The Wingham Advance, 1903-07-23, Page 3-..,p � *_ I 1106"I i ! Olt", -, ­ ____ ___ " -_*_7 �� r: !, " 1: �!'.:__ ,t _�_'__L,__ i _.�_'/_'.',. � - � � � . - � ' � --.7 ­­., -1- � � ­ _"_M4_""""""" 1 1 I �i i, � I - ,, , , ,, . I ,��� I - I . � . - - _ , `"."1100`"".�w �. � I " , - I _ ..., 1-11--_ . , , , ,. . 1, � -.0.0-illf..'t..", I I , 11 .1 .1 � . . � I I , I J , , .. . - .11 I. . I � . I � . � 11 11_ .I ­,_­ .­­­ ­ I ­­­_ I., -11-1 -1 ­_ ­ I- . ­­. - � I � - . I I I � I I � u � , , , . , _ , _ . , , � ".. - , .. .. , . . , 'V"I*�'to-�,-%�-qo�--40.-%,-�*,-U,-%�-%,-V,-4,-%.*,'%,.b,IL,l�.W.W,%,.4&,.1 I . - I I . - I.. .. . - � - ,� ': �,:, , I , � , fi � I I � A,%- -_ 11 vald tba� Snell 'wipataxom wara 14- I'll I :� ,, .. . � I, �� , Ir9rVy-r-l'" " 'SPEOIALLY GROWN FOR fili. d -k P1 1 $ i tiano, anti ,ought to Do looked , lmm� I ­ $ CVU I I Alit I do not know., that tll(ty are �, .1 , 0 ;VR_`_1N' A WIDDERS . aoy� Piero doddering thun mou who . . JAPAN TEA DRINKERS 011ow, their eDiotiono to away them , , a or ;; - "e,*"qb.l�'Ib,�velb,^*-,,Cp,,W,�.%.-qvs.-41�.-V,U,-44.�-ak,�-%,,,%,-*,-ow I 60 =y as did these Itoollov. � I "I don't want b,ar, I couldn'tre. = Adam WMM am tor Oil tho wbiolo, I think - E� , I. - � f.9 iv . 6r , . "Yeff, Voutilli D,14). there is lie Ilse -4-�l ". M@, tliol of -i taluln" Ilya ilooll were Ima Luck L111tIl 114,11 hor 1,1.11ob. 311k"o " 0 .- .L � I got false tooth, � � � It' Is a ease of nIpjaild tuak fag to �t ....... "I'll .. I V*Vw�,�:�� . . ffidoft 11� .. 0 N any Plan livill, anti It (low Soolu causi 4 watolloa ber handlial Iwo; L am M wb* are tile blggor, fools. . I I I � I I ''. Z 1, ; , ''. 141 I ­ wix"ll "lie t - Undoubtedly Mrs. Lula Youngs, of Qtt0A*A-'JuIY 4-1903, -'when waklmj�jlj r Igor � 6601110tIllief$ as if the Lol-tl or tile ,,Oltl down to tit( 11 I I . vilrt hoy'lliv-j dailljo willell,-had a t.jar_ tlwll� � 171 a ,#1 6111t nubod,Y wou soolill." i . ROCIloster, N. Y., had I;reat provo0a, The lilyc'4190,0011 I tO'tllu clin'll- the growers. ortal exr" tickler opite Aula Pill au'l, 1001C (I(!- v would Nancy arofgl tjo?ll . . 7 tion for hor awfu 'U - tkA4A,A,P.UfJA,%qCr �.'tllg'A-�' *� , '4g, , t � , � I .1 deed. i8he prob, byQua tua. 4QW , , �Ap " PP0 � . acer 'twout of nrbiiii'l � 11glii; In 111,11111 oil tile WhItelp;, Wbo "Nancy Qrj;v.n, Ill and bio opened ft � ably bud sliflored. great auguJoh and � 'Vomillion Dcpal Ag- Dial pr�4 � 'to O"put - � Would ever have s'pused. Ail big, no- 11-19 littio, eyes In'lloarror. I'Vonsin Pob . molltal otmin, 00411,41*0 41urlag 010 past two grades. � wo perbape silo ilia not � � � blo-looldW -woulan Ilke VIIndy . VOL'tor' air you crazy.,? A woniall AlUINFA PlOall to kill the, itit'10,rArlane girl 71'�:arfs line olearly shown, that tboro !p.bla is as it ahould be, beq' Im I . I would. have dropped OTT r,ght III tll'� that's boon dlovowated from, three SA � . when She went to see ber. re , 10 fuhl, room' 10" jl*WQvQW01I1t- TaW4horo Ja no exciloo,fOr th�a p r oT141. 0 . r,i ,� . . . 11=1 Of NvInt0r, whou my rhoulmatiz IIVWI busbantis I Who", I wOuIdWV 0"y'lon GRLT.,Iq TOM to I'lore, Healthful and Delicious. It is Sold only In flops Silo swily Meant to ,,,, 1,,,r,' :Outeoulo bl$11 D�WVI thlo lut#QCLU'VVOU"�110116 Ot Clq and lumbago and ashmy and brown- stay In tlje wmae i , , .1ato I)arlf4wa t lo Millilotgr ,,of';' . Vp� lim"d 01 with wefg litause with that PIOCQ of ber mind. lllil� She took , . I rot Common Il keeters always rage tile wt�st kind? Woncan for a million dollarSt Ill I Scaled lead packets, the Sallie ail tile woll,'known ilftla,do,tl black teay. 24o altong her CarviaX It.grioulturet. -of 'A!`�Ijf to Iniprod 49, --- ­Al-l-va- A1lV4q4V AV * 11110 knife. U%y , , Co. Canada 0 Clear, w1ni't shall I (10'.10, and 4bell- "Well, I can't think of anybody and 100 per pound. � .. ( (,- I I , when sho Saw ber.smillill be, 00litiltiqua w ae to I t10. curled ­dook, ragwoeil and whIt4 ozor J?Qrt, a little -wiz(viled 1101n, with else thAt could fill tile bill, unless the I ,; rival and eiint, Tlil.) bill is latondea to Pro. 0100MO; White, Wild mustard, oxeyi . I Palo, Watery blue oye;9 and acAtter- Its tile widder Julapar over to Dur., -- I .- . . I— - I . . .. _. - _ . undisguised triumpl, In her face, 1 f,lbit tht, E410 of any conlynerol"I Lug wlsp�% of yellow lialr, buried lit ­­­______._ . � __ � - .. � . � I . that reason tottered on Its throne �eeda WIllch - ma;r Con&AI, - of daisy, SOW thistle and several OW . a . bal'a. Don't you remewher, silo was Saloon Law All, Sweden. 