The Wingham Advance, 1903-10-29, Page 5M
Thursday, October 29, 1903 TRE WINGRAM ADVANCE.
`FAKE THE ", tw s WITS I
Small ProBtii•Tl1e fail term. of the Ifi(;h 0ourt of' Slim Prices. ,ho Loa Ser opened in Goderieh on Tuesday, Stout Valueo* Q pturns
—The Grand Trunk Asilway will before the Hon. Mr. Justice Faloon- '
build a now station at New Hambur ` SteulGk R0 r Y our M 0 n ay g, bridge, There were 18 casev set down to cost $2,500. for trial, nine jury and
Dour before, the n oust, T 1: COId easily? s '"-i Department
Glasgow, an employe of the Toronto y at n Cue Basement
Throat C
You ca ignore the values we are offer .
Paper Company, got a verdict for $8,000 Young vs, Young, a line fence dispute tender? Lungs weak? Any
Y t ut't, offering and do justice to at the Cornwall Assizes for losing s in Colborne, was by agreement post- relatives have COriSUiriptlOn?
your pocketbook. Onr acknowledged supremacy in the retail , hand while working for them. period till next court for trial, without _ Then a cough means a great -
Olothing trade of Huron gives us a big advantage in buying, jury, Cherry
,an 9
which we share with our customers in the forin of lowest prices —D, MoNicoll, general manager of ] Johnston vs, King, at action to rieflne i / ~ '
any store asks for strictly reliable and fashionable Clothing. Our the 0. P. R., says men cannot be sot for _
store is now stocked to its full rapacity with the latest FALL the company's western work, even at a Partnership, was set down as a jar
and WINTERSTYLES in SUITS and OVERCOATS. $2 per day and better. case, but His Lordship of his own mo • Pectoral
y /
tion dispensed with a jury. The plain•
—The Ontario Socialists at a conven- tiff Johnston• claimed that he was a y - v 11 ,'
We give you not only the most to sal dealt Follow your
_- doctor's advice and take -
ect tion held in Toronto aet veoll, decided. partner in the business of Icing and ,.;•' ,ii The basement 15
to nominate candidatos in the next Pro- Johnston at the King Edward hotel, Ayers Cherry Pectoral, It - !
from, but the best, and for the least. vincial election for West Elgin, North. and the defendant King claimed there heals, strengthens, prevents. crowded with all
!; j j
" a
- For 40 yoars I have depended on kinds of ]Men's and
• waterloo, and Manitoulin. was no partnership, Four witnesses Cherry Pectoral for, coughs and colds. I =
f f , Maxkdale, Oct. 24,—William Croft, -know a react strengthens wesic lungs ' i, Boys' Clothing, com-
See our Fine Suits—$5 $7 $1Q $12. were called for each side, and at the gee. . A. ROBINeON, Satlae, noon, _ y
$$ $1Q $l l $12 $15. a successful farmer of this section, sold conclusion of the evidence His Lordship a,o.,40e.,8t.00. a, c.eysaoo., .4r f prising all the new-
Overcoats—$7, , , , f All druKKiste. Lowell Mus. _
his farm, and on Monday moved to _ reserved judgment. for I ~ est and I110St lip -to -
These prices give you the pick of the very latest effects in fabrics and town, His daughrer fell dead when SECOND DAY.
Vak L1111S - ! date makes anti
pattern, and the perfection of tit and tailoring, that only a first class custom leaving the old home. Heart failure Carney vs. Foley, was a charge o! t, -styles for fall and
duplicate and then .
was the cause, shot, having defendant
occasions said A erliver l In reale the activity o4 I winter wear. You
Bi Bargains In Underwear,a Toa Shirts, Colored Shirts,
cagdu p
etc, —Tho Canadian Pacific Railway g y d recovery.
• "Mrs. Carne shot our dog" and the 1 can a ild upon et -
Company has now completed its ar• y I l ting d he Very best
Get acquainted with our shoo department rnugomant for steamship service with making of such statements in public
p, rtment and save money. was the slander charged. Several wit- CLUBBING RATES 1903-04.I I Tailored Clothing at
Europe daring the com}ng season, —
r Vessels will ply every fortnight from nesses were called by the plaintiff and prices in keeping
t St. John, N. B., to Liverpool, Bristol, at the conclusion of the plaintiff's case The ADVANCE quotes the following with the department,
The Crowder Co.London and Antwerp. Mr. Dickinson- claimed that there was OAsx IN AnvnxcE clubbing rates,
S H. no case of slander to go to the jury, Order at once and secure the most "away down IOW."
