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The Wingham Advance, 1903-11-12, Page 7
.: 11 ITALIAN .,....,. r`,,• STATESMAN SAN JOSE SCALD. � lit> I,adybirtl 3eVtiV "1';144 ilteatls in ati few words thanked the 1?Alltlfl fol• having pat asido Ills private pre - fond dead this morning In Ills room, flp■ �C C� 119NIIIST ' � � l�t pe bexndwar � al�tI , �ta�y a 4$7,194 �h� Qthar. lid �adp�Mnr 1AN eao}1 rho t t }al, sltholt4 . �N�tl�11�� pCSNNH,[H al,ocution, which received universal approbation. Than the real business Finance In Rix© new Italian Cabl,tot, of the Uay was proceeded with, the the .formation ltf which was an- appointment of the ,two carinals, a As a r ttr ill a h aur 041;;4 x,,. i ,�" iA'tRlielnliae,'" +ell04thewool t#�A ppinn � want her t� have an ea$y life,, ,111. TAKES ITIS OWN -LIFE0 - --,_.-- The Republican Party Makes Gains in Several Cities in • the Spanish Elections, . Several Appointments of Dignitaries at the Pope's First Secret. Consistory, -1, 0 Condition of Emperor William's Throat Satisfactory, Say His Physicians, Naples, Ttaly, :ion. fi. ;Mllllstcr of , prayer. • Call Oreglia, clean of Finance Rol bomnlltted au.Wide by the;3acrod Collego, than stood up and shooltn.g during ,the night. IID was in ati few words thanked the 1?Alltlfl fol• having pat asido Ills private pre - fond dead this morning In Ills room, forencos and accepted the burden of ...( revolver by his side. Signor Rosano the ,church, The Pope replfod in an was ;given thoposition oY Minister of al,ocution, which received universal approbation. Than the real business Finance In Rix© new Italian Cabl,tot, of the Uay was proceeded with, the the .formation ltf which was an- appointment of the ,two carinals, pounced on last Wednesday. Algr, Merry Del Val, the Papal Socre- Why He Did it. may of !;tate, incl Mgr, Callegart, Rome, Nov. vJ.-Sitteo for formation Arthbishop of �Iudua, being an, noul,ced iby Rho Pope, who said, in of aIle )hew Cabinet ilia Soclal,iNts lead Latin attacked Signor Roaano, the Mints- "What have you to say T" In re - ter of Finance, charging him with sponso ilia cardinals raised their caps as a sign of affirmation on -the carruptlon during lits political taco,, part of ':heir eminences. This was challenging him tta disprove the g 1t all, ,so every doubt ,was laid at rest charges, and lidding that otherwise for .the present regardlug the ap- they ,would bring Lilo ,natio, up at pointmont• by another American car - the opening bf the Uhatmber of Depu- dlnai• • ties. , , i t It vw s at first announced fr011l The confirmation Of tiro appoint - ment ,Of Rev. A J� Harty as Arch -- Naples 'th'af the Minister had beei, bishop of Manila and of Rov. Pedro stricken with apoplexy and died Gonzales Y. Estrada as Bishop of wjilLe (talon a traiul for home. Later, Havana, ana flight Rev. Maximill}an howover, I became known that he Reynoso Y. Dal Coral as the titular had committed suicide. BLt>Itc�p of Nocesarem following. Elections In Spain. The Pope then rose and bestowed Madrid, Nov. 9.-Municipul 0-0.10-', the m.postollc blessing, after which wore held [throughout the toun.try lie returned to Ills apartments. yesterday. The Republicans (tri- konperor Doing' Well. ` umphed in Barcelona, Valencia, Sara- gosea, Savile a1ltt.th9 most Import, Berlin, Nov. 9.-,1 bulletin concern- ant Itovne In Catalonia. Dlsordors ing .the condition" of Emperor Wil, Ilam, who was operated upon Satur- occurred in Barcelona, In which day, for the removal 'or a many persons Were wounded by re- volver 'shots. ,Itolypus from ilio larnyx, was issued this fPwo persons are reported to have morning at the now palace, Potsdam, It is an follows: been killed In a small town In Valen- , ""Inflammation, which naturally 'Ola• follows as a reaction from the op - His First Secret Consistory. oration, already: is diminishing. We Rome, Nov. 9. -The , first cecret can, therefore, be satisfied with the uousistoryj of the new. pontificate appearance of the left vocal ebord. was held to -day,. No American car- Nevertheless, the healing of the dlnal was appointed. little wound probably will require Several apppointmenta of arch- another -reek. bi81" 8 and bishops were made, in- "The Emperor's general condition eluding thlat of the Rev. J. J. Harty, is good. Ilia temperature and pulse ae arobb}shop of Manila, Philippine aim normal. (Signed) "Von Louthold, Islands, who, as an exceptional pri- "Schmidt, ""Itberg." vilege, received the pallium at an ex- The court circular states that the tra conelstory' when he came to Emperor this morning personallyi Rome for consecration. The Rev. Pe- heard the report or 13err Von Lucan- dro Gonzalez Y. Estrada was ap- as, chlof of the civil cabinet. , t pointed Bishop of Havana, and the The Hinperor's Throat. Right Rev. Maximilian Reynoso Y' New York, Nov. 9. - Information Del Coral, formerly; Bishop of Tulan- contained in private despatches re- ciago, Mexico, was appointed Titular ceived Isere shows that the oper- Bishop of Nocesarea. - at}on performed on Emperor William i Proceedings .at. Consistory. is similar to the iirat one perform - Rome, Nov. 