1 Wild all tile -morld 1yout red. eqoh Weeds a 1 il hoods ors, are" Iround less frequently. ,,I 110.'M III tile dopLha of a gloglivan J10,11ple Ddlbv�oii ?J1 X+++.k+++++.k+++ a ,wIld mustard, Many- alsik(l flelds, falao flax, wJfilto 004, V baudkorehlor a. yard Isiquare and "Janie Dabs,ml !Well, I guess I do'll t In SWO(len, writes 4111 American + I tfllnk che W48 entitled to the Vrk,94 ox-tye daisy, parea�algl ,,sow Rjjoa � a . groane-d, Cillsol4ily. raveler, tile 'Faloone are closed on * benefit of Q doubt. lt,,4 I boa sit, - tjastlO, rag Weed, bindweed and vev. ana �Sorrelt r-urled 4CIO, way*ed "I &I'd, 4 slaiY owile, oversprea-d Alto Saturday -pay � d,%y-wb..Io tile 0ay- $ RANDOM SHOTS " ting an tl)a,t jury I think I should e )OV reisponaed, Cousin Deb. "Why, witborod face, "I courted her caa� ,%, + ral Others; awk to provide for the- foil n mbf? (Darters are frequei(tly ovollu up and put the, beet loot fol- siderable 3VAen We Was bolth young, kn,gK bank,9 are, kept open until laid. -jo havO voted for her acquittal. Blut grading Of all isee(Jo sold as oft(ler, poad d. Ali -or those Nveedo TUAY�b( � night. No Govornment, ,call force A 4, + � .11Y WOOD ofivalli,pi. palyino Ailck Ward, A widderell of your age with I %'Pouo She 'Nvaq really. taw Woman I AT THE WOMEN, * X Should never have Chipped in for "Grade 41fo, I.." Gra.do No, 11,11, "Grade, 0elbre the fj$�cil At1w 'O � . IldnD ,children on Ilia n4nda has got Should have worried, Eut We bad a main to *avohli� money, but at ivaat * 'I" al banquet for tile womall. No. III.", or 41,ScreDoings.11 The ro" ,jti to lluOtle, YOIX can't lay hround anti little bust,up and she in tblx 3welclish. S,ySt(,,W ancouragea him .......... X* I think Toll"(10fors, male or too,% 19 the J)ropor time to rewovoth'aw, erried Old ) to, quiremento or each grade are op,�,ct. � eat and, ,%,feel) and swoke old Cob gtt, aug I worried Polly to dOP0,31t It Where lie will draw but. . Should be clotstered sOmewher - I lied, tho, basis QV-VA(Ilag bOlng tile , Tile y,- !pay Do elthler. - .ffPV 4ed � i oil P, Do('" tel Interest than a headache. � Tf ,you, maAam, ll,alrqu wind to mur. -_ .f.. ­ - PIPOO Fume as you always have I'Mand tpon she Was a wkdder and a do not like hanging, and tblaelloo, 'po,�r cent. of I pulled, dild 2.0 t, . or fionloone, firat consult your look. 1 mQV44 row t a fk�14, Tills: eyntiDJA is P2!AftJ;&ed L , by sowa dioue", worried old Jumper J3fit after I mel,- . I . - __ . I tng-gla;66- It you see ther6la a, fair trinity business is rea'lly low. Dut E Pare Living Seed, , , '011900SISful 'V po ,o,f VROY. Cowgin Deborah was a tali, thill, ried U'llillay, and Qlngs, lias always -, hyPnotle eye.e. rully lips and murdororsf, no mora than Wad (legal an or , romILIL, wltll an aggt.wp?;ve nome and gone ktll�j JT 1,,1;ow_Ru�y to,, 11 b Lt. face 4 In, the vaiffo, of the h1sil'or grades ,tIr . rQV , - I li,,=41ilng vote a 0 1 It's worth Curly hAtirk jaut go allca�d and ala,9H3. 13b*Vlqa be permitted to rown at 'tile frMlow fro 111301�, avd,iihea Z"'e, ,g h. t 41 ,,a. 6bo. was extremely Pool, little Janie, alre WAS an awful in �Vnvilled wted is found to be net o4l'y �1'r"a 'at taloatler, onergotio In her movainenta, and as c1ro to y oil large, a mienace, to y 60edw In addition to U-000 AbOvei lul-9- but'algo, thorough,, fairly,' ral?ld, 0 , heart'n content, Wallow-, . pDaty girl, red ollooko . and, blacl; gOrV, if You like. Your beauty will And surely good suggests ,tl0r%ld, r0t�3 grading is to. bp done eyes, algi, t1h4pad just like n weaslo. Ten cents . rave, you from t.110 b&IIgman,jB noose that society Should not mfake a here and very pirptitablo, . . silo Ll!vabea about tile old farmhouse 0 in = WtLlioll, putting things to 1-1 � by Vla seedmon themselves, but Ham- It Mayl be ela,lined tb!&t to, do 'big Zbenezer -wao obliged, to due glitfl, I saurn-, Deb, 1100 r would like �o � or the PleotrIc chair, according to or horolne, of the Wa,A or .1VA),nan plea )Z:ar.b&, sent . t� k 4110 600 hOil ftild' 9tt to tulldn' over old your goographleal looxtlou� kil-ler. , . � .- TOP allalYsid to Whoro- ,�;eeds; --sre�-pleattsovl: ilf out. of I t1fe DEPArtiVent of Agriculture at. the Cluckitl0a; that it wapl.ta*6 A head- more than once to avoid a eel "I" okil Who kilows but X call coax to clear your house of , Bu,f: it ,van are III -favored, awkward TO ret% to Pot, to flatter a Mur, - Qtta,wa. � I I lialon with broomsticks, map. bau- Iwra to ke6p liotuqb for me awbile, and ungainly, think twice beforre kill- derer is a affr,orit to decency eTe4it dew olf time'. alio tboittril,lopil),jig . , and 'Me bill hop aiiouised great Interest V1701114 111JUre, ta* 00#,� kltleld:� 14 dies, Stop pails and kettles. . and tI1(Dn-i1-m­uM--' and he poked flies and Ing. 'You wil'I undoubtadly be punWhed td civIltzatfon. among tho iseedamen, As shQuIa'It be- which, thel weeds B n d -fob's troubles," his cousin's rIbs,- significantly-, lot, your orlwo. Alon Itung an ugly Na - t64 -plentiful (indfled Vebouezor, and be flourished "T'llat's tho way to talk, Ellen, Murderess; they pardon a pretty -Edith Sessions Tupper. i come law,, WWII gj!64ter care will -be to, he hapidled tq - thig. Wjb . 14 . required In grading than is at pre&- not, antler �hyo ,X, sb4* the glughaw handkerchief. spasmoal- ezor. I think .vile would came Ov011 Ono and blow ht)r, off td a luncheon D BtOOD, OLD tlla Case, A deputation . C.Oligider4tioll, bet�4e� , . cally, "naver-be had loin like me- mad jump at the chance. All you lack .. to thet bargain. . --Q.f OXQ)4,- ratea tQ�tb9prOdUCUOnt, Of,Q14pyer for � but bia comforters were angels cam- � vA" ' . — laoxit Canadian iseed,simen waited geed. It to a�bsalujitel,y, f � I c'ea r ' fl es an 1 PareQ to mino, 3T is glt�UP- Why C&a't ,Y,Ou Tide over Wlison's I am moved to thase cynical noLeo . OILY to, grow, ,would melt a heart to Durham. to,nIgbit ? 