The Wingham Advance, 1903-10-29, Page 1�Y 1 r M 31ST YEAR, N0, 9.1 WING -HAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1903. $1°00 PER YEAIt IN ADYANCl Phones. Women's Institute. Married, Litigation Costs. NOTE AND COMMENT. BANK OF HAMILTON Tile next meeting of the above Iustl• On Wednesday, Dl:. S. Konnedy, V, S, A solitary log, twelve Peet long and DIr, Cainpttell the local manager of p Lute will he held in dhisholin's Hall on (formerly with J. Wilson, Wingham) three feet through, worth perhaps fifty the Bell Telephone Co. has left the _.._President "Teddy" Roosevelt of Friday, November 0th, at 2.80 p. m. Walla,ceburg, was married Miss cents, may yet cost Martin Roaeh, J. Advance, the new list for 1903, There the United States, was forty'Rve years -WING HAM Y , Y g of age on Tuesday. ------ 1 t tt d II•attic Villiers of that town T Mo- I and Clio family of Josiah Buchin- .are in 4Vin barn, 05 phones, and All are invitee o a en , ., $O Ewen of Wingham was the groom's dale, of Whitchurch district, a cool twelve fire alarm phones, making 107 * * CAPITAL PAIL) 'UP ........ $ 2,Q00,VW.IX) Capital (paid hip) $z,9 +ROO Business Change, best man. $1000, before the litigation between in all. Five have long-distance —The electors of Muskoka by elect- RgE;g1tvE FUND.......... 1,740,000.90 (and undivId• 0 3 330 000 Wade Bros„ who recently purchased them has ended. The case has been equipment. The local service is fug Mabafl'y, pronounced condemna- TOTAL AssrTs...... ... 21,059,500,54 Reserve ed profits) � + s the grocery ocery business of R. M. Tudhope, Recovering. before the courts, both civil and eximi• prompt and efficient, tion on Stratton methods in Ontario - - - have transferred it to J. Humberstone The many friends of Mrs, J. R, Muni- nal for full three ears, with no im- politics. BOARD of pIRBGTaRs, of Ripley,who takes possession on show, formerly of Wingham, will be ' Y Y November 12th, ,r w p mediate prospect of an end. This is the date for the taking of the —Can it be ? Yes, it is a fact I The Ron. h Gibson a -- President Farmers' Notes discounted. Wednesday next. pleased to hear that she is recovering (leo. Roach John Proctor A. H. Lae Drafts sold on all points in Can- from her illness. Au operation was Hand Taken Off. vote on the By-law authorizing the men that professed to be shocked at John S. Ilendric Goo. Rutherford p Start your coal stove with charcoal. purchase of the Wingham Electric an expenditure of $11,000,000 in 1596, T. Turnbull7rvice-Pros, and General Manager ads, the United States and Europe- Ten pound sack of double screened undergone about,three weeks ago, and Mr, John Davidson of town received Light Co.'s plant. So far, there ap• and declared it could be reduced by H. S. Steven, Hast. Gen. -Manager charcoal, at Robt. Mooney'$, for 15ets, •Mrs, Al. is now doing nicely, She is a message from Galt on Tuesday, SAVINGS DEPAf3TMENT. Try it, at the home of herbrother, Dr. J. Ma• stating that his son, David, would pears to be very little opposition mani• three or four trillions annually, have H. 31. Watsgn, inspector. ° Ash, Belgrave. fest. A large number of the property increased the expenditure yearly. The Iaterost•allowed on deposits of SIM and public Meeting. have to undergo amputation o£ one Deposita of al and computupwarded on 30th received, int- upwarda, and added to principal 30th Juno hand, This was a surprise to Mr. owners consider it a good investment, session just closed is arecord-breaker eroatnllowedandcomputodon30thNovember and 31st Dad add oath year. A public meeting will be held in the Bought Another loo. P Unless some opposition to the By-law for money votes, totalling $250,000,000, and3lstMa each year, and added to principal Town 11$11 on Tuesday evening, No- W. F. Vanatone has purchased, Davidson. So far d nj can gather, Spee in each also received at currant P David gat his hand injured a short develops soon, the presentation of its * * * rates of interest. A, E. GIBSON, Manager vember 3rd, at 7.30 p. To., for the Pnr'- through the agency of C. J. Maguire, ease, at the public meeting on Tuesday —.Now Mr. Ross, after losing Mus- WCORBOULD Agent pose of discussing the By-law provid- one hundred acres of land in West time ago, and blood -poisoning set in. P t R. Vanstone, Solicitor to for the purchase of the Electric The sad result that the young man evening next