The Wingham Advance, 1903-12-17, Page 5III loIi w U Thw*&y, Dectmber 17, 1903 THE WMITAM ADVANCE —Tho following statistics taken from '0 'CASH r -7 1 JZI l the report of Huron House of Rorago, as As ', r l Q —_ — TO THE GIFT BUYER R 1-0 S lkellys submitted to the Ct3litity Council, will CASH FOR YOUR Prove of interest to our readers: —Nul)l. 1?EArj 11-18TATP14 —Samuel McCoy, of Eldoralle, lost ber of inmates since opening ao; fiillco A Few Stigiestions to Help You Choose (P.&I It Is my business to find that other mail two sons within two weeks by contiump. Dec. 1, 1902, 82; admitted during the for You, and my methods will do It In the Var a, ValisChristmas Preseuts for tiou. year 22; absconded 1. Births 1; deaths I H " 6;,flW shortest possible time. If you 11nd a buyer be. etyand e —Mr. John Hopner is erecting a mau- this year 8; discharged 15, In house Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? for, Ido, You will owe me no commission. I ,clout in Port Elgin cemetery. It will on Dec., 1 1904, 81-28 females and 53 Then It's probably too late. cannot sell a property at a ridiculous fancy IN cost about $21000, males. During the year McKillop sent i Price -,I will not try. If you, have anything to You neglected dandruff. If sell, lot me handle It for you. Write or call at 4 inmates, HOWi0li: 1, Hay 2, Goderioll, J once for terms and full Particulars. Boy Vouth or Man. —Tile Berlin sugar fact I you had only taken ourw•T cry has paid I ad - p. 1, Taokoramith, 2, Ai hfield 2, Stall, . Just a word to the Real Estate Buypr— christmas an aversige of five dollars or ton for lay 1, Hullet 1, Goderiell 2, Seaforth 2, 1 vice, you would have cured HaYo a look at what I have to ofror you before beets so for this year. 1, Clinton !WV ®• YOubuY. Ihave just the Property you want. ,tock of Neckwear, in Bows, —The Hepworth gas field is about 2. rhose included 14 Canadinu! golvo CLYME MAGUIRE IntPresent We have bought a large and elaborate r Wingliam 1, Blyth 1, Exeter Four -in -bands, Puffs, Ascots, Imperials, Knota Flowing Ends, etc., in exhausted, and,"patrons are kicking English, 2 Germans, I Scotch and I ffmw A An the IlQlreab 0*0 we Could get, %ud are Selling at Do more money thau j Real Estate Agent you will pay for out-of-date odds and ends at ordinary ostoses. about the poor service. Irish. Expenditure on house and farm I the dandruff, saved your hair; Q1lIc0`—Upstairs In Vans -tone BlooI;. —Mr. D. Cantelon of Clinton has, yet during the year, $4809.62; total expand!• and added much. to It. If 1 We are ready for X about four thousand barrels of apples to ture for year, $6094.DS, There was sold trade wifl, a great variet MEN'S NECKWEAR ship, before he will finish the season's off the farm, produce to the amount not entirely bald, now is your ROBT. H. GARNISS novelties for r presents. T 4 opportunity. 'Improve It. business. $337.0'2. and $147.42 was received from BLUEVALE — ONT. i are many things a visit Dow Tloq In all colors, with cateli to slip Pufr Tice In black and colors. small and —Fred. Boogettr and Mr. Brandt of Paying patients, Average expense per 1 111 have used Arer's Hair VIgor for over 40 suggest. Come and Years. Ianinow!) yeursQldan liavoahenvy n County or cellar button, aigs with bL*d larls shapes. to hook on and alsa Sk Berlin have formed a partnership iumato lier day, 13.57 cents. I gowin ox rich broWil liair, aue, i think, on- Auctioneer for Huron We'll be pleased to sho favin at boolli .............. . to "ten behind ..... ...... ...... ihip to The fuel I rely to Ap,,', Hair Yhror.11 t furnish electric light for the village of and light of the institution costs $574.