The Wingham Advance, 1903-11-12, Page 2f
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- ,;="T7"7T',. T!_.r,r,7T1.___!n=,__ 1,77T!r"�_;_ !! � � ,---- -------,,,; �;;LL;;2�� _-____�� - -1 . I I I .1 . 1. I I . � I I I - ��,_ , � ''I
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, 1 SG�001 location. T11114 to true of our exp9ri. I M Quebec during Ahe post Week, - t04410 Of 010 cloth porsu4slon are AS
I C11 I bt d M ** 11 , 0100 Under the great Shepherd. cows.1derjul; IviN-tther conditions. 'bust, � . � 1:1. eaft as a kid glove till[$ . Season, AkIld -
"I I 'AM11 Abolict `*NK� FC,
4 I Supda 0 $03110tialed to clIalb, the mount31111 neSS IS lv.*)rted satisfactory, anA tile . I . I �Z' , ,_ KVA 1� V In tilcm, as tit velvet. the shade
Steep, At other times to descend In. demand for seasonable goods Von. . ._1 . I � "taupo"-woloskill-comeo In 0,11 easy
Tim I. Mkja,, Vr.oj,jjjv.Tj)% y *I . rc::,:�� jmt n I
It . � to 00 vallOy' Of' Seeming 9100M 1111SIX tinueo. There ill a dullness Ili Ship-, I I . E I -C-! ) �_ _*1 first. .,v to Styles. rot, Walking
I I . . 11 b0 accessary In order to our beinx plug clrelQ,r,, leud there Is 110-C lauch I ___ I droeses I recomweD4 fill Who took
� ,,
. 11.1 I . - ; 111-0.1�NAWIOXAL LU$$QN N40. VII, k%t 111 "pastpros of tender grave." sign of I�ApTQvemcnt. - y well In It -don't all Speak at Qace i-
N01,11.541311"n 115. 100a. I UI Ivittlerelill), 1,11e, leadeth ine.11 4kit jile jjAcLrjc ebast . . to a
0. J. MAGUIRB I Tile Chrictlan life, Is olle not of IUN� 9 business Is I , . ,dopt tbo long basquoil coat, fog,
- urlant Idleues ,linlur, sbeep t10011 toe this time of the year, ,tall - 11 % . It will 350 doubt be tile most poptlls,t.
REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND IIAN W-8 Ttll'�� In 1310d�-PC31111 203. I S. Tbe§ rep to, prospects (or the late rail and- I 11 "orl 4o 11arlo" for Smart ocoaslonfj,
G NCING 1 Illustrates one ph,tsR or salvation's winter trade are promising. Mining �� 11 11 It naturall'y looks its , best on A per.
Commeatary.-I. Tile sliqUerd and worlat viz., I'souL rest," This part of .. 11 foot "form, dIvIns", for It eflowA a
t'01lectioA of ItentA. and Amounts 4 a , newo from Xamloop.i and other dis. fi;� I %
pecla"ll;r' 4!tS Sheep (Te. 3., Q. 1. uy sitepaerd. 01111 les.,ioll emphusizes another phase, 4
viz., the earliest actlytty and posj� tricts In Satisfactory. 11,411ding ac- r .,. Slender Silhouette. OW
A$SIGNeE. ttvlt*,v, continues at Vancouver, ) A," �_ - W ,
, ACCOUNTANT. t arist, Ili the great Shepherd and hlis tIvo aggressIveness In spiritual life to perfection, I do not think ga,v_
001ce-la Vaustoue Illock. followers ,are the sbeevt TO "PPro- under the, unerrinp; leadership of our T0 fine weather has Permitted APW7
OPCA tFI%tUr(jay` OVOolugS, T 140 ft. elate #he force of the Image It Is Divine Guide. Notlee, "He jeadeth," the untaterrapted threshlug opora- 11 . � - ( tiling 11). tile Way Of U coat 19. go jilli- .
. � I I .1 I I . . . neceshary to understand the differ- rot "He drIveth or draggeth.11 It tions and fall ploughing Inthowest. . 1� tIngulahed and full of cachet. one
Once between thle modern 4herberd requires loving. prompt, earnest .and The deliveries of grain are fit!rly - !�_ Just mado for the beautiful Duoliesse
-1 40 NQAIIleff WAS double-breAsted j�lla
TN -1 A G E and the Oriental sbel;bord of Olden continued obLdlonoo to keel) close to la , rge now. Itallway traffic Is I , I reached to tile kaeeq; It
A. DUL � / //�
Ilraets. In that land there is A atronal our Guide In Christian livitig. /t 11. marlItle-bluo cloth, with. very little
. Ireavy, The outlook for trade. it(,- I was of Wall
P)O111 Anointing. WIL'it oil Is as a cordflig to Winnipeg ady.-ces to . .. . 0 .1 trimminj .
a Dradstreet's, is good. collectlone I . .;; It qatue froig the. 111�
REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. attacillnent *be.tween the sherbord,
CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN 'Ind 1114 flOe'k- Rtlually 'tL'nQcr r Is,- lubricator to the machine. tj Ituo, fie ,
to spirit's tit 1-UtX, So that will COPY11100 )rOu It
tIons exist between the .good Shey- anointing Ili Its gladdeltIng offect is Are soinewhat slow at ilia moment. � �_ 1,
on Town antl lZarm Property. Iterd and his flock, . 1 to tile 60111 Ill Its arduous labors for W10 cooler weather tile Inquiry / 1%, , .1 Was ',,all tight." AL loss trying (less
� o4viare-to-the-multitude) Style, but
ASSIGNEE4 ACCOUNTANT, ftull not want. The language is Christ To be well atiolated 1,1 to for freavy goods at Hamilton has 1. [I ,
OFFICU.-In the Kent Meek. I-artlY Of experience to tile PcOsent I rmya wear anti tear. anti lwr,v%-eqt Improved Santa this week. Coatin- I � j likewise very well worn, Is the long
, __ Itusslan coat, Just liald $u at the back
and .ssatioij Of operAtIons, J*ery ,nally ited loir temperatures would do
Re4denco-Ca,herine St. .partly of the eQnfidelize of the ce . � I I wl till a lband, a iqd# rop N'FaCLIV310 01XII
tnture. When John Vlet0or wits christiall workers break down pre. muelf for trade at this time, The I - 1i p
. ; " I .\ I I j Stand It, slightly Pouched in front.
