The Wingham Advance, 1903-05-21, Page 7BULGARIA
She Will Appeal Against Turk
ish Excesses.
intones Advance Upon ipels. Meeting
With liesistence-Terks Diequiet-
ed by Work or Bands of Armenian
Itevolut ion iste Prom Russia. .
• London, May 10. -In a, despatch
from Saito datee yesterday, the cola
respondent of tit° Timou says:
inorrow the Bulgarian Government
will agate Oen tiro attention er tie.
powers to the terrible excesses in
efacetionia, It oseeme that in the re-
moter deetriete tee Basheleizaulte
aro being allowed to celebrate per -
feet oarnivel or yengea,nce and de-
"Me correseatelent on the eel:aloe
..036:ZS tba.t the villages in the ult.
boricee Usarovea t tine i
are burnipg. 'The legate. or Neetrolieii
esiti 1J0 eulgurain inn:abilities et
teat (Istria cavo Mau .arraute(1 end
traueportee to some *unknown tlee-
Resist Tikes Advance.
Vieuna,, Masr, 1,0,-dAvicee received
here from Uskub, European Turkey,
S'ay, the [retell advaects upon epek
is ingeteig, with etong resistaeca.
There has been severe reghting at the
villageso Ileretsch, Slakbera and
Debate. Artieery was employed anti
those -4111a,geo wore tlestroyed, U.Nelety
Albaniane were kilimi and many were
• .
eteeeewed Activity.
Constautinople, May 10, -The Turk-
ish itatherleies axe eisquieted at the
recent appearance of beetle of Ar -
menials revolutionist, coming front
Russia in the iiistriote or Batiazel
and Sagan, Artneula, and are adopt-
ing rigorous measures to guard the
feontier.The Armenians cross in email
partIejs In the neigeborhooll of 33a:fa-
ze:1, and thence they. make their way
to the Seem mountain's, where they
are safe from pi-testi:It, It is alleged
here that the Russian authorities of
Kars, Asiatio Russite aro aware of
the movement of the revolittioniete.
'What Aimenitims are Meer.
' It is believed that the appear-
ance of these betide indicates a re-.
vival of activity on tile part oath's
old Armenian committees who are
,_asenaeretood to be anxious to be in a
e'rpoeition to take advantage of pore
'Able complications arising from the
Macedonian situation, in welch case
the claims of the Armenians would
be revival and the sante advantages
gained by the Macedonians from
European intervention will bo de-
ina,nded for Armenia. Tee Turkish
Government hatenotified tbe Bulger -
foal ex -arch, that sGerassintes, Bialiop
of Struesitsa., Macedonia, has been
removed, and has invited the ex-
arth to appoint his eireeessor. The
oxarcle however, refused to recog-
nize the authority of the Turkish
Government to remove the Bishop,'
and haet advised Gereetsimos, who is
practically a prisoner in his own
house, to remain Mae It is alleged
that Bishop Gerassimos is a sup-
porter of the Macedonian movement,.
but it is also everted the charger'
are beought by the jealous clergy,
The 'Macedonians ere overflowing
with Bulgarians. The Tarkieb
authorities are boping to thereby
paralyze the action of the Iacedo,-
tommitteee. , ... •
lndian V:Votild-he Homicide
-LanOed in ia,
i().—soko &maths,
tho st..Be.gls redinan, who: shot his
nephew in a drunken brawl at. the
wigwamof an Wein named Cook,
while a dance was in progress last
fail, ilea at last been captured. Sev-
era( attempts were made by the
provincial detective's to effect Caerat-
tis' arrest, but they proved -ineffec.
time Sawa:Ws was hidden by his
folloWetribesmen when any strange
person appeared on the. reserve, and
he 'would immediately betake himself
to, the 'American side. In this way he
dodged the officerfor fully Six
mouths. 1 s I . , •
The warrant was placed in the
hands of Mitchell George, one of the
friendly Indians of, the reserve, 'who
tiering the Indian trouble four years
ago protected Indian Agent Long and
his family. Mitchell George yesterday
afternoon elegem] .Siewattle crossing
the border, and when he got him in
sale quarters effected his arrest,
eAliancleuffing him and taking him 'to
Dundee ey, the steamer Prineess
Loulee, Where he handed him oVer
to Constable Morris, who took the
se:leaner, to Berieharnois ?Ail this
morning. •
Tae arrest of Sawattis hasgiven
the Indian's to understand that the
law Mast ;be lived u» to. Had Sawat.
tie succeeded in evading the police
much longer it steered mweasitate ibe.
Government taking alin in hand arid
eetraditing him in order to set an
eXtunple to the rest 'of the tribe..
The Women Refuse to Work in the
'Fields Any More.
Becherest, efay 10.--elou.natela is
facing what almost amounts to an
economic crisis duo to the seareity
of farm labor, and the Government
Ii teeelouSly • comddering what
measures can be taloa.
The crisis is due to what is
practically o.utevereal strike of wo-
men against work in the nettle,
rJimencirty• ail the peasants Worked
women on the farms as hard as
mon, but recently they beciame
imbued with western notiona and
this spring very few, of them will
eke a bit of work mashie their own
horn ea •
Art Seonieri make up noro than
half the Peeitiatiti, the working
force is cat In twe, one thoUsatele of
tierce are lying fallow for no rem
to plough them. Laborers are be-
hig imports -le from lelletiele., but not
atetile enough of teem citn he Tied.
0114 result of the oriste istut
greatly inereaged demand for AM -
Driven agricultural meellieether end
the Government le inclined to think
thee thhil Is the best Wee Mit of
tine diffloulity, Incidentally the
tenon of Routziaalla, are rapellY
aletudoning, the picturesque na-
tional costumes tued alopting Or-
dinary eltirepean dress.
Disappointed Woman Throws city(.11.110 -
Pepper in Bits Alive.
UlxIuinnntJ, 0., 18.,-Dlepleasee
over the outcome of a case in po-
lice cart, Mrs. A. E. Leland, aged
38 years, tried to blind ,Tudge WitUsin
11, Luetiore, by throwing cayenne
pepper into hie ogee. lits Ives hastily
taken To the licapital, where tips
physicians stated that no serious
damage had 'been done.
Mee. Leland appeared in pollee
court 'this morning as the protiecuts
leg Yeitilette against Pollee Officer
Sitiney, Ogden, wire she eialMod bad
struck her. Tlu testimony howee
the woman had thorn stones
the officer and had acted otherwise
in encli a way that the court held
that Ogden was justified le his aos
tion ape dismissed the -Emote
Mag. Leland left the court crying
vengeance against the officer and
Judge Lueders. After leaving the
city hall elle purchased a largo
quantity or cayenne Popper end
proceed to the law orrice of judge
Lueders ea Walnut 'street. When the
judge appeared the woman took a
pacitago from tile folds of her dress
and calmly said: "Itere, judge Lue-
eeres and threw the pepper into his
face, completely blinding him for the
time. The woman was arrested, but
Judge Lueders says he, will not pro -
Well Dressed Women Robbed
Homes at .kischineff:
Hebrew Organ Charges Russia With
Pull Responsibility for the Mass-
aere-The Smart Set Became
Thieves -Sufferings or the Surviv-
ors. •
• St. Peteesburg, May 111. -The out-
break at Kesehineff was the direct
result of the incitie-g of the anti-
Semitic papers in Bessarabia. The
more plundering, although it has
iseggarcled Ithouseade of wealthy
people, pales before the fiendish
cranes committed in those- parts 01
the town that were inheisiteel by
the peer Jesys. The suryivors are
sorrowfully exploring the wreckage
•or their homes, and property tor the
beet:se ot lost reletives. The walls
at the houres are splashed with.
intone and brain. • •
When the miscreants 'had stolen
everything of value they then, in
cold blood, set about murderieg and.
maiming women and eliikiren. The
hospital mortuary presents an -un-
usual sheetaele. The bodies of the
dead had been mutilated with inde-
scrthable barbarity.
Society Arnong Rioters, •
.Tho Viedomosti reports; "Where
the 10011.19 were tlitokost were men,
and women of ataserian society, per-
sons in gloves and clean linen and
with intelligent cou•ntenance.e. The
dote were no eisrpriee, but were well
organized, . •
The Novosti, a non-Jasvish paper,
says': "While the eitandering of large
warehouser' was in progress, women
belenging to the 'better' elites appro-
priated the contents which they
made up into pareele. The wafering
Is imparalielled."
