The Wingham Advance, 1906-06-28, Page 44
Specials For Friday and Saturdays
Ladies' 'White Dawn t hilt Waists, regular $1.00, for $ .75
,c 111 I. 'e et $1 co, " 1 (O`'
114•. ,{ ,. ,. 41 $'.'dk1 to .... 1..sO
Ladital' SimondVera,s, iu Whito Lawn, Vera, " ' ;13
Specials in GroceriesFar aFridy
Cht,e0. per pound Ilio
A reveler ,sera `.lea, Meek k er myon, per pound,
l`owatt',i t'',?e. a, n gular into tin for 12S
he beet grayly) of toffee, a:velaar dare per pound. forSia
Specials 1n lien's Wear alnd lduxd y
to td,uta' Colored Shirts, lanndried front, reg. $land, for $ .6O
Sateeu Shirts, regular Wee for. .43
Bert quality Balbriggan i'nderwear, per Suit ere
Intoes $S.17e) Suits for $,alai. Meu's $tl.50 Suits for...... Sano
OUST RECEIVI•;l)...-A Dalen of Factory Cotton. which
we will run of, as per yard Se
$i.1/4M umth 0 :lie best kir:un dated Sugar ar free- to everyone
burin $15.00 worth of goods at our stormNot ueecss,ars
o bunny' gels ani at once -.good [antis Aug. 1st, Cash sale..
inns c ou nt. Savo your oar c ocks and slut; the when they amount to USA\
Carey Dry Goods Co.
Awl ki ae Fh^.:aa.
Trade to en :ia
June Bargains.
Easy Washers, regular 87.50 ---Selling at 8e.50
au get Washers. regular $3.5Z -Selling st 5.50
Modern Washers. regular $4.(V -Selling ;at;, 3.00
Get cur prie s on Wringers., Churns. Screen Doors. Win-
dow Sere 1s. Lawn Mowers ;ami lHaaumrokks. 3itlssey-Harris
Bicycles and Repairs. Ail goods at lowest prim.
P.SIti e gh s Old Stand
Paid-up Capital. $10.000.000. Reserve Fund. $4,500,000
S. E. WALETII,+Gt;A :>a1 Mazager ALEX. LAIRle, Asst. C-en'i ?eiseeger
THE if s" ir.i.&al STAB AND I NGT'° ND
Fs' R A N:'\G
Eves facility afforded Farriers for their banking
husiness. Sales Notes cashed or taken
for collection.
B.kNKING BY iF.dAiaL.V`,,= a s s ...3i'bh male e S Y[li::a:eawa a�
"a_out-a. -:rev n '.aacen.a'ias 7t'e.:elae eec y aIiearr`.1'a .
\\Ingham. Ont.. Bram: t -A. E. Smith. Manager,
You may as well have
the best envelopes. let-
terheads. billheads. ete..
and if they are printed at the
A! W -AN CE OF F ICE you have the
assurance of the best procurable
in Lnatierial and workmanship,
v5 ' �'e•�r,� u i ,yys5
4���5 2 Y SD D Y 4 Y �firr
For the Spring of 1906
aria . • 4.... • b. • .4�.'i.'��• `.�.�•. �. _'.a i!ati-
_t1n.�.-+i'4)_-., ��aer•.arY_ty� +�� best
SeeZs a rS.p�
4 •••
*� • :_ t i ce • '."--• • -44 __ r �+Y4....•44-07.4.4`` `:'".
.ia a.a...1 •-.__..{ a ''ff ..,, ....i Y .f•`,s1- Waia1.�. utzln
+�ryl1^�i� ..� a, -J r,��4�wl+'l4'�..+.�, •.., 1..[4...,.1�...._�.,�6
�{O�b_etn mss. I •i .a. .. r a.. •¢,iy _
ll'Y... :
1�,� c...a�
r...�J • ."aalL a &a`.i. ea°.. i :'.°i "ran ""tT�i '4, a•
' ....� 1.... waw �+.a. ,. �w•'a
q l 71 ' 'G� O •e al Te Lie - '�y..o`;
•i"�_.�"6 4 �+�. n ..1•"�••u � ,ram -.r.. r..., 'Ia _.+. �y. •� .y
sawn" +i .eOef lia.1..�i -.7a
te.nail) 9i `l?J+ ana4�wy�,
r aC'2.1
37 aria ,. ,p ,. ., 'y+..'.i .. "'+. k•s'•✓'; 25-• .:'
-L ..i -.•-moi .4 •._i ..lnc1.� �•�1,.....a a
••••t .y.•,µ. . n..*. •n ,7 ..., a 5. y..