asked by George III. It h-3 would AL� ! maturely becauga they ,qr,:) without -0movement so far has been good, �\ � I . 0110 to black 0100, with touchei;
eel:t preferment in the church as all the anotntiTkz. .A.Valn, oil is ji.seti ii�j The outlook for busluess Is, en -'our. , � /
TROS. HOLAMES txckr�owledgenjeut for an able And a polisher. We need It to make our aging, � t F - 11-1 . only of emerald green velvet, and
timely raper lie had written on Am- "I'di" big inalaolave aim 9010 Puttoaff, was;
BANKER, ETC. fuees iihine. Itemember the fact, or Ili London, business con,11tionsitt J , I exceWIngly pretty. It was worn with
erican aflairs, lie returned the rea- Moses as ll,� descended tile niquat a wholesale way, have been fairly .. I I"'- -
, ,
Zo witnesses evectful but characteristic, reply. l nion with Gol lie satisfactory, although the Inquiry . .N _ Amazon hat Or black Silk lelt with
Marriago Llvtaiics Issued, N. I - �
rt-quired, 118ire, I want nothing but more hall beeli anoluted, also StepbeWs for seasonable goods to sort tikouks ( I- 'A .. ...i " long shaded green 4ostriell
Money Vi large amoulits, srnal!er In pro- I �A .. _ LytobZr urling around It. One or tile
1wrtion, Easiest terma. graoil,'l-Watkiasou. face. which sho,no as an angel's while blas been lighter than might have . .. I k U I I � rimmloglil for smart day-
� ,!. T,o lip down. The divine Shop- Ile was Suffering violent assault from been expected at this time of tile I . t, 0I '11f, ( till gowas Consists of large blacizor f.ol-
RICHARD ROLMES litrd gives rest to the weary, The an angry mob. A missionary orithe year, !Ij - ,
I "I. - , I oried embroidered rings with braid
o asked by a Ottawa wholpsalo trade has .1 pasoed through them. They go on
wIcked are filled wItI9 unrest tlaa. 5Ti foreign flettl was onct �k : .. , m �\ I .
1 I �', , . "' :,
BARRIS'rgR AT Law. SoLierron. Ere., ETe. CO, 21)� but Christ rromises soul rest nattve wh-tt modlOne lie tool-, t'llat - been enjoying v, fair demand. all / I .�%. , .
�, . � - a pkirt to hot(! down the pleats, with
Odlce.-nexl; to Rolutes Blwk now building to those who come to him tMatt. 11. i Caused his face to shine. things considered. Cold weather is - N V
aa, cal. P48turos T, . V i excellent efloot. 'In the way of little
-, Green restures. le so.�Il,s perpe looked for by the trade. to increase I I I �%Fj or Adjuncts I find that tile
ef budding or tender grass. The ,or- elf,all no,��, walit1ta�1 supplies. ,,, ---I--_ � � ateetel
Ilial word denotes the tender Shoots goodness and the demand for winter goods. Val- . I / . big pleated 'up tulle ruches will be
MISS SARA L. MOORE . , no& are firmly hold.
mercy ab.ill ro-ldw InO." The divine \ I worn again )or afternoon Parties,
32. 2) as distinguished from E'liepherd has Rls liands on tile sup. �._,, le I % .1 "Ill
"It I . I N - In icolors to Imatell the hat, and noill-
the Tire L-rass. which As expressel by plies of the world, �N �, ,,- 1.11
Teacher of Piano and Theory 11"' . 0 Imatter ]low CANADIAN TRADE. ' - _,� I , �; I j % Ing waa ever ,more becoming than
11 , , I Mon Aml Plerrot's ruggle I For neck -
a., othir ivord. Hence, this grass ar- rugg,k] or steep the w�%T Despatelten to Dull's Review from
. , or ljc�,,v �
- forded delicious and luxuriant I:a$- hot illct r oweps, of "
onflict as tile pL tho Dominion, are uniform Ili testify- " I ropes (that sounds ra,their grue-
tnre,Whedon. U,3 leadeth me, Tile hell "in cruet assault their'flereest ing to tile mild weather, which re- - l . . . somely like hangtngl) amber bea(lfj
MISS CARRI�,' -110 0 R D,' Oriental Eherherd never drives Id$ rage do vent," tile "Rupp) __ .
y wagon", tards trade Ili seasonable lines, bat .-- . / ,a- lire again to the fore, and have Oust-
flook its we Elo, but goes before them- laden witlil 11ratIons" of vlands rare, facilitates farm -,York. Payments oil r11 .. ..... - ed Pearls, pink. coral, et6., pro tell,.