'U. Tlla Inhabitants of . eel on Lis father, and consequently Ok thit; City had .been looking forward with unusual interest to ilia conals- causes concern in his household. The official statement issued by the aur - tory, ,principally because It was tins geons fall to reassure, because it first IED be help by Pupa Plus N.; but ' Is well understood that His Isdajegty the meeting of the cardinals was would be given ilia benelit of any I quite simple and private, the poop dolubt as to the true character of and ,ceremony bf the Vatican court his disease. There. is anslety because being reserved for the public eonsts- tory, (which Will, occur on Thursday. ' both Emperor William's father and i mother died of cancer, and his grand - Only the Pope and the cardinals were ' mother, Augusta, was also so af- present to -day. The latter gathered flitted. The Emperorys aunt, the In an ante-chambei• in the hall, ' grand Duchene of Baden, as is well from ;where they passed into the known lin Germany, is suffering from la'tter•,pl'ace, ilia many papal guards the same malady. It will take months Ili attendance rendering them cover- to decide decide -whether the fears now an- elgn honors. The cardinals took tertained are unfounded. their places according to precedence, !.'here Is No Need for Alarm. tho cardinal bishops 'forming ono Berlin, Nov. 9. -Professor Bernhar,l group, the eardinals deacons an hall Fraenkel, ilia eminent throat spoc- and " the !cardinal priests a third. Lalist of Bertin University, In an in - Every one, except Pope Pius, showed tell today with the correspond - excitement and preoccupation. When dent of the Associated Press, said: the Pope ;tad seated himself on the "This public concern about the Em - throne all those present, one b, peror's health is unwarranted. The one, paid him homage, after which facts are absolutely as stated In this the master ,oi ceremonies called upon morning's bulletin. The people are those authorized to take part in ilia only agitated because they remember consistory to Ica, the hall, which that the first reports about Emperor was done. When the doors had been Frederick diel not disclose his true 1 closed and guards d n > Lasa a ha been laced 1 ti alai but this time the• bulletin m b l e n y> before ahem, Pope Pius, intoned a Is correct." 111 , i� i l , � I l�� �l�� Ili !I I , N 11 11! i� f,�Jil 1.1l-11-1 11, I I i! � _1 W, 5 � I I . 1",.1 r � 1". �, , "'.1. 9 i"T NUM -6 mit- 7,IL , 1, I,. , 6"� '. Two Thousand Steel . Workers Laid Off at Chicago b g Y Illinois Steel Company. Woman and Three Men Arrested Charged With Murdering the Husband of the Woman. a . $5,000 Offered for an Ear and Many People Anxious to Earn the Money, Seattle, Wash! Nov. .9 -japan. is all ready for war wltdd Russia, no - cording to Chlarlea V, Sale, a million, alre business man, who has lived tri Yokohama for the past tWOnt,Vl thlt•ea years. He says the peop;e go,' - orally In Japan expect tear, and want it, but that the Government so far Was pursued a very conserva- tive Molloy and h'as succeeded In keeping In Ohl the more radical ones, M says that Japan does not care anything about Manchuria, ex- copt to protect its trade, but Ulm- Bia must'keep its paws off or get war. 1U, newapapors of Japan IhavO entered Into an agreement to print nothing about the moven; l of olthier the navy or the army, and all strangers are o:osely shadowed to prevent Russ a. ,becoming aware of Japan's preparations. Mr. Save loft Yokohwma Oct, Kith, and ho says ilia feeling at that time WAS that tear Must come and that Jairan ,was ready in every sense of the word. Laid Oft lilen L.1 ti Chicago, Nov. 9.-71wo thousand man- have ,been laid off by the 11110010 Steel Works at Southl Chicago.. In 0ddltlon to this reductlon 1030' M.m, xt•fio were discharged two weeks 090, aml wh'o expected to return to work to=day` hhvo been Informel that thorb IN to work for tlieint Tile officials of thb com'patly refuse to talk, but its Is said by the men that they are being laid off because of duitailment Ill .two output. Offers of Ears. New York, Nov. 9.w• -Nearly 15 ;nen, women, boys and girls living here Piave man'f.