Of CHINAWARE At the "BIG BOOK" Store ed the agricultural farm. Monday eveniugs. Mr. AL Walsh has returned. from Rev. Osterhout will preach on a Guelph, bet we are sorry to state he patriotic subject next Sunday night in is not improved in health. the Methodist church, in keeping with Mrs. Grey, daughter of W. McCrae, the Dominion Day. has quite improved and able to be out The Entrance examinations are be - again, after going through a critical ing held in the public school here this operation. • week, with Miss Brock of Winghinn There was quite a lot of new cement as presiding examiner. sidewalk laid in Belgrave last week, ; Mrs. (Rev,) D. Rogers of Thorndale, which adds very much to the appear -I wife of the President of the London once of the street. Conference, and her mother, of Bel - Jas. Owens left on Wednesday for i iettte17, spent last. Thursday in Wrox- the Soo, Bruce Mines and Thessalon ; er he will spend a couple of weeks with, Mrs. Robinson had the misfortune his sons at Thessalon. . to fall and break her hip last week, John Wightman's large barn was . and she is very ill at present ; at her raised last week without any mishap; . age, the accident is likely to be pretty there were about 150 men and half as hard on her. many women at the raising. Ho t for Wroxeter, on Monday, July On July 8th, L 0. L. 462, Belgrave, 2nd I the best celebration ever held will attend service in Trinity church, hero. The celebrated 48th Ilighlan- at 2.30 p. tn. Rev. W. Hartley will ders Band of Toronto will be here. preach to them. Visiting brethren Football, baseball, races, etc. Don't miss this big time. cordially welcomed. The bridge contractors have coin- D. Kaake, who pleaded guilty to a inenced work on the gravel road charge of perjury, came up for sen- tence last Tuesday at Goderich. A bridge; it will have cement abutments pe - with iron superstructure and cement tition bad been circulated here, and covering. County Councillor Isbister was largely signed, asking for leniency is overseer. on his behalf. This petition was taken into consideration by the Judge, and Word has been received of the Kaake was given six months in the death of Thomas H. Miller of Virden, Central prison. Manitoba. He will be remembered by many of the older settlers, as he A very sad death took place at the was formerly a resident near Bel. home of Richard Palmer, near here, grave, and a brother of Mrs. Simon on Wednesday last, when Mary Agnes Vannorman. Bray, beloved wife of W. J. Palmer, Chocolate Setts, five o'clock Tea Setts, fl. ancl B. Plates, Cups and Saucers, one only Tea Sett, Biscuit Jars, Children's Cups and Saucers, 1104038, jartlini011, with many other _ useful articles, all going off at coat, to make room for new Chinaware just arriVed. Our Wall Paper Steck is going 'down fest. Call seen and get your share of the lin- est selection this side of Toronto, at loWest prices, We have also a fine assortment of Hammocks, Window Shades, _ 14'ringes, I41,06)and TasseIs. Shades - Will 1* cut to suit your windows free of charge. Sporting Goods. We have also a fall line of root - Tennis Nes, Tennis Balla and Racquets, Lomita Sticks and Balls. K. M. Fisher llitteoeer01. te 000por Of OM There will be a Garden Party on the lawn of the Methodist parsonage, on Tuesday evening, July 3rd. Tea will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Wing - ham Citizens' Band. will furnish music for the occasion. There should be a full attendance at this enjoyable event. Admission 15 eta, and 10 ets, for children. A very pleasant farewell party was tendered. Rev. and Mrs, Jones last Friday evening, by the members of the Belgrave Appointment, who pre- sented them with two beautiful and valuable chairs, accompanied by the following address :— To REV. AND MRS. JONES. Dear Bro. and Sister—The time has come when, according to the arrange- ments made at. the recent Conference, the pleasing relations that have exist- ed between us for the past three years must come to an end. The congrega- tion at the Belgrave appointment felt that they could not allow you to leave us without tendering some token of our esteem. IVe have listened with pleasure and profit to our pastor's able and earnest expositions