The Wingham Advance, 1903-05-21, Page 6.0411, ... _ ,. _-... ____ .._..- ----- _- ---- __ --------- --- - i. - " save your I,rvtI,% lit fri • t+l rroii2, a 1 Y T ti 1lt I t F« • ,sass y r yr .. ._ _ ..... . ,, yw...- t " . i ! it. Irl! _.. - .. ....M• tl fr f ISS OR 1, 0,3 ttu,tititl; ll IV., erica # - iI ,&sf. D SAS Pure soap pllV0 YlQc i . i' " ilXe , ia . t THEIR lGirranie r Win$!o_ bo4thsn gYr 'l lir t;rlPfiu was cuuei't,; #t•tvarr! ; r •ti j ( • . x o . .., :`:..a _ aAv rslRlt to 1V rk pi Alfa Soil.. #Ile words, ill Ll n ye * .. c u Shen +i s thorn lfvlttt her t tlotu a' t .t hill. tau to , • atwa bo used for 4hiidron 'ioetittng, ft 1i Art rpt*ak, anti I hint , F ,L. t ..mal ice ( , . •'..q Soap yQU have the t Ct. soothes the child, softens alto ums ouraa wlnti 'Iv1tother to laugh ti: tronible, r . , ` r, ! The , ot+ goctsw,nt, Of Mexico fail colic stns ie the beet Cdlnedv dr 1liurnc ea. A RANGE FOR CLEVER tvllteA) for hor. y,Iq IQ aktin 1410 laziest mortal udder 1 ( n It should be easyfor people who drink: delicious Blue Ribbon Red "haves yon seeu M;t.y rvk1vu ly, Ails • r t° M t , : 110 uil, We aaidolu leaves Itis. horns !.£ARN A PROFESSION P P t ,,,, o } i,. q bfil Zt»a to sa soiliethin * that will induce their friends to tr lit Ai 11Lltie , sltct asked, t;e err1. , her ; ! } , w . ;. 1 ' + . and auly nndor initb most Oxtraordin- , plumes n tI lar in Elia i. lilt breezo, * 4,; ar Ar.V alroumetnn000 pan he be luduo, .. l I' ' IN 4 F ' N DAYS - , Y her e,•ert searehin. RIalm-N fast;: sus- va :to, perrorin ashy+ ia;bor. It is very' by mail so ydt2 can malts from Frvtn TO rayl the marquis, P fors Blain= cttultl re- And wages double theist OC his own. b]lriDiQCIE A, HANSE`ttrpa.ticularAve. "I 0""' . difficult to Induce !type to o to a rb s1 iR1T t Cash "Mrs. ltradlpyt 1 1>ellrre ?" sattl of the re abilt> where labor is scarce 2 West 5 .$.545,00,e% ° t}v "`Will ytnt Ito Ft) mint its io }lt- dis'talet. Lar contractors have 'et Ave. North ' ` C 1 . g Th 8 .S. O they fore resorted to ab ex edient toSO" XXItICNSlirt Hamilton, CDrit. trodtlety nye, Alias D lit}lie , t' t .111A0hi Oft e p ------ V- .-Ar ]went -five cash Prizes wail Ge aavlyded in o de f mler't ( "Lord 1 ine.ue, 141r 1. I'r;tdlR;," PLLI- C secure l_zw)io They ge at g0 Asad en• „AD! t11 ENT 'ANTEa i to those t 'Th g iffin a Iattgus a3= *-- t Ask for rho OotaCo a Week's 1/aoat[Qn, gage A tvit ale village of peasAn try( Twenty-five I 'Pith griffin g.avc a rata.rt of as- front t11ft interior and move them qli, , sending 1n the best advertisements for Blue Ribbotl Reif Label Tea, tonishownt, anti swopt 'bili A. l;rfiI Sat, drink and be merry while men, women and chaldron, to the Aebblo the I+ootliglits.,,;, find courtesy• giving the digestivo apparatus a scene of 'their labors. The `velathyl ChicagoNows, a ' °'' First Prize • - - M $200.00 ! „Art' ,yogi looklug for your alo- healing, wltolesoma rest t ri ucliman Itas often to resort to. J&nk-Miss Slh&pglelgh maids her d4• " Second Prize -• d ., Si0,Q0 tor, Mrs. Ilradloy ?" Ile w -ked suave- It can be done by tete use of this expedlout to secure laborers to ° Fro`t,•WAY1(711lDjfi' licit las a burlesque slu08n least Jilgtlt. ,atKttxr avPPorrrt a c,. ' ]y. "Lot-ino help 3.Ott, I't't+ no Aaubt OR. VON STAN'S tie. worFors this osame tOnreasonto 1 Avery. Ton] --Did she come out with honor? t&W11; iAtrJUST1aA wo sliall find linin vers tiulekly." ranch of Bax dimensions In Afe$lea Sack -"''Yell, she didn't come out Third Prize - -• 40.00 I Tho gr}fflu d'I,1,a.s0Le.1 her leau clt>w PIN13APPLS'TABLEITs. S° with, any- top muoh,on her, , , i ! has several small villages span it; t' +> i. h 40 I til Prizes r)r).cc each IQQ. , ulwn his Arm, and absolukoty critg- Pineapple will digest meat in a ,t , . 