The Wingham Advance, 1906-06-21, Page 51 i David Bell Stand—Opp. Skating Rink• • N....•••••••••••••••••••••• THE WINGHAM ADVANCE THURSDAY, ,JUNE 2I, 1906 rrr e 0 0010 0 sA'1'u1tPAY QWIfA 4$411IIMY ONLY.Crowders .8..050xSat. men's. ;.40 Patent Umber loos, flat- Aen's2 et. Iilatk ay ;3.40. urdaY 16o a Pair. g i i Ready=to=wear Clothin We have just received a large range of New Spring Suits in Single and Double Breasted Styles, in all the popular tweed and worsted effects. Prices of which are so low as to suit the man of the most limited means. MEN'S Two Piece Suits—$51.00, $6,50 and $10.00, MEN'S Fine Blue Worsted Snits, Three. Pieces -47.50, $10, $12. I MEN'S New Tweed Suits—$5,50, $7.50 and $10.00. e i 1 3 -Piece Suits—$3.75, $4.50, $6. MEN'S Odd Pants—$1.00, $1.50, $2.25. YOUTHS' Three Piece Tweed Suits $5.00, $7.50, $10.00. BOYS' BOYS' Two Piece Tweed Suits. $2.50, $3.00, $4.00. CRAVENETTE Rain Coats—$8.50 and $10.50. Headquarters FLYER - FOR Friday, Saturday and Monday. 25 Men's Tweed Suits, sizes 34 to 44, regu- lar prices $10.50 & .... $$.00 a Kool Clothing For Warm Days. Men's Lustre and Russell Cord (Unlined) Coats, sizes 35 to 46 chest, .$1.25, $1.75, $2.50, $3.50 Men's White Duck Trousers, all sizes $1.50 Men's Soft Bosom Shirts, sizes 14 to 18i neck. . $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Hats I Hats I We've a few more new styles in Men's Hard and Soft Felt Hats just in for summer wear. Prices $1.00 to $2.50 For 12th July Wear. Orange and Purple Ties 25c and 50c Straw Hats 25e to $2.50 White Shirts, all sizes. 50c, 75c, $1.00 Orange Braces 500 White Braces 25c, 35c, 500 Orange Armlets 25c The RI I CROWDER Co, Wil ham out. i !LID®l®_ ®®®®41111111111111111110 ®1111111111 r 1 MD ���. d I1._,ii. fi.,1 1..0 1 in11. We Invite You To call and inspect our choice assortment of June Wedding Presents, including Jewelry, Silver- ware, Clocks and Sterling Silver Souvenirs. Fine Watch and Jewelry repairing a specialty. Kaiser the Jeweler CHISHOLM BLOCK. ,1I10.111DIrr r Sporting Goods Largest and Best Stock in Town. Sole Agents for the famous Spalding Sporting Goods, and the Celebrated Kervin's Dukes special Clock Cord Lacrosse Sticks. We have everything in Base Balls, Gloves, Mitts, Masks, Bats, etc. Lacrosse Sticks, Gloves, Balls, etc. Footballs, Skin Guards, etc. Tennis Rackets, Balls, Nets, etc. Taylor's Scotch made Lawn Bowls. Special price to Clubs, come in and arrange. Tennis Rackets bought from us will be restrnng for $1.25 to $2.50 each. Palmer's handmade Ham- mocks. Fishing Tackle of every kind. Cameras and Photographic supplies, the largest and best stock, free dark room and free instruc- tions. Wall Paper business booming here. R. KNOX Opp. Queen's Hotel W Ingham Watchmaker, Jeweler and Stationer - • 2 LONG DISTANCE CABLE ADDRESS 4 TELEPHONE XXXX FOUNDRY, TEESWATER. i Established 1670 - Re -Established 1906 1 Bruce Agricultural Works Teeswater, Ont. ALBERT Z. STROMA, PROPRIETOR. I Chills Prove Fatal ! H. warmth and circulation are not promptly restored, chills result in fatal pneumonia. This necessitates keeping Nerviline on hand. Taken in hot water it breaks up a chill in two minutes. By rubbing freely over throat and chest it prevents colds. No liniment so strong, so penetrating, so swift to kill pain and inflammation. Nearly fifty years' record has proved the value of Poison's Nerviline. You should get a bottle to -day. (Successor to Gillies 8? Martin) OUR FIELD—As much of the world as we care to occupy. OUR CUSTOMERS—Those who know a good thing when they see it. Iron and Brass founders, Inanufacturers of highest grade Wagons, Sleighs, Farm Implements & Mill Machinery. Contracts taken and epectal machines of all kinds built to order. Vine painting clone. Repairs of every deserlption on Carriages, Implements, Machinery, Engines and Boilers, Threshing Machines &e., promptly executed. Plow Shears and repairs of every known kind kept in stook, made or procured for prompt shipment to any address, A Trial Order Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Examine What We Nave. Order What We Nave Not. :r HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. den and Treasurer to borrow $00,000 to meet current expenses, was real, and passed. A by-law to raise by assessment within the county of IIuron, rho sum of $76,502.52, for general and other purposes, for the year 1006, was read and passed. The report of the County Engineer was received, showing the work done and that required, Mr. Ansley re- ported that the total amount of orders issued since January 23rd, 1000, was $3,049.30, The estiinated amount of money required for roads and bridges this year will not exceed $22,000. The Education Committee reported —That the petition of G. E. Essery and 25 other supporters of school sec- tion No. 1, Stephen, asking that