The Wingham Advance, 1903-07-23, Page 1ii , .. a "I'll, The lingh M A...........d........vance,, . . '• I _. . __ -1- I I- ­ I . - _"__,__ L I . I.,— I—. I.. ,� I I . I . , 30TH YEAR, N0, 47, WIN"~GHAN, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY" 23, 1903: $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ]UNK " Died,Business Change. Social .�.-%-% , , , „DD�IN�a�, Word has been received of he death Howson, Harvey & 13roclebank, of Asocial was held on Mr, Long's 1 E: . BANK OF HAMILTON yof Nellie Adeline, youngest daughter the Wingham Vlour hills, have pur. .Lawn on Thursday evening under the�L of lura. E. Nichol, of $oiasevain, for. chased tits flour and feed business of auspices of the Baptist church. Thef�'HAM.. Overly of Wingham. Deceased was in Cassels & Carr, and obtained posses- fact that another was held the same ' ' ' ' her 21st year, and had been much af• Bion an Tuesday morning, evening near Zetland, and another DEAR ADVANCE, --Since leaving old uected by kouses about 12 miles. I ani------•--� Capital (paid up) • $2,980,000 fltcted ; her death occurred July $h. fashioned Hull, I take an eltcursion told you can go 20 exiles in ono con- CAPITAT, PAID up........ $ 2,W0,000.00 @ Social. was dated for the following evening, tinuous line without a break of build, - R�Sex a roodprofits) $3,330,000 BowlingTournament, prevented alar a attendance, Never- ticket to Harrowgate, on inland sum- Ings -truly a great cit Is Birmin TOTAL FUND.,,., 1,700,000,00 The racial held under the auepicos theless, an en jo able evening was mer resort, considered to be one of the bum. Among the interesting place ToTAI AsSE'd'S. , ... 21,059,506.54 A Fowling Tournament is in pro- of Zetland Sunday School on the j y g healthiest places in England ; not only here we visit Ashton Hull, ins leudid - - gress this w, tk in London. Two rinks grounds of the Grain Bras, on Thurs• spent, Wingham Brass Band con- is the atmosphere here pure and de- state of preservation, built by Sir Thos, BQARD OP nlRBcroRs,. Farmers, Notes discounted. of Wingha:; bowlers are there in day last, was a decided success • re- tributed to the enjoyment of the even• lightful but the town itself is well Holt in 1018, ilia 16th year 4f King competition, No. 1-H. Jeffrey, ' ing ; proceeds $19, built, containing grand hotels and James. Cromwell came along in 103.3 ITq°' Wm. atbsen •. Preatdent Drafts said on all points in Cans P f y C. ceipts, twenty dollars, The committee private residences, occupied by the and thought be would take a "shy" at Geo, Roach Sohn Proctor A. B, Lee ada, the United States and Europe. Knechtel, E. McAlpine, A. R. Gibson, desire to thank all those who kindly Lacrosse. gentry of England. Here are famous it, firing his cannon balls tbrough the John S. Hondrie pee• Rutherford . No, 2-D. Holmes, 11, Vanstone, Dr. assisted, mineral wells and baths.; it is said walls and injuring the oak staircase. J• Turnbull, Vico-Pros, and General Manager . $AViNC,S DEPARTMENT. Holloway, A. M. Crawford. Tuesday's lacrosse gauge between there are no less than sixteen wells These things are now in evidence, in- H. S, Steven, .A.4t, pen, -Manager Interest allowed on deposits of x1,00 and Civic Holiday. Lucknow and Wingham was a lively within a stoue's•throw of each other, eluding the balls, which I should like p Tr This. containing H. X. Watson, Inspector. upwards, sued added to principal 30th June y Tuesday, August Ah will be Win one. The game commenced at 4,10 and iK different kinds of water, to have as souvenirs. There are too and 31st D000mber each year. Now is the time to get after that ham's Civic holidayand is also the after tweet minutes la Win ham The town abounds in parks and gar- many interesting circumstances here F p y, $ d Deposita o1 ;1 and upwards 30th November let. er deur, making it an ideal resort for to mention, but two or three must auY- areal allowed and computed an 30th November nasty weed, the common burdock, date of the annual union Sunday scored. In twenty minutes more Luck- invalids. Knareaboro, five miles, a fice. I was in the bedroom which and Mat Ma each year, and added to principal ,± A, E. (1IBSON, Manager To kill them, cut a few inches below