•stetl a tri ILngneas to part with the right car In return for $5,000, Telpgrahns by the score from nearby States show that there are numerous porsons who feel ill the samo need of•mouey. The offers grow out of an advertisement by a phy- sician In Offering $5,000 for the right ear of it healthy person. The size of the ear wag not specified with preeigion, and the doctor stated that sex would riot matter. It appears lie has a p:t!tfent, who, having grown rich Ill the western 11111108, has had the misfortune to lose one of lits ears, The doctor believes he has round one that will meet with ilia requirements. chis -ged With yturder. .Wayvcshurg, Pa., Nov. 7. ---four per - Sons are under arreat at 'Bay's Land- ing, charged with tate murder of Alexander.roite8, a minor, whose body waa round ill a field last Monday morning', the back of his head hav- Ing been eratahe(l,. ' The accuPPA arcs Mrs. Jones, wife of the! murdered man,•ThOmas anti Elwood I:,ovfmg, and Daniel Seffer- i,01t. It In°alleges] that evidence has developed which IN -lids to the theory that Jonrs was mtirdered for tilt) IlurpliI or'seeurinfg $850. JI I Toronto, NOV. 91-1Scale. (ld th4�tsd, kno in "Or wag F;nisi ell l;ohip trdIN n aniucltyl 4147, :+„• ax ualcrnVtive nee aivnen c# OWES ago *tj Wv h Ab Margaret , CUS �O p R" she Loely are due to haxziaq+” )y tllolr r Roily, so•f AGO Wost Ser- 1 classm€itoI but admits. that be and w is t i :.c i a,ets after him. 411110;4 at; 1044,4, ;vas tiro lesson taught by Dr, ----^^ Qutttpntlt street. When she had been hocked up, the child, who had been _ - Loew had been I anti initiated Into., ills i'hl �sl Chf t'h'at Ity', L. O llowaxd,. clhl0t ontotmoiogist of the United Mateo Bureau of Abri- Murderous Dee.. o a Crazy Y s}ifvering with fright, told her am Arrested at Orillia on a. __,I. , cuitux'o, in a lecture at �lbeorbin6 ,.x iliarla bell , and � am 15 "IS MR WORTH $500ft. Interest, 0 the ,subject of Some In ternatlanai (Work Wlth inaogts," de, W a , Woman at Strathroy, Y years Old. Up tbq U-3nday I lived with a Mrs. Do&h Inc at west 14� na Char a of Fraud, � w,wa�4oa f►la► 1' ilvorod ayl evening In the new. !nal street, She gave VAe a goal home and ' a bo �y,~� luii/r, Medical Dkilldlug of the University, of. .- she was training me. Mrs, Donohue I—— _ -, i•r,,,►x the Oallolvs. Toronto, i After referring to the destructive , ! Patrick tons' Brains Beaten p got me out of a Dominican sisters' hems, where I was for nine years, He is Said to be A J Wheeler 11`111dsol•, Nov. rill little. afore than A dozen years Joeopil cabal `hlseat, the Hessian fly'`-• the barnacle iscaio. and th0 asparagus (j Out With an Axe, A week ago mamma found out where I was, and she Dame around drunk, and then Yrs, Donahue had to let ate from the States, ago, An- bin and Jacques Caza, lialf.bzether9ti 4441 Won$ beetle, and detailing the diffltuity of of the BamO mother, Iiletl ;'lading the partioulitr' ladybird beetie which would destroy' these separate go • Strico Mouhday I have had no sleep, ,and mamma has been dragging together ill nibntreal, Cara leap lvr- posts, Dr. Howard told of the splen- die and ultimately snceessful ' Fannie McGarvey Had [been we around to saloons trying to sell me:' Ne Was Traced by Means of rusted .oli ak ch:l r ., ge of murder, .and, axtel. tbrlef trial, _was sentenced vvar which science waged agalast that "I vrontld be glad to take caro of to b4 hanged. The evidence. against terrible soaurl,Ie, the San Jose scale• This i�, His Housekeeper, p the .girl, said Flossie when the child finished her story, His Correspondence, him WAS purely Circumstantiai, but of so powerful Lick's 'plantation in San Jose, Cali, apla was i'in n.Jo. , Cali Inc "What Is your business?'"' asked 4 charavter that the jury lost little time, in 'brio bringing 111 farnia, No one know where it co,}Ici ;lave come from, becuso Mr, Strathroy, Nov. 13. -Alt -hent which w ILl in all probability rosult p y Sergt. McCullagh. ,,Well, I am living at home with g Ortilla despatch: p' edy A sensational ar- rust was a verdict a saina�t the prisoner: lope of A 11017, tI•la} Lick had Imported trees from everynvhere. Thus it hard In ;the death of a resident of Adelaide township took my father. I used to• be In. the Ten- derloln, and I was called 'Sheenie roads hero to -cis lvhen y Dr. A. Judkins, ivWa has been sen^ was rite r abandoned, and prisoner resigned himself to hie fate, wag to find the lady!- bird beetle that would destroy,; it. and a murder trial taco In thO ti est end }oro at 8.30 p v l , I'LosBie. There In nothing In It, and Four dt,oting eyangelletle services In the when Aubin axppeared on the scene with his s4V413 a amounting to he+ Salt Jose .scale was so destructiveXit that . i mast evening. The unfortunate victim you can take that from me. momtha ago, I III it, and I halve been Sfetllodlst Church since Sunday, was about $2,c100, and en' ed em gag in nt ittaken a would destroy, orchard 111 two yoare. After investtgatiop, of the occurrence is Patrick Upton, ' decent donee.'' "You are right," Paid MCC,li- into custody ort }uformatiolt +ram Marshalltown, Iowa, that he n counsel for Caza. After a dosporate egal butt! e, the prisoner was given Dr. 