- is, M, A, RNITH, Belleville, In. the, goods—we can hand Ties, all colors and all Four-in-hand Neckties, In blacks and 5k Mildmay, 07; combined salaries of Inspector, 4 Figo bottle. j. 0. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged A everything, but here 3 , , for at the office of the r1lur 1p, few items of interest Ildtlin, 900 to shooso from ........ 25c 7,o".,l 'I' 3TF,., , *Qlor4, all newest tesigns .......... au Claire, Keeper and Matron $700, and extra for NIVINGnAx ADVANCE. XhIQ14 VV 1% buyers, i-la-hamit Neck ties to hook or —A man bought a farm at 143 hired help $280.52, 4 In stripes, oto., Mich., last spring, and this fall his *#liar better. black and colors Vlowblloucp ajoland Na*lotkcolors................ W apple crop alone sold for enough to pay -.Good imair. A roallj "Wee vialto Irlaurell Fillk Four-lu- -American Novelty Silk Puff, three color- two-thirds of the purchase price of the ."61 141d ru Xtsk tie, in o. %ice faa;cy box, lugs, tone up in separate fancy farm. b for aweno to wear ............. 75C It's What It Leads to LADIES' favor uoxos ..... .............. ... Every Box of HANDKERCHIEFS.—In great WEAR. —A 35 -mere orchard in Lenawee Co. That makes Catarrh such a dreaded variety, Fancy Embre a disease. If you have Catarrh taint, C. HAMILTON i Hemstitched, Initialed. Prices are from be up to $2.00 sac I HUFFLX19S I 14UFFLERSI Mich., yielded 30,600 barrels of first-class dropping in the throat, if you hawk and AUCTIONEER our special line for 25C. apples, filling 16 cars, beside four car spit and have a stuffed up feeling in 13LYTH ONT. Dela'* Silk and Satin NuMere, something new .....,...,.• .....60c and 75c pp es, cider apples, and averagdd $1" your nostrils you should use Catarrho. TIES AND COLLARS. 314m's Oorded !dills mind Satin NuMitrsi, paddqd backs ...... $1.W and $1.50 A barrel, zone at once and got cured. Thousands 30 ears experience, I have conducted over LADIES' WAISTS. have been saved from Con n 30J successful Auction Sales in the County Ladles' Fancy Silk Ties and Collars Have you heard of our p ott Tigin NEW)IST MVFFLISI% Xxowx,—Blac Satin Vest Aluffler with Col. SumlitiO or Huron, and as, a rule got better prices 01 U., I., in all the latest styles, nicely embroid. —WO have them in Bilk, Ca 11 —E Butt hauled from the farm of and completely cured by Catarrhozone, PAr'.CVA... orad and and trimnied with applique— tr.olPlannel, any one of these w Isar 4ttaclsed, watch pockot, in front, lined with corded white Silk ..... $2.25 - sell to bettor men. Orders left at James Stevens, Base Line, -one of the so there is no reason why you shouldn't Oflice, win ham, will receive prompt atten- Prices are 26c, 35c, 60c, 75c, $1,00 Xmas. present-, All price guar- der $2.80. Wa black, white and colored chest protectors, fit around the neck and stamp out your Catarrh also. tion. Terms reasonable. Satisfaction Lea" largest oak logs ever taken to Stapleton a. Catarrho anteed. Phone or telegraph at my expense. 1411tQu behind—a better muffler not made ...... Prices -35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 mill yard. It was 12 feet long, and •zone will really cure you and prevent 'the disease from returning. It's very IrURS.—We have a la rge stock of the rigbt kind suiteli scaled 1441 feet.. Pleasant, just balsamic medicated vapor gifts. Easy prices for Caperipes, Rugs, ffs. Gauntlets, GLOVE DEPARTMENT. —The Canadian Express Company —no nauseous drugs. Absolute cure Boas, Coats, Capes, etc. Special Sable RIAI.W ,t7.00 Metils Mocha and Kid a LADIES' BELTS.