The Wingham Advance, 1903-12-10, Page 2o ,11�: 11 �, 11 ��:J ,:1 �1 11001
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� , - ',`� 1� —, I I . * I �. I � I � -Woo-w A , - 'i -., -1 I I I � .1 � I . " �
4 , Israel wt%a on a journey, anti olar. " - I
Offtligbt , It.r. nit these 3yara no city had #*4o,,4ow4"40�"ioi400"�00'*�f"�t'WO'�+V"�004$"Ito?l�00400400*4o"$,040-�p.0 C4 Ile tehitated. loyidotilly Jolprow0ca alulamt protQr IIN BUSPICIono 14) blip
% W nu Awilirt - SU . 1�4*4 d . bt;vr. ,Cho li for jtfi -�'erillenont . I � W . I *1 by nly varnestiloso. PI(ow. I
DavIdle f t)A;y JVeJI, ' J10 oftlij, "fIV#, In & About 114)f-All-liour p4Nsod, Its well
. Q , , S00014 at�Qdel io " fle � ll)Uii)� ed
ow, through
TRE0. HATA PA01mialo's. � thoughtrulf'oso and gAmoropity, and .n
y .�� 3 4 a C11, you droijil yourself, and an I coUld JoAdWo. T'JIV, had 1:earoll.
14,164" . o ,- o4 IlAt hearty vo�operatfori of $Q!0rUQII Come Itiolig 01 me." Ckot4-or, at I.Vaut, tile pack.
, �'%4-�� ,%��.- �u. ,''. � .-'-., 1-,� 'J.0�1X)IN, - A 8h * 0 1 1 have - - spoilt a jilore uncoin- I% Man wearing -and had talcou
, , ,&TJqxAJ, novel
YA'AtloN no. Ix. witti, Ili$ fuAltel,'s jmrposo4 Unit baol cop i , Nit S 61010100 � fortable flye, WIRUJOU iball I d�d thell, Iron) 00111 a W -oryt
I . Atoll and chain, i
W."WWWAt 13, 19Q3,, a T,vrmarsent, vJx-Ih,0 place of abode, uy Pj�%-)r IlLIx0A-.N1V3f, . � X, or flovoll POU1140
sholVed C - dMillp Ain] gtitty Ing macl Ili Cash, end a lAindlo of pown tivicots,
0. J. AIAGTHRR , . 4114d Ife bad acoupt,ed It and I sitting ollivering In In towoluo .11 kilo like' gold, about 4
I 41 1,11P
IREAL E4,TATZ, INsURANOE ANO % , The Ovilleadolt at ;116 wenlp!e� thO J,VQ�.Q, that Ifg had dorA: 50, TfiQ � ~-O-,-"--P.,-P�,4-0-0".,O".A.,04,..#,,�,.*.o.i�.o,.I�.o.,o,,O,oa in,011ig Zl-'At iWOATIOUS PAIC011111)) unit fluddon)y I hourtl it well-known
, I
LOAN AQENT. CONVEYANCING '' commeutarr.-V -Uixig encouragei and exhorts tile # walthig-waltIng for %he osvilov of voice,, And 01"lultalleouillyt My door
. tyjhslul; Ili tho ,;,04p!o 'Tboy*re all out of town, filrp C,d, In oriler not to miss any'0110 on .
volloction, of Rants AU4 Accounts a ortclsity, , Illat their hearrs "be PC,,,-,- said the rorvAnt. 00 Cllecl� suit. No one 134mo. I looked was unlocked, I Stepped. out and be.
Urf; kV*r, ',L�L,Et. :L -4N. 'Xll�cn ealainoll al$, Zc(A with (Ila Lord." tbt4r "God, to the Other side, and I fancy Bovoral
ASSIONE I ,stared tit Iler ptqpldl,v� I had c,ld ladle ,up now and Again to find tile pollee- field .Up, 31nild,Dvillp, yer.r rod jV the
, E. ACCOUNTANT. I aftublod-TbO deOwatfoll waa -t�llo walk in n t , s regarded me suspiciously alan's eyvs Immovably IIxod Utoji UW. face, and rather cre'aff.
� , Is stat.u. as, anti to Itt"' been looking, forward to this after, as I r 4
9111-00-40 Taitilwal Block, i Wranderit cerentolir over performed RIO COmma4lineutd-11 Salomon 43ro row:cd rolwa agabi. I'maroh. '*Tlmos up.01 lie Said, sharply, And "Now, Aloborly.11 lie said 011arpj�r..
, �
006i fttttrd4Lr V;R7a�� on. I had Intended Asking XollnBa, (4 tile entire length of the, Vait'ade so suddenly that I Jumped. "what's All Vital I
� 7 to it. i Under the Mosaic disponsatiou, and - Eb'01ra himself a, m4a or plets al"I "'a 01,
� One of tbe brigiltwt. clAT,s of jewleti earriest devotion to God and to 1.1le t9 spend tile Bank bolldmy.� lip the three ilmov, and then sank on to a 'Alio,c)jer minuto - i pleaded, do- I prollooded to cxplMn the whole
, I . . . . . . river, far from the ma(ldexiffig crowd bEnell And mor
I ,tigtori'. Not Only, were tile 1,elder4, IrIterests ot His "opl.c. -that Is, It ,ped my brol�.. . spaIrIngi,y;'flut ovon am I s4ld It I situation, While I Ivau doing so. I
1, �tLe heads or the tribes, and Solowor,'q prayer. R -a 4too(I upon a no ob,!,otiou bad been . It W-10 'Fory liat. There wao list a realized w4iat find happened, TIM, noticed with surprise that tile lnw
A. DIMT �� - 04
� AGIN O"sraL raised by 1wr uncle or Aunt. Tb* for
i tha ohlef bf the father,$ Summoned, lirrazen scaffold, four or five Not - breath of wind, and the sea, Spark- otilor man, oharper tball To had upled
.REAL ESTATE met, bad latterlg L,ec-Qwo jsoMe$-.,bat IIIIN in ,be 64 Ilght, opectop ivall. wbisparbig,witli big Aiub-
. AND WAN AGENT, '� but "All Ithe Mon of Ismol assembled, WIgh, he bad Made, r.,robably U came niurmur� tho policeman. 11s,obably by now lie Ordinate Und looking on ,
L addicted to raising ObJectl9nn, but 1119 UP tile slaing.'y beach with Scarce- . wAto well Into My QtotflOffs . .co niore at
TO LOAN tboaloolvew, t.1 lQngs Vill. .1. 2). for the occa4orland spread tort" I bad hoped, with the did of a little IT a U00 404 tile J)apor and the'n at us.,
ion Towit and ram Properts. - Brought UP the arlc,-�Tbe act of de� 449 barde, ',anti Iloo'ed down opit, diplomaq,, to have Secured a tbor.% r1rplo. .�. row of bathing maoll. dr3,# IV11110 I— . . 11WPII, well, wpil," Said �fr. Nande-
' luml raC4 1*QoIUo along Ca
� 430ation, began itly carrylut the ark Ws knegsbeffore aq the wpgrecation . me, anti here and there v
oughly 000,Nrable ., nowl" said MY P1 ,,file, Ali I Concluded Wyf oxolanatloau-
ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT, � 'of 06"velialit In colemn precession, Bra ' and offered one of the � 11 Ills very, adcor daVA tot-a-tate, ilia ,lead or 4 owliumer mado a dark tor, rougaly, I No more talk, Get That's cooll 66ttlod. t
,, a' I 0"' wit able nieco. And
OFFICR.-In the x1at Block. - with the "kial; at the fhead, Into tile most remarkable twayers or tire Oil t�plt oa tile .6bluing, wator. into tilcul olotheff." Ila turned towarils the InBpeolor.
