The Wingham Advance, 1903-07-16, Page 2 .. . .. I I I -11 11-11--l- --Tr,TM1WW7Wr ----
'or 4(ii'll-lovemout. Qod colloonted to - -1 I 1.
S(1.14(14y SOOOL but (lid laot approve or tho. %-,IX . � 11 " I 1, . U011 W that of a Varlstwi bonnet The nogal opplaV, 101olklitow Jaks. bare-'
I. . . , . �, I ,
-PWWW1"- . Ulment or thq imoilarchyt and Ma C�&,Cri I.. I . , on �� A. and frwwk wIth tho, Epvptlaa * yell t0foro brougirt ,out all, arrnoy' of NQW- I
wore the-oppresolons awl strI1110ya ft I � I � "I "I - " � . , awl trousers. or vourue, many of ore-toapd. coveringe, that 'in gomo
'"J,""NXXXONATA 1,LWON No.. Ill. Which 10110w0d; though thO "X.4ord �. I � Clio B'gyptlano pard their WIVIO044 ou,ses Wag rot-Wriod far Into the win-
'JULT 10, J%108, (114 n-ot toroako ilia ly(-�oplo for HIS 116. Or I r//Z ,� � Closely as formerly, but tile tendency ter, aud pvtsn iu,a, TQw. lo.oturices only, CURRENT COMMENT
vmt riamew sake." �.. I I ,,� 11. � W to havo 041.Y Ono W-110-111 10,any put "'side, for wou,41uns; of formal an. I I
I . I
—.— . Pavrato" and th-reatoulugg. Tile %.. 0/1, 9 'CABOV froxv mativea or 00000mv-%nd tortainlaw. Now, with the rapid 'ad- 01111099 #f"#+"1F##+"ql
-1 salu.11: 13-20' 11rot Incentive to daty Is "the Marcy % ��,;�,.�, � I . Ill' that 0,100 0110 is allowed Much Vanua in maklaij Uo interior , of tho
lealauv1*4 Farewell &14resq. 01 Uod-11 Only (4 , I /, rl,"� - TUo _c0ion- ,situation Is PL,0411.3r.
when I -Ila Morelos fail -4 Y/, 0 . Moro freedom, eame of thpac mlogo llaal.50 beautiful, even tile dotal,10, of
, commontfirp doeo, dlyloo love assulne more severe . 116 I I I "I'll -1 ED, � regularly, thoug1l, it, sqmme4, furniti;re covorlrigg, are gQt Aoeor(ling to reports ttw crop IV .
- Connecting UnIcR. .! - !� /.��,"q . A-00.
"V40 T40t tuat 4,kul wa mclaisiires, as A to , aront makes I ; - , In true, Only ladles ATO Invited to ovorlookoct. i ,
, ving, p A, �
, a permit- ht 11 X, I pOOtsf ore not good,, And t1l)o price
t"'t TO ri)turll 49ftill to private life - M . - -1 " 10 .
I . I � . , tb0 PntOrtUinm%to, " The old-style bollanidawlion a4dQpt, Law golle up, Canadian, factories 11ad
010 rO,4- tao lullot resort In scent-Irig Rik "I
fillow's tjlat tj obedience. perlsous 01, peoples are .1( ,r' -11--s I 1\
Ora was considerable . I The 11rildat Veil.. oa me ction, from! dust
410appointmen I never puffered to go Wr � 1k, V I V, P. ;,4 11 got, IIN on tuo ground, fIQ,OralJd laid
hauSs Out danger sig ., %41W � " � . The brld,%t veil Ill Ugly �
� avar 21151 election. _ - (" ,:.;! I � ,, %rranged Ia A ologoa hollso, aiusivered very ,
"101-0 May have beei a ibalink; that warned. God, I . I . I .... ivoll, but manyi homas mxl,ko only. 4 111, large vullop u J3 4
K. I "" e� 115 fr�, . 10/1 . to tover the entire gown at 1pho ples, b t 1111di g th, t
, i ,; ... , t ; q I
. ,,, ."... ".. ,�X/.' back a a summor ologIng, Part Live pl,loo of cattan. oloth d
%; L
N . -Ift7` �/ . oes not
lil" Was Too obsouro it person and nalo at tile entranco and along tile 1� I . sid bat rarely falls over the Procal'Ou or
494 and experience ., to rain. Ile ?. I , oT the family riumalaing And maldlig 1,100 lu gym
or ,,,,,,,,,,,,, of every p, � ; -N
Pro L" �n ;2; , face, The fine le'relich tulle Tell Is
wIlMneot proVolit a, perverse eli 1. Q � IN, - !pAtty with ilia prlce� 0
oloo, . , ,
to — WOU0001,v aillvanoea to the 'I, la ,� �, 1 % I . J I ,,5- more avored titan the heavier Yell of .s. V , (
'h I -, , f ago Of the room . ader ttliose con, �;Uou wool'. tLey are Boiling Wall.
� , , - - . IaQG, av It lead$ Itself. thought .and ox -
a 0 but will not suffer It to be Ili 19' j,l .- .. ..... , ." .��..� - V ,,,, - , " , � 0 , ditlonis, a, little .
liar- I �� I v
- ,
9 � -.- ". , -
110 (I t T40 nation." It IyAs no I �,
OLUO14 - "'. $note easily
cav-y matter to notalillell, a, man- , ,'..*,' �,.; , I -a the changes Wool at a prolit
."rE. - . ,
, � .. ng I
.. ., . -�" I � : to graceful idraplag, , to factories in, tt,,4)
f "." �. I . , , , police should brl, lot
.. �, -,��, , ""..
I ,*, ,P �-, ,� -�, "
� ,��' ,(N ,
ArONY over a people thlat had I I .. L . . 43- 1, 0'. ."., .t . ,X 11000884r,y for the season, not only tile -ullitt'd statlaff,
1�� � I - - - , , . 11 .. , �, 1 14 rotlL square and round yells are vorl�417,v the pyleo
I I .
, I
never hitherto boon, subjeot to a ,, � I ! . ,� . Pp`i. Worn. A now touab In to edge tile coinfort illAt Ia imparidlyo, bui 411 Of Wool 11,111 fall, Va tUat they call
ILUMATI; Icing and It soc-lued noucs� . I , 1. .11 . . , .
, � ; J - . vell IVIth an appililgo at ductleas or artistic olonialit as Nvall.
