The Wingham Advance, 1903-09-10, Page 3V, I � . ,. I I ,� , '.: '_. " r 1, . ­ . I � �, I I I . � I,'! 10, , , '': . , . '' . � . , , . � � , , . - +t two great liondiands, less than three . 4* allies Apart, I wJilia the narrower , . tldo�raco between thoul takes the full I current ro� tile ba..,oln ,withill, This covere on aron, of more than 400 squ o ,miles, so that It Is Marc to era,var I A 8111U WoMdn'8 TGdF8 i . that through that varrow gap , - F . . + * more thall .11010,000,00a Ildrao power hours run daily, to -waste, To utlllv,o (Chloago. Clfroiliolo.) - fomotton that lie ovor mailo them, it would require &a engineering, Joat Mile silly little woman's tears. and there Is a row. ! I more tramondowl than any�thtng yet niallo )no resolve to put ,har In n , it ho-1kr an llngiil kind of a, waa lie attempted by man, but In years to story. Bile has boon married about ,doesn't talk back, Como tile game may be worth the a year. 1111tut la Wji�.r title cried. At- Aut lie thinks a lot, 11 oandle.-CA.soler's Xagay.lile for Aug - tor she Und been marriett a little 11Q il'over expacted, those eligag ust. , � � I . I . . longer Bho will cry much! lees. pont asoortions to turn Up V rom the otrouinotance" of the life. Ile tlittiks alto Is foolish, and case I shoUld. Bay t1yat will be ra- the Oft widell.s. , , , )1' ther a long time. . I- . , I $tie Is ou,ch, a 'Very unreasonable 'AR a, niftttor of fact, no Jana ever little woulith'. Nothing I could say change I Ills character because or his to liar mado the least d1frerence, W-1-ro or any otlor woman. , �Slie kept . oil crying. -Th-o more I n1he -I- I -r--- - ---n Two BRITISH NATIONAL PnVSIQUE� . I � I. . . _. . ., , , ,, '. � I , I . , - � . �. - - , I I , ,�. � . I r I I RI.P.10- . . � *A I 11 � I - I . � . . . .. ,: : " I , . I � . ., " , . � , I ,�: � ��_,�` ` - I I I 1. - I 1. I 1- I I I , I . I � FOR THE SAKE OF 0000 HEALTH IMMINK . . . I., 11 � �� , .�� ' - . 0111clat jftovorl. lih7o V. its* Doteriora- p;lwa.d of 3 apall tea as 4'8AL,kDA1I B trick is ahead of all other black tints ill Iteopults. tese. In lead packets only. ,.Mo and 400 p,,)rlb, By all grocera. The phlyaloal unfltnees, or a largo , I I I . . . i . proport,lon of tile men Offering ;* � I 1. . U41l'y reaBolla may easily be all- ralli ovionot Paso directly downward, duce(I to shdw. timt. Nature has liar- as explained a.tiove" 4ut runs away self thoroughly drained a eousId- upon the surface, o4rr,ylnS with It . orable prol-ortion (A !tile Boil, but much of the Wit, anil wasbing the It Is probablo that 4u. course of fertility Qiit Of much which r0malue. time, an land becomes more valu-' Dut with proper draInage, the raja to able, It ivill, he foaud adlimable tq at once absorbed, and passes down- . artitlettillar drala tile greater part W4rds, saturating the ooll In Ito 40 - of our level or moderately sloping scent and carrying tile fertilizing la,ids that are worthy of oultiva- elements to the roots of the planta, tio.i. The ,question ,whothor It wit) Willis Vie Mrpluo .r4olature, runfil pay to (train ik glynn area depoilds tilrough the drains. . Olt tile value of tile land before Again. drainage Is absolutell'i # 41% I I tAlked tile more alto cried, Fjn4lly ,Va. a mail to In lie, in theatselva.9 its recruits for the FLOWERS OF PREY, norves Krolill removed these, nerves. drainage, the cost ot the opera- , 11000sbUrY or , it, propet. Pit vv.-. .%ttor of IlabitR. of heavy Rolls. It to urao- I told her I didn't, blaino' Iver hus- Ww may causo him to replace bad army lit England to strikingly and the attachrd par, eigen frqul. 1), Clout tind the value of tll'e land" zAtIOJ3 , ))and one bit for what Ito had .IlabIts with gocy.1 ones, but neVer broughl, out by the vacant report,' __ number or jitrityi(itialo, and attar whea Uralneit. %ils im rk question lfelit that A wat soil 040. never (10118, and. went home. (lid any woman thange the real char- of the Dirootor-G-eneral, Army Aled- Isisects of loorin and Colot: of Orchids p(IloOploa them, with strychnine, otib.. which! every laadowlior must de- be pulverized. More wAter is U014 -As a matter of fact, lie lfa�dn't actor Qf-a man, ,Ile was what $Ile �lllqj Service, wlliiol� was 1) I Ubliolled Which Their Pray i'hillk Plants- Actod, thent to OtImulation by isotind. aide for himself. by a pulverized and open sell than done anything. Bile OnIr thillke lie fo'notegi sh,-j has itimle him from tile by tho War 0frica lit the form of probabi.y, in 'joinc, respects, tile Ill all =404 t1ley -were, found- to re. 4� the outset it way be pplated by a compact and close Ono. Wat" has and won't believe Ulm when lie very .boginiiing. if Ivan lip 0, Parliamentary paper. spond precisely 48 the poisoned ani- out that drainage deopona tile or to held to the Bali, between the - 310 let past most eurpriaing resulL ot late OKI mala with eare.did. Kreldl therefore soll.-and so affords grog . 