The Wingham Advance, 1903-06-11, Page 8I - THE WINGGITA.X -ADVANCE June II, ig-i r'it,N.assyLiar•� �'„moi:-.5 r ` ' i:, L`,rl !i it ,M ti tr��:: i4l kr. Mall; t Er i LONDON CQNFERENCI , Suggestodought fit, but kindly ga rut! which Jos, hlcDotutil not ouly Grey. d•cou„ lies gat Of !,_.—__ __.. __ _ ...--�_-_,_-�...._-... ' ' Y Wring, IIJ (Cantinucd ficin fith nge) octal, II. Palk d t let q l t d t h h Church; it was liberal in its terms. St. Helens, Ida. Elliott, Bessie Aitken, Chester VA FRESH HOME GROWN Iu the afternoon several committees Dunkin, 4th Sr,—Bert. Elliott, Ma¢ - Mr. Wm. Thorn has much improved gle Muir, Gordon Murchison and Roy BERRIES with reported, and a ministerial session was the appearance of the front of his pro- Rutherford (equal), Charlie Aitken, hood. perty by the erection of a strong wire Addie Dunkin, 4th Jr.—Etta Elliott, For the Denver C. E. Convention. In the evening, a succcessful mission- fence, to replace the old board one. . Mary Aitken, Malley McCue, Mabel ressary anniversary, was held. Excellent L vwN S001ALS.—A lawn social un- Elliott. 3rd Sr.—Walker Rutherford,arrangpd from all prints in Canada to AsIWebster. Very 1mv excursion rates have been der the auspices of the Canadian Order Roy Elliott. 8rd Jr.—Lizzie Murebi- Onloraoand addes W, were delivered by J. Fer- P 8tb. g dr.. leaving July 6th, 7th, 1st. Jof Foresters will be held on the lawn son, James Aitken, Andrew Wallace, to guson of Stratford, Mrs. Gordon Wright of Mr. W. S. McCrostie in the near fu- Myrtle Gray, Robbie Aitken, Ella El- Everybody ood ccan go, the ate iswide and _ of London, and Rev. Dr. Henderson of ture ; look out for posters, The Harris iiott. Harold Hutton, Aggie Wallace, open and this is a splendid opportunity - Toronto. Mission Band also intend having one 2nd Sr.—Aggie Rutherford, Ethel Case- to spend a vacation among the Rock ilea Big sweet Berries for table The Chairmen of districts were then in the near future. more. Leo Bok, Tillie .Baird. 2nd Jr.— at slight expense. The Clhieogo, Mil - Ada Elliott, Mabel Baker, Thos. Wal, wa,ikee and St. Paul Railway and use, and good firm Berries for elected as follows: — London— C. T. Solemnized ypr the home of June wedding was was lace, George Oasemore., Lylah Pearen, —19 Peter McGue, Pt. II.—Robbie Muir, connections will run special Standard will be delivered Scott; Stratford; Go Langford; Wing- Todd, on Wednesday evening, 3rd Walter Hawke, Gen Rutherford. Bella First-class anis Tourist Seething Cars preserving, ham—D. Rogers; Goderieh—Dr, Daniell inst., when his daughter Charlotte be, through vi Denver, besides the regular fresh from the garden t0 the g Murchison, Annie Hutton, Ehuer Alt" daily service. from Chicago. —11 u� Exeter—Dr. Hannon; Strathroy—R. came he wiifeo f MEdward o Rob- ken, Bertha Marshall, Maggie Aitken, For full information, time tables, customer. Hobbs; Sarnia—J. E. Ford; Windsor— P young Bella Eadie, Helen Rutherford, Clara rates and s1Pe in vicinity. To the strains of the wed• Reid. Pt. I. Sr,—Willie Elliott. Alice pamphlet, P g car fl clan W.gRr- J. Ford; Chatham—S. Bond; clingmarch, the bridal played by Mass A hM. Dunkin. Pt. I. Intermediate—George p g engeron tAgent, 8 King SLnEa t, Rid etown—J. Wilson • St. Thomas— party Bok, Ida McGlyvn. Lora McGlynn, Toronto, Ont. Good Piercers Wanted Dr. Young places in the parlor. under a beautiful Alabel Reid. P1.1 ,Tr,—Stanley Baker, Cash will be paid daily to women The second draft of stations was then arch of flowers, Rev. S. M. Whaley Lance Lincold, Allison Lincoln, Alex. performed the ceremony, in presence Baird. Number on roll, 55; average and girls to pick by the box. Chil- read, There were a few changes from, of about one hundred guests. After attendance, 42.—B, Pearson, Teacher. j ` '� +', R , dren will not be employed. the first draft as indicated below:—A. congratulations and a most bountiful -- G. Harris goes from Lucknow to Lauf- wedding dinner, the evening was plea- j a, beth and C. Millyard of Exeter takes santly spent with music, song, etc, To avoid being disappointed leave , The esteem in which the bride is held She's as, White as a Ghost. orders early. Tnliars GASH, Lucknow; F. J. Oaten goes ti Melbourne was fully evidenced. by the numerous WILL RUN and W. A. Smith, B.A., goes to Ash- and costly presents she received. Their As pale as a lily. A matter o pride? , field; R. J. Garbutt of Gorrie goes to many friends wish them every joy in chirCertainlyal not. Strength! Color( En- HOMESBEI�ERS their life journey, wants, That'sdig whet every women Go -DAY EXCURSIONS A few more men can be started on Watlaceburg and J. W. Holmes of Port wants, Good digestion, perfect aseimu- the road to fortune and independence. Stanley goes. to Gorrie; J..S'. rook, M. ` lation. Buoyancy and vim is the right TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST Don't delay. Write today to G. Mar- of every woman. She need not lack AT RETURN FARES shall & Co., Teas, London, Ont. A., goes from Wallaceburg to Clinton these if she will one use Ferrozone. It (Ontario street A. H. Brown, B. D. Morris. y wit,nipeg..., R°glna......1�® > )Hakes blood, gives appetite, gives waskaaa.... Moose Jaw.. r of Befgrave goes to Oil Springs, and A. A good many say that the Mangold strength to tho nerves, color to the Estovan ...,. Yorktou.... E. Jones of the latter place will supply ('Pop is a failure. shocks, and brightness to eyes. A bar `;cola::::::, Pr. Albert. .)