School excursion, that has become so now scored; four minutes after the verq old fashioned town but prettily Charles I slept in on the nights of Qct. speofal $eposits also received at ourrenb the round • this is said to be a cure. Sepoys scored again, and nine minutes situated on a high bluff, which boasts 16th and 17th, 1042, one week before rates of interest, R. Vanstone, Solicitor g change It was thought well to of the ruin of Knareaboro Castle which the battle of Edge Hill. In the main CORBOU D If this faits, cut oil close to the round tater laced the bail again in the net i .A�6Ilt 13 change the place this year, and $fn- P g ' was erected prior to A. D. 1100 by hall are some very ancient furniture, 4 and pour a little coal oil on the fresh cardine was chosen instead of God- making the third score in succession Rufus or Henry I. The portions re- clocks, etc., also a glass case contain- Dickinson & Holmes, Solicitors cut root. July is the month to act, in erich. The special train will leave within about 20 minutes. Then came maining are the ancient guard room, ing a book of parchment, showing the I.. order to ensure their destruction, Clinton at 8 a. m., Bel rave at 8.35, Wingham's turn and in about twenty- Kings chamber or banqueting room, Queen's and Prince Albert's signatures, V_ OW 11tMO * g live minutes Wio ham laced two and the dungeon wherein State and with pen, also signatures of the staff In Winnie Wingham, 8,55, Whitechurch, 9.05, ar• g P other prisoners were confined. Across and notables of th p g• P e city, e the pees- When � ,�� � hxng The Canada Furniture Mfrs, have an riving ire Kincardine about ten o'clock, scores to their credit, making a tie. the river from the Castle is the "drop- sloe of their visit in 1858; here are also j� exhibit of furniture at Winnie Ex- The fare from Wingham is 70ets for After twenty minutes' play Lucknow ping well," i named on account, of the shown he chairs which their majesties • flee Halsey Pn,k'G ndvt, Winnipeg scored again, and eight minutes later, water dropping about thirty fast av8r sat in, ate, hibition. Manager A. O. Bell of adults, 35ets for children. Full infor- a huge rock; it is most interesting We sip a few minutes on the way o r� . t Wear Greer'a `iltuga and Rubbers. g oration can be obtained from another, making the score 5-3 in favor Fails, Try I Wingliam is there. The Co. do a posters from the fact that the water will pet. to Lichfield at Sutton Coldstream, a E .f� ! j i It Paisley Pork Peeking Co. has as large western business, -which is likely and from Sunday School superinten• of the Sepoys. Wingham a trusty rify any articles which are hung under- royal place, with old church where 1 signed, dents. Returning, goal -keeper, J. Doyle, was absent, neath the flow, the time for petrifica- Cromwell slept in the tower, It is to be largely increased by having an g, the train will leave tion occu in from four months to also noted for its f Houses and soma to rent. Apply Kincardine at 7.30 m. A delightfuland it is safe to say that our boys Py park which g w eat- �...w...n. excellent exhibit at the Exhibition. P• two years, arious things may be ural one and immense, being seven u , „ to Q. J. Maguire, y P would rather have had hiiii at the goal, seen hanging in process o£ petriSeation mites across it. The ancient city of A�1derson S Cure for da on the lake shore is expected. Binder Twine season is at hand ; see MTs. T. Forbes Dead. The game was warmly contested at -.helmets, hats, stockings, birds, ani- Lichfield, as all know, contains the Dyspepsia and Indigestion • A. H. Carr's ad. on 8th page, As we announced last week, Mrs. T. Hoasn To RENT. -Comfortable nine every point. Wingham boys played a mals, etc. At Mother Shipton's Inn, grand cathedral, the west front of Miss Barton, o£ Seaforth is visit- Forbes has been ill in London hospital, roomed house. hard and soft water. good game and some of their combine- near by, is a room full of these things which is about, the richest in all Eng - in her slater, .Mrs. H. Jeffrey. p Apply to R. Vanstone, Wingham, in completed form. land. I understand every niche !allow g y On Wednesday an operation. was per- tions were excellent. There was