4tor roota minute particles or earth, and It Bay site Ifton't. hurtrut babits It Is becaube 11 0 meant During tho ton yours jt - . Milo sounds its It alto were acons- , tO, anyhow. ad less than aligut 85 per colit, tautological OXI)joral,iolls Is tile dis- Concluded that gold fisplies do, not for the roots of plants, Unless its those particles be pressed together Ing Ittin at smile sort of a crime. man of t1lose medically examined 'wora, o0yery! of gemb, anoo" of orcluldectiOu" lic,ar by thn i6o-cailod ear, but that roots have an extensive pasture, compactly there Is no space left Tile .girl who marriou a flow4Lrm en,4owed with aulolul tile All lie did wits to spend tile even- ijllllklng 110 is wax in hor b u4s, to rejecteO on various grounds, but h nd wavee by MC41111 as It vvere, ,no plant can make use betweelt them for water. This colulA lug dowo to�vlv wlth 13DMO Of his be moulded according to ]let- a desires, many that were tQo evidently un- and voruclouft OarRIVOL'011m aPP0- at ,an eVeelally dovolopeil catalle- of the resources of the soll, tothe p4OtJle8h exists move or lose In old fricods-mlic at, two from. Out 1 makes the biggest mistakes of liar fit oil reporting ,were not examin- Cites, tha,t seize and incontinently, alto sense, or, to Tult,: It In Other beat advantage. In well drained most subsoils. certainly (to MU of town, rAtioy mot Win and said: life. ad at all,. so That tile total of devour Insect vegetarians Which, wordif, ,thei gold fiS Wlis sound but soils, the roots of most cultivated those throagh w)jlclt water does . "Let's go t9, tile tlIo"tre," it Bile would only stop to think a Chu rejections amounted to j30 per allured by their Itirm and Polar, in- Mfv'?l not hoitr It. . crops spread themselves whicly and not readily pass, Hence, AIL those 1-10 toloPholliid hie love to Ills uIlauto all() w,ouldn't want that kind Mot-, or three out Of every five.. eawtiously! light Upon them. I ApriolivIng him oxperlmonto In great to a great depth; from two to subsoils are roadered more retail, I wlfQ and told liar tile wolilon't be Of a, husband, ' It is, Therefore, All undoubted fact,, These flower Insects belong to the datAll, Dr. Parker ,con,cludost filially four feet Is quite usual, and some Alvo of moisture by barlag the pax� A cards that at th:Q present time a vere curious family: Malltida,G, Of 'Which that tile mackerel', munhadan And plants, such as lucerne, have been ticies of whicif ,they are compose4 110104) that evening, It was the first Whon a nian iiar, boon food a W01I.Malweil knowautemborin our: it number or otfiew flabaranot known to send their roots as far separated from dine nuother-la a, evening lie ,had anout .away from And the r�cos And tile club In tile cousiderablo proportio;n Of the I , - Southern States, Pliasmoulantis car- only posaossNi. of auditory faeul. its thirty foot. No roots, except word, by pulverization. Mills In- list- africa ther were married. When bachelor day marriage isn't going to .Young Ilion Of the country, aspect - a oijan, commonly.. c-allea Ilpraylug,ltl(Io and orgune, ]lilt they are able those of aquatic plants, will grow creased capacity to contain . ho came home lie fountl li,Qr sob, ,inako him target them. Ile I V n the towns, are phyfileally mantle," though'if the first part to bear anti not -to feel sounds, at- In stagnant wlater. Proper dralu- moisture by attratitioln is the- bIng and , sitting up very straight Llk,u all those, things and Ile the best detective and unfit for military lit a stiff-backed parlor chair, service. of the name Nv" spelled with no "C', though In tho majoiAty or fishes he age lowers tile surface of the greatest security agalast drought, .gar eyes' and nose were red, kind of a huolland. The Army tind Navy (Aaxetto, in Instead of an -a.,, it would be far adinlita that KriAill Is right lit as- ,&,round water, so tliat tile roots The plants In a dry ttme send What a girl must realize to that commenting on this state 01 ar more appropriate, alfice no known stiming tb4t they "I'W" rather than are able to penetrate to their their rootlets throiigliout tile $oil* ,When be asked what iv.w the mAt- hho has married an Individual. insect is more bloodLlili,sLy, and dQu- haaX* 60111140-Washlawtou Post. normal depth, and furnishes eon- mud flourish in tile mol.sture thus tar Bile. said he ought, to- IC410)vj,. fairs, ays: Hb may have same bad habita that ovoltsunately, thlo'lo act thboase tractive of smaller n.nd w_ poker In- - I . 1. I ditions favorable to tile greatest stored up for their time. Of need. It -was half an 'hour bet.ore he lie wantod. to geft rid of pataLlon, i1tviduals belonging to its class. Its , got It out of bei that 6 . lie was anyway. as regards the onLirs pol growth an ,Jlargest ,yldd of crops. SWIB that art- always, wot. so that does It. , - altij by taking away the free large amounts of Nvater ovatiorate sure lie didn't oave for her Any 1%he may 11MURD 11110 witlilO 110 but only thm3e of title poiarex classes. form Is characteristic of its pro YOUR FEET. Whe dr, I more or lip 1would have coline home. But tile ullnute. she attempts to It is from the latter, however, that datory fiabIts. Tile mitatis is really I — water that occupies the pores of ilic from their eurfacep, never becolue N4 . __ carry her polat 'by tears and Bobs tile bulk of it -lib men desirlag tol be 0, 4our-tegged Insect, for tile fore Consideration of Why One is Larger HQII, allows air to pass through the warm. TJi* Bun li.6% grf.At powar to � Bhu makes an aw,ful mistake. If sit(- I - limbo are; oo mod1fledtbat they can- Than the Other. BOIL The soil may be said to breathe warm dry tolls, or holls 'which perailt ' - ,When bb lilt erstood lie laughed .soldiers conw. Owing to the ail . � heartily. ,T�M- idea IvrItts so prepos. gpoes oil with the tears, there Won't Vance of sanitary science, and to not, under any, olreutuntillecewo IV through the draln, for there Is a cart- of a freo c1roula,( ion of nir,, but it hem terous that We found It funny. At be any liapplaeou for either one of the encouragement of atmetio used in walking, and are no more "Tile qirestion, of whicli foot to fit tlauOus movement of air to and fro, littlo offect oil it ,saturated bell, that sillp sobbed so lie was afraid them- sports, the general phiysique of the properly torillod. lago t)utll would be 65t Is an Important one to us,,, tip and down, caused by vibrations Warmth In cissential to tile germilia- the whole household Would be ' __ tipper and middle classes to improv- tile arms Of Moll or tile wing" of . lit the pressure of the atmosphere. tion ofec,p0s- anti the. groper growtu atroused. Ile gait cross, tie Ivan I know men whose lives have been lug rather Than deteriorating. . . birds, Whey. are, in Xact, the "Utural 981(11 the filioe salesman, as he tag- When the soil la comparatirely dry of i�lint.s. Farmers who are.. cultivat- I . perfectly liatural.