. " -
sary , I ,P restock to advantage. If not-, tt,ey
for "ill to go out before , ') I.. ..., I . . . . . . . - . 11040 point. T110 veil with a live A now material that gives it orif �
11101111 alld slx;Dw his prowess and The r1arke - I . . � .. . ,-,, � Ile Inch border Is being JOXt011- appoaxalice to tile furnlituro w4lon wilt 0, oue their milla, such are the I
: , , �. , - , �<, ,�, J , I KIVOIY 'Used, as Well 11.8 th.13 evil Made up into fillps Ia. a, French, linen AdVIDOU from) Montreal, 'There A
daring In order to gain tholr call, � I I ` A , " ,5
ridela : t�. i. � I I "JitA does
11 .ov,�M-Aw i I - I- 'i �,
"41 "I
- %1V%0%0V%^0%^10 - 'Nr'. -,?,PP,,5V,-,�,- 1". fililulle(l with tliq narrow white Bilk nY dats. % not scem' to be any particular care
I " ',-."A,�-.f,.. - comes in 50 inalil goods h,t $1 a y
I . . - , , I. -IT I �
. , � - , - ,:�7.�.. , 1i I
I- Mrauct'S Integrity (vs. 1-5). Ir .ard,
- I , r. I - 3 � 41- ,bluo, rod,
RAU)uol, thougu lip -,van still tore I . : . 1�tl�-'. , .%!.- �;. frill and ttis range of colors for t4a Interests, or the consumer,
. Toronto ll'arnporB, market, . .1. � ... . � - %-Z -I--- Zigco'frIngo Idea Is alflo Intro0ticad
t4iu ble Influence and authiorttyas Into tile bride'o bouquet, whic)a Ig grooil� elloftrope, an brown -adapts and liono at All for trao Men and wo.
PrOPhot, now decides that tile time. Ally 18. -The farali market was ' (Mar$ Doall,J pinta and whites, with velvet trial, 1303netimes tied with, , wh1to gau�a Lt , a , color ache ,a that lials �een won� boys anil g1rie, who work In tho
has come for I" public surral.1der Ealrl,Y aOtITQ tQ�447, with liberal re- Ili tli,-, to'lettus or,lore(I for raldsum. wings In tile deepest f,hado or pink. 11bbolis, cilged with silver Ill 4t d fox, the ,,wlater ind.-,tilip, milm. Dy tl�ulr own otory, tile call.
of Ill" office as judge, oil ruter. OOIPts or vegetables and dairy pro- Ili to"ne haa for A lonKtlwo been
-i Mighty duce,, Which were lower ati a rule. lucr.ivear, In used fox- b X t H
"There, lainat Ilave been r tile Very pi 13aclo of the ' The now Oriental blues are also soon Tho uhawor affect of narrow ribl-0a
In tile laco, as well as suporb, shades foil tha bridal bouquet Ia not con- odroorli furniture coverings, adlan mills were not call 4 hort.
struggle In Ills biagoin wA,.4n Ile lit- The. Only grain. offering wore two acia,gonla oplentlor Ji4s been reached. of orange, some of which border on Eidorod so smart tills year as tlie but only. lately Aing it boon adopt- M40.y had plenty of raw materl�l,l,
tared this 'Valedictory to thle peo- 10449- QUO Of 900SO Wile,Rt, Which HOW Nothing w1itoli ,savors or file ecOnOlu- sa f fro n. . ribbons of broader wIdtil. ad 14 otlier rooins. A daring use of a but tlwy sold it, . Men, who care to),
Pie whose Interests had been tile at 700. 4Ad one of oata� at 87 I-24. teal or Via unpretentious will be Tile 'Xidsunimer Hat Thi� Question of Neckwear. big, flowered pattern made up with tk,T(,m!scIvea alone cannot cornVain it
burden of we veart and prayers, I I -lay In fair Offering andateady, 30 red binding Made a summer parlor so,
by the silinilt woulan at title was not of b Bort sold alone for Short 4cieves and icose halt necks distinctive t1lut the Idail, to worth OthOrg display Olin I helfl,hries w t)
Tile nation loa.dp, failing a.t $1�,, to $14.50 a ton wora a 5 a h 4
had now, reactrod a nevr era In Its ror 010, and a,t, $7 to $9 for nqvr. time. %"he castumes being prepared tills purpase, but the la,.)v, which ad- are worn this ,season .oil almost Ali repeating. , I I . : favors, tire soug4t. � I .
development, and Its future weal StraW quoted a,t $7,:)0 to $9 A ton. for liar, and those an hand wl0ch ,she laststil,lo things now. Bhapos it Into 0mrillonts.and oil Many thin walstB. Some of the art tIcIrIngs, havD pAr- -
01' Woo depended on the people's Dromed liogs are unchanged, light wilt sport, axo of a sort to dazzle tile a dis 11 t species. A cotalloalto pho. The beauty �spcvlaliati approve of the ticularly, pleasing designs, small and aul ,
obodlonee to the commandments of scaling at, $7 to $7 50. 1 tograph, of all the summer headgear fashion, anCl predict a great Improve- wall deflned, tbia-r make them Bervice- Now that tile in, ifautura of
God. This ImPr000lve truth, the rolloWGiii is tu,'rango at quota,, eye Nvith their loveliness and tako Ili C1106tendom would result In a Mont in womon's throats and nocks able for certain pieces of furniture, - diamonds Is onve tuloro (Ilsouss*otl irk
Venerable prophet seeks, tilrougil- tians - %way"tbo breath. by their prices. tilansparont background and a on account of It. Nothing Is Worse for In thia linen ta.ffotas a hitherto scientific ol(rclas tile
out his Joiltirii address, t fastell Whela.t. White, bashol, 76 I-2 to 77c; Fine lapels over clilflons and other flowery thatch. ,Even If the Bllapo thei nook than high, tight collars. unexplored field 113 now opened for . Mystery of
Indelibly upon their ilitnas"10 rod� 70 to 77c; gooilet, 701.20 ; panel silken gauzas reign suPreme as tax- to or stra,w, it i w so Sor-aggly and yclilowett nooks are sure the lovers 6T )tile beautiful In can, the sudden disappearance of liar.