-.-_ "' __.,a ._,. r._' •... .. r4a 4.1___,..1 el4 ... J;d _
4. *4.0 . •+' e • r...wso. •r a, a 41•• 4% 'e', }y
+tea.. - .J l.a..-..1+Ta_li
square Mlle for the wealthy, North- figuring up the interest charge he
west lauds at a dollar an acre for the,added 2. per cent. to cover all pos-
speculator. hummed indemnity for sible tyle of railroad, Compare this
useless, old. Senators, etc., etc. Can statement with the cost of the vote
i r which can lar s have been
'' ' L this go on and ort and. the country tions fo t t t been
l 0.1in f i}ct:tlt' ..., vllit.C.e not suffer? ' e trow not. Extrava..: trade. These include 44Ml miles of
,Y .a
game will bring poverty to a country, - which 2...0 are from Winnipeg Fast
The. Hail , Proprietor. a.s surely as to an individual. There , a and lit! from Quebec "West. As these
will come a day. ate the sections nearest to cultivation,
$t aciatrrze' laanrtr t too per annum in ",�' they are probably the cheapest of all.
advance. $l.60 it not so paid. ` Gaylord Wilshire says t -+'Just pre. ' The rontrarts were let at a price so
Amwi er isem Rare • Ir galno 1 ar other ens vious to the last Presidential election, lots that the chief engineer and tbe
nal advertisements sac per uonPariel line for i g
first insertion. Se per nue ter each sueeequexat i in the summer of 1003, a great malty Chairman of the Constrnetion cont -
idutef rnbcnts in the local columns aro
people thought we were going to have ulissinu were in favor of accepting a
entreat un per lino for first insertion, and Se a seriousperiodof clepra c ion, Toil higher tendon. Now the price of the
per lino fou. each subsequent insertion. will remember the railroads discharg- , It)0 mites is $18.300,00d, or $45,730 per
er to wee and similar, $1.10 for first threes .Advertaxta:euts of strayed. Pelmas for Salo' ed suer lbw tine thousands. Iron went Haile. But this does not include lay -
wren; and :3 cents for each subsequent in- down, stocks went down, but crisis ing the track and the cost of rads
serlion, did not conte. Instead of that carne which are placed at $5,000- a anile, or
it Coxrnac'r I1 er6a-•The following aro our .
Irates for the insertion of advertisements for the present period of prosperity. of Station buildings tanks, freight
speci-eft periods:- This period. I think, can be traced sheds, sidings, and other incidents of
sracs I Tr. 6 ate. s aro. 1 Mo. directly to the effect of the relent this kind. Also it does not include
eine column..... $"caa1 $teuom ;Rol FaeaD sut'ceys, fol which 900 m unite has
Ralf teem= t3 tit Mt ex; lia7D 6 t1D Russo.Japanese tout: This war took
Suartere'oluamnmoo r;•' -ma tom xal from industry two mullion men who been already voted. Making no ai-
m Inch......... ;trio 310107 .100 125
Advertisements without specific direetiouc had to be fedi and clothed by the labor.: lowauce for buildings, sidings, etc.,
will be inserted till forbid and charged ac- of another two million. I thiol: our the ascertained cost. of the portion
• e dafor i advance. advertisements mast bo prosperity of to -eta. hinges direetlyunder tout met will he $51,630 per mile,
�' y a�;' �
on that war. and the termination of and there is little doubt, that when the
that war means that we are within
two years from today, say, in 190S, to
be confronted with a great industrial
crisis, over production, and unemploy-
ed labor, notwithstanding the present
prosperity. I prophesy that within
two years we are going to have the
worst period of industrial depression
the United States has ever ea-
•Austl all a• has built 1;,,000 miles of
railway at a east of $070.000,000.
These lanes, after paying working es-
' reuses, slaw a profit equal to Sx per
cent.{on the east, plus the vast indirect
!profit which always follows railway
I development. Pablic ownership of
railways appears to work as satisfac-
torily in Australia as it doe's in the
ease of the Temic aming line.
-The lepaers on the Railway Statis-
tics of Canada. for the year ended
June )th.1905, issued by the Depart -
moot of Railways and Canals, states
that on June Stitb,1905, the number of
•i milds of railway in Canada was 3i,601,
an inetease of 900 miles compared
with the precious year. There were
?t?.. a3 Hailes laid with steel rails, and
�� the number ef miles in operation
ee amounted to .10 4S7.
returns are in tbe tunnel outlay will
be more than double Mr.. Fielding's
$3.`'i,ik10. Very likely it will double
his higher figure.