'Strike while by a function given In It,achester, N, mm�r Is the most deadly season upon tha. MinistAr 91 Agriculture ,,a SO OL, WbIch, is ten �r fu'teeg �Oer ,of Isione to see the Way I'm. fixed. t,he Iron is holt, yen Icnow.il I Optalle year for little Ong. The little week or two ago to protetst against cent, Weed seeds, as there Is no Surer but MY istifferin's air about Over- Y,, the other day. A Perfect lady and "Sartlio, Deb, sart'in, and Ito S a beali-tys Mris, Lulu Youngs, was ac- [fro hangs by a mere thread; dlar- t4he' patssing of the bill as drAftca, WaY Of widely di,sedhil"ting wi�ieds I shall never, climb winter hill -I sprung to lite feet with in, suddenness rhaea, infant cholera and claiming that 0011le Of tits clauses than to, have ilia iseeds mixed with reel It In my ,),-,Ones. I ain't had Fly Pad quitte4 of the murder of. Allas lJor- . other hot. , Ill which Tairly totdic away her breath. I k - Weather allreepts come Were, Impretattea,ble, and tllq,t If ell, 01therwisegoo grades- Of SMALL COM- 13'lludyl died, nothing; . Sometimes, In a yew R, extla- tion ajad pohyAbly Suspension of- trade. 1� . decent thing'.to . . once Maol?alliane. k quickly, an4 forced it would cause undue reatric- illercial ,S as I eat since Pool' "Ju-st huatt iab up a paper collar and Mr.a. Youngs, several Months ago, ea such as those of ithe _ but dough grease, my., beat boats, M114 eon't for. will do it. ___ I I believing the MacFarlane girl to be golsh h. ,bright little 11,1,ulr, Every They claim tlui,t it Is Impassi'llio to gra.8ses and C)aver. %I* . cakes and stops, and my stummick git a cloan handkerjoblef in Case I orlmlinally Intim4te, with her 1111s, Mother should be In et, position to Obtain In sufficient qualitity seed of Soil Seeds Adutte'ratied, I Is 0 Out of kilter. Poor Blllndy I should allied tears. I Ispect 'the neigh. , � .. hand, took the law In hor own hands. : guard against, or cure these. trou- with ten per , 1- ­__ the higher graAep, owing to the pro- cent. of "nit W,OU14 ,What a treasure live loast I So pru- borg will say its airly for me to go . bleff, and there Is no medicine known VAIRPoe, of wee,d aeods, Many of these dent, so cleve-r natered, MY root two . Wedded Velicify. She went to the young WOmall'O to medical Science will'a'et so surely, It is impracticable to clean out, on be reg4rclod by, ralwy2 people as, crim- . . yvao faithful partners and Tali, cooks, courtial widEfors, but What they, e&31 housa and In a rage of jealousy Stab- Sol Opeadllzy and so safol Bab S account of their slwllaxlt�r In Inal, bilt how much more orlialli4l but when It come to bucklial rig don't put Oiortcake In my., mouVh oil There was singular felicity, (and bold bAr rival, Inflicting wounds train Ta le� should It bo regarded to sell geed lit mead the holei, In myl stookin's. No. May It last alit th,eir lives) Inka wed- wildch obs died, . I Own Tablets. A be-, of y,bt' b , 8 and weight to tile Clever 0eeda. MOU14ze containing tea per cent. of noxioug Olould be ke,pit in ovory lie e f _IV down to ba -rd work" they couldn't sir-oo," and he snap�od his fingers, ding Which took place this iyeek In Mrs. Youngs was tried and acquit- M O t1laseed received from the produc­ Wieed seeds 2 In the former case, the hold a taller candle to 23111ndy. 0 "Let 'em eacklell . . a country village, John Midwinter ted where there are �ittfo ones, and Deb, what do you, advise me to do?" . I , . She was a handsome woman. Ana III&,, sobs and groans broke oat * * * It 0 1 A marrJed May Flowers. Their wedding And tWolve, men wle not going to de- by giving an Occasional Tablet hot . exig to vile with weed Seeds, and al� 01113" Injury Is an Increase in price; houfl, It ma,y be gveatLV Improved 10' the,l la�WW, tile :Onhanced price of out afresh. The Widow Jumpers' kItchen was day 'WAS the coldest we have had tibetra,tely tsend a handsome woman Weather a4 ented, ty 6 eaning, calknot,l) tile goodseed Is A small ma,tter com. i "Look here, Bbone%er, live advised as oozy] and comfortablo as fresh this ye,ar.-London Daily Express. to the electric chalir. TIley, Want(] . and Your little one Will be kept well made pextect. ,ys any, peau,st be , .thota . ; pared witil. the 1hJurV done by - and advised, but what has It painit and paper, cretonne covered and happy. Don't wait until the , . trOduetten, jerf now weed pojtB. amounted to ? If there Is anything I furniture and gayl howsmaAe rags . I .. I I trouble comef;­th at may 'be too late. ,linproven2ant, This X..V, .� . Dauld _1.1-_ f+ A 11 r I I 0 RGuismbexl that lQl I rrh,n "IA.,irind +IA. 1. Y -, . It 113 tuipOssibler, to,offectlyply, ell- . I desp.Lora it Is a onlyplim., .Ma.a that ham' got no gumption. You've got to face facts. B,11ndy's gon,% you've 1019t' :Vour berdon, bearer and lall Your ilowlin, won't bring her bft,ok," and Deb flashed a glance at her eld. er17 relative wIltob. was fal! from Pyllivatha-10. . "I know .It, Deb," he whImpered �bnt my poor heart Is buried G . or gr&ve- Nobody knows my feellwa . but Myself. I Sball never find an- . atbw to take her plaze--not IT. I live to be as old as gotbusellerl She took all the omra of the crit - I tors and the ibllktn.l and tile barn >w, &ad the house &ud the young on% amd. If— ­ "IF," broke in Deb, abarply, "you , don't Stop your -wiallinle I'll leave !this hbuao In twenty, minuLos, bag ! and baggagel I've