R944011961 Cat,1144,0 St ., tP,M*. and putting it, into "it's 'Af,tatn'3at peiplod� It bro. R,ow--., .�u IrrcsIRtIb'o desire Scizel me -a And I compitc(l. What else could I '
. , P14 -c%" tb4 Ito I %then strong -N-Jir all IU.V hope -a wid plane "I Can eXplaln matters JA e I .%
� Ly of holies. The ark. corifideac3 in Ood's f4iti%ruivesa and knocked Oil ille wore desire too got Out of my flat C!Otlleh do 7 I callj�jlt Bight of myself In the en , . _ nOVA
11 � � , we* tl)okx*t and kernel of the whole ni�peals to h!m; twbelialf of Ira boad byr tile wor4a and p'lluge, WyEolr . I little. Waging gla,tirf am I dressed, and to" lie oat4, "Tuti geptleman--*
T1[013 . , VeGil!o or the liclin littlo maid -servant. Into tile cool, lu� "Tbanks," Intorru,I)ted the official,
Qhovab* icoveriaut, to dwell trouble. "Whoo did they viting wAtor. I Eelimed to, be grow� 'I won't trouble iy,,Qu� It's like 7
. FIOLlkf E ; oa,ricluar,,, it ccxiltalued t,h,4 -moral 14 ease th;ay &b,)u!d meet Borrow :;.nd ,mudderea, A pink suirt, a blue tic, _.�
8 i law, .T I I � . e rrays especiall, go 21P I ,nskedi- chose learrut check Clothes I I .our
BANKER, RTC, I tg V 11, rot that I Particulariv wished to Ing warmer- every minute. internal check to i�emo here,litx� not
Ilia Achossix oeoplo tbo It r,hotild be snatteirt be wily thought of 311�, neat; wrge, and �
. foretithe x - know, but I felt all luc-qijj-�- . Should I sit t hero and grill'? .Von have come We is bit a' luck for
IThile,arorything else was now, the ir onemies because of s.n; if I able re
?44relaae Iolcensex lsaueiL No witnesseq I luctalice to tu .n back and descend to my feet and g4zed ,up and dol" . us 11 i ;
mquirC4. " game ark Of tLO COVenallt Was kept, ;117013."k,t, Or fainl4e, Or rxUttlence I "NoAr, 'then," lie Said, as r jawmed ,
mouer. 4*0arsa mounts; sm4er In. pro., and oul,y falmiigod Its place. The pro- bftuld befall tbem- I He proceads thor steps I had mounted as briskly tile crowded rarade. NO sign at the eardsharper's bat on my Ileud. kal.31andoville gasped. i
portloo. zaicwBt terms. cc,60100 Is described In -vs, 1-1) and vi:or, tho assumption that tbeso, 0.1- a moment before. U,-.Rsa. I Ila Slipped I)J& arm througli Mine, "Put lelp In thore togotherl, U04
I I I � 21 ctrult. ,f. A,w" iatottles would come, if at all, bn� '"J�ftst 1yodnvcda,iu" Bald the por�, I Made up xn'y =Ind to battle. ,L1ld logettler we pass onid the JuBpeotar, IvItli A Jerk
vant. . I deEcanded the wboden. step3 ,ad Onu fit tile Prts,11
RICUARD ROLMES j 6-0. Tte oreol�'Dy this Is mea.ilt cause of tile Sins of the people. His "I'm sorry'. Pleave say I 'called, - led from tile Pared t1fat Lititer (lour, Iko tlie brilliant oun-� Of Ills )lead-
104=sTila AT Us 1W. Sot=Tolt, =0 t1e, holy- of bolted. Under the wings r.rayer prooceded so far as .I, is to the beach, ahilic. "Come along, botill a' ;you," Bald my,
.. ZT(.. ! � to tn`U-'� if- Gi,,d,da7 - and crunching Over the slilogle ob- bUI'IY4 friend, I
-The outsprezil, -%rings of the cherti- the ease of Darifel, who in captivity . I It seemed to me as we oxnerg0 on
0Mcc *'-nen to 1ralmes Block now lm"ding blin eztendod horoea -thle whole width pTaTed to God toward the houac of I wenu slowly. down two atopm. tained the neoessar,r outfit from the to tI:o crowded beavii. that every, eya -Mr. Mwidayll1q, purple with wrath,
I Then a vague Idea lyega,n to shape o
- I ,,�,,agg, Individual in Arge, Ards waa fQauseed ur)oil Struggled tot, rp"Ch.
I Of tto bracle (cbap� TL --no anti their the Lord. .1 'I oil, And on 8t. Wyuy�
. 'd "' another In the The Eacrificee. i9ervIcs acceptall'o to Itself In my inind. I turned. ,Tile 0 my WAY towaria a macIllne. me� I noticed the buthl,jg man Star- ,, "I'Vil" are you doing ?11 lie cried;
MISS SARA L MOORE ' w'ags t*uck'L girl bad ncx� wliat do&a It mean? Do you #nolv
Middlo Of t1m bo*ie. Beneath these God Is atterided by sacrifice, and trare .,Wh , ;Pet cloEed the door. "TItat 'un's no good," said the mg open-woutlmd-at me as ire came
11194 ttat'touclied,, tile ark was set unnumbered beasts were offered In ere did Xcu 6AX they'd gone bathing man. "Gent's on*y just gous dowil mrw-in-arm. Souw clil-dren who I ame", .
Teacher of Piano and Theory w to To . TherWs to "I know -wbo �,pu are, 411 rijklit,"
-Tte otares were used for the pur- rTeesion of the devotion of the kill idult say," rho retorted sliarp., ,%',G,I- 1. � V110 in"Jollille. Tjioy dropped returned the Inspector, 11,vail�rs Un-
down.-Lumb,y. Drew but the fitavos, Sacrifice to God, a marvellous ox� %.I di In. a clilpty a little way were playing In 'tile Shingle close
9 I co. . I their .
� poso. of Uarrying tte 4rT t"Atter tile aLd his yeopte to God. Sacrifice -lad .r, but iliore was a gleam in her I four.d tile 1,eml;.ty," and five min- -ipatles. Add stared, too. I tiligied ull CIO Bunco. partner and confederate
ESS GARKE MOORE 0XIC wao set down In the most holy - true devotiosi to God's cause are . In- ey'S' ates I was royell . ing In ,a dellcloii.� 1>yer under that abaineful Click sulto of l3okeyl Nod." He picked up the Ila -
i Place they draw .the stares so far "parable. "So the klr,g and all the The Idea became an InspIrattion, I ewim, I ,swam out slo,wix.for so"le and Ali We ,remolled tile steps loading par And aloud * " 'Accompanied
-at their eadsoould be seen childror, , slipped a Shilling into her ban4. rood oil bacl, "Leolc ijerc," I Bald, ,,If you'll lot I a bald head and a rod -
Teacher of Violin and Guitar., "rwa-I'd tl of rsrael dedicated the Sprang back tip the two ateps And M.�olueflts, then tu I my tip to riia parade I stopped short. by. a short, Squat, 4viderly man witit
from tte, Isaactuu7.* The object of boase of tile Lord." and paddled lazll,y, starlug up at. , . face.1 11 Ila
ttis cannot bo. determined with � ";$t. Wyliyards-coii-acma.,, 9be said, ilf�� brilliant blue 91-Y with a, Sellst, ja my arm I promlso I'll go quietly, throw tile paper down car losst .