- and they Ifad oft long ni-artyrdoin to t1ils sort of "It is a deplorable fact thatin weapons of -the Insect, and are used gpd - to get a anvall. pair of . Ox- there Is a great deal of air In Its lug what 1%, known an it "cold!' soil �Uiiilr first raw,. . treatment, 'riame of their wives wealthy P'llgiiiad some 6,000,000of for nothing 0100 than fighting and fords on a. largo foot. tilt may pares. Than, when a rain comes, It will b,, Vie firj;t to concede tile till - "You know wc,11 anough I spent the have been my Wet ,friends. the people. dwellers In overcrowded for capturing proy. Weem strange to you, but It Is rare,- fills I t4io upper end q these pores, portance, of tills fact. oveoiug�j with tile follows bofore we The difference between a, Irma and towns, are lit it state of actual .kn Insect discovered by. Wood NfaS- and I there Is no, outlet for the alr Other advantages of under-draln- D, pink IY that wo do not experience Rome below, It Is Imprisoned and exert- Ing may ba InOutiQ11011. $3,1011 as the ware marrlml,ll m1d he. a woman III married life Is that a POVOrty- Into built of thle men seek. oil masquerades sometimes as I . "You never did w1ille we waro on- man w1on't usually leave )ionic anti ing enlistment belong to this cate- and at others as a ,,vhlto orchid. troub!o In fitting coo foot while Ing a backward pressure on the longer season of crop growth conse- "W,11 oWd Bile. gar y." The wbole, flower Insect is either eon- the other 16 easily Cover(. ' ,d. j%, popUL water above, prevents It from enter- iluctit an tile carlip, r eewlll X_ of draln- "I'll o;w-.n I NvA�q a fool tli.nn,!I said he. go to a niniuma, and a woman will. . hi lYe Director- spiciously, witite, or of a resplendent lar belief obtains that tho loft foot Ing the soil more than an inch or 0 hind; the C0111110'rative freedom Of Ile suffors, In silence --4 heapi of our- of every person is the hardest to tWO. It may happen, therefore, thalt fall wheat and clover from freezing "You. said -you nmer'would It you faring It Is, too -o'er d lot of ca]riis. General remarke, in )its repRrt: pink color, an':! both In color and bad at,^." Aha ivent on, tearfully. "Were all classes of the coinjunn- form, perfectly imitates a flower. lit , and consequently, muny shoo In an undrained soil a heavy sum- cut or winter killing; tile ab3once of Gillet Dears engaged girls, don't mer shower Is forced to run oft the opon drains, which are a (ILCided "Yell w�ajnt to maka a ninny of me," take your swleethearts at all their Ity able to provide their offspring The lower or apparently anterior pe- clerks always try a shoe on that allaid lie. . . with ample food and air space a tal ol an orobidaceous 'blossom, the foot first. It is not trUp, how,- surface, while the laud below the nuisance, In tile cultivation of C1W And :so, tboy lot tho. talk fly book wol-da I . health'y race would be producer] laballum, often of a ,very' curlOus ever, according to my .observation, first inch Is as dry as ever. This Is land and tho, harvesting of the crop; and fortli In a mannor that was all. They Molt know, what they are by the abdo- tbut there Is any inflexible rule as one illustration of the trqtb at the anti, last of all, tho removal from the talking about -h and the proper material to fill tile shape, Is represented omrd and disgusting. That quarvcd oneetly, they don't. ranks of the army would probably men of the insect, wlille'the Parts to which foot to try first. It Is apparently contradictory statement ooll of thoso soluble salts formed, by It they don't edre about their clubs rding It that underdraintag Is a safeguard tilt- timay 61 rock &lid organic mot- . . - 10117 two lives. NO now and like to spend the evening soorn be obtained." %vIllch m1glit be taken rega true, nevertheless, that in a ma- against drought. N ' ter, ,ivhlah cannot bo usod by plants - quaxrcl waa aver yet oo well made The new scheme of army orgaal- as an Insect, for its wings, aro ac- jority of cases If you, succeed In a 03 nit as to bo entirely headed over: with you lot them do it. 1. All slopIng land, unless laid down and tit* presence 0,f willich I tile all zatlon for the Britiall! army .re- tually the Tamura of tile two pairs fitting tile left foot ;you Will have to grass, Is Ilable to great loss by aa,uecis the condition known as "al- ThAtigg are never t,he oame after It. But don't lum,glao that will 'last quires &0,000 recruits a year, but of paterlor limbs, so greatly., ox- no trouble with the right. Aly t.h p surface washing during the kall laAWI ( I . I after you ; re married. I - . ___ ,the Director -General's report shows panded, flat -toned and shaped In practice to to try batli feet before heavy rains In &pring and fall. 11 the DicVartmont of Agriculture, OL- Taaaw axii the worart kind of a nog- Tim husband of tile sweetest girl that only 68,000 are examined an- such mannor as to represent the re- I pronounce a pair of shoos a Per- land has not sufficient drainage the t4wa, Commissioners' Branch. ging a Nvoinan call give it man. Tile airiong you all will -grow tired It you nually, and of theme about 23,500 inaining petaLo of the flower. As feet fit. Thea I am sure of avoid- __ I -----.