��" Bel ave; J. W. Robinson of Goderich Neil Black has been building some of Ferrozone tablets is at once transmit- Moosomin... �� ATaolood... • } J wire fence on his farm, table into healtli, beauty and strength, wawatnosa .. Calgary .... f EXCURSIONS TO THE goes to Dungannon; E. A. Shaw of Watt, Forrest had a raising Iasi There is power in Ferrozone. Try it g4 sena....:. Rod Deor...l Benmiller will tato Kipper, and J. G. and see if it is not so, Sold by all drug. Grand view. Strath•...... }�� Canadian North®West Yelland, Benmiller, brn.Tuesday afternoon, enlarging his J - J. Snell goon to barn. gists and medicine dealers every where. Swan River.,, colla..1$40 at following return Pares: Bayfleld, James Walker to Salem, and Going JUNE 4th• returning until AUG. 4th A. Andrews to Walton. The cement foundation for the shed I (all rate or S.S. Atbabasea). Going JUNE 18th, Winnipeg...` 3100se Jaw..} at Sunshine was completed on Saa,tur- roturning until AUG. 18, (all rail or S.S. Atha - No Reglna.,....JY30 No change was made from first draft day last. East Wawanosh. bases). Going JULY 4, returning until SEPT. Binacarth... Yorktou .... so far as Win loam is concerned—Dr. 8th tall rail ip S.S. Manitoba), Tickets aro not ICI an......... g There will be7a meeting of the Mor- Report of S. S. No. 9, East Wawa- good on' Imperial Limited," For tickets, etc., Eaeyan..... $28 Pr.Albert.,.) Gandy comes here, and Mr. Hobbs rile District L, O. L. held in Blyth on nosh, for the month of May. The apply to nearest Agont, or to Grand view Macleod,,.,. 35 Tuesday, 16th inst. names are arranged in order of mer•iti— A. H. NOTMAN Miniom..... Calgary..... goes to Strathroy. y' Sr. IV.—Bella McDougall, Stanley E1- AssisLantGeneral PassengerAgent Moosomin... The Conference continued in session David Breckenridge is having an act- lion Carrie Deacon, Alex, Mowbray, Icing St. East, Toronto. Swan River. Red Deer.,. dition ,wilt to his house, which will y' Waskada... Strath- }$4•® until about one o'clock Tuesdaymorn- Raymond Elliott. Jr. IV,—Ella Wal- wAwanesa•., cona..... improve it greatly. ker. Sr. Iii.—Annie Leaver, Mabel ing, when the 20th session of the Lon - Good going June 4th, June 18th, returning don Conference was concluded. Morris township voted grants for Mowbray, Laura Onrrie, Harvey Link- Tenders Wanted. within M ays Prom date of issue. Good going gravelling the East and West gravel later. John Kerr, Tessa Anderson. July 4, valid to return until Sept. ft, 1903. roads of $150 each. The adjoining Jr. I1l.—Maggle Shfell, Wilfrid Po- OONI'ERENOE NOTES. � 1, For cutting ssvtng and putting in barn, Where to Spend the Summer. townships spend a like sum. cock, James Ferguson, Katie Sbisll, ten acres of I3ay near the Western Foundry. The famous >Vluelcoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Rev. A. L. Russell, the ex -President John Abram, Maxwell Abram, Wil- Or—ofrors will be accepted for the hay as it Lake Nipissing, Kawartha Lakes, and the is a brother of Mrs. A. Dnimsge. A wiry suspension foot bridge will burn Ferguson. Sr• II.—Geo Walker, elands and aftor•grass of rho Beason. Send Magnetewan River are reached only by tbo he pnt tip over the Maitland river by Earl hiliott. Jr. II.—George Currie, tenders to B GPiRRY, Brussels. Grand Trunk Railway. Excellent hotel ac• Rev. Milison and Moyers duetts were Shurrie Bros. for their accommoda- Mary Elliott, Walter Pocock, Gwen- . commodation, healthy climate, fishing, etc. really excellent and were warmly en- tion in getting over the river. doline Currie, Gordon Rintoirl, Pearl Literature, information, etc., from Agonts, cored. J. D. McDCNALD Rev. F. J. Oaten was Conference There appears to be a sort of chide• rescan, Part 7. r Daniel Ferguson, mic among the foals this spring after R;ch'1 Deacon, Harold �U siker, Verna Notice to Creditors. District Paseenger Agent, Toronto, postmaster and had charge of Railroad the pink -eye type. 0. Michie and 'C. Taylor, Harald Currie, BerniceShiell, certificates. Russel, 6th hue, each lost good colts Average attendance for the month, 27. --M. Alice Dnff, Teacher. hTotieo is herohy given pursuant to R. S. O. The Conference programmes and bil- Watson Ainley and men, of Brussels, 1897, uhap,129, sec. 38, that all persons having claims against the estato of Johu PO4coll, ln.te let lista from the Advance office were are at work on the new brick residence 1 of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of universally admired. on the farm of Albert Howlett, 7th Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or ^-R- The Methodist Book Room was open line. It will be a cosy home when Salem. about third vlay,1913, aro required to send by p post propaid or deliver to It. Holmes, Solicitor to the public in the basement, with a finished. The beef -ring has commenced this for executors, on or before tent•) day of July, :ir large stock of books and minister's sup- Wat. Davidson had a colt that hap- week, on the 0th line of Turnberry. ora ti filo Btzt omont and spirticu]nracoP tl�tir ` ,, % plies. pened with a peculiar accident one A great number from this art at• claims and nature of security (if any) held by d day last week. As it was grazing in them, duly certified, and that after said day - z J i Rev. Dr. Langford of Owen Sound the orchard, it got entangled io a tended the services in Wing am on the executors will proceed to distributo the to t iul town." A'n This was was the with general testi- swing, and as result, broke