very Leeds, our next place, is a fair city filled, the figure of Queen Victoria be. This medicine will relieve F. Gutteridge, contractor, has about formed, and Mr. Forbes was summon- Concert. little, if any, intentionally rough play, of about four hundred thousand, a ins the last put up. The cost of res- and cure all forms of D S finished the cement abutments for the ed by a telegram, stating that Mrs. The Concert on Tuesday evening was Dave Dinsley had his shoulder put out manufacturing place of note, having a toration on this front alone is nearly - big bridge at Benmiller. Forbes could not recover. A message fairly well attended, but the combina- of joint by a fall, but Dr. Kennedy fine city hall, museum, art gallery and $400,0001 Stoneleigh Abbey, the real- Pepsi&, Indigestion, Heart- %Walkerton Turf Club announces this morning conveys the sad news of sopa put it in 1 the best system of electric railway I donee of Lord Leigh, the oldest masonic their races for July 30th. Harry Day, tion of talent was scarcely attractive pace and Dave played have et seen in En t burn, Catarrh of StO2zt&C12, her death at 1 a. ys Cancer o£ the y gland, Roundbay officer in the war d, is a grand old Eng- formerlyof Wingham is president. , liver was the cause, enough to draw a full house. Mrs, on as before. Mr. Allin of Mt. Forest Park, containing an old Manor house, fish mansion built in 1720, of cut stone, Acid Fermentation and • Agnes Knox Black was interesting and was Referee. The Wingham boys are natural lake and hundreds of acres of four stories high, frontage about 200 Mal -assimilation of Food. Call and see J. Button &Cos, new Only Forty. effective in her readings from. first to improving in their play, and put up a ground, is beautiful and worthy of a feet, width about 100, atypical English stock of boots and shoes, g visit. The most interesting feature of design, containing excellent old paint- ; Detective Greer went last week to finish and generously responded to square, clean game, this place to me, is Kirkstatt Abbey: in p , one A carload of roofing material has ar- prillia to investigate the ease of two every recall, G. W. Cline's son a ma niflcent ruin but man arts still highly from value, fact that which was 50c Per Bottle. rived for the Holmes block and the g- The NOTICE. -A satisfactory sale of busi- g y P g y new buildings of the Western. Found- tramps, a negro and a white man. Mr. Village Blacksmith" was followed by ness or property certain if listed with in excellent city, i vis we and since bought by the present Lord who had P given to the city, it is well cared for It it cleaned. The outer work was taken ry Co,Greer says that since the Glory Whal• the popular patriotic song "Rule Bri- C, J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent. and preserved fx•om vandalism. It off leaving a portrait of Bing Charles, � Mre. Flynn of Minnie street has en murder at Qollingwood be has tannia." Miss Brownie Williams has was started 19th May,1152, completed it is thought that this was done by t been ill for some time with intermit- heard of 40 different pairs of tramps in a pleasing appearance, and a voice Magistrates Court. 1182, destroyed in the reformation, come one who stole the picture. FOR SALE ONLY tent fever, but we are pleased to say Ontario in which a negro and white showing considerable culture, but if The assault case referred to in last 1539. Cromwell in those daps played .Through the kindness of the house- s now recovering. man are travelling together. we chose to criticise, we should ea issue camp up for trial on Friday Last, sad havoc with these castles, abbeys keeper, we were shown through, also �� After an extended illness, Pope Leo y and manor houses with his cannon, the old abbey ansio is immediately in WALTON McKIBBON Unheard of Shoe rice that our own local talent. Mies Estelle before Mayor Vanstone and A. Dal- Bradford, also an important town, rear of the mansion. This building jjjhl 1 / XIII passed peacefully away, on Mon- dayprices last. His successor has not yet our store during our � great clearing Griffin or Miss W. Alba Chisholm mage, J, P. Neil R. McCorvie was the nine miles by trolley, well built, in was