will w rather weak. at la, where your candidate had, Ing p Wtawanosh, 2t miles from White- Last week and the week before, the at last election, a majorihp of 80, will Dickinson & Holmes, Solieitore Light taut. Ever ro art owner loses one hand, is indeed a calamity. g p Y p P Y church, from W. II. Gibson. This The amputation took place on Tues- Advance gave examples of the success you be so kind and condescending as should attend. lot lies •alongside of a hundred acre's of municipal ownership in a number to allow North Renfrew a chance to NEW ADVTS. . purchased •b Mr, VanStone from day, Very Busy. P Y of places, and this week we give in an- be represented in the Legislature. Or, It Pays.—W. G. Patterson. Mr, Gibson over 'a year ago. Age of Invention. other column the figures for Campbell- are you still afraid to face the electors C. Lloyd's Son & Co. are very busy g Hnoters' Excursione.—C. P. R. in their door factory, and have had to Increase In Price. A Hamilton mechanic has perfected ford, which ca n streets, thirty-sixanare there. Perhaps you could fn Mtis- � Finnan paddles, etc.—At Griffin's. work oyertime to fill orders. This On account of the increase in price an automatic shocker that can be alt.e lights for the town streets, and yet re- them with the same success as in Mus- +► Mantles, etc.—Ritchie & Campbell. week, the Advance expects to cont- of material and wages, we are obliged Cached to an ordinary reaper. This ports n profit of $450 over and above koka. Why fear to try ? Clothing Department.—Isard & Co. plate the new catalogue for this firm, to raise our prices on horsesboeing. attachment receives the sheaves as working expenses and payment of * « Winter Necessities.—D. M. Gordon, and we hope it will be the means of Increased prices will prevail from they come from the binder, and when maturing debenture on the purchase. —Even yet, Dir. Stratton has not Have You Tried It?—W. McKibben. securing many large orders for the November let. the required number is collected they There appears to be no valid, reason accepted R. R. Gamey's invitation to , Iron & Brass Beds—Walker & Button. firm's excellent doors. Wm. Holmes are set up in shock by the machine. why the results should not be equally meet him on the platform. Strange, j�a,�,� �O Caution Required. Dress Goods, etc.—Jno. &Jas. H. KCrr A. Nichol This new development in farming favorable in 'Wingham. Every pro- isn't it? He was not always this cold j� Bargains In China.—J. Humberstone, A, S. Murray' machinery was tested not long ago perty-owner should be present and and distant. Even G. W. Ross has T. L. Jobb and worked fairly satisfactorily. It is hear the question discussed next Tues- ceased patting Gamey on the back. t Most For Your Money.—Crowder Co. Now that the season for hunting is Nevertheless, looking at the result in irted It 7 New Designs in Furniture.—Ball Bros, at hand, snore caution should be exer- STOVUs_W ood Stoves, Coal Stoves, reported that the devices will be ready day evening. cued in the handling of firearms. Ranges and everything you may re- for use in next year's harvest. With- At Fort Frances. Muskoka, Mr. Ross must admit the NPariy a dozen accidents have been quire in the stove line, both new and in the lifetime of one generation we truth of his own estimate of Gamey, second-hand, at rices that will our- The following from flit Fort when ire described him as "a man of The latest and best in reporters in our exchanges c3uring.tbe P. have passed from the reaping -hook to II past two weeks. The latest occurred prise you. A. YOUNG+ & SON. P Frances Times will be of when force." the self -binder, an will probably tee Cough Medicines— Jual giC1111 to residents of this locality, as it refers near Owen Sound on Monday, when a Guy Bros.) Minstrels. the self -shocker before another year is . + tun man received a severe wound to several. of our townsmen :—'The —Referring to R. R, Gamey's part in cc Watson's Coffaline" y � Year after year, these famous min- out. What will the people of the next tide of prosperity has turned and very the Muskoka election campaign, the Wear Greor's'Shoes and Rubbers. from a gun in the hand of a companion etre] roeu add new features to their generation see ? „ soon Fort Frances and the country Seaforth Expositor said recently:— cures Coughs, Colds, Bron - E. S. Dulmage of Wheatley spent and it