--,--- I &CLI'm the thought were charming in try to smother )its existence. aro rejected, giving a deficiency of the mantis �rests, head downward, Ing an,y nilui�ako growing out of pe- "-'-'-----'- ----- - - h1s, avroothwirt lie facts like swearing Lot him be 'the man lie hall always 5,5.0,0 pel: llanum, willich, England amid the stems and leaves of a plant, cullarities of foot formation. XO r)c.ft%JC-%%,�one�%-�c,,--kjc--ftj4*S reported Ills adventure. A large at In Ills wJfo. Mille, reaeon. for It Is been -a nice man, or you wooldn't hopes to make up by colomial as- the foreletCs drawn In so that they two persons have foot for ad ex- vartY at 0110a ,Got Out to hunt the love him-. We all know, that. alstance. cannot be seen, tile thiglis of the 134%4108- I Lo,st, but found blar ir,itilevely crip- I 01mido. . actly alike, and the S1100 POSTMEN FACE 490"1- , Ho tlAnks his wile ought to take It's enough. two bind ones railLating out on each & pled at tile bottonit of tile pit. Lts good quaJi'.1ols for graxited. That And don't you think you axe to give the abdo- in.in who thinks so and Is goyern- I 1p.. wa.s n1a,do captive aud trans- 111fl, ALTRY, HAPPY BABIES. side, and the tbora% and oil accordingly, will meet with ninny * on oaxth uly all your old ailsoolatos just bc- men raised at riglit.angles to each _ ferrml to thts. big cage. 1110 110A bcolng so, .tie %venders vvh%t MANY DANGERS' 5 " - cauno you're married. other, the Insect might easily at first Coln �JC.., nover recovered wholly from 'he - sim call find to cry ahout P"aints.* , 9 _ of T�ho y(yuiig*m,tn of wjlom I wrl to lci It he Is Qie right kind of a man lie Every mother most earnestly do- eight deceive more discriminiting oil. "For game time I pondered overtlie _�C.,._;t2,0C.. _3e.".3C..��t2 rects of Clint fall, and you call sea , a thorotigbly flno fellow. Ile J7 -is doe.qn't want you to. sires to see hoi little ones hearty, tomologlets th-in the honey-seckors problem at fitting shoes to feet, and Icatil, tootlllc0g, wangy ola how he still Ilinvo from Shia to 81do muell ill lov,! with IlLs wife as a I -nail — . rosy and full of life. The hot wea- . especiAlly as to why the left foot A big lessly pricing of MEr cage. - ong b -i. Ileirliaps I'd bettor write it, ther, however, is a time of dan- that settle 4`,')01I it. shoutol be considered the standard 13-igal tiger wAs real When I rlDtrto to 'think it all over, I An allied species, exactly resemb- "we read Will on raw beef and mut- Ilwax In love." I[ the truth were all I've written meant; only one gar to all 41ttle ones, and at the ling it plak orchid, is montionedby by which to be governed. The only to &nd fro In his strong cage Yi the t ti� lint 1-;e doosn't neem to like It known Ilvt� no doubt lie thinks'juaL a thing. : very first symptom of uileaslitess; rational theory I have L -ver ben'� I lot the Calc-.utta Zo,j xubbing Ills nOle d � shadeless of Iver becauseshe object- t man- or Illness, Baby's Own Tablets Dr. Wallace, On the autho ity of able to evolve Is a very simple ��e vielontly agalliz-t tile bargi no,, ail,] so W411 at; hie Own' dlet' "a' q the It lq so boantifulthlat I mus I Sir Charles Dilke, as 5nhrhblting ot torippred beast In the man - ad to Chili; night at tile theatuo tion. it. should 'be given. It is easlor to when yotf come to consider It. Nine than, ap If he would like to break out. wOr- . I Java.. Its specialty to allurial-, and An English totirtst NV,,Illt Clolgo to agarlS. A Tiger thiat has ortle . w'ItIl M's mcn frlon,dg. Re says to lxlni- - �ajtll_t -wba,t all IIvG prevent, Illness than to cure It, c.Lpturing butterflies. The expect- out of ton persons you meet are ti ored tilo ta,%ted human rlosit never careg for ScIr all the thno-I'She altauld know . r . tint 16.' aild'-an occasional dose of Baby's. right-b-auded, as ire say. About one to cage anti mockingly off . nl.-� better. Site Is I ungenerous." Noth- a column -In scribbling In time t'Nonli, Own Tablets will keep little ones ad guest having arrived, the seem- pe-raor In ton, or Xorliaps, the per growling beilist a bun. Immediately anything elso. ing hFaxte it man Ilk-, fill, Tho litwband and wife who have healthy �and happy. It sickness Ing feast spread out for Ills d0lec- Ono ol tile, keepers hurrioil UP. . "MAR story, whiell Is well known In 11119 Out that complete faith lit cacli other will be tation arises aad devours him. cc.nt. is even less than that, uses "Don't go near tile Postman, RIPI" Calcutta, illustraixIs tlir- perils of tile th., being he woreblils, IW not 'Quito 90 - hoppy It they're wa poor no Church does come, there Is no other medl- Prof. S. ICUrz, while -at Pegu, In Ills left h9nd. If you w.111 observe 110 ox,plilline.d. ItHe's tile worst tem- Indian postman't; life-parlls whieb big-lictaxteJ o4s him -self after all-. . cine will so, quickly cure the minor aw what lie $lip- persons iv_�,o use the right hand Nyhran are elfarml, In a greater Or less do- . I w.loo or a§ rich as Croosus. lower Burmah. st ['�r . 