erected in 1151 and is still on the been elected. See page 7. sal; of Shoes, to start July 25th. W. would be listened to with cite as complainant, and he charged James stone principally, a very Billy place "go." The walls are about five feet The new iron bridge near Lower J. Greer. p q a Wingham audi- Duncan, Thos. Martin, Goo. McCul- with but few level streets in it, never- thick and give evidence of standing DRUGGIST much pleasure b g theless interesting, that is if you take another thousand pears, age aeeming- t Wingham will be completed this Accident. encs. tough and Frank Sheppard with strik- a cab or other conveyance for getting ly having little effect upon them. This Next door to Post Office. . week. The iron work is finished. It ing and kicking him on the night of about, but for a Canadian who has not part of the manor has more interest will be a fine, substantial structure. An accident occurred op Monday From Wingham. July 13th. There is no doubt of the yet struck the walking craze, the less than the modern, as thoughts about evening, that might have resulted The Listowel Standard says: -Mr. fact that McCorvie of the worst of it said the better, dere is a fine old the doings of the early monks come ppme We are giving about two dollars fatally. The second eon of D. Mc- Albert Wahl has decided to retire in the fracas, but from the evidence it parish sThe mach f pwith rogress graveyard Attach. rut h of agestread certainlytinspiring.And aThe worth of Shoe Leather for one dollar. Cormick of Culross was mowin ,and Big clearing sale at W. J. Greer's, g from the management of the Listowel was tolerably clear that he had brought of business, necessitated the removal monks' brewery with stills, are seen, The Port Elgin Times reports that stopped to fix something in connection Furniture factory, and his place is be. the punishment. on himself, and he of three thousand bodies to another also rooms whose walls are covered THIS ��� one woman during the latestrawberry with the machine, when the horses ing taken by Fred, Johnston of Wing- might have kept out of trouble, if he place for re -interment. This lace with rand old leather emboasin s. j season picked 2'700 boxes. It is said started. The knives caught the young ham. Mr. Johnston is well and favor- had wished. Knowingthere was a being built a Leeds makes perhaps ft 250,00- The park in connection is large, having that 250 boxes make good picking in a man's hand nearly severing it from p q, g perhaps ,000 miles of circumference, the drive or + y ably known in town, and has had an strike among he molders, he persist- inhabitants more. avenue from lodge entrance through ���� V� day the arm, extensive experience in the furniture ed in affirming that he was a molder, • Birmingham or "Brummagem" as it the wood being well kept and about a u YEAR When icing a cake dust a little dry trade. His earl is nicknamed, is probably the most mile long. Altogether Stoneleigh is ru ie flour over the top of it before putting Death, y training in the bust- when as a matter of fact, he was not, important manufacturing centre in the worth a visit. Warwick Castle, the on the icing. If this is done the icing The death of Dr. De Witt Martyn ness was gained in the Hess Bros, and never had been. In this way and world. Through the kindness of the residence of the Earl of Warwick, is is not so likely to run off, as it other- on Sunday last removed a prominent factory in this town. For the past according to the molders' evidence, by editor of the Advance, T bad an intro- another excellent old English residence we Clean u Our stock Of wise would, seventeen years he has been foreman other annoyances, he got into a row, duction to Mr. Ladge, of Gravelly Hill, but we were too late for entrance, the p Corn soaked in strychnine was lac- citizen of Kincardine, In years past, who gave me excellent entertainment doors just being closed before arrival. odd lines of Shoes at read ed among the pea crop of the Mitchell Dr. Martyn was a valued member of of the Thos. Bell factory. Mr. which ended in his getting the worst and showed every kindness, which Leamington, 3 miles, connected by greatly Johnston will be a valuable ac nisi- of it. He