its leg ; Sunday last. nieretoo having regard Among my to su �claanis�ae r�',I''Y' we hope it will soon by all right again. The rain on Sunday evening was a they shall then have notice. Zl'r;i,t moray. y A cement silo, 14 feet in diameter welcome visitor, as it was much need- Dated Mout) da of June, 190:3. The collections and offerings during and 30 feet high, ed in the country. R. Ifor Exec the Conference week amounted to the , has been built B A. y' S1001c, rfoi Executors. D3cLanchlin s, 1 miles North of Brus• (North Had Main t. Block, „ l i Mrs. Fred Doub]edee, sen„ of Har- k 1„i}�1}ial Liberal sum of $380; this is a top-notch eels. Charles Barber, of Wingbam, riston called on a number of her (N°rtltlEnd Main St.) Wingham, figure. had the contract and did a good job as friends in this part this week. The ministers and delegates were de- examination will show. A patent Rev, Mr. Kennedy of Tilbury ave �EHi.4 +�� APV + lighted with the cordial reception ten- mixer is used worked by a h'brse The y y g an impressive sermon on Sunda tiered them by Wingham's hospitable workmen are now at 9th con. of Grey. Geo. McKay's afternoon last in this place, and also citizens. at Wroxeter in the evening. My list of 'exceptionally find farms is The Billeting committee did their School Section. No. 4, Morris, J. steadily Increasing, and the intending pur. work well; they met the trains and di- Todd teacher, will hold its annual pie- i chaser, (no mattor what kind of farm be Bray work the delegates to their lacus i. nit in Robert Nicholls bush, 6th con., aosirc) wonld do well to have a look at this g p or. Aday, June 12. Several football I:,ucktiow. list before buying elaewhore. O1 Household temporary abode. matches will be played during the Just 'a word about town property—I have "The most pleasant Conference we afternoon and a good program, consist- Ala Lordship Bishop Ballwin held over attendee” was the general expres- ing of speeches, singing, and re confirmation services in St. Peter's money gularanteein t lea to 10 pertcent with sioir of opinion among the ministers. tions, will be rendered after tea in the ohttrch here on 111onday evening last, the amount inaoated. For further partiow Treasures Wingham is a model Conference town. evening, when several candidates from Luc- Lars. Apply to Rev. R, Hobbs polled a respectable l know and St. Helens were confirmed, CL�tME MAfxUIRE vote for the Presidont's chair -66, but blaster John Henderson, son of Mrs. there is none nearer to the heart Rev. Wi180'ni's run last year rendered (ane Minute Cure For. Toothache. Wm. Henderson, bad the four Real Estate Agent his election this year a foregone con- pletlingely of his right hand taken eons• Uflictt:—iJpetaire in vauetono Bioak, •? of the housewife, who takes a elusion. Not only for toothache, but any nerve pletelq off by one of the nrai;tiinfs in ride in her home than dainty painouredalmostiustantlybyNerviline. the furniture factory on Wednesday p ) y Mr. A. E. Gibson kindly offered the Ono drop equala in pain subduing power morning. Win r)a11I Cement Works. Chinaware, and we intend to Conference the freedom of the Bowling five drops of any other remedy. Thou- Mr. J. A. Ilarris, of Hol rood, last g grounds, club house and onquipment, so sands say so. Powerful, penetrating, week sold his fine driving ware '•Eva" �-' make this stoic a favorite spot that if any desired recreation, the op. pain•subduing Nerviline. Marvellous Bev, Brands of Cement always on for oddieces of Chinaware portunit was open. in action for internal and external to Lott & Sturdy of Wingham• for the hand, fresh and reliable. p ' y p use. The world challenged for its equal. gum of $225, This is an exceptionally Also cement window sills and such its you will not find outside Manv of the visitors were agreably Druggists sell it. You money back if it flno driver and took ten first and one arches. Door sills made to order. or surprised at the appearanoo of our town. is not so, second prize at the fall fairs last tiny other kind of cement work, Lime the cities. We are re -arranging Its granolithie, walka, clean streets, season, for stile. It will pay you to give us a our stock so as to accommodate spreading; maple trees, and substantial f. Edgar Harrison inlet with a serious call; information cheerfully given, business b000ks were admired. Jamestown. accident on Saturday evening last. the new lines of whlad there are Works between Cl P. It„ and G. T. R, =now three shipments to eland The success of the ConfOrende ar• FIe and Robert Johnston were playful• tracks, Josepinna street, p a rangoments fs due largely to the per. Lorne McKelvey Sundayed in this ly indulging in a friendly wrestle and 8l 49 F. GUTTEiiIDGIE. and we invite all the ladies of severance and hard work of Rov. R. vicitilty, in falling to the ground Mr. Harris- Hobbs, assisted nobly by Mr, John Derr, Miss Kstt3 Wilson of Brussels visited ton's leg was broken near clic ankle NVingham, and vicinity' to see See.