Xt. Israel'a Ingratitudo (Va. 0-12). 75 to 783 ; oats, go to 87 1-2o ; bax- fragila that It can alluo4t be seen to be tile result of close stocks and noctlon with the summer coverings bQrt Warner naturally Is ,raylved.
lcV, ,1.�O; blay, old. per ton, $1t,,.50 to turcle Our out-of-town argo oollaxa, In order to wear the low- or slips, Tho light brawn or natur. rt With; about 15 yolivo ago that
Ili Ouse Verges Samuel "recalls Je. our"age through. It Is flat besides, I necked walsts woman are patrontz- al 11nou colored groundwork Ia ilia I
h0vah's Past Morelos and upbraids $15 ; nowA $7 to �9 ; straw, per toil. gowllB, costumes fOr Oils.," wear und In circumference, and invarlably re 110 (1195COV0110d tile secret of making
thern with, Unbollor and Ingvatttilao $7-50 to $9; applels, per bill., 81,50 %V In, not. Tha, more diaphanous their flowar trimmed. tug the specialists In throngs this durable for this purpose thorn the ,-
far demanding a king."-*WIledall'a to $2,50; drossed 110-8, I'glit, .$7 to I ' t an,l the skill of the latter peo- whito and the all-over pa.tte dialmallds, that Premised to wrook
7.50; took tile better, and whon tile bll- Many transparent black hate of 6 the most economical. ,0,,, t,rna are
Com. After referring to tile man ,$ eggs, fres". per dozon, 18 to flo"1069bellig taxed to repair the rav- ad with thO diamond industry. Inferior ola-
- ,,03 ; b., drawn tulle withl, outrlpli plum!ou are ages of past seasons. . ribbon knots, garlands
liar Ili ,,wilich God had (Ictivere(i . tt or,, dallry, 16 to.: a - ; crut tu� Lowy train Is lIrted eatln sllPPa,,6, Bilk soon. tile shapes running much to Of flOwcrg molids can still lie produced artifl-
them front Egyptian boudago, Sam. ory. -10 to 21c; chickens, per Pair, stockings and airy petticoat" In the Gaillsborough effects. The crown- --- . with stripes of caaitrastinW colors
tiot calls attention to the "thlreo tnrkr,,vR, per Ili., 12 to 14a, potatoes, Game tints are revealed. lees platgau Is almost as muchi In Tlie Kero'hicir Kiniono, - ten times their value. Warner, ar-
73 to 8' ,a ; due-Im. par PaIr, Wo to $1 ; and conventional designs are SOMO ciallY, but Only at a cost Of about
chief oppressors of Israel during now, buiVilvl, 75 to hair band of the ,styles thiat are pretty tor -
00o ; onions, per For her fium-t raiment thasophistl- evidence, n stiff Via 'fliandkeraltlet klinano" Is a slip covers. . to',' YOu,"S of experlinenting, wit&
Or dozen, cAted dremor esubeivs anything In ralsiiiw tills for fit and 'becoming- pretty negligee, and 1.6; not at ail In Very dainty bedrooms the white able to turn alit a ganuino din.
the period of tile judges: I. The b.,,g, 6,) to 70a; ca,bbago, p o
naunitlis w110. wore led by Slaera, 45 to 50a floqs from,
ilia general of tho ariny of King $i; -D�- ; cauJiflOwm', d0zor4 600 to the nature of a kid shoo unin,ss It Is arc sometimes loosely covered ith bor-dored hariftorchlefs are sold foil spreads and valances are naw being Ah -
CO. I tile head, Such wire shapies li-aril to ina,kal at home, Sets of five dimities that !lave been sold for mond of large sizo and of Clio first I
'at, forequarterv, $L�o to lie nronza shade. Sault footwear, w water at thO cost' or a small frac. .
Jabin. 2. FVla Plillisti-nes. .1. The a a 5 in tulle, which black veIVOt ribbon In
Wfoalittoo under $5.50 ; boor, bindqu, rter.5 41 -*8 t ,,9, t the ptirpoae, Ono of those )a alit In used for, furlilture covers. At from
Eglon. Ile then li-,�ef, clioloo, carca,5e, $7 to $7 .50' which. is conhiclovea tile top notch or tilra bare into loose puff& Tile flow- two in the middle and forms tile 35 up toOD cents a yard these dIm. 0011 Of tho ,complete RtDne's wcortli.
mentions four deliverers of the na' boor. medium, oaxenisle, $6 to $6-r)0 " umartneos, alio displays only Wit,, r r
tlell: 1. Ooruilbaal, or 0 0 4 0 massed flat on tile tog In homrt-shaped yoke, the colored bar- Itles, In White and Elso, In colored He, like Waymouth, of Itaitt- Ower
dean. 2. smali flowor sprays of single roses P
01 Iamb, yParling, $T to $7.50 -z o--prill ' der placal 1koxt tile nook. Another are Inexpensive for summer fame, manufactured Ilia diaillonds
Bodan--iRrobably Barak is meant. $10 tc, $lI ; ma.tton, $5 to �,G , veitg- a browAi or Wuq gown. no big as saucers. handkerchief is alit through the cen- OGI ""
a,. Japlithhh, tho Gila' '. t,, , d �' t
Vol.-t7aral 114b. adite- 4- Blain- $7 to $0. . � I . . I ir Her Hoisted 14tulb0ow6 The Summer Veil tile for the two Iront pieces, and the As it Is essential th'at slip covers bei'oro a number of scientists, a,na
III, SAMILlel's wozds �,Ontlrmi (vos. L ading Wheat Markets. djk;play whito pottlooata, they are of 111-0 tile summer glove is mainly to third ts loft Intact for the back or should be washable the tbrifty'llouse- Produced three fine Atones, which
the gar I ment. Tgo romadning handker. wire will acit buyl cheap miiterlals wera tested. and pronounced fault- .
13-:18). i Following are the closing quota- UlO most illiny va,tuvo and clabor- be found on the counters of coiigol- chiars milks thesleeves. They are Flm- that laat a
. points 'join nly�l "ntll they become Lego. Tw,.o of them are still Ili ex -
18 -15. Ye have chosen-Thougli God tiOns fit Importuxlt whicat contras Ately trimmed �vitlk lapel Uy a cut- entioul; shopkeepers. Few, 'woman are ply folded once, the two - Ballad. It Is aIsD'WtIl to mv�ie ki. note
ellose Saul, Yet the Peoria are said ta-ga,Y ; . . to" COntrarIUMB. tile NVA811 Patti- Wearing voila at this period, .and � ing. Tile Inside aeara Is sewed toge- of the fact that the 50-Inob goods istanco and are the greatest our!-
to choose hini either because they , I I Qa,sh. July. 0out will go with a silk and lavo when- they do patronize themi it Is thial, leaving room for the arm advantage than the OsItIOff tho Jewel world has evol;
- - - 83 8i-4 gown, and tile IsIll, Ono with a wash, either to 'get a . ameLiling extrava- and be point Is laid Over tile 011oul- 28 oil 81 Inch wIdths.