'reacher of Violin and Guitar. Jesuit riever asks us to go 'whorC lie Is always close at hand. "My God tile 4th Svere promptly., mei and con- ��o And -a pretty Idea to make at home
does riQt go, or to do or to suffer Shall SUPPIY all your need" (Plill. dItions are encouraging. Ilallfaxre- . I -.11ttla flower rosettea ara used, matic I
Roomp-In Stone Slock, NVIngham. anything be has not done or suf- Iv. 19). Ood Is abI3 to da exceeding ports high pricen for bank fish, but I in the tiny shaded ribbons, In ill&
fered. "Jesus thus leads his discip. -burdon IS' Above all that we ask a �jliort catell by, LOS Premiers Frolds a Parlq, Oct. down pillow and Ili bag or pillow style seen In tile elgliteentli centurjr., I, )
lea. His Holy Spirit wj:j guide Into or thjilk� ( I: Ii. _ 40 per cent. A
I - The "! Ili. _()), largo apple �,jeld iit good pricea pro- - October Is one of tli,a busiest shapes -for both are fashionable, I They look faireltiating, dangUng frotur-06"
ait truth. No one is wise enough to p
choose his own life for himself. H, rie ; salv. a ott-arming little moleskin coat co4larp rabblt-ends, or evening Do -
HISS DKLIA SPARLING ard,j "Thougli I walk h tl;� fruit diztricts. Open weather all is bustle and stir, espoetally round with big Japanese sleeves, which dicas, In all and every color. Ali
I , triumphant exit. mlse% five circulation of money Ili montho In the whole year In Pn
A T. C. M, ly any rerFoli In old age is just where jc_� Having lived In f-�"'O-'vshiP favors building operations, stimu- the shrines of fas ItIV an in- ochre -tinted lace and not polerine-
In youtif he rianned to be, but JesuR %v .' ' blon that is, tile was banded all round Yr
Teacber ot Piano, Theory and Vletcber Ith Spens, now, as the �Ujjngs of I,tjag tile I L4 a yellowy rosette (or
known, and lie will guide aright all demand for hardware. big MaleDtis do Couture. The In- crustation of Irish! point lace, A collar lif -
Alusio Method, Simplex and Kindergarten, human life begin to recede from Country traders in NewBrunswlck re- ventore of modes are too occupied in little crossed -over stole went round cowhIlp-ball) hanging from oy-ery
who trust In Iffin to better rlaues th-,, ChristlaWs vlt4lon and 'Elie eter- pol,t trado dull because Of wild wea- ovolviow neir creations, ths makers th0 Ilccic,, -with a big turquolso and Point, made In pale -shaded yellow
Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- that, they know or dretsm." 11al world loc"nis in slgl�t and the ther, and orders for early delivery are too busy carrying iliz,in out prac- gold button fastening 'down tile ribbon, and In Parma violet they are
!nations. "I know not where I am going "deatt" SirUggle" is �n, t1jere Is at St. i.Tohn Ara slow, except Ili con-, to give a passing thought to ands. It was worn wIth, a cloth extremely chic. It * * I fear that
But well !do I knoyr my Guide." noughl to fear. "Till- good Abep
Still waters. Literally, waters of - fcationery and fancy goods. Pay- ftayihIng o!Be. The outsiders are all s1irt of deep butter colored oloth,, this may be considered rather .in
hierd" has foIight -aild -,onquered natisraotory oil -tiered skirt, tr1mined with exclusively fashionable letter, but it
"'LLY death. its sting lins b; -en extract- These to hard to get away from the sor-
A L B X. K E rest -, not grently flowing strearn-3, but ments were the 4tb wild with curiosity to see the sca- a two
C streams 'where rest ,%till refreshment Pd. (ILP grave lvig lipen robbed of at Quebec aild business Is fair, des. Eon's novelties alld temptations, and woollen guipure to matoN.
Auctioneer for Huron ,oun,y m,rty be found 11sa. .32, 181 -Cam. B'b. Pite tile high temperature, which eagerly crowd round the sa.lon,g of woollen laces, by th13 way, are all Oery of Paris ehop!x tit a time when
Its victory. "IiLs Conqueror is now - they are tall of temptations and
S. RestoretV my soul -Ile bring- i1r) guide anti defender of hig rot- militates against sales of fall and dresses and hate to glean all tile the rage,, and are matched to all
etif back. mry smil, as It sheep that winter wearing apparel. Montreal Ideas poasible. A good many Items of thamew. shades in materials. Broad every-ealeg person Is a regular w1l,olt
had strayed (Matt. xvill, 12-1-1�; L lo;-.rer, and upon Ills strong arm also reports J)rompt payments, wIth sartorial nows have fortunately come tall IS very fasMonable again, I with beguiling powers too strong to -
I have secured an Auutioneer's licenso for , bo, withstood. For needlewoman-un
Ifuron county. and am prepared to conduct Peter, it. 25). Th�e word for "restor- dolthi lie lean. 'Tie a gentle walk whole'uIc trade well sustained. my *ay the last few weeks, so I pretty long paletot of it hhd long
,4tIcs at reasonable rates. eth" means "to return," "bring clear through tlm fertile -valley to Wholesale trade in quiet at Toron hAsten to give you a sort of pano- reTers down tWe frout of 'velvet, in Wit Inot I The Parisle"es are now
Was amilged at the .Adtance Office, back," or, fig-aratlyelv, ,.convert." tho "Sweet fields of Mien." - ramic view, a general Idea,, of what an almond green sh%de, with black employing their daInty lingers In
Patb�s Of rlghtoousr�ess - "Right . James D. Marsif. ther re- working chair Beats In prare Louls
am P. o. tards retail sales. Grata moves Slow- Wit[ be really popular and wall worn and gold embroidery, iM battle -
ALEX. KELLY, wingh. .. bink. No in Parls for the next few montlis. mented onffs on the huge leg- o' XV% style for their boudolro and
paths are opposed to intric-ate anti - ft�-.,..C..,W-%^--~%^0%~ ly, because farmers areploug ' iiles%w, being of "t-Ifie same, Salo U, which ,are quite charming,