is'feiired death may ensue. show. This season they claim every - These snumerous cidents should Have we met your feet? Iri the adjacent to the lake will be a scene of That should settle the matter." So chitis, etc. We also have part of this week with his parents thing is absolutely new from start to splendid new fall Shoes for Ladies and active industry. The tall chimneys it did, Bra McLean, for after listening here prove a warning to be cautious in' the finish. The grand military spectacular Gents we are showing something that's will loom up against the sky and to Gamey's story of the shameful brib- all the Standard Cough handling of firearms. first art represents soldiers camping stilted to every foot.—W. J. Greer. D. Robertson had a fine flock of p P P g hundreds of workmen and their fame- ery business, the electors of Muskoka Medicines in stock, thirtb- eheep in town on Wednesday for Rlj 4movcm_l have removed. my in South Africa. The electric eftects lies will be added to the population. on Tuesday last, turned a majority of U8 in number. shipment. dressmaking shop to west side of with colored lights makes it one of the Roots. P Frances street, second house from prettiest settings ever introduced to The Brussels Post gives the award The first to grasp the situation in re- SO for the Government candidate at Owen Sound School Board has dis- Victoria Street.—bliss Wynn, Bard to the great advantages Fort the last election, into a majority of l73 M(1 minstrelsy. Don't miss seeing this of prizes offered in connection with Frances offers for manufacturing pur- for the Conservative candidate, and �IAL'rON 1ilU�I��ON carded the vertical system of writing Greatest Thing In Maps. big show at the Opera House, Friday East Huron Fall. Fair, for the best0. in the schools of that town. October 30th. acre of mangolds and. also for the best poses was H. ur Bell, son of Thos, that in a by-election tat, "That While the tyholP rnnntr•y has been night, Bell, the big furniture manufacturer should settle the matter" certainly. 10 cent cigars are still going for 5 calling for :t ries• upLo-date map of I acre of Swede turnips. There were of Wingham, Out., who last spring in * * DI�UCIIC><IST cents—at Buckley's. Canada and all the Provinces shmv- An Onion Crop. four entries in each competition and company with John Leslie of Wing- —Centro Bruce was vacant only ing projPctod Transcontinental Rail- Over ten tone of onions grown on the 'ud to was clone last week by W. Lila Lapp of Castleton is a hustler, whys together witlr Alasktin boundary three-quarters of an acre of land is the J g g ham at the instance of a few who are twenty-nine clays, The member elect 13. McCracken, of Brussels, who made interested in the prosperity °f the was unseated on the 28th of January. Next Door t0 Post Office. On a wager of $5, she picked forty and the lines claimed by both coun- record which Mr. William Scarrow, 5lifts at each lot and the results were barrels of Apples in 7 hours. tries, it has been left to the publishers P district, paid Fort Frances a. visit. The writ was issued at once and the of that great national newspaper, the an Owen Sound gardener, is able to as follows :— After looking over the ground and election was held on the 20th of Feb John street has been considerably Family Herald and Weekly Star of report. Mr. Scarrow resides on the M4ngolds. Weight• improved in appearance by use of the Montreal, to give the world what it old Holmes property on the Garafraxa examining the timber supply they re- ruary. The government saw a sure has been looking for. These maps p I Y W. H. McUutcheon, Morris ....195 iUs. P .• turned home fully convinced that this thing stud wanted it without delay. road machine and gravelling. it will surprise the country to hear, road, near the head of Oampbe)l street. Jae. Speir, Morris ....... ......ISO « Some 20 young ladies have enrolled are printed on fine paper beautifully The land was a fine piece of clay loam. P. Robertson, Grey ............175 place offers exceptional advantages North Renfrew has been vacant for engraved, every boundary actually Nearly six tons of the crop were of the Will. Robb, Morris .............161 for the manufacture of furniture for over 510 days. A session of the Legis- Some themselves in the domestic Science traced, being at once the finest map silver skin variety, and were taken Turnips. the northwest trade, iPlte result is talars has been held and that riding classes at the Ontario Agricultural of Canada yet produced. It is timely Jas. Speir, Morris .. ...........251 that H. 0. Bell with Aa H. Carr and was unrepresented. The government college. and Inestimable value. We under- principally by the Taylor and Pringle Robb. Nicol, Morris ........ ...227 D. Robertson all of Wingham, after had not a sure thing and were afraid stand no copies will be sold under Co.'s pickling factory. The balance of Win. Robb, Morris..... .. • •`211 ;� tin over the round again, have to bring on the election. Constitutions Mr. and Mrs. Watt have secured $2.50 each, hitt, tmeh y+carly subscriber the crop found ready sale at local com- W, H. McCutcheon, Morrie ....101 going g g rooms at J. Stephenson's, until the of the Family, herald and Weekly mission warehouses and stores. Dir. joined forces with W. A. Preston of and larva'have no place in the matter. Star will receive the great map to- Our Cemetery. dine Centre and formed a company It is expediency that counts.—[Kincar- house they occupied shall have been gether with the autumn premium Scarrow estimates that he'has a net y repaired after the fire. palaces, New subscribers and renew- profit on the crop of over two hundred The resting place of loved ones, known as "The Preston -Bell Furni- dine Review, ++ als will et the maps as soon as they dollars, V "God's acre" as it is sometimes called, ture Company Limited" with Messrs, —The by elections in Sault Ste. i i,A word to the wise is sufficient". g Tues - and That word i's—Greer's for Shoes are out of the engravers' hands, t�uL should be one of the prettiest, most W. A. Preston, H. O. Bell and A. H. Marie and Muskoka were held on Tues - and Rubbers. every one will be served exactly in Send details of your property, and attractive vicinity.The Carr as provisional directors. John day lost. In Muskoka, A. A. Mahaff y, the order in which they subscribe or price to 0. J. Maguire, and he wi11 places in the ' Advance has never heard of any fault Leslie, wholesale furniture dealer of elect - the Conservative candidate was elect - To doe;, scrape and paint one of renew. The Government of Canada find you a buyer,. being found with our U,tretaker. No Winnipeg is also interested and will will have the use of a set of these ed by a majority of 178 over Dr. Bart. England'•e big ironclads costs on an Family Herald Maps. Farmers' Institute. doubt he does all he could reasonably probably handle the output for the average $20,000, and this has to be Liberal. In the Soo, Mr. Smith, the There are four good 5c cigars for Supplementary meetings of West be expected to do for the salary he re- west. As the new company has taken Liberal candidate, is reported elected done often twice a year. 10 cents—at Buckley's. Huron Farmers' Institute will be held ceives. The time is coming, if it has over Mr, Preston's big tie, piling and by 120, with a number of places to hear . . Lower Wingham as follows : School Board has- I not already arrived•, when a man's timber contracts they will put in from. A. Miscampbell was the Con - been at the expense of a new lock for Londesboro ............Dec. 1, whole time could be profitably spent camps at once and get out ties as eervative candidate. After the general The above cut represents one of the woodshed, to stopthe disappear- Rooms To Let. Belgrave................ " 2. g p g g spring elections Conservatives held the Soo the many styles we carr pp „ in fakir care of the lot. Win ham well as logs for file s cin„ cut. A yin stock, o Furnished or unfurnished as re, St. Helens .............. 3. large saw mill will. be erected this the famous' -Queen Quality Shoe for ance of the wood supply. quired, in the healthiest locality of Holmesville ............ 4. has a fine cemetery, in a good location, g and the Liberals, Muskoka, so the re- women. Whether you intend to pur- The coming year will show a month Wingham.