1 ­ I Ills of babyhood and childhood -and %.beapt we've g0t." - . : I Next to. it big -minded woman 9 posed to, be an 6ralild of a sPe- they are standing and talking, they do you ic.111 Illin tile 1*,Ost- greo, by patrtmen all over the wort(I Of course he made -liar ail kinds 451 falth In G,w,l in faith lit hn.r'busband' yqu have a guarantee that It eon- clos unfamiliar to him, but upon Invarkibly rest their weight oil tlie man 7" tile touritA askvil. 11IL't; it lit many parts or lufla, wli;-ro the promises while they wore engaged. It lo the same irlthi a husband *' tains no oplate or poisonous stuff. examination fak,Ln4ft irt to be a left foot. And vice, versa, a left- queer name for a tiger." inn -it routfw lip forests which are Evory mail does that. If- there Is faith', how can �heroi mrs' '701111 Nall, Petersburg, Ont., mantis of the genue Gong7lus. As handed person will rest his or her -'WD gave him the nanto because lie llifosted by wild beards, tile Post - And every woman accepts tho'-e be, doubt,,? I . says: 11 I have used Ill%by's Owu is common with the habit of its weight on the ilght foot. The re- ha,c; c)a,teu so many postmen," thc man carr'loo A I)r?lt on the end of a promiEms as It they w,are the only No inan, no woman can truly love Tablets, and find them a superior kind ,wben alighting all it plant, suit Is that with rIght-hiande.a pe - �Loo,pjeln;p 11eirl. llyoat,s ago Ito roomed long bamboo rol. As lie goon alonr4 � r 11C 'a ,g I - . promises lie h&4 ever mado or any without it. remedy for troubles of the stdm- it hung head downward, exposing gone title left foot Is ,probably a s a the Interior of Bengal. at a killing trot he elangs tilts bell othcv in-= had ever made. All the little quarrelo tlfat grow ach and bow,els. From my ow -n tit() under surface to view, some- fraction, lnx�gor than tli� right foot, Mho mall service there was carried to frighten away tigoro, cheetahs. As a mattor of fact, a mail Ideal- into big once comes from. lack of it. experience, I cart highly rec6mmend times motionless, and 901110tim0s and the shoo clerk must inevitably. on. aj; it Ig to-cla,y, by Incano of na- Jackals, -wolver, nar.1 othor antmals. Izog a woman h lot .more, than, a tile Tablets to other mothers." swaying gon find this to be a, fact sooner or it Iti (Ionbtful vr1trither the bell lo woman cAn a man. I - That rnaat:a tbat a womail ,doesn't a tly like a tic or touch tivo, carriers, wild went from village or allich ll�qc; It certainly doen nOV love her- husband as a wire should Mothers should aliviays keep thes ad by gentle zePhYrs. A bwright via- ,t a gentle dog -trot. Mut he gets o-vor It quicker. tablets Ir the house, ready for later.11-Noir Orleans Tlmea-Demo- W vlllflgv a : When be waote a good com, unlow site' has faith Ini 1 -din. let blue dilation of the thora'X, hu crat. "This old tigeir aeomed to have, Fea-, a man-cating tiger, As main.v'. panlon- any emergency. Sold by medicine 14 a 90 n, sort of awfully feminine other And by the ,,ionic -standard the hus- front or which its forelegs, band;- made a opecla.1 study or the Bengal tragulliv; of tile, Indian PO t I r- . man that be can talk t y be' Judred. , dealers or sent postpaid at 25 ed violet and black, exteaded like — __ tolftit service. Whon old age overtook vine tmilty. 'But It comforts the � I,. as'alt the , I write thiq story habitude of tit . a cents a box, by writing the Dr. petals, simulated the corolla of a him and he was no longer agilo postinan, �nd lu preforre � cl bv him to I silly little womlan I mentione, f ti ROMANCE OF A DIAMOND. 0 his trJbillations, as we _d at Williams' MudicLue Co., Arockville, papalionaccolli f1dwor so' per cc y 0,110,11gli to trail the (IQ I, and buffalo, any weapion. things that happen to; him. ' Omt. I pleasant lis Is matrie4. he will swear first, Also beeause another silly we- as to deceive the eyes of a prac- — tics -watchotl the val-lous 1111111 routes The Anthoritips, on several orea. . J311 -re The' E4xcelsior Claimed to be -the and d",oured tile letter carriers. eloun. luNyo offere-.1 to suppTy rIfl(14 : A dozen ilmeg aAote-&-tbite iliat site mian, wroto lit-) four pugeo of tile - tised botanist. hau made a changed mail or him. her hu0nud Is do- 1,,000 POUNDS POP, A FLEA, A whole tribe of spiders, members Largest South African Diamond. "No otl)2,r nittivw; seemed to Bat- to postmen oil dangeroliq routca,but IsTo matter iihotlitir lie to U saint Ing- . of tile. PMOmisadoo family, living Isfy ld,; depraved appOtite-01117 Post- thli mon will not inkii them. Thof or a sinner, lie will swea.r It Just So far No I can sne lip -Is a very E'xpedltlon to oflaich a Polar speclillell In- flower cups, assinne ,the colors In the circle whase members make men, So lie forimtod, (lay after day don't vraot to flgk�l, tigM9. W nice ,;art a man. I should say his ' and markings of the flowers In ,,4 living out of ileallng lit diamonds, at, tbe cost of the mall, oervIce. boui they can scare them nwny wellitUd the same. He likes to think Ito Is -How to capture the Insects. E innat env to Ills crodit that lie Llid good. if not, It IL't f�Lto; and tiloy, .wicked just so he can tell bar how. life 1.9"fa,r frow halipy which they lie In watt for victims. 