P, —Eight boys from 9 to 13 years of for the money.
• but His Lordship held there was and The Wingham Advance till Season after season this store excels its
MEN'S OUTFITTERS, WINGI: AM age broke into Mr. Keeling's stere at the case proceeded; verdict for plaintiff For $1.00 December 31st, 1004.
Cargill and stole thirty-five dollars in and $25.00 damages. The Advance, and weekly elf in all
`t cash besides goods. Constable Briggs For $1.75 Mail -Empire, beth until Dee. kinds of Men's Wear. Our stock of Gents' Furnish-
roundod n the boys. Tho stents A jury being dispensed with, Oarson Stat lso4, with Mail premium picture—"The
t P P victoria areas.' ings Clothing Hats and Caps is larger than ever.
made good the loss and promised to as. Laird et al was the next Dasa tried, , , +
e W
g P The Advance and Weekly
look after the boys in the future. Carson sued to obtain the fulfilment of For $1.75 Sun. The sun Is an Drool• We direct special attention to our values in Overcoats
a promise made to him by a person who lent paper for the farmer,
—Within the corporation limits of lead adopted him. The promise was a For 1. 5 We Advanceland Montreal ,
h'® THE
the town of St. Mary's, Ont., there is dwellingvalued at $2500 but his foster $ 1 Weekly Heralderauntil Dseen d l t 50-- OVERCOATS.
+ 31st. 1004. Samples of Herald can be aeon MEN'S O
said to be raw material enough to sup- parent died without altering lits will, at the Advance Office. NO. I.—Men's Black Beaver Overcoats, well made, and lined with .Far-
ply Due of the largest cement factories' hence the snit. At the conclusion of For $1.75 The Advance and the old wer's Satin, goo va ue a $7. Our Price .................... ...$ 0.00
the world. A diamond drill test is favorite, The Montreal Fami- No. II.—Men's Fine Grey Oxford Twill, all wool, Raglan' style, well
a the evidence and the argument. His ly Herald and Weekly Stn", for one year, tailored, regular value $10.00—Our Price....., . 3.00
reported to Lave shown a depth of sixty Lordship gave judgment for plaintiff with throe premiums—A largo map otv the SE'"ASONine with ti re and 2 beautiful colored r,pictures,rthe NO. Hl.—Men's Extra Fine Grey Cloth, fine finished, now cut, well
Y Y and $2250 and costs. Price ............................ 10.00
he Advance
cement and slit feet of Sue Cool or daFreeman,
ass aiorjury
of FOrr$2.Boese premiums
Th tAdvance an oTountl lined,
Reefers. Boys'
Frank Stephen of Greenock township a claimf g Boys' Overcoats,
Our new designs for Fall, 1903, are original and remise of marriage. Four witnesses December 31st, loo':,
died from excessive drinking of alto- P Others will be added shortly. En- * A Special line of Men's heavy o Bova' Fina Grey Overcoats, fano
striking. We have been busy placing into stock new holic liquor, according to the verdict of were examined for the plaintiff's case, c ,lire at the office for rate on an Grey Reefers, high collar, finish, nicely lined. Raglan
l y =; Tweed Lined, a good coat for style, made to give good
Goods (purchased before last advance) and the rush for a coroner's jury in Walkerton, last but the defence was chiefly as to the paper you desire. teaming. Rogiilar value $4.00— wear—Our Special Price.......
these goods is best evidence of the splendid value that is week. Deceased bought a jag of whis• property owned by deft. At the and of -00
key, took it to the house of John the argument the judge summed jury
—It is estimated that the Sarnia saw o Men's heavyBrown or $Gre Frieze Ulsters, Tweed $$
seen. se. the O'Brien near Walkorton station and favorably to the plaintiff, and he J y mills recently lost $10,000 by the break- y
In Bedroom Suites and Sideboards people y drank enough to cause his death. rendered a verdict for plaintiff and $100 Lined, high collar, while the last—only $5.00
ing up of rafts on Lake Huron. g Y Y•
prices are right. damages.
