The Wingham Advance, 1903-06-11, Page 4THE WINGHAM ADVANCE. June i t. 19o3
the people's bidding and tent the
111111111111 ILA
to the greatest possible o:cteztG til
1tz; X _
popul,:,>, wish. Wei Seoul now to
stave goverlinient in spite of thp QR 6 �� �Tkle Chimey report Neill be vfg- People, an administlatiou �rliicll T PEa ��
alb orousl attacked b • t1ie0 position. cares more for campaign. fundsRitch"e Y J Pl
`rhe meluber for Manitoulin, it is than for the good will of the un-
purchasable art of the electorate. - J A K f e w+
---�1 .
stated, has no intention of P P
submitting to the findings of rho
When anything is asked of the e
Commission. He intends to per. present Administration we have
men like Attorney -General General GibsonCash renally a, before the gOilat evi- 3'" deilce of a more or less sensational shooting flack at us that we are � � �-
,,�.,. , character, which he alleges the trying to Snake political capital,
Commissioners refused to hearand trying to interfere with 'vestedTable
Which, it is claimed by him, tends rights,' and are told to go and bury SNAPS
A Deep Cut 1n Dress Goods. to discredit the reply set up against ourselves or poultice our boil till it ; � - •.
his testimony, gets better. '1'l ) Ontario Attorney- s •
General has pretty nearly arrived ,.,.,.,,,.;..,....�.�+
All our large ztinci well -assorted stock of Dress I at that Dint where ale will be ReceivedP
Ggods go on sale —The Weekly Sun calla atten- Pushed off the platform and mise "
the next train, And it will be Ladies' Sailor Hats
THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 5th tion to the enormana amount of h. r Fruit Flavored. Pudd ?�
little enough, too.))ry to clear.
money that Ontario has given and g ,.-- �
at $ o'cloelr, at a discount of 2,5 per cent. off pledged to aid railways in the pro- Anothershipment Ladies
regular selling prices. This Sale will be continued vinco. This year wo shall have to I Black Silk Belts. ,'rices 25c 7�c Hats for .. .............hoc I'iuitins
raise $21G ,,72.63 to meet maturing � to 1.50. 05c " "45c Powder makes a delicious
throughout the month of June. Trade taken as railway cert,&eater. The total A PUBLIC SURPRISE. 500 „ „ ::: : : : ::: : :: : ::� Dinner Dessert. All flavors
y amount required up to the year We lave the best 25c Belt 40c --.
'"' 3 pkgs. for 25c.
opportunity. 1042, when certificates now issned ZTnder this heading, the ZViuni- on the market.
' is olden o
cash. Don't miss this
We also iv This is a chance
expire, is $6,84G,G49.44. In add,- peg Tribune, the organ of Political
g' e you the opportunity of purchas- tion to this slim, the Legislature Reform, in reference to the finding iron do not often get so
ing our stylish and up-to-date stock of has pledged donations to a number of the Judges in the Gamey-Strat- Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars - early in the season. It: Jelly Powder produces in-
�+ Y c�- of roads not yet constructed. These ton enquiry, says :-- r r y . does seem foolish to stantaneously a most delicate
Dre�S Trim mings donations foot up to several mill- "The judges who beard the evi- OE 2oc to DOC. -•»
ions, and when issued will bring dence in the Gainey -Stratton en- sell summer Hats at and refreshing Table Dessert,
consisting of Silk Medallions, Silk Ap lique, Jets, our indebtedness well tip to nine quiry have presented the testimony Ladies Fancy (Wash) T dttced prices e i]y in Price per k 10c.
pp millions. The money to meet this a•nd their finding to the Ontario a— Collars. June. But theymust 1' P g•
Sequins, Gimps, Embroidered D'Iedallions, Em- indebtedness will not come from Legislature. In the judgment of 0•
' greatly cue does not verb well with ,lieu Collars, cf*c.
the Provincial dGrovt snt, t lie the rest of majority of people, the M F IT-nox's Sparkling Gelatine
reduced an the form of direct taxes broideries e
tc. at prices. . :
athe other.