•Treasurer of the Billeting com- at James Straehan's, joint. FOR SALE. what we have, whether you are mittee.On'b by one the sturdy pioneers who Alias Linklater of Wingrht;m Apert endured the hardships and priv*tlona �---- in the buying mood or not. Before Friday evening, 320 railway Sunday at ;kir. Ittebara Millers, of the early bush life in this section, r g certificates were handed in; this waa it Less teen a hila from use team, a record-breaking number so early in this fan Strachan visited GIidyr 1110 par^ fLr© passing aLVPFLy t0 t.lae ri'at beyond. gCeti farm, with et ick house growing (;onference proceedings, showing a ental roof for a couple of weeks, On Saturday' afternoon ast Mr, Johr) buildings; will be sold with growing Gullies, who had been fit with lung large attendance, Besides, many dole- Mr. and lobs, Pikkinier and I+erne fit- trouble for. some months passed, died cross if desired ; poaseseiou on short �� gates from contiguous circuits drove to tended Ehe Conference in Wingham at his home On Ict !3� In ttae Cirat con, notice if arrangements are made. This town, on Sunday. of Xinloss, in the list year of his age, b s most desirable e terms. Hutand will Successors to Alex. DOSS The streamer across the street letter- ;Misses boar jorio Strachan and Mag- Mr, Giilf" was one of the first settlers of Bald on reasonable terms. I+.ngaire ed -"Welcome to the London Confer- gle Taylor spent it fele days in Dnn- In the township, having located on the once" wM the result Of the 11107 ganrxon last, w0ek, Mama (arra on which he died, In 1852. TIM" WING RAM ADVANIOn. \rj the audiencq was far a mOrrront or two, acts well done. anen s at o a is new or14e. The brethren handedF.S. Oaten, the a s Carrhassecuredsituation '' t (��ta wwM �•~ Begins Thursdaff 4o U4.1114inue 2 Weeks 04r nearly panio-stricicen. Conference postmaster apurse of money inJames lee, week, Over success attend him, y ' a,.=. ...•,_ �h4 llopne grown Berries are In the evening, the Methodist church `vas again filled' Rev, Dr, Young of St, Thomas preachfd from the words-- as acknowledgment of llis servidcs. The reolpient remarked that—•"lie hop• ed a Royal Commission would not be necessary" to find --°'Where did the One of the new townships in Nor- tliern heM. o fs ,ffrg caned "Hislop” after tlaq. M. P, 1', for East Huron, ,,.... Oreat +�.•w,•w. Whitewear. iIAW in, f�tacl tlie.,q aro excellent. "Looking After the ser• from?" - BIG BARGAINS in JEWELRY at This store, as usual, is head- unto Jesus" mon, the Sacramental service was con- money came Miss Staples of Toeswatef favored the 11ro, Roht. McInnes left last Thurs- day for Deloralue where she will visit for the month. of June. We have a large " cln.arters for the best of everything. ducted by Rev. J. Galloway, assisted by audience with a sola ane evening dur• lug Conference. with tier family for sometime. We wish her a pleasant time and a safe special for June. You should see our nice sfveral .of the ministers. A large con- the She sings }vith ease and cod r flfct. Her solo was a asei and return, On account of having too large a stock of Whitewear, we have decided to hold this g regatiou romained to this service, and p Suitable soHe were also rep• Quite a number from this locality at great clearing Sale, Out. Wbiteweat' is mace by the best Alan llfacturers--we ,guarantee the In Fresh Fruits we have hundreds partook of the bread and iviitf P dored by MiRses Reid, Kaiser, Hall, tended conference at Wiu ham tart inaterin,ls,,Styles and Workmanship to be folly up to the best, goods matte in Canada; and in memory of Flim, who said --//Do this Graham, and Airs, Kaiser week. They report the weetings to by buying during this ,Tune Sale you will save fully - STRAWBERRIES as oft as yo do it in remembrance of, me. The Choir of the church recfived be soul -stirring and not be forgotten ' —FIN I'll APPLI;S --BANANAS 'MONDAY. After Pentecostal service led by Rev. many mariy CQmTrlendatidna, The ministers generally agreed that at no previons for it lou time, � David Brown and James Henry who � � '�'g yTl � •p�+1 14,+J"' /•p•'t PER /_ •i4t/- •1��7f T. (a11ANGP+.S A vv —ORANGE Derr, and routine business; greet• Conference were they favored with e. choir so ofl'ioient, and so faithful in were so badly injured at a barn raisin �• on the farm of Mr. Davey, con, 12, lugs were received from Bay of Quinte heir atte0ance at the services. Lead- are Improved at - at Lowest Prices - at (aonferencf, ler his On and the gri tidate members of his Che r were congratulated. though thou h not out of danger et. t of fang you seen the daa•inty Neckwear we are showing? �o need ed Rev, R. Hobbs )roved, seconded by W. J, Ferguson of Stratford—That a During the Conference, at the request The Rev. Air. Snell took charge of the servieps in Roe's church last Sah- over of worrying over malting 1E y g A g these goods when we can sell you the 'Pies Ill Green Vegetables We hHe cordial vote of 'Thanks be tendered the 'Wingham of the President, there was a reunion of the Ordination class of 1879. There bath n'ni•ning, and delivered an excel- tent addresH to the Sabbath school very nicest Collars and for 25c. DO NOT leave our store without seeing the Parasols we are selling at $1.25 and $1,40. The tops will -CABBAGE ) Mayor and Council of for the cordial reception tendered the Confer- `yore Rev. J. Wilson, D. Rogers, G, J. Kerr, J. E. Ford, and A. MOCulloch. children. Air, Snell is a brother -in- tan* of J. Ii•, Oraubtodk, not fade incl ever Parasol has a st lish handle. a 3r � —WAY. BEANS --CITCUBfBERS ° ' ence, and for the tangible expression of their heartiness in presenting a printed They had lunch together and for an. hour reviewed the past 24 years. It The 141.11 con, drain is being pushed along. g. At present they are larking ; —ONIONS —ASPARAGUS, RTC. copy of their address to each member of their was a pleasant and profitable time, No religious service is fraught