oho%o that form of government, or New, York ...... ...... It , hate, out to bett�r
bocause they confirmad God's choice. Chicago ......... ......... - - - 7 0 1-2 frock. .11)ho latter combination is at- gant ag a drapery for the 'hat der and sewed flat. This makes a SQmo u0bolaterers make up the cov- see"' But w1thin a fortnight of
1-13onson. It ye will fear - Witli Tol.d. ... ......... ...... so 80 &.8 alo4it alwaya nuccasary to preserve a brim. or else something translyar- flowing elbow ,sleave. The kimono ers wit,11. a French seani tlY,t 1, this triumpit, before any new
whour or against whom Is the hand Du:lu th, No. IN. ... 87 1411, 70 I-2 good eirout, for even tile heaviest Ila- alit and Ineignificent a,s a guard for may be, ma,do or large e3k lian(lker- stitched by.- the machine; but a bet- stones wiere put on tile market,
of tho Lord? Tile answer to this Toroitto, n,mit bifarkei,�B. eng are inw,le cc) hang limplY. $0, *on- wind blowtlig looks. Here and there oblors, jolnetl with boadIn. or lape.- , LE; 'to use wool binding, first
question depends on whether Onehas Laiw supported by a. drop or un- a Summor 911-1 will garland ILOP hat ri,vening Past. , 4 Warner utterly disappeared from
given lilm'self to lac the Lord's with Milo receipts were fa,ir, and the tle- �dersklrt, tile i1oll. brald and embrold- - brim with a. vivid, scarlet, orange, . --- . =y 0itinking it befoTe putting Ills house on Ilarley street, London,
his whole heart. and has submit- nva nd good. Il raspberries, 10 to �rleia -ffA1aA embellish. these and other apple, 'green or rulazartne blue veil I,- it with the material.
ted fully to the divine will, 12c par bDx, and b1lackberillea, 10 to stout volgil -textures would not be Of sowing silk 'Variety. She wears THE GIRL WITH FRICNDS Learn to lie a ruilosopher. leaving no trace whatever. So com,
16-18. Wheat harvest- 61 T�iiat lie, Ulack currantv, 85c to $1 per seen at 'clieLr best. tlllg over a black maline, and che- Do yc;u know, bor 2 To accept the Inevitable; nelbbei, Plato Ivas hili disappearance that
season in Palestine occurs at the end ba,sket, Cherries, abolee, 00c to $1 Some beautiful gowns, prepared foil r;lllo liteell, with the consciogeness Silo comels, in,t'o the room like a sea. to S 0 against it nor mur- from that (lay to tills hot tile
of June or the beginning a( July, par basket, and others 60 to 75c. the cliatelalues of Out-OftOwa that flat, beauty to thereby on- Ir"991
tenderness brLaze, fresh, laughing, nodding right mur at it, at ply to bear it -this smalleat explanation has been lilt
hunced, but the maid who fears 119 th M
when it seldom or never rains, and Iluckleberries, $1.10 to $1.125 per tiouscs betray fashion's Ioft wit;i happy Impartiality, Tile 0 great lesson of life -above all apon,
tile SkY' Is cloudIcs--." There could basket, Qooseberries, basket, 40 tor the young matron. Tho Jjune fille neltiver aun nor mail goes without ,. I
b 8 9 4C l; ate -even tenderly In- blues" alid. thO "doldrums" fly out of to a 'woman. It may come late a,. -- � . .
not, therefore, have been a stroll.-- to 60c. Currants, red, a k t, 010 will Olcr face covering, and is ree6gnized as iho'whidow whan she comes In. They early and tile learning of it is Bare
all oil iryaro appropriate proof of�q to 60c. Cailfornin plums, case, $1.33 dw-go up to a pollit-and with tbo tho true-blue thing. . The Oswego Times ssays: ,, U. ore
laludle-aged womansho Is more Often simply can't stand bew Bunny pres- to, be hard, but she will never be
Sarruel's divine mission titan the pho- to $1.05. Iloaches, $1.15 to $1.35 ' Ill tile Same way. the aristocrat 'oce, aaya an exchange. a really happy -woman until she has than any other (lay in tile holiday
nomievan of rain and thunder happen- Apricots, $1.5o to $1.75. Water- ben�gnapt tilan uliltind, But for OhOr- of fashion, scorns to cover her hands L .%lie Is ready for everything. Slie learned It. -Dinah Malock Craik. calendars or ,the llatjoll�% Is one
Ing, without any sign or its . aP- mc-lons, run at 35c ea,oh. Apples", lzhlag love, admiration and a keen except for the most exacting coca- lioypr throw's cold water on Toux Wo-1111ii0s Fer.1'ect 13100111. [Pourth Of ,Tilly typica-I of iiborty,,,
proach, upon the were Prediction Of 75e por basket, Dananas, $1.50 to c he y hand go slons. During (lancing, walking and
the P-'OP)Ict- May P"TOlve-Samilel $21.275 per bunch. Lemono, 'Afessina, to tile young married woman If you L170allng liar rilamal Silo claps her hands and says E XPart authority Ila,% decided tha:t LN'OnO will dopy our nolKlibors a placo ... -
Vinned f'rigern dety they are splendid, and suggests a tile ILge at .
Wan led to tills Ili order to Impress ,;-,3.50 to $1.00. want to know anything about tIlO Vrlticl�-m vvith- their beautifullykapt way t6 inaka, tilGm even more 'Spleu- the Venue of Milo 'was its a great poopLo, but ry:�rreotlan is I.*
upon thom, the truthfulness of his ut- L4.ato or Damo 1,,ashlonls licart. nails, wll.ich are no longer 8 2. T111s, ago, than, may be regarded
Potatoes, new, Clanadian, 7Z� to 85c cut did. so sweetly and modestly that as tile time 'of .w far to seek at. Il it a very pallu
teraxwiq and Tomatoes, Oanadiftn, In the flnery,l in question 0,11 'the J)chited he formerly, but In a deep 101 8 110 oman's lire when y I I . r
arOusO thOmf to a per bushel, a ova 1. I : you. think It Is your ow,n suggestion. at I in t Ae. In Which the foregoing quotation
Feared the Lord - The .-., - ; ) rumny side of thing.&. And she has c0l'aing to bllutOrYi, tills age, and oil appeared there were reports Of mur-
eduess. basket, $1.2.5 to 31.50; do., South,- ad to produce effects at Once JVO. .Whorever ohe goes she sees the
consciou,mosu of their groat wick arts of this good la,d�) were x1laust- most porreet bloom.