'Howard concluded the scale had aged 45, and the would-be slayer hie All lagli, and l take m3 ]tat off to h!ad obtained a considerable sum of °' n0S° ilial, and,,witlr the assistance come from Japan, and so one of his aSsoeiate entomologists started out niece, Fanny AlcGarvey, aged 38. It that yoli, I think, holuever, wo Iha(1 Ittot- then money antler false pretences. Juii- of the best legal talent in D%nt- [cal, hO was finally for the Flowery; Kingdom to search appe4re M'" McGarvey bas been keeping house for U ton who is ter keep. the child here, and she.'will be In court In the morning, dins, ivlt'o'se real name Is said to p.cquitted, After hie dischar..ge C4La drifted to lye loll tl�o Pun IJroBbeetle, which would le big single, for the past nineteen years, i "I�11 be in conlxt in the morning. too, Flossie. be A. J. �'iLeoier, has boon' in this Soutlt Amorlca, Qi al1Y locating in a Iargt> town in ' yearsa o. Thisuscle . tier „vas two g 41st and It is said that. at times silo is Subject ftp spells of mental aborra- j said Do you know where Jefferson neighborl400cl all sampler, CarLY}ng b Chili, where, through Soma fortunate mining ventures, he found the scale In Japan, but not on the native trees. But he did tion, fticcording to her own state- meat she attempted the Life of Upton Market court is?'" asked McCullagh. '"Dao I kn,pw where it is I Say, ser- an revival work }n facYam Bridge, Ardtrea, I1awkestone, and other became ser wealthy, y Aublu mean- while had moved to Onta- had awhite scale In Japan, which de Amer- In order •to save him from some geant,� I poiuld go there blind- ,,laces, and tncoting ,vith much sus- western Flo, and trent jntq the hotel bus}. Ia, .wrought Ica, and which American aeientiste mere an Sc thought +was indigenous to the West horrible torment, `which had appear- ad to her In a vision. 'I`llis IS also folded. • i JOBS- 1Io is shlart of stature, Swill,- -h7,, and not particularly engaging nese in a Small w,ay at McGregor, a, small village in this county. He In(lIes. And he found the parasite barno out by members of the family, ,rho cluirn that She has been slightly i< ,_ MIN4NG DISASTER ,n appeairanoe or marmot•, but he and nothing of Ills brother. and bad lop believed him ,Y that ,would kill it. And Opo in this ac- eldental ways Iva had made an jmpor- demented for a number of ,years. — a linown neat! rand Scores aro s[dox bio ntq talker, and gains con- p over his hearers. deco, es. taraay morning .a la urge tant discovery'. But wherever' he dis- Upton drove to Stru•throy from his home, Seven u,iiea from town yes- bussu,;; in v irginia. fit Severn Bridge, it is said, 110 not. ad so Ing envelope arrived Aubin-Icok- and when Opened tryas found covered this Sttn Jose ,scale i Ja an, he, founts that it !tad been im ,ted teras y reside and called at pile Virginia City, Mont., Nov. 1Q:-NIlle strangely upon one of those ,vih'o attended his meetings t0 to contain 14 bat draft for $50,000 able o ,pay t po from America an' American trees. He went on then Into China, MegarvoY residence, where he par - ey tools of supper with th0 famll.Y. aro u,:au, a number n;ore Horned, ant' lost in the under- .as 1r11.O ph'o mlan Into' a religious man- m• Tit; carried er his order. the draft w,as let. and after much search, he found the home of the C''."an Jose scale, In that of Entirely Unexpected. At the conclusion of the meal the perhaps scores ground workings of ilia Kearsarge mint: nt Su,nmit, In a fire which good Or•edOntialsIAccompanying and in TInw of theSo, and Itis recora round here, ivag secured to a ter from Caza, informing Ills half. brother that he was alive and part China. lying between the Pekin Road patty sat around the kitchen fire In which started early to -day. Tile asslst olio pastor In some special servicob pros.. porous. Ile intended the $50,000, he and the Great Wall, And there also aoclai. conversation, Mr. and Mrs. known dead are Superintendent R. B. Which were being hold in the iileth_ said' as a small payment lie owed lie 4ound the ladybird beetle which Edward McGarvey, their three chlL- Turner, a miner named Tobin, and odist Chlurch here, Aubin for his .generosity In )dbut- was death to the San Jose scale. This dren, Miss Fanny .ilipleton and Miss rive Other miners too badly burned to Some time ago Chief of Police real so many years ago. An Invita. sOlOnt}et immediatelyl shipped a num- Fanny 1icGarvQy were in the room. be identified. Their bodies have boon Dreyer received word through the tion is also extended .Aubin to visit bar of tilt ladybird beetles to Dr. Howard, 'but of thoso only, two McGarvey ,was lying on A lounge to the right bT Upton, who was sitting recovered. from 50 to 76 men aro still down Toronto Police Departmant to be .tf Qhe look -out for Judkins, v la ; his brother in Chili, and the Invite, tion wlil be, accepted. .sent arrived safely'. But'after being ten- Ill in. cliale before the fire. Al in the thine, and may have perished hlad been traced to this nOlghbur- Aubiu came to Windsor yesterday afternoon and del cared for all winter, these two Appleton and McGarvey were seated at the left and slightly to the rear from flame or smoke. The plant cm- hoot], and ivho was wanted LaMar, deposited Ills [wealth in a bank for began, to multiply in the spring. They laid seven ar eight eggs a day, for of him. During the conversation the ployed 200 men. Superintendent Turner gave his Ilse sh'alltonvn, Iowa, on a charge of . ingratiating himself into Idle guod � Fafei-keeping. two monthls. This last summer they Sent out four hundred colonies of a,ceuSetl, without a momenta warn- ing or ilia least provocation, arose for his. men. IIe was at breakfast when ilia alarm came. Dashing into graces of two old women and ob- taining $1,ot10 from them. Judkins . KING'S BIRTHDAY HONORS. them, and they were doing great damage to tits San Jose coals. In and produced a short -handled axe from beneath 'bar cape, approached the house In his shirt sleeves with another miner whose name has not head been traced to tills place ch'rough Iiia correspondence. Some --- Deputy BIIr,later orAtilitia and Scuip- North Georg}a four hundred of them Upton before her purpose was grasp- Od been ]earned, Turner" made his way Rile tunnel. delay arose owing to difficulty of tits description lfioahim for Herbert Get. C, Ai. G. Order. were ;put an 250 trees. In three months they, Spread to +another arch- weaponhIne,both hands,tl,bro brought It dawn with terribly force Ills four orythinablaze. They groped tits down sent gVo to snow !has Ottawa., Nov. 8. -His Excellent ard of 17,000 trees, and were round sat n,vt,rvi tree, I ,144011 head, inflicting a wound from which r sway a.n:l araggedo It live bodies, including Tobin s. In a second tavlie,tgwhe whereas ire a full beard. 1Io}vover, Having satisfied was n,c�tt"fed to-nt gilt of the follow- ng King's birthday honors to Can his !trains oared out. Upton fell across this chair„ ana rocefvea two attempt Ithey did not come out, and were later brought forth dead by hiunself oil that point, Constable Dreyer took Judkins Into - adtana: WiLL HOLD THEM FAST, more heavy blows before Ills assail- other rescuers, the man who so ouatody this morning. Sheriff J. T. Shoe be Gad G +s -Col. L. F. Pinault, Ant ;could be overpowered. Miss Ap- piston immediately notified Chief heroically aided Turner Perishing - maker, of Marshalltown, has been Deputy Minister Or Militia; L. P. He - Police Authorities Fend Notorious laolce id who entered the house se with him. no'tif(ea of the arrest, and is ex- bert, sculptor, Montreal. Criminals to Sroclivillo. the and placed the accused under arrest, and she wab soon.bebind bars. � •*• SLAiN BV CRALV AU11' I petted to send over for •the pri- eanor. TO be Companions of the Imperial Service Order prison Dr. Borden was summoned, and rre t hasnaturallycausal groa arrest -Dr. Robert Bell, act - nag -director Ed- ville Jail at present contains two, noted criminals SmIt1T after hastily dressing the wounds called in Drs. Al and Hoare. Chauffeur Saved From Mob a Jud - kinto was to(,roma geological survey; ,vrn Gilpin, Deputy -"Foxy" and John MHodg- astln, alias Yates, alias Wilt death cannot hourly possiblyhis Violence by Police. work with big meetings oil g g Sunday next. He was arraigned Lie Works, Novoonrltia: J3bGeoeiI ns, librarian to the Government of ll , Items. Z r • to o arrived here to -d i llx Y t ay, n custody of Provincial Inspector Mur- cted�lttlThe would-be murderess was take=n toI().-Margaret,a London this morning, and the ease - rein York, Nov. file before ora George J. Bade t!, J. P„ this afternoon, and $losses not guilty Ontario; David Ewart, chief areh- •tett Public Works Department, Ot- ray ,and Deputy • Mar 3h'al Smith, of will come up to -day.. 1 one-year-o:d daughter of Charles Rohan, of 20 -III End avenue, was too th'e charge laid against him. Ile was remanded to await the arri- ;awa, Lieut. -Col. H. R. Smith, oar - •giant -at -arms, house of Commons; Ogdensburg, and were see:uee!y i+'anny Appleton s Story, knocked out of her baby carriage Vail of th'e officers from Marshall- Lieut. -Col. A. G. Irvine, warden Man- tdraok,ed. 8MIL11 a[id Yates .11 Fanny Appleton gives her version and killed yesterday afternoon by to(,vn. Ile asserts thlat lie will be +toba Penitentiary; J. N. Gregory, Charged with burglo izing the store of the affair as follows: "I was an unmanageab:s automobile, and able to clear himself of all wrong- agelit Department of Marine, Q,The of M. F. Beach at SVlnchester some Limo ago, and are also wanted in sitting near tile kitchen stove In con- versation with those mentioned three policemen had, their hands full for a lively twenty minutes saving doing. Iiia friends 'here, of whom Ire line a large number, hopo he may following receive the Imperial wingHenry kman every town and city in Can- da for above. D9ward McGarvey was asleep George F. Meagher, the chauffeur, be successful in t1tYg. Service M Hare, to Weiland Carnal; Michael McCarthy, tr�early offences of various hinds. `.