—We have the right klft, N gu ranteed to users of Catarrhozone- Ill this season handled from the district d Naw Gloves, Gents.': Reitideer Skin Gloves, it can't fail, try it. Complete outfit, IS guarantee to give Prices from 25c to $1,50 each. Wool lined, donee fastener*— Wool lined, 1-1, B. K. brand, mouth - of North Bay 2,950 doer carcasses, $ .00; sample size 250. is entire satisfaction in all Prices ................ 50c, 75c, $1.00 brown in color—Price ........ $2.50 being 692 more deer than were shipped Gents' Moeba Gloves, fur lined, from the district mentioned last year. G cases of Stomach trouble Dlen's Black Curl Gauntlets, AT FOR CHILDRE as "m ,,vulted scams, something really horse bide palm with overlap P —if not, money refund- We have a nice range of Knitted Waol Goods—, Coats niq@ and a bII eautiful present.... $8.5() for driving .................... $1.75 —The death of a cow in Holland Tp. THE DAY'S MARKETS. Bootees, Mitts, Caps. Eloods, Collar and I Grey County, occurred in an unusual ed. Try a box and be nd Mu UlKBRULLAI make a nice and useful Xmas. present—popular prices .... 75c, $1, ;1,25_41.30 manner. A hay knife had been left in the Every livestock man, merchant. and UIl convinced. stack, and the animal in feediug: from WliaTH AND COLORED SHIRTS. —All the latest colorings now in stock for farmer in this section knows that the rIEN'S WEAR. heliday -Wour .............. 1. 1 1. - ... ... .............. ...... 1. 76o, $1,00, 41.25 the stack came in contact with the quotations on Toronto market SMOKINQ JACKETS and House Coats,,., ............ .... 8 are those ................. $4.00, $9,00, $12.00 blade, cutting her throat. which govern the whole Province. I have room for two Almost anything you want in Men's Furnishing$ BATH ROBES.—lu Turkish make ............ $4.00 In Fleeced Cotton . ....... ;..;7.00 When a daily newspaper devotes a large students in Telegraph DRIOSSING GOWNS.—Ill nice dark gray English Golf Cloth, self plaid linings..: ...... $lU0 —Tile Stato of Utah gives to con. amount of space to bright, crisp, well- office, at a -price you Want to pay. =K HURPS.—In nice colorings, &]a* whits and black ...................... 2.1c, 50c, $1.00 demised murderers the choice of dying arranged market information, with MAT81 CAP41 Black Hard Hats just to hand, latest shapes—$2,60 and $3. Now Soft Felt by the rope or the rifle, and a man who price quotation; from day to day, it is MEN'S TIES.—Never before have we shown such a large as- 19 'Bats just to bau&—t4.3and $2.75. Newest to pleated Caps, pull down behind -50c, sure of a place in the favorable judg- sortmerit of Neckwear. New patterns in knots, four-in-hands, XA)iCY SOCKS.—It English Black Cashmere with silk strlpe4-60c. Black Ribbed worsted was exdcuted at Salt Lako City, Friday, Strings, puffs, bows, flowing ends, etc. with mending yarn attached' -35x. Black Cashmere, plain, all sizes—zo• meat of men interested in business chose death by shooting, which was ill- affairs, For many years the furnishing XIVAS. BRACES.—Flne Braces for presents, nicely done u fileted in the yard of the prison. of such information rested largely with Happy Thought Panges one pair in a box. fancy silk web -prices are 50c, 60c, 75c, and $1% R. A. oUGLASS 4 SHOT DEPARTMEN.—Big cut in Boy*', Youth*' and Men's Shoes the morning papers of Toronto, but it Crown Huron Ranges FANCY SHIRTS.—Just received —it will pay you to come in arid vee. —Mr. Gowan, the Government in- has.beell found that to many readers new patterns in print shirts XMA4. CLOTHING.—Just arrived, a fQW lines of Nicx:, NEAT, NATTY *spector of plumbing and heating in particularly at points distant from New Idea Ranges Chemist & Druggist For I r 0hristmas trade. Special value at75cand $L00 SUITs in Sorseii, Twerdx, Wrimtedii, etc. Price* -0, 07, $8. $10, $12. Public Buildings, and inspected the Tbrouto, the information thus published MUFFLERS.—New Silk and Way's Mufflers makes a veruse- 'I OVJSRCOATS I OVERCOATS I—Boy*', Youths' and Men's Overcoats work in the now Post Office, Clinton. is of little value. No man cares to wait Ideal Favorite Ranges ful present. All prices, y at AWaY-down prices. All we ask is for comparison of prices, quality, fit. 11 pistil the afternoon to read reports of Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. He expressed himself as thoroughly markets which close at 3 Base Burners, all sizes MEN'$ GLOVES.—A large range of Men's Lined o'clock or —at 75c, $1.00, $1,25, $1.50. Kid Gloves MEN'S FUX f:::::::: . . .... 1 Dark Coca satisfied with the work, which he also. earlier on the previous afternoon. Cole's Hot Blast Coal Heaters :.:..i Tasl=auia AT declared was first-class, The Toronto News makes a specialty COATS Poobara. Dl"k s commercial news. Large space is Air Tights, all sizes OUR CHRISTMAS SALE keynote is—Big Dry ...... I Natural Bufl CUT PRICES —Miss Jennie Wakefield was last devoted to this department, and the Goods worth for not much money, week awarded $1,000 as wages to be fluctuations in price of the various earn- Guaranteed to give Satisfaction an VNIZ LINED COATS.—B only Mon:s Far lined Coats, good large &lieu, shell paid out of the estate of the late Will modifies, such as live stock, grain, but- Prices to snit. Call and examine For Brunkenfle'.."SS We thank our numerous custome . rd forllthvrit ­_ rona .dorm is good Wask beaver cloth, lined WlLh large Marnot iskins, collar is gorman ' car, cheese, seeds, fruit and ]logs, are e the year and take pleasure in wishing a] n Otter. &ud & No. I Coot, wortit f,40.61 P inaw. price................... ...... 2 Carson, of Kincardine. As Mies Fields the"), it will pay you, at THE on I A MERRY CHRI'noted each day. The -last edition of d and A HAPPY NEW YEARshe had worked for Mr. Carson for this paper, with closing quotations, ar- Mau's Fur Caps f::::Ileuy(,r Caps ..eralan Lamb Caps eight years on the understanding that rives many hours in advance of the neleyDrugusing .......... blectric Beal Cape .......... at Cut Prices she was to receive compensation, but no morning papers. Under such circum- due payments had been made. Sts,10108, The News may ba regarded as ft Over 300,000 Alan's Cloth Ir Caps In all slass and shapes .......... 250, 50o, 75o, $1.00 valuable adjunct to the business man, Fishlelg h's Ctrcs- CURES He E. Isared & Coo pond - no matter which branch of business ac. ence —Thos. Cox of Goderich township de- IV^ Address, T -U W W livered several very large soft elm logs tivItY engages his attention. Particu- ugham, striell. Iceeley Institute Opp. Bank Hamiltoll lar tion is paid to price movements Hardware Store, Wi conrl 1 786 Qtieen St weir Highest- Price. in Clinton last week. attention ential. TORONTO, Cir; Paid for I'm They were cut on Toreonuto markets, and many im- The, Ke no Cro uY.7de-r Co. from a tree which was blown down by a portant items of market news are found hurricane last summer. Trhb logs net- in the Toronto News many hours before ted Mr. Cox $70, and he had as well the they are published in any other journal limbs for lire wood, sb that the tree in the Dominion. A Few Sp -c ls o The news maintains a high standard c- ciafr was, indeed, a valuable one. in all departments. The day's happen - Toronto, Dec. II.—Tho Terillskaming ings: are recorded in a terse but compre- hensive manner. Every issue contains the Hioliday Trade w and Ontario Railw ty will, it is hoped, something of interest to every member be completed and trains running to of the family, The price of Tile News New Liskeard In November next, A is astonishing, $1,00 a year. Think of large amount of rolling stock is now it 12 pages each week -day in the year, Wit.h. 12 additional pages all Saturday, 18 Couches —Upholstered in under way for the road, and surveyors Ir dollar! the best coverings newest ,at. to The or one 0 ar; a post, card sent terns, very comfortable, good width regular $8-75Holiday are locating the route for the extension News, Toronto, will bring a sample y0fle to the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific. copy, and particulars of their profitable Sale Price .................................................................... $7.76 clubbing -offers, —Some idea of the magnitude of the 12 Couches —Assbr bed patterns, will guarantee them to give fruit interests of California may be ttends; the best of Satisfaction, regular $8.00—Holiday Sale Price ......... $7.24 + gathered from the fact that during the SUCCESS araduates of (A. splendid assortment at $5,00, $13.60, $14, $22) C`' next Your months California will ship 4 26,000 carlo4ds of oranges east, or 900 Leather Seated Rockers in -Oak and lidahagarAy Another carloads for each business dAy, This ✓ shipment of those fast selling Rockers, highly -finished, regu- Wlil be 700,000,000 oranges, which will lar $2.00 and $2.25—Holiday Sale ]Price,, + (*--I, .......... ............... allow nine oranges to every person in On Jan. 4, 1904, MOW (8ce what see b4V9 at $3.y5 Term Begins. $4.25, 00, in out oak polished) See the country. —Two Courses- -At the sugarobbet couveutI911 in Commercial and $horthand. + the advantage to be gained by purchasing Berlin last week, managing director send for Coilege journal.' Iron and Brass Beds, all sizes—There never was Stich bargains Williams made this proud comparisoni, + a Stove or Range made at home. No There is a man in this 'audience who C. A. FLEMINa A. L. McINTYREI offered in Beds such as we are showing at $4.75, $5.00, $6.50 and up- vexatious delays waiting for repairs, etc. this season had 24 acres of wheat, on President wards, all with heavy, brass rolls 'and nobs, ball bearing casters. which he realized $400. He also had Holiday §14q Prle4s On Everything—Bedroom Suites from Ir T ten acres of beets for which he received $,12.00 to $7,0-00. Sideboar(Ig from $7.00 to $40-00. Fine assortment i "HuRveM $546. We can show you hnudreds of in- . , t " of Paper Racks E Selo 1Gx20 Photo Frames. Parlor Tables at 85o, i stances,like that. I Es, =A:(qRn and Ne ; Year: $1.25, $1.75" M501 Stoves 0 ;uan named Vrqile Brazeau aged twenty-twp years, died recently in and Ranges M f1 dr RATE .P)2trQal, W,4q 4 q never eaten solid _3 ; 7. T I NDERTAKING are guaranteed to be absolthe e plilk. TerritorS Bet%79U Ali Siations in ResidencePatrick 9 Of 9CA4 'Port rt canadn' St., 5th 11011so West made; and to bake, boil, torula h ,fSAWtStO.Marjn Out of liftwilton's Drtig OOAS G "oast 01' broil food, liv 4 exclusively lqpq He W- 4 p4ye1qq0l'and weigiled Ball 152 lbs, The Illness WIR011 and - t, "'I t" from which he as o Store.Night calla *)'ta`dPt-T-ruron.=h Buf i receiveprompt at better than any other. died was brought on by e:xcepsiVo 4440- _Aocl 'Susp' Bridge and : tentlon. Rra N.V. The People's Furniture Store JN ing -one evening, -Doctors were unable Rate and For,..d 6, to explain why he could not eat other Linot 31kio 1St class Fare trip -314: MADE BY• foods. Hie case demonstrates the all- Good going Dec. 24th and 2601, round value of milk as a food. vaild,turning until Dec, 2fth; alw k"Id Going Dec. 31st and Jan, W. 14,1111.J,11 The Western Foundry C 18i v d returning until Jan. 4th, SMG=46 m _@Gawwwfl hillited Kincardine Review 'says: —Geo. Me- WINGHAINI ONT. c0ttagO hear the M Jka FARE AND Donald, who used to live in the litti- --'Rate aq.4 SwGrm FInsr C ,, 11!4 ^ e U jil- LIMkf OXE-TIIIIP 9,0hb I adlid Trip. A LaA Stock 6f Wardine, but who left here twelve years Good goingDee. 23rd 24th and 25Lh, 30th, 31st and Jan, ist, also oil Do;I Wingbara, Ont., 112 1h ago, returned last week by appointment valid rotur ng until Tan. 6th, 190J. to meet a brother he had never seen in The Western Foundry Co., Limited, For tickets, and all information apply t9 or Wingham, Ont. . . . 11 his life, The two were born at LakeL. HAROLD, Agent, *F ham, I Magmatic, Quo., George in , .1100n and Bfalis;740.7 dS 1853 and Ji D. Mcl),U 144 Gentlemen:—It gives me great pleasu' William in 1856. Their mother died District ParAonger AglMt Tq;qAtil" + of the great satisfaction which I am rec when William was born. The familyuse of your "Crown Huron" Range. ECON07111CAL ON VURL and to keep a fire i then moved to Huron Township with On Ha n d, o both day arid night with an oven degre6-o the exception of William who was easily controlled for any cooking. In my tie adopted by a neighbor, Mrs. Murray, +! the "Crown Huron" I have been. unabl and he ha4 since been known by i ; with it and heartily recommend ' 1111 A fault the These are the coming B6d. Our ;I;;! t, to name of Murray, j. reliable Range. tie desiring a Geo. is now engaged in the fishing business at. An Sable, For Christmas a prices are c $ 3.75, •$4.00, $6.00 and Yours very truly, and New _111,4 J. D. BTTIt r Mich., and William is a quarrymap ap 4 Lake Uegalqt1Pr T44 PeRt a iv6 , to- Vear'.s Vacation 6.50-. A good line of Dressers and gatter. 4r- Will Issue return tickets. old fricilds ill fiuroix and arranged to meet . again before . long. GENERAL PUBLIC A. Stands to m-atch. SOLD BY At single Pirtt-Class Fare. good goinz Dec. ko"?valid for return until Decom or 28, 1003. San , 1903, and Jantinry 1. 1001,Tho OrOM80 ralully Remedy. valid forir1)egtul)?1eioii3i1t1l January 4,1901. A fille line of Sideboards, Parlor A. Young At Virst-Clast Faro and One-Third.poing And 0110 W611 known in most Calla- December 23. 24 and 25, and December 80, 31, Suiteso Bedroom Suites, Couches, diAn homes 19 Iforvilitle a perfect pill,- 1003, and January 1, 1004, good returning until nacit for all intergal And external pain, January 5, 1004. etc., at the lowest pilices. Mrs. ?4, IN. OnAwright of Morris says; Rebwftll all stations In Otinadn, P(irt, Arthur,. J. Buq(y Sault Ste, NIAP10, Wall. Defrolt. Alleb., and couldn't think of being without East, and TO but NOT Ph011f Rufralo, N. Y. gerviline. When Igot toothache Through transcontinental trains leaves Tor- Norviline extras it. If I gat headache, Onto at, 1.45 p.m., daily for Winnflieg, Mnose NGHA have trouble with my stomach or bowels Jaw, Calgary, Bauff, Revelstoke find Vnn. WALKER R. & BUTTON W1 I can rely on Xervilftio to onto me conver. promptly. To break a Gold to rub on First-clasq-0ileopers Toronto toN *lnuJ))egvand for ilieumatisni or neuralgia Nerviline the wast. Unoxe-elltil dining car service, Home Furnishers and Undertakers has no e not. It is Priceless in any A. H. NotMAN fAmil.t. Erviline in king over all pain AWgtant General 1`48tengor Agent and cost 25o, King St. East, TOVOIAO, o I