Not ono single Jewish shop or
dwelling escaped. Thee Jews were
the wealthieet, most cultured mem-
bers of the community, numbering
50,000 Houle. They would havebeen
well able to defend themselves had
net their leers of impending attacks
been allayed by the aseiteances of
the Vice -Governor of Besseralea, so
they took no precautionary' meas-
urers. • -
Tho shops are still closed, these
eettre baying now teat ono occupation
---hesplial and cemetery. In the
buildings whore bread le. being Ms-
tribitted are hundreds of Jews with-
out 'shelter and almost naked.
Jewish Chronicle Says They Were
Aided by the .1tellitary.
London, .May 111. -Tee, victims in
the Kischleen inessa,cre Climber 1,-
000, according to the latest infers
mation received by the Jewish Chyme.
icie, or London. Of these et 'east
sixtysfice were killed, and more than
800 nielmed or crippled.for life. The
demage to property is estimated at
1,000,000 rubies (ftbout $51(J,000).
'Tice Jewish Chronicle will, say edb-
torittbly hi
to-morrow,'s issue!
"We charge the nasalise Govern-
nient with responsibility for the K1E1-
°111)1°0 massacre. If Europe does not
on the 'present eeca,sion disassociate
itself from the leprous taint of ,this
barberian power, ,it writes its hus
inanity daises a. sham and its civili-
zation an organized hypoorisy,
"Teo cardinal fact of the whole
tragedy is that the massacre was
organized and abetted by Missive'
autheeitiee. The killing and pleig-
leg .tette done under eoVer Of the
troops and the pence. During the
two clays the massacre , lasted the
Governor did not Detect his house.
Telegraphie emercathication with Se.
Petersburg was stopped.
"All the participants lathe slatigh-
ter-who wore chiefly imported hire-
lings -Wore rod shirts. Ail eyewit-
nese le quoted as saying; 'The po-
lice and troops formed Mettles in the
centre f Which the slaying and loots
leg Wee going on, the policepointing
out the houses of the Jews tothe
"The newspaper Weeehod, of Sts
Petersburg, was suppressed for
printing the facts.
"eowsbatting is now spreading
throughout Southern Russia. stinee
Ineml by stories or so-called ritual
murders: The jaeleirth enquiry into
the mate:sere is not intended to Ois-
e/pee the tette, Mit to smother them
The Neork on , the Simplon tunnel
is progressing rapidly on beetle tiles
Of the& les; about 4,000 woelea
aro employed in the tunnel,
•ava dishonored, children aro•slain.
tho tJnited States government halt he
to their ancient faith. Me gay that
Why ? lkoauge they dared to be true
right to address a remonstrance to
ilio nankin government is to ;ole-
o Errs 20.YEAR SENTENc it;teittaythe fug ttrrn tif it raGovernmeat
in and the
11, Milted States will join lutIlds, they
can atop atreelties In all parts of
the world.'
tittimeription Book Peelers View/W(1
in the Semitone,
'Throat°, May Pat-
' ton and John J. Seattle were round
guilty by a. jury on fiaturday or
conepiring to defraud John IL Lewis,
Wel °there out of $2e.
Patton and Smlth aro subscription
book dealer -ft They advertised for
agent% saying time 432$111) d ween
couel be cermet The agents weree
to sign a contract and make a dee
Pettit or $25 before beginaing work.
Some agents found the contracts
impeusible of perfermance and ask-
ed to be releagoci and their deposits
returned, The agente were . then
told that they wore possessors or
stock In the company, their de
melts having been applied to that
Me. el B. Byeltnieet, counsel for the
defence, appeed for a reserve caste,
and the applicatien will be heard
this weeks
Motion for a New Trial Made and
Promptly Denied.
Tito Jury Was Out Nur tiours, but There Was Never Any Doubt as to ilis
Welt --Verct Says fie Cutfithel Blanche Dingle's eltreate—Defe nee
Is Surprised ---Mrs, Kent Attached With Acute Detnentia•---A Urert
Effort Will be Made to Save Kent,
Convicted of Manelaughter in Killing Ethel Blanche Dingle.
Reeliester, N. Y., May 18. - Leland.- view, and ween she left the Wilding
Wore were tears in her eyes. 611S
Dore Kent woe sentenced to 201
yeara'• imprisonment in knliurn this
Morning. Motion fort a new trial and
cu -rest of judgment was denied by
Judge Sutherland.