Elmira, Oct. 24.—The Signet says:
In the cheap, medium and high -Class Couches, they Mr. Norman Reist brought to the Signet At this stage the jurors were dismiss- —The Morgan, McKay and o haat A ah+ merit of Men's suits just arrived is surprising values—bought at
' • `, afford to f
have become so popular that you are Sttro t0 See one in some office a air of sugar bents, each of ad from attendance, there being no Cement Co., of Blenheim, who have _ P d value at $10.00—for......... $8.00
CUT PRICES, and will be sold at prices which you can't
p p S P g overlook. Ask to see our 'Leader;' gee
which had grown g more jury cases. been laying walk for Stratford, stated
of your neighbors' homes. g wn thron h a lick of to a Herald reporter, that for rapidity , ,
Our Iron and Brass Beds are sellers. The mann- chain. The gain is about 18 inches Stephens vs. Greenslade an action on in laying walk they can't be beat. Mens and Boys Underwear.
long and has a h001t at Due end. The a Chattel mortgage, was commenced Y g Direct from the factory ; yoy got the middleman's profit buying your
factoring firm wonder how we Sell s0 many in a town the beets are very similar in size and ap but nett Concluded on account of the With 18 men, the Company laid 2,047 Underwear at this store. -We carry the best makes; every garment
size of Wingham. The completeness and the design of the pearanco,'and are about a foot apart, . illness of a necessary witness. square feet of walk yesterday on Water- will give good satisfaction; prices, 25c up to $2—Seo our special at..,... 500
Westcott vs. Perth Mutual Fire In- loo street in 8} ]lours' time, and this is
Beds, with the very reasonable prices, increases the demand. —On Thursday evening a week ago certainly a record breaker. MEN'S FUR COATS.—Wo have lots of them, AI value at
Goose Feathers have advanced in price. 1Ve pay aurance Co., a claim on a policy for ria $30.00
file lightning struck, a tree on the road fire insurance, was settled by nonsent, —At a small school in the backwoods -
the highest price for good feathers. ,.:.... „1...- . „ 1000,"318.00` $20.00,1 '$zJo ,A.•_ 4,
s side north of Londesboro and two man the defendant Co. paying plaintiff $650 awell-meaning but misguided instructor
osite the
and a horse were almost oppy E. Isarcl Co.
tree at the time. The. horse fall on its and the parties to the suit paying their gave her pupils the task of substraeting
UNDERTAKING own costa. 629 from 880,788,889 until nothing re -
UNDERTAKING • knees' one man fell over against the mained as a home lesson. On the way
Sth hon Petrick other, and the second man could not Corl va. Kuntz, a claim for damages Q Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for NOUN
St., 5th horse west _ for seduction was settled out of court. home from school the children rejoiced pp- g
of Hamilton's Drug shut his hand for several hours from at so easy a requisition, but once at
Store. Night calls the effects of the shock. At the opening of the court yesterday
receive prompt at- + work their rejoicing was speedily turn-
tention. The Peoples Fnrnitare Store Smeltzer vs. Reid was continued, and
—Russia, at all events, does not seem ed to sorrow. After working for hours
was concluded before coon, His Lord
.-,. to have reached her limit of production without. any perceptible diminution of
p giving judgment for the plaintiff
as yet. Tile Central Statistical Com- the figures, the youngsters gave up to .,, „
with costs. This judgment gives plain- ut with
mitten 'of the Russian Ministry of the despair. Parents then tried, b 4
tiff possession of land he claimed, being
f! t at eefQ @@ 99 044 4ppgg'' , Interior puts the area in wheat in Rus- the second time Mr. Smeltzer has had no better succe0. And small wonder.
EKia this year at 52,203,643 acres, as In order to complete the task the num- Homuth
very Box Of the same lands back again.. g
"'e against 50,702,272 last year; the rye bar given would have to be subtracted _
crops shows an increase of nearly a Tichbonrne vs. Tichbonrne, an action 1,400,300 times, leaving a small remain-
9 = to set aside a conveyance of lands said to - FURNISHERS
million acres, and the area in all grain der. Some indignant parent calculated - el J1 1I
root crops is 225, nava been improperly made, was the ■ TS
776,940 acres, as com- that, working at the rate of three sub -
next case, and judgment was reserved
w pared with 221,602,,083 last year. straetions a minute for 12 hours a day,
..- aon this. the task given the children for an
C A ` —Mr. Westcott, editor of the defunct l
SV iJ Sunof Seal who was some time evening's exercise world require a little
ago burned out, had an insurance of Gas on the Stomach. more than a year and nine months to
.. _ ` ` C plant,
com fish. _
. are
®J( Y `J\6 e7 $2500 on his lent in the Perth Mutual. Result of imperfect digestion—pre
P -
l 7 V
The insurance company declined to pay, ing up against the heart it excites i
7 alarming symptoms. Instant relief is You're`"
on the ground of some alleged irregular- afforded by the use of ten drops of Ner- Poor Girl, Pity Her
is guaranteed t0 give ity in taking out the policy. Wostoot•t viline in a little sweetened water, Half Growing Yes, into weakness, but not
a dents dor entire satisfaction in all entered suit for the insurance, and the an hour after the mea], Nerviline aids strength. Studies—plenty of them. t0 inspect OUY large range of materials for
case was to have come up for trial at digestion, expels the gas and imparts a Tired, of course she is, and weak too.