identified three of the ac- was indeed appreciated in a foreign horse car is tt beautiful town, very reduced prices. If you are Nursery Co.,, with the ad blackbirds that in the old County Board of Examiners q PP g in need Of anything ill the one hour's time 147 dead. blackbirds 'and took a lively interest in education- tion to ho Listowel Furniture Co., and cased but the evidence went to show land, teeming with its millions of aristocratic, a summer town ; also has were picked up, al matters. His signature may still under his management the business of that James Duncan had nothing to do strangers, This city is the centre for its mineral water, parks, etc. 3' g" + , the factory is sure to continue to pros- with the assault, but had contended jewelerq, many thousands being em- Kenilworth Castle is another very Shoe line, We Call save Olt Greer's clearing eale is the oppor• be seen on Teachers certificates of ployed in that industry. In fact near. targe ruin, worthy of a half -days visit. tunitq of the season to get good Shoes years past. per and make rapid -advancement, that it was not fair for two or three to ly everything you can think of is made The thought often occurs --if only money, at little prices. attack one man', He was merely wait- here. The population for city proper these bangaeting halls, chapels, dun- Bainton Bros., Blyth, have arranged Took I11, We are clearing Fancy Muslins, is about 600,000 but if it were in Ameri• eons, nooks and corners could speak, Gingbams and Dress Goods, Farmer's ing for the train to meet his wife, and ca the g P to purchase hides m Wingham for J. J. Elliott, V, S. intended to have pork for sale. GEO. E.• KIN(. when the row began, had held .back Y would soon have a a city of what a talo they would unfold and their tannery in Blyth, and have gone to Manitoba an Thursday last, P f; probably a million and a half by tat• mato this tour interesting, but the This week a line of Men's secured a storeroom on Victoria Thos. Martin, who this witness stated ing in suburban towns, for instance former occupants are all dead, carry- Harvest Shoes, pair ..... 75c street from J. B. Cummings, and the Advance announced in last Garden Party. ' did not take part in punishing McCor- Ashton which adjoins, with 100,000 in• ing all their secrets with them, leaving issue that he had gone.. We regret to The Firemen's annual Garden Party vie. As to Frank Sheppard, he was habitants, is yet in the "country," only us nothing but ivy walls, a little tradi- Organizer Coupland of Gerrie called PP now ex actin an act of arh hent to tion and a few bare facts of historyin fn the Advance on his way to Goder- hear, that on Wednesday evening he held on Friday evening was weII at not on the scene at all, but was at the give them borough powers, Wolver- connection therewith, .:h-on Monday. He added 20 mem- was taken Ill and therefore unable to tended, and bad it not been for the C. P. R. The other defendant, Goo. hampton, about the same size, con- GEo. MAsoN, Full line Of Trunks, Valises, hers to the Court of C. 0. F. in Goder- go. • Re has since recovered, and left threatening weather, it is safe to say McCullough, admitted. striking Me- ich last week, and expects to initiate this morning (Thursday) for the west, that there would have been a larger Corvie but claimed that it was under ITelescopes and Suit Cases ten more this week. Mrs. Elliott accompanied him. attendance. The Park was well -light- provocation. During the trial, it was Pitchfork Accident. be used of God in the future as in the _ . Mrs. Brown (nudging Mr. Brown, ed, and the ro ramme embraced sin admitted that two had a hand in the est, and we sincerel trust that in a who snores with his mouth open) - Recovering. P g g' An accident that might have result- . p "William i you'd make less noise if ing by a company of little girls, High- assault, but the second was not char Yew short gears that you with your y After being laid up for several g- ed fatally ocenred Last week to a Wino- dear partner in life and family may '! you'd keep your mouth shut ! land dancing by Miss Mabel McDonald, ed, After hearingthe case in full, the ear -old son of Mrs. D. S, McDonald return to Win