0Q • which canslst wholly of people and A ittE0001N1?,FaD lr'Ati'i', - t Sancti with prt ie And satisfaction. [ dish at 1030, The rest cure is the their darnilies employed upon tits I4th to 25th, $5.QO each - -' 6o.QQ i As the marAluis lets hor away from best cure, the only euro fordyspep. raatlall. ^` Best SetMar sxtre Stmporter and waist Adlustty the lover's Iddlug plane, lit, looked . Sia, That's the whole story except As 'torp MexleaInt peasant is ..careless spar Introduced, '.less at tight. Good profit, llaok over his ehoul•trr and salt] In ! that thalarsZatablets dt calicos the Pers, ao he is caro- smod 2s coats for tiaeple and terms to agents. g about money, matt It is universally conceded that to Bttt(W1 & CO., DEPT1. iI„ TORONTO. 500,00 - a low voice: ; small ones tone up the digoatlpr less about everything lie does. Veryj ...__-.___ " W'll you wait for Just a minute?" - apparatus. --Price 85conts, - rarely, li" lie any intor0st 'n l iiq properly appreoiate a trip to Now In addition, beginning with the week ending April 4, a special Elaine staid neither. yes tier no, and work, and so It is us;tulltyl very, bad- USE weekly prize of g.oa will be given to the one sending in the best scale no slt;n, and fila nowt moment lyi clone, He cannot understand wbyi Work or Boston, one must take the 1 0 0MILE GREASE May crept u behilld her tart] peered advertisement during that 'week, making for the nine weeks $45.00 after theist with friglitened II Dr. Agnow's Catarrhal Powder,, anyone should watt to hurry, or to ]lest road, Thea road Is the New do more thAn'he actually, has 'to do, York Central, ! it Was by i~qunl in special sizes or rand total of thin -four cash rues $5 5 " ]Elaine, what a good-natured mant ' opens °t now tuunal in a choked up Ir p!ou leave lllln alone and expect Mnnufnoturod only by P prizes, }a` y P • • 1 I t tµi GrA Ibl P3 tt MFC. CO. And that's the mar gids 1 I cant be- nostril and lines it with a new num- him to work In our absence there • '• _• ; ED CONDITIONS r.l laevo it. brace, In ten minutes will relieve - also ninetrr-nine clia,nces out of 100 A Very Hard Substance. of HAMILTON, QWTARiO. " He's a brick and a Jolly, good cola or catarrh or onto the most , that .you 'will be mistaken, In all For Bale by all loadiu ca ist. No professional ad. writer, not anyone connected directly or indirectly with fellow, whoever and whatever he III obstinate hoadaoho. A quick cure- p rrobability lie will sit. iUnvn and pat- Exchange. the Blue Ribbon Tea Company may compete. said young Locke. with boyish on- a aafa euro -not a 610emedy. 17. ' iently*• wi,l't tar your return, and Tommy -Pop, a diamond will out 2nd. Advertisements must not contain more than 5o words, and shorter ones are thuslasm, t smoke the Ingvitatble oigAr to Nass glass, will it not ? mayAx May i O J preferable. "Run, May !" said I:1&'no. "ltutg - .* ' a away; the time. 'Wommy's Pop --Yes, mY son ; and it 3rd. One of the prigs used in packing Blue Ribbon Red Label„Tew-there are while her back is turned ; and you, ' I As 'lite ptatasaatt is with his work, has evert .been known to make an , _I Hamilton to Xont- two in each package --must be enclosed with each batch of advertise• Mr. Locke, had hotter go through the so lie }s with his family} And his Impression on a woman's heart. - t tgt apoi" rna,oements sent. next doorway to the supper -room:" Ten Freeepk.,. home. Ill most cases, thou It lie loves4th, The competition closes June r, rgo3, antiall competing advertisements must (rhe 'two lovers managed to .clasp S , , =Turontn tE,Dl 311. 