with T. t'Viltianrson's farm, lot 25. Messrs, Curtain&Reid are the contractors, ���+ Clothing Department + at Market, Prices the Conference, and for placing at dis weal the `.Gown Hall free of Charge p deeper and more hallowed emotion than P Conference lovefoasE, where the voter- They will have about two utiles to flu, ish before the contract is complete. A P t' for the Sunday afternoon service—car- aus tell the story of the fightings they good job is being done. - Is booming. Never in the history of Clothing selling in this store have we sold so many ried unaminously. have known, the conflicts they have Last Saturday while Mr. and Mrs. Suits. The reason for this may be summed up in a few words, 'tour Suits are stylish, TUDHUPE9S A motion was also passed congru lacing Rev. R. Hobbs and the Methodistsjays, of fresh eu bnsip�sm,while lrSpeak their brethren,er h full and this service of Sunday morn- Listo el,Dtwo of their little were boys wa ra playing in the barn with matches, mud pert Ourct Suits at1e$fr splendidly �7 G0, �S(and JO riandd�`IO.OUare arasold thoat a bestvvaluesi ijn Canada. We dei' of so ing last no exception to the rule, ac- we have not board whether it was ale- competition in this department. p p of Wingham on the possession was Phone 58 Prompt Delivery beautiful a church edifice. The thanks the Conference were tendered the Another ha reunion of an Ordina• happy tion class, that of 1877, was held in the cidental or not, but the straw in the barn was set on fire, and the large of trustees of the church, and appreciation parsonage. The members of that class present were—Rev's, 'R, Hobbs, Jas, to barn•and straw shed were aeon reduced Fortunately, the hired luau A fine Organ, almost new, for sale thea Also a Bu Deliver Fla on and � g � ' p' $t"3 � y Wagon, expressed of the valuable services of the the hospitality the Livingstone, W. Baugh, W Godwin arashes. arrived just in time to save the lives of the children, who were shut in clef stylish Carriage will be disposed of on very reasonable terms. Choir, and of royal people ofWingham bad so lavishly be- and C. 0. Cosens. These renzifons of Ordination classes are much enjoyed, as barn, There was an insurance on the building.Strawberries. stowed upon the Conference. reminiscences of the past are recalled. o Permission was given to several Trus- toe Boards to make sale of their proper- ro ler• dr the years roll by, one after another drops qnE of the ranks of the active ministry, and in a few years, the veter- t _ �. ��. m� li• " "'DON to Turnberry. J9�d.Jp) \ilii WK Leave your Order for ties. An important resolution passed refer, ans of the present will have gone their reward. err forRthe monthort of May, names inordera - Big Prices for Trade. DIRECT IMPORTER ring to the relation of young men to the of merit: -5th Class—John Hutton, Church; it was liberal in its terms. St. Helens, Ida. Elliott, Bessie Aitken, Chester VA FRESH HOME GROWN Iu the afternoon several committees Dunkin, 4th Sr,—Bert. Elliott, Ma¢ - Mr. Wm. Thorn has much improved gle Muir, Gordon Murchison and Roy BERRIES with reported, and a ministerial session was the appearance of the front of his pro- Rutherford (equal), Charlie Aitken, hood. perty by the erection of a strong wire Addie Dunkin, 4th Jr.—Etta Elliott, For the Denver C. E. Convention. In the evening, a succcessful mission- fence, to replace the old board one. . Mary Aitken, Malley McCue, Mabel ressary anniversary, was held. Excellent L vwN S001ALS.—A lawn social un- Elliott. 3rd Sr.—Walker Rutherford,arrangpd from all prints in Canada to AsIWebster. Very 1mv excursion rates have been der the auspices of the Canadian Order Roy Elliott. 8rd Jr.—Lizzie Murebi- Onloraoand addes W, were delivered by J. Fer- P 8tb. g dr.. leaving July 6th, 7th, 1st. Jof Foresters will be held on the lawn son, James Aitken, Andrew Wallace, to guson of Stratford, Mrs. Gordon Wright of Mr. W. S. McCrostie in the near fu- Myrtle Gray, Robbie Aitken, Ella El- Everybody ood ccan go, the ate iswide and _ of London, and Rev. Dr. Henderson of ture ; look out for posters, The Harris iiott. Harold Hutton, Aggie Wallace, open and this is a splendid opportunity - Toronto. Mission Band also intend having one 2nd Sr.—Aggie Rutherford, Ethel Case- to spend a vacation among the Rock ilea Big sweet Berries for table The Chairmen of districts were then in the near future. more. Leo Bok, Tillie .Baird. 2nd Jr.— at slight expense. The Clhieogo, Mil - Ada Elliott, Mabel Baker, Thos. Wal, wa,ikee and St. Paul Railway and use, and good firm Berries for elected as follows: — London— C. T. Solemnized ypr the home of June wedding was was lace, George Oasemore., Lylah Pearen, —19 Peter McGue, Pt. II.—Robbie Muir, connections will run special Standard will be delivered Scott; Stratford; Go Langford; Wing- Todd, on Wednesday evening, 3rd Walter Hawke, Gen Rutherford. Bella First-class anis Tourist Seething Cars preserving, ham—D. Rogers; Goderieh—Dr, Daniell inst., when his daughter Charlotte be, through vi Denver, besides the regular fresh from the garden t0 the g Murchison, Annie Hutton, Ehuer Alt" daily service. from Chicago. —11 u� Exeter—Dr. Hannon; Strathroy—R. came he wiifeo f MEdward o Rob- ken, Bertha Marshall, Maggie Aitken, For full information, time tables, customer. Hobbs; Sarnia—J. E. Ford; Windsor— P young Bella Eadie, Helen Rutherford, Clara rates and s1Pe in vicinity. To the strains of the wed• Reid. Pt. I. Sr,—Willie Elliott. Alice pamphlet, P g car fl clan W.gRr- J. Ford; Chatham—S. Bond; clingmarch, the bridal played by Mass A hM. Dunkin. Pt. I. Intermediate—George p g engeron tAgent, 8 King SLnEa t, Rid etown—J. Wilson • St. Thomas— party Bok, Ida McGlyvn. Lora McGlynn, Toronto, Ont. Good Piercers Wanted Dr. Young places in the parlor. under a beautiful Alabel Reid. P1.1 ,Tr,—Stanley Baker, Cash will be paid daily to women The second draft of stations was then arch of flowers, Rev. S. M. Whaley Lance Lincold, Allison Lincoln, Alex. performed the ceremony, in presence Baird. Number on roll, 55; average and girls to pick by the box. Chil- read, There were a few changes from, of about one hundred guests. After attendance, 42.