[hey are without doubt two of the on the lounge. William McGar6ey en- terecl the room to get a drink of from being mobbed by a crowd let! ellandter. Welland Canal; John most noted criminals at present be- water. After doing so, lie placed the by two drunken men. Mrs. Charles Faulkner, of 213 CALDWELL ASKS TRUCE. .:orbett, lotkmaster, Welland Canal; A. Granter, Lockman, hind the bars. After the robbery 11r'ey escaped to the other side, but cup on the table and went out. I followe(1 and asked hill, if ho was West Bud avenue, the baby's aunt, _ Cetebrat.d Verandah Ca ac+ is to b Beauharnols ttnaj; L. t3econl•rS, laekman Beaiihar- were cleverly caught In Ogdensburg, going up towtf. He replied that he ivaS pushing the, carriage, and lead- ing her own Ahree-year-old child, Settled at Last. sats Canal; Israel Auger, lockman BtauharroiS Canal; James Carroll, aril afterwards taken to Canton for aafekseping. T{lley fought the ex- was. At this juncture pearl. screams in the room we had just Helen, by the hand. hangers-on at Galt, Nov. 1.0. -Tile celebrated tor- Orman Rideau Canal; Robert war, tradition proceedings vigorously, but left, and entered in time to see Up- ilia .four corners .shouted to the e, .fo to look ancah case may soon be settled. John .,ant, Lockman fftideau Carpal. , unsuccessfully. Tete :�a.rrant for iheIr release ton fall on the floor. Edward Me- Garvey and his sister were atrug- w out. Meagher, who was struggling to C. Caldwell writes to the Reformer that lie Is wilingto mak3 cones- --- No New Peers. reacbed Detective Murray, from Waehington on Tuesday, And Ile Im- gling for the possession of the axe, which McGarvey finally secured. Wm. mop his machine, yelled, too, but but it tvus too late. The•baby car- along. He offers o urchase the Gort at the corner of Alain and Ainslie London, Nov. 8. -King Edward's birthday honer list is extremely un - mediately left Toronto for Canton to McGarvey asked me to go for Chief riago was on the crosswalk about feet 'the ilia streets, pull (lawn and build on tltE •nteresting, no new peers or privy gee his men. Smith and Martin should Wilson, which I (lid, and returned six from curb when Land, and generally improve tl,e .ouneillors have been created, but rightly be confined 11ICornwall Jail, In a short time with the Chief, who machine crashed Into It. The Faulk- street. He says litigation is expen- &here is [t long list of promotions, on Account of the crime for whieh placed Fanny under arrest, ner wiomaih jumped to one side, pull- sive, and if the town sells him the lecorations, and knighthoods for ser - they are held, being committed ill t.h'a.t jurisdiction, but jail there The Young Avotxutn is crazy. Ing her Own child with her and try- Ing to drag ilia baby carriage out Gore he will call off the dogs of tear. Mr. Caldwell had a verandah I. i,lreu rendered in the varic l3 public lepartments. Vioe-Admiral Lord ,the wag considered too weak a recep- tacle for the safe -keeping of two such London, Nov. .8 -Fanny McGarvey, the woman who murderously atiack- of harm's w,ay. The baby carriage crumbled like a front of his premises. Action was taken to compel him to remove it. ,barlas B ras'ord has been promoted .rom Commander or the Bath to .noted crooks. So an order was ob- tained to 'bring them to Brockville ed her• uncle, Patrick Upton, at Strathroy last evening, was lodged paper box wdton the big machine lilt It, and the llftby Phot out of the Mhis was grunted. The Court of Ap- peal held that a, man could not be Knight Commander of the Bath. Aug- ust Manns, musical director of the Jail, ,thatch is 'considered one. of tha 'Phe in the county jail here about 10 o'clock this morning by Chief or Po- b anketa on to the cross -walk.. The compelled to take hie verandah down, Jrystal Palace, has been made a knight. ' stro ;gest du tire Province. targe Steel cages in Smith and lice Wilson of that town. She was automobile, event just far enough ahead ilfter (that for one of the front but the town was at liberty to pre teed in the usual way. Then the Chief Martin are noir confined make escape fined i practically impossible.. Tih'ey will be to -(lay examined by Dr. McArthur, the jail physician, who pronounces wheols to strike the baby's head anti crush It. of Police was told to remove It. He , brought Caldwell before the lfagis- a SOO " PULP MILL TO START retained h1ere until the December sit- her Insane, with a strong homicidal tendency. She told the doctor that ,scores of ivomen were out in the trate and a fine was registered for _- tir,gs • of •ibis "Cornwall Court, where Wel hof l be taken for mat her reaEon for attempting her uncle's neighborhood at the time with their babies, and their Screams attracted a an obstruction. :11btS maintalnin^ite was appealed and ex -old, Murray Receiver 1 •aelct•r,thal i<Ialtes a 1) till Announcement. life was because he had done some- thing which would send him to Kin g- a crowd of men from the shops and estr q ash he sht topped in and Judgeibltisdestroyed Sault Ste. Marie, Out., Nov. 10'.