hearn It Jest, as ) long as I'm gain' to, I have been . here two monthis and you have not i ,made the least ' effort -to get a , housekeeper." . "I'd like to knowl- who I'm going , to git Tl queried Zbenezer, and Ito eynd her Wa;vily tbrougil 1119 fingers. "That, Is your wvp loalqout, Tip -re IS plenty at papable women to be had that w,111 come, here and look aft -or your- butter and egg business and do the firouseivork and keepan . eye an the olifildren. Some nice, :steady old maid." ."I dumno no nice, steady old maids," Interrupted EbeneZer,cross- ly, "and I (lon'ti w,ant to. Ill I ,.) _� -1i . . eer u qg ire blazed. . Lei the old-fashioned fire. place, add Janie W,aq in the not ef 11 119 the evening lampis, when tX111110I came a loud rap-ra-rap at t�ihe dolor. t'him 900dabs's me, who'eav­lt be?;) she thought, and phe hastilyJ donned her best lace -trimmed white aproln and PLnk worsted shoulder Cape. ,lWho Is it?" ahe inquired. "It's 013LY me I MIS' Jumper," an. Swelled a faint Voice from the out- side. ::Don't YOU remem,beir Ebenezer Pert ? . . I tl�Well I guess I do I" and she threw ,'e door wide open, lottio,g & stream Of warmth and Light upon tile Shiver - Ing figure On the doorstep. " I Mw g1t6d to see you, Mr. Pert 11, and sho,clasped his numb hands effu- slvely, 'Let me take your over , coa,t and muffier, YOA Moist be nearly frozen I NOW set ill') to t,14'flra and gIvo your Pool' fe�t a,good to"tin', Have YOU been to supper -no -well, then, lot Me Sit Yuu sainet and a -cu of hot. tea-shan,t 1?0, .p " I should feet turri,bly 6bleeiged If you wOuId, MIW Jumper. I don't mind tol,lin, you I,In Jest a -bout on iny last 'legs. I 6,pGlo You've heard about poor B'Illqdy2Pl " Oh, yes, Mr. Port, Such pA news always travehi fast. -But you Must try and reconcile yourself ,to �he WaX.8 Of Providence." h 1. I try libi, marm, but it,o pesky ard," and he began to ralizack his Packets in quest at a handkerchief. e0e aUgents can be prevented by keeping the stom- . 'r ­ as een mutch. greater than in any prevl- force l6glsla�ion to prevent" the growth Of Jimpure ,Wd.. W,S must ach and bowels right, Mrs. A. 'Van, derveer, Port ous ,year for, the 'beat recleaned due largely � . teach tho praducot& to pee. the folly, Colborne, Ont,, sa . YN: " seed, to the preachIng of growing An3qn , lIng but the boat. MY -baby was cross, restless and of tile Gospel of good seed by the _ Seedamen .find If necefl6a�4�t6 woke had diarrhoea. I gave her 33mby's Own Tablets and they helped her Agricultural Department. in fact, It was atated by Omer of th6 leading differences in price In or&r to pro - teq thomselYes, and there Is no doubt almost at Once. I think the Table�s a spleadid medicine for children.,' saodsmen that as far as demand for good- geed was copeorlipa there . that tile Increased prIce - for good go . red. ;W111 impro t4@LA. repi.&$. tile extral Tile Xa-blets are guaranteed to had been more Improvdateni in tile t'rou640 Ill-i6lved in' its production. it, . cure all the Minor ailments of little last two 'years thain In thle pre- Is therefore to everyi farmer's Inter.. ones; they contain no opiate or poison. drug, and vious twenty. Unfortunately, the of the from not to' row only) the h4gliest qual., can be Von safety t0' a. new born abe. quality seed received tile producers hao not Improved. ity, nV only., fbeea,uga it is & grosm. InJutatice Ito heighbor farmers Said by medicine dealers, or walled Shoilld t4l'a proposed bill colne Intel to u09 t-ontla the � 'proiductioa bf at 25 cents a, ,b ax, by writing to for-ce, as Is alinost sure, to be the . ,weed sesds,.butU lalsoo 1380ause, he�jg, aura the Dr. Williams, Medicine Co., case sooner or later, they, are de- to be amply. rewarded for alay in. Brockville, Ont. . t : I tormliled to differentiate. greatly, in In favor _ rea,sedtroiible. -. A. Clemicni,' P.uh.. IN : I -1 price of clean samples. d&t.1 a Cle0k. 0 1 , j Gentlemen Road. . � I I "Choose a wife with, a low, sort chaperon. . Ratty Green-, tb4t &qtuto , fine clothes, ble 0 their liaIr,.w r & 131 ea Voice ailid. 9, pretty foot," $aid a vet- situ denit cd IjumAn" nature, declares gay ribbonei and flne- laces. Home (11raM man of the mr.orld th? other day tO a Man &bout to marry, "Tbey that- "huvbandu go 'parading arcound too then the 1-9 the last place tUoy Want tothink . are the only things which won't chan., much; and troulble be- gin , , I V? a th Tth�eulgo parading Around Nvitl* fich aind iv-Jien you. are old you can close I should atxoagly� recommend that gar style and think they, are beauties. Poor things! Tbloyi your eyeis and listen to your Wlre,s chatter, or glaince down at hor little When a married liia,u geta to "par- ading around," chaperoning a tim- never get sense. Oh, Tve lived around In hotels and I knowt.wlifst. foot resting on tile fender, a,nd lma,- . Id, Coy, y.-oung man 114A wite��would those - lypnien are." Stool you are still young. Now, a beat parade a little,'too, agd. keep , . - PTatty figure sometimes grqvM spare aind gauA. OT the contour is covered , wt IeA,4t one eye On her husband, Speudlmg the summer one year In � .