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The Wingham Advance, 1903-07-23, Page 7
, _. votoo ; Cardinal Bilio, 6. votos ] Car. up to pay lilul homal;o, the eardinatri tho Mender call found health itild t '� '"' dtnal d1 Li eoa, 5 votce ; Cardinal ' kissing 1119 foot and Itis hawl, an4, otrength in climbing Ito hills in lint. -i I'°errlerl, tk yot'Vji; Cardinal I''ranahi, roeelving' fruit, htin iho double em- t,°nit f t;an2:>, for lin wary a f raa't POP'-` KI 1 S''U"FERINOS"' 4 V4ta,.5; ((trdit,ml Alanaca. do tm 'Va- lilacs, 'rhe bishops !(itu3 * t ills foot Uuutor (att(1 llrt:parad 1lIaI d)UnClt]tu- )Otto, 4 voit(s3, the refit scattering• and 1'1; lit knoo and othir*rs ,ht's foot tion for the lonh; toot of alto a t'lecond Ballot• --Cardinal Patel, :15 (only, The Laftim thou ,procp(�tled. At century of o(AnOl"s. activity, Y(Yta s. No Q,tl,cr cardinal exceeded six the conclusion of tits mass tilts fops A Kindly act. � � forrues, alta ilio itpnpthetlon in front 0f th© 1Io rvatq an oplAi. *% cloy, but �0 VISITIRELAND. TlJird I3aallat.--Cardinal 1'ecel, 94 altar and then rettun�ol to tiro fall of l}t0 :tnd s crit, D�ttny alp elle votes. '.rhe remaining ,rates were throne to rceelve t he tiara. Ptile distributed as follows: 11 were giv- !r1l , act of crowning the Pupa avail \ toll a or old iby aold non Popp, on to Carding! 1:ranebl, 3 to Carol- comparatively aimp e, Vardinal Por- but uone of thtrw'a given a better key ,ial Hertel, to Cardinal Shueonl; romoo, assisting as iteacou at mulls, 1 to. Cardinal Ronaparto, ,and 1 to first rroliouncedl over flim a )rtty"r. Cti the character i n is alto bay than n Carolina! Lodokarvillsl, Tilt, seoantl Cardinal Panenri thr21 riding of with, kintiheartecln la NinoWhil: �r+ w At the en'd of thio ballot Cardlnmis zoinovptl the mitre from his htra<i' aril Iiia waolcalli�, spied Ia little �ltiro,- �,,ar e, �,, mods �, fined the Route cute R ��:�' �. � sa� � � �� I'Yranchi and Ullla rase and, with anal the first placed the ti:tr:a upon alit bo • lying b the roa(Uide, their adberensts, knelt before the it again. Leo XIII, then Aroe�, an.] writhing i�ml"onyyln a moment till, } in . 1 Q Camerlonga, I,'very. one followed tills wearing tflu tiara, on Itis pearl, itti•iot carriage roan Mopped, and Nino was 3f� May V u.;l �% �• oxample, and Cardinal Pcool, having his arms aloft and. rave bonvill^tion. titoo tin' over th0 onfforor, asking; and 1heered Lustily t,.,'f a. Ott + h • q t l cafle alroad received two votes beyond After tho benediction he tpft tits ! � t'0 y 1Vhatt its t}to ulattor?'' the necessary, Iuajo'r•Lty, was unaui- throne far the sccll;a gpstatorta, mud, "(X s my log hunter sot I was run- mously elected Pope• aarriod aloft upon .it, still weartrip nlnt; a vrariK Clio roast whin a cart by t}d� •r,tr gat,thered,. :anti that' Then Ito wars asked by what title the Clara, tin blow 4 with 11tH Uan it t:tmo bY, the holwoo knoekerl Ire down I.au;lanr JULY �Q.-�ing aciivard and 'carves to recralt tiro fact that at Lome, .Dula 20. —Tho 1tKi rvautct Ii1ca to the proclaimed. Pro- waving it first to tine one 81410 anal and ono of the whoeW ran over Int' t2lii:eil AlOaant.ra, at colnpanlod by on(: Irroulclit ti;o JSmerald Isle 1'IarbO:= y' Iv^ut t?u''!:,u„y ;arrvard followed at claim me its "Loa XIII.," lie replied. thou to tyle .ottpl;, those kneeling foot•„ 1'ritiwc,s,i Yletorla and tbcir suites, ail no less than two kings of Great Pope died at 4.10 It >tItIS a IOSV`J'utfIti r'::-','A,Ico by Oho others {cardinal do Doinnech�oae lined to around as he was borne to the ehnp°l• Nino. lvok-etl