0 , Ill. A. P., there Is a, koon Inter- . ; Jeav Mvvglll. The Hon. Gliarled RothfJohild has T dis_ ays; till Itsolf. Viat was ace,�Ipt It with Oriental Calm. dl;o has changed Ills life. Brazilian biTds, fly-catchol , I not disturb tile ni, Y tUkev herote lunaaares to add epect- play a brilliantly colored ,rest opt. Just- now, In the opera.tion about asualiv recovered. Tilo Indian pomal authorities nev- Who girl, unless she Is a widow, mrita or. theAretto tie& to his collec-' easily mistaken for n flo'wer,cup. to lit,% performed lat Amsterdam on "Ma;y efforts Nrere inadc to kl-..l er r,av(! anvdifficulty in gottingear.. aliva,ys swallowo the whole story. REGARD ERYSIPELAS as aalazigerous tIlseasq. Clain Or thoso insects in tile f&MOUB Insects, Attracted bywhat appears .tilt) 11R.,.cc1,slor,,, W,Wob is clalme(j to him, but It *40 not until hQ bad do- mor.q. even for the nioBt dangeroun Slore than that, soveli-alghtlis of liar Anoint the swollen Itellinx Airin wItIl Lays it 'UP against 111m. Weaverlm Corate, roduce(l With larfl.or walogleal museum Lct Tring Park. to be it freshly opened lih)"Llell bo not only tile laxgc)slt diamond vcyurr,,,] Almdot hit of tilt% local mail tralts. Threo. or four moil, have been sweet oil illbornartesharply. Taltrill'eav I's HO haO already mally tillOusandu - furnish Ufa birds wkth food, Art As- - dopartment that tin wa.8 captured. kjII,NI within A few montlur, along a T_llo very firstlillne, lie doesn't walk Syrul�., at fieno, Obtained from, birds and iatic, lieard Is entirely colored like found In South Af.lon, but tILvIar'vSt Ilig victims numll-r%rail over a scare." jilt 'in path, but otlinno are always her chalk lino sit(, wines at him with . . static of its kind lit tile world. k,fO It ,,HoIr (lid they O.,itch him at IAOL ?" r�_g those promisoa. By that time 110 has � bottots in all parts of the world; the surface of tile desert plains Intl bo, writes my Indian corro- ot�skml tit(, tourist. rtibionillig to . risk tile same death. � . ... - IDAWPQ VMM T H P T.T fll 17, V% but the Aretle vection otf the flea wilare It- lives, except- thht at each ly -N. Y. Bull. I . . - ioml-ot ail at) wourlate moment to 61 14. 1. -4 In ra,ther a - If, t :k k —-77—, — ��� "F� I 6� - RM i�,§ I �, I fA prominent club woman, Mrs. Danforth, of St. Joseph, . Mich., tells how she was cured of falling,of the wofnb and its accompanying pains. . 64l,ife looks dark Indeed when a *amau feeig that hot, strength is stip- pilbg away and she has no, hopes of ,evev being restored. Such was my .1001jug a few months agro when I *&s advised that my poor health was caused by prollipsus or falling Of the Wothb. The words sounded IIIt0 4 knell tonle, I felt that my sun had act 1, bilit Lldla E- PfullhhlWs V09e- tgble U!ompouix(t came tor we as an 6lixtr of life; it rcAtorrid the lost, torads ana built mo up -until W`y 900tl hegilti, returned to me. liar four . nrionths I took the nitilicine daily and . *,Leh dosii added health und. stivellatib. 1. jLla so thanddill lor the hol I ,6btiLintd through its uso."_&. .rLo='4'62 DAV001ITIf, 1007 Mil6s Avo., �St,ZOXbpll,MiChl-$450OOfVTftltI OrIgInalol ,066va Idtfor p?6VIng 96"Wh0034 C1101n6t Kepkodaded, wile rddotil Of Lyilln, V. philt- , h&lnl, ij Vegetable Compound eall- ti6t be e itialled b!1J. imy other , *nedleltic n the wor d. 1 ?3 ; If FREeNEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN." WO*U4%'n W011141 SAVO UWC 'An(I moiliq tfejmoss It th6y AVOIll(I . Zrit,o t6 Xra. Pluklimil, XtYn% , ' I a am., fok adVift, 49 500h 615 41kY tref4ilg syloot6vis ap~- 1 . . department to eadly deliclent. . - I . JV(`,LL. 1113-y' angle of the inouth bloarnis a bril- 1, — 111110 Xlen lie leovoto Most Is that of ot it tile romantic hir-tory of tile curto , "I X liant red folding of.a flesh exa _ mO4 UK .iva,T 'till tilo keeper. "A Dom Pedro dinniond, a�baut willch 1(,ti.or d-Irripr ivn.s rvagsing onn day Chile sauco. . Available lit Bxceptionable Places, the Aretic fox, for no tivo kinds of ly resembling a aittle flower that thore wp�; so lliu,,�h excitement a few th-rougli Ft thicket of lininboos willcli Use ripe tomatoes. To each 18 al,4 Like the 13111y osf Fundy. aulinal have olinilar fleas, and the grows In the sand. Insects lured ago. Whon the unfortunate wan vvi-11 known to be tho occasional . flei't, of Vic 4rAt1c fox to to flea. fan- seeming flower Are Incon- Y02111* 1101M 2 1._2 cupfuls of vinegrar, :I cup- Tldal power ))as been utilized In elor,,; -wjmt the egg a' the great auk Banparor Dom Pedro was deported fergling gronad of wild elephants. t,1111.1tilley disillusioned w,holl they from Brazil his Urvat ,Mamond sooll 1',k..% tW VARROd it tIII(`k Clillup or ful -of sugar, chopped green pepperg aialy! a teryj ismall. wa '; Its large use )is to collectors af birds, eggs. In settle upon it.-Sclentifle American. . y has always boon considered dublons.'14i4t, 0111Y two porreat spoolmons are . ca,me Into the prIvate market. Ali at- callng, t1to notorious mancater, (IV- I cnd�ilgjl to make I cupful, 3 09110110 In tile lirst place.tides of a height known to exist in collections. tompt walt; mado to' sell it to tile en- ti -mil known &f4 the postin-an, leall- chapperl fine, -,2 tabloopoonfuls, of 1<lng-thon Prince, of Wales-w�ho oirl out to devour 101% but the native readll,y avallablo tire local In -thell. I Contsklorably Over a year ago Mr. . DO FISHES HEAR ? old not like to have anything to (10 was too qu � Ick for the ag mixod ground oplaos, OTOVOS, AlIspicil, . occurrence; andseeond, tides are as- ROtlischlid comilitesioned the cap- , orl beast. And. cinnamon. Doll all together un- __ sontially periodic, go that their dir. tain or tile Forgot-ma"Not, all Are- The Wise aell �hluk That blost Of' wltb the painful blisliwss. Then tilt, A, 1"p., ilodgrId and tt-10 tigor landed a rich Batten to fornvool, and the re; Is available only, In two'tte oalling -wlialor to liount for sivel- attontion wao turned