I un.afo ways. and to ways of dIs3- ,_.-_1W%~--.-.A- change is reported In the trade sit. We shall, it seems, without & shadow mutton but very fine and Intricate, belng
bedience and perversity" (Ps -L. c.v,<V. liation at.WinnIpeg or in British Col- ly winter ; ft Anotti,er loose paletot of otter had, .... on small canyag In "p?tlt point I
�VELLTNGTO.NX INUTUAL 51. For II,g narno's nak,--"To d's- umbia. � I has been showing ,;ymptoma already bands of mink in stole 'fastdon or tent stitch. One bad it sweet all-
� FIRE INS. CO. play the �Iory of His grace, a I, id The 11arkets. of putting In Its first appearanco, down tbe front, from which hung over pattern, chains or little red-
, Establirthcd 1840. no:t oit aecrtint of any nierit In and whether the ever -blamed gulf tillree pairs of tails at intervals, dish apples and leaves Interlacing
me." "The sheep are ever being led p '. . ::,j ( STATE OTTRADE. stream or the lately-percelved still witIr two tails on eLther of the each other with little Louls bown
Head Offles GUELPIa.O.NT. to one place, and whien the hot day . . __*'�'�',�%'k^" .�Iwftl ____ iy uses of our fur bands, edging the 'bell sleeves, In pale -blue silk at tlie places -where
Ttigk,; taken on all claRses of insurable pro Is over they tLr;- gathered Into one 'X(PrOlItO 1`11LEIII7... 11.177.�`is . Lorvibly unseasonab!e weathar of A little sealskin Russian coat ivas t1to wreaths crossed Ili lh-a central
irty nil the cash or premium note system rold, and the Sinking sun saes them Reports Frorri the InternIc I
. The offerhigns of grain to -day 3tlOnal late something has given uu a most opened over a crossed -over vest of spaces hung baskets of p:nk, blw-
J tmxr- GOLDEZ, Raft-, wh_�ro ro wolfe can Came, nor Were. talr, and prices as a ruit: h1ercaritile Agency. t;;7Z`y-iurvy, upside-down weather ermine. ' Tliere was an ormIne a;d mauve flowers from a blitr rib-
CHAS.D&VIDSON, any robber climb lip any more, but i7er,f steady .Whoat Is unchangud, At Buffalo elevators are nearly programme, It tile Daily Mlall turned-doTjn collar out In deep ban, the greun'd being Ili biscuit
President. Secretary. all rhall rest forever under the nqtt, sales Of L,LW Wsl'Ols Of white full &f grain, and ra'Iroads cc Is to be believed (!) Is to be strictly points, and tho cuffs wo-e but the color. Another design condstcd or
JOHN RITCHIE, shepherd's eye." at 6-32 to &'�-c, SUd bae 11191-11111 carried out for the no -Jit ten years! Same shape. Lovely pasuementerie Stiff littla laurel wreaths, toppetl liy_*
. . di,els of red of ca,r-sbortegeI, I 1�
A 14 ENT, WINOHAM ON'T 4. shadow of death-BuIng so 'I i It Is well to be prepared for emer- -dangles of white silk hung - frOhl a true loverle knot, still enclosing
winter at ls-_��2c, anti 1*_Id Z,usll.Asof Merc;iants. as well as manufaclur- gencles; so evidently think tho far- passe-menterle, motives oIl either a rose donp In "old pink."
. near to death that its shatlaW goose 'It Yft. Barley steady, 300 era, say the out of $1 a ton for steel clors. Therefore, first we may have side nr fite ollest" and on the top Ali revoir, bat not adieu, .
tails Over him, for lis is not far j;jIshelb selling at tU)'to 3EN,"�'- Qttts r billetu, 'Wlth accompanying reduc- -k look round their domains and sce 01 tllt.. cuffs. It seems as If the
DICKIINSON & 11OLRES fro'm tiva substance that hasconle are unChanged. u-Ith sales of 000 tions In prices of finis'.ed steel, whicb, the Latest freaks Ili pelts. Freaks far coats, however, handsome are Chantectair.
- T1 -y _
up ,svith! the shadow ,to "vallc 1)ash,�Is at z3ji to 3-10. . it is conceded, must follow, wit) is a word I use advisedly, for the the skins which compose them, can t "' -_
Barrister3, Solicitors, etc. of tlx.� sbadcAv of death" seems to Dairy produce in good suplwlY. basten the Industrial revival. More very newest faililo'lis have brought not be left unadorned AIAS seaso -
A . 11
havc. been suggeste3 by, thosedeep w ill. pflees Vrm. Cho�ce dairy but- wills and factories have closed, w d into rit,tice qnito a). new "fauna," all to ino It seems rathler a case of' .
- ter, -0 to :!3c,and strictly new laid 601110 haVe reopened. About 23.000 sorts or zoological Specimens, which "gilding tbe Illy," but certaInly a
Office: Meyer Block W'ingharn. morantain gorges through which THE WiNTER WARDROBE
David was sometimes Obl"ged t1j L -99b, t�0_1. Poultry generally f.rm Iron ajid steel employees are )#lie till to -day bave been of little or no
H. It, Dickinson Dudley lloltne� load his flocks, though at the baz- at iluota-cions. temporaxll,,y. ZI-Dmo 80,orio Iron pud- ZC own L,oc I thr lovely gr,arnitures, especially tile These are indee,1 troublous times
ard &:'death froin the wild beasts. i 'count nxeopt Itt th-Ar , i�t turned -back embroidered fronts `10 for flfb clothes ambitious woulan,
IX*y is unchanged, -'G loads soll- Men; will have wages reduced N,Gv. epheres. Now
Fear no evil-Th� s.)ul fears notto ing at 11. , they are po,Alug anti give the coats an "air dertiler
. $10 to .1�11.50 '- tun for 10. L7nIcRs one or the other side re- coquetting as if put oa , par with OM 611D who Would fain -be gownedac-
VA NSTOINE enter the Runless gulfs of sorrorw 1.1mothy, and, Lit .$I to .-,,j ;or inl\ed. cedes, about 75,000 coal miners In Our claeg a "I chic," and redeem them fr being
when assured of the supporting ic till aristocratic furs cording ,td Faettion's I'
R. Straiv Sold at $10-zio to A I I rt, t On Colorado, N�ew Mexico, 11tah, and ad- W111,01: We hav merely cold-weathier vrraps! atest dto-
, e reNal-04 and reEpwted Thv re,w. winter inatorlats ure rav- tates, for tire prices asked for the
BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR presence and protecting care of for t,wo loads. -jacent regions will Strike on _Nxov, 9, at', our lives. Among -these halry nil-, ishing, both for evening and day gowns and costumes this autumn
' the. good Shepherd, The darkneisof DreE:sed hogs tire firmer, with In financial circles, features have starts iw� find first molcskln ; we.1, wear. In both geurest the tendency are 'far Ili advance even of last
%lon e y ra loan at lowest, rates. Offtet do,attt is but a shadow after ,all. sales or h�-avy at ,$I tu ,$j.�,3, and been the ease with wh1oli the Wall tho molo bas a'ways been E'llort- 19 to have them supp'o and pliable, Year. To be Sure, tli:3 blaterials
BEAVER BLOCK, Roa, and ... !ztaff--;"Tbll emblems of 11911� at $7.50 to $7.73. street stock market resists shock. sighted, anti be I.s so elated with his without an atom of e'tiffenIng. This need the trimmings and all the
the office of the shepherd �tnd his Wheat, white, bush., 8-1 1-:1, to 83- The cotton crop. representing successful debut that lie cannot look is as well seeing that the modish acce r,orles -are of tlYa imost costly,
74).5. WINGRAM. protectic0 of the sheop." The rod Is
t(, 1-2; do., goose, 73 to 76c; do., red; $100�000,000 more than that of last forward and Roo that 'ere long, like
and staff soew be two� names 82 1-2c; do., spring, 75 to 80e; peas, .year, even it no larger, points to fur- Ilia Bror 14tbbit, ho w! gowns now have really an enor- description, so that tile asuertion
11 be agaln IllouR quantity of stuff Pat into that the gcnvn is well worth the
for onc. instrument, which was us, -d b,sb., 65c *, oatsj bush, ,33 1-21 to 84c; ther financial drafts to market It. snubbed and put back in his illem,
J. A- MORTON to, drive airay wild animals, ta di- barley, buslT., -15 to 50 1-2c; Ray, Title demand for staple merchandb:e proper placel U� courise grey s,quir- . what with double ancl triple money does not s3ein so absolutely
r^ct the Sheep, and for %he jmr- timoth. per ton, $10 to $11.50; at .Nontreal, Particularly shoes aLd tivred Pkirts, Counces All the way without fodndatlon aa is often tile
EARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. ,oso of a staff on wIAL-Ir to lean. , has,, rel---potit-ZrI� or itussian birth-
� clover, $7 to $U; Straw, Per ton, leather, has ontinued strong, and at Is still to be. worn, but less rather up, and pteatings, in every gaige. case. All tile Same, -to the great
The shoplield walked before Ills 1�10.5 to $I,- -3. alsike, bush., Toronto distribution has been lie- than more, that le lie will again be - !"'itIt all this they are required to majority of Women, many of this
- . 0 . sced
MONEY To LOAN. flock. ready to protect tht-to from e.j. *_, 5 to 66 t dO.. r&d clover, $5 to tire, notably, of merchandise for do- hang tery stralght�y and. Softly, es- ella80n's costumes ,Ivould be out of
assault. and tliv follwed &tdly 0 *b do., timotay" $1. to $1.50; ap� Ilverv- in tl,e :�4-orthwest. A,t Ottawa very useful for lining smart coats the fquestion.
Office -.-Morton Block, Winghani and fearlessly wli,rever he led. and wanteaux, whose external side peotally round the waist. The silken
11. The hosi amd his guest.-,,. 5, ples, per buuli,, 75c to $1.:,15; dress- t118 results of the ssason's business -111 probably bG adorned wIth-a [in- fabrics were, sarely nf.ver so exquisite; When $250 is not thought an ex-
� were considered as good, If not bet� w orbitamt price for a simplo street
e. 5. Preparest a table -The figure ed hoga, $7 to $7.7.5; eggs, per doz- or fur. sarble, mink, martin, otter- 11,any I have seen are like the flnest
oil. 26 to 30a; butter, dalr,y, 20 to ter, than last year, but graft ' there all take precedence to -day of -it $700 and $800 for a
Is changed. Jehovah Is now describ- ts were . speelineng -A needlewbvit or painting. gown, WhIe
ed as the hort who 'bountirtilly en- L'3c; do.. creamerv, 22 to 25c; chick- not as large. Mhe year's ,output Of petit grils, which had a short 'and Por Instance, tile out velvets; one dinner ,gan�n As not thl3ught. .,in
DR- AGh-Ew a 'r lb, 8 i; .10c; duck-, per cheem in the Dominion has been very sweet c Impossible Sam, It can read!ly be
tertains the p almist at his tal:10, Ons- PL ' l:e,ayV, . �aroer, a success rou-it is gowu destined for Matron-Ducliess's
PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, . understood -hlow the dress question
and provides hiria .a lodging In Ills 11), 9 to Ile; gees,e. per lb., 8 to . exports being valued at $25,_ true. Moleskin Is really pretty in It- dillner dress had 0, ground of Pale is a serious one,
ACCOUCHEUR, own house, as criental monarchs rn- 9c; turkeys, per lb, 1:�, to :L3c; po- COO -000, ,aZWnst $21,000,103 last self, It has, when subjected to tile buff, a champagne, with an exquisite
Office: -Upstairs in the Macdonald tertaln,N1 those to whom they wl-ll.!d tatoes, per bag Gj 70: cabbage, per year. exquisite treatment It receives from ,all-over Louis XV, design In rich But -mliten things get �o bad there
Block. to Show sepc!�-* favor. --Cam. '1311b. dozen, 40 to '50c; cauliflower, per " FAILURES THIS WEEK our dexterous furriersi, mos"t lovely go:den brown., sicrolls and Ara- must needs be a reaction, tind in
Night calls answered at office. Hine enimies-Jellovan had prepared dozen 75c to $1; celery, per dozen, 0 truth' there never was - a Ltme
k of _: beer, forequartero, $4.- � wlf�eil a woman 'could I 'k ' - *jj I
this banquet to David as a mar .35 to 40, , Qx report 246 ooln- tan, it is not the tulle dnn-greLyj It looked ,as if a beautiful lace- O�llione!,?
R- G. Dun 4 soft tints, glints of Pale fawn or rich beeques In it most graceful pattern.