0, reach one of the following addresses on or before that date. glands for A moment, and loop Into Pilau precepts axe Set forth for them in 111s limn Tarry', he takes no M1mtl,rd a Liniment Lumb1. mans , t Ints le dtIs Ia isi girth each other's eyes, then fled, and young women in the glrls' issue of thought of thein. The It3te has there- F1CIeWc1, t - Alco to 1ntQrniedlate )rants. Afenis nndherth dere to exert herself to 'matte 'both Included. ttautet a leave Alondays and - Blue lkil ison Tea Co., 'WitnniPeg, i'd' an Elaine was left Alone, , . I Northwestern, the students' Publtoa- ends meet and she generally does. Used to Such Treatment. Tliul'sdays in luny-Ilanititon 1p m.,Tc,ron- N.0 , Blue R.ibbIDlfY ' e Co., 'T`csr nt : ont. Aliould she trait as be had asked tion of the Methodiest University. [ to 7.10 p m Furtherintnrmsttion apyss to h r ? 1Shy should she? What right A'Gorman clergyman, who -was tragi agents of IT, F08T Ic CITAF1711 ', testern Blue 1.i i'bon Tea Co., Vaneouver, Bi. C: ,had be to ask her ? Was lie pin Mills Edna Bronson is the 'young ttiLtfdrd, 4th Aug., 1895. veiling, stopped At a lintel much I passenger Agent n & 0 Torrtsttn. to ask her to dance? She had. Al-- tvODI who trained them, and here MiESSRE. C. C. R.ICltidilDB & CO. fequented by wags and jokers. Tiro i - tb, No person shall be awarded more than one of the main prizes, but may also r, + host; not being used to having a , " S P P , y most resolved to go when he Dame they ttt-e: '11t1ou adluaJt not be illy Qen•4lemen,-ills{ noig'ltlbor s boy, 4 I -. take one or more weekly prizes, toward her. ONM god. Tlhou sella ,it• not make for Years o1d, 'fell itt!to a 'tub of boiling clorgYlPan ti • his tablo, looked at him ; 6th. In case ofa tie, decision will beAbased on all the advertisements submitted I- - You have waited;' he ' said. vatsr and got scalded fearfully,. A with surprise ; the guests ,used All +t . by the competitors in question " It was presumptuous ei mo to th.visalf ,gods of clothes, money, III few dare utter. his legs swelled 'to their Vaillery of wit upon liltn with-. - I .,A Mr, H, M, E. Evans, of the Winnipeg Telegram, has kindly consented to judge . ask you ; but you see I pre- position or high marks. T,ltou shalt three limos tQtell nattural silo land at eliciting a remark. The clergy- FKVZNDALC i ,the advertisements and award prizes, bumed As a fellow -conspirator. Your cattalkfoT th°ice of talking- bl g° out in runrrhig sores. His play» man ate lila dinner quietly, appar- . . jfriend is A ✓pretty little dirt, and tq°anlp'g cathing and saying path- crisis nontld get ntatlring to help elm ently withurut absent lug tit° SlbOs 'Liss ; ; Ali advertisements Haat fail to win a Pritte. bat wltaicih the young fellow. is a nice -looking Ing Retmember The training of 'thy till I recommended MINARD'S LIN, seers of his neigh•bars. OnO of them, ! ` are good enoadh to be accepted :for pablicatfion boy, Are they ver toted of each childhood. Be not as w -m or thy, AMC,NT, whtcaat, after using tw0j at last, In despair at his for,boar- I C ) will be paid for at the rate of $1.00 each. other ?" Y. fttther aa7f1 mAther when they conte bdt'Lles, completely! cured him, anct ace, s3raaid'to him a . , dei • ' He had drawn a chair forward Aa to visit