ham to spend �'s even - Mr. (only half awake)-=-"So°d weeks from the effects of a broken leg, Scarf drill by seven young ladies, Flag Court decided that the charge had not, of Zetland, It appears that the were ing of life in the happy enjoyment of Hanna & you t Mr. Jos. Adams is able to move around PP y health, wealth and prosperity, with drill and the Maypole performance by been proven against James Duncan, loading clover, when two tines of aP P y' SI I� g'j'QR� Another week of sensational bar- with the aid of crutches. Mr. Adams a number of others under the direction Thos, Martin or Frank Sheppard, Me- God's richest blessings, and that you gains at Tudhope's. Read his advt, has been unfortunate. About a year PP pitchfork entered the boy's body, one may find the Wingham Baptist church a?,i•Next door to Post Office on last page. of Itilisa Boughton. The Band played Cullough was fined $10 and Costa, in the lower part of the abdomen, the free from financial cares, reaping the P g ago, he had his right arm broken, and some fine selections. In this connec- Dudley Holmes appeared for -the de- other in the thigh to the depth of a- fruit of the seed sown in past years, %r. T. Gregory returned from the this spring fell from a platform on tion we may ea that the music ren- fondants ; McCorvie had no counsel. bout an inch. As the wounds did not when we can afford to turn the present west Inst week, He went to the coast which spring was standing, painting the y y day socials into happy re -unions with - �-- ___ and then w far nosh as Fort Simpson, dered by the Wingham Band is en- It did not appear from the evidence bleed, blood -poisoning was feared. It �+ +� 000 miles north of Vancouver; this is ceiling, when he fell, breaking his P >; young and old to count our blessings QEEfENT-Car Durham cement just tirely different from any given by pre- that the molders as a body were is hoped this will be avoided and the instead of "dimes," when the tears of arrived. Parties who intend using the proposed terminus of the Grand right leg. vious organizations, and of a higher responsible for the row, and it was boy, who is smart little fellow, will be the sower and the songs of the reaper cement soon will do the wise act if Trunk Pacific. Dr. Ovens of London, M. R. Q. S. L. cissa, Under the leadership of Mr. tolerably clear that McCorvie might shall mingle together in joy bye and they buy it now, as cement will like] It is reported that there are eleven R. C. P. apecialist, eye, ear, nose and g none the worse. Great care should be hyo advance in price before long. We are cases of smallpox in Walkerton, nine ihroat. will be in Wingham, at Camp- Duncan, the Band is giving good satin- have kept out of it had he so desired, exercised to avoid accidents, in the Signed in behalf of the W. F. M. also agents far Hanover cement. --.A. members of one family being laid up bell's Drug store, Monday, Aug. 3rd. faction. The evening was pleasantly At the same time, the fact that the hustle of harvest time. Circle and the Ladies' Aid. Young & Son, with the disease. The town authori- Glasses properly fitted. spent. Unfortunately, expenses. were affirmed that he was a niolder, or was Mrs. P. Fisher, Pres, of Circle ties have isolated the patients, and heavy. We should like to have seen otherwise annoying, did not justify I Miss M. Fisher, Vice Pres. MONEY To LOAN -At 4J per cent. on have taken precautions to prevent the Married. the Firemen with alar larger las after Mrs. A. Cosens, Treas• improved farms. Easy terms of re- g P two men in punishing him as they did, PRESENTATION. Miss K. M. Fisher. Sec. payment; expenses light. Ap Iy A. bpread of he disease. The home of Mrs. Robt. Hill of expenses were paid. We understand The molders as an association regret Mrs. W, Dixon, Pres, Ladies' Aid. Dumage Real Estate and P Loan Reduced holiday fares are offered Walkerton was the scene of a quiet they will clear about $25, the affair, as it tends to prejudice their Agent, Dent Block. on the Grand Trunk from all stations wedding on Wednesday of this week, P j Last week we referred to the re- The following address accompanied 11n Canada, Toronto and west, Detroit case in the eyes of the