-The 1st tweeting of representatives
of .Anglican Churches of the whole
world is to be held in London in June
of 1905. There was begun thirty
years ago a Lambeth conference,
-The New York Ontheok gives the which was confined to bishops, and
following estimate of Ring Edward net within closed doors. The novelty
VII: -"Few men have risen more of the new congress is that it admits
and in -
These are to come in num-
rapidly in public confidence
from Australia, from America,
fluence than the Piing of England. ,' from South Africa, and from preeti-
Hehas long been known as a very ac- . c,ally every island of the sea, for the
ooanplis.hed and agreeable man, with a . Chnteh of England and its allied atm -
gift of tact which amounted to genius, mttnions, like the Protestant Episeo-
but during the last three or four pal Chnrrh in the United States, has
years he bas secured a foremost post- followed tine English language in its
tion as a diplomatist His services to :remarkable diffusion, null has gone
Europe have been signally successful
and important, for he has everywhere
appeared as a peacemaker: a man of
extraordinary social experience, with
a wide knowledge of different peoples..
and quite a natural aptitude for get -
The iron nand stets plants at Sault ting on with them, Speaking several
Ste. Marie. Ont„ and due i languages, he is peculiarly qualified
i Sydney, =�' S•* ; by nature ;and by education to play
had the nt:St actinee month of May in r the difficult role of interpreter and
their history, and at both establish- pear maker; and be has played the
' anent., tine rec'erd for the largest ' role not only with groat skill but with
:mama e steel prodn.e3 in any ane a ditea:tnes and sincerity which have
day was breken. the highest being S59: wen the eonMenee of Europe. He
tans of Sc3-lla =neat 'Sault St: Marie, ;has hoeught Frame, Tidy, and Spain
tatat> and tons at Sydney, N. S.
A easiaslL :ah e partneri of this product
was fer •:at:,suceptian in the prairie
g=areolae ef the Daalniniin. the first
train ? as ef steel nail„ to be used
lin the era>nstrazeicn of the Grind
Tenni: PatiEe Railway. have left Fort
1"a?1?s,axn .
Ont.. rn tali$ 13, being con-
• limed tz Partage La Prairie, Man.
into cordal relations with. England,
and, if reports are to be trasted, he is;
new removing the causes of distrust
between England and Germany."
* *
-Caanada exnenlli rises yearly,
and dart tact„ without any very vastly
pubic warts, errept perhaps the
Gxand T .ark Paeife, and the erpendi-
-Hem, air. Eatmetsan is Minister oaf : '.1re for that gegantie sr.Iaelnle, has
I Raiiway. in the Laurier Calomel, and a inanely ez mnlenee3- All the est..
Its has a terra name Me Lance �I taatea�cvr She earn 'g fps a3 Year are Should into`. evG • te,ar'er aa3 evert
3a leaner ;z,, .aa^ned that the fav- f?;Dvcrae P9:?Lt a-b3o:ar .mac is s:,veons snoce«l. aid
tzl3todDe'anotmrayitatzra a 1,3 orL
� u:?at waS hely ter want ceet'u,ain' vane the appx3laa g total of minetTO erea'aV is a ba.b" da.:
Y3^3s fa•:r the enteeeeeeeaial Railway, . and thee? a?usurer =Tams, ar five rail-; 'Write ns for partienlers.
lard toz-thve.711 he went to walk snd' liens snare rbsa this year- The sup-'.
perelansea the laza fee: ole 0-a Thi PletoentatY eel:in-aortas for the fiscal,
w ek ee later. he sell the :and tee the 1.*:r1a?d ai 2:31.1S 3nanttS frena July 1st 't
Ci 'ver e x 4a.µ $1Setost'ka. er a pmat +af': nelt, nnfil M..ueh a3, 19E4-7, wase
$S & A read -nee ;of mesrzy 4'I:i 'tcJ Bs ' brockitirz down to -night, the tc a3 be-'
' i a int thing. It mars to be a friend et ug $4,tld7,lea _ aid to the main ti -
1 a.. r - r: -r .-r the C ions. Yea nay' raazsa Of Sr2O.31L4 , i 'ought down
!get a hint' sae weeks age,. the t.atat is
z:ye eeesa cam route hoei-1 for fer'mt., eqseta!,neni
1 '3' anpy Ma
ever will be foOlieh erentgh te. ask why tes" so •rna of 1.a -
the tsrvereer ezt d el nal bay' the a 4 a" , as +r3r,`p4ted With $S5,S524341 in •.