to India, where Olt Cho! covering of An (,.let, L tilt tit well blended that ,no _' O�' I ulenig. Tho pillant captain returnei] Them Olt ly Soil lid. tho well-known f nancler, Mr. Jatcob-a, oil the Diller stle of the G111111", and flavor$ are so re" 1 sit d , lieriods occurring lit cy- ml,�vo, for Air. Rothe- 1. in or Simia and Calcutta (tilt, original, (II,;,,lTyppared fr 11, one to especially distinguished front cll� a during ea.ch art ed enses o Right. ri� r� L tie, of tile appar,ontly il of . -%ay, of 'Marion Crawford's Without,walting to in, I rest. F11 311th Is 011,11d, hno now oi'foroa a reward I&IJOB" 18 tile title of tile latest by th)� (I restigate the tit<, Pack In small jars old . t-wouti,rour liours as t le in( . ro it) a, cool place. ( ; rounded out. Ilence thofirst problem C10010 for tho, Arotla fox flea. bulletin lestied by tile United states "Mr. Isaac") took tho matter ill liand. railve rftn to the lirnNlst village and BtO at tide 111tIllsailon is storago at In adtVit:011 to 'tile reward, Mr. lilsill C-OmIUiBffiOn, 'W111611 IS tile woik Eventually Jaci:bi arranged the .sale ' . . _. Al [lower - I . nothc4cliXXX has Mittel out a foll-sized or Pror. G. I.I. Parker, proressor oi Or tll(, atrill(% to theNizam Of llydera- ' I C.Xprdbtlon, Oita W114LIO beat zoology in Harvard Univeralty. The bad for 46 inklis, which, It the ru- It is possible, by, The usii of multiple lue-ilot line again b.en *'It LO"% Y roservoirg to cx�pild the use of the i lt of investigations troe %Vero lit Its noinitittl value, , - titles throughout .tile twenty-four t9orvice, and a gallant pf 1,11TS11 carried. out by the doctor at tile M-3011AN IL sum Of 1:40J,000- Tile I MCLI I H e I P I e s cs ; party jig again wo.11 on thor way to Government laboratory at `Woud�s, d(q;usitocl 1-13 Itikh-; %vith tit(,. bank a hours. A threo-pand system accom- Chip, polar reg1011s. HatI, 31B.'se 0 W111:01 proml 0.� sach in-, w1tich III -1.1 patoossion of the dia- p1jelles this end at considerable Post Tile Forget-me-not 'was last re- tol,esii; that tile 14,,h Cominission do. unand, the Eleal having been carrIcel In complicatioiI or waterwayA and I Ported off X -a issue a, bulletin on the, out b.v means of a glass rcpl'.ca and With Paral'"SIS ewfoundland, where one clxled t y variations lit head, and even a two- of tile scientists On .board was 3 titar- � oubjwt for the benefit of persons In- th(f expert dewrlptlon given by Mr. . .. L . pond sy8tam belps to a steady use Viewed by tho aid of wireless tole-!tercisted In lodith,3 0 Ogy all..l P'. FP:ie,,I_ Sucobs. at tidal' pow'er for part of the day. gralillY. Ho said that In addition to Cure. The most. striking feature at But tlirrOs many a slip between a There Is. too, great varlation In tile i,he Arctic fox specimen they ex- tli!o paper is that lit it Dr. Parker doAl and a diamond. nail Olin halipPil- Who Could NOW be Well Had They but Known I pooted to collect T10aff of the P01a . flea Xovived the old qastion as to uj '� rate of flow to the tides In different r liel-00 tit Interruption coming locaittk%q.tltonlof4tiav0r&blecaFiebo-;I,fan,rI the reindeer, the Eskimo dog, whotber fish "hear" or "Icolosound, front it oillp of aa Irish bny. Sir Doll- of 0r. Chase's Nerve Foodt, Ing that In whIch the tide risen and and the Arctic hate. a, qua3t,tan that has lain dormant ills r4itzpaCrick, at that tint(% P.111.611 falls most -raptilly. But .tile main Lost Anyone should Scent grim ter- ovor oinco 1895, and onIV IaLely rosidlent, tit the ancl:,nt court of Hy- Wi, 410 not claim, thli,t every one , preveAta r4ralyjals and Idedmotatt trouble with tile �Ides is that tile irorFi In flea-lilint.1119 Oil tile back Of a revived through ocrtain Invwilga. tl�oroiiad. It Is tho baidlIONN at Cher Wit() 19 1iart16IyZ(Ik1 cart. be cured by ataxia, Irt does not ease bm, Induo- total rise an'1 !a1l is relativelynniall,. Pabix boar, It thou'd be stated thait Votts made by. tha learneil Harvard 11rittsh rml!lant In a native state to ng Dr. chasn's Nerve Pood, for Ing unconsolouRneffs and unnatural compelling 0110 to deal with low. as tain p-,peditiOn will first ,kill tile Loll tily&.1ogisit. * I fulvis-P,alld tacitly con Lvol-the ellier 11141 . Isleep. it does 3iot deaden th4 we[ us vii'tlablo h-eada, and to pro. aninials, and then toot their fleag. Dr. liarkor firat revicivo tit(% work of tile state; ntid Sir Dminl-13 went inan-y aro boyond tile roadii at any nerveg he Ues oplaotes and ,narco, vide enormous reservoirs to store An %xii.ress mapresontative whal, In- at Xroldl, w1lio, a,B, Ito states, car. to tbA Nizam, ant wh-tl hlin It Ito luedleal treatment, and must fintsh ties. But, tin tile other hand, b,Y) all. even enough water Tor use in two ior-doworl Dr. ,Gardon, the chet-ln� rjod out A oprAnd of exporl tit (?it to "ealizo-I that there 3yould probaldy, tll,�jr dayI; lit belplownees and Auf- stating bmiure and supplying the 10104 daily. live -hour runs. in very few ,hat,go or Triag Park Mwxium, on tho with the, view of tooting thn pow- on tho gener.t.1 IlrosiveLf'., be a film- monts from -which are formed new places woiild It ba posAlble to vely. rubloot of flnit-hunting, was Informed oni Of hearing In the glald flW.l in Ini, In livAcrabad the following 4�ca- f0i'llig- blood bma nerve force, offecto ther- oil more than 6 feet moAn working thitt by far the easiest antl safest 1805. Till.; iip,Lvaes was chogea be- lion, AnJ It ho 0011111 1111119111V what it h; rathor to tllogO Who arc ough tLnd lasting cure and Is boulad 11641A. , Wnv to catch fleas Is to kl'.l tho ank cause, -*or tile case w1th which It Ills oti1xving subjt.ota woulll 110 to o.sly rj.�Irtla 113, lin ral,yzed, and to Chime to . bonallt all who um It. .. This Ineatla tlulit if the storage inn . i whilao flea ]A wanted. Tho In- eoidd be koTt In tile laboratOnr, lilm If tit, y knew. tic% lind mlitandered who aro vlowly but surely develoVing f3oldom, if ever, ba4s any modloIna . ,,and wol;o, -6 fact deep, each square Sects leavii ill.) Ile(ul boly at once., anti, further, because Lt it; ono ;f . �iit lijklis (ill anotivx illitinoud for hisi . Intl, of r _ suell. A forc which ludicate the occured 'such hearty: endorsement 61 Prvolp would store water and a dextrous hindsman then se. tlw,o fishes that havo long betni I,(,- 1 tuellin. A,11oul had . .1ble thti u�,Iupton%N pil,y6jelans land peoiilo alike. The . for about r),000 horse power for a cures a big ba -9. putod to 41.0me, at thle, ,wun<l of A ux-guillent bm'll usell tit Official or apilrolvell ot .such ailments that we cures wbich it bas brought ftbou14 flva.11ogr tun, 1.1,velt tills Is an unun- Tile dItIon has suppilos of bell. After an extended wrien of ex- i ('.Ij.l,JmatI40 Uffillrd. KIIII(Idt'l Ing at 1.111I I 8� 0,11.1 13uggt,st tile advisability of ug -4 have tylten been moBt extraordinary, -, and it Is ovi- I 1-C. - �1,lmell,tg, lCrot(il (1805) toncladc-d thoughl (if velinit.-irs at him throat N lially, favorable ease phials A liciforni and labohl, itild p,, I ing, Dr. (111nov's 2orve jeood the, find tLayone who regularly andpor- dont fit once that hydraulic works a ny f1pits ,wilich way aven(xvilly tli&t normitl gold, TI&I, nevcr le. ill, ligin�1-boulfir; tivinic ul? into Ids how - on thisr scitic, julply a I very ,large III- yench TrIlik Park wIll �rrlvo labelled tq)oudetl to sounds produced Millet I ti -lit, tho alarined Wz.iau .4�vnt off at lgrtntt food ,eure for di-seasod Of tile alstently uses tills gro&t good curel I, , to find it at In"thhabile Vp,9tIne4t for thu �ow,cr obtaltiod. Nyltll tile nain-a of the antinal on in Cho &lr or lit ,tile water, though aneo to IMP.04; to quaiali tit(% bargain. 11orveti. is sure The only tidal powers to W taken which they Nvore tGund. they do rOaCt to tile 011OCk Of ft. urally tho latter refutv,l to INIII,qI ,you find yourself lying Value las & llerl,6 restorative and . ft tllll,q 1,prpolptol-Ily, I)Ilt a ttwak�� lilght", stiffer froir, IndigesA blood builder. i Fo0onsly as able to Count lit fArX0 Alread.y'th-:�re are many fleas In ono'k1on blow given to t -be eovc,P 0: Ito,, au.q ll1!&daclIjj, feel drowey at- By hating your Inerftile In welghLb , -woM &&% 131,01, its Oxist in Oxctptlon- tilt, nilletAlm of whicli Mr. Ilotlit,elilll thiD aquarium. Indivii1lia'a eendorml �(11,11111-l-"Ii!altl.vlolllafterwar(I lie took fdoanivr tor 11'e.,11% n1j,,j lot4ing energy, ainbl- while b&g Dr. 0110.808 Nerve Food pilots, like tile Day of IN-indy, wbere 114 proud. There aro the molo flon, abnorniAlly son,el.tivo by strychninn I nwa.-v Treat Catotutta. This ralsod till I Iftew al 00 . tile tides pull. 40 fp�t high under nor- thu largest FpcIalmen known*, the gavo no reoponea to tilt- sound at A; ftIftlen), all ANIO'llit Of till' -23 litkil,41ijon RIV,l (,ourll,go, It N 011111 to jY4Y 1poll ftll Provo that , fir fl h mal conditions. Thqro to Fibould be t,iilud flon, th-i most Injurious Of .111 Culling fork or & vll)rAtlng roill, evrn t1,:Vo.Jted, and Jncol;4 ,Ivag arrested attplIlloty to tile nerVes. YOU May �Iid Wilsoular tiagne arc being added oll.q which wilon theiso were In contact with Cho b4 dorc, tho ve"el grit clear hi tile filly.1 ".Irl,t If Irrit.tbi.� at times, -,,v oi,* to tile bodLy". rio rents a box, six posRiblo to obtain, for two five-hour Ills trita, and otIl i ,,, I -all de rilas, moro -than 50,000 I)ON46 POIV- br, ,7&,'4'I.II NaYf; 7r:pi�C11111dahvty to watet, 111011911 th.) MOWS I'OhPolldt'd I HO -09111y. .Xftl,r .1 long trIall, In whifq, rl .1 O�or littl%, things, unable to eon* I)oxaa for $:'2.50, tit Alers. 013 a,. p,p slittarn nitJa,ot,.,.v&&crvolr. .k live ti,il th.) liumaii body. at oneo,to suell light 011ock's; ail trip- l M) t1w bnr leallenq lit 1114,11% weril fill_ c(,1I,tl,at(. illo ,aInd. forgetful and ab, ndmn,fioon, mtoa & comparIA Tor. , T I l;pl1tIallI(Ic.d. ijjslI(,,artenot1 and dis. onto. Pro protect ryon against lml.* ("'talloo ax it map will allow that tilt) tint when tile ftxt or tbo Arctic 11'119 tile a(IllArillut, OtOW or even elap- J gageall, tho niattor wa,,; nettlo(I b Its tb,.,) Pat V!ng tho hands Vir, '13 Ift1clu 141 iods -the Tioirtralt and 819flatuft bluep 0, .10rously In tho, Mr. I ,T.tnob4 r(Ibirnhipr tho I-. ,v to tho; Mxirftg( . D()ttpr g1w sojZe atten* tn;t %tr,01111ty, of the Bay of I.,nody fii,x Itrrives It will rank t to almost a, tidal lako, known as tho ut the whole colketion.-LondOn U:K. I !,LN) telst ,whothtm those roypollf'oA , x1min anti 1-voolvitig Le.3'(1,00 to cover' ilou to thn norvou. of Dr. A. IV. Clia.w. ho failload To. L 0014 of Minas, M Ite outlet r1so pross, I L . ' I I � woro dopondoilt 11poll the alfilitorY 11-W eXPenses over tile trAUSA.01,1011, Dr. MaWs Nerve FOW cures vmd , 0010it book WAtll,or, AVOW, CvArg k0,94 �- I - - - - - - - - - ---11- ­ � I . . - ­­­ -.L ­­ .-11' ­ " - " L' ' ' "' -­ - - ' " "� ­ 1-11.11. I ... ­­­ ­ .1 --.1.11 ... I.. - . 1-1-1- ' ­111111J11J1JJ�­ .1. .1.1 .� .. 1- .1 .... � � ... . .1 I .., . � I -1 - .- I - Am— - -, - - -- � - - - . .... . ­ ­­ ­ -­ ' J1JJJJ..iiJibJ1kfJJ@JJJi�' � .- -.111 'I, I—— .­­- ­ '.. . - . I —