tllee-nor of the girl from I l,nlorw of veveral otther cases around' Welt, I wonder at your patience. i ! ; / _ Unless expressly requested to the contrary, we will consider ourselves at liberty he wars speaking, and Elaine sat thine own town who did not make a' here almost as remarkable, euirefl Httvo you not heard all that has / to publish the names of prize winners. p g' frac, thou sltailt Iaot kill time, ,Chou 1 b the time sLlname#t; nand I been said to you?" , I . , _ _ _ - _ down, As if she had been ordered to A "good advertisement should be truthful and contain an idea brightly and sihralt not sack after 'the attentions t stts,n ,ta,.n;ly} !sem I never iliac- " Oh, yes, but I am trace' to it. S?a ' forcibly expressed. A bona fide signed letter with address and data from one who 90 60. y; , she said' ; "or I would not of the young miOn-lot them do t[re ' died a medicine welch hits had as yoat know ;v]to I axis ?'r 1 . has tested the tea, is a good form. An advertisement for an article of food should - _-„ seeking. gLllsou shalt not sten.' thy gtood a Bale or given such! universal • ,, 1. No, sir'' The ®Id ReIiabae Rei'i lady , not associate with it, even by contrast, any unpleasant idea. The best advertise- ''I sea. And .why are they aTraid neighlbar's w.orlc. 21hou sJllaJt not lie , satisfictioln. i Well, I will Inform you. I am , went is the one that will inducer the most people to Ary the article advertised. , -'I ,eAtelssalt'lly. Thou I3livtlt'snot covet 1 I M a chaplain, of a lunatic asylum ; Snell for Spavins Ringbones, Splints, of-tho aunt, didn't you say? (✓tar barrow) tjio, ii ghbor at finery, rantarks have 'no effect upon me.' Curbs and al( fonns of Lameness. The . . ' Mr. Looke,1s very poor, sire said, General M'erclhhn,t.' use o n single bottle may double the sell;ntr "and-•"'•' __ To prove ter yon;,thab Dr. Ask for kllnard's, and taker no outer. price of your horse. . eeli your IatBpiratioar, in a Cusp of lf$itae "Locke? A son of Sir William's, a Chase's ointment ieacertain Alartning Figures. i Ralabon itctb ILabe1 'Pea and t1>,ae younger son. I see I And because,he Piles and absolute cure for each N. Y. weekly. Ci00D FOIL P1VElRY'rHINC3. yours. .. poor the girl is not to marry, him. and every form of itohina, Could Have Waited. ' UR, n. J, ur•,NDALL CO., . }►lioxtey t. 3-o+u P,'h bleodfngand rotrudin pilus. Old Lad I feel owful nervous. ATO p Y- A' certain saburbanitet, was ascus•+ Dear Sits u •in Galistoc, N.M., June,k r9o,. They, want to sell her to a better you surCi we won't have any aCCI- YiE1 Ihavo Leep using your Kandall's $Vnvin Cnrc for some _ market!" i the rntals in the da have ss and ask yo. rneigh- . timonials in the daily press and ask yournoi h d°1Nts ? tomes to bring]tome some Ilttls Te- - cmc, t use from lesiva to fipoon hollies a e ok and Mid-' Elis tone a mixture oY sadness and borawht4tthoYthinkofit..Yoncanuseitand membranes for his little girt, who 1 Ieaaralcutsend`iswelliingspi h Va twozhwdea - `• ria, .,,,: Jil14'9t1 t51431, IN 511`1: . = ,'" ma=y' bitterness, and 17latne, looking up,. stet ourmoneybackitnotcured. Gooabox,ab nduetor (land oY shatistics) - always ran tip to hitn and put 1101 ; - head of horses in MY Care, - acct his eyes tiled upon her search- all healers or EDMANSON,Bs..Zr-s & Co.,T•oronto, Every person who rides on it rail- hand 'n his pocket, tiapontant'1 1 and hisoso ase tamp for your "Treatise on the Horse _ _..._ . . __ _______ _ . - -_-______ _-___..._._. - ..-_.-.