chili head. and save the cti-3mn2=y the yes .toss ezzoiing. When the '
i .: a. ' fair the era i . man to 'name ars
i*** , calm the eipe rdi ze etaM be tr i
i -an a tial at Patio Aubert 'last =tontines. Int ra ate-,'" 3t1a ,•t 3 fart
wa4:.IL.3„eaebe.r y. a Fon.?elk who ier.etcc^nisi,:sewveTe:'ht1:xr.'�ilatn dao
, sel'ireil is the late S.'aska a heSr assn e'en-: warms a Ize L5h, or S'•. 35,9':6. .; a da_y-
j t zn. pie a.laal city to falsifying the 7'G u ng it ProttT staelo is it mot? Int`((
returee in has alio .cin by writing in' 1` - the e: 'ndit:ne toms about faxzir'I
his pae'l1-book Tho names of Imam ,.bile "• '' ," ars- and these are the ohs that
!Oren and admit people. 4r_d •wzmaa .:e.:+ate ail. a t byv -,
I thee* as votes east fuer the Govern-, al 33 ii ::as ya ataa
meat Baud a3 ate. He ton's :filled. $1elta. ;
far beyond the English flag into every
nook and corner of the globe. The
one chief feature of the cong-raess will
be missions. These will not be er-
ehtsrely 3ngliean .missions, but the
whole cause of Christ in the world.
A Great School
Stadeais from Briti: i Columbia. Sask-
atchewan dad Manitoba on the west tD
Nene Brunswick on the east ,are in attend-
ance this -re'+r. D st;aae is no hindrance
to than: who Visit to get the best. Our
fi'•+aluat�s are *brays sacs�s-anl. Our
tsa't tae,. are nn rpa!se3. C•ox3saxee
Ne lustrous. Oaie„'e open entire
year. la1a'Sntdeent catalogue free..
W. 3. ELLIOTT, Prbidpat
{Dior. I -tinge and Aleran3sr Stc'i
Is it any wander that politieal rtes: -. -Far the'first time the pasit!nn,
ties Immense, when so heinous a erime • pro,vaa'Pa3 for za.aooe the i.ialnr,r Iv irons?
1 -is treated so lightly: Instead af a Act, .0 pronoodoo I spe loo fee the+
'•"r fill.'. the man who eh x23 fin errs, a',r
oponnopr=p, ori 3:niglassnhbg the an -
.44.411 the taaeans of illegally prev=,-ntirg a, fn,re r. of the 3atr is lame ovum
r 4.44.1111 fair eIfilVietialn et Paint nt-�i'`ax�.�'.i>. E7..ea. 'oto Ga on:e l
i the p as she-QMbe sente.^.•a'e.3 to the tbe +B
i�1:•„i1G `t, .Ia'ilsi:i•2
~ 1 pe: ite�a duly. It is `t7`a.'r-ga .r u: .J ' Aysai 2. at 'Thsraessane, to.the,
!ripen 3k .'sinalSf::' le: YC 1•J GTa&t 3J ^3_
y� ' �a.a�.�.sW..�"Lu YL4.• ��'�-:.t'f.c'V1 '� YI�'x�i�ii iAe� di�l�•-'
Els et.M ..� ortcaaatl
a, , P-:• ` .... . veal ° x`
'62 Aria -
Oar chases are mn..h larger than
they were., a year ago. The public
hire !osr� that dubs is the best
plaza in the Pravinoe to obtain a
Oomnsr iAl. Educsnan or Sh�-
hana t*a:nitra. Students are enter -
hag es:t week. Al? graduates get
�'S. lac podtior s. Witte now for a
olemum= mcLar.r.=.1x,Pzinapals
['Win "Wag Sko&' Vvo*,artN,
Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr
You'll Always Find More
Moray Saving Opportunities
Here than elsewhere. Money saving is a
surety at this store. We are continually
offering great bargains, and this week is
no exception to the rule, See our bar-
this week, as follows : -
Black All-over Lace, regular 20c yard, reduced to 13e a yard
cc cc cc 25c cc cc 19e ct
,t cc tc 50c et cc 37e is
tt cc cc 60c ct cc 39e tt
C cc 4 75c cc cc 58c e
" $1.25
House Furnishings
A newly -married man is
happy in the thought that
he has secured the very best
woman in the world.