prople regarded tills Elm a W. orn, Case, 00c to $1.11-5, 112tans, bas- ulanly. aind coquottl9b. One beauti- - % to 10, is t lie period during Which ders robberies, hold-ups, 13,11ollings
Iracu- ket, 75c. Cuciimb&s, 'dozen, Suali a fuliny, wIlo1oheaxteQ way of woman has inspirod. the greatest I
IOUs displa,V1. of divine power. 40 to Cut dinner gown at blue and pink A WORD FOR THE describing 'them that It Is as good ove. Cleopatra was r, and wrongdoing that go so far to '
. 600. - - rosebud silk even suggested a deli- to hear lier a,s ,to have boom there I upposed to
IV. Israel comforted (Ts. 19-25). . .111ritish Live Stock Maricets. cate sta,teliness for the stiff be- ,lave been 38 When she met Antony, P�how that liberty, safety at Person
19-2I.- Pray. That we dIc not. - POOR BRIDEGROOM youlwelt-even better, for she has the and Helen of Troy to declared to and property, and respect for iho
They felt that . Saminello thoughts Liverpool, July Ii.-Culiadlan cat- diee, -with Its light elbow, sleeves and II11,1110TOUS 070, WilloIX is
tle aro qubted firm in.t 10 to Iie per square nook, had a coartlyi flavor, a- 93:e&t gift, haVO 'be -n unar-ly 40 -when PaPL9 tair are far from general in tile
aud feelings and th000 of Jehovah Ili. (dressed weight); Amerle wl,ioh the skirt, opening olv�r a. , -- . (Cbleago Chronicle,) She� domin't a,buse it, though. You wa& 61131ttell wltli her charms Other
were The same. Jehovah's true rep- an Out.- noo-01il't expect to be regaled with bit-
rosentative was among them. -Tor- tle, steady ilt 11 to 12o per I pottleout, delightfully- emplia , Rhapkiodles on ilia ,Tune bride are ter su,rOasl11Fj and spiteful.'exaggera- OXamPlee ullitlit be given, bui these Republic. Liberty Is lived; it doag
I $how that woman's age of fasclna- not consist of boast or
ry. Fear not -Do not be despond- frIgerator beef is 9 to 9%c p,,,;,rJ"-. Tile cut of tills at th; bottow �100 3A, ripe and the crop le bountiful. tloma. Silo can be clever and funny a declarations,
, . .
eat av though there was no hope. sheep, IIYAc to 12%c Par lb. (dressed � areature, at course, is witliout being unkind. or untruthful, Mel* of her life than liar days of For game years tile congregation
leaned to the ancient methods, the ale clear e tion lies, nea.rer to the Indian siam-
rftl'll yQ not Affids--Samuel warrig wielght). trill of tba airt meeting tile floor , worthy of all the good tidilgo said Or coa,tse. And this Is also a great buddGg springtime.
thvill.' against turning aside to Id- Tile Cheese I$Xarkets. �vlth the short, square look of the about her. Bile is tile gIft. r % . t I " of Jarvis Street Church, Toronto,
ols, as they. had often, done before, patch ,and Paw,der period. oweeteat, most charming and alto- She Is lF`WbgtIvb and responsive. Sli.e I -
Landon, July II.-Ninoteen factor. Tills charming gown, with ltn open has emphasized its boiler Ill the duty
and av thei often did afterwards. too gather moot delightful thing that likes everybody, ii�lt;16onsldering rt Wit for Women, -
pffered 3,145 boxes. Sales, 970 neck ii�ad elbow )sieaves, alfforded ain- ever came d1own ithe pike or tile can- liar duty to euspact everyone of evil ",%Ile has -it veryi fine voice; has she Bonding to the city an annuat chequo
Vain thingli-An -idol Is it nollo at ,) a -Be, %0 at 9,17,-160" pie opportlinity.1 for the pearl neoli;- 'L 1, � Df separating church and state by
nothing. having no Influence or trial aisle of 'lie chi rch. Her very ly have expressly been proved ever ,sling foi- br -
power. ; II. -At Belle- lace and miniature bracelet, now the Presence Is a benediction and a sug- an,", 'h a ,all 1. )
Belleville, July good, sill prefors to consider all tile I ror ilia amount of ilia taxes on its
villa Cheese Bpard to -day SO facto rago. � f gastion of the spiced isles, and liar world honest and glad until It proves ::No,[�',. , I property, which It wi.s not in ittiv, -
2S. ror His groat iiiimclla sake- los offel-ed 3,OL6 - a and 50 act- --all Itself otharwise. I ,
.whit � ,you pressed her?"
"Jollovah tsi jealous of His glory; and ored 011eese. Sales on board were -, Pearl Necklace. I drosaas , they are dreams. V "Have I' pressied Jlter7 r think, iniv, required to pay. Porhaps the people
you don't believe it, just get into Silo aliva-vz. gets along. Stle "as 17.6ead, 'you are a little too inquis
all Its sublime manifestations In drA Hodgson Bros. 725, Watkins 080, The most aconomical phase of the corcipany of any of hall girl friends; fricmd�q everywhere. For people who tive.)$ I- 1,110111911t that Ithe examplo woifld
range Of His Pwpbe He could not wait Alexander 4-00, balance sold on Pearl neekla,ce fad In the wearing you -won't have tile trouble of ask- have, met liar mover target her, and : i � - have ail oducational, Utout, 1,11t if
target." Gor forbid that I -The con- curb at 9%a. of one of three Barroque.stonoos on I 1,9 B11D has room In liar own'beart for - - -
duct of Samuel in title WAple alrair .ng abolit It. T%io June bride � LhOy,d:d theY have been Cisappo.111tei ;
CornWall, July I.I.-TillLore Were 2,- a t,libi gold abaln, These are in pear "it)' at this season of the year, She everybody. Yoga," said tAlle old mm% addrog.
of the king'a appointment allows him ,160 ,choose boarded at 'Ile Corn- slitaps, witill E6 OaIYx setting Ili sit- is always "top of column ncxxt to Th6 girl who has; ' friends, makes ,sing his Young 'vIaltor; I'm rpoud no other church has rollowod .1ts
to have, been a great and good man -,v,all Choose Board to -day, 1,450 Vor Build ro5o diam,6nds, and with 0. reading matter," which, being Ili- friatudis and keeps frIenda-bleas lier I elf my Xtria, and should Xlka to see example, nor luis its course i)"n
Who olink aA Private and personal wJilte, 805 colored, and 115 Amerl- high gown only, the misshapen Pearl torpreted meana -that Ole gets It does not matter whether she is �Itom all camfortablyj married; and appreciated by tile city. luaeoa, of
c0nalderv,tlons In disinterested zeal can, All riald but V0 boxes; white to seen, failing over the front of the choice Position, where 410 a rich and good-looking, or pool- and Ns l2vo ma,de 'a little money . LaW it Would seem as If the city set
nd her .6 they
l , ad ; And whose at 9 9-16% balance white and Am(- qtook, pandant fashion. beauty and liar gown wall plain, Her faculty for friencls-hip won't go to thielir liasba,nda p66niless,
last words In pub,9110 wore to warn - Id posi-
�Ile orIau at 0 5,80. 10anadlan colored Simple, Materials tively deinand attention If it were makes up for everything else. And There's Mary, 25 years old, atild a out deliberately 'to show its voti-
people arld their king of the dam- brought 9q.c, . not given freely, gkudly and volan- the're isn't anybody we'd r4Lther have real gocid girl. I .