public. move of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Chapman the presentation of a beautiful Onyx and Port Huron, Suspension Bridge when her daughter, Lonna, was unit- Educational Changes. to Acton and the ptesoutation made and Buffalo. Good going on after- ed in marriage to Mr. Gilbert Prince. There will be two grades of certifi• You can buy Men's and Women's to them as a token of esteem and ap- Clock :- noon trains, August 3rd and all trains Rev. Mr. Robinson performed the sates for public school teachers, junior $3.00 Shoes for $3.00 any day- but you preeiation of their work in connection Wingham, July 13th, 1003, August 4th, returningnot later than � cant buy them for $2.25 any day. You with the Baptist chureb, The presen. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chapman. August 5th, ceremony. The young couple left on and senior non-professional. For the can buy Men's, Women's, Boys and tation was made at the close of the DEAR 13ROTIfUlt AND ,SISTM,-We, a trip to Toronto, Buffalo and other junior examination the subjects will be Misses $1.50 Shoes for $1,50 any day-- Young People's meeting bliss K. M. the members and friends of the Wing- -THE- . WANTvb•-A girl for general house- places. The Advance extends con- mainly English, mathematics and but yon can't buy them for $1.00 any Fisher on behalf of the Woman's For- ham Baptist Church, wish to avail • work ; Duties to commence Augnet gratulations. science, with a standard of 40 per cent, day' You can buy Shoes at these re- sign Mission Circle and Ladies' Aid, ourselves of this last opportunity of work Apply to coo Ii. O, Belt, duced pprices on Saturday, July 25th, read the following address a- showing you to what 0th.Clinton.pp y Manitoba Elections. on each paper, and 60 per cent. on the at W, J, Greer's clearing sale. q groat extent total. Candidates at this examination g our labors in been with thin _ C(jj1]'1 ji,y1 Drug Sore Wingham, July 13h, 19(13, Church have been a Y reciated, 1n t11.t1U1 Store The Goderich Star says Street The provincial elections for Mani- who take two Latin papers (one on 1' To Mrs, W. J. Chapman, nearly all branches a our Church rumor this week is to the effect that tabs were held on Monday, and result- rammer and rase, the other on auth• DEAn S1sTnn,-We, the members of work you have taken a deep interest this long vacant regiattarship of Hur• ed in a Conservative sweep of the g P CHURCH NEWS, the Woman's Foreign Mission Circle and even when its condition was bor. _ on has at last been filldd, Mr. M. Y. ors), on the lower and middle schools and Ladies' Aid of the Wingham Bap- Bering on movements of retrogression, McLean, of Seaforth, getting the phren. 'province. Independent, Prohibition ass junior matriculation and who YS the Place #0 et and this, it is understood, teases Mr, and Labor candidates -were all defeat, (P j )' Next Sunday, Rev, J. Edmonds of tlst church, meet with you this even- you were ever hopeful and always those Seager s appointment as Clerk of the ed, most of them losing their deposits, 50a per centke 34 . on the total,r cent. on wilch lhave the aper, and IyStl Paul's th will rohureheach orning and evening' siontof your departure from ourress our 8orrow on omidst, lesskfit ed withe an faithgthan ryourselves. Everything that is Peace. It may be only, another rumor The latest figures obtainable Are- P ' and in doing so, we Apish to convey to Your activities were more particularly but this time it seems like a fact. marks thus obtained added as a bonus Rev, Dr, Guudy'a ministrations are you the fact that during the innany directed to the important work in the Pure and Fresh in Conservatives elected....., . . • • • 11 to the marks obtained in English, being mast favorably coniinented on. pears of your mhmbership in our Band Sunday School, whereyoti were highly The funeral o£ Mrs, Duncan of Glen- Liberals ...,.,..., .. annan on Tuesday was a very large Elections to be held ................ 