o cases of Stomach trouble sense of comfort. Nerviline is good for Does not eat enough, and digest far less fall and winter Suits and Overcoats —you
,,,,., the present assizes, but a settlement was a lot of other things besides. Seep iti than enough. This condition is so fre• +
—if not mons refund- cant het but find something to lease you,
DR ESSF'S ' y arrived at, the company agreeing to pay in the house for Rheumatism, Cramps, quant, but how seldom noticed even by j p g p
• ed. Try a box and be _ him $650, each to pay their own costs. Neuralgia, Toothache, Druggists sell fond parents. Give her Ferrozone then no matter how particular you may be. You
allconvinced. —On Thursday, September 17th, John watch her row appetite improve, her cheeks
Y i and lips grow ruddy, her step elastic, can't afford to pay less than the prices we
Connell of Oulross while at Hol rood, here frits bouyant. All this simply ,
STOCK FOOD Y ' Y Lucicnow. P
°" e I have room for two lost a sum of money amounting to about the result of eating and digesting ask—because good work cant be done for
e» students in Telegraph $164,00, and he accused John McKay The annual ploughing match of the enough, making blood, and thereby less. Everything that passes through Our
- who is employed at the hotel Chore, of Huron and Kinloss Ploughmen's Asso- strengthening the nerve and brain pow-
otlice. P er. Ferrozone gives a woman's strength hands receives our very best attention ; we
,,, ,o having taken the money out of his elation will be held on Monday, Nevem- to weals girls. Your daughter or wife
a For Sale only by pocket. H0 laid all lnf0rmatlon Agaillat bar 4th, on the farm of Arch. McCauley, needs Forrozone. Get it today. are very particular—more so than our cus-
^ McKay before Alex. Symons J. P. and lot 10, con. 6, Hurou. tomers—to have everything satisfactory.
r • n o r constable J. H. Armstrong arrested Mc- pater Corrigan, of this village was
all( Ol n A.
! 111j 11 Ilyl a Kay. He was brought before the a ointed License Commissioner for
Colin 11 Campbell V JJ LL t magistrate at Rfvorsdala on the 2nd of South Bruce, in place of Jas. McLeod, lei
These Bre Yea50t1S Why you i
! October and was committed for trial. of Kinloss, who resigned the office ow- i should give us an early call
"" UGGIST Chemist &Druggist He vas tried before Jndge Barrett ing to the almost complete loss of his
last Friday but during the cross•exainin• eyesight.
AT _,, ., ,,. ..1 .,1 ., ., .-• .•
office G,N.W. Tel. Co.
1. Iflii tit ttbti{1i0111ill it0lllfll, e = alien of Connolly the judge refused to There diad at her home in Kinloss : p. —
last the case go any further and dismiss- at lot 47, Con. 1, on Wednesday, Oct,
',... ,.. ed it,—Bruce Herald. 14th, Miss Catherine Graham, in the
—Willett & Gray estimate the area in 55th year of her age. Deceased had
y sugar beets in the United States this been a resident of the township for over
r ' ✓ '. ' year at 271132. acres, as compared with forty years, and was highly esteemed. a^
A les Wanted.
238,570 last season, and the output of On Monday evening last lice big ditch •}• ®
sugar at 233,000 tons of 2,240 pounds near the bridge on Campbell street cav l
each as compared with 195,468 for 1902, ed in and buried two of the workmen, i
.r/ The number of boot sugar factories in William McIntosh and Neil Beaton, up a
We are pregared to buy any quanti• ✓1- ; ' ,` y the United States has increased from 44 to the necks in stones and gravel. They j BPa'5
s _
ty of A ties delivered at our Evapor• t o r . J to 55. Of the 55 now in existence, were soon dug out of their dangerous Happy Thought Ranges (►a
sting Factory on Alfred street, 4 lea ]]Halligan has 22, Colorado 8, and Utah position however by many willing =
Wingham. 1 and Califorhia 7 each. Although hands, but it is fortunate that neither Crown HUI'OIl Ranges
Parties having Apples to sell will do i y New Idea Ranges On Hand
well to see us before selling, as we Alichigan is so far ahead of other States of the mon were seriously hurt.