Be as particular in buying
the House Furnishings for
your home as you were in
choosing a wife. Get the
best. You'll find the best
value in House Furnishings
at the "Big Store."
Chenille Curtains and Table
Damask Curtains and Table
Fine Lace Curtains and Curtain
Roller Window Shades.
Fine White Bed Spreads.
Certain Poles, complete.
Brnsels, Tapestry and Wool
Carpets, Rugs, Mats, &c.
Linoleum and Floor Oilcloth.
Stair Carpet and Stair Oilcloth.
Bargain List.
Just as a reminder, we
again quote you some of
our Bargains
$1.25 Leather Hand BagsSti0
Men's Print Shirts, each 250
Men's Braces, reg. 35e, for19e
Force Breakfast Food, 2 pkgs
for 25e
Gold Dust Wasbing Powder,
8 pkgs. for 25e
"Morse's Best" Soap, 7 bars
for 25c
Judd's Soap, 12 bars for 25e
Fruit flavored Blanc Mange,
pkgs. for 25o
Fruit flavored Jelly Powder,
3 pkgs. for 25c
2 -Ib. tins Tomato Catsup, 2 .
for 15e
Veriquick Tapioca, 3 pkgs25c
Good Baking Powder, Ib lOc
Diamond Dye Se, or 4 for . 25o
Large Bottle Pickles, each10e
25c pkg. Gold Dust for 150
250 pkg. Siker Dust for 15c
We want large quantities of June Butter and Fresh Eggs
A Complete Stock of
These are all of the latest de-,
signs and materials and at prices
that are reasonable.
We have a special line of Bine `
and Black Worsteds you should
Call and have a look through
our stock and see the Fashions for
Fall and Winter.
All you have to do is -tell us'
how you want your garment made:;
and we slake it that way. Onr i
To, trimmings are of the best.
iCx l r am rp Z4,000, 0
. Fero
~rna_., t e t. 13 �xs axe .,.. `3y,tRiiISO1.00
was , nava 3Li3er:Ti limy way :✓l the a ewer >II-':
...a.;: `'y M. P . z:331x.''a"ttit.:. 9a�3�i'�fi I
ea w r � ::i::'_ 1 3 =1- , e
} '÷/4.111i11'td
.- T ,w yn , ... : • � 3!-.'-3 ���'!� �.,,,�... �?� i"�"i>ivn;� ,�63 �.1D- � HAL 'i��'ifD. ��w. �(i3".'1. '�ria*1!agY^. `al 1 l 1
•.i �>~: 1L''�•ia � ' .ai'J EZa.�$ ..::'3- �..zl' s Ila' 1.�Pal �._' .I'-•�,:ilrS. 733 ,a��- :$. •'.wWan. Lvsp:Ian
Robt. Maxwell
Hitt Art Tillor - 'Bingham
.., a 1stiirt3. The' HOS.'9C3d. I •+ •dtaW •
a.K i ni v.=xs�ztirie T1s , lf. ZZI 'Ella,, •P• . & Ge�. Mtn r►s,er
t: itsees o_asn, "p: :onto el as Peev''nnnel . I
,;;7"•,. Sai"TM..._:� '!, o f ^' :"Sb 7^n 5.171 3"10 ref 'arYi' 111.y' qatetroslaS Zral.Proctizit>tial�lii.`]:.117 Rom..i
wF`._�.-e,1 ..r_�'1 e w�a a..Y•�..ul M1 mow•=Zi ' tb y r r Is:r g ,-tunas ternt Eli Iorta i • Geo. ' teabneeted Lav ..i. Itorge
:es:woo, s'tetui-.Ali i�< .ssa3Ja7 'e arrldSud7'a. slat. t
to :thee alarm nattt1a1
ea a. --es shoe -ie.° tial ' ^ceteeeaI i:ae`". , $ ails .bS:li.i.T a2aa
n:. -.24,:111.-F. n ti�-1zn rtgr, . ' o 2)17:2. ::xae 2 C. P. Zit'$ Aged,
nmesite or $ and upxa-•dsreeelved. Int•
alb '\ar
Lad Vag 'Ji¢each 'ec:.a'atis2dr3 Yopr:atdpx'I '
Braille -IA ado received at terraria
i S
.SEF:7:: n_;,• g--. uL: -i4,. ,tie _l e. iDaaltiaeur I� Baba? Saar• cs
. L:-ep u` L9s 4e4v `1 7 i.J �_, v'� A:A.�Tlt. ....r ..i.{�•"'1 n+ Pott
K :w nenen ::t ?z t._ . ;Se, veli- je s 1 ra r TM1tii Q, alibi,
^,,,._ az. � +,��y�,a .'.1� '.�y�__1.-��. a.l.a -�..1,.a ,��.�}
the _.-\t_: K.. -to .J a I*l ''Vacuo y ..`."Lrw' 'Y' ' sell : 11.- 1<.._.:
a al se : £ a ru "!f"a'*..'rtr. Agi, it aFP; it?bf YS east's e al :rental.