—B, Pearson, Teacher. j ` '� +', R , dren will not be employed. the first draft as indicated below:—A. congratulations and a most bountiful -- G. Harris goes from Lucknow to Lauf- wedding dinner, the evening was plea- j a, beth and C. Millyard of Exeter takes santly spent with music, song, etc, To avoid being disappointed leave , The esteem in which the bride is held She's as, White as a Ghost. orders early. Tnliars GASH, Lucknow; F. J. Oaten goes ti Melbourne was fully evidenced. by the numerous WILL RUN and W. A. Smith, B.A., goes to Ash- and costly presents she received. Their As pale as a lily. A matter o pride? , field; R. J. Garbutt of Gorrie goes to many friends wish them every joy in chirCertainlyal not. Strength! Color( En- HOMESBEI�ERS their life journey, wants, That'sdig whet every women Go -DAY EXCURSIONS A few more men can be started on Watlaceburg and J. W. Holmes of Port wants, Good digestion, perfect aseimu- the road to fortune and independence. Stanley goes. to Gorrie; J..S'. rook, M. ` lation. Buoyancy and vim is the right TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST Don't delay. Write today to G. Mar- of every woman. She need not lack AT RETURN FARES shall & Co., Teas, London, Ont. A., goes from Wallaceburg to Clinton these if she will one use Ferrozone. It (Ontario street A. H. Brown, B. D. Morris. y wit,nipeg..., R°glna......1�® > )Hakes blood, gives appetite, gives waskaaa.... Moose Jaw.. r of Befgrave goes to Oil Springs, and A. A good many say that the Mangold strength to tho nerves, color to the Estovan ...,. Yorktou.... E. Jones of the latter place will supply ('Pop is a failure. shocks, and brightness to eyes. A bar `;cola::::::, Pr. Albert. .)��" Bel ave; J. W. Robinson of Goderich Neil Black has been building some of Ferrozone tablets is at once transmit- Moosomin... �� ATaolood... • } J wire fence on his farm, table into healtli, beauty and strength, wawatnosa .. Calgary .... f EXCURSIONS TO THE goes to Dungannon; E. A. Shaw of Watt, Forrest had a raising Iasi There is power in Ferrozone. Try it g4 sena....:. Rod Deor...l Benmiller will tato Kipper, and J. G. and see if it is not so, Sold by all drug. Grand view. Strath•...... }�� Canadian North®West Yelland, Benmiller, brn.Tuesday afternoon, enlarging his J - J. Snell goon to barn. gists and medicine dealers every where. Swan River.,, colla..1$40 at following return Pares: Bayfleld, James Walker to Salem, and Going JUNE 4th• returning until AUG. 4th A. Andrews to Walton. The cement foundation for the shed I (all rate or S.S. Atbabasea). Going JUNE 18th, Winnipeg...` 3100se Jaw..} at Sunshine was completed on Saa,tur- roturning until AUG. 18, (all rail or S.S. Atha - No Reglna.,....JY30 No change was made from first draft day last. East Wawanosh. bases). Going JULY 4, returning until SEPT. Binacarth... Yorktou .... so far as Win loam is concerned—Dr. 8th tall rail ip S.S. Manitoba), Tickets aro not ICI an......... g There will be7a meeting of the Mor- Report of S. S. No. 9, East Wawa- good on' Imperial Limited," For tickets, etc., Eaeyan..... $28 Pr.Albert.,.) Gandy comes here, and Mr. Hobbs rile District L, O. L. held in Blyth on nosh, for the month of May. The apply to nearest Agont, or to Grand view Macleod,,.,. 35 Tuesday, 16th inst. names are arranged in order of mer•iti— A. H. NOTMAN Miniom..... Calgary..... goes to Strathroy. y' Sr. IV.—Bella McDougall, Stanley E1- AssisLantGeneral PassengerAgent Moosomin... The Conference continued in session David Breckenridge is having an act- lion Carrie Deacon, Alex, Mowbray, Icing St. East, Toronto. Swan River. Red Deer.,. dition ,wilt to his house, which will y' Waskada... Strath- }$4•® until about one o'clock Tuesdaymorn- Raymond Elliott. Jr. IV,—Ella Wal- wAwanesa•., cona..... improve it greatly. ker. Sr. Iii.—Annie Leaver, Mabel ing, when the 20th session of the Lon - Good going June 4th, June 18th, returning don Conference was concluded. Morris township voted grants for Mowbray, Laura Onrrie, Harvey Link- Tenders Wanted. within M ays Prom date of issue. Good going gravelling the East and West gravel later. John Kerr, Tessa Anderson. July 4, valid to return until Sept. ft, 1903. roads of $150 each. The adjoining Jr. I1l.—Maggle Shfell, Wilfrid Po- OONI'ERENOE NOTES. � 1, For cutting ssvtng and putting in barn, Where to Spend the Summer. townships spend a like sum. cock, James Ferguson, Katie Sbisll, ten acres of I3ay near the Western Foundry. The famous >Vluelcoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Rev. A. L. Russell, the ex -President John Abram, Maxwell Abram, Wil- Or—ofrors will be accepted for the hay as it Lake Nipissing, Kawartha Lakes, and the is a brother of Mrs. A. Dnimsge. A wiry suspension foot bridge will burn Ferguson. Sr• II.