of Divine Truth from the pulpit, and we have noted his faithful discharge of duty, his constant activity and earnest pas- toral work. No department of Church work has been neglected, for all have felt the influence of the pastor's life and effort. We rejoice in the results that have been manifest, and we trust that all the seed sown may yet bear a harvest rich and abundant. We are aware that much of a minis- ter's success is due to the assistance he receives from his life -partner. In this connection we recognize that, in Mrs. Jones, Belgrave appointment has had a true -hearted, earnest and devoted worker. To every department of Church work she has contributed a there of effort, and. her life and exam- ple have been to us an inspiration. We assure her that, her efforts have been appreciated, and we trust that her reward shall be great. We ask you to accept these Chaise, not as the measure of our apprecia. Um, but as small tokens of our esteem passed over to the silent majority. She was 25 years of age, and had been married only a little over two years. The funeral service, which was very largely attended, was conducted at the home of R. Palmer, by Rev. J. H. Os- terbout, B. A., B. D., assisted by Rev, C. P. Wells, B. D., of Gorrie, on Fri- day, June 22nd ; interment took place in Wroseter cemetery. ' ,5t, Helens. Mrs. Crenston went to Guelph on the excursion on t4attirday. Chas. Tonic, John Miller and Hugh McCrostie took in the Detroit excels biota Kr. and Airs. Wm. Campbell of the Oth concession spent Solidity at Mr. R. Woods, Mrs. SVin, Bray and Mrs, W. J. Todd wheeled to Goderich and took in the tsip to Detroit. Quito a number from around here took in the moonlight excursion at Goderielt last week. Mr. Chas. Durnin has been sick the Past week or so with measles and bronchitis, but we are glad to say is on the mend, Mr. Dernin's family are also stele with the measles, Rev. R, W, and Mrs. Craw and two children went to Goderich on Monday where Mrs. Craw and children were the guests of Mrs. Morris. Mr, Craw went on the excursion to Detroit. The fuueral of the late Jos. Gaunt took place to Kinloss Cemetery on Saturday, .Tune lath, and was largely attended. Ho leaves a wife and live small children. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. Miss Jean Leask, of Toronto, (laugh- ter of Rev. R. Leask, who previous to some seventeen years ago was pastor of the Presbyterian church here, is spending a few weeks in the neighbor. hood renewing old acquaintances. A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Mr, Jas. Barbour, when his sister-in-law, Miss Carrie Mount, was married to Mr. Thos. Webster, The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Edmonds of Whitechurch. The happy couple left for their future home near Kingarf. After a lingering illness of some years, there passed away on Monday evening of this week at the home of her son, Walter, the spirit of Mrs. Jno. Webb. Mrs. Webb had been in fail- ing health for some years, gradually getting Weaker, and at the last she just slept away. The funeral took place on Wednesday to the St. Helens cemetery. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereav- ed family. DR. OVENS, M. D., London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at MeKibbon's drug store the first Tuesday in each month ; hours, 2 to 9 p. m. Cataract, squint, failing eyesight, nasal catarrh, deafness, head noises treated and glas- ses properly fitted. Next visit is on Tuesday, July 3rd. • II: Langside. The great annual summer social event at Langside—the Presbyterian church garden party—wits held on the evening of the 19th. A perfect June evening, a large attendance and a good program combined to make the most successful evening in the history of garden parties here. The gather- ing took place in the orchard of Mr. F. G, Moffatt, to whom the congrega- tion is much indebted for his unspar- ing efforts and liberality in arranging for the accommodation of the guests. The gate receipts amounted to $110, which would indicate that there were between five or six hundred on the ground. The supper table, which would accommodate about ninety, was abundantly supplied with everything suitable for a picnic