Tilly IL -AL the week- are ased t,o accomplish the moot ale- tarily, Bile deaervea, and has, the a.roumd.-Exchange. I when she marries. making Ithis sacrifice to. pillicipte.
gol. tyr 1130staxY in disobedience to Colv,ansvillo, , ,�hall give liar a L*GmPt for' 'ilia peopici who wore,
God , -J., 7. & B. To pray-Tbough Ir meeting of the Eastern Town. gant results with Malay fine dresses. admiration of all creation, . --- .
rejected by this ungrateful people. . � TI -ext comes 'Bet, who won't 0ee 85 The cItY took the taxes paid by tile - * '
the prophet considers that It would ships Dairymen's Exchhnge here For example, one exquisUe evening And yet we make bold to put M a Tile Sailor Hat in Town. agaia, and ioblail have two thousand; one all
bet a shi to cease praying to-daY 49 factorLO& offered 2,7,3,2 gown Of w-111ta, net and laOO was little aft& on behalf of tile June The sailor hat has put in an up- and the man w4lo takes Eliza, Who Is UrCij whilo it proceeds to give
for them. boxes choose, 15 creameries offered ma,do obarmllig by -a treatment any- bridegroom, that lie be not, target- poarance again tills summer. Tile 10, 'will hiave three, thousand with the XGPeirty of the city to It call -
What excellency of obaracater and - .>, 0 boxes butter. Cheese sold .it U11,119 but expensive In itself. Pink ton. Ordinarily he cats mighty lit- bar.),
. -4-2
boart is,rovealed In thIs declatationf DY, to 9 T -16c, butter IS!,/ to IP p -Sc. rose garlands -the simple, cheap tle, figure In the proceedings. He is most nttractlVe kave medium 'ivide . �gragatiorl of another denomination. *
I will teach you-"Umuel does not langths brims With low, square crowns, and The 'young maa reriaoted a mo; That proved the last straw, and
withdraw from public life; he rather Bradstraet's oil Trade. sort that are bought in yard regarded rather In the light of a are evolved from coarse whole-wheat oronit or so, )Wnd thtea nervousIm in.
the bodice wiid t*Irt PIOcO Or the Otago settings. or a quIrod. "You haven't on Sarvis 8trztChuroh has given notleo
- TraAlo at 'VIontreal hita been fairly r between ,abarringe of the net, which 17011 to straw platted psrfectly flat. The 0 i4bout 50,
promises tile continuance of Ills in were jpat o1a
Alva the pa,sT week, consideringthe wa.s almost as fine as tulle. Those at the bride,olect. k or
torcesslon and prophetic la,bors In to- a0 allow off tile racliant beauty only trimming Is a band of blac have �you, 2" , that Its voluntary G-allitributions to ,
opoat to the whole, people. hot wea,ther and tile rapt that thts On the budice formad a delicate bar- neowsary That lie Is a very navy blue ribbon about* an Inch and - tlie city tax department are to cease. I
TeNwhings, - True followers of Is tile liolld y season, and about tile adjunct to, tile function a halt wiae, tied in a flat bow on Bililical-Bess-T Jiloax y.'Ou are go- The case is one ,'that brings lit
Christ are those who serve and obey dILIlt- a tha band for the round neck, and which, bringo the bride all ablush
, the left side Occasionally one sees Ing to marry,' ll, la,,Wyer; you lucky b
tat of the year for business, Tile those, on ilia fskirl; shaped a. hip yoke Into the public eye -,vill be admitted. an osprey quill or ,-it short quill -like girl, Nmv- ylba will baxo everything strongly tile Particular Injustice con -
Him. Such do not robal against the Ingtoriag anti inills are very b6ay without incroaalng the figure Lit thla l3tit -who notices how lie Is dressed? feather thrust through .the sailor for movoly, eain buy I # . . nocted With the tax, relations of tile
Lli>rd-tbei spirit of rebellion has boon working on good,; for the fall. and point. Only a French, mind could Not even the bride hers ..
taken out of thieIr hearta, God has - . elf, She
wintAr. La,bor is Well employed at have thought bf such a combla,lition, and the -others have a [lazy picture travelling ar outing Wear. 'It is be.- -Maud-Why, sot? ',' � ' ,. churelies and the state.
XOOMY Ways Of convincing Ills prople good Wages. In Toronto t)'Ors Ims but doft fingers nil over this world of 4 man *11th something black on coming to Young faces, as a matter Doea-Because, ljpa know, one Is --- , . -
tIMt He has all power and authority. licien a very fair movement Ili met- may &Chlave It. i hia body ttrid something -w1ilto Lon of course, but woman past their alwas's hearlag of .the law and the ThOrO United States papers thnL �
PUACTITCAL SURVUY� Cilictila trade tWis we(lk, for Oils oea- .&norther and even more brilliant use Ilia hands, and some of the spoetators youth sb Quid exercise judgm ail t abou t prbifits. i graw fuum'Y., over the,bloody wassacre .
Two at-rikkig and Important events ,son. Travelers are sending Ili numer- Is being 'inade or bltueli babe -velvet, -way bboarve a scared look on Ills wearing so 'severe a style. ; ,
� 04 SarviAn royalties and read too-
contront as In the atudy of this les- ow and wcll distributed orders. Ra- wIldell is now woven in ela,boratbi am- face. But that Ja about all. Nabod -- I LIttle 01cwhanYI-Ild a good deal ra- tittles oil tj'
y ,
con. Title closing rot a long, upright POrt8 recelvef.1 at Winnipeg are to the brolderles. A dress ordered for New- sa,yo- "'Wasn't lie hAndsome.11 "How A 1-10go of Linen. ther have you ca,11till con pleter than Ia demy." of mona�rcihlwl,
and splendidly efficient public career, effect tll(Lt tile condition of the orolks port of it owagger maker display's hle costume set off ilia Both the now linen blouses land Mr. Nicafeffow. I are someWhat ullobserving. Clevelalltl
throughout thn Province, generally ""
and the transition from an esLab- .pf�,'�21d'yflgure.,' IlWa:sult lie just too the linen frockis, are delightfully Sister's Admiller (delighted) -Would newspapers sa,yi thlat no visitor t6
11slied and rllvincly appointed form of speaking' Is goad, and that in the L-bose embroideries in, the form of big swoet for anything?" Comments and cool and fresh looking; wit I,zmn y.bu 7 'Whi'y. ? � .