—Geo Walker, elands and aftor•grass of rho Beason. Send Magnetewan River are reached only by tbo he pnt tip over the Maitland river by Earl hiliott. Jr. II.—George Currie, tenders to B GPiRRY, Brussels. Grand Trunk Railway. Excellent hotel ac• Rev. Milison and Moyers duetts were Shurrie Bros. for their accommoda- Mary Elliott, Walter Pocock, Gwen- . commodation, healthy climate, fishing, etc. really excellent and were warmly en- tion in getting over the river. doline Currie, Gordon Rintoirl, Pearl Literature, information, etc., from Agonts, cored. J. D. McDCNALD Rev. F. J. Oaten was Conference There appears to be a sort of chide• rescan, Part 7. r Daniel Ferguson, mic among the foals this spring after R;ch'1 Deacon, Harold �U siker, Verna Notice to Creditors. District Paseenger Agent, Toronto, postmaster and had charge of Railroad the pink -eye type. 0. Michie and 'C. Taylor, Harald Currie, BerniceShiell, certificates. Russel, 6th hue, each lost good colts Average attendance for the month, 27. --M. Alice Dnff, Teacher. hTotieo is herohy given pursuant to R. S. O. The Conference programmes and bil- Watson Ainley and men, of Brussels, 1897, uhap,129, sec. 38, that all persons having claims against the estato of Johu PO4coll, ln.te let lista from the Advance office were are at work on the new brick residence 1 of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of universally admired. on the farm of Albert Howlett, 7th Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or ^-R- The Methodist Book Room was open line. It will be a cosy home when Salem. about third vlay,1913, aro required to send by p post propaid or deliver to It. Holmes, Solicitor to the public in the basement, with a finished. The beef -ring has commenced this for executors, on or before tent•) day of July, :ir large stock of books and minister's sup- Wat. Davidson had a colt that hap- week, on the 0th line of Turnberry. ora ti filo Btzt omont and spirticu]nracoP tl�tir ` ,, % plies. pened with a peculiar accident one A great number from this art at• claims and nature of security (if any) held by d day last week. As it was grazing in them, duly certified, and that after said day - z J i Rev. Dr. Langford of Owen Sound the orchard, it got entangled io a tended the services in Wing am on the executors will proceed to distributo the to t iul town." A'n This was was the with general testi- swing, and as result, broke its leg ; Sunday last. nieretoo having regard Among my to su �claanis�ae r�',I''Y' we hope it will soon by all right again. The rain on Sunday evening was a they shall then have notice. Zl'r;i,t moray. y A cement silo, 14 feet in diameter welcome visitor, as it was much need- Dated Mout) da of June, 190:3. The collections and offerings during and 30 feet high, ed in the country. R. Ifor Exec the Conference week amounted to the , has been built B A. y' S1001c, rfoi Executors. D3cLanchlin s, 1 miles North of Brus• (North Had Main t. Block, „ l i Mrs. Fred Doub]edee, sen„ of Har- k 1„i}�1}ial Liberal sum of $380; this is a top-notch eels. Charles Barber, of Wingbam, riston called on a number of her (N°rtltlEnd Main St.) Wingham, figure. had the contract and did a good job as friends in this part this week. The ministers and delegates were de- examination will show. A patent Rev, Mr. Kennedy of Tilbury ave �EHi.4 +�� APV + lighted with the cordial reception ten- mixer is used worked by a h'brse The y y g an impressive sermon on Sunda tiered them by Wingham's hospitable workmen are now at 9th con. of Grey. Geo. McKay's afternoon last in this place, and also citizens. at Wroxeter in the evening. My list of 'exceptionally find farms is The Billeting committee did their School Section. No. 4, Morris, J. steadily Increasing, and the intending pur. work well; they met the trains and di- Todd teacher, will hold its annual pie- i chaser, (no mattor what kind of farm be Bray work the delegates to their lacus i. nit in Robert Nicholls bush, 6th con., aosirc) wonld do well to have a look at this g p or. Aday, June 12. Several football I:,ucktiow. list before buying elaewhore. O1 Household temporary abode. matches will be played during the Just 'a word about town property—I have "The most pleasant Conference we afternoon and a good program, consist- Ala Lordship Bishop Ballwin held over attendee” was the general expres- ing of speeches, singing, and re confirmation services in St. Peter's money gularanteein t lea to 10 pertcent with sioir of opinion among the ministers. tions, will be rendered after tea in the ohttrch here on 111onday evening last, the amount inaoated. For further partiow Treasures Wingham is a model Conference town. evening, when several candidates from Luc- Lars. Apply to Rev. R, Hobbs polled a respectable l know and St. Helens were confirmed, CL�tME MAfxUIRE vote for the Presidont's chair -66, but blaster John Henderson, son of Mrs. there is none nearer to the heart Rev. Wi180'ni's run last year rendered (ane Minute Cure For. Toothache. Wm. Henderson, bad the four Real Estate Agent his election this year a foregone con- pletlingely of his right hand taken eons• Uflictt:—iJpetaire in vauetono Bioak, •? of the housewife, who takes a elusion. Not only for toothache, but any nerve pletelq off by one of the nrai;tiinfs in ride in her home than dainty painouredalmostiustantlybyNerviline. the furniture factory on Wednesday p ) y Mr. A. E. Gibson kindly offered the Ono drop equala in pain