festival. After sapper a program of music and ad- dresses was rendered, mostly by Luck - now talent. Rev. 11r, Dunn, who is always successful as a chairman, pre- sided. A pleasing incident at the close What's the good of keeping from him Any good things you may see, That will lift his load of labor Like Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist Turnberry. Council met on June 25th ; members all present ; the Reeve in the chair. West Wawanosh. A number of ehildren are suffering from the measles at present. Roadwork is the order of the day among the farmers at present, D. Tisdale has completed Andesson Bros,' new barn and has moved to Geo. Naylor's to pat up an addition to his barn, Rev. j, G. Eats preached his fare- well sermon at Donnybrook on Sun- day, 2701 inst. Ile leaves for the Northwest this week. The steas» shovel' on the 0. P. R. construction work has crossed the division line and is now working on John Stevens' place. Rapid progress is now befog made in the work and we hope to see the iron horse pass be- fore many months. A grand picnic will be held on Non - day, July 2nd, under the auspices of Westfield Methodist Sabbath School and Epworth League, in the grove of W. J. Wightman, con. 4. Efforts are being made to make this the most suc- cessful occasion of this kind yet held. Alex. R. Allen of Dungannon writes from High River, Alberta, that there is a wild boom in land in all that country. He has lately purchased 010 acres seventy miles east of Wetaski- Win, which is on the Calgary to Ed- monton line. He had to pay $12.50 an acre for it, and it conld have been bought two years ago for perhaps $2 or $3. T. W. Little, formerly of Dungan- non, is building a store ancl dwelling on his lot in Latchford, New Ontario. Last fall he bought the lot for $100, which seemed a big price then. This spring he refused $800 for it, and the lot next to it was sold lately for $1500. Being on the Montreal river, with great water power, Latchford is likely to grow. Recently Ad. Dishes, while perusing his Bible was surprised to find in it what may prove to be of considerable value in this world's market at least. It is a well preserved 25 shilling note of the Upper Canada Agricultural Bank, Montreal, dated 1st Dee., 1835, and signed by George Truseott, John Cleveland Green Co., per 3. L. Green, Ad. was surprised, for he is very sure he has turned all those leaves often enough in the last few years to know of any such earthly hidden treasures. There passed away at his home on the 12th concession of West Wawa - nosh on Thursday last, one of the best known farmers in the township, in the person of Mr. Joseph Gaunt in the 50th year of his age. He had ,been troubled with asthma for some time but no thought of the sad result was The minutes of last meeting, and of anticipated till a few days before his Court of Revision, were read and death. He was the last member left adopted, on motion of Messrs. 111cMi- of the well-known firm of E. Gaunt & cbael and Kelly. Sons, whose Leicester sheep and The following accounts were passed shorthorn cattle were prise winners in and cheques on Bank of Hamilton all the leading agricultural shows in issued therefor :— the Province. He was highly respect - A. Wheeler, gravel & inspect'g..$ 9 00 ed and his funeral to the Kinloss A. Pollock, gravel 2 00 cemetery was largely attended, the Theo. Hall, printing 27 55 services at the house and grave being 3. Breckenraige, gray. & damage . 4 66 H MI' 11' 42 39 conducted by the Rev. Mr. Saunders. 2 ' Jon Kirton' h,drawing plank... . 1 50 He leaves a widow and five small chil- . Jas. McDougall, gravel &dainage 8 20 dren and in this dark hour of sorrow Mathias Whlie, gravel 2 10 Wm. A. "McGill, gravel 5 16 they have the earnest sympathy of 3 12 the community. Robt. Johnston, gravel David Breen, plank 1 51 Our people received a severe shock T. Bolt, rep. culvert and bridge10 00 on Tuesday, when the news spread Eli Elliott, Turnberry's share J. C. Anderson, gravel & damage 8 90 aged about E years, son of John An - Samuel Vanstone, gravel 1 26 derson, had lost his life by drowning John Sillick, grant to roads and • in the Sa,unby dam, just below the statute labor 9 00 SSMcTavish, J. S.toGoderich 