, y
Roams. -la �Qtoixellldck, AvInahaiii. I cortdInty. Two tables of stone- In David S. 'Warder. "And ilio'addreso?" I asked, oag-. of Intense bodily comfort. .Lnd maice no attempt at. escape." 'Lock 'am up, 11*berts,11 lie aidded,
Reb. 1:r- 4, it to Stated that the ark I orlys. "It's lardly good enough," Ile To- and turned tile back.
�. � Presantly I began 'to feel chilly. so turned. � . I'sliall never forgot the, time tbat
3MS ])F,LIA SPAUING ME,90 contained the golden pot of *-~� , ifto shook heL head. i 5 turn*.Ug over I made for the sbore�
manna'and Waron's rod tLat budded, ; I . � ". . "I dunno," Bho replied, "tbey* ner- As I approached it struck me that 11 give Toil my word of honor," I followed, when Mellsaaoa uncle and It
A T. C. M. but tttose had VrobabtyT been lost or told me no. arldresi.311 I bad altogether omitted to note -mid, oag4-ly, "only don't wake such sat Bids, by. side oil the hard bondly,
Teacher of Piano, nears a I Wbl he ark- was w1fli the Ilbille- I felt rather sore tts I walked the number of my machine. All, I ;l -c, "ll exbiliftion of mg.', , " and I listened to Mellssals unria!g
nd Fulote le, i - � I The 11ar.11-c.els. away. 3101166a, might have let ilia cOlc0teb; was that both it and tbe Ile was a kind-licarted felloW, I opinions oil m,31 conduct, on My Btu -1
t1noo. ' , . P
know gtle r,aggaIng, I thought. JJut one I had first ar.proaChed wore think, Tor all his brusqueness. IdItY, ln� not taking Veto of th�� lium-
Music Mathad, StmPlex and Kindergarten. 10. 11. Cloud filled th-a hou0s- -%J-- � A" c1l'cll," lie said, "I don't want to
PUP113 prvp�xea tar exinserratory i I
exami 11 -Now took place the most Import- %ow%",,o%o. ... . I I I .,,w presently I decided she was not to � about tile Au'ddle of the'row. bar at my, buthing-machine, on my,
Inailom &nt event Ili tile dedleat-'on -the I � blame. After all, why should ,she 60on .Ts I icruciied 1,otiola I I-ose to Take things too unpleasant. rII 'Cld present appearamoo.. and - ,6n m7f
Tbrall,to P'arnzeri' Markets Ufr." dragging b1m Into this complication.
Manifestation of .Tahovah in the TLe lofferings of grain to -day wore tr0libIc ? AVI'At WaO I but all ac- MY feet ard &pIaShed along para!l�l your c
I , 110 rejeXred my arm, took a firm When lie tired I qal<,l I ,w a 0
neir temple by,the same synillol by qualutance-a, friend, I hoped-witil ; wItIr tile line of achlues, endea'� ," V V4
-smaller, witL few changes In prices. 0, I. jV111 of tile end of my CoAt ele0vo Eorl'.V,,
.. willoll. lie 1,.%d marked tile ancient 1,rIV,ea wcaWr, with C .abit of calling at mom or less oring to spot my re ..
LEX, IKE LLY t �alcs of 1-100 vegillar Intervals, and with no oui� I Another bather Ow -n Snell a manner that with our artim 1119orry!" snorted Molissa's unclej
tabernacle, as Ws earthly dvi elling 1whels 0. was evid2nily In
, ,'Villic .tt -70_.
Auctioneer for Huron Count , Place. A ehinhic cloud, outdazzl?rig of Ived -Winter ,a SW bushels ward indicat'an of tile rapidly-devel- the gains predicament as myself. I longing Straight down ]its holding, I nald I ilran 100 Sorriest person
00 bustels lis W-Ithin. rut acquaint- 84W Ifile gaze iiit4L�ntly` at, a half-
hovse. 'so that th'a priests could %ts &,,,as _ trier t 'nd, .11mbed. up -to tile pa,rade. I pointed out that I
the morning son, settled ution tile Of ,gookso selling at 42 to Aae, 0, 't -4 his r
i at `79a, and 4 %)'Plllg el"Otio* me wax- Scarcely noticeable, Wid WO ' in St. Wyn��,, rdW I Ji plored to -
.d _more than rie open door, and tiran turn quickly giveness.
. I . an of are unclianged, with ca.les oT ItOOO Wilatever I might be, or here to- be, away as though lie ha,d noticed game "How Tar IS it i01110 Station To I Could bars had no . premonition
I bare secumd an Auc!Jonecea licence forl not stand -to rn'aLster by rzag b11811018,at 31 to 311.2c. Ryo steady, to one Tillng I Lad ma aRked. I .that they would mistake film for
Huron county, and am inepared to conducL.A I the cloud, for th glory. of tile Lord 100 busLels Boiling At 5.1 de up my mind. 1u:fam<.i-xr obj,�ot within. AS 4 "Qparter of an J!our's walic," 1113 rc- my Confederate. I told Man ho'wl I
41PAes at nownable, =tea. 11and filled the 0 0. I would*go to St. Wynyards by the�lslle..l plat b -in I batight, a glfmpsf- ollied. '-I advise you not ,to talk any
, Wes amnged at the AdvanceOffice. house at God' (11 Therie w.qo a goaa supply of veg- first -available train that r,unny Sat- Of 11's face. Somelloitv It Seemed fa- more,,S. J16, addell, ,,, * Illad called at Ills houke 'In town
11Ch!rOU- T. 1-3,14). Thus 000 accepts elablea, poultry, and buttor., Good arday afternoon. -but a man without bit warn you 1-II'LL and found he was -away, an& lio,.r
AMM KELLY. Wingham, P. 4D, tl.e,- temple as I'Vs Own.' , to Choice dairy butter r.old at 20 1 Araff back at my diggings In no M�11,-,rs and with his heir wet is not all YOU Pay may be mod as evidence tillLt had . given Inc tile Wee. or
. I II. Solomon's Blesetug (va. 12-211 to g2c Per lb. Egg,'i 40a per doziw time-ttirew a CoUar, a toothbruali, clol agallifft Toil."