--- "Allolre is an Old gong 'which da. Scribes the Suffering tip by a burdem of adipose. The sunny lkalr a ocnintry, town, I hoard a convar- -or a married man, the refrain of which I,S, -%Store I grows gra,v, Even the eye.g . O'blange, when surrounded by wrinkles, ; 111 esWtion.beiween two decorous m&t- rans cancernIng -a local Latharlo, elothojp! Bleaphe4 llaLrf Think of Mlla,t lie had to b& -r V, I w6nder if . be little hnind graws yellow and "Bf I wit% 1149 Wife," Said '01,10, 10011(- Hotty Green Watts the 6thor ? ' shriveled. But the meatly booted foot ing selverely over ' her gold-bolved � SO tbor rejected. lover may bz4vo oc- . ala,7 look just as it did lomg ago, and the prettyvoice be ap barmonim- specs., "I would look after him. He's I—+ a ra.r1nl an' a toarin' --A ca�sion to felicitate himself Instoili of 'k -MI -.4-1 . 4 � F -,g Jas ol um latl;ej �' shouldn t know, how to, approa.ch � . , * TV1111dy Was a turrible blow V, . ., I . . . 948 ever", ; i t � . ; '. I nover s,ee no sech SOWS on." LL)t him read, too, the foIl6wInS low. I ,.1vould rather, tackle a Wid- it "lug have been, Mr. Port,, � - . . Upoin ragearc)IL .10 'to -VV,hat der." ' i and the =101 00,11- chOlCO extract from the current new,s v rilbbed J)or Pose with Delicious lee Vream. Much rather ask her out to luncheon. FOR THE LITTLE ONES In trouble PatnIcillor OtItuted 'the 001nditiOn Ott "Jest a aNd thell toss his hat In the �alr in- - "Woll, there to plenty of widders. 11 Et, corner of .hor white Vron sym- The jurors Save Mrs. Youngs a ban- colucs with quIel, rellof, The bunips and rartn' an' a toarin' around, I d1s. stoold at thlrowleg ashes on his head. I hoard Rider Trigg r Say there 1 pathcticaly� ,, T3ut I can lee, far Tai�D fjImpleab ainid most delicious tile bruises, the palus irom green applos and Covered thut this desperate charac- "Judgon B. Abo(.-. .or'Gra:nd *Rapids, .WAS twelity-seven dracin' pensions .you, clear friend -I havolast two be. Lee cream is )made byf first w1lippla quat. 'They met her at thu dining- such 11higs are quickly cure(I by Its use. ter had been attending cauntr)l Mich., is suing for divorce, I)dp out at tile- government rIgNt In this z g woom door wital. Outstretched handq Avold substitutes. Titers Is but one "Pain- Ing his . nolgliborlibod," love(] cGulpanionb-11 thie, required a,mailat bif cream, free and ismiIets of Jay. T�Lwy eulogized and I kIller'l-Perry Davies,. tiances -with, ,Vouag men. So you Call caisoo On the alleged -cruetity of Ilia I " But 'four, M&rm-think of four- Ing slightly.1, and then adding fruit petted her ; they toaleted ber,and ill- � see the r6putation, a Married man Wife. Ito declares, tha;b a famfll&r pas "Well," said Ebenezer, in a rO- � three of 'em as likely females as over juice, whicli bas been Sweetened. Re-, - vited her ,to come a,nd vl,slt their - chaperoM Is liable to acquire. time. or blro. Rlco-w,aa to sit .up, to signed -tone, 'llt'& pooty cold wea- 1 stirred a banno6k; the o1her, to r member that the sugar Ifit ' it AAAakRA01-A -V"4�_Ivw '11110 rule that lie member 'aliall ' Lho beiia,00m all nigilt witil tll,b.11gllta I who for- - eat .Weading cake Is, on tile other oil foil, singing, and playing �, violin, � ut � Book a lovin liliqlband for my wiveis and children. They even warned , A;�'�'" I . thor for a Vilan 'of Inty years to ' sorror, was a weak vess6l, juice, must be sufficient to, sweeten her agalilst living again -vvitlx hor start- out lookin' up widders, b a aawin the entire mIxture. Finiuh the freez hilsba,lid. In ohort, thoX bovered and ITH HAS NO hand, wiso and salutary. 1"or Wed. � Ono night kfto accoinMnied. bei�lipualc I s'pose It's got to be doino$ Do machine nian�but silo jot her come. Ing after pouring in the juice. A lit- brooded and fussed over this woman ,M ding cake le productive Of indiges. witIl tile fQIIOWIIIg Prayer, "O.'%9.rd, you think of any partickler one Q.Pallce. 0 marm, I'vo'been called to tle fresh fruit Imlay' be added towards with 'a alckly Gantimentallty Which tion, dyspepsia abd nightmare. havo Mercy on that hog or a ri,�#b'rld you: can riokor�mend'?" wade through seas of trou,bte--yes, the last. --Eve. Paigt. I Is not sapposa4 to be a prorogativ �� - USE FOR CELIBATES. I I also appro.vo of the law -that of mine, In that bed. my fir4t 17ju - "Well, let me think -there Is MIS' seas." C oband , , iall Smirk, at or ogio bought,"' . � -art ,as a A -eel "I know. ,you ba"O, 130011 isoul, but ! wilap a Lulu I " * . 11 . . . a woman. I wish Such! laws might- If the forlorn batelielor wbo,ba,F) the Holden, Shes as'llow, i of inankind. But thon, 'Mrs. Young, LV_-_--_AWVWAAr..AV!t,'-_�__ J no member at r trap." YOU must try amid bear up -It 1.9 the' ___ . i Vile Youog men Of Derby, Conn., be passed in every towa In the 19raA.test number of unrequtt64' love� . I ' "Yes, but I Imolilt have ber. She only we'v. I don't MPPOSO You have WEAK AND FAINTING ' In sharp, contrast to this maudlin ' [lave formed a Rojecited. Lovera' Asso- country. Nffairls to'bis credit will obnalder to hemller thhu h hedge fence." much appeltite, but do set doWn and : exhibition Was th-3 moo of a poor clation. No one to eligible to mem- Oo there Is both; bad and good that lic, took eleven such r1oks. 140 Will "Mifj' Davis is a, pretty good cooki force yourssqlf to eat A few, Mouth- gj,gl, Rosle Quinn, by name, bers,1111) 111110-98 lie has been at least In this Club of rejected nutmego. .