10 00 slide. It appears that he and his little P. Hastings, rep, Jobb's bridge10 00 chum, Earl Thomson, had gone pick - Duff & Stewart, lumber 10 '70 ing berries, and rettuning about noon John Musgrove, legal fees 2 00 had decided to have a bath. The poor John Burgess, dram plans and specifications 4 00 little fellow could. not swim, and it is very likely waded or stumbled into a Council acljousned to meet in the h Clerk's office, Bluevale on Monday,ole about 6 feet in depth. No one Jply 30th, at 10 a. m. knew of the accident till Earl came John Burgess, Clerk. home with the sad story. The strick- en father and many willing helpers . were'soon at the scene and recovered Blyth. the body, but too late for life to be restored, Nothing so sad has hap - Mr, Elmer Wright of London visit- •pened here for some years, and what ed friends in town this week. helps to increase the sorrow of the Mr. Roy Sims has taken a position mother and father is the fact that, on the Bank of Hamilton staff. through some affection of the ear Miss X. Wilson of Witigham is the some years ago the little fellow had presiding examiner at the Entrance become practically deaf and dumb and examination held here this week. he and his friend Earl had only a few 'Win ham boundary '7 80 around that little Harvey Anderson, The many friends of D. Patterson ; days ago returned home from their are pleased to know that he has been third term at the Belleville Institute. awarded the office of County En- Harvey was an extremely bright and gineer ; the choice is a good one. loveable boy, and is sincerely mourn- Voting on the loan for the Stephen- ed by all. .***********40.•••••••••••• 4•444•4••4•••••••••••••••4 1 A Steady Gain Aelows.v0.0000sovg•Os"roin/00444,4essokftts~0•1•0401,4s Every week shows a steady gain in the lists of New Customers at "The Bee Hive." This is very encouraging, and yet it is only what we had looked for. High Quality Goods and Best Money Values are at work for big business for This Store. If you have not already visited us, we'll be glad to welcome you this week. Summer Corsets of Beauty and Perfection. It's impossible to produce perfect fitting Costumes, no matter how good the maker, unless a lady wears correctly shaped Cor- sets. In 0. B. C. Trufits, you get the acme of perfection. Every pair sold on merit, and satisfaction guaranteed. The Bee Hive bas sole control of this line of Corsets for Wingham. HOLIDAY NEEDS. We've anticipated your holiday needs and are pre- pared for the rush in all departments—Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings, Groceries. WILL GO AT BARGAIN PRICES. One good delivery Wagon. One computing Scale. One wood and coal Range, with reservoir. We Pay Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs.. • 1 The Bee Dive Dry Goods Co, WINGHAM, ONT. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .4111•••••••••••••••••••••••• H. Brown, Rag and Metal Co., buy -1 ing all kinds of bides, wool and pick- ings, rubber, copper, ansi feathers of all kinds. Highest price in cash ; if brought to house, five cents a hundred extra. ONTARIO LIQUOR LICENSE ACT. License District of East Huron NOTICE is 1,eit"by given that James B. Stretton of Belgrave has made application for permission to transfer his Tavern License for the premises in the Village of )3eigrave, known as the Queen's Hotel, to Thomas Hill of Seaforth, and that wild application will be considered at the meeting of the Board of License Commissioners to bo held -at the Queen's Hotelin the Village of Brussels, on the Seventh clay of July, 1006, at the hour of ono o'clock p. m. All persons will govern themselves accordingly. WM. CLEGG License Inspector Dated at Morris, this 14th day of June, '00, VOTERS LIST, 1906. 