The Wingham Advance, 1903-12-31, Page 714
BUTinheritance. Ile war;foiled, and return•PH i cd tC America,. Wroe died jo 1803 gild ATllton Again
•, �"-. W
rtter.-utedt to establish ilia claim,, but .
I Il "ti'act•a1,Y lI)y a ii licl i'('nitt'rt'(I
....,..,,.�.L,.,,.,,,.,, , hnrmts that A relietitiotl of the Alaaskaa[%oop%%x4"%00%"r*ANNNQ%4%*Wb,44jwI
a"w �„0���
failedafterlUkg ilia 1,11a Nourlden
leas, ha lived in Cho t'illago, couGdent
to his dying day that lie would event
make death certain, lead also Iawal-.•
the bullets sent into his brain,
lially occupy nlelbotune 'house, '1'116
I crates to that grounds )ver', allvay4 kept
locked, otberwiso Milton would have
Dreadful Deed Done y a
often gone inside, Ile zeas frequently,
keen to carry it step -ladder front the
Cleveland Machinist,
cottage to the )valls Of the manston ill
order to gaze on Ilia Mecca.
Vew persons have over made greater
saerifiees for belief. IIe exchanged to
Murdered His Wife and Three
wife and family wid a comfortable
home in America to live in solitude
and scrid-destitution in a. two-rooni
Little Children,
('ottaige which ivas strangely stOckoa ani, .
furnished. in
^"�—,,- -"a°L ---=- """'
Over tho mantelpiece largo
slrell V a all L Lni",1•ulr,lt „f tile lbrt'1 In-
I type was this inscription: "Jeans and
my•twa witnesses -•Shiloh",
ay Down Beside His Dead
1llilton acclared that lie never would
(lie, but a neighbor who had not seen
Wife and Shot Himse f.
Ilia "judge" Tor a couple of days peered
tlirough a crevice of the paper -covered
... / ,/�'r^'.� Illarl"O Of fill triI-IIVH off e.11,f, o
trade and tolrWay, l!av:lig to tic
window on 117'ednesday and sale hint -
Wag semi-conscious at the bottom of
Cleveland, 0. Dec. 28. -Roscoe N,
Alto stairs with it wound in Ills hea"ll,
Derby, a machinist, about div years
from which, lie died the next day, .
old, exterminated lits family early.
Jaalnna Sotttlicott�was born iii Devon•
to -day by ,shaotitlg Ills wife, his
Fhire, Englund, in 1750, and while a For -
three children and then himself. The
vant at Exeter in 1700 joined the Xoth•
crime Js believed to lityvo boon duo
odist Church. Two years later she an -
to delepondenf 3y •ever= .4he impover-
nounced Herself as a prophetess, giving;
isllad condition of the fanii:y purse
alit a series of alleged revelations in
and doggerel verso. One, called
and ilio near a
Approach of Clirlstinaa.
"Prophecies Announcing' the Birth of
The wife, DoJa, was killed first,
ilio Prince of Peace,' was issued in
while sleeping at bee husband's side
1814, Site secured thousands of follow -
in bed. Talo of the childron, Ilar-
ers, to whom she sold Bellied packets,
old, aged 8, and AlLoo, agod 7, were
warranted to secure the salvation of
killed me they ran through tile house
the purchasers, At last she announced
In the darkness of early morning,
that she would give birth to "Shiloll"
endeavoring to escetpa their merciless
or the "Prince of Peace," on Oct. 10,
parent, The third child, Thomas,
'814. On that clay she )vent into a
agod a, wigs shot in his bed, after
trance, and two months later she died.
his older brother and sister had been
A post-mortem examination showed that
killed. Derby had been down -town
death was due to dropsy.
as late as 11 o'clock last night,
t 1b I f b t i ail
Vanatia'o just (1 •lma before the (•a:lri
in V,o At Ili, a one', but Dri:ai+,
1111.,,.. �_� _ ..,, . _ _
+Mia...,..» T ._.. - r . _� - �, , _ - - .7 -mss
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_ _ . _ .. - _. _.�t.,..__,,.T.,.
- ---
I Il "ti'act•a1,Y lI)y a ii licl i'('nitt'rt'(I
....,..,,.�.L,.,,.,,,.,, , hnrmts that A relietitiotl of the Alaaskaa[%oop%%x4"%00%"r*ANNNQ%4%*Wb,44jwI
a"w �„0���
make death certain, lead also Iawal-.•
the bullets sent into his brain,
% Snip' b.t.1 A sly i;Clllallaa 1:a'1.9�'^ trb'1at.Y•*°
•& '1 a, a 1(1'111Sit
rained in gybed, probably asleep, and
aardo boy about six years sago, and
alw received bullets in the head, dy-
worked near Bowmanviile until the n
Ing Instantly. After the extraor-
.. I . ',Y.,�144t74°B.WBRIEF
ntit i)'ald tt! 1JeparaLi'111),-
brother got employment with Stirl- zl
aH t:e)1i•nldl
" <)lnI••ioa dict I1 -A (lt Ilgl ab-
&)Iulo treaty-lank: