The Wingham Advance, 1903-12-10, Page 5� e
Thursday, December lo, 1903 '.,1'HE WINGHAN AIWANO A��..
REVELATIONS EXPECTED. , I11 1111111 16 1 1 � I
The Alen's Store Open Every Evening Till 10 O'clock
tto0 less I � iiALa[1i. ISSUJIM WRIT AGAINST � Slim Prices, $MAU pro�tl�, ��► Loaft Stoto �d
IS It )P rice ? Then its Crowder's Clothing ars Stout values, o�TAS
-liobt. Porterfield, near Clifford, has. "--' '
A writ has been issued from Osgoode Quid,
purchased a 140 sore farm near Fieusall IHall to .
IS It QUalnty ? Again its Crowder's Clothing for $7,500, oil behalf of Win. HenMcDonald, ghan, fox ' For hard colds, s
--The acetylene gas machine exploded
Is It Fit? Assured!y its Crowders Clotling damages and money due,. against Ea, asthma, and coughs F All i
lat Rossmore Hotel in Cornwall on Wed- Cr0804 and Crossin Piano Company, kinds, you Cannot take anyQui*ck S -
day night, but no serious damage was Limited, The claim is for $491, and the ; thing better than Ayer's "a e s
done. following particulars are. endorsed upon
NEW ARRIVALS —Peter F. Quinlan of Formosa, was the writ: Cherry
In Men's and Youths' Suits, passed into stock to-day for Xtnas. trade, Hued $25 and costs at Walkerton, yester- October 21st, 1903, debtor for com• _
day, for practising medicine without a mission on the sale of 09 shares of - Pectoral Small Profits
Men's blk, worsted shigle-breasted pack Suits, sizes 31.44, made up•to•theaninuto„••$12.50 license. capital stock in the, Crossia Piano Co.,--:
Mau's black cheviot pinl¢le•breasted sack Suits, sizes 34 to 40, nothing bettor made —Twelve tons of ore fell on H, Free- Limited, negotiated at defendant's Cherry Pectoral, Ask your =
and equal to any ;21.50 suit on the market ........................1..,......•$16.00 born, of Hamilton, while working in request $890. Credit Oct'r, 22nd, 1903, 'own doctor if this is not so.
Men's fancy colored worsted sults, sizes 3;•44, latest out, made really neat—spoctal.•;10.00 the smelting works there last night, and by One piano, $199. Balance due, $491, """'� .......y'
° es-at....,.,.. 31'75 to $5,60 his logo were badly bruised. Plaintiff also claims damages for He uses o es understands
BOYS' SUITS.: A large range of Boys' l3uita in 7• and 3 pica _ -
- why It soothes and heals. Thai's the sort of business we like--brisk sales,
SMOKING J101CiTS.—wq have some very neat smoking Jackets for Man, —owing to an open switch a freight broach of contract by defendant's n •• I had o terrible cougb for weeks. Then Y
made right up in sli�lo, in Breen and plaid, black and white, camel's hair train crashed into an empty passenger failure to employ hint. = took Ayers Cherry Pectoral and only one _ gi11Ok returns And constant activity. There's an en'
effects, and black any white ollecks, sizes 36 to 43—Prlces......... $4.00, $9.00, $12.00 P • p g ; bottle completely cured me.- '
g Mus. J. B. DANFORTH, St, Josoph, Mich. thusiasm about it. Buyers tell their friends, and they
seTx I10BEs—at......... ....... .....................................t3,5o, ;4.00;5.00 train at Brant-ford, the engine and This notion It is alleged, will bran ,No,0100 Jr. 0,Axicnoo.,
-Samuel Osborile s bArn on the i2th p y nr"R`�8U' Lowell. Mase.
DINING BES — --In nice Iilac% and White golf cloth, plaid self lining, large several cars bein smashed. out all the facts in relation to the sale , An for _ tell others, and .so the news of goodness and cheap
h cord trimming anti waist cora and tAnsell to match — of Stook in the piano factory and the
handsome Xmas, present ......... • • .......... • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • . ;12,50 securing of the Orossin Affidavit. -Coughs, S - nesS etS enerall known.
con., I3urou, was destroyed by fire early gg g y
roll collar wit
A re
CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR. Thursday morning. The cause of the 1 THREE FLOORS well .stocked with just the kind
fire is unknown. The barn was filled lou will hasten recov%ry by tak+ of goods you want, at money-saving prices.
Nen Dorbys in all colors..... •....750, 3501 509 we never had such an assortment of Men's with rain and hay, the entire winter's Neuralgic Headache is Usually Ing one of Ayees Pills at bedtime,
New Lombards in all oolors,....,.25c, 350.•500 Neckties, in all the latest styles and colors, the g Y, .
New Bows in all colors..................... 250 pick of the Canadian and American markets— feed. Six pigs were Consumed, Attended with blinding pain, but re-
New PuJrs In all colors....... .......1500, 750 wo have spared no time or money so mako our —A straw stack on Mr. David Elves lief comes quickly when Nerviline is he Basement
Now English Squares, all colors.... 500 Gonts' Furnishing department a success, farm Eldorslie, was blown over in a applied, for it is the strongest pain-re- 1 T
Bever, in the world. "I consider Nor-
A. cordial invitatton to one and all to comic and inspect our stook recent storm and Scows were buried viline a most magical remedy for for all kinds of Men's and Boys'
even it you do not buy, you aro always welcome. beneath it. One of the animals was neuralgia. I am subject to violent Every Box Of
smothered to death another had some attacks, writes Mrs. E. G. Harriss of Clothing, Fur Croats, etc........ .
ribs broken, while the third was dug Baltimore, but never worry it Nerviline
MW is in the house. The prompt relief that
out alive. Nerviline brings is priceless to me. A �tSPECIAL VALUE in Men's and Boy's Overcoats. See our
y+•." Re 4 ®� ��� -Arrangements are being made for Pew Replications never yet Tailed to kill Mena Grey Raglan Overcoats, worth $10-fur...... .....$8.00
t, The the pain. I cau also recommend Ner- e A line of Boys' Suits to clear at......... 4.6U
w•' holding a public meeting in the town- viline for stiffness in the joints and Men's heavy working Pants, strong, well-made-Bargain at... 1.50
hall, Drayton, in the near future for the rheumatism,.” Try Nerviline yourself. S'�e�pS�a EXTRA SPECIAL. - Men's all wool dark tweed Suite
purpose of discussing the advisability of Price 26c, worth $7.50-our price....... .. 0.00
forming a High School District, includ- 1 MEN'S FUR COATS-the best kind, well lined..........
Makz ing portions of Peel and Maryboro and ��b`eS at $15.00, $20,00, $25,00, $30.00
��A the village of Drayton. -A package containing $10,000, sent
am from Winnipeg
to Vancouver by the
-After a lingering illness Mr. Wm. Bank of Hamilton, has gone astray and 1S guaranteed t0 give First Floor Departments
s Orr, of con. 8, Kinloss, joined the great a rigid investigation is being made by
week, at the
eofSaturday morning r last the postal authorities. entire satisfaction o all
�,�,�, � YV• week, highly
the Rge of 88 years. Mr. Orr cases of Stomach money
trouble ; Dress Goods Smallwares Hosiery and Gloves,
was highly thought of by all who cider mill and root house and piggery if not, honey refund- Underwear, Corsets, Staples, Wrappers and Waists,
knew him and he will be missed in the box and be
owned by Wm, Caldwell, of Galt, ed. Try a Flannelette Underwear, Boots and Shoes, Groceries,
` - community in which he line so long re- were entirely destroyed by fire about convinced. Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps.
"'•" S Those who do their holiday buying early get the cream 3 o'clock on Friday last. The town
-Alfred E. Ritchie who has suffered fire brigade was not called owing to the SPECIAL OFFERINGS in every department. We
of the holiday offerings, while the holiday stock is complete for some oaro. ast with consumption,
_,,,,, And at its beat. Our assortment is larger and better than Y pdistance from the nearest hydrant. I have room for two have roach linea, of goods bought below value whole-
g died at the home of his brother, Mr. About 600 hos were burnt. The fire students in Telegraph sale, which will be sold to our customers at about
ever, easily discounting anything of the kind 1Vingham bas Chas. Ritchie, on the 13th concession of g the regular wholesale price.
which originated at the engine house, office.
ever offered. Ashfield on Saturday last. Deceased g
spread so rapidly that nothing could be y�
We are showing a line of Easy Chairs and Rockers that are designed was in his 38th year, and leaves n
saved except a span of horses and a ' Second Floor Departments
widow and four children to mourn the cow l
to afford the realest comfort both to the eye and body), 36 Leather
g � loss of a loving husband and affectionate
{ seated Rockers with High arm and back regular $2.00 and $2.25 Kingston, Dec. 4.-While W. D. Wil- i
(t , g ' father. g
reduced to $1.75. 2 dozen more of the same style expected in a few -The new leviathan "Baltic;" for the soli, of Matawatchan, was travelling Ladies' Fur Coats, Ladies' Jackets, Tailor-made
days. Children's Rockers at 75c, 90e, $1.00, $1.50. over art of Gillies Bros.' limits in TO Skirts, Underskirts, waterproofs, Carpets, Oil-
searchStar of timber, he discovered, about = cloths, Curtains, Quilts, c.
A fine assortment of Easels In Oak and Bamboo, from 700 to $2.60. combine, is rapidly approaching com fort ards behind him, ton wild cats or Blankets, Q its, et
t s 1
See the handsome exhibit of Pictures in colored photographs, framed pletiou at the Belfast shipbuilding yard Y Y 9 Office G.N.W.Tot. Co.
+ of Harland &Wolff. The ding yard
lynx. He quickly raised his rifle and � See our leader in Top Skirts at $3,00-worth...............$3.75
with the newest mouldings, at prices within the reach of all. Dont shot three of them in succession also ship
Ladies' Jackets Black, nicely made, latest style, to clear..... 5.00
when launched will be the largest vos- , ,,, , . ,, .. � Ladies' Fur Coats—$20.W, $25,00, $27.50, $30.00, $35,00, $37.50,
forget that this store is called "The Pictnre Framing Store' called sel afloat, exceeding the "Cedric" by wounding another two. The other five a $40.00 - good values.
3,000 tons. The tonnage of the "Baltic"
darted into a swamp near by, and as
for the new and up-to-date moulding and neatness in making.Goods tits undergrowth was very thick, Mr.
n �.......... a
purchased will be stored, and delivered any time before Xmas. will approximate 2•!,000 tons. Wilson thought it best to let well It rays to Feed It 1 „•, � C
-The labor question is acute in South enough alone and not risk close quarters I sa d & `®s,
Africa. A woman cook gets $44 and with such animals. d 13t \ \ a
UNDERTAKING found. Ahotelin Rhodesia offers $126 1��?'4;���I��Q�' Opp, Bang Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce
AeSth he-Patrick Ball Bros. for a man cook. Capable women ser-
St.. lith hawse WestIM
of tlamutoa's Drug vauts in Johannesburg get from $35 to THE FEMININE SIDE. ^?� `•,�°a, EJul,
>itere. Night calls,
• r
receive prompt at-$60 per month. But for the high prices The Peoples Furniture Store _���YL.� 1�'•-• """' .
of everything that they have to buy, The other day the announcement was
South Africa might seem to be the made that a daily paper, a devoted solelyWorthington's Canadian stock Tonic
er � is given a prc[creuce over all other Stock
to the interests of women had made its Foods by largo and experienced feeders• apart
paradise of the domestic servant.
appearance in London, Eng. This is from the fact that It is less than half the ^• •" '- "`"' "" '" " """
-The number of cheese factories in a fair indication of the development prico of any other. -
which has been taking place in daily DEAR Sus,-I Kaye fed your Stock Tonic to
Ontario decreased by fifty daring the journalism the world over: The Tor0l" cattle and laic° it very mush. o makes them Homuth
131® S.
past year, but the output increased by thrive well and put on flesh more rapidly. I
t0 News i9 one of the papers which think it is the best Tonle I have fed to horses.
twelve million pounds, worth over two looks well to the interests of women. We are also feeding it to our bens this winter,
million aolliaxs. While the number of Each clay a chapter of an absorbing done they
longltime It p ays tter to feean d ity have TAILORS apd GEPiTS' FURNISHERS
petrous was reduced by over four thou- serial story appears, Ra well as a column Yours truly,
sand, three million dollars' more were T interesting chat for the home. In 7A offs LEASH.
The Toronto News generous apace is Feeder Sweinter os Fat001.2.Cattle,Prov. 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,•,. 1111,,,,. ;.r..,-1111,.'
paid to them, an average increase*Of +
Winter 23, 1 air, 1901.2.
g allotted to the women's department, Greenbank P.O., Fab. 23,'03.
ten cents per hundred pounds of milk conducted by Jean Blewett, whose DEAR Sin.—I had a mare stocked in both There's Satisfactnon in flomuth's
being given by the factories. name is familiar in thousands of Oana- logs • Worthington's stock Food took it
than homes. Iu addition, a Column of flown completely and put Dar Ytt ir,00d condition. G Art
Stratford, Dec. 3.-Under the County seasonable recipes is given, and a whole It has done my cows good, lhtnk it isa,good Clothes for Men.
Chr1'*stm___as a o is devoted to a discri tion of the thing and can recommend it.
Crown Attorneys warrant tha body of P g p B. CHURCHILL, "Dairyman."
latest fashions—dainty creations which Clinton, Jan. 17th, 1903.
Martha Mehm, who died of typhoid touch the feminine heart-with appro• 10 ib. box, 200 feeds, 50c; 50 lb. sack, $2. Not just because they've that smart and attractive
O fever, was exhumed to-day. She was priate illustrations. Events in the appearance, but for the reat,son that they've all the
is (omingthe daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Mehra, musical and dramatic world are in- For Sale By
terestiu 1 written about and the latest J B°wman, rvingham rv, R9esser, Bluevale elegance of fashion - iu fact, all the elegance of the
of Huron Road, this city. The parents f3• Y , Agar to Earls,Luckuow N. Gerry, Brussels beat-to-meuenre Clothes.
are members of a religious body which books and mngaziues are reviewed. Ilenderson & Henderson, Whitechurch
Every Saturday number of The News \ire have the largest variety of exclusive styles in the
does not recognize the need of a phy- is of absorbing interest to every Cana- , ,,, ,,„,,,,,,�,......,............w� history of this store-you'll admit it after an inspection.
sician in siekness. An inquest was than woman. Nor is The News a paper p� Suits that none but the vbry' best tailors can equal-
s for women alone. The husband and A �' �' E = A fi ll� I elegantly tailored garments of fine imported dark mixed
ordered on the cause of her death today brother will fliicl in its columna a tarso
But our stock h•as already and a jury empaneled, who viewed the , fabrics-single breasted sacque style-they show at every
but comprehensive record of the days .EIGFENCY turn, the master tailor's handiwork. Prices from $15,
body and adjourned until the result events, with well-conducted sporting, 1 $18, $18, $20, $22 to $40.
come ,
and* we have something of a post-mortem examination of the commercial and financial departments. Have you a Cutter? It not,, call
has been made known. The price of The News is interesting, and examine oiir stock before buy-
body A WORD ABOUT UNDERWEAR,-The season is right
neW t0 show the people this
too-$1.00 a year by mail-which is ing elsewhere. for the changing of Underwear and thin store is rightly
-Steele County, one of the smallest about the value of the Saturday edition. If you will he needing anything prepared to sepsis the wants of the season for Men.
counties in Minnesota, has, the Now If you would lilts to see the The News, in the line of Farming Implements Men's heavy Shirts and Drawers of wool and of fleece
Fear. In buying a present u Review sa s twenty-one. drop a card to Toronto and ask for a or Machinery for the coming at-a- lined-at 50c, 75e, 90c, $1.00 and $1 9-5 each.
Y York Produce Say$, Y sample copy and particulars of their son, place your order early and
creameries and cue- skimming station; Onerous clubbing offers. IN NECKWEAR-we always have the newest designs
always buy the newest---you will only R little short of two creameries to g b get
goods are leaders and patterns. In COLLARS-our stock is always com-
the township. s Those o- crew patrons i everywhere. plete with the newest shapes, f3izes from 12} to 173.
get It at Patterson's Jewelry who are obliged to haul their milk over Agent for the Kemp Manure IN RATS AND OAFS.-We always lead the style, and
g Fools Use Washes and Snuff. Distributor. feel assured that it is
tour miles. Thi:l County has, all told We also handle the Wm. Grasp anyone buying a Rat or Cap cant,
Store. It pays to come early. Thinking perhaps they will cure right np•to-the-minute.
1,980 creamery patrons, who own ap- catarrh,-but no one ever heard of a & Son's Buggies and Cutters-••
proximately 15,500 cows, from which genuine cure following such a senseless universally acknowledged to he the
they furnish to the orenmeries a daily treatments. There is just one prompt
best and most durable to e a. ..
average of 221,000 sennas of milk, The and thorough cure for Catarrh, and it is ALF. (3iI.OVBR
aver output of batter is of pounds, fragrant Healing Catnrrhozone which
You should see our large stock O goes right to the root of the trouble. AGENT WINGHAM
and represents a revenue of at least It destroys the germs, heals the infiam-^,�g,2o , lb�®�
$1,700 per day, without counting the mod membranes and cures any case ®�
W ATC H ES s Mill 11
value of tate by-products. no metres how dfor a 0r long standing.
I experimented for years with Catarrh 1111,•,., .,, -� �' �” � :,�•
-Terrible accidents are rare in Har- remedies but found Catarrhozone the � '
riston, but one of that nature occurred moat rational and satisfactory" writes r
Y A Large Stock of
last Tuesday nftoruoou at the HArriaton W J. MacEachern of �Watervlilo. It ,
of all kinds this year. aired me for all time. i•or a sure u
Packing House when Mr. James Me- cure' use only Catarrhozone. Complete
;Millan, who was shackling hogs slipped outfit $t.00; trial size 250. hoon �4a�i� Beds
and fell into the scalding vat. He ; 4�
was completely immersed, and was C. HAMILTON
We are showing a very dreadfully scalded. He
was rescued -
� ' ' 1 On ��andf
with haste, stripped and smeared im- AUCTIONEER r `'`�*
fine line of SOLID GOLD Goons _
mediately with lard. Quickly a surgeon BLY2II ON's.
, /VWVWV�I�M.M^V�I�/WDM-..I�MMI�/VV'.M/•.IW./�
of the newest patterns, and was telephoned for and arrived, but it 30 yoars experience. I have conducted ovor
was easily seen that tho injury to the 3000 successful Auction ales in the County , ia, These are the C0111ing Bed.. Our
of Huron, And as it rule got better prices and
suffering man was so frightful that he sell to bettor men. orders loft at ADVANON ,,Sh
don't forget that our prices are ((??
Office, Wingham, will receive prompt ation• , prices are 6U
3.75, 64.00, .A�1`�0 and
Can hardly recover, He lass conveyed tion. Torms reasonable. Satisfaction guar-
to his home, where he now lies at Antecd. Phone or telegraph at myexponso'
right. Said [V:ebody X50• A g00d lines Of D1`eSSe1rS and
g deaths door, and everything possible is Som
being done to alleviate His agony. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Somebody Stands to match.
Ladlefs* Favorite, • "Bel as well dressed its you Cali���� vIE 'the only Eatc t' oMmI6 ilifeBu Atltl its good Roney.•T'IF OF...Pneumonia is Filling the Hospitals. .regulator ori which woman But clothes cost Money-•nicr0 or Can depend. "'in the haull
lu. Every day we Hear of someone being r^ and time of need:' less according to quality of fabric-m A flue line of Sideboards, Parlor
taken with pneumonia. The only pre• Z Prepared In two degrees b2 more or :less according to length,of ,,+
} vontivo is to get strong and keep your strength. No. I and No. 2 «•ear..-mare or less Recording to the Suites, Bedroom Suites, 'Couches,
body healthy, Telco Forrozouo which -' No. 1.-For ordinary cases thoroughness of the unseen work.
TheWatch Doctor � to by far the -. dollar This inside pact is the life of the etc,, at the lowest prices.
,fl a• makes the rich rod kind of blood that medicine known. p
nonriahes dna stimulates the entire i on appearance thani nehich determine
system. "I was all run down and an No' 2-For special cases--•10 degrees a.• lt. It kt-o s it In ahb e, an ;s
,eau's Notal Wingham apt subject for pneumonia writes A. B. stAd -1-•Rtgk youradrrs ugYeer fstxfor imitations one
LiareliyOiReverattwiedcllsff0�li]Cue s
Opp. Charters of Burlington, When I trifd Cotton ills mixtures
nd. Take no OtherWALKER
� r j � O a �vl. BUTTON
as all pills, mixtures and Take to L3L{ L./ �t�.
Fbrrozono, I didn't believe that it wDR dangerous. No. I and No• 2 are sold and garments? It would be worth yon;
possible for Forrozone to build mo up so recommended by all druggists in the Do- while.
quickly. Inafowdaysmy pp g titalnp4a 1V4ndnor, Oat. Robt.
Hoole Cn1'nisllerS and Undertakers
" roved,
ov qcolor
r orc0.I � nnes a appetite
cheeks an on rc," of rice e�"Aoic ao Iinnypbsta8e Maxwell
minion of CantLdda. Mailed tb anyad reel
and regained my old time vigor through Nb, I and No. taro sold In Ingham lids, j .
nlnree rierto on3'riCbrry erroxono, it as y `AmlpbHamilton
a and ��.It A.bbo°n rug618tti,A ,High art Tailor
�iug am A fill M11I �!