arbi- trators be appointed to form a new school in the section, to be known as school section No, 1.4, recommended that the prayer of the petition be granted ; that in the claim of Listowel high school for the tuition of pupils of Huron county, no action be taken ; that the claim of Parkhill high school for tuition of county pupils, he paid ; that this committee allow grants made for continuation class work according to statute, and that clause 11 of execu- tive report of the minutes of January session, 1903, be struck out ; recom- mended. that the petition of Mr. Ziler and other ratepayers of school section No. 8, Hay, requesting the appoint- ment of arbitrators to fix a site for new school, that the prayer of the pe- tition be granted, House of Refuge.—The principal re- commendations of this committee were as follows : That no action be taken for the enlargement of the refuge faun. The supplies of the house are purchased by tender as far as possible, and we consider the keeper and matron are careful in the manage- ment of the house. Every department is clean and tidy, On June 6th an in- spection of the farm and buildings was made, and everything was found in good condition, and everything well kept. Considering the amount of work done by Mr. French, we recom- mend an increase of $50 to his salary and an increase of $25 to the salary of the matron. The gaoler reported that there were seven inmates in the county jail at the present tune—two for vagrancy, two for larceny and three for insanity. The gaoler also asked for certain changes and improvements. The financial cominittee reported having examined the treasurer's bonds and securities and found them satis- factory. The total amount of the se- surity being $05,000, composed of $40,- 000 in mortgages and real estate and $25,000 in personal bonds. The total realized assessments of the county are $42,501,400, and the treasurer's esti- mates amount to $75,502.52. This will The County Council met last week ; all the members present. A number of communications were read and re- ferred to the respective committees. The following parties made applica- tion for the position of county engi- neer :—J. L. Thomas, Toronto ; J. G. McGregor, Goderich ; George Gibson, \Vroxeter; W. L. Bice, Brinsley; A. S. Code, Alvinston ; Frank Naegele, BenmilIer ; D. Patterson, Auburn. The applications were referred to road and bridge committee. A by-law to appoint Donald Patter- son, of the township of East Wawa - nosh, road commissioner in place of John Ansley, resigned, at a salary of $800, was read and passed. The council "passed a vote of thanks to Me. John Ansley, the retiring engi- neer, and gave him a retiring grant of $100 in recognition of his long and faithful services. Rev. Mr. Gunn was appointed Trus- tee of Clinton Collegiate in place of Mr. Plunnsteel resigned, and R. W. McKenzie was appointed Trustee of Goderich Collegiate Institute in place of John Acheson deceased. A deputation waited on the Council, asking for a grant to the Goderich Marine Hospital. The matter was re- ferred to -the Executive Committee, together with a motion that $1,000 be granted to Wingham Hospital, The committee reported against both mo- tions, but that giving a grant to God- erich was carried on the following vote : Yea—Gardner, Lamont, Morri- son, Miller, McLean, McKenzie, Mc- Naughton, McQuillan, Spackman. Nay' Bryans, Cantelon, Currie, Doig, Ferris, Grieve, Isbistor. A request from the County Clerk for an increase of salary was read and a recommendation subsequently made that ho be granted. $100 was unani- mously adopted. Tine report of the Equalization com- mittee, recommending that the report of the valuators be adopted, was read. Moved by Mr. Isbister, seconded by Mr. Doig, that the townships of Grey, Howick, Morris, Stephen and Hay bo reduced 5 per cent. -Lost. The report of the Equalization com- mittee was then adopted, and the by- • law equalizing the assessments of the several municipalities for the year 1000 was read and passed. A. by-law incorporating the board of police trustees of the village of Credi- ton was read and passed. I3y4aw No. ,t, authorizing the Wet' 1 il�rov—r�. �� ilei' �r^r ..w�� i ,,.1I - :•-.ILLON HINGE—STAY FENCE CE I 2. wlltiaIrI STAY Fence will lifetime. Thousands ae now using it. Stays do not slip nor bend when tun wires aro borne down. Illustrated Catalogue free —1100 agents wanted. WCAI 1 Ir.? oar A n 1 IT It II� IRE FENCE CO}LIMITED. T V Calf IL Y Vii V NU. a. WINGHAM Machine Works. This is the best place to get your Machine work done. All kinds of Machinery repaired, Engine and Boiler work, Bicycles, etc. Special attention to Farm machinery repairs, Steam and hot water heating. All work carefully and promptly done . . . The Old Stand on Victoria St. Robt. M. Cooper require a rate of 14.5 mills on the dol- lar, and we advise that a by-law im- posing this rate be passed. Estimates of Receipts and Expenditures. Adirklnistration of Justice $ 5,500 Gaol account 2,200 Division Court Jury fund 100 Schools 10,000 School management 2,900 Grants . , . , .. 