9N this, 50 to $5 ; mercial failures thi§ week In the . smartly gowned for so IILLI.
ej&l bonor and favor. and beef, hindquarters, .$7.50 - beastle which emerges from the mole, pattern had been worked in the rich- Good taste, time and tftc)vght a�j 1W
In the presence of ]its Priemles. who to $S.50; beef, choice, carcas, $6 to United �,' ,tates against 2,33 last week., or rat -catcher's. gaine-bag, Its own , eot brown olliptilile. The 'itamped
RS. CHISHOLK & CHISH01,111 looked on but were not Invited to 36-50; b--ef, medlum, earcas, $6 to 0-79 the preceding week and 189 the ost careful expenditure will work
D corre. mother would not'know it. It Is cost- volNets Vo -also delicious for "robe. s in
spondin- week last i -e, _
partalm. This was David's answer $6.50; lamb-, ,Kearllng, 66 to $6.50; ililit, '. of . � ar. Lia, Nvorlders Ili these days, when there
0 those who, In his affiletion, bad ei, ly too. because It is a ease of little de luxe," very soft and thin, and
PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS - ETC. ' . " mutton, par cwt., $4.50 to $5.50; October commercial failures for and good, such a tInZr , Is such an endless variety of ma -
said, There IS no help for him in real, par civt, $6.50 to $9, we'te $18,387,567, against . Pelt I So it is Ili the newest tints of dalilla, rel.15, tortal,q to ewouse from, snob� an
Josephine Street - Wingbain God"; "God bath forsaketh hIm.1k-- Leading WheaL Xar.kvtz�, 1,210,851,53-1 for the corresponding the qua.stity, of skine'and the ma.r- panfilesi and tile partel greens-Ildra- Opportunity to study thlo latest
Wtedon. Anointest-Ttle reference is period last year. Fallurers In Cai�! vellous skill or w-orkmanship, needed gon�fl,� .... .. elate de luric," ondl dels'ln dress.
Following are the closlij 15 for their preparation that makes a etc. In now blues we find "or n()' mo
, the anointinga which were the regu- 9 quota- ada this 'week number 22, against lont," In planning out a winter ward-
� lar accompaniment of an orle tionis at lml-qrtant Wheat centrcs last week, e6 the preceding mqleekin coaT. a Pomewbat fancy� -glacier, and "Source," while
ntal ToA,F - Nyeek, til -I tat- robe on whiat mi,st be economical
P. KKNZEDY, M.D., M.C.P.S.0 banquest, not to the kingly anoint- ' . and 21 tast .Year. Of failure priced garment. It Is very., becoming, e9t greys Include "powter," "black - lines thA) first thing tor be done is
0 for Which a different word is X Cash- D;'D- week In the United Stateg 91 were I a Lrreat thing in its favor, and I p<,arl,�, "Ibsen," "chinctillw, and to look carefully over whAt mater -
i t'Slember of the British Medical .i1:1% , 0, yori, . ... ... ... ... ... __ Be 9 IGVely' hate in, the -new Dl -
Association) -Cam. Bib. Anointing vrLth foil In thO East, 62 ,%Utll. 81 West, and saw SOM "louV-garou;11 tat there Is on hand to see If any
was an emblem of the baptism of the Chicago ... . . ... ... ... ... -_ 702-8 12 In the Pacific States, and 7o.j rectolril khape, made of It, one with
COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE, Toledo ... ... ... ... ... ... -8'5 5-8 go report liabilities of $5.000 or more. a bird round the edgiI of old Pland- The List ol' New Colors one of last seasons' gowns can be
Holy Spirit. Cup runneth ovelThe done over and the expense of such
Rpecial attentl WomIng alp sn buluti, No. I rorth, -_ 75 ,I I .
'Ir*d to rMCMS4!S Of Women Ove: egests a fullness of .'. - . -------- ers' lace, -and a long Abadod ostrich to a mile long I and when expressed doing over carefully oalculated,for
."hildre., blessing. Jehovah Is a bountiful The Cheese Markets. I.-- plame to match. whIcb greatly took In silk velvet and fine clatn it IN al- often far more money than Is real-
011rift Hovas -,I to i p.m; 7 tog p,al, provider and Is able to abundantly relleville, Nov. 7. -T,) -day there _� _... _-I I mY faney. Evan the color is faiblon,t most impossible to decide - on A tzed Is spent in "dolng 'over" all
satisfy. Were offered 2S tl 'white -. heee,% ,&. I a -3. able, it is "taupe" wberever .you go. 01010e, -as "lley' SAY 'In Allce'ff Ad- old gown thht is not worth it. At
� 6. Surely 'Only." -R. V., marg-ri. -Brenton V50. Watkins 100, Cook 75, - , which Is being aske.d for, mjjde up, ventures: "All have wou we all must once eltbuld be discarded (given
1-7. T. ffoliony "Nothing but goodness anti meroy at 101-821, ITOdgkoll _200, Co:)k 185, <=> - . - I and N -Moll -will soon 'be, ,worn by Ito
--- shall pur,-;u-! me. What a contrast to ,at 101-16v. ,1,amo bhl for balance. ,_�.=::Z' numerous rLdmirere. "Taupoll velve- haveprizeel" Going back to evening away Or Sold) all too sW-%bby things.
O.D.S., L.D.S. � 2 the lot of tbe wicked man, pursued Cowansville, Nov. 7--To-day ;,14 CC-_- __ - �A - teem, now made as supple and tbla materials, wo have wine dalrelougly WNeu tliero is a silk drop skirtin
- I as foulard, "taupe?' f ace -cloth, soft and alry fabrio,r, which lend fairly- good order, tile upper part,
(Mitnate of Royal _ b,V the anqPt of judgraptit (Psa. xxxv. factories offered 1,8tL6 boxov phoose, 1::�, . themselves to the somewhat filegy tli�o skirt Itself, can bo discarded
i7nilege of tiental,_ _ -, 61 frunten by calamity!, (exi. 11), 13 crearnerter, offered 441.1 boxes but- I I ��' )"---CTer'y.thIng I of �Ourse Vou
8,11veons of Tor- i' - , Goodness and mercy-GoodnoFs and ter. MePt.erson bought 239 boxes I ; � . an and voluminous styles of making -up: and t4ten the silk skirt kept, for
I do not get In material the harm6td-
wito. and Ilonor -! ,-. - - mercy ara the staple vlands of tile cheeze for 1M; Fowler, 2321 for Joe, L16 ous 9hades and sheen of the far, but far Instance, the printed meteor with, a new flounce or ruffle It
cut- -i-_ 5-_l -t-
Oraduato of D - I _- fea cre"s and pannei, tile ve can do for anc�thler season and
ul Dep't. of Toren. ; - - -Z St. artl give a Itavor and virtne and �31 toe 07-8a; Alleri, 282 for 1%�11 the effect it, nevertheless, Iyet clilf-
'. - . __ very or-
.- - . �7 777 �_ ,
to Vniversity. to all the rest. Shall follow ,me- 9 7.8c ', Willer, 339 for 10o, and 105 , Li, . tIsti6 And refined. t was told by a tons, and velvet mouffsellnes, those will help to sav-e several dollars It,
- .