The Judge's Remarks.
Insentencing Keute judge Suther-
land ea,id: "For easeeir 1 xvill say
thee I CG1101.1.1 entirely in the conclu-
aloe which the Pixy -arrived at as to
tee manner by wiikUx Allis Dieele met
her death. 1 cannot conceive how it
would be possible for Inver to 'present
the appearenco welch he did had she
out her own throat; and it soma
probables fee:mall tiro evidence in thc.
ease that she was not conscious when
she received tho mortal - stroke at
your hazels, The statute making the
act; or aiding another in the commie -
aloe of suicide, manslaughter 'in the
first degree, is the statute ander
which you hair's been indicted and
convicted. Under that etaeuto the
(supposition latbset she was the pries
Meal actor; that your poet in it was
eubsidinry and incidental only. But
Iltave liddoubt; that her 'wish to die,.
her coitieent to die and her
peeticipatiOne •te tame extent
hi the preliminary preparations
for death week' not have
eccasserily absolved you • from the
graver charge- of murder, if you
hael been indicted for that offense,
because. you. wilfully, 'knowingly ins
Meted elle mortal wailed.. Ifor wish
and consent 'lops not necessarily re-
lieve you from tile charge of murder,
But the grand jury, considering all
the circumstances in the case, were
doubtless brought to tho conch/teen
that an indictment for manslaught-
er would - permit full justice to be
done. I will leave for others the
duty Of poiuthmg oust the moral les-
son that is written all over this
caee.The few weeks prior to this
tragedy may have bad for you
some temporary allurements and
pleasures; but that kind of iife in-,
-evitably toads dome to disgrace,
dishonor mei death."
Thee eremite... •
Rochester, May 18. --Dr. Leland
Darr Kent, accused on four counts
of peeing and assisting lei the suicide
or Ethel Blanche Dingle, was found
guilty on the third count on Satur-
day afternoon. The third count, the
most serious one, charged that he
etabbea the girl to death. The jury
was out four hours, and took two
Imitate. When it was announced that
en agreement had been reached there '
. was a general scurrying tor the de-
fendant, who was found in the of-
fice of his lawyer, George Raines,
There Wats a large crowd _ in .the
civet Mom. •
For the first time since the trial
began Dr. Kent showed, sign of ner-
vouseess. His father,. A. Dore Kent,
who hes Stood by bine throughout
the four weeks' trial, sat with his
erns armed the Haack of his son's
chair, •
Kent had his hand -to his faconnti
gripped bete ebeeke as if to heed
heck any show of nereetigness. Fore -
nen C. S. Teed, who• announced the
verdict, mid that the defendant was
guilty as eiterge&l in the indict-
ment, which is manslaughter in the'
first degree. The extreme penalty
le 'twenty years" Imprisonment.
Distrigt Attorney Warren gale; "It
le a itteumpb of law and order against
the effort • of a Weaved defenee.
The trial was a long one, and the
dereilee made the meet stubborn fight
I have ever known in a. Monroe
County Court, but I have at no time
been apprehensive of the resuult. It
wee tt clear caste end. the defendant
wee fertannee to eetapti indictment
for tweeter."
Attorney George Reinert sale that
ail 'tepee.' will be taken. De. Kent's;
father will take the cage to the
Court of Appeals.
hXe le confident that a, now trial
will be give -n_ an errors committee
at the trial. Kent wee taken to
jail to -night, and a certificate of
rearminable doubt hr to be appliee for
Kent in Jail.
Cheeriest', disheartened and lir An
exceedingly nervous: tendh bit, LeIand
Dorr Kent, of Buffalo, convicted of •
having caused the death or Ethel
Dingle, spent Sunday in the Monroe
County Jail and thought of the mor-
ew rind what it wonlil hilies
V6.011i61.t.fOrt. elm wee ttekeit to
• • es fade y, -It t.t1 10.1' 111011111d mt 1
All. They .tine a private inter -
seemed to be on the verge of utter
District Attorney Warren repaired
to his home at West Henrietta and
there spent the day quietly. Ho said
he was resting 'from the arduous
labors of the last four weeks.