—Apply to A. W. Webster, Delegates—H. G. Reed, V. S., George- and with a man's whole time and at• winter to be followed during the sults on Tuesday do not affect the chase or not, we will consider it a without a full moon—an occurrenceL. O. L. 99l purpose holding a de- town ; subjects—"The foundation prin- tention devoted to it, a beautiful and summer by it sash and door factory, Government's majority. It was in pleasure to show you these Shoes. mber 5. ciples of successful stock breeding." interesting place might be made of it. planing mill• furniture factory and Muskoka that R. R. Gamey took so which takes place every nineteenth gree meeting on Nove any rate, the Advance throws out wooden ware factory and, the com- actives a part in the campaign, and the If you want to save money year. The month will be February, Miss Addie Tiffany of Delaware is "The modern harness and saddle hors- At W. G. Patterson has placed his visiting her sister, Mrs. J. 13. Mahler. es, and holy to breed them." "The , the suggestion, that, aspirants to the pang will spend this winter and spring result shows that the people of that buy your Rubbers here.... advt, in the Advance and calls atter- NIrs. T. A. Mills'is very low at pres- relation between Iatproperfeeding and 0ouucil for 1001 may take the matter about o kin 60 000 oron der andtrsaw ne- riding believe the charges he mad© ant, and no hopes are entertained of diseases," "Management of dairy cat- into their consideration. Y against the Government were true. tion. to his stock of watches ; see the her recovery. tie with view of preventing diseases." . cessary material for building their By the Muskoka vote, Mn Stratton (� advt., and watch that space for future NOTICE.—Tbose owing me will kind, J. Il. St?Ath, Langbank ; subjects— Fire. several factories. is discredited, In the Soo, Hanna & C o' S the action ,r issues. ly call at old stand not later than Sat- "Feedand Feedifig," "Weeds." "Good About nine o clock on Monday morn- "Every one knows where his own of the Government in connection with TENDERS WANTED.—At once, for urday noon as I am leaving town that Seed." "Froin soil to sant." Even- Ing, the fire alarm summoned the fire- shoe ninches." That's very true. Nev- the payment of the wages, no doubt SHOE STORE lob of moving a barn. Apply to Geo. afternoon, and oblige—H. Al. Tudhope. ti p men to duty, at the residence of DIr• ertheless, if everyone wore Slater and had considerable to do with the else Fretwell, Bower Win ham. 8-10 Mg subjects—"Choosing an occupa- &TgeXt door to Post Office r , g Mahler Bros. have just received a Thos. Watt, Josephine street. On ac- Hagar Shoes, there would ,jte no car of coke from Buffalo, N.Y., for tion." "Agricultural Education." inched feet.—W. J. Greer. tion of the Liberal candidate. A runaway occurred on Tuesday their evaporator, coapt of the location of the fire, be. P from the apple Evaporator. Win. lIr. Chas. Sherrill of Toronto spent Prize Winner tween the upper ceiling and roof, it I —lir. Crossin, formerly partner of Nicholson saw them passing and a few days in town last week with The following from the Paisley Ad-.. wits very difficult to reach, and it took MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP. R. R. Gamey, came out Iast week with Agents average Liz- g a day all the made a plucky effort to stop them relatives and friends. vocate has reference to a brother of some tiInt} and a great quantity of a statement regarding the missing year round selling out goods. Always gi g g in use. Household necessities, not but failed. A new plate glass front has been H. E. Isard of Wingham:—"Mr. J. S. water to get it under control. Air. (Renfrew Mercury) leaves in the cash book. It appears fad or luxuries. No dull season. Write Mr. Wilson of Shutes Street is re- put in ,the store occupied by R. H. Isard, of Eldersho cheese factories, and Mrs. Watt keep a number of On November 2nd tite property- that the Piano Co. was not prospering; G. Marshall & Co., London, Ont. covering slowly from the effects of Crowder & Co. It is quite an Cm carried of the lion's share of prize hoarders, and every room was well owners of Renfrew are to decide no purchaser could be found for the MONEY To LOAN—At 419 per cent. on provenient. money for cheese at the Dominion Ex- carpeted, and as comfortable as possi• whether they become the owners of stock of the Co., and the outlook was improved farms. Easy terms of re - paralytic stroke he received some Ontario's cheese rodueb in 1001 was Y p the Power.Co.'s water power and time ago, and is able to move about p position at Toronto. With an exhibit ble. Nears all the furniture, cares, 1 bhu>, All at once amyaterious strung- payment; expenses light• A p indoors, but has not pet