Domestic Specials For This Week Only. people or through taking over and "In a word, the judges' conclu- LADIES' SUMMER Underskirts. for fancy Desserts 15c
making subject to Provincial taxa- sions appear unwarranted, not in r `"
5 pieces laannelette, regular 7e, se and 9c—for, ...................: tion property now Qubjeet to muni- accord with the evidence, and, iia "` UNDERWEAR. ^"
3 pieces Table Linen, regular SOo and 35c—for....................• el al taxation. Fine Mercerized Sateen. M
ends of Carpet, including Wools, Brussels, velvets, etc., at P the exoneration Of the accused, e,, Ml(]C(,' Meat e
greatly reduced prices. place a premium on the worst Vests without. sleeves, with Sizes 38 to 42. Spec -
10 12 pairs Lace Curtains, 91,1 yards long, regular prices 75c and 850, I practices in the political life of the short sleeves and with long ial at $1.00 and $1.25
590 ...
to clear at ............. w for Pies, Fruit Cakes and
country. sleeves. each.
HARD ROAD. "There is no reasonable doubt w Puddings, 10c. w
DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT that there was bribery ; whether Cotton Vests bleached or
(Toronto Telegram.) Gamey solicited the bribe or was unbleached. Ver nicely'
' Cash to the extent of $3,200 was first approached by agents of the w trimmed. Prices, 5c to 30c: Girls' School Hats �,
1n R. R. Gamey's pocket, he had Ontario Government, is immaterial, d,,, chocolate Icing, 10c.
s • an absolute guarantee of four res- "The evidence, in our opinion, each. , _ and Picnic Hats. Reg- Campbellg �- Fruit Flavored Icing 10c.
�1esious in the Legislature at $600 per shows that the Government was a ular 50c and 75e re-
Ot/ session, he could sit down and lis- party to the viIlainons business. - Children's Summer. Under- duced to 35c each. White Icing Sugar.
McIND00. ten to the Hamilton Herald calling The judges treatment of the -�
successors to M. H. him a patriot and read the.Liberal Hammond - Stratton incident is wear. All sizes, Prices low. Pink Icing Sugar.
1 press of Ontario,copying ita tri- startling.
butes and emphasizing its praises. "The finding of the judges leaves Tailor Made Skirts.
The Premier of Ontario wont out the political atmosphere in a cloud- 1Zo
of his way to shake hands with Mr. ed state. Parasols. A few left. W e are Banner Oats
Gamey, Cabinet Ministers smiled "The remedy lies with the peo- w offering them at low '
on him. All he had to do was keep ple, and the hope of every good FR We are offering big values ;prices to clear.. Selected, Rolled Oats, 5 lb.
L right on betraying the people who citizen is that they will apply it . in Parasols and Umbrellas. package, 25e.
elected him to oppose the Ontario when the proper time comes."
.,... 8.00 Skirts for .... .........4.50:
- -10_ -St e Government and he would have 5.00 " .. ............. 2.63
Fancy China Porridge Bowl
been honored by the Liberal party I w ' 4,00 " .. 3•� --+
of the province, he would have en- Ladies Linen Collars. 3.50 " " ...2.63 in every package.
„ joyed the patronage and perhaps REPORT OF COMMISSION. New Style. See them.
might have picked up a few "bona
fide" timber limits at $250 apiece. The report of the Judges on the
The vices which put $3,200 of Game charges has been handed in.
Is made when you choose our store as the bribe money in Mr. Gamey'�e hands To sum it up briefly, it exonerates Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr
lace to buy your Furniture. Stock Large— and put him in a position to receive Mr. Stratton and condemns Mr. JriO. &Jas. H. Kerr fachRald Block, EWE
P ickin re from the Ontario Govern-
Prices Right. Before' buying elsewhere, just picking
ent, caused him no trouble what- those in high authority are When
get our prices; it will cost you nothing to find ever. with serious charges, and forthwith 7hililiilililillillilliiiilii lill Will ill Will Will ill illillill iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililim
them out, and you may save money. Our It is virtue that costs and the proceed to choose their form of
guarantee goes with every article we sell.
virtue, whether it be the virtue of trial and by whom they shall be
patriotism or the virtue of repen- tried, it is not to be wondered at if TOWN PROPERTIES WANTED. W A. CURRIE WIN f 1HAPT CAW MILLSCome and see us. Price our goods, and you tance, but in any case the virtne the finding is in their favor, 'espe- u 1►J
that transferred $2,000 from R. R. cially when political feeling is run- I have almost daily enquiries for .... AUCTIONEER ....
will be able to say as others have said— Gamey's pocket to the custody of nin at hi h tide. houses to rent or buy. McLEAN A SON
that you wish you had known before, what the court, was the beginning of his g g Now is the time to sell if you wish _ — Ontario
But beyond and back of the re- to do so. Wingham
a fine stock we have and what reasonable real troubles. port of the report of the Judges, No charge unless a sale is made.