' -y Over 'i
- tho gown, and blue In a burirousi deep n Jobiany-lCause whenever
government to another, popular but T,errttorlea tile growth has been sat wntlowers. Not Is the texture of compliments of this kind aro re- lisi by no, nicang such cool Wear s It Little I I ; th4t eft ,Vas; under'such c,vD,,o ,
untried$ and unsianotioned by the Su- iSf"torY. Zlit!- outlook is for a crop yet faded sbiad6 its color; and over '3e'rvL(l tot' the bride. The bridegroom looka, and It tumbles very casily.''Air. Nicer aR'was thro*n around Ptasi-'
fully its large as last y _ allow aills .bte, st,arra up the guard
promo Autbotity. ear, although thl,g Ofective background the flaw,- doesn't got them, and, to tell the These linen blouses are meant -koyhole. I SIdOnt 1100sevelt during lfig stay
.& rigbiteous axim-Inietrat-lon. 9am- tho yiel-.1 In same sections may not Ora hpp�=r upon thie skirt, which is ttutb, he Ia glad of it. Ho is well atrietly foil morning 'woar; they -- ., ,
uO) formo the connecting link be- bar cu; 7arge. Duslneqs at Hamilton, made with a Ideop ishirred flounce and content for "her" to be the raci- took sliglitly heavy andt oi-Lt of Place "The 'beet thing to seal & proposal there wIlItO attending the MoCor-
tween tile Judgeiship and tile man- according to raport,; to Bradistreetla, plant of all the attentions while he Of an afternoon, when tile spottecl - L Mick-licinna WeddIng. 10roin t-lio mo -
13 ar-tIvr. Tille u1iolwalo trade; arc ring over a rit'ted lining,'with the Nics, dear; a WItness.11 , I
&I -011y. Re artande peerless In the train. The bodice is entirely of shIr. stands meekly In tile background. Mill: muslins and the fine silk ba- s"a king, Is It: nolt??, melit-Of 1319 arrival In Cleveland un� .
long U -sit of judges whicit for more ,still making large shipments to It',st lesa embarrassing; and less both- tistles are far prettier. Beeause - - -
their custamers. Title sortIng trade velvet looped over the Markings aad OrSonle. . � t1l 110 StOPPOd On Ilia special train for - �
than four hundred years had g V- linen has these drawbacks, tumsore "What /a magnificent filieral 1.bu th,D return trip to, .Waalliogton, 110
orned lis-ra,el. To th-o- force of (I)LIS bus been atimulateil by tile bot ivea- caught down with rosettes. The It Ia after the wadding and In the will go far towartl roplacing It tills
personal character and administra- thov, and retaller-11 are reporting 1:008 of the puffed sleeves are " 1 go h0luo lite th,mt tile June bridegroom ason bavegIven yourwife, Mr. Yale," iild was continually under_ ,the ey of , 1�- � -
abirred, creating a snug fit at title 00- - A tussoro blouse, trimmed ,p 6 .
tive ability 19 due the ro,formation or lllrgi� Oil frig of B,,awm able goods. Tilt,. allows up big, If he Is of the right witil cioalroe yak a,,'r,yw; frlond� dozen picked seorat service mon. 11
the People from a condition of an- W11011)4AIR poidt. m-lillo square itabn of blue Ilk, Or filet 14etk lot*
trade aro receiving large r' sort, and raost Of them are. it is linen guipure, tClwaysi looko -%veil, anti 'Yes, Well I know alit) would ]lave b-
ii,rchy to Ono or peace anti reapeat (111�ftutltlog a( goo(Is for tila fail, and l'awylly atItehied, form a gra(30tul when the honoyinoon liNg walled that goob With anything. In making up boon on) t0l) glad to Ifnive been able do" t1le direction -of Detective IVY.'- .
for justice. otocks In that dppartincilt , will goal)' bortha, . tall. � lie proves; to the Jane bride the wls- Tt�e same honor for ma.t) ree, who wa, I at Ills side
A ,wonderful history. Thle Sawlsh bo colupletv. tuffliore, however, It should be to- tols I a conffbantly.
T!lO outlook for busi.- Tl i e S%:i la ii dom Or 1107 choice, It JLS when he membered that It looks neater and . . . - during th� recent tour of tile coun-
nation Is the standing allracIr, of nons to encouraging. Is foTt In till summer wraps, and in takes off 11hi coat find bustles hard rite batter with the fron't sat Afa!nagor-W.bat IFI the matter? 'trY. The H'a,ana r sId
history. In the record of no people to work all day and is tender lov- larger bo.t ploate stitched down at don't y I a ,.once Wag.capa-
or thep.ast or pres%nt arer the I 1141-ket. thoso of an clabor4to nature this am . .on go Wto the Oag
looseness Is especially -dominant. 11711 a 2 fully ]�Iekated on
re such Ing and, true ander t1re evening'l P tl�? , It Is apt to got, shape- 11damo milaldo, (tile Llon Tamer) gvery Bide day
less al .
pronounced. and permanent evidence.11 New York, July 13,(91yee that "ho demonstrates that he is baggy it gathered or fulled 1-1 U.Wt� ThiBre's a Mollae, in, the and ilighit, am,d all Uvallablo, . city. -do-
or dIvIve Inter lalll.-In- Superb laces are employed over Bilk not tme, clothing dummy that he, ap- only. Novertholeas, linen Is too cage. i I tectives were massed at
,position botly to pro- croaa0d weakness -ivau shown by tile and clilffon for coats for the oarriago peared. to h n ba
toet and punlah. Of old they had 8to:!l, m4rket In to-qlayls early deal� oil tile stroll during 06 Momen a during tIlO WOdding charming in lie fresh colorings tO
been a "Ptitf-riecked and rebellious it Idly eoroolony. the church whan tile. wedolillk war4
through & country club-houga. Tile 11 that tile world be lightly, laid an Ono alde-ari ob- Folad 'Vottler - '-'Orb's sometillag being 8 .