-_ t way takes one chance in 1,49!1,91.7 p y I '3 ttl- ":tt"r - VM- I r,k d ,rd -r,,, tea,, CS ing}y. Dr C11as s Ointment Gh+a,'ncerr 01' being killed. Once, however, he was delayed,and , : Yours vety H. W. LAIrD. - ..W+ .............g.s....,...... "Pear .woman, T pity her !-the I Old Lady -La sakes l Weiy didn't at the last moment found that he Thousand's of Men report equally aunt, I mean, She Is one actin ae-soca or Qw `- only'acting I Bob's73ob s Appetite. ;that rascally agent tell me s0 he• could not catch the express train` odor results from Its use, trice o r nal, ssk cording to her lights, and in har- fore I bought my ticket ? that lie mlwtays took If he stopped to ' you liniment dr ggieti P rat{ondailstfins nvinequaio; also 1lLely ass9 many with the prevwalling code." I3o During ilia dinner hour at a certain - purchase anything. 'When upon his I ' A Treatise on the ricrac," ills boob free, or The jlip a of was silent a moment, then Ile said, ' large works some of the men were 7 r arr}vat home his little dail'ghter - - address 1i "Am I beeping you ? You want to ` diocuss}vig market -gardening as a HO W S THIS ? stat tad to put her hand ill his'poo- - OR. B. J. KENDALL Co., ENGSGURG FALLS, VT. 1', ofiteble)lobb Severn] of thorn had be dancing . Pit' Y• we eller One Hundred Dollars' Reward for kat be shook his hoa..l. "'No," said Elaine' "I hays lost allotments near at 'land, and each, any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by „I had to disappoint g A TALWOF WOMAN'S LOVE AND this dance." ' r • of course, considered teat itis *own $all's Catarrh Cure. pp nt yau+ to -night, Pelan rticular plot of ]ground was the i F. J. HENRY & CO., Toledo, n. dear,'! lie gala, and seeing her qu'lvt• . WOMAN'S PERFIDY ,JI .0 ,Sas .tsl "Will you lot me see your card?1,1. st• kat "I think to self," rotnarked' we, the unaerslgncd, have known Ie, v. aging lip he v.ent on;hetasked. p Y Cheney for the last IG ears and believe him arvv.i..,.....+,,..w.i....,+...................n...%r" + +'+ + ^. + + ,Sho ve .It to Itim, inartiai 'bystander, on being ap' erfectl honorable fn all buslness trans m w.tt•s ma way, At the J•ase I 0 _ 1 .. + p y momenta man came into my office .y" , p y -„ , t i Xau aro etlgrlged for Hoax- best to, that old Jim IC --,a s is too actions and financially b ley able to carry out any The• ten minutes: elo uatod tarn•• • denly see felt Uhy's hand upon her ly! every dance, I see," he said. f best bit•" «` Slyest !" sttoutetd one of obligations made by their firm. which leapt mea later than irsnttil and r . g i "Tilers is one luta vacant. I can't the moll• Ill coa,rantee to eat illi Wnsm a Twmx, Wholesale Druggists, To-. I only Just had time to catch my selves; sift could hear faint mar- arm. Jim Mess in the lace I" At that mo- ; led O, 0. train. Not. if I hard stopped as Y v g murs of the two lovers she was be- its the ten minuteEr up, deur?" she ask you to, fiance, it would be.too' P' wALDrNo, KraxeN a MAuvw, wholesale „ mem. old Jim X-- himself a eared, I Drugglste, Toledo, O. usual to of you something I would I °v e friencling and abetting; she saw the l ssa}tl in a rapturous whisper. "HOW" cruel ; but if you are not engaged PP g' Y - ,, , t, - p P I shall look for you. Perhaps ,you Aura at once took up Otho challenge. Ran s Catarrh Cute Is takon internally,aet• have had to wrilt an hour for an - man to whom she had engaged 1mr : good you liuve been! Gerald and I ' will like to rest.;" TJtonlgh, he added, In doing oro I Ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- other train which would have lnnