The Wingham Advance, 1906-06-28, Page 5••••••NNN•N•••••NN••
1 You Make
A Mistake
If you buy a Piano with- s
out seeing our stock, comparing
prices and taking into account
the quality of the instrument.
All the best makes always in
stock — Heintzman, Newcombe,
Dominion, and others.
Also Organs, and the very
best Sewing Machines.
David Bell I
Stand—Opp. Skating Rink •
tt'. La\\\ `kC,o133 ikve. „ova
5katttat 'dor ST e\ot\'&t'(
Of course, you'll want to look your best this summer, and if you are one of
the men who have been postponing buying the Summer Suit or Raincoat, let us
say the word that will bring you here to -morrow. The choice would much better
be made now while stocks are in prime condition and the choice is at its best.
MEN'S New Black Worsted
Suits, $9,50 and $12,50,
MEN'S Cravenctto Rainproof
Coats, short and long lengths,
$0.50, $10.50, $1.2.50.
MEN'S Two -Piece Unlined Snits,
$5.50, $6,50, $7.50.
MEN'S Black Russell Corel and
Lustre (unlined) Coats, sizes
35 to 46. $1.25 to $3.50.
MEN'S Fancy Wash Vests, sizes
3$ to 46 chest, $1 to $2,75.
BOYS' New Tweed Suits in 2 or
3 pes., all sizes, $2.50 to $0.50.
BOYS' Wash Suits for ages 3 to
8 yrs., $1.00 to $2.75.
MEN'S Leather Belts, wide or
narrow, Tan, Black, Gray,
&e., 25c to $1,25.
MEN'S Silk and Linen Under-
wear, per Snit $4.00.
MEN'S New Linen Collars, sizes
12 to 18. 15c and 20c.
MEN'S Black Balbriggan
Underwear, 50c.
MEN'S New Soft Collars, sizes
14 to 14 25 cents.
MEN'S White English Flannel
Tennis Shirts, reversible
collar, $1.75,
MEN'S Straw Hats, all new styles,
50c to $2.50.
bargains For Friday l
and Saturday Only
Bargains For Friday
and Saturday Only
MEN'S New Stripe and Check
effects in Tweed Suits,
$7.56 and $10.00.
MEN'S New Blue Worsted Suits,
three pieces, $8.50 to $16.00.
MEN'S Unlined Flannel Coats,
all sizes, $2.50 and $3.00.
MEN'S While I)lick Trousers,
all sizes, $L50,
MEN'S Braces, white, orange and
fancy colors, 25c and 50c.
BOYS' Wash Coats, sizes 24 to 33,
black and white stripe, also
brown linen, 75c and 85c.
BOYS' Shirt Waists, detachable
collar, sizes 11 to 14, 75c.
BOYS' Leather Belts, tan, red,
white, etc., 25e and 35c.
MEN'S Balbriggan Underwear,
sizes 34 to 46 chest, 50c.
MEN'S Natural Wool (English)
Underwear, light weight, all
sizes, per garment $1.00.
MEN'S New Soft Bosom Shirts,
sizes 14 to 18i, $1.00 and $1.25.
" MEN'S Stripe Negligo Shirts, col-
lar attached, all sizes, $1.00.
MEN'S Hard and Soft Felt Hats,
including Stetson and Borsa-
- lino, sizes 6fi to 7?.1, $2.50 to $5.00.
MEN'S Soft Felt Hats, all sizes,
50c to $1.25.
$4.50 Patent :in�A.
Shoes $3.50
50e Colored Shirts 39c
The R. H. CROWDER CO., Wingham,OnL
The members of the Masonic Lodge
in this village will attend divine ser-
vice in the Presbyterian Church in a
body on Sunday morning next.
At the recent Methodist Conference
in Windsor, the Rev. Mr. blr yand , of
this village was elected Chairman,
and Rev. W. Smith of the Ashfield
Circuit, Secretary of the Wingham
District. Mr. D. C. Taylor was elect-
ed a delegate to the General Confer-
ence which meets in the City of Mont-
Mr. Jacob McGee, formerly a well-
known resident of Egmondville, died
at the home of his son-in-law, Paul
Reid, Kinloss tp. near Lueknow, on
Saturday, June 9th. He was in his
usual health, and was able to be '
around, and while talking with Mr.
Reid was suddenly taken ill and ex-'
On Monday night' Mrs. John Mc-
Bride of Lucknow passed peaceful-
ly away at the home of her brother,
Mr. Thos. Wilson of this place, at the
years. She came
advanced age of 81
to visit friends here last fall, and al-
though complaining of ill health all
winter was not confined to her bed
until about six weeks ago.
The well known druggist, A. L.
Hamilton, has been appointed. special !
agent for the sale of Dr. Agnew's
Heart Cure, Catarrhal Powder, Oint-
ment and Pills as well as South Ameri-
can Nervine, Kidney Cure and Rheu-
matic Oure. 29-2
Sporting Goods
Largest and Best
Stock in Town.
Sole Agents for the famous Spalding Sporting Goods, and the
Celebrated Kervin's Dukes special Clock Cord Lacrosse Sticks.
We have everything in Base Balls, Gloves, Mitts, Masks, Bats, etc.
Lacrosse Sticks, Gloves, Balls, eto. Footballs, Skin Guards, etc. Tennis
Rackets, Balls, Nets, etc. Taylor's Scotch made Lawn Bowls. Special
price to Clubs, come in and arrange. Tennis Rackets bought from us
will be restrung for $1.25 to $2.50 each. Palmers hand -made Ham-
mocks. Fishing Tackle of every kind. Cameras and Photographic'
supplies, the largest and best stock, free dark room and free instruc-
tions. Wall Paper business booming here.
Opp, Queen's Hotel
Watchmaker, Jeweler and Stationer
We regret to chronicle the death of
another old resident in the person of
Jas. 1,Vray, tit•., which took plume on
Tuesday, Jane 121.11, at the home of
his son, Jamers, in Turnberry, at the
advanced age of 89 years. Deceased
was born in Donegal, Ireland, in the
year 1817 and emigrated to Canada in
1815 and settled near Peterboro, soon
proving to Wellesly tp, and then to
Owen Sound where he resided for 24
years, then he came to Turnberry and
when, he retired front the farm some
sixteen years ago he moved to Gorrie
where ho resided for six years. In the
year 1814 deceased was united in mar-
riage to Elizabeth Montgomery, who
predeceased him about ten years ago,
and to whom there was born nine
children, four daughters and five sons,
all surviving him with the exception
of Robt., who died about April 26th
last. Those of the family still living
are :—Mrs. H. Wiggins, of Toronto ;
Mrs, Wm. Crane, Chatsworth; Mrs.
J, J. Nay, Ninga, Man. ; Mrs. R.
Breen, Turnberry ; \Vin., of Manitou,
Man. ; Jos„ of Balder, Man. ; John
and Jae., Turnberry, Deceased was a
member of the Masonic Order of Owen
Sound, having joined this order be-
fore leaving the old sod. In religion
he ware a Methodist and was general-
ly found in his place in the church
whenever his health would permit..
He was a conservative in politics.
The funeral took place to the Gorrie
cemetery and was very largely at-
tended. Rev. J. H. Osterhout, of
Wroxeter, officiating at the house and
grave. The sorrowing ones have the'
sympathy of all in their sad bereave-
A Bad Bruise
Often causes a good deal of trouble.
The best cure is a prompt application
of Nerviline which instantly stops the
pain, prevents swelling, removes all
blackness and discoloration. Nervi -
line is antiseptic—prevents blood
poisoning. No liniment so strong, so
penetrating, so swift to destroy pain.
You miss a lot of comfort by not us-
ing Poison's Nerviline. For nearly
fifty years it has been the standard
family liniment of Canada.
i Established" 1870 - Re -Established 1906
Works l•
Bruce Agriollltural
Teeswater, Ont.
(Successor to Gillies L? Martin)
OUR FIELD --As much of the world as we care to occupy.
OUR CUSTOMERS --Those who know a good thing when
they see it.
Iron and Brass founders, mranufacturers of highest grade Wagons,
Sleighs, Farm implements & Mill Machinery. ()entrees to
s ea a1 naehines of alt kinds built to order. Fine painting done.
Repairs of every deeoription on Carriages, Impiomonts, Machinery,
Engines rand Boilers, Threshing Machines, &o., promptly executed,
Plow Shears and repairs of every known kind kept in stock, made
or procured for prompt shipment to any address.
A Trial Order Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Examine What We Have. Order What We Have Not.
You Melancholy Women 1
Can't even sleep—restless clay and
night—brooding over imagined trou-
ble all the time. The disease isn't in
the brain, but in the blood which is
thin and innntritions. Do the right
thing now and you'll be cured quick-
ly. Just take Ferrozone ; it turns
everything you eat into nourishment,
consequently, blood containing oxy-
gen is formed. Ferrozone makes
flesh, muscle nerve --strengthens in a
week, cures very quickly. You'll live
longer, feel brighter, be free from mel-
ancholy if you use Ferrozone. Fifty
cents buys a box of this good tonic
(fifty chocolate coated tablets in every
box) at all dealers.
(Goderich Star.)
The June Sessions of the Peace were
not concluded till Wednesday, some of
the cases tried lasting a long time con-
sidering the small amount at issue in
thein. The following are the cases
tried :—
The Robert Bell Engine Co. et al vs.
Anderson—An action to recover on a
.promissory note, being part price of
traction engine, The juvy notice was
struck out and His Honor gave judg-
ment dismissing the action with costs.
Last Friday 110 tickets were sold at
Clinton station for the excursion to
the Model Farm.
Mr. E. M. McLean, who has been
science roaster at the Collegiate In-
stitute for the past thirteen years, has
resigned, and will turn his energies
into another channel. He is a most
capable roan.
Mr. T. Anderson, who is employed
in Downs' Tailor shop, got a telegram
ou Tuesday, conveying the sad intelli-
gence that his younger brother had
been drowned at Dungannon. How
the accident happened was not
Several gangs of telephone men are
working in this district. Some are
running new lines from here to Wing -
ham and Goderich, another has built
a line from Clinton to Brucefield and
Varna, and on Tuesday a number of
nen arrived to cable the system here
and get ready for the metallic ser-
A man named. Caves, who has been
an inmate of the House of Refuge,
came up for examination before
Mayor Hoover ou Friday, on the
ground of being a dangerous charac-
Iter, he being of unsound mind. The
evidence proved that he was danger-
ous to be at large, and he was accord-
ingly committed to jail,
While out on a business trip
' through the district about '(Walton on
Tuesday, Mr. S. H. Smith was strick-
en with paralysis. He was taken to
Emigh's hotel in that village and Mrs.
Smith and Dr. Gunn sent for. They
made all haste to the scene and found
him in a very precarious condition,
r ,..__ rrrl,111M" - "'u iiv,+6lrl
arlt��i.r�i � Alsl.r��`
fia ,ta//
rIJNr E.•STteNa�rAFFE.,MIst„n5t
to tut. aYorr wlr. i. hcnYnY ((� IryaoulwKt span:. .
no onsanlaa ni(.Ii l3tionol Aalogueel. ,ti iy . no aanorauce. alu.t,$. 1 Catalogue rr44—rift
) sgouti wsot.:d.
WIRE sewn
.. .wa err
el.a .M/ w -
Machine Works.
This is the best place to get your
Machine work done.
All kinds of Machinery repaired,
Engine and Boiler work, Bicycles, eto.
Special attention to Farm machinery
repairs, Steam and hot water heating.
All work carefully and
promptly done . . .
The Old Stand on Victoria St,
Robt. M. Cooper
Lowest rates consistent with
absolute security. All claims
promptly settled
Abner Cosens
Wyatt vs. Bell—An action for inju-
ries to plaintiff, caused by an alleged
ors® belonging to
resulted in a verdict for plaintiff and
$150 damages, judgment to be entered
in 15 days for $150, with costs of action
on County Court scale, including costs
of the examination of plaintiff and de-
fendant for discovery.
Leiper vs. Story—An action for the
price of building cement wails and
floor of barn, commenced at 4.30 p.m.
on Friday, and lasted till near mid-
night on Saturday, when the court ad-
journed. till 10 a. in. on Monday, th_e
jury being given in charge of constable
McCreath. On Monday, at 11.30 a.m.,
the jury returned a verdict for plain-
tiff, and $128.50.
Hamilton vs. Stretton—The plaintiff
is B. H. Hamilton, a physician, and
the defendant James Stretton, is a
hotel -keeper at Belgrave, and the ac-
tion is for $248.10, balance to be due
for professional services. By consent,
judgment was entered. for $162.50 for
Western Foundry Co. vs. Hamilton
—An action to collect the price of a
range stove was by consent postponed
to the December sessions, with jury.
Grimes vs. Robinson—An action for
injnries to plaintiff caused by alleged
careless driving of defendant. The
jury, after considering it nearly three
hours, returned a verdict for the de-
Bell vs. Hart. ---The plaintiff, Robert
Anderson Bell, is a well -driller resid-
ing at Stratford, and the defendant,
William George Hart, a farmer of Mc-
Killop. The plaintiff contracted to
drill a well for the defendant last July
and brought suit to recover $122 and
interest thereon from October 1, 1905,
which he claims is due on the contract.
The defendant says the plaintiff did
not drill a good well and complete his
contract, and clahns he is not liable
for any sum.
Simpson vs. Turner et al. --The plain-
tiff, Ann Simpson, is a widow residing
indeed, His right side was paralyzed in Brucefield, and the defendants,
and he was unconscious. Mr. Smith
is one of the best known cattle dealers
in this part of the province, his year-
ly operations rimming far into the
Wearing Away Your Lungs ?
Yes, and yon strength too. Stop
coughing and get rid of that catarrh,
The one one remedy is "Catarrho-
zone" which goes to the diseased tis-
anes trlonkr with the air you breathe;
it can't fail to reach the source of the
trouble, it's bound to kill the germs,
and as for healing rep the sore places
nothing can surpass Catarrhozone,
If you don't get instant and ultimate
more yon will at least got back your
money for Catarrhozooe is guaranteed
to cure eatarrh in any part of the sy-
stem. You run no risk—therefore
use eatarrhozono—at our "expense if
not satisfied.
Flour lei =s
Flour, per .
f bb
1.... 2.00 to $2.25
Man. Flour, per ;2 bbl.... 2.10 to 2.40
Dream Pastry Flour 2.00 to 2.25
Bran, per ton 18.00 to 20.00
Shorts, per ton 20.00 to 22.00
Low Grade Flour, tou24.00 to 26.00
Chop, per ton 17.00 to 25.00
Goods delivered promptly to
all parts of the town.
We want Wheat and will pay from
75c to 80c per bus. for any quantity
delivered at the mill.
Bring your gristing and get highest
grade of Flour and good yields.
Chopping done fine and promptly
every day.
Eliza Ann Turner and David Bell,
both residing in Tuckersurith, are exe-
cutrix and executor of the will of the
late R. J. Turner, dated June 15, 1895.
The statement of claim] says that on
December 12, 1892, the said R. J. Tor-
ner made a promissory note in favor
of plaintiff for $500, with interest at 5
per cent., and that the defendants paid
the interest up to December 12, 1903,
after the death of the maker of the
on the
and the snit was brought to re-
cover the principal of $500 end interest
from December 12, 1003. The defen.
dants say they did not make any pay-
ments on account of the note, either
for principal or interest, within six
years preceding the commencement of
this action, and claim that liability is
barred by the statute of limitations.
• y:
The "1100004111" hall the largest rear
axle and strongest drive -elinin of *AY
(dpreader made. It is the only niselrine
With Beater freeing•device arra manr
other points covered by strong patents.
Our cataloogque tolls an about is and givee
much vatuublo Inform etlon for
farmers. Write for it.
staxeracern IID. $;
Also manufacturers of High Grade Walking
and Riding Plows ; Thorns Blower and Grinder.
For Sale by
J. J. Fryfogle, Wingham.
Thos. Armstrong
General Agent, Wingham.
1111111111141111111111111111 i l�
We Invite You
To call and inspect our choice assortment of
June Wedding Presents, including Jewelry, Silver-
ware, Clocks and Sterling Silver Souvenirs. Fine
Watch and Jewelry repairing a specialty.
Kaiser the Jeweler
HIGH- class
Come with the crowd
and leave your order for
Lehigh Valley Coal, that
is free from dirt and
It Iles 110 equal.
YEAR? It is being done with our goods
Work is pleasant, permanent and profitable
Goods used in every house, every day. No fake
and no need to create the ,'remand. Legitimate
reputable business. You can start without a cent
of capital. Write to day. O. tiattsuatt. 3c Co.
Wkolenele Pori,. arta.4oil'tiai, Lowder, Oat,
attended to.
1 tit
in Buffets, Sideboards, China Cabinets, Hall
Racks, Parlor Cabinets, Parlor Suites, Centre
Tables, Couches—all up-to-date Furniture at
most reasonable prices, and a large stock
to choose from. Give us a call.
Walker Bros. & Button
Furniture Dealers and Undertakers
=�e t:2IllO o'
First = Class Jewelry
W. G. Patterson's I
Think for a minute. Don't you want
a GOOD Watch at the price of a cheap
one ? A large stock to choose from, and
they must be sold.
Tiffany and English Wedding Rings.
Diamond Rings from $15 to $25o.
Beautiful stock of Pearl and Diamond
Pendants and Brooches.
Swell line of Clocks and Silverware.
June is the month for Weddings, and
Presents will be needed, We have a large
stock of the choicest Wedding Gifts, and
they must be cleared out also.
W. G. Patterson
The Great Watch Doctor, Wingham.