The working out of this pious the people of Ontario have formed Minnie St. Date of sale arranged for at the All kinds of rough and dressed....
prices we sell for. Try here next time and idea of depriving a representative their opinion. The curtain has Abner Cosens, Advance office. Terme reasonable.
get a surprise. of the people of his right to have been lifted. It has been shown LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES
charges tried in the high court of that the notorious Sullivans are in A. DULMAGE APPLE BARRELS.
Parliament simply means that the inner circle of favor ; they can ALEX. FELLY
never again will an Ontario public secure timber limits for $260 that REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT.
�1 Button
man dare to make charges of cor- they sellat once for $9,000.ItCONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN Auctioneer for Huron County Hard and Soft Slabs, also a
� ����• �`'�ruption against anybody. has also be0Ai shown that high ofYi- on Town and Farm Property. large quantity of dry hard -
class in the department share in I have secured an Auctioneer's license for wood for sale, delivered.
i the spoils. These things more than OPFlce.—In the gent Block. Huron county, and am prepared to couduol
Furniture Dealers & Undertakers Residence—Catherine at. sales le reasonable rates. yo
ever emphasize the fact that "It is sales arranged at the Advance 0111.6. Telephone Orders Promptl
THE REMEDY. time for a change." ALEx. KELLY, wingham P.0, attended to.
It is not for us to criticize the C. J. MAGUIRRE
Referring to Rev. Dr. Carman's Judges. They may have been sin- REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND
denouncement of political evils, at cere. They may think they acted LOAN AGENT. GONVEI CINGDR. AGNEW McLean etc Son,
the recent Conferences, the Toronto fairly, but a large number of elec- Collection of Rents and AcootC,* i Spooialty.
'World says :— tors will wonder by what means PHYSICIAN, SURGEON,
"The s eeific remedy for oliti- ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. ACCOUCHEUR,
p y P they reached their conclusions. Office—ln vanttone Block.
cal evil, such as Dr. Carman com- The fact that Illy. Stratton asked a Op O Saturday evenings, 7 to 9. Office :—Upstairs in the Macdonald
plains of, is the removal of the witness if he could not "forget Block.
b Night calls answered at office.
ministry under which the evil is some of those things" is treatedJ. A, 1�IORTON
committed. It is practical, mild, lightly, and some of the corrobora- T1
and on the whole efficacious. It is tive evidence on Gamey's charges BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, t 1R9, CHISHOLM & CHISHOR
the remedy indicated by the party appears to have had little weight MONEY TO LOAN. Dbuit
system, under which we are gov- with the Judges. PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS - ETC,
erned. It is the remedy involved The final verdict will be rendered Office -.—Morton Block, Wingham Josephine Street Wingllam
in the term "responsible govern- by the people, and if the Govern-
ment." It is not essential to the went is anxious to know what the MISS DELI-. SPARLING
working of this system that an op- province thinks of it, let them ap- T P. KENNEDY, M. D., M.C.P.S.0
Can be best secured fro111 US. position should be free from human peal to the people for an expression A. T. I C. M. J . (Member of the British Medical
imperfection. It simplymeans of their opinion. Teacher of Piano, Theory and FletOhcr Association) We have hand
that when things become ntolera- The following from the Toronto Music Method, simplox and Kindergarten. number
We have the material; we guar- bly bad under the domination of World is to the point :—tgsome- Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- special attentionaid to Diseases o1 women
one party, the other party must be thing more than civil service re- inations. and children,
antee fit workmanshipand st le ' called in, and must be judged and form is required. The Ministers orrioa Houxs:—i toIp.m,; 7tog p,m, flail
Sl dealt with in exactly the same way. are responsible for what is done in W,eW1Y
If it does wrong it must also be the government offices. Here are THE W. T. Holloway 7J
we ask only reasonable prices. turned out of office and so on until for tatty and �rt'll�
three cases. How many more re-
a reasonably good government is main to be exposed? The Globe, ADVANCE... sob D.D.S.,
OFFICE Printing. Prices Graduate of Royal1 +
Give US a trial --you are Sure to found. This is party government, in dealing with charges against right. College of Dental Jdallhids
at least it is the only way in which the late Government at Ottawa, onto
of Tor-
onto and Honor '.
be satisfied. Headquarters for Party government can be made to emphasized very strongly the Grin- al Dept of Dont (These aro Beautiful w
serve the ends of the ubli0. There a1 Detiv of moron. w Goods, and cheap.)