- REC00NIZED BY U. S. It"who be(]ltho afar him here aresome time, would beentorture o dead b by /onetho cross nue. Tile ilk the convict -'on wh costs against the J. S. FackenthaL, left in charge of — Panama ltepubtto as N'rally him to death, and Ehe thought It would be better for her to kill ma(lo Ilio craw,d ready for anything, so lyheu two.men staggered out of a town. Noir it is found that under the by-law a fine could not be Iju-the the Industries here by Speyer and receiver, matt the lishodded Nstabliehtid. him than that he should suffer tor- saloon and, without really knowing posed; that the maintenance of the verandah has not yet been declares nit meaty :mite announcement that the pulp pulp mill would be started just as soon 11'ash4ugton, Nov. `f0.- The United " States Government has recognized taro. The physician ordered her is- tune. 1 as a precautionary measure. what had happened, began to yell, g "Kill him 1" the fu the crowd illegal by any court; that the veran- as mail can be got together to op - the do facto Government of Panrinia. At last accounts last night Upton men and some of ilia women, too, closed day is still up, notwithstanding sir. Ifurray's Iittle hatchet; In short, crate It, and I•nstructions to that ef- feet have been given to Supt. Mil - ft was announced at the State De- was still alive, but the doctors say lu on the .automobile and threaten- that nobody, knows just where he lington. Many of the former em- partment after the return of Score- he cannot recover, ed} Meagher. 11 is at. , • , ployes are now out of town, but Cary Hay from ilia Cabinet meeting that instructions had been sent to United States Minister Beaupro THE SHE SAVED HE CHILD. Policeman Townsend, who had wit- nessed the accident, jumper] into tl,e TRADERS MURDERED. those whose addresses are known are being telegraphed for, and Mr. Mil - at Bogota {assuming that he has nat automobile a:ongH}de, of Meagher, and lington expects to have a sufficient Loft the caplEa] yet), and • to Mr. bald tiie erotv�l In check till loltee- man Clarke and Toomey came to Hottentots Continue Tbeir Slaughter number on hand to oemmence On Wed - nesda.. , y Chrman, tile. United Staitea Vice- Consul Panama, incl now acting Drunken Mother Who Tried to his assistance and sent ilia crowd to German Satithwest All-ica. There Is plenty of raw materia} on Consul ph h are, to Inform the Govern- Sell Her Looked Up. away. baby w,aS killed instantly. ,Cape. Mown, Nov, i0. -It is reported hand to keep the mills running for some time. Nothing can yet be Baia monts of Colombia and Panama, re -The spentively, that ;the cls facto Govern- New York, Nov. 10'. -Flossie Dolian,y, Little Ilelon Faulkner was grazed by Lh'at the Bondelzwarts, the tribe of ottpntots, which recently massacred as to when any of the other works will be started, as Aar. Fackenthal mont is recognize,;, wil'o quit the Tenderloin four months, the automobile and knocked dowa,. dile +garrison at Warmbad, German Is still waiting for the guarantee Senator 'Morgan Says; "The landing ago, was in the neighborhood of Bev- SlIQ` WAS out and bruised, but not ljo,t. ntoLs, tib ch r,a nt y m1e0.t,creu •rom the Ontario Government pro- of 'troops is aguiast the wish of Col- E•r,th avenue and Twenty -Ninth street seriously injured. Mrs. Faulkner many German storekeepers in the mxs^d by Attorn-y-General GIII be- ombia, and I am certain she moans to makd tsar. This Government will yesterday afternoon. On the west side watra not (lura• 1,. ; d strlets outside of Warmbad. 'i-;hry surrounded the police post at Usi.bis, fore the election. find that It will have a aeries of complications on its hands."" of the avenue, in the Twent sevanch y' etreet'precivat, there is a tough sa- NOT FOR MR, i312YAN, ;inti masaaored tills garrtsno.11efugees U. ; ONE CUVTiNEN7'. In viewwf tilt fact that the Colour- bian Government, suicidal though it loan. As Flossie passed it Pill saw a half ,drunken woman entering the adverse Ilcwisfon in Yecullar 10 i11 era arriving in Britfelti territory. Zihe Goerrment of the Cape Colony ie concerting taleasures In case the � _ North America to be Ruled by � an - may seem, ma resont the action of Y the United States in recognizing the silo door, aro �_ ' dragging a girl in kne- high skirts with her. The child wtta Case in a'onneet+cut. Iveiv Haien,-Conn., Nov. 10. -Judge ward, rs drive the rebel BBOuth- ward,T keta Elelbre 1930 is Prophesied. Panama revolutionists by declaring trying to get away,, but was too frightened to cry out. Livingston RV. Cleveland of the Pro- �� Chicago, Nov. 10.- Before 1910 the country care'; of facts intereetiA.Tile knew something was wrong, l(l to date y In ilio Pi lllodS. Bennettiwill HAZED TO DEAT[i, Republict,off the t'Uh edrica and the States will .the population of Co'Onl including be- `d50.00U followed ,,,tci folloved the wthe and child tir In tilt back ream• case, (Lolding that a Secret letter be Ane and the .same thing." tween anti 300,00:) in phi lis- trict of Panama, Is about 4,500,000. saloon. there �liuel hila nn(Ittiltl em. directing ;Lira. Bennett, the lvldoiv, (o pay William J. diryan $50,000, was A Se['ictrs Charge involving Aiana finiveraity Dien. This (prophecy was made yesterday, by 'Prof. Francis W..Sliepardsou, of Bogota, t1iI capital, has a population 114,1 draggedi 'Sho'w „ p' „ mine, said the woman, and not ;part of tile, will The Affect of , Baltlinort Nov. 10. - Stanley n. the University, of Chicago, in a leo- of 140,0UU. The standing army varies in strength from "Dot) tofamous I iwa.11t to Soil her. Any one Cali tills is to prevent Mr. Bryan, the Democratic politician, from Srnitb, of St. John, N. B„ President ture to lite class in American his - tar . (1,000 mon, according to the finan- nlal ana general conditions of the hlto Ler for $25. he men looked at the child, and obtaining the !money, mentioned in , , of ver sty I Si Chi fraternity r the University of Maryland, was arrested "Before 1910," said Prof. Sh'tpl �,n '"Panama country. or,o of them pulled out a roll of btlla, tion lion reversed ter unlessthe higher court co to -night on the technical charge of will belong to the United i5tates, and if we n Pto ilia we mai . At tilt eight of the money the we-! pian let go or thin child's hand. The Or unless shoal i be e in I4Trs. Ben- assault, arta twenty-five other tnem- bars of the society have been cited 1ve shall get Guatemala, and then Nicaraggua, Carta Rica, the NEARLY BURNED A W.ITCN, Little girl looked arcual and ran to legal iproeeedings against will to appear before the Coroner's jury and and oilier 4lttlo I0 it w-. A l,falibn ti'au,a,l Saved by Polico Flossle. Flossie grabbed thio child's hhilld and faced .ilia mother. nett. Mile clause of the upon which ,suit was brought, reads as to testify regarding the dead of Martin Loew, '27 years of age, a tttates: And ire ��,•at them we m St et the ;Vest ;plies. l+rom !ler veil,+hbat'S. •� "You cant soil that child, She „ " follows: I give and bequeath unto mY, Grace Imogene Bennett, tilO g student fn the dental department. '11110 It not Improbable that we shall tako 311 Alexico. Then tvovlir henry Lisbon, Nov. I( In one of the most as)d. I won't stand for it. �� "Yell won't," said tho mother. If wife, - Sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,- the police are investigating the cause of thodeath of Loew, whose lifeless Clay's dream be realized. „ Lot ulo just make this 49,11,111, streets of Lisbon there lives an old woman named Mara Da Con- You mix 14$4;44 my business, I'll bust face." - 000), In trust, howover, for par- poses set forth in a sealed letter, body wtta found to -day 1.1 Ilia room at Ilia boar&ng house, Ilia root» nprophecy.u- and fyou 1 to if !tis not tut- ceidad *.,o has had the re ut t'on et p tt, it .your Flossie edged toward t'1fo door • whIpli will be found with said will" The text of the lotto, was made matt, Ephraim Stone, fr:l ears old also the fort pled, Iletare 1940 North Amerlea and No 4110, United States will be the game bein • titch. , Iia strong was tho feeling against t holding the little girl, and the mdn with the moneystruckat her. public at one of the hearings on the wn.a I7,Ing unconsb:bnS b bad. Loew is from Silesia, Germany, tiling. Canada will come to us through voluntary 'ear drat a crowd of her neighbors recently witcretl her room, and, after Flos8f0, who has boon in tights be- fore, trent back at litm'. She fought wilt. Mr. Bryan was not present whoa the deolsion was nnouneed, but and Stone from -Cape Town, South Africa. I ; secession from Great 'Brltaln" tying the unfortunato woman down, the gathered the furniture Into a so well that she and the child were soon on till street, Ills attornloe said he would un,- doubLedly appeal from Judge Cleve- It is paid that tilt, men %wore fill-"-" tiate(l last into the P}rl psi'Chl, a pol- Charleston, Ill ---Wm- J. 11101111, the funeral pilo and dtteinpted to burn her ipon It.° Fill and ilia child rats Across Seventh avenue and Into the Ten- land's decision. s Under the lawn of Connecticut the Lego fraternity, from bruises on ilia bodies of tilt+ two Hien It would scan Eton of W. K. F1onn, one of the wealthlost bankers In Coles rannt;r, It jtva.S Only at the last moment, derloin Station. There Ploasle told lawyer ;who draws a will eatlnot be- that they nAd been roughly handed, has 'Been arrested undbr an indict. Just In time .to gave the unconselwiff her story to Sergt. MoCilllagh. Be- come a bonefloiary! under It. Mr. whether from tho Initiation or other_ inent accusing him of'having poirion. woman, that thelice arrived. fore hho ]tad finished the mother had Dryan drew the will in quePtion, and I ivies fa )lot known. Pd hiN wife. Ills hand wits Mail at a aro Tho -perpetrators of he outrage Dome Ill. tho "secret letter" plan ;vas adopt- Lato to -night Stone Mado n ran,- $7,000, and litstrial trial Pat for next to'be ut oil trial. "Gimme me ohild," she roared, ed to evade the larrY,S of the State. filing Statement AN to the extierience wook by Judgo Tbomp,POn,