ventured 131907'012 pounds, worth $13,410,9S1' from Oantire factory he won first prize etc., wens new. Ten bedroom sets, electric lighting plants and isle er, whom Mr. Crossin had never seen Dulmage, Real Estate and Loan t The butter product for the same year g Wright li httn pliant, or leave these Agent, Sent Block. outside. was 7,550,54`2 pounds, and was valued for June and July Crates (shown in one bedding, etc„ were removed g lighting before appears as deliverer. This g at $1,527,035, exhibit) first for August colored, and as quickly as 1S'ossible, but nearly all in the hands of the private owners. stranger purchases 5000 shares of stock Mies Edna Manning, who has been HICIIIEST CASA PizIOE.—I will pay third for August white. In colored the carpets were totally destroyed. The village of Campbellford has worth $50,000, on condition that Mr. teaching at Win ham Junction school g a o elation of about 2,500 and owns 13 g the Highest Cash price for all kinds cheese he swept the boards, getting The sight after the fire was a sad one, P P Crossin makes a statement against Mr. since Easter, has tendered her resign&* of dressed fowl, Persons wanting all the first prizes offered. There never for what had a few hours before been the Electric Light plant, The Coun- Gamey, so that it could be used in tion, to take effect at Christmas in or- meat in large quantities, either pork was a larger number of exhibitors in a comfortable home,. had become, room oil purchased it. power privilege and Mmkoka to offset the injury Gamey THE— der that she Inky pursue her studies at or beef, can be supplied at right prices. think they made a bargain. The was doing the Government up there- Clinton T, FIELD. the cheese list at Toronto Bair, and after room, a scene of blackened floors, Clinton Collegiate. never before did any single factory carpets so sodden with water and trod, privilege is two and a half miles above WPIat the electors of Ontario are anx- A bulletin of the census of 1001 just make such a record for su erto tt of den with cinders as to be unrecogniza FOR SALE.—That valuable property issued reports for Ontario, 141,125,830 P p Y the village, has seven acres y land ions to know come now, is—Where did the (jy1 Dr p known as the Shaw Block, Will be acres of land, of which in the census product, So notable is this showing ble. What was saved is in such a h connection, also four fairly good n)°nay come from to buy the 5000 corner Dlu Store sold cheap, as the owner is leaving year, 10„500,291 acres were in crop, that Mr, Isard has been besought by condition, that the loss to Mi•. Watt ileuses, and a dais 100 feet wide, and shares and thus help the Crossin Piano town. For particulars apply to Geo. 4�g3,070 acres in forest, and 8,259,3E the publishers of the Farmers' Advo- cannot be ascertained :�t present but S's ft. head, all far $2,500. They have (Io. out of business difficulties ? Who Shaw, or R. Vanstone, Wingham. acres of swamp or waste land, it must be severitl hundred dollars. Bate for an article upon the subject of since spent $1,000 tit it, besides A prat was this mysterious stranger? The Mr. Fixtpro's family removed to At the annual Meeting of the W. G. making prize cheese. They wish to There is some insurance, which it is it will take to repair the present electors of Ontario are now more con- _ Is the Place to get London on Monday. His house will T. U. in St. Thoinass, Rev. J. Oliver of give all Canadian cheese makers the hoped will cover the actual loss. The break. When in good condition it is vine cl titan ever that Gamey received be occupied by Mr. McDonogh and Listowel severely building belonged to kir. A. Dulmage, g the money front Stratton, for by the Everything that IS Government for the way in which it benefit of Mr. Isard's experience, It i g thought ft pvould sucrate `2lU horse family, Mrs.” Maxwell, of the I3hle• had victimized and broken fifth with is remarkable, however, that although and it is badly damaged. The insur- power. The following is the financial statement extorted from Mr. Crossin, pyre and Fresh tn vale road, will occupy Mr. McDonogh o the people rvho espoused the cause of quite a number of inen have assisted arca ou the building expired a few statement it is clearly shown what Gamey did House, and may purchase It, temper_trice, If he, had any leanings Dir, Isard time and again iu