pwople," and notbIng bat a sillimme,ings, an(I a number of Issues, inolud. will not natiolol)al �Neo mention or the Nervation'tolifirinOd by & frock of about, a baby whose hload measures Olemnized. Forty *
06it-fOrgetfUlnefiff on 'the part or Ing coirro . UnIfOrmed
of tho vitatidard elmas sleeves of the garment are as wide fact Will be ,found In ilia society apple, great linen ready to be sent 25 Inches Ili circumference. Is men were 01,190 an duty� there, Now
eays� In proportion as thin rest of It, and columns and ,tlto neighborhood goff- Ilionlo from a, fashlonabI6 atelier the thoro any dabgor of our darling Isipt that. & showing that Would . . .
their great leader, t4ogPther with a touched the lowest pricis Ili X It there Is a, collar It Is Moro like sips will have nothinr, to say about other iday. This had the low" halt being so defor.ined 1 . bo
persilatent pleading, bad saved theal
rmim utter diVistructioD. Miraculously Tho Opening Was faIrlr steady, �vlth a, capo than a collar, so deep and Lt. But wlien lie has made her a of (the gkl,rt almost covered With it- Skeptical- Fatlibr-Xo, dear, not hard to beat- Ill' any.1 m0narohy, atit.
led, and divinely guallicid, Choy were indications of good support, but Iling and enveloping as it ralls, happy borno the June bride will u side at Russla or Tdikey'? Our OrItIca
11- rogulai� appliques of orcani linen unlow he could understand and be. should
rAill fickle, uncertain 'aria ever ptono voluoq soon, receded, unfW tile Vigor_ A. number of the loss expensive of deratand and appreciate the fact, embroidery, While tile lIttI0 946 IIOVO 411 thingis you say to him. took home; thoi dotj*t. JIL.Orl
to 'discontbat and disobedience, Ilan- I Clio loose Models are mado of soft V ailito to or the rIght to go abroa;d* for t-raubiog.
i4had With severlty� they -1crW tinto Ous ofialaughts at the bears, togeth- "a most bolotor Wao hidden beneath it cOv- - Tile Brl,tiall monitor, Scarplon,
finished Poplin. 8hantung poligoo of them are, and Wilt br,ol',614,11,11 oring 6t embroidery that peeped alit M astarn Girl-Havo you any ob --- ,
tile 14rd," confoofied their ging (*l' '",lilt it renewat at large last, and raw Bilk, Which uneven t x that brought to her liar owiloAllanyo Ill the, undetwiedves and blonae, -tvliiolt J00tions to meeting a Myorcoo ?
prayed allid promlatld and reeelvea 1voilk's liquidation. London reportod sagg;Ostg hot,), of the jorme 0 ture bridegroom. They .are both, 9004 Waw. tatkod, Into a. deep belt of white Chicago Alan -Not unlosa sho's
An unapproved obolce. (loci always Arrierleans. . r I Ones' - - f4dedo, � �rhlcli foundered Iiist ,vock oll the
worey. ,It Weak 44'a hesitating licat-ket tot Into J-11080 taxt ' may they. ilve long and, pros% . . -
iles tile gqnarely fig People; ., . boon Misr WOO. 1va`y from IiOrmudtt to St. J011.1ft, was
plane the best ror persons or poo- WJV� bonds of tile United stataq ured Greek lacOs are Inserted, for per. t. --- I . r
PIM. His Ideals embrace tho high. Steel t!orporatlon W, t to tile OverYtIlling With al Maltese pattern Wonxerl Ili Egypt, "I l6at a I -- I built by La'INI BTOO.i at Livarbool,
A returned visitor from, .11airo AUTISTIC stAP COVE Its, 09 At Gettysburg;," ter tile Confp a
on low- Is "Greek" Just now, , � ,said tho veteran, talking to th,cl B,U�et,ln .d r&,to navy, unde�
cWt "Iblilties within the scope of Wit VoInt In their history. On thol — .
either. Not only are Me purposes eurli, prices yleldod lit sympathy A Itecoption clilroc)c gave tilat one very noticeable To- �jjodilrll 1111provenlelits 1j, tile 1)rosa (,, Olvleat-girl graduate. teiid`01110; Of CAptain Bullbb�,
tile 111glie0t, but His wiAllods arb I with tho regular warkot. Buslnl�130 of Paraguity In , ea, shaded from tl oult at the English occupation Ia tile 141lit-316iture fii Suillilit'r. "I'low awrillill, "al(I 8111l); "and did an un6lo Or )?PcOldant Roosevelt. ow. `AtL.
11 I
il I Ill
4 ,
11 ��
— F%A
r"~-1*4� "I
D Z-��� ::J
010 easiont and most efficient. fxoil wav fairly large In, voluina and Moro softest brown to pale p1stacho groo 10 difference that It has Made In the yell find It again, captal.n 24 . Ing to objections or tile Tjni to(j, States 45-,
I 11, Ugy lor�
,Q pti,an womon, says the Boaton Tile Ordinary gray or croitivi
air.,o out. wau exceedingly beautiful, The sense Many of them; draws In ad slip covers for tuinIture, have boon Caller -Is your wire In, Mr. Xa. Government tile British 'GOVerninont
tiometImew consentij to AV-11at no does HioP lom orders a. urria .
not approve. There Ia often a Bee- I Who Pild at the first hour brought of color, more titan form, wimg Ila lo suporsedod In, thio homes of those who SeISKI tile Scorplou and & sister ves.
'overy In some Issues hatinting as an inglo Ill ilia wood, Most wonderful J,twolg, Itacy com- know the latest land beet Teshi,ong In Nabor-No, 0110 has just run Over turnotl iover to t'ija Confdderato Gov.
end ellokO for thase, who will nat'& partial r" Zuropean tagbion, and wear ti bar 2 njel, and refused to allow thorn to be
114VO God's ilirvot, but it alWiLys iinonna r nd th0i V01111no of trading tilmon. & W111to silk lining supplying thO b1no P�rtlono of Europeaii .Ind house furniallIngs by
It lOW0t level of exiotence, an In' MUNI 1rAteTIUfl$r, bIlt 1110 i0nil ()f thO gl4barn Of light nooded. 4kl ti � . attraOtIvo tor Mrs. Calls for five nihicitog,
lo ler Egyptiall. attire with �olwewllat chintV00, linen taltotivi, 6tt tick- you pilare tbo time to � 0411 e'rnment, And therO tire thage W116
erbaon or porploxitties and a jOR8cbIX)g 110t c ,VAIL con- M,Y that aot had M11011 to (10 Ill do.
. -OrstlDuod feverish and unsettled, Parilgli,ny JAco dross WAq In dull queor romilte. TJ10 oddest comb.1ria. Ingri and crotonnoo. I pie of holurs till ouio lgotg b a I
I . itokl) luldilng tile rosuit or tile War, , ,