2,500 Municipal government 5,500 Stationery and printing 800 Lunatics and charities ii0o Interest 1,000 County property 2,200 Miscellaneous 100 Industrial Hone 1,000 Roads and bridges 22,091 Sterling debentures. 5,500 Currency debentures 2,000 Deficit of 1905 9,010 $78,502 Registry office $ 800 Licenses 2,000 $2,000 Receipts. Balance, $76,502. Coughers, Hawkers, Spillers! Public expectorations is against the common law, against the law of health also. 'When the throat tickles that's the time you need "Catarrho- zone" ; it soothes away the irritation, cuts out the phlegm and loosens the tight feeling. You'll quickly cure that catarrh and throat trouble with Catarrhozone, It positively prevents new attacks and cures catarrh for- ever and for all time to come. Don't take our word for it, try Catarrho- zone yourself. Once used you'll be de- lighted with its pleasant and helpful influence. m0000m0000000000000000co (Lehigh Valley Coal, Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers. It has no equal. D. Burns. 8 t . . LIFE FIRE INSURANCE Lowest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS N•N•4►•NNN•NNN••N• You Make A Mistake If you buy a Piano with- out seeing our stook, comparing prides and taking into account the quality of the instrument. All the best makes always in stook — Heintzman, Newcombe, Dominion, and others. Also Organs, and the very best Sewing Machines. 00000000000000000000000000 WINGHAM J011F Pks PRICE LIST : Star Flour, per bbl.. ..$2.00 to $2.25 Man. Flour, per X bbl.... 2.10 to 2.40 Cream Pastry Flour 2.00 to 2.25 Bran, per tou 18 00 to 20.00 Shorts, per ton 20.00 to 22.00 Low Grade Flour, ton24.00 to 26.00 Chop, per ton 17.00 to 25.00 Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the town. HAVE YOU A BOSS ? or are yeti intro pendent? If you ere making rnoneyforsome one else, quit and make looney for yourself. (Jet out of slavery and be free. Write O. MAltstrAar. d: Co., London. They wilt show yon the way. They have started thousands on the road to freedom, Bovet, dollars it day, every day in the year, Is be• int ntade luuidtilag thou good.. Writl aswr, 'hits is sltoaq, WHEAT HIGHER We want Wheat and will pay from 75c to SOc per bus. for any quantity delivered at the mill. Bring your gristing and get highest grade of Flour and good yields. Chopping done duo and promptly every day. HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANK. Tinsmithina In all its branches done neatly, promptly and at reasonable rates. Good stock of TINWARE on hand. Try us for your Jobbing and • Eavetroughing STOVES and RANGES of the best makes on. hand, Our prices are very reasonable. When in need of anything in our line, give us a call. We'll treat yon right. Robt Mooney til to toLook for Recipe Booklet in the Bag. PFEFFER BROS. - Milverton, Ont. • 410410440414,0 # ' 4/04 00130*$ 0433043 '1 4 most anything that hl WHITE looks 41•EAb1', All Acura LOOS alealr. Jewel Flour IS clean. All aur barreled Hour is shipped in NEW Al barrels made from sound, OMAN stock, Our cotton and paper woks are ALWAYS new. And we take NO empty bags back; const. gnently, our mills are FREE from inseots. 1' t.fiffi* :E4EK%4 k1.0KfifiEElEllilK tie F:EfrFEEE^EtKr****t!#14Ei;rtfEi't' The SUCCESS SPREADER OLDEST NICEST WORKING BEST WORK LIGHTEST DRAFT MOST DURABLE The "Succea•" has the largest rear axle and strongest drive -chain of any Spreader made. It is the only machine. with Seater freeing -device and many other points covered by strong patents. Our catalogue tells all about it and gives much valuable Information for farmers. Write for it. W.NIIFICTIIRED nX THE PARIS PLOW CO,, LTD,, PARIS, ONT. WINNIPEG, MAN. Also manufacturers of High Grade Walking and Riding Plows ; Thoms Blower and Grinder. For Sale by J. J. Fryfogle, Wingham. Thos. Armstrong General Agent, Wingham. Watch this Space Next Week. Undertaking promptly and care- fully attended to. Walker Bros. & Button Furniture Dealers and Undertakers die Cance o' A �i'ctimc. $5,000 WORTH OF First =Class Jewelry MUST BE SOLD DURING JUNE AT W. G. Patterson's Think for a minute. Don't you want a GOOD Watch at the price of a cheap one ? A large stock to choose from, ani they must be sold. Tiffany and English Wedding Rings. Diamond Rings from $t5 to $25o. Beautiful stock of Pearl and Diamond Pendants and Brooches. Swell line of Clocks and Silverware. June is the month for Weddings, and Presents will be needed. We have a large stock of the choicest Wedding Gifts, and they must be cleared out also. W. G. Patterson The Great Watch Doctor, Wingham.