at the brui„e(1 foot, i'sit Lar,ilou at 1 I>L n41• to -flay; for DrltalrJ clic Irctalld. It was a 1[ttta vrosont• %110r. the bulletin all, tell this story of the couclavo ; __ anti, taking off Ilio cap, filled , It I='('lana. Though the day was ovor I:00 years ago rvlwiy both, Icing afternoon. nouneltij; ,,at) poritlff's condition ivsrs "Cardinal Pecel, whfa, the prevtauy Pope Leo's folia on (Death, with water at it brook nearby anti i;looiL,y, largo crowds gathered in Janes i1. al,d his son-in-law,lKing pestcxl, one In ,tile assotukhago said; evening, had rocoived the largest In 1807 the ,I'•opo felt 111'0 sh."(l0ry brought It to the boy, first giving front of But~kinghalb 1.=lneo an(] Wlll)airr) L1I„ wore simultancausly In "Ifis agony I8'almost over. 1Vliat a numbor of votes, was, on tbTa't Wed- of (loath beginning to fall upon film hint 6%onio to drink anti then flouring (lout; rho route t0 I.traiton station, trplaJlalr lvl=Illi they titled, so to speak, Shortly lloforo neon tire Pope Kapp; relea eo, for him:' nosday' ul'orning, pato and agitated. and in sltlondid d(-fiarree of ,to pow- Clio rent over the swollen ankle. and •entbusiaotleall r cheored. Their ata a cockpit, fighting th'elr battles was solzed with a sinking spell. For.-- ,, - Ile went to ono of the members of or lie rvroto the following lines, Whore do you live?" askedl the Utij"sties (!rove to the depot against one another 'bu Irish sell, Romn, July ,P.Q, I.,.,3,, p.m( -Infer the Sacred Callogo, in wham lie lead whtchi are considered among Ills future Pogo. , ; tn' acini -state, landaus, escorted by Clio conflict being brought to a close a fern, moments It was believed motion comeo from the Vatican Chat every: confidence, and said to him , strongest work: "Over there," s'a•id the peasant, a dotac'hment of the Housoliold Cav- with the yn'emorablo battle of the that IY catastrophe was about ta; it is feared the Pope's last Moment before the opening of the ballot. 'I Deatil, pe,!ruing to a distant rillago. lalr'y, %to king worn tine uniformt of Boyne, From that time until 1.80 Dopar. . is fast approaching. cannot restrain myself; I feel the "Yon can never get there as you aro adinilrat, years later, no British sovereign set All the cardinals have boon sum- neaesstt , of speaking to the Sacred The wpsterin- min drawn near Ills are; oqm� rvitlr me," amid Nino, and E'laborat0 arrangpmlplits were made foot on Irish soil,. the noxi king So hear death rv(an the pontiff y p cloudy bod, tn0•neti to the Vatican. ' Colit)go; I fear tt may commit an he tsupl.ortetk tlt0 limping boy to flip forChu com'tgrt -0f ,the distingulaln- visiting Ireland being George IV., that Cardinal Vannuloll, two grand error. People have glven rhe the re- ieo, and gradual darkness rallsthy eaarrlago, (Irl travellers. Tlta departure plat, whose stay to Ireland waa rendered penitentiary, began at his bed elde Rama, July 30. The Pope, after putatian of a learned doctor; X am head,; "What are you about9.2' asked his foriiv was closed to the pnlblic this additionally agreeable to hind by the to rooite the prayers for th'e fly sazff°ring a oarcllaa attack, Iitts rat- boitavad to be a savant ; I aIn' not. '111h0 shii;glsh lif0•blood in City with. tutor. m'ornir-g, and tiro royal train was fact tllnt on• the »:corning of his ar- liecl, it am suppaspd to have, tilt, qualities pr, it vein" "I'm going to take thla poor boy lx:aiitifnily decorated. Amid tho rival lie had received the news of lug, and n:dminiBt•Ored absolution neeesoary^ tel be a P'opa ; I have not. Moro slowly runn Its course -what home with me," said Nino. "He can't elzopre of the people, ringing in the deatit of his wife, Queen. Caro, in artioulo mortis. TAe Popo, 110w- 4 Rome, July 20, IAO p,m.