Cho mak- weeks ago anci renewal was delayed ItEv ENIJE, with part °f the money, which he in politics said the speaker, he leered g Andrew Henderson, wire Was re• toward the Government which he Ing of cheese ill Rider factories too Cont;. Dlr, Dulmage estimates his Street lighting......... .. $ �.c tri alleges he received at that date, y that beat everything at the exhibitions loss at $'#00, but intends to thoroughly Private lighting .............. • 710 cantly severely injured, is still in a dared to criticize, b which the tem- repair the building at once, The water` J ce ttcal condition. Ito was reported Perauco people of the province had from the Chicago World's fair clown p' g $1.,280 P( basely victimized, to Cho township shows, yet not ono of poured into Cha adjoining building, the E:il�VINT)ITuar, Literature. improving last weep, but since then, grocery of DIr. Pattison, soaking the +a , Drugs -ears have been entertained that he Miss Maggie Lind narrowly escaped Llreso mea clot compete with him in g' y Debentures .............. .......y..,0ti.i the long session of the Dominion f serious injury one da recently. Slre p 1 injuring Maintenance, salaries............ )J;i '' Parliament brought with it a most I'll - 'He not recover. Ile is still at the was ;Valkingyover the iron bridge in snaking a tine brand, Undoubtedly a d scam completely iflood n tsth the tllarg home of Robt. Mason, Bluavale. X,otVer't'VinghaIn,•rtnd failed to notice DIr, Isal'cis sacecsa is due in the first 1 Y g Other expanses, repairs etc....., 750 nsnitl incident, suet that is the carry- home wa un overtaking her, She slipped place to his close attention to the mite damage there is covered by insur- $3,x11 Inri taut of the capital city not only the The vital statistics of Ctrs Province gg ance. September show fl9 cases of aside gnickl ensu was iltrorvn dawn piece details of the process of Irak• Or a pmjit of cover $150, Tltare are members of Pitrli+tment to their dif- for Septa by the prOjecttug boards of the Ing and curing, and secondly to the omtr) ov TIIAxr:s, oil the streets iii are lights at $l0 It ferent homes, but two special trains scarlet fever and 0 deaths ; 240 cases o£ waggon rack. 1t ortunately, site was Dir. and Mrs. Watt desire to convey n clear . the wheels and horses' exceptionally fin© flavor of the Bruce to the Firenson, their sincere thanks year each, and `25 ineanclascent at $t• of literature guarded i)y special Of• Hamilton'diphtheria and 30 deaths ; 110 cases of throw for their hard and faithful wort: in hs there were hoofs, and escaped with a not very county grass. DIr, Isard also tank each, Tho incandesceuts Cru 33 caudle fivers n tit© it Frinioir evening the typhoid and SO deaf , sortouslybrutsed shoulderand it slight. first prize at &ondon, and has taken bringing the fire under control, and power; the arcs are 100 candle•pOwer. departtncnt, Un Friday evening the 149 deaths from consumption,. The ly injured dress. The team was a altogether $1500 In prizes. This make also to all who aided in removing their But they ars of il)u enclose are tient special arrived Cu Toronto, made DRUGGIST dotal deaths were 2,013, against 1,951 yQunl one and took sudden fright at of cheese for sato at II, 1:. Isard & Co: e. 1lotlselrold goods. 14' ctfort made In o tL email boy carrying some bags. in their behalf is sincerely appreciated, kind --and throw an atnottnt of light up of three of the largest mail coaches 1 190.` ble tan• tVANTEv, mlfrash Eggs Me; packed lir. and yMrs; Watt are also grateful %)early as good :ts the Renfrew open loaded with "printed matter". 7L'lt© W x N G• .L1 Al STOVEs.--Call fn And'see our assort- %olt SALI.. A conifortrl ,,il and l+. 8 lOc. Also Fowl (t1t1c1raW1]), dtlad for the kind )nvitatiops they ba ro- arcs of nominally 2,000 candle-power, second triliu left Ottawa Saturday meat of :Moves and get our prices. We t oomed house, oil corner of I. w gg Lbeir Will sell and Alfted St„ Wingham. Ap ply to apples and butter. out, stuck of dress crC sent with many of the hospitable The private 1'rgtrts are oil Clio "flat' with I'll and, like list fit°at, is loaded have tt very large stock and , with literatturu", them at a very lore prhoe,• A. YOUNG .l. c). Currie, or to W. J. Dayell, ding• goods, silks, lots, etcG.uo, tH. XiNaticd. ,people of "�'V'ingham, rate—no oysters. SO'7, haul (near Zetland). ,