&Igh w1th, rollef to,1104. hfthAt still but &lie IS olow�" full wiLyway. Hare is cold chWken and who wao recently sentenced for life twice Ellsappollitettl In love. Ilia word T)Wre to Ono redeeming potat free. And lt�aliltlib�6'eltei.'d&anocrlate "I won't have Uler mother,. She IS It= -On tilpioca, cream, and balled cab.,The. Sad Plight of AnaeMIC - for killing her baby in a fit of isal4me Is not statfoient for thig Sad tale. abozit this dleaPPOIntmont ini love nuttiot'gs will iserlously pander upon croemey lookln' than butterilk and bago and Canned string boans, anti a . i i aveir Its Illegitimacy. But Roale wag Remust swear to it beforef a notary, WlAch, possibly our friends from the' 0-irful fate of Jodsion E. -Rice, of , , . � Jail:- on rny feeltn"ev, 4, tWO-qusl't jug of old Cherry older- not a good looker. She could not 'INze club meetta In a room eimphati- Conw-eticut have not ta ,Grand RapldFr, Alic.b., it t.11ily, �wlll stop W160d. ., "How. about 39is' � '.Qrowl, Sho is di,ink every drop -do, now -it will (10 Minot With thic jary. 6ba Could not cally hung with black and. withered consideration. They May have es- 1`01' A, moment to tilink what an ap,. , vory �.Capabile4d - . i your soul goocl." People, I turn soulful, appealing (-Yes to her bride roses. Souvenirs of returned caped E6 great deal. There is one rvalling thing It is to be kept a,Wa,ke � � Solemilly, and so though he was — Sufteo. Sho was homely and ungain, wedding and engagement rings, let- member who, I understand, boasts Eill night by singing and fICT,dling, to Performing a sucreld dat$, Lbenezer ly; anti abo paid for It as well as for toils, phoLogia phs and other mourn- he has been refusdLy elevon times. OILY uOthilig �of jir4er2-and - o.ux�b I I A proceeded to nialuipula�to his knife i They Have Headaches and Bac1caolies her Crime. Sho got stripeo and the ful. rollco 01 unr M.-utted affection are It Is just possible that Ira may be pra.gor-their lvorrmr, will be ,-�Am . ggii aind fork. apa wh-on tile pluolp Are Languid and Vittable to Stand tron-barrea Coll for life. No ban� laviffilly displayed. an exceedingly fortunate young Into,joy and thoir moarning, AntQ PAINFUL PERHODS Chicken WAR reduced to, bones anti Uxertion, o-ii.vto, ,no eulogies, -no flowers, no T130 mefAiDg-9 of this Club are ex- man, ramsting. : are overcome by dia ID4, Pink- the tapioca cream. had vanished from vadal. functions ,for ilor, parlence meetlng,q. .Each member is Let film read wlYat IT-etty Green Than Will they give banqueta� Ill- . hairi's VegetalIfeLampound. s1glit, ,whein every fragment of cab- (ITtrom the Sun, Oraligovilie, Ont,) I believe the Youngig ease estall. required to opeak freely of 1110 Said to, a ropdrter tile other stead of experlenae� meetings. � Mhen ­ _. I bager and banned ,string beaus had,1 You can a.1ways tell anaBloic Men 11whes a precedent for Women who Losses, giving nanies, dates and all an the subject. T,hle lady day Will th�o tod,st 'the girls who g&V9 I I dlisappmrad from the Platter &,ad the and, womon. TA-ey axe Pale, weak and WWII, to take vengeance In their other harrowing details. During each awaiting the Call of a In, was them the mitten. And then shkil all In3t dl -OP Of old 0 languid. Tbay have headaches and Wsult on I'll -berry olderliad Sur- awn han,Oki. Many hur,tands ]lave heart-rending recital the other Judge Mareau's docket in tile su- tear,% he wiped away from th6ir eyes. . 910d AlOwly down lite throat he ba'01c*Piles. They Can't eat -or they been pardoned for killing the seduc- members weep In black -bordered preme court, Brooklyn, It was told Edith Sessions Tupper. __ . leaned back In his Chair and isinflod can't digest wilat little they CIO eat. Oro .04''their -vv1A*1s, &act I suppose Its flandkorohlefs. Bom,o of the rules are. her thare were forty divorce easoa . ­ . . ' I - upon the widow With moist eyes. And It all colnep frow poor blood and taniy tile fair thing to exten-LI these No. member shall propose mar- awaiting - hearing. Hatty snorted ", fs,aay Ava� ,(O AQ11fet, nina. , 11 � "I blieve - I never see lovelier unistrung naxvels. 139.miah- annomia at caurtcwles to t,bo wom,oll. riage, to any woman,,,li, a dan with righteous Indignation. Young wlfe�-What do T�nu do wbea � ' 11 : chicken than lau'lls, All's' Jumper. once by enriching your blood and toil- ,woman Is getting her r1gli-ta Ono No member aliall at as or "Divorce day, they call It," t -fie aur hv%b-,iP,d gota Ao""A . Zoosteir or pitilat 211 Ing up your Aexvqs With Dr. Wlillains' by Ono. The, franchime to destroy reception unless `y cross mod wantm ItIt000tor." I o hap- Married man. chaperoned by a thundered, "Well, witat; Pan you ex- t,o,.qool �� ' ( ' pect? These women never learn Wife with e� crienie-I re�ail blia I ' I -link Pills. z Thousand's or gra,t2lul the destroyer cl: her domestl ,d? .1 11 Auum, -Tanle, If tbla don't s women have said that these pills piness is doubtless Invaluable. ,r shall smile, Smirk at tc I . eem No moinbc -o or two at & erg be used to i like, old t1weig. Come over bore m: 'hem after 'Lit tiler Ill't think Or It. What a situation or oglo any woman not a relative, n their sole . 