-The Pape, That is wheat I wish to say to the than remalus? gent to blo own home with a broken 1hvIr ears, 'the King and Queen left line. King William; never visited. Ire - over, Once agalu revtvodl nithough rallying frazu the heart Cardinals•' rortunatoly lila ittterlo- f,-0! Daatli is ltranilishing his fatal ca=ikle'' Lonalon at 6 ii. m!• for Holyhead, !and, and Queen Victoria was 1C (Romm July 2.0, 4,.3.0 p. in. -At 4 attack, still continuos in an extreme'- cuter replied: As to your doctrine, (fart, ' But wjlat will mamma clay ?' where that royal yacht is awaiting years on the throne before she vlait- ly grave condition. yoh are not to judge of it, but us; ' She rv'ili say that I did right, th(dr Majrasties, They expect to ext that portion of her domiatns. Ph() p, m. tiJa Pope had loot all eoaoa0i• as to your ualltles for the Papacy, And rho I;ravO yaarna to r:Ifroud tvliat every (cht•itstian ought to C." reacl2 Kingstown at 9 o'clock to -moor- repeated her visit of 1819 in 18"13, c� thy mortal part; ousness.; , Rome, July P.O, 1.110 r4m, Dr. Alaz• God ki ws them, but let Him tact.' AndL too ha d4d- ro(tt morning went there onto ruble in August, • 1. • i ,�..s -.. 4 1,.,1.,.4-0- 1 , rani has been hastily recalled to the II'b obeyed, and soon, the number of But from its p'llson froed, t110 90111 Kine; Edward'a visit to Ireland 1.861, and was last More In 1.900. Nay/ '.io:A, N, Y.. quiy W.- 12,1"8 Vatican. IL is boiloved the supremo vdtas given to lhiui having exceeded expands PROSPERiTV UI' BRITAIN, Li p.m. -For two hour( all tocograph communication from home has been suspended. There is much reason Tor the belief that the Pope to dead, al- though no official statement to that, effect has been received, An daoffi- e}al telegram announcing the death was reported In Paris to few min- ute since. ' • . .y i --- • , , (;onclave Arrangements. Paris, July 0D.-740 Sacred Col - loge hao decided that the Becht- elon of the cardinals (luring the conglavA Vhall be carried out with tile istrictest formalities. It will erten be impossible for the Cardin- als to, hook inti: 0'1 the windwws, Mit'f Wlle ^iaticaltguards will watch tiro doming 'anti going of everyone. Cardinal Orogiia hats ordered all the telephones in the Vatican to be romoved before the conclave be- gins. . Tome, July `20 - 2:45 p. ni.-Tire Popo has entered Into what the doctors believe to be Ills last agony. The deatli rattle in antbble to those waiting outside Ilia sick room,, ; _ Qiomd, .71IY .2'0, cI op p. m. - Dr. >+lazzonL on leaving the 'sick dram - `+M'' bar a few moments ago, said the '^"1AVesc-let '110dationB pointed to the Pope's (loath within two .hours. _-:, r His .Gast (heeding. home, July ,EO. -Although this morning's bulletin may have giveTi the impression that the PapO'b can- dition gave Horne anrelloration, 1.110 doctors do not think so. The Pope continues, now anti then, to mutter phrases, although unconscious. IIfs' mind evidently returns to the ovelltd which impresseil him most before lits about Pope Leo is that ever3' Lime Illness began. A wonderful thing Ills mind becomes clear Igo seems to grasp the fact that It ,"lay be the L:tst, auR he makes ilio highest use momen s very near. __..W„ • Stopping Visitors to filo Pop(-. Rome, July 20.