. 5 -1 -ft). BOW b2fore and after the for etriouy ne-%v- Md. easy to recognize. Ira turned awa,y I laughed a licollow, despairing SPePdI119 ilia holidav at i3t. Wyn-
W =L kr IT 0 NL MMA -L I dedicatory prayer Solomon blessed ( and Be forth, into a bag, dunned my' and waded slowly' along tile beaeli ,lugh, What would Is the end Of yards. I was golfig*onj tot 'my rea-
1, th;a Lord and tile people. HaY Iws active at Steady prices; Panama (really very like the real I EAO�ped ,it ths Machine lie bac Kong for fc4lowing b4in and his
Ile gaTe 2 .0�Q a tou thing for the price), and found my(e'f Scrutinized, and gleaming ibrouSI, h.s, I wondered. I lial-dly realized ralliily, And in a .1noment Ill3ro I
FIRE Ili& (004 '� God glory,. not for wealt.111. lionek. for thnothy; afra at 80 to $8 for at Charing Cross, very hot naid ex- ilia obscurity within I rceagnized My 111t, tile flasay-lopking inclivittual ight have foubd in"ySelf askinghla
ogan, to . perm
EstabltshadlSIQ. or vletor,y to Isracl, lint far "rest T' MLI:ed. Eltri'�v oold At $D for bundled, cited, and just in time for `t!-'e'�-'-30 Iftat an Its r.og. I ran up'the step- -1'aivard Moberly; Ireally b z 10slon to speak to Xcltssa, or
. . Hes4 OfIce GUY-to.FoR, IDN'T. Not one word of God's promises �� and at go for looso,� express. ( . briskly,*for I was beginning tL ,v.tti *the big pollcoixiali Avas mysoli, in *
11 - -1 travelled P Joubt. my own innocence. Ir only., I sometYing*cqually foolish, when a
failed (y., 56). Dresse�i bogs al -o Unchanged, with carriage ' I ,
M*4 tak= on. all olanes of Insmable pro, 111. Th -4 Dedloatory Prayer (vs. salcE, It t .,46 to , great Commotion In .tile office out -
.:L(3,25. 80 Oud- ibiver. and pu&bEd the door, whkh �Ojlld see Someone t .. t k
portr,o,ttbacuborpmmiumnoto3ysum. =-5:3-) In the act of dedicatlan class --was quite full, I tr-ok little no- stood balf-open. There was aGmu ob- ,u(I ihon, witil a Ila how ilia i ,to our
Wilbat, white, bush., 79c; do. goose, tic .qul arldo our ,door brought us
0 of my fellow -passengers . ok revulsion of A
one exception. . abot of 10'ad and
TANZ8 Go==. CZAZ,DXVMSo1T, .. Solomon Stood at the head of the bush', 72 to 73c. do. red, busbel, 79o; with struction '-preventing Its opening � eating Iprayed ill.1t Imight nqt be feet ciintused b,
President. Secretar.r. - wbalo coremony. He was the ft -d- do., 6T,ring, busir., 77 to TW3 was a young wider. I f,queezed through, shut �bscrved by anyone of my acquaint- angry -voices pr000Kled frOn with-
. oat. 41 moment passed and then
. that of everyfbIn from beginn' 82%'c- Peas, man waloin at a glance I realized ,to the domr-and faced a poi:c=an! .Ilee, ..-i'll't, i 4 our -door wgf4 unlocked and t1frown
JOHN RITCHIE, a3g bush,, 65c. Oats, bush.. 3.t to 311,4c. boar a Superficial resemblance -',a I was fiever so surprised' In ib-,% Anti t1lon1 'E'LIV Melissa "
to end -speech;, prayer a'nd bles- Barley, busb., 4-1 to 16e. Ilay, ti&- mysel .
A66MM, WLVGHAX OhIT' Ing. t -that is to SAY. he was dark, I to. Fearimg, I liad made a mistakp kho was Sitting aloim In a. dack olpsell�Cilnd tile frist, thing , I Saw, .
� Ile did not take tile placp or othT, r,er toon, -so to $10.Zio� do. 5y1th a slight moustache, and wore It t
. -Tehbvah, but -was big servant. Ile clover, ,Q6 to $8:15traw, i'ar toir. ,$9 Panama lint, yop the. rest, lie wore I Stammered an apology and- turneL hair, a LOOk faEc doWnwarda on d y v,gis my'blue merge quit!
. lt�id ereetv-1 a braz6n scaffold, of t (. $,-: 0 to fly. He raised Ills arm, so as tc; her I-ap, , gazing pensively at the It adorned tifs form .of iny r6IIoN,.i
- Seedo, tv's!ke. bush., $1.50 ,.a a ratlior startlIng check suit, wh Is bar the ,door, and littered t1l, passers-by ssenger vntii the cards, and lie
DICMSON & 11OL31ES ' five cubits (7% feet) long, live quIlits 't 6 -, d a red c'over, $5= to .$G; do. f -%ran wearing a dark blue serge, Lid . In a moment we sl:ould Pa
broad, and three cubits high (11. t1M-jth-r, -$IZO to �,,J� Arp!cs, per -its little finger was adorned with startling --words; 4 abreaut ol her, lutopped short, lyao Standing breathless and dis-
Barrisms, Solicitors, *, .' Chron. vi. 13), and on Ws'liof stood, IMZIL, S1 to ',V2. Dresscd bog% $5 to A eomew,hat conspicuous diamo.nd "No, you don't!" . '0z"ficor," I snid, "thsrLls a some- linvelled and scowling bctn�ocjl
� raised above th;e people, to bleas S6.25. r9gs, neir laid, .;.er doz., 40a. ring, Ile was accompanied by a Ire wan a very big policeman .,lie I know sitting J11st along there. the ItIvo, inell :who had been
Ciffee: 31eyer.Block'Fiugliam, and lustruct them, then kneeledio Dutter dairri 20 to 22c; do. cream- short, Stout, elderly mail wrth a buily tind Loarded, more like a flbbar- list's cross ilia roaLwl r'i on my krdo of lli't
�,'I� - ulldsi n'g
Z� 14 DIcklilson Dudler 3101=03 offer prayer, spreading b1s hands a r r. !!,-, t a -,, Chickens, r-er 1b., 10,--. bald l,ead and a red face. mail in a blue unt,orm. In the I � "If you're so suro I've made a ]Ills- ca ' !I a. When tb4sY&ri,1r me tliey
" 1�i 0 g
toimrd ,h?ayen to express "the ter- 4 arly let go, of him.
.615�ekg. Ver PI., 10 to 12c. Gi�ese, per The tralu started, ann. I Immerced of my amazement I fotmd mysel. 41kc," llq said, with ponderous sur-
vor of bis heart. and the largeness Ill. wondering how there could "They've changed Chillies," criud
I ' to 30C POB- iasm, "tile best thing that couLd one
, 8L, - Tarkpys, lb.. :M" myself in tale magazine I had bought
to Zle. Potatoes. per ba;n 79 to. at the bookstalL I read -steadily for , sibly be room for bollf of us in tll(, h1appen for '.,'Ou Nvokild be ideutj�
IV, Tte Sacrifices Offered (T.q. 62- 76c. Cabbages, doz., 40 to Zar. some time, until my attent.ou was cramped accommodation afforded by ileatio, - '.'iihIR Is the man�liot that one,"
�1. %yh,
R#yAN8T0`N-9 606fl "'a Ge1xP(`i3O*.tt0`f1f0er#e'd" sacrIfIce-This Cauliflowear, par doz., $1. Ca.'ery, per attraic ed I .;.Oil iis tho party ?,, said the other.
BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR t by a Sentence spoken the Mae line. AS b;o spoke I sawi 'that after all, "We .were walking along tile
wiiit a li�;Tlt-otrerlag� with Its aceom- 1 dozen ni ,'a 45c. Deef, lijildcluarters. the Ot"r end of the carriage. at I'll -hat's up?" I demanded. �Ira best thing for m1ei 1,.1ould be to p rOut,%, said tile fi
lacneT to loan ab lowest=lbes, OXex- palliments, and being the first laid i ,q,o tQ' '$S; do. forequarters, S! to "Woull you and your f0end eare "Your little game." he retorted -ace her And s I, rst (he was tho
. : on the attar of the temple, was, as " . w;th an I.-.1loth- a,tteurpt at repartro .peak, � lost everytblag the train), "and
in ,i,G: dO. Ine-lium. car-irm .5-,.-D.�o �G;l to joir, us in .0. qui�t game �11 '"Lor nic speak a 'wprd to t1fat
BZAVER BLOCK, the aim' Ilar caee of the tabernacle, I * we spied tills fellow coolly s"iter-
1745, ,%MqG1L&X. concumed by miracul--,us Vre from ,do, chalce, carcass, $650 to $7. Laidh, It 'was the Young Man in tile chcck "Just, ,you dremi x.oarself and come ircrang lady in the dock chair, and Ing along. I euppose he .reiled on his
' VrAIS Change of clothes to escape recogni-
Cliren, TD. 1212). SM-nQ to t"OZO. Veal, per cwt., $7 - addressing two men bitting opposite 1,1 don't knQ,%r wIfat you ato talk-- s'It's irregular, but it 1.0an fear tion, but I know his face In a we -
heaven (11. T-carlIPM, $G to $7. Mutton, per wvt.,- Rult who had spoken ,and lie - alo,ag a' me," i.11 CO)Ile .wIth, you .tlirectly."
I PRACTICAL SC-RVtY'. to $0. h'm.-Iu Ills hand be bald and shur- IE.g aljiout," I said, "but yo,tell ob- 11 YOU say no ,arm's danc.11 nitat, abd I Spotted the ring on Ills
- -' A dwellIng-place for God. 'For fear ,
J. .&� A-1011().\' lige'ine 'by clearlag me out of my %
XVJ-L I h before tho English Apple Market- -led a pack -of care&, ar.d u, newE- cleph Togethor *,ire Approached Melissa, finger. We jumped at him and held
building or the tomr-le, the tal, paper was spread over the knees Of machine. ,Xbw isn't the all, and stopped in front . of
RARRIMR AND SOLICITOR. ,ernacla, Zdwsrls- W--todall and Co., Llverpciol, lher� She him -and here lie Is. Aud a nice jol,
ordered In the wilft-rnezz: df Sinai, _ ,n James-27MO'liblo. Sold. his ,elderly Companion and him- houEe�" -4 we)ro had getting him here,"
cab:ed EbL ek,11 turned gier head and looked at u L
MONEY To Lo.&-% had been Gailos TLqlble dwelilng plaec inal'ket firmer, bat not quotaV.y self,,, ,,,,, 10 w, 111 don't want none a' your Che in, surprise. They evidently had. My poor suit'!
among Mis peop*e. We za7'vlsIbIc higher. 10m. he Spoke I could b7a. larlIF-fl, fita.111y, " you dress your- 'Mos Mandeville," I s.tld, "Welho' said the gentleman Ili my
1. .
Offies.,Mertail Block, Wmghara dWellillff-Place, for be had bce.q. Tile Manchester � I-rult Brokers' rot, they be1jig on the same self and come along 0, me." I Her surprise increased, clothes, "noif You've got me what
among tiienx from tile time that I3LO , LI-Itc-d, cab!ed-Greeninga, 1--s to side as mysWf but I heard them COZI- But----�' Ibegau. '11`hy'� it's Mr. Noberlyl Fancy do you Intend to do ?-1 .
called Abrallain and had appeared to ITS; jImIdwinso 3.18 t.o, 143.g.j- Spies sent, and rres=tly a live'y game of "Come alang o7 mc�" he, repeatet They hesitated.
$ 6:1. 41 Fo:o" was In progread. monr,ta;iously, and I began to thin] yorar being dowil here. '�Nrllen did
Me sf,rvants 2,-b.ID and agelm TO 119 tO 153; Russets, 11s Od to 14r, . you collie V1 "Give us back your -winning,*," nail
Abrabaw Ile had manife.5ted Himself Doing too far off to -match the - that must he -,the refrain of a song
Leutllng '%Vheat Alarkets. -- and that presalitly we should be per- "I came ddivn this afternoon and one, "and we will not prosecute,"
D,R- "HW in giving the promic-8 thmt In Ill alne, I resumed my magazine, And I ,am now on in way td the -
% PliYSICIAN, SURGEON :FV-Jowing am the Closing quata- - i`arming a duet. Th,), whole thing Y � polloo Ila bowed gracefully,
"abould all ti -o na;tloxis of theoArm read without Interruption for st, .,I accept your propoiltion,sIbe Paid,
t1l tioas at tmVrtaul wIleat centres to- hour or Ea. Then as I laid do an seemed Dke an absurd dream Ation"',
be blaesed," and In the repetition of ,day_ W.n 1. ' �o 0, mIs- Melissa (lid not look as shatakLd Smiling. ,,it thd gentlornall now tit
,. my book to light a cigarette, .kf.v good man, you!ve ma
Office-,"Upstaim ill the Macdonald *1& Promlee, as wet as in HIS direc- I - I I as I expeeted. poas�esslon of illy clothing will ef-
Block. tions concernIng cash. Muy. heard the red-faced man remark: tal-C., � . fect all exchange -%ya shall all be '
Night calls A33SWered At, Office Sodam. So clearly IN"" Y Co -me alang a' me," Im maid gala, "What for," she said, I'llave -
� (3"-d God reveal Ilim,t:elt to .Tacon. .at L *rk '.. --- SZi 34 111 vLoto this gow. Let's have a 4' ,a .Von Isfied.11 sat-,
. -in' say aU you waut to at th lost anythling ?"
Per-lel that he waa led to exclaim, Chicago .. ....... ... ... - - - 821-8 flatter at Banker." , a Sta- The pollee were more than a tit --
"I Lave ,seen God race to face."' Moses Mc)10010 ... �,- 89 I -A - 871-4 lit. Hoc, and in yonv cWtIletO, "Yes," I said, vehemently, "I've course, pro�
realtm-1. Gr Duluth, -Va. :4 ,Nor. --- Agala the men bil my 0.4de conse Then I received another Shook as I '"L MY ClotUaS- Yell R110W t11080 tls "Pset; they w;re, of
,'J'a presence in the desert 81�4 -3d. I notift-1 t hat the Man in the looked abont me, & 1,hings coul4n't be mine. '13ut low fuso In th,eir apologies to Air. man -
of )ILd,an, w!�cn the Lord would een-i Bradis-Zet's on Trade, . cheek Butt "banked." 7.1 watch ed for o,Wbj deville and mynelf. As for the other
DRS, CRIsHOL11 & cHISHOL11' y,- I ex I 9ding 'because tills gentleman In- gentleman-
th to the greet work for I�uslnass In Montreal this week bag some little time, and observed that my 'ei�tbes.r SlStki on It." .