2 be mathematics and science. Latin will On Sunday last, he delivered two excel. of Mission Workers you have won the esteemed alike by young and old, and one, Deceased was in her 52nd year, -- obligatory for the senior non -pro- lent sormons, permeated with the es. regard and esteem of your sisters. where your impressionable heart talks - and leaves a husband and Paxnil to Total. , , .. , , . . , senee of gospel truth, A profitable Your faith anti loyalty to the cause of won far you a lasting remembrance. • • ' • • • • • • 4p • n option "after service" was held in he evening• missions, your patient, untiring efforts Til Blight recognition or the services y' . • fessional examination, and n mourn the loss of a faithful wife and will be showed between part of the The Quarterly Sacramental services Are in till use of your musical talents for you have rendered Isere, we would ask kind mother. The youngest, child is Customs. other matriculation languages. No anuounceel far Sunday, August 2nd, rho benefit of the Church and Sunday you to accept of this rI ocl: as a token about seven years of age, Mrs. Dtin- Collector %'arrow, of the Customs School, your assistance h devisingof 111100 high esteem in 'which you ars9S . Dru -$Sean's maiden naln$ was Martha Mull- department, furnishes the Goderich commercial diploma will hereafter be Interesting services were hold last ways and ine.1ma to replenish (our ofheld by us, May it serve to remind roe. Bronchitis and asthma caused P granted by the Educational Depart- week in Xinoardine to celebrate he empty) treasury was ever and always you of the man 1 her death, Stat with the figures of duties collect fiftieth anniversary o y pleasant tig tip of the meet. Educational boards will be at y f Ilio establishment a source of encouragement to your which assisted in the inakiag up of the i Mr, If, Lawry o$ Selmore, with four ed on imports for year ending June liberty to grant diplomas on courses of Presbyterianism in Kincardine, and fellow workers, and the gratitude felt brigiitest side of your life in Wingham :10, 1903, at the ort of Goderich and hitherto prescribed far Parts T. and the 25th anniversary of the Rev. Dr. was often more than words could ex- and tend to save from disconnecting . others from Wroxeter have gone to p p Murray's pastorate of Knox Church, prets. You identified yourself with the feelings of attachuiont which exist the tiaa11k They �fetttio> Wednesday ilthe ontpatta colthnbctediir hereil 11• of the commercial diplomaexamina• Dr. Murray was presented with a test• the cause here In the bloom of your between you;tnd ourselves. and o Pot comparison, t fig es a t tion, or on modification of these courses eabinet Of sterling silver valued at $225. young womanhood, and we trust that We trust that from the outset, your � � L. Hamilton llouselto;dgoods. Their tickets and revious ear ard iven also ; y g transportation were arranged throu{fh P y g , approved by the Minister of l dura- " p - the experience gained during theyears stay in your new town may be inarked =, Holmes & Ilolmoo. Mt. Lowry id 100.03 1901.02 tlgn. 4�DEATHS. �- thus spent in the Lord's harvest field, with business prosperity and an in. -. not forget to arrange for tato Advance Clinton clh:........... _411111.11. 2.073.61 $1.7 s i _t. T)uucan- Tri (�lenannan, on Sunday, may bring you rich rewards when you creased usefulness in the work of the -. DRUGGIST to caritinue iia Aveekty visits to him wtnKlinan.......... ...... Or305,7G a;11s.2s be dosed till 1g� August. July 19th, 11Tartha %aura, wife of Master's feet oti''�wiii sheaves x�issve 6utiiiit blstiieci in behalf the fthu, ch for Smother year. liineardine.............. 3,938,50 1,849.0 g y David Duncan, aged 51. 5 r -0f i r ��r "�� �• '��` Seaforth ......•......... 10,710,x3 9;3;7.78 of my customers wlshing to day their Ave trust that it is Giod'a hand that is ' A. Cosons , YY 1 1V G II A M 11ADY01'IioNEl3. m- Do pipit want a `louthampton..........., 3,994.6E 3,17228 nates. or barrow money, will please Bioor-tn Blyth, 19, ,Pearl Edna. leading your beloved husband and I N. McLean 13, A, p y Lucknow P. 0........... 4.44 0:13 Jul?f A 1 '� I31oar, yourself to another p rt of Ilts own Pias P. Ilteynolds thro lest 1 %nt plan a t J get eklen p, on ;S210-00 �17,Of1,10 Bank. -Robb Manager a, the Dominion infantdaughter onths • and Mrs, +l, vineyard, Otir prayer is tliat yuil lila i �Z, is g , . „ X'. .4'r k' her, � ...