0, e t , 11 "d set 114VO r0lSt.Ored t 0 to koop houge. They got married dn I , I I 0 down eide of, ina, I want to have a moapa tried had failed. Mrs. Joslas It all the, Women who have their nor converse with. Such, woman over a a ambition .,.a to wear I wrlfio to me be,far6 we were markle,j, . . - . . I . , I r-lC=l.. ­ loing talk with. you.,,' 21follroy, OT Orailigqville, Ont.. was a marital felicity Invaded wero to five minuteo at any Ono time, on any I , I I I 1. I . - . . - � - I "In Just a Aulnu,to, ,Mr. Port.,, gretat svlfterer for aeveral years, and avail t1lenittlelvest of their latest pre- topic but business. *1 "Oil, mow. Janie," and his face took IsPqnt muab money looking for a cure. rogative. Why, this entire land No merabor isliall attend any Wed. ­ - . . I . on an Injured look. "Don't call meAtr. Mot a xaporter or the Sun Mrs. Moll- would, ran witih blood. ding or wedding reception w,batso. Dreadf u I , Case 11 Port. It UABd to be 'Bbby' Qnre.'Don't roy sald: "Several years ago my Think -what a glorious day that ever or eat wedding cake. .1 ' You, renibulbor Vl 11011th gave out Compl. otely. I -,wa.si sso will be, when an unhappy and jealous - -_ I f. I Ily-L-e-'s 21, I � I . Weak tlio,t I could not do, � house- Wife can isburpon lip her carvIng knife Now, What do ,you think or that ? I . �_ I'll, I..N I "It've tholight 01 you 0,11 those Work. If I wLv.t 1upistalil,iTy 11,cart and say to her maid, "Pin Just go- I think the, ­rool killee, could got U, J % ! d-,lhf Itching. Piles � � :�mA,si Janie. I ]lave, I qw4n. I never i W,Ould- PalpItato violently, mod some- 1119 to 9teP OveP to that Jon(*Ii girl's Way right art In Derby, Conn. I / � B.&B aln:yOne I loved ]I If a liand -at women were to form � I ,a you. Pthtlol y -air as well as I I t1moisf I woulti faint a,way through house and settle my account with . I ou don't believe It, wetaknm. My nearvea wore unstrungb bor. TOTI. pack lay trunk and such 4 league people -,voula state / I but We the truth. Now. things Ila,fl ! axidt I inifferod much from dizziness. I get It ileady to be mat to tile jail. that the Members had gone Insane. Dootor Wanted to Burn the $kin With a 1qed Hot Iron- " Worked On!, way,,Rlpostn' we jine Coll. tried many romedfe% but they did net Be Ourci anti InirL In my velvet gown And 'wltb very good reason, too. Miss Xena-rd (Joe. ditiotnts. Say, Jante, will you hev we,js, help, me. 'Piton, I.W11,9 advioed to try and ermine, furs to weall to court, For Marriage, is the normal tondt- Pationt Was Cared by 0P. CHASE'S 0INTMIMT. tWS fatted to help lier. . "O-0-0 I MY, nif, my, my, !--I) Dr. Williams' Pink Pills anti (1tvided and my accord'on platted ellitfon, tile t1oll at adult human boingo. Deapito . . ( 11 1,ydIa U. PinkhaWS Voge. "SNY 'Yeiv,l -Tan Pill , ;; to do so. T rim glad T dl(1, for tho, Ono -tvifli tho niviltallIon.9, to wear tho oft-11(ipeated. failures, despite - . I itable, 4DOhipound ClUred Ine after "Yeo, Ebby.11 1-1 I I pills myoll bullt YAQ up and ma,da Me at the bantruet the jurors WILL toil- the 500,000 d1yorces In t1l,c last 30 Ail-. Alox, 'I&Lmn, TAIbot Tale. N. 411 wag In a drispexa, to condl tIoA,,tLnd dootdrs -had fallod, an(I I want a. well WO11141,11, My livalth. remained der me after 1pn acquittol." years, the fact remains that mar- 1g., .%vxitcls: ,,I,,,Or two V,.,Ij1j_1 t Worke(I had, ailout gtvt,,.n Aip hope, of ev6r be - 4(11141, 1111til. last allelog, willoll I wail won't thut be nice? Nice'.', Well, dago, to better fox, both men and In fer-ed from this dreadful fiAlfter- taken with weaknot.w. I now just grand, � - itivinon than a lite of eclibacy. -,l, Dominion Coal 9 _ ,, other girls- to knoW ttbout it, Dilr- Coll umdrulus. again no,sno.tionalan on th, . Ing whion a Triend told roe about Dr. menstruation I sUfferod most W11-611 10 0. veosel like a drowned ka,w by expollience the value of Ill,. � — No man or woman reaches his or i Cordpapyto railroad between Srdney ClIa'Sels Ointment. Ile sald he bad 1-119 , intense pain low in tho abdowen. ding? Whon it Is a sunken bark. Williams, I'luk 11111s., and at Once, got Roehavter, N. Y.s to a. fine. town, her full development without mar- I amol Glace Bay, N. IS 3., and diiring that noen so nittily e.U.os that it had aud In. iny limbs. At other times I a srur 11g.1,Tho reAult was as bonofl- progreoelve, anal 111, to (Taie, Itla the riage, even though tile marriage be tlw,,� V;,,a,o exposed to all soi.t curoA that lie would pay for it him- * _ _ a of wea- feeling - ; , onti- PnIlto Place where Smin Patch, jumpoa unhappy, tll,o eiq)erle , helps o . ccIf If it falled, to cure. I had il, heavyj (10prossed When a cut (trlilks rum, 'what may 01�1,y Asy ilo,;rom.� and I 10,1611 Colmel lice t . 