q p ciple of Ministerial responsibility D VANSTONE to Latest improved
is very little use in general denun- as the only safeguard for the inter- 1� Latest improved methods in a 1 attifi ti of
p , ests of the people. Suspending or BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR gnaix�nt od. AWom eInBeaverBlockaction Advance Office
Up-to-date Greats' Furnishings. ciationa of public men unless those
who denounce are ready to apply dismissing a civil servant is only Money to loan at lowestrates. Office
the remedy, The facts brought pruning the tree. Root and branch BEAVER BLOCK, ARTHUR J. IRWIN
out in the Gamey -Stratton case, reform is required. Here are three 7-95, WINGHAM. D.D.S., L,D.s.
the deal by which Cap. Sullivan departments in which serious faults Bros*
and a high government official have ' been discovered—the Tand Doctor of Dental Surgery is the Fen- ..........,.,.....�....�.•.•MM
Hom______uth made $Sf00b out of abs}C property, �v i nsylvania College and Licentiate of
p P P y, sn the
Crown Lands Office and THOS. OL L� Dental Surgery of Ontario.
the intrigues in the Parliament the Public Works Office. HOW far RANKER, ETC.
buildings, all go to show that the haw the infection spread." lfarriage Licenses issued. No witnesses Office over Post Ofilco—WINGHAM
present ministry has outlived its required.
usefulness and that the remedy tioonoy 4% largo amounts; smaller in pro-
y portion, Easiest forms. ROM ��CUR�Q
furnished bythe constitution ought
to be applied."
Deafness is Curable. RICHARD HOLMES Teacher of Piano and Theor NrHe for our intercatirig bookx Indlent�
Sufferers from impaired hearin will }' or's help aa,i HON yow are awlndt.a.
It' -
be Bald to know that their affliction is ftce; nTFit to Hol Es Block
n w b FTC, send us o rough vemeh or model of you ria-
TI- ,� I probably not due to any organic defect OfAce;—next to Holmes Block now building vention opinion an t ant and wetispro IYOU
MISS CABBIE MOORS free our opinion es d pplicstl It is probably
IVApatentnble. Re}ected • llcatloeshareoften
in the ear, but results probably from a . been suc0caafully prosecuted by as. we
y g conduct fully equipped oflteea In Montreal
VERY POINTED. ear caused b catarrhal inflammation. WELLINGTON MUTUAL Teacher of Violin and Guitar, andWashington., thssquallnesuatoprompt.
thickening of the lining of the middle
stablfAh0d1$4o. ly dtepatclt work and gxickl7 am0nre ratcxU
Hundreds of perfect recoveries as a re- asbrandasthe Invention• Highestrefereueee
The following from Toronto Sat- FIRE INS. CO. Rooms—in stone Block, Winghtlln.
salt of the inhalation of Catarrhozono ' furnished.
are reported, and on the highest authors- F Patents procured through Marlon & MR,
"Advanceurday ,Night, whose editor is a ty we recommend this treatment to our fiend office GUELVU, OXT, over
reo ne pencil sdistrotift butted t.hary:e in
strong Liberal, shows the trend of DICKINSON & 110 MES `the Dominion. apap.ra distributed tbroxghoat
r9;sti9. Gag and z tg quickly restores ,flake taken on all classes of insurable pro SpOclatt -P14ent bualnees of Manufaa
public opinion :-- lost hearit#g slid its eilleioney is placed p0rty on the cash or premium note system. torero aai�itmgincers, j
fta<t would indeed be a pleasant beyond disputo by the Cite of Mr. ward Barristers Solicitors eto. MARION MARION iS
• thin somethin like a beautiful of Toronto, who recovered perfect hear- 7errss t oYUta, Cu.s.DAvinsox, ' i Patent Experts and Seliolt.ors.
�y�* . •
thing, g . ing by using Catarrhotone, after rears President. secretary. Office f Iteyor Bloek Wingham, ,
U1job Printing�(� Prices day in spring, if we Could only afdeafn@NA. Price $i. AtDrusxglatsor JC3HIV Flflll. Offices s f New York ukBla ,
L► �s 11aVtl a Lt+gisl:bttii0 lent ,,poll doing N. C. Polson C1o., Dings#•on, Ont. I AG IMT, wINGRAW ONT XL 1]3oklnson Dudley tfolmos ,w 1 ,, �w�,,,'t"tt"f'M O.o"