?ruby "din iriMre sat 2i:4et imaTraked to
` " in•aryrr im,portanne a &gait it si
_is+�•,`• -moi L� DowW �" that if-
a * $3,000,000
tis�st: .3 +s.n J `antra as `area zoo. ae oneratioot trice f+t lett advance the Reserve41• - el ;ea kaim
`.!:_-_-,g :n_:',. c.:.....,3�1-:' - W" 5-..e: _2W '.taltM' t1. all.,1 Y,i • 4.4 �.: til a,..e. 'z,,, ,w. 3$g•. '� 9
�'i...C-:r ...:-Z/ =r ":!14.:.i t :•;ir .- Ni„um% :Prtvilite.
+r w
i -', ` ' -e ,moi &• 1 0
r.�. w Ste_*• C,..x, .a. a::.a: •fie Stan=. -TvT, Vara APO. `ate 111111C ret .;= Trarsnersr Nates eiii'yt+D+alx:+e+.?•
Ina an etas ala, sad f a er 'able eriad'i"isrrck 1 ' area date, -.q
-s : M""+r f•a n as W. ex= tear sa, c tie 11 ilr�rteas arur3re suit- -1au,time i.ra 4*-`ld Iifl't+t�'il C411-
Tete alala • .ems ,a• ee abler _N Sliest altaires , M lire fir. JIfr, '
::4::.., tarp i, 1i ► Ep IL.r iirr anuli lu she di arrarart it.1dltt i i►1alf"1li rix'.
=. e e et , be "+r. sea :alter!. 1140Pla t4 iliarrimi tire'' allaraikle, rave- i armor_ lei &lamest M *tit* * rfit
E: iv is fi le _2, • t t -..,:,_11:1 ::-....L ?tw .,primiYre .lit* re rr .i' Pitrasre vt, iY1i lailbaR414 ."14143I")1 471"
7 e he tee) a d Sad _.:r ' . aantre, k rM ' tial[ lit lot it era the irlgirrs+t altrsifi«rri-
,sa:e r «.1_:3 ea '' tantue o 'briar•in flit Am the t ge Ills riftli 11440614111shiest ' ter frith, :.iiia irialle lair tire , lleirrarlort annuls fitialete `, erirl Ire SW.
,iharmilmiairc voliko - Iamb fib' alai MMM* mac Iiet le iii ** irr Bali a la 114
1, ?. 11117411, kis&
M'e'ld make your Suit
to your exact Treasures, to
your order, for fifteen dol-
lars, correctly shaped and
fauldessiv Etted, superbly
tailored from s;lnae padre,
AL it guaranteed.
u r
3 31i
• all -wool
fabric„ staaaTlc �
a c lnl -
For Seventeen, Eigh-
teen or Twenty dollars, we
et use a fabric of still
higher quality.
We make therm with
care and skill, and cap.
We are dole agents for '�#,,'
the eilebraa "i"
t�3 s<
luau �
which has bill equal. `k
Also than hest grades of
S.mithing, Anel and Do- +
meistle 06ta anti Wood of
all kinds, always on hand.
We carry a hill at ek of
Lunitier {drool or undres-
ted\ Shingl , Lath, Cedar e.
Posts, Barrel*, eta.
Anent .Plicae Pala for all
kinds of togs.
llet,aa*ktt:f l'la.`1se.
!rtiil� .. ,Na. t74
`. a 44
J. Al MoL-eaii
guarantee yen entire satis-
Trousers made to your •
order at $3.50. $3.75, 4.4.
and $i.
.A c><'n aprete line of •
- ellts4 Furnishings always
nna Ct�4,
Se 111.
�+ a
.I ai.zr and
i,!€'K i1 �L' 1' ` a
o Doors from Pet Office