"1 am satisfied that the verdict
Ls sound and that there will be no
now trial granted Kent," said Mr.
Warren. "The charge of judge Suth-
erland was an excellent ono, and
there can be no 'exceptions taken to
it by Mr. Raines, for at his request
'Judge Sutherland °barged several
points at length and gave 111m lie -
°Mealy the better of it. 1 do not
believe a new trial will be granted."
One of the jurors, whose name is
withbeld, said to -night: "There was
never for a moment any doubt re-
garding Kent's guilt after we had
heard the evidence. The sole ques-
tion welch was argued in the Jury
room was the count upon iviech to
return the verdict,"
Mrs. Kent Very 111.
Aceordtiig to a etatemout made
last eight by Dr. Begium Flood Keyes,
Mrs. Leland Derr Kent is suffeeing
from acute a result of
the N'ertilet found against' her hus-
band. Dr. Kane le attending etre.
•Kent, and ,E11.0 says it ma.y be a week,
or More before it will- bo positively
determined weather the dementia
will be pooneene,ea e • .
Yeeterday Mrs. I(nmmt was bysterleal
ant irrational, and 010 not recognize
those about lier. Dr. Keyes- says etre.
Kent'condition, Pet now, Is critical,
• a,nri the utmost care must be taken
to prevent her from becoming per-
manently deranged.
Tee Kenai, it appeared, had confi-
dently liciped for acquittal, in which
case Mrs. Kent had agreed to forgive
her Intsba.nd and resume their home
tire as it Was before 1Ime Kent -Dingle
tragedy. When the jtrry btought in a
verdict of guilty, the shook Is said to
have affected Mrs. Kent so acutely
she at once became hysterical.
Mrs. Kent's Condition Toelay.
The condition ef Mrs. Kent is un-
changed to -clay. Drs. Teepee and
Margo both stated toseay that her
mine was a blank, and that she con-
tieuelly calls for her husband, who
elm believes was acquitted. Both pity-
eiciasie say it is impossible to say at
this tomo whether she will recover
her intact. Absolute rest has been or-
dered, and no iserson, except the
nurses and physicians, are permitted
to see her.
11 11110111E TO 61111111N,
Rev, Dr, MacArthur on Sav-
agery in America,
• acw York, Mae 18. -Tee Rev Pr
Robert i. eleArteur preached last
night At Calvary, nattiest ()Lurch on
(SU 4.111111 theme of eavageee In Wee
sia and eavagery itt Amerlea. Though
he, be,gete with a better aeraigenant
or Russia for ties limes:acre tat Kiehl -
off, he devoted quite as much time
to a anuncuttiou of the lynoning of
deareee in this country.. He said that
a mob which kilied negroes: 111 this
eotietry was As bad es a mob wlmlah
killed Jews in Russia. The. °my els-
Met ion watch he noted Was teat the
outrages in 'WWo were the natural
development ef UM policy of crtr"lty
'eyetematically pursued by the Res -
man Government and encouraged
the authorities of the Greek Church
ti 'poise nutlet centimes. In outlier
lie smntI that he bad Mute:tit beeri born
meet a tenter of the Britielt flog,
anal that white tie loved the Amer -
loan flag with every drop of blood
in hie body, there \vas no flag in the
world so feir to men of all colors
gee all fattest WI t110 Bettis]) flag.
lieststreing the proper Attitude for
the United litatee to take In the press
reit emergeney, Ime said: "We have alt
Jaen startlee by the unspeakable
atrocities inflicted by the Russians
upon time Jere. Russia is the great
bear in the international menagerie.
It 1, the mediaeval barbarlem in tire
modern world. ia
Tee U. S. Goveffetent Must protest
in the name of humanity /malted
eitell amities. Jews, are elate, Wolieell
Melbourne, Victoria, May 10.- A
largo majority of the locomotive
clrivere and firemen who were recent-
ly, an strike are intensely diseatiefied
at the ears:ender of thew Executive
Committee to the conditions imposed
by, the Government 'bit the matter of
the resumption of work on the line,
Because of the objection thereto,
Premier Irvine oensentetl to waive
a coneition concerning the non -em-
ployment of certain men, and to em-
ploy all the strikers with the excep-
tion of the actual leaders, on short
time. The men stile however, object
to the conditions huposal, and they
have forihed a strong committee to
armee° for a remouption of the
la'ilk:(iend. ettes,e beta 7 conditionmires
• I
For the present the strike time-
table renutine in fore% and few trains
are running.
linli FtLI•ltibilied ter the Convicted Man
Pending an Appeal.