'Which raadq my work 8001D. h1vice you look out for? A rum-PlIag. . on,sly say the pills ha,v(i, (!one me uii- ovor the fallm, 'yOu. kilow. distiplille, and develop. I thov. Gradually my health failed, and 11 � ve t(5J,J-;A13b,(mI alfi grateful tor this, and - Ile .lug ITY experlonce With Dr. Cheiaolo - ' ro,Wpala an(I thin. I have seen it ,11ving and I Ila Tbore ma� ,willeth Ill ille So I Jwva veryl little pa.tionce wItb,. I Ill ea,nie a victim ol pil:otrudlug piless. ointinplit Is that (Ito first applica- ' ag hard, 6td I hope my experience will bonefit keonic ftli* illpr(l, Von can't tell. these up -to -data colthateo Of Derby-, At tl,l.ih,t I tild not know v�.hat my all- tion jjl(l me mora good than did tile The Inedioilio tfTo doctor gave wo oeen It, dead, anKI I have geon It ran, Dth.cr knifteror." XV0 th" t1val of its nelglilior, Dill- (,,>,,In T.nLay are r4tanillng ill t1leir Own munt zorl but comsulted a 4tictur. two, doct6r,g, aud It has rdade me, (Lit . did not do D:16 0116 bib of good, aud nIng after It -wako dead. What was Dr. NVII111,111V I'llik 11111.,; hav" curell ralo. Buffalo dovo protty well in illf, ligift: What it they halve, boon rejected and thaugh he trv4tod ino for Plies, ww It alid a,s free from piles as any, 1�y,uthoroughly,discoumpd. Tho U ? tosiveo. - - Illooro'cickly. Pi"ll'tac-ptl gdrl�� and wom- III)o of erlmr, .wItiv Ito mysterious t1nict after thoo? Tfikvt gliould OnIS, tlivy only� grCw worlie, Ina -11. Shleo bAng mtred I fWorked -dur- murdorsi and It's rs'll,11", bril . - doctor NVAtited we to stop Work bat Spell br,&ndy w1th three lettolw. on than any 'othor' nied,L,ollin ovtw , lit"It V)- lw4plro thetin to further zeal In the ,-I wA11, � t )Ice. But even llufrai�), -wid(-awalcoit , ,; fc�,,",kl to gl,va 111) wol,tc &ntl Ing t3io wintor In- tile lainber -svoi6d.4 of Course, I C01114 nob do that. T B.r alld Y, (Ilsoo,vored, for they 'Villiply llmv, riel!, pursuit or ulatillmouly. return to my home, Aly ,sufforing and eXperlenced no return of my old . ' firpt Is heard where children vad Mood, Ai)(I Fo istrviigthen oVery and ale,rit as It lo, will havot to- hue- nut I (do Pull, l(tiko UreWe broung mon could scarcely b,,i­dm,X11bed. I could .troulile. I 41i) not putting It too fi11,,%11y began to thke X,yd1Z P3 0 M!"t, my second is founA In church s part 'of tbel'body. qliwy aro 0(iiially 1. 4l, to keep ig,lep with a t()Nvrt tl!:It Periounly, Doubtless th0Y ftre Marc- ]lot WAIL' Or lie dOWa, but %V11119 tile 4trong wheA I say that Dr� Chasift etAble Colnpoun(l o f., ly playing tv big joke 6ju 11ho, glrIl re Plitictiaxit's Vog. e6acbee; pd, thextreo and ,post e mi4table for men, womon and clill- 111troduCLIO Auch Oxtraotdinary W- and felt botter after taking the first tICO"; millwhole givea much,plaaauro dren, and our(* not only anavillift, but dal Allictiolle as baulluets to we- ht Of the f11,01117 W418 81"011119 I Ointment wn,4 worth $100 a, bog to Of the 11'atmog State. Probably 'th,nM would biy gronning anti "hing troll) me. Vou aro free to use my te til ,. bottle, alAd after taldng siX bottles and, prollif at a small cost, vbattor.� doolinti, collsillilptioli, Intligostlono Illon Who stab their rivals In 0 -old . a tion are ottilo laying low, ,,playing vo'.4- the( c.."croeintill- patllsl, tal for tit.(, benefit of otherv. so I fbot . . i 11 I was iontiraly cured, &I(I AM now b6Z . rhounia,tioni, St. Vltin� A .me 'v, anti � bl'ooll, . sunf," bliding't1wir time for a fresh - ', 9.Agaln I deettled to Consult & dov- it my ehity to mako known this groLt . � I ojg joalth, ancl I atli so grate- Nyllat Is thero 111 a family wholl, a tlw,FP."6IAI alloltnt'l willoll all wonioll I I have listened to Inally fllngf.4 tat ollr0tulgilit. . 104% Tilits ono stripp,,il nit), anti. said ollitluent.11 ; , , 00 it 11 in BInNAUD, girc )a barn 2 A dill-als. % droad. Thogo WIN ean be had : hysterical and silly lmomon who Otte C I th,eir UY019t 114136urd, wid anluel- ttio pite,0 wailld '14vo to ber burilmi Dr. Cnatee's Olntm;nt, io 'beuty, 4 Miss Gmw - rry flowers to oilirdoreta In tlipir Ing rulp.% to thm which declarnstliat with it rekl,-hot Ivon. I �01vored 0"the ll�ix, ,it all ,.1(-aI(,.vs, 'Or rdal,a What ealillot even it Rtrong man th,rough any druggl,vt, oil will bo ,sent el ­� ad - , - ol. siv ll()\,lg 0010. I have road niany slake.l. ne, lufflj�er t�,J noon, I 152nd St, Xow York City, pick tip? A toilc In the ro . post pahl Lit 5.0e a Ito" 'I, 637 V ; ,tit uAterid a dance or fliought ,or bnrlill1r, thr4 ne-shi, and � lm,tvs & Col, Toronto. 08060 fOrtelf If 01171h4l Of 46006 10ttOr PrOV1420 What Insott diatt . .a rec-eption, unleeg clidperanod Uy 9i tolil. blin t 0(nil(l not thl'ok of unt.10- ' To pr6tect you Agallipt ImItAtl6am, I �talt father roll foil, $�'.:-)Q by writilIg dirc,et to tli.o, Ing, btorIeFr of gushing s(,ritlinont.M. ponubioneso ban"1* be proditoed, v . I 1.,ydfa P', P1nkh&lft*9 V 40 preaent ? A, dadd -1 ng-lego. , Dr. Villialaw "MoliUcIllo Co., 11rook., Ity dir4pInyed by fooble.-nifilde(I f(,- � IA&VI-ted 111IL11, I going suoh an opm-atiort, so I C� �r,ftvt ill,,'-� POrtrftlt and'sIgnAture, of Df. A. 61!ffb*qb1 o full naine oil , 11101019 tOwtird Self-C.-onfoRsed atifnin- I Alit] who, pray, will tol)japplVa illo PIL, �qowe gL, lyt, I , When a lady fAlnito, what figure vlll(�, 'Ont. Look for th, I ,, top willoll lie ell e. iv. (,hu,st,, tho rgllloog twipe. book . . 61 awhou ObOuld you bring her? Ytill, should ovory bovs igo thAt 110 WO1`tbI(189 Sub- I ala. I bave boon very innob, ashamed - InaMed Man,? I h4VeI very, Attlo, fill- two 41ollar,,� bat It did not do`1,1;� . OutbOr, are,On every boX of bt,# Vd(P_ A�ij-6-t-h-0- mi-Willshoviefailod, bring bot ,two. -Boston Globa. otituto, Mn.V be Palmed off on you. *� of such Women. I hi,ve repeatedly, coiliftdonco. in the marrIed Man 641 anr good. I i V.-Ateig, I -( .. �