subduing power morning. Win r)a11I Cement Works. Chinaware, and we intend to Conference the freedom of the Bowling five drops of any other remedy. Thou- Mr. J. A. Ilarris, of Hol rood, last g grounds, club house and onquipment, so sands say so. Powerful, penetrating, week sold his fine driving ware '•Eva" �-' make this stoic a favorite spot that if any desired recreation, the op. pain•subduing Nerviline. Marvellous Bev, Brands of Cement always on for oddieces of Chinaware portunit was open. in action for internal and external to Lott & Sturdy of Wingham• for the hand, fresh and reliable. p ' y p use. The world challenged for its equal. gum of $225, This is an exceptionally Also cement window sills and such its you will not find outside Manv of the visitors were agreably Druggists sell it. You money back if it flno driver and took ten first and one arches. Door sills made to order. or surprised at the appearanoo of our town. is not so, second prize at the fall fairs last tiny other kind of cement work, Lime the cities. We are re -arranging Its granolithie, walka, clean streets, season, for stile. It will pay you to give us a our stock so as to accommodate spreading; maple trees, and substantial f. Edgar Harrison inlet with a serious call; information cheerfully given, business b000ks were admired. Jamestown. accident on Saturday evening last. the new lines of whlad there are Works between Cl P. It„ and G. T. R, =now three shipments to eland The success of the ConfOrende ar• FIe and Robert Johnston were playful• tracks, Josepinna street, p a rangoments fs due largely to the per. Lorne McKelvey Sundayed in this ly indulging in a friendly wrestle and 8l 49 F. GUTTEiiIDGIE. and we invite all the ladies of severance and hard work of Rov. R. vicitilty, in falling to the ground Mr. Harris- Hobbs, assisted nobly by Mr, John Derr, Miss Kstt3 Wilson of Brussels visited ton's leg was broken near clic ankle NVingham, and vicinity' to see See.•Treasurer of the Billeting com- at James Straehan's, joint. FOR SALE. what we have, whether you are mittee.On'b by one the sturdy pioneers who Alias Linklater of Wingrht;m Apert endured the hardships and priv*tlona �---- in the buying mood or not. Before Friday evening, 320 railway Sunday at ;kir. Ittebara Millers, of the early bush life in this section, r g certificates were handed in; this waa it Less teen a hila from use team, a record-breaking number so early in this fan Strachan visited GIidyr 1110 par^ fLr© passing aLVPFLy t0 t.lae ri'at beyond. gCeti farm, with et ick house growing (;onference proceedings, showing a ental roof for a couple of weeks, On Saturday' afternoon ast Mr, Johr) buildings; will be sold with growing Gullies, who had been fit with lung large attendance, Besides, many dole- Mr. and lobs, Pikkinier and I+erne fit- trouble for. some months passed, died cross if desired ; poaseseiou on short �� gates from contiguous circuits drove to tended Ehe Conference in Wingham at his home On Ict !3� In ttae Cirat con, notice if arrangements are made. This town, on Sunday. of Xinloss, in the list year of his age, b s most desirable e terms. Hutand will Successors to Alex. DOSS The streamer across the street letter- ;Misses boar jorio Strachan and Mag- Mr, Giilf" was one of the first settlers of Bald on reasonable terms. I+.ngaire ed -"Welcome to the London Confer- gle Taylor spent it fele days in Dnn- In the township, having located on the once" wM the result Of the 11107 ganrxon last, w0ek, Mama (arra on which he died, In 1852. TIM" WING RAM ADVANIOn. Ack u Mud WHITE STAR LINE SPECIAL Only $1.50 Round Trip Leave Kincardine for Detroit &.00 a, in. (Canada time,) Wednesday, June 17th, arrive Port Huron at noon, Detroit 4,00 p. in. Returning leave Detroit, Thursday, June 28th, x,00 p, m. (central standard time) Port Iuron 5.3o, arrive Kiticardine 11,45 P. M. Friday, Juue 29tll,5.00 a, m. (Canada time) leave Kincardine on the return to Detroit, Bare with baggage $t.5c, The NSW MUM STI;AMP,R GRH 10tJXD is one of tile largest, speediest and most inagnificently equipped Day Boats in the world, Von should not miss this grand opportunity for a pleasant outing. Wtifte 'Star Lone Steamers C, P. ofE1,k1AN, Tookri'le Maw. E. H . AYER, ExCvrtltON AOT f S- Bir giIns, - BIG BARGAINS in JEWELRY at PAT'T'ERSON'S JEWELRY STORE for the month. of June. We have a large stocic of new goods for wedding presents, special for June. You should see our nice stock of lucky wedding Rings. Our Watch line is complete in gents' and ladies', A. big snap in Ladies' Gold Filled Watches ($800.00 worth) will be sold for $4.00 each less than the regular price, for June only. W. "`Am`TED'z0N'+ .0. The Great Watch Doctor OPP. QUEEN'S HOTEL WINGHAM y��'y.,�yyyyc.�y.yyyyy.y yryyy y.{�" �M Ack u Mud WHITE STAR LINE SPECIAL Only $1.50 Round Trip Leave Kincardine for Detroit &.00 a, in. (Canada time,) Wednesday, June 17th, arrive Port Huron at noon, Detroit 4,00 p. in. Returning leave Detroit, Thursday, June 28th, x,00 p, m. (central standard time) Port Iuron 5.3o, arrive Kiticardine 11,45 P. M. Friday, Juue 29tll,5.00 a, m. (Canada time) leave Kincardine on the return to Detroit, Bare with baggage $t.5c, The NSW MUM STI;AMP,R GRH 10tJXD is one of tile largest, speediest and most inagnificently equipped Day Boats in the world, Von should not miss this grand opportunity for a pleasant outing. Wtifte 'Star Lone Steamers C, P. ofE1,k1AN, Tookri'le Maw. E. H . AYER, ExCvrtltON AOT f S-