Minneapolis, Minn., May 19. -For,
nier Mayor Albert Alonzo Ames was
yesterday sentenced to 'six years in
the State Penitentiary. The former
Mayor was convicted of receiving
bribes from eundry" tvonsen of the
town in consideration of connivance
anti nrotection.
De...ernes, is 01 years old and shows
the effects or his trouble. Ills wife
accompanied him to court.
Breathless attention reigned when
judge Ellett announced the sentence.
Bondsmen were ready to provide bail
for the prisoner, so that ire might
have his liberty pending au appeal
to the. Supreme Court. .
Man Blind Mont Birth. itecevers
Sight by an Operation.
London, May 1.0.-.V man 30 years
old, blind from birth, had his eight
restored recently by an operation for
catatiact at a ella,sgow ophthalmic
institution, which Dr. Raneay de-
scribed 10 The Lancet. The first
thing the patient actually perceived
WAS the face of the surgeon. et
first Ito did not know{ what he saw,
but the surgeon asked him to look
clown. The sense of hearing guided
the eye straight to the source of
the sound. The patient then real -
Ind that this must be n mouth. The
first tomo lie saw yellow it' made
him feel sick., The first sight of
red gave him pleasure.
Mysterious Movement Causes
London, May 10.- The military
clubs this week aro filled smtlii whis-
pers of huportant Hereof: military op-
eratione en the frontier between In-
dia, itad Thibet. Reliable in e.leation
has beee received 'that a le tee and
inyeterittes expedition eutuposed of
'Naive Indian. troops, with a sprink-
ling or Tummies has been despatched
under command of a noted offieer.
Gossip at the clubs, is that the forte
is under orders to ewer on Into the
territory of the Grand Lama. Others
(say it is a menace to Ramie.
The operations are conducted with
extraordinary secrecy. The officers
and mon forming the expedition aro
even forbidden to write lettere horne
giving at clue to their deal -illation.
Enquiry, at the India. and War Of-
fices in Loielon is marled and no
information is obtainable; never-
theless it is stated the expedition
is despittchate ;though the purpose is
Reynolds' Newspaper prints tut
alarmist store that n crisis, feared
for years by, statesmen and military
num, is near ; that India is menaced
by 'Russia. Reynolds deelarefia
'The Government possesses know-
ledge In Asia, which may involve Eng.
land in war. Repeals frons Gilgit, 00
tho northern frontier of India, arid
eitalicar, or' tbio Tlebetan border,
sheet tatteenely state that 5,000
troops are beinghurried from vari-
ous Indian garrisons to frontier sta-
tions. Indian military; officiate are
acting under instructions from Lon-
"11 would seem Russia, is approacb-
ing the frontier SO close that the
Geoverninent 10 very anxious about
her movement's.
"Rawalpindi anti Quetta, the two
advanced arsenals on the north-
weetern frontlet', have been 'over -
healed, the garriamis doubled and
mountain batterlee Midded to their
Dad Combinetion.
eilite-Mary Ann lute a hat trim-
med with rooster feathers and One'.
Cyrus-11'mi norm gm welet weer
it in the ineetile house.
ellee-Why not?
Cyrus-Ileeauter that ain't the
place for Cala/tile anti elierriee.
es- — -
\Viten is leen like 11, ottleken
Wet% bidden hi the breast.
King Edward Held the Third Levee
of Ws Reign To -day.
Melbourne, 'Vlotoria, May 18. -The
railroad strikers by ballot tachy de -
Oiled by 0,11 overwhelming majority
to restune work 011 the Government's
-tereee. . , • x
King's Thira Levee,
London, May. 18. -King
heel the third levee of Ide reign at
Buckingham palace tossitty.
Wili Albenians Accept?