I him for' _ claimed, ,'these aren't,
PHYSICIANS - SURCEONS - ETC. whiek lie nad been raised up. It the I "You can consider yourself lucky,
burning busla he lea been fairly lactivO for tills t-eascou, tIM mea oil my Side appeared to be I -'*r linagiligg on the books and lying Mellaga, looked froh,n ilia .
rned from Gc,d The line -wbriter weatbor ba -1 !in- winning. Then I lost Interes-to and or, thf to the Mr. Hokey Neil," said- the- Jn8pector.
Jo"libine Street - Winghaw mmsen Ills name, I Am. -- asat wore 02 ccni,r.orent 1x1ris lialleeman. . "O.' coilrw�, It these gentlemen decline
- For the proved the oorting trade. Uoliday took up my magazine of a very etarillrig ch--ack suit. Ann "What have you been doing to
I-W,its Of 15racl, 1.0weVer, a Vif We 900as are moving quite freely nosr I found a most lnt�rastlng story, the llani6a, bat that had lured me in no,W?" she asked, . A; brOSecute, I Oault detain you.
- 'dimple appearing, And Ifer eyes tills Illao ag, I .1,
-. ,dwellIng-place for God lim4st appear. and ordew for tha spring are eam- ,yhioll ha!d My attention to tile ox- wau emphaticallY not 1114"'deillng, aut I shouldn't try :your games on
114 mlnev-but thc
and tile pattern for th- tablernacle Ing to hand Wcois', Money dancing. 1,,�N,ot a li . - ,
Th IMEMY, mv., m.c.p.s.o,, b � Is cIrcu- ciusioll of all else, until I ,felt tile c,lic I had .nvtIc*d at ilia other end paying for yo,ardin- * * 14 I * IF * *
n7 s own to Moses in the mcunt, lattag a little more fri-e-ely a'ud county. jarring of the brakc�, and, looking of my carriage on th,3 ,way dow.n. ner Witti- a farthing again To And go ten Yflinutes loter I was
J4 (U#Inbar of tb.e Britic'ti Xediw d it waHeonstructed in acc-3rdance remittaAce_s are imprao-jn,,�. Tlii UP, found to my astonishment that, And in a 111wh I saw the meaning of "Aliss Mandeville," ' I eaf,i, carn� walking witli Mr. Mandeville, Clothed
Allsodati") --VItIthat patern. Through the buo- mills this week, advanc,L�d the lyric" we were entering the station flt ,%t. it at!- I almost laughed In my relief estly.* "I've been arrested by an
CINE I d;e - ' In, my rightful garments, oil my -%yay
COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDI � . the at years between the giving ct ol --Ottocadea, tickp, damins, Shirt- W,ynyards. DaTore, I had quite .real- - all explanation. absurd mistake. I '%vlant you toget to _ thO station to fetell illy bag. it .
,pattern upoa the =slint and the Inger, giligh-ams, a( t
speclal Attention V�id to DlseasN ot so el; ieroction of t;.o temple tile Lord saw ets alld shakers, 11a."'ftlettes, '* tow- Mod that we !lad arrived, tile check- -A� %-Ire," I mid, "I'll put things, .your uncle to c:>ple to tile station seem, I there 'was I vacant room at
I 2!,It to iO per cent. suited gentleman pushed his way up f trail;lxt In a momerst. You're looking
ZZ childrm no reco4slty tar any material modl- GO* 01 the inale has r, tway card ant' ldent'ry me. Ile's ,L respect- Ui6ir boarding, house' ll,jr, Mande-
� f1cat"On of '.I:e Plan, After seven and pr,,Ces on &e&N.y cottonTva�xthdrawn 'to ni 'I s P;
orr'Cit 11oria'-.1 to A r.m,;1 to1*P.=. . , the Carriage, Opened the door before "Or ;m swindler a able -householder, anti they'll take . Ville. himself Ila. U �osted my tak--
ore-half yen ra of labor Upon tte tem- Thera havo at Tora.1t ilia traht had stopped a kharper. You�vo had information his 1vord," - Ing It- He Seemed to have -quite for-
.1, I a this week, 11 B 11 trouL�ht you tbis9fternoan. I thought M"Ity, of course." Silo rose rLt- given nie. I
. � � Ple all' Trag flais�O�Io even the min- auto closely followed by h
bees 6 Call' aMO-,Jnt of actirlty In . To clswp;aqcg� Do! Ife came dCwn by the o1,80 ex� once. "I'll go'and find uncle, and
I ntost detalls ,and it was ready to be ioll, ar,J In a imoment both. wsi; M418sa- was delighted- to ace us
Pms�entpA nnto M�d as H!s abods- . wholwale, trade. Values am very . preei.." 8
, I firm 'with advanc---4 in zome domes- ost to view. end JAM Along at Once. What a both return, And 'bubbl4ad over 1111 -
it, T. HOU0111 Dr.liging In ths ark-rhs nrk of The 11 tic lln,C3 � " D'd YOU. ihirk I didn't exNact ,
I A : I became aware of Eome exelte- to know that V1 lie broke you slla'130 I 1*11 Ses 'YOU again later regillaillMlY at liar tiaioleis. sceount
�� . � ciTenant was ths first and most im- went in ilia Carriage. The, jw In. "That's C -n, Mr, Moberly"I
6.0.S4 LO.S. baQIr4ss In ,;rliolesale ,,> men or . cletention. Mis, kaWdevillo con-
,ough tallk-. j ties "D�g pardon, miss," Interposed the tented bers2lf with ralellig liar hands
. , ump, into them clot, Of Ills
; p:)rtant p7xt of th-- furniture of the ; clrcic�, Particularly axnongst the at the othet- and of my epat wore, ,0% x6arn, and lost,, Eharp, I can't r say, good- &
Orsdaste at Itoyal , jt,1-lnVP?, as It hn-d b�,eii al90 th* tcber- dr b, E�a 0 Or tile v�ait all day." bye to Ilm now. you� III -ay not ! thing her busbaud sal�.
. . y-gu,ods pc�opx, bas _-�-a qa.ct. irgoing heated.1y, and 4 in Policeman, "you'd bette nd adying 111"a-ancyll, to overx-
Colleo of Dettal - ,naule. It -,-Mot ths symb,31 of the d!- rhillirr,o. altilough fully a, ather pav4e,sgera were joining in. I lave
Strx6colts of Znor� Ville pr*sottoe and the repositary of , - 11 But It's not 1 you walit", i said ,
I - .1 r,umer � andth3v opportunit,y, I Should Bay It ,wols IL Very nice.- boarding
rAo sad anor . - ths tables of stoma. it h,.d beeTt in fous as prt---�sdirg .Tear.�, have beea caught the word "Sharrors;' 110oar- don*t yon unde�rstand ? These, 0145thes . . bourse.
G to cf dnt� V7, -- .