contract for the whole orchard—shalt- in number of factories, she is not so far Mrs. Morrison, widow Of the late Ideal Favorite Ranges
en cif—suitable for drying purposes, , l;, S( P Hector Morrison, for many years all ,.............. .••M'^^
en buy windfalls, if not too small or fop ( 't in the lead in point o sugar roduction. 7
---' California, with oufy seven factories, Base Burners, all sizes These are the coming Bed. Our
old and highly respected resident of f
soft. -;NY v .. _` and 58,863 acres in beets, will produce Kinloss, died in Sanilao, Michigan, on Cole's Hot Blast Coal Heaters.
c `/'
Mahler )rQs• 62,000 tons of sugar, or only 12,000 less the 19th inst., at the ripo old age of 80 Air Tights, all Sizes prices are y$} 3.1 J 1 4-.0 01 til 3.0 U and
Somebody Sand than Michigan, with an area of 104,- years. The body was brought to Luck- p
071 acres and 22 factories, now on Tuesday, and the funeral took Guaranteed to give Satisfaction and 6'. 5 U • A good line 01 Dressers and
,Be as well dressed as you can ) place from the residence of her eon, ]'rices to snit. Call and examine Stands to match.
' *r C60U9$ Cotton Root Compound• afrgrd," and its good advice. Isaac Morrison, them, it will pay you, at
Ladies} Iravurito, But clothes cost looney—more or perfect Cure For Bronchitis.
2s 'the only safe, reltable less according to quality of fabric This disease can only be treated by -a a • • regulator on whichWolpat more or 1088 according to length of remedy carried to the afifected parts /" A fine .line Of .Sideboards, Parlor
can opend '"In tho 3loutJ 1 ihouS hleigh's
sine tttxt of reed;' wear®more or lees according to the algin with the air breathed, for nature tv
Prepared f two degrees of thoroughness of the unseen work. g fjjZZyi Headache? Pain Suites, Bedroom Suites, Cot,te+lles,
strength. No, i and No. 2. This inside part is the life of the - intended those organs for the passage of
No. I'_For Ordinary oases garment. It keeps it in shaper, and is air alone, and sprays, a rail. and ia- back of your eyes t? ft's your Hardware Store, Wingham. etc., at the lowest priCCS.
i 10 by tar the ,haat dollar one of the features which determine tornal medicines utterlyraft. But Ca -
known. tarrhozono doesn't fail, for it goes 11 v e r ! Use e i a r'S P i 11 S .
No, 7.--P`dii opeetal dallesa-lo degrees its Appearance and neatness. `e0ti laxative` a tVegetabie, _
Nitronger—three dollars per box. ,h I -lave you ever tried its for mon'. wherever the air breathed goes, and its y Smith 3t Petliick's old atltud.
S Cldtes•-utak your drugtrtst for Cook truants ? It n ould be worth vans healing antiseptic vapor -is sure to roach y s a.ayerre., 9
lootton'.Root G+onrltottnd, Take no other hale, every affected part. Oatarrltr pas is Sold for 60 years. nowol[,Mesd. WALKS BROS. BUTTOlN
all pill•, mixtures and imitations are inhaled at tiro Month anti after passing
dangerous, iso, 1 and No, 2'are cold and through every air Coll of the breathing THE
recommended Uy all druggists in th. DO' organa is exhaled through the nostrils, Want your moustache or beard i'
aninlon o:l Canada, Mailed to any cos oLse Robt. MaxwellICatarrhozono protects and heals the iri• it beaatifut itrowq ir rich black? dao Vr .i W for tasty and Home Furtlishers and Utlelertal ers
on receipt of orlce and four 2•cent poetess Sainod surfaces, relieves congeatfon, al• 1 Y f C i down•to•dato Grob
MOPq. Luo f79ft1x j sa4nor' Oat. ' T t p
lays inilrinuurition, and perfectly Oarets Printing. Prices
bronchial affections, Price $1. ,Small rlrrr x r,ettt ee, RYE, yl'iIC right.
Zt.111amilton It A. I)Ouglaanh("- A-' High lit Taller W111 haul Alto 25c. lOrngglsts axI'olsotl
Ca mpboli and W. lltoXibbon, druggists,