Conetart Ulmer; May 113, -The Turks
lab officials observe much reserve re-
garding the details •or the fighting
%Welt occurred during the advance of
the Turkish troops an Ipolc, Albania,
the headquarters or tee Turkish spes
Mai commetelon sent by the Sultan to
pacify the Alba,niana witieIt was or-
oupled May VL Several hundred Al -
0 00 now reported to have
been killed or wounded. The Alban-
ians, it is eecleree, have telegrapted
, to the Sultan eimouneine their eub-
elisslote and elatressieg their fidee
ley 44334 TOIJADOMI to accept the meta
serest sieeeseary for the pacification
of Albania.
Mrs. Bedford in Jail
Landon, May 18, -Mrs. Gunning S.
Bedford, who was arrested by detec-
tives from Scotland Yard at Queens-
town on Setarclase upon the arrival
of the Cunard line steamer UMbria,
ou which vessel she, her baby and
a maid were saloon passengers, was
chargesd in Bow Street Police Court
hero to -day with making a false de-
claration of a child's birth. She
wan remanded' and bail WAS refused.
Twelve killed in a Bull-Fight.
London, May IA. -A opeolal des-
patch from Madrid announces that
during a bull fight yesterday at Al.
g•ecirae, the exnetilibmatre cllapeeti,
and 'twelve persons were eilled and
thirty were injured, Several woiueu
and eltildren were gored by the bulbs.
A Chicago Doctor's Automobile Plunge
Into Lake Michigan.
Los Angelus, May le .--S. ranee_ "
meet, for the Presbyterian 'lettere.]
Assemble, which will meet here
next Thursday for a two weeks'
seselon, aro .about gompleted. About
700 commissioners were enrolled,
one-half of whom are laymen.
Many important measures will come
before the general assembly. Lat-
est reports show' 'that of the 240
Presbyteriee, 220 have voted in
favor of creed revision, cousequent-
Iy the report of the stated Meek
on the overtureSubmitted by the
latest. general assembly is already
anticipated. Tee first authoritative
ennoungement of the remit will
come from the moderator, the Rev,
Dr. Henry Van Dyke, at the open -
lug mission Thursday morning.
Locomobile Bat b.
Chicago, May 18. -With brakes
that failed to`work, it gasolene
runabout, owned and occupied by
Drh A. IC, Lowen, dashed down a
steep hill at 05th street last night
and plunged into Lake Michigan.
Fox' twenty or mere feet it skim-
med the surface of the stetter and
then, losing its impeua began to
plough below...When, it came tot a
atop It was forty feet otat froinz
the surface and was resting on the
lake bottom, at a point where the
water was eight feet deep.: Dr.
Lowen clambered. to the seat, and
with his head barely out of water
cried for kelp. A. k-ope was thrown
to him, and the physician and bis
machine was Bragged to sabre.
Bridgeport Authorities Confer on How to
Repress Strike Disorders.
Butte, Mont., May 18. -Reports last
eight tobt of a general snowstorm
prevalent throughout efontana, Itt
the eastern sections' of the State the
snow is wet and unless the tempera-
ture should rail the storm mvili bene -
bit the crew and the range. In the
north, liewever, a blizzard has been
raging since yesterday .merning, and
the 'Great Northern Company is ex-
periencing. considerable difficulty in
the operation of its. trains. Stock' Is
tuffering g,', I end eenskierable
sees among the sleep is threittened.
Istedgepores Itioting.h
Bridgeport, Celine Ares le. -Because
or yeetemlases serious rioting the
°etiolate of the Connecticut Railway
and Lighting Company made no effort
to .stat care on their linos li; tees
city early to -day, preferring to wait
Catholic Society Attacks Anti -('Jeri
cats With Fists and Canes.
Pelee, clay 10. - The threatened
anti -clerical manirestattons hi the
Peelle churches did n•ot come :31'EO:t-
ease The only serious; trouble oe-
eurrea this afternoon at Belleville
when a, priest entered tho pulpit of
a church there, a number of free
thinkers began shouting; "Enough,
who authorized you to speak ?"
Members of the Society of Who -
lie Youths., who wore present in
strong force. thereupon attacked
the menifestants with their fists
and with mum The melee quickly
heeame general, (emirs were thrown
ane women email shrieking. The
pollee were celled in, separated the
conetatante and expelled those who
had etarted the manifestation. Five
persona were arrested, and severe]
were lillare-1.
At Marseilles 5,000 people march-
ed through the streets Hinging re-
volutionary Bongs'. The crowd pro-
ceedee to the prefecture, where it
bandeci in a set of resolutions eon,.
gratuiating the Goveimmeet on its
attitude toward tee religions con-
gregations', and tees:reeling the se-
partio sti of tiro Citureh and State.