%. *f Tarot. 1�, ,�, Vae'0119 Places, and as the Iraelftes wilall and tit # ball -tvonld be refusod.11 on tile first floor was it balcony
Al - - -- ... 11 0 losses are below the ed 'no Out" "Inform tile Police it are i4 mine, I'm In . tlia wrong 'Mcllis-ga fluslixsd Indignantly. OV01-100king tile �oa. t)n tile balcony
.0 "rdtr. I had C�-nw-:*!cd p!calftr rowera -with lialalmam. Tim cutlauk for 1q,rIng is I were 2,�*%11 "Cose, tile other day- maehine.11 "Yo*11 ought .to be Ashained r-41ficovered 'Mellson, after dinner.
. 1211P Methods in au brancheso, It, Ea they' had taken It out to blight and trade pondItIoni have a wait got E2x woutlig," and Inforrol A plo,w' grin Spread over big face, , � of TI
. *11111 half -an. )I
` ' . liftith"r tons. VO 011,1 D t 7 a nice big -full mean,
- Ifour Air. Mobarly will be at jib- I . h h
r J�G:k. their Borrow, for It was captured Th-�., Inoveme,lit In the jobiking ,�rado us ball bad a "manorative j7arnay. -'T;;0 thill,10 Ile o1werved. ",I IV�atclled drt.v." ThOn BIILI Swung round And afterv,06n. �
a, . 42roxce In Beave - batMl, agallist their enomiloLt, but to Mat tf.10� tvr6 gelittowen wbo had ieft anti he ,wilake-d Itfied
Prio" m6deftfe youtnelf", Silo, Said.
9% , Mufaeffor dollberatetv.
� I .
� .� . I by tho Ph.'Ilstlnea, among W--jr at thO 1"Acific Co-k,at, && reported to The, matter did not great:y fnt�'r- yOu get In -I collie fit after you -I WAS gone, "Poor -illiel"I'l allo (daid, 111 do pity
ti RTIWR. J. MAIVIx wi4llght mimhl,t d.rizig the SeT- 1)'P4ad14Ftreet1N, Is quite itstive. eEt: me. I had other Asiv to try, and Avalchad yoq coma back all' tere we Mr captor rnbbed Ills cliln. , - blin-locked 'UP an & Slivinaler."
4 L I cral ino-Aths of its Stay. )Per yeara n L'1131ftasg thrOugfi Xanhoba is good an I sprang on tile p!attorm I urc." . I paused telot-b I ta!d , , InElnuailng-
DID.$, &M.S. "ir It had bf�en In Zion, the city, of 01r. TtLltatfenj ar-P
. Lr
.3gy 4WItto Car_ [Itared rot;jld We With a *,"ague, dc-s.L - , "I tell yc,u," I taid, desperaIdly, "Thht"s a, very- nice S-oung wo-
.OV3 tI'Lat I migIlt r go
D-OvId, P. placla probably but ront trade�. Tf-q p,naipectf; for tl;e fi� . a me_ I mhn�" it's said, meditatively. I.,,U,n [Y) "Arld--or-what abotit me J**
a I -rate 1, _C, I th;s isilli my Machine, and those
Doctor of Dental Stitger to the M. br*ht. aren't My clothmr. I haven't got,a tit' 11011i I pity YOU, too", 'alto gald-;
y of tbt rier. hort distaneei, M-rhips opralng lrad,� a .Ing Idir. those �orc wrOng on
thing of ArPAW-a' Zve'll ilia abort .. ns s6ftly', p-nd smIlod Oil like In t,he maon-'
Y16*11ft'llift Mllege And LicentfAte W. 110�4th -of the temple, There It Ilad Hamilton wholt--zae tMg1c I�ag beco arfl port%y t1pre of her aticle would card oil ine, because I don't carry gets 'Old O' tfO ,1est.11 I I Ilghti
Dilltv,l Surgery bf Ontario. A DE -137 tabernacle. tile ba5y tLis week witig orrIc" c.,illin- li "Collie along", I said,
to ark for Prompt dttention, Enell as -in L61" ave br--3.7 a fight to g'adi � Vdward 116borly." I rometubered W31at gbaker,penro
� ri,7130kee-PlUilli a Ion my ilicill when I'm Imthing, 21fy neluels, feeling more sanguine ,J111roly,
I- brart. r,at notbIrg of the Fort Ivan, - '
'0009 *tat Post Offict.-WLVOILM n -)w routalned nothing tnit ille ta- dAY 90ad,l and heavy vvlrU�r gords "I (Adn't klloiV You end name," be dent, "lot's got all and 1 sanf'- I thInk-it W49 Shakespeare (most
. art rem over 11 I 1�-'N'o It (1110tatlOns are) had said, about Pity
� � I I I bl',,q of stoto. What had b�come of stld eMpmentf; have f,;�cn larger. Tim rliiwe, dizil ray he. ;M'nerl Un- -obsc,,,d CaIMIY, "I only 'card that .
g:&dA.rv%41. ' IIIEVJII�v "01116thing 'or, other to (]a
"tlll� goo�da,a vi>t that had manna And 17611diticona of trade, are ,.Ax-tierall:r -Y They, were ploamd to too jile at With ,Love,
%aP- It'& rol that bud&d 11 mentioned hPalth.T. Valu" I P%0%r(4 Z.V IVAY th-4 - oil tras cal"cel 'Okey Nod.' 11 �
re firm. lrf�o- ge�,I- e-9,-k.r1iorj t,.;d dr,rejf.afr�g "NOthing- Of the cort," I returned, tile pollee station, there could be no Awj a hope 4rtthg uri withill me
fill 1101rowil I.V. 4, We ara not lororm. Prit, IlAxilteets roar tl* Fprin - ' ray bag. IndighantLV. "I Was ne-Vor called Nod doubt of that. Tho Iggpecto . ju miAttAventure Might tilrn
Cd, blat It IS .lint strenge illn;t tile 13M.4 nrv� encouraging, 1�' b`1s*'- On W.7 t=y 04t I Pf13%-5-111 tJJ& LIV t- mped that My
y . o in my Pro." dOW0 from Ills desk When lie Aaw Tile; Out a Ill asing In dIsguiss.
0GRAM SAW MILL lind,411smIp-ii,md amona, tile varl.ed LOU1113n fleport�4 to nrgff,�tri�,C,tla tactin, " of ,-Uankei." Ono, ,%-vag try� "Okey Nod," lie Corrected me, pia, and after U'word from my big polloj3. t
MeLHAN di SON vicis!4tudeg throngh whtall the ark 6110%, wine IftPanvion In tm4c, tti�lr It- to txorrotr 4% oov,r-rt-�ghl fcoul tl,,e cidl . I k .1 .. .