'Municipality of Township of Turnberry, In the County of Huron. of the progrant was the presentation sonCarriage factory for you and recognition of your dome- crated efforts. We trust that as you of a purse of $60 to Rev. G. M. Dunn Tuesday, and the By-law was carried; may have occasion to use them, your Mr. Dunn is leaving the united charge 104 voted for it, ansi only seven thoughts may revert to Belgrave ap- of Whitechurch and Langside, in re- against it. leave behind you,in pointmettt and the many friendsand you sponse to a call to Ridgetown, dis The Concert in the Industry hall on friends took this means of showing Friday evening, under the auspices of "We hope that neW field of labor you Ina), meetyour with much suc- their regard for him and expressing the Public Library committee, was cess, and While coming years may be their appreciation of the work e had well attended; proceeds of evening full of toil, they may also be crowned done among thein. The presentation amounted to over $50. Air, Sohn lieffron met with a serious accident last Thursday, which will lay hint aside for some time. He was assisting Mr. Riley with the frame wosk of Mr, McCall's barn in Morris, when some portion of the structure fell upon hint, breaking one of his ilegriesrV. d inflicting several other in- ti . Pon SAUL—Lot 18, con, 7, Turns berry, one huadred acres, nearly all cleared ; in grass many years; good soil and well svatered. Terms to suit purchaser. -11, Wingharn. Bluevale. Rota G. Baker will preach to the Orangemen on Sunday evening, duly 801. Visiting brethren are invited cordially. , There will he.e. Garden Party. 011 the grourids of the Methodist Church, on Thursday, July 5th. Tea served from 6 to 8. After tea, there will be an entertainment in the Church, consist- ing of addressee, orehetstral and other musle, et. Admission 26c ; children, 16 bent& with the Master's benedietioe, and was made by' Messrs, Frank Henry that at the last you may hear the , Saviour say—"Well done, good end anu David McIntosh; the former re. faithful servant, enter into the joy of presenting Whitechurch, the latter th Lord." Langside. To Air. Henry's brief pre- Alay we all gather some day, in the sentation addsess, Mr. Dann made a sweet, bye -and -bye, where partings are tioknown. feeling and fitting reply, saying that Signed on behalf of Belgrave core the thought of this early departure gregation— and the fact that it was likely the last MRS. W. C. PROCTOn, occasion on which he would be privi- MISS rZAllt, PROCTOR, leged to preside at a t.angside meet. Mr, Jones fittingly replied, after leg, or address a Langside audience, which tea was served and many good wishes exchanged. had Saddened hint throughout the evening, and prevented the indulgence ,..........—„so...a......... • of that levity that he was wont to ex- hibit 021 such occasions. Ile thanked Dominion Day At Ooderich. the audience for their presence and Arranfentents have been comrleted good order, and the congregations for Goderieh AinnattY' /111r 2tnt 'ft—and for the many kindnesses he There will be calithumplan and trade , gl precession, children's and cues, had received at their hands curing mess and other gatnes, tug-of-war his six yearepastorate. The audience open to all competitors, special Prizes dispersed after singing the National for a, sp endid old-time celebret on at their last expression of kindnese—the on for farmer bringing in the largest A th load of people, and also the largest . n em, family. Liberal earth prizes in all ' :1; events. Baseball contest, London vs. Goderieh, and laerosse, Wingham vs. When the baby talka, it is time to Goderich. Magnificent free exhibis give Hollister's 1oeky Mountain Tea, tion of fireworke in the evening on Its the greatest baby medicine knowrt the Square, The day promises to be to loving mother& It makes Mort one of the best in the history of the eitt, steep and grow. 88 cents, Tea or oottuty toWuy 'AVMs, Ask your (invest, Don't be fooled and made to believe that rheumatism can be cured with local appliances, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Ten is the only positive cure for rheiunatiem. 