They 'Week Dui tia Strike, Hence a
New Haven, ('one., 11). -"if
they report ine it- "'eying that • they
state my vlowe very aptly stud with
fairness at present 1 don't rare to
ctiseuse the niatter further," said
Arthur T. Hadley, President of 'Vele
University, tostagbt, when talked If
he replied to a Trades Council cone
Miami :which called upon hire to -
Meat to ask him to .roeree six Yale
OtThlt'nts to''0(10140 worlclng as
eters. "The ebestitution of the United
States guarantees to citizens the
right to work, and those rights ate
poseessed by Yale students us well
as ether citizens," he continued.
11. G. NIP -hole and Frederick Grubla
a ceminitten appointed by the Trades
'Council In this eity, relied upon Pre-
rildent- Midler teed:eat at his home.
They remained nearly itri hem', and
lir. Hadley ear; that the eonterence
was areleable.
• Dr, Hadley replied, according to the
committee.: "in VOW of any position
011 preAlent of Ibo nievetaity, and
in limy of the fact that at the
funeral, reetietlee of roof. J. W. tobt,F1
until the queetion of potice protec-
tion was decided. neo consider this
matter 0 tneeting of theasolice cent-
miesioners, Meyer Mulvihill, Sheriff
Hawley and prominent citizens watt
arranged for to -day. 'Mayor Mulvi-
hill's alleged interference yesterday
with two deputy sheriffs who were
tryingte arrest et stone. -thrower was
afterward angrily denounced by Sher-
iff Hawley, who informed the police
commissioners that so long, as lie re-
mained in office the peace would have
to bo kept, and that unless the police
were able to cepa with the situation
he would take the reins of authority
and summon state aid without fur-
tber parley. As a result of the sher-
iff's representations a conference
was ordered.
Pending the outeseue of the con-
ference it was agreed that the com-
pany 'emelt] not send any ears out
of the barna lilt was quiet about
the city during the early morning.
the striking haekmen cotn.pelleti a.
non-union hackman to 'leave 'the
funeral prozess:on, and thereby break
his contraet, I do not 'see, just at
present, 'iny way clear to do as you
request. 1 am a. limn believer in the
principle that no contract should be
broken. It is a Wiling° of ivory citi-
zen, Limier the constitution of the
United Statea, to Kell his labor.
Therefore, I do not see bow I can
attempt to prevent anybody from so
Ono of the ,committee remarked
that Yale 'University wee favored
with coal as a public institution dur-
ing the recent coal strike, and that
elicit a. faV01' from organized labor
demands recognition. kresident Had-
ley aeked
" Are you sure .or what yon say?
le ycu ate 1 Khan be glad to have you
furnite pro"! of your assertion." The
committee reported later to -night to
the Trade e 'Council.
The report was received without
Winnipeg's Champion Burglar Given
Ten 'Years in Penitentiary.
Wieltileeg, MaY 10.-Itobert Ilene-
liton, eelf-eonfeseed housebreaker
and robber, was eentenced at the
Police Court to serve a, tenni of
ten years at hard labor in Manito-
ba Penitentiary. Hamilton admit-
ted having, robbed 20 residences in
Winnipeg and five in Brandon. Ott
telling the story of his life, Ilamil-
toh tatted he was bare bear Guelph,
and had been mews ti' his lite in
the Pacific Coast Staves. ole Joitied
the forces for South Africa DA Van -
caterer, and upon returning to Win-
nitteg last April was destitute, rte
then began hie robberies, and had
betel most suecessrul.
A Bad Break.
elileigo tawnier,
Too many people in these &lye, as
in all (Meg since the tlecalogue was
fleet puelished, regard the Cemented-
"mente emelt its Willie did 10 a curs
rent story:
Sunday School Teaehers-How many
eommandmente are there,
Sentele Sebeel Teacher -And sup-
pose you were to break one Of tbeen7
Willie -Then thereel only be nine.
The personal literal relation is.
twee Willie and the 'Ten Contented -
melte was lett in the aritlimetteal
aspect al the preposition. It le loot
to many grown -lips through Nome
sort of ramtl eolor Windrow,.