-A stop hags been put to thtH ,frequent viaits made to Pope Leo's sick chamber, although near. the pretsenee of callers would stat harm him. While be rv413 con- wicus tus!ae, visits exhausted him, but I it was los -Nvisn that visitors should - ba admitted, and the attending (too - tars thoughti it better not to cross him. i ' '.Cho Pope will die, one may say, in ha.rnew, and if not standing, as lie , cicga'lared Ito would be, at least per- iaiming Ills dut;lep to the end. This morning the,sfok room wags the quiat- Ew. t anti most tranquil spot In the Vatican. I.Dhe Pontiff lies on his bad. the V111orl0 of which aa•e no whiter than his tape, which hiss a strange ilopeot, owing to Itis not having been ahavecl for 4o long. His I=ds are fol;lett over the rosary w,hivh lie has used for over fifty years. Rjhe famous arm cliair, whioh, perhaps, His HO,3- ( ti -mm will never again enter, stands Invitingly near, with leis stick beside it, wIliles Centra, his valet, prays and weeps before a huge ivory crucifix, Ili•, Lapponi,sits by the bedside, really for any emergency. 'dile doctor from time to time rises noiselessly to ad- minister nourlshinexit, of which tilts morning the pontiff has taken some. Indood, DP, Lapponi :streoeeded in hav- Ing hire ,swallow several teaspoonfuls of coffee, mill( and brandy. '.Che si- I lance of the sick room is occasionally broken by a hacking cough, due to thl� g.ithering of phlegm In Pore I.eo',d threat. Tan.ese coughing spolls have the effect of roauing the pontiff, causing him to opan his eyes and re - VIVO slightly. lVIIIIO the doctors wore examining thrill patient tills nloru- ing, bolieving him to be in a stupor, Ilts Ifollner,s suddenly fixed his eyes; - even Wore bright Rud by no means .lifeless, saying; '$T,his time, doctors, you will not will III your bravo fight with death." '•It la your Holiness who Ls brave," rairlied Dr. Lappeni, Of it, `i'hen, (luringCha alarming but belore the remark was uttered b tha Pope wtt,s again unable to under- shape, with the deepest part at the claims ovale settled while Stern crisis, about noon, he was lying 01, stand what was said. the two-thirds of the total, he waa Exulting pinions to tit() Outran- and. The handle is surmounted by "-" was Ln Halifax, and two complain. his bed, perfectly motionless, While Thought the 11,nd llatl Colne. named Popo." , . oidsod lands. - the lavage of Christ or one of the , r auto have disappeared. Since being around him the cardinals anti the Clie Carora[ltn,. other members praying, the Jape ,Rome, July 20, 1..05 p.. m. -At 11.40 ',Uy weary rico is run -I touch title APOGUes. MESSAGE F�D,1� MRS. EDDY In the T,ombo Stern received : 100 n, in. there was grout alarms at the The coronation of His holiness goal; fife() set sold three years ago was from the trustee, land thislr•,aspaid was not already dead. Without any Vatican, as the Pope rvag Suffering Pope Lea XIII• ryas performed in the 1 -year, Lord, tile feeble pantings of the property of Colonel Warren Concord, N. E(., July 22).wThe lay.- to 'tho only complainant, ,flax nor.primary restlessness the Pontiff frarn a a grave increase• of cardiae af- 810011e Chapel 'With the POMP and my soul; Swesttenham, and dated from 1617, ing of the corner -stone of the new man, bf No. 29 Pike street, who ap- oponed his eyes, rvhich'TeLl on Car- fect:an Dr, Lapponi really thought circumtstance formerly attantiin but thio thirteen sold to -logy were .edifice which Airs. Eddy, at a cost pearedasked dinal Oregiia, who was at itis hide, the end hail arrived, and Cardinal (•Its ceremonial in St. Peter's, only It it, olio worthy. Lord, th'y pitying made to 1536, in the time of Henry yesterday and Charles for and lie said, solemnly: ,=