35 cents, Tea or Tab- lets. Ask your druggist. Janiestown. Miss Elsie Strachan is home from Brussels taking it few weeks holt. days. Miss Eliza °bombes is home from Blyth, as is also Miss Godetha from Listowel. Miss Jessie Strachan is at present holidaying with her friend, Miss Rite Henderson, of Galt. Don't forget the date of Jamestown Sunday Sehool picnic, which is Satur- day, June 30th. No one should miss it. Qnite a lively game of football Was played in Richard't Held, on Wednes- day night of last week, between the Jamestown team and the 3rd and 4th of Morris team. Both sides siM good playing, but the game ended in a score of 8.2 in favor of Morris. We understand that Mr, George Coombes has porchased Wood's genera al store in Molesworth and takes pos. teesion OD July 1st, He intends work. ing his farm until fall and will then either rent or tell it, We Wish 1VIr. Coombes every inmost in his enter - retina NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 0 of "The Ontario Voters List Act," the copies required by said sections to be deliver- esi or transmitted of the list made, pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assess- ment roll of the said manicipality, to be entitled to vote in the said munici- ality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly ancl at Municipal elections; and that the said list was first posted up in iny office at Bluevale on the 22nd day of June, 1900, and re- mains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine said list, and if any omissions or any other' errors are found therein, to take im- mediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected, according to law. Dated, Clerk's office, Illatevale, June 22nd, 1006. JOHN BURGESS, CLERK, Township of Tnrnbetpy. Wingham Real Estate Office My business is to bring buyers and sellers together. Investors kindly look over the following, which is but a few of the many properties on my lists i— tAcivi 160 acres, miles froth Winghain wuuv‘, and half mi e from school. A brink house and new bank barn. $2200 itaagtatVg,toluitng. P"- elavi 59 acres, 13. miles from Win horn vuuvv Brick house; bank barn. $3200 100 acres, a miles front Winghssu, $4500 gilleagt f"ra BIyth, hall BLUEVATI VILIAGV PROPETY. $300 Frain° Cottage, I acre of land. $650 ihNotare' l'oafTaricarilagild TOWN PhOPERTY. $525 i story frame house, Edward St. $tich Prattle Cottage, good cellar, Carling wess TerrA00, SIM tP76 story frame Issuse, stable, eta (iv Rents for $7 per Month. Charles St. $25AA Two story brick cottage, Corner lot, vu John street. Agent for Weatern lands. Call and get maps and full particulars. J. 11. Chisholm REAL nSTA.TE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT Vivatatto Bit Wingham Wingham Business College is a High-grade Commercial School. Three Courses : Commercial • Stenography Telegraphy Write GEO. SPOTTON, Principal W. J. PRICE, LD.S., D.D.S. DENTIST (Successor o Dr. Holloway) Will continue the practice in the office lately occupied by Dr. Holloway, in the Beaver Block, Wingham. imtitamain HOME SEEKERS' EXCURSIONS. $32.00 to $32.50 To points in Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Via North Bay—July 3rd, 17th. Via, Sarnia and N. N. Co.—July 4th, 18th. Returning within 00 days. TOURIST RESORTS. The season is here. Get away for a few days and visit the High- s lands of Ontario. Tourist tickets on sale daily. For tickets and full information, call on L. HAROLD, Town Agent. J. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto. ww— Northern Navigation Co 1* HOME SEEKERS/ EXCURSION TO NORTHWEST On Steamer Sailing June 2oth. FARES TO t— tattleford. Sask., and return 130.00 Brandon. Man., 33.55 Calgary, Ala., 40.55 Edmonton, "42.50 Moose Jaw, Sask., " 35.00 Regina. Sask.,.. . 35.75 Strathcona," 49.60 Winnipeg,, It 32.00 and other points.in proportion. Rates include stateroom berth in second class quarters to limit of steamer's capacity, Second class meals, 50 de. each, FULL SUMMER SERVICE—Lake Sup°. rior Division. Commencing Juno 18t11, steam,- ers leave Sarnia for Soo, Pori, _Arthur, Fort William and Duluth, Mondays, 'Wednesdays and Fridays, 3.30 p. m., Friday steamer going through to Duluth. Full information regarding Georgian Bay and other sailings can be had front all Grand Trunk Agents, H. H. Gildersleeve C. H. Nicholson Mgr., Collingwood Traffic Mgr., Sarnia PACJFIC LOW RATES TO ' Manitoba,, Alberta and Saskatchewan Points vole I-10/VIESEEKER,S. Tiekete good to return within Sixty days. Liberal stopovers. Excursions Leave Toronto ON' Tuesdays, July 3 and 17 Free berths in Colonist Om. Berths In comfortable Tourist Sleepers at moderate rateS. Ask nearest O. P. It. Agent for. booklet, rates and full Or Write C. 13, r05TIcRo u,r,A., Tomato. .6 . 6... _