,had li,issc.d, and 'tile wonder Is fliat o0k. othpr, wl,o &11 not renm tit be di.;- y Mall 110 W41ked all round me, eyolUg
I - .! AV Payments ar,, lookLoig ,q, a �'�* '4 41,C,_ry frje;- 11 ";Noir HoLpy. eltber "I I was qet� MO tloaelA rubbing )Ila liancig an
. .41.1 it, *OW let ?no to a lid find audiblir purring, Ila took & pap,)v
'41 d
"Y' r,AW�rr �Uj ,t* "N
' ,even the ark Itself bad beon pro. little. .0 JIng angry. . 11111ts; oil Giving.
iwrvotl during these several centu- A be,8k dernand fat- Lp�ljdav r '
XllklAdsofrou ,(jcd-
ifiatil dresw .... ., ,00`hW,.Y WHII Ue rVilInCt. My right Machine." front Ills desk, and read It In a low We Shoula avoid giving anybody
rldm. It b4d lost i3ona of Ila *.1eirod. If; li,eing e*peA(-ne(,-d at 0tt,:jV,-,J . t I 17ft'Mcd e.,)W.l Mo r;lrcr�� tow=13 - rut he remalbed Inimovablo, I)Ar- V4100 to Ills lubordln&te, both lock -0 the lillimp
tiox-vand ii.iwer, for after tile pripitts prc-c�*nt. reports Of t1kc, 1"', , " - Me F&xlt. It W,afs a briDllant. uFarm fing the door. Lscalilo by the other Ing up froul it at Intorr _9 Or t1lor chlekell rov It we
ainpNN - Ma to gatia
LUMBER, LATH, SRINGMS:--atl r1le'd It In the momt btlit, rtnee for, tile pae4t ,V'11'ar arOM V�.'atl[fjtetojy. IlMr-l-rowl. ar".1 I P -Pt rc-rt,rlip 311. door Oil to a Crowded beach In my At roe. I heard them murmur. "Dark call "tip It'
,tin(Wof doMFP L as ar
And had C,-�me ovit, the Whole tem- .,tto Staple go a '3,V;A. with. or without Japr r(�Iaj'tons, emstnuie at tl.p.t moment w air DO not Vivo CL ftlorld the col(I khoul-
APPLEI I a ivasf so filled with the glory, of very firm. I I 0 .. wou'd bo ftrolling or Pitting rjo tile - sible. I . Ita frupos- Illoustacho-dark 11, -olice Suit- (10" wItIl0ilt bliketl btiiiiis and b6i
BARRELS. :11w Mrd tli,,xt tilo priests coull uet , I P#11141lia," and know it w&;kft, dog- rotf�no
1111.1118ter. It Is a bleskad encourage- I London Wool Sal 11ariflo. AV0a*d 6131 ba rl',Ca6cd at "If r6a don't get tilcm, ,ft'lotl1wo Oil OPIPtIOn 'of M;r eard�sbarphjjt rrlelltl it . 16 go w1tIt it,
- . ,,, MY iluest�(-Ctod Appearaixe, I wall. qutek, I Pluall tiummon nEelst
so a at to the minister an(I to, p rmJ� e ape to Anec-""110 06Y wore tomparing me jj�ltb I Laid i"ab Ohoultl b0t,g lady a kivo
Hatd and Soft *Slatig, al Pj,,. .11 dt,,- , Le wit Dm, 4.-,t (,at, of C f ,, - 1vo %,
vote(l to J110 tt, 'all 4(K4 ? And then It oceurrtisl to lilp toyed NeItIl big wbiStIC!. "I'd rather nothili I . � I Ulitpas lie tIlInkli all� would en"'OY It,
* .le W01% and'Natal etviop, tho job Witer (lone q I,tl�r, b t Ir I"r e-toopt In the
,omd UoM . skins was how %4rry awkwant It woula be it u e U t 01twor Ills wite and Ili I
_111P Of (X , G 'et
large quantity, Of dry hard. itrocoat-iotiany, at least, ,Ith3 glory hold bere to -day. The offeringwnum- t:l,t,, r -o not, Tile Idon, gavl) nit" _ you're obatinato-why. me an, � r tly' InY Captor btekollod Ills
O the tot'll" tills "th's. house of borc-4 11-10,403 aking, 40f wleell '18X8.1 - , " a to follow lillyl into Allothor rop 1001111�Nfil-lano� - - ' - I
WoOd for sale, delivered, tho Wr4 1, Such A fr1gIlt that I alinwit wislied MatO ffitist K-0 what sort of a bundle Wks 4 $Mlill, bare plaoo, w1th in' It DO 110t gfv� xv,l simpt-mlers to 0.
iverc sold. The skWs were well grawn, I I:qd not torfie, tat I t'all""i, 11W-
Gmo�,,s nddrttson, Zib� time <,.lain, and light. The dmand ivwi .
I so. .1 wo ean Walto at YOU." it )left*' t0t1d ttf,nyiger. Ile " nilght prefor
11, ^13
i L aj $
1, Crg I
rat"t. �
=.vt.r;d i
I was alliveting with cold 11,11 t Ifitl lll,,Iyldb&,Ip,)r,ed,l,,',Wl,nd,o,'W- 1 ontered At 110 th0k-" 61' a pale-blivi'vIiiide Instead.
Tel6rihone Order. Prom a t�w r,ow etime for wo.rtleo, and Sol- fair for all akiiis, InIt priCc- golf together. ritst of all I 111;��t I n. Tben b6 vvtllt, :0tj bat. n.btftfng broncho
-K. -- q P y I onior ol - -84. 8 � declined find licr. - time and promeded to tub ilys� t proselit
'I p
olines briefly haw ilia tom 1 . vigorout,ty with A towel. x rae�o out, and I 116ard tbtf kt,T tnrn. I a talt, pals inail r toanutitry liabite.
at tended to. jr,"d ellm-:� to W built. Tbe tabovratlty - I'm Arrald I marle wycet rather , _d I 'let dO*ft Oft 9 VOrr hard litnell as 110 would 110,tq
I Iny br.-fliix for & wAy out of my dil- atly 111tot long to
lid &t 60!A bccr, but a t0axT,0rftr,y T%6 fIrrt 6sperlitent Ili orf"8 - , *nlr,ld, ana at latyt, an idea struck 1N(tLndpVIIIa Nrould be ,
. M tormpletious, striding &tong tile Par t1nd WRItOd. X WOTI&red wbotber Mr. eAloy It. -
-W M� I 104--tir. it,tear,tittliction'tIJOW,#tliftt. brc#d',hg *A# performcd tlwio tentix- OLde. VYP1119 0P TQFqCTfi-bY, blaring i hin, 16'". and WIllitt W1031 YOU giv,O "On,4(dr all to A howl-
. k1f Ile', 4'.,Urily (akCr 110 WOU14 shr, I knew hhl littl6 WAY114 11114 harnlit give It top Its IrittinslP,
, " awl w"t rlo�,4 ago, 11pon a eommon P -11k. Elittlitly at thA oteapantif ot tile I "It TOU'll Wait fIV4� min'110"o" I KAld, Wftld be, piotOfld to bo turipwou wortllon!fid ,lot fflpmly as all evidence
, , dO%Vn
MU'Lean & )SO31 1*1,.- 11irf-Ltior's Lal b.:fm giver, rov 001imlebee Istilt In It with the li-j- Ult-C1161; 4rd sholieta. Feveral of the* I 11M0,r1gbt octup'Ant of thiff ilittelline or mt,t a
tlxse aetf;, It Was tow,tractc?] whilo ffiJuation of biting fe"und out. t hatter I tolull.1910y 6minuilavig4t. W 'W11010, or would b;6 intiko 4 joke 4of thtJ of ,3,00r, r0gard,_T,IVpIncott,g1 Mjg4-
, 111'edillo along-*, aftate 7 I thought I would ZiTio. . , , I
k — 1 -
�V.11 —