I -It -t IIIIP17-6vtil methods In all bra cheg of Thil.3 900dreps and mercy of (;oil for 101.8,-, Brice, 00 for 0&4e; r):) , : (0 French authority,l that rat-ekln was I'll collie collyonleutly III verjr wide We cost of a newl costume.
Dentistry. PrIceA mcdemte. efta tion shall follow him during Ills enti.-e, boxea unsold, . another novelty, bat I confess I WRIthe. Tile sunray-kiltifig is still A silk drop skirt Is an excellent
g1laft"Le6d. VrOfll.�e In Beaver Bloc . I lifetiInt. " .ffl its changes Watc:-town, .XOT. 7. -To -day i%coo � , I haro not lxm it as vet, out of Its used, but tho Skirts pf It are now thing to have, but It does add to it
Its ellade and s,unabine, its p?rils and bOx4m cltitese wait] at 10 1-2 to 10 51-3 - ,,- - - proper element -the lcoal-collar or finished with a few Darrow tucks th1t expense, and tliere .are now
RT11UR J. [R1j.TtjV,- deliverances, Its sorrows and J?yS1 for large, 10 .0-4 for small, :10 1-:31 for . - . trap! Surely, we shall be hard up jn� round tile bottom, wIllall opens Out mally good linings tMt Inake cX-
IT "I to Itg Mom. Will ew"ll-TIlesil words twIns. d"d before we � the V, and makes a pretty cellent skirts and whi*.oli re.quire
A are to be under figuratively. London, ont., '.\ov, is._15ales, 21:', a I tou f rou round the feet. As a rule
D.D.S.. uD.S. stood 't I 'v,, , � Clothe our.,wiveE; tit llatskin_& only a. silk flounce or ruttle. If the
TIM Psalmist expected to dwell in 10 I -4c ; 360 at 10 *.I-az ; ,arket no- �� the.v aro mounted to yokes edge of the raffle Is firil.8hed -WAll
I Surgery of the I en- God'$ Immediate presence lorever. tive. . , Such an Ibsen -lab Idea! The pe'catg Out , In fanciful shaP06i Out- r4 tiarro'vit. braid It will wear inucli:
Doctor of Dent -A 5 which are
Insy'lvania College and Licentiate of Forev,r-H-r,� 1; a i-l-ggestion T,)f tile Cornwall, Ont., NZOV. 7--To-rlay 3r I . monkey is not so bad, lie Is jdark lined wItlI lace, lorger, 'but a small pInked ruelt1bg
Dental surgety or ontalio� Gol ancl tile 13 cheese were boarded ; all Eold, or cove' -ad wl Lit In also good and �'moro effective. 19
I epas I"s; e.!Joyleent O! His ravor. elcept TS boxes, wit! te, Io to Jo I,s ., -I And silky. and more foreign looking. dotachod garlands anti motives of it.
closest Intimacy witil 4 r
Offive over Post 0f1Ice-_Wj�XGHA2tI and co!ored, 10 i -A-16 to 30 7_10c, . -1 you do not feel as if you were rob� V,lt) lace If' generally a fine titake, choosing a street costume, sonle-
PPU0MQAL SURVEY. _A� bing a domestic animal of hIR coat, Such a$ Chantilly, Or Alencon, and It thing Inconsplatious in color Is the
I Tomilto flog .1jawltets. !0, � and marten, another of the lose ex� beat, ,anel althiough It blaok' Is nil-
, qtjiy Is touched lip effeet'vely wltll tl"y becoming it Should not be chosen,
SOUI transformation. "He restor. Deliveries of Ilogs, were not large, � pensive furs, looks really lovely. Pa� gold, Silver, or stmi paillettes. or
hout." At the very threshold and 3IP. Harris reptirta market easy . I Quin to using marten, ottei and littIO sPoto of chenillo Or velvet. As a It Is always vary satl9factoryAlld
,of our study we, meat with the doc. . .
trine of regeneratiou. Naturally we at UnChAng--d quotations, with a W11BRE DID TL4E TELL HIU, To .1valy for even- rule the little lace motives or gar- the (lark plain ,4feets will. alwaYR
GU? beaver, almost etclur be tive most sajf�factory, as ft is
WINGIDAM SAW MILL ot'"ay PTOsPect of lower prices at an early Tile Bookkeeper- W here -is the of- Ing far -coati, lined with white or lands tire outlined with bally-rneltins
I Ire, goats (Matt. xxv. 88); and lie of chiffon, or tarretao ; 8 ad easy to make thlent ON'tar by
a a 0 th date. flee boy 2 Irorly Satin, witly e,xiialsite, 1,�tiln- fe'stooll it, * ometimes it
McLEAN A SON e sheop, an Bla right band, , '1115 style 0 TI!ercl the Lrimbilligs,
Bradstreevs on Tr. Tbo Doss -I sair him go out Awhile Ings Of pussilmentorls matching ilto tll,o bott in 0 Wars All round er(�s c1fanging
- but the, goatir on the left. There are . ade. ago, fur. All t , he now fur garmelits ,tea 0 f it skirt, or adorns the wl�, In any mixed designs or
014-r two tlassee of characters known of
I h " " t WlWoeale trade at Mon tablier. or stole -and -yoke only, Vor th680 at all conspicuous color -
to 601-t!16 "Pinner" and tile "salint.0 �bceu mod, treal has Tbo Bookkoepbr-1 hope be basalt much trimmed this Reason wIth silk -
.,Lit kinds of tough and dress6d .... I ,r. : day uSage We also find an avalanche 1119 there Is no ,,way tile tec011d
WO -Ire either abeep, under the tien- tety active this week. gone where you told him to go. en ornament, oteftelonally mix. :
der and omstant ca4v of tile Divine Tho tirpt,oaching c-oso of navigation , I I I �,d with She", but Of n(1W niaterials a-,valtilig our tip. neoso'n of au onth-ely rotritunitag
has Stimulatoll the, demand for shl 'lway�" PrOV41,' to,' ilia useful "trot -about" tIA, c0stumb ,%It to nuttkc It 100k
LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES -Sb1n1,epn1,1erdor h""orserving, or lie!l- A St'j"41-liolvilig by canliall. - In with. the fur, not to gowns I find In 1)ltrig that Sco,,cl, like -new.
subjecta of sin (now. Vill. 9). la0lit to cortain water points. T5e rorm ,& contrast. Last year JtAyas
. 0110001, Will Ile a pritno favorite. evp&
� I -�10111 r"t. "He maketb me to Ile dr.V gGGdo trade 124 suffering front The Duke of Otholl has devised a lace of everr dellorlption, wilich clally in gr(len, golden brown, ttad
APPLE BARRELS, down." I�Vhjs is sug tit" MIA, Eummer-like, temperature. b1glilly original method of ,;htened or enhanced the richness , black,and I b(%)Ipvo Ir sdiould Ij&V(! put 41111de or silk.
geative or rgst,and sowing 11P
rMtrultless, wll'ch Is assuredly - which of the far. Ndw ,IvIou see tringea, .
. what Tno cl,ee�,p Ke�json is ,low about tooft on the InaccessiWe rocks blank first, for It will be Immoneely All ilia
,s to realize. its lie bur_ ("OPed. The shipping Interests are tow,er .above a portl c6rdelleres, dangles, macarons. or � nner or belta a h
Hard and Soft Slabs also a , tIIO soul OOMO on of Ills prop. POP'llar I Tartno, i400i IV -111 agatil be made
' den of Sin, condemnation and guilt vcry busy. Tile generall outlook for ert),', and havo been guUtless of even big buttons;, all of n Passernenterle . Worn W FOft eolOringa, it finint-t la g1l, in rilk, and many of thent lire .
large quantity of dry hard-, Is lifted, sLod the pk�aee that paosetb bla!�Invqa for the ba!anct- of the year a green lea[ 9> long as the oldest persuasion. ror ttfe halt anaaon , (Frpecil, not IlIghland 'I) tartan, It, Me effect. One In �#au do a.mile
�Iw 411 tIlIdelest4nditig to Impftrted (Matt. 10 VGcouraging. Borne sweet little for ,mantelets are is madc YjI tIlree foldN, WhIcli ltre I
wood for sale, delivered. Xt. 29; )Iob� Jr. 9), Inhabitant can rernember. being worn 4n Paris, M,ade in thlo- 41111 red and green looked Obarming, lattleed At the baek. -111119 1000th
. In Toronto, there has only been a 14�lmo antiqUateel cannon lying IdId all 111CW-0, 111) On tho oromm, With t1141 V
shape of our big lace onliarg, to co,I* -75. Andthler Istyle Is III aritureo
00bl ishtlaradtion. "Tho paiktaiv§ of m0'I('' movement, tile trade be- Ili tl,q 11eighborhood were charged arg, ouffe, and oteeterno In plain MARRind At tho back and finished fit
Telephone Orders Protnptlyj tender grasit" 8119903t A plettlTul Bull- 1119 re-Stricted by the very oMn we&- with c:1111sters fillell with Seeds of rlMohl hs far nit the elb6x ii
crfts over tit frdilt, ,wvs- They red 010til ', With thlig, Sheri; roulid 1110ed bffe(tt, or 'they lire Introduef3d
PIY or nutritious food. Or(K�n pAstures thel' which pT*Tailod till TburgAay. hardy V.Afits awl little shrubs, and ttill Stole si-Irt and boltird thore went it tj.I. at both the Sides and back, two in
attended to. Imply an 6.vperlence IT! Th" demand for goods for sit! ends, and are genOrnit - t'Ornt, lint of rAlIty beavor-jilat like & it plAco. araeeffil ttiffct& girdles,
a, Its ,,V&I
I the .grace of Puletit fireAl at tho eraeki; in the rock fastened on the 01 I taftn's liftt-with it band Of biliek And
God whith In iNVer nOW and heneeal- b.v water to tha Ltitorior stM con- .t, little sell had collteted there, hanging pasisenlevitt-ria. .
wa$is fresh. The buithewsot the 6b tinueo f.AIr3y active. They gold galoon round it, ithat (,o U'itll A fh0IAP4t -03t�, back to stiStAla
I& tp- Values of do. ard am some, at all events, or 0080 eXactly Suit tb� flountcd op tuale: 1%,ag Ott to flin 1a,nd ol i0akes 5tualn 'hic 116"'"I f"y be I'" to? $1 so
McLean & bon � hordis tokocptbe nbtopin tb6kriben tr4eptle manufacturee are firm!y held, volel chargeo alighted on It, the ON- skitts 6nd big elihileaux an style. tAst saw it t T11C.S.I.)
, . A NN111011 I MAy grAenful atitolicd bolts.
pasturo. In ,6rdor to do tailm there N'�)t inneb 011#1,1196 is eXVPctNl Ill I,cfimont in vxpacted to be euceeog- Tilt hinffs to attompaty them dre great InanY halry ala. ftl,'bome 10tv. vatious fitments In tile
must b -b vttr1of$- as to *0en6r;r 4nd tradt� till tile Iteatber turns Colder. tv 1. . t(lelftiff Are jjA&.In ecen� and 00,110 WItII
# vory big "grAllrileo", *Ott o.i; Way of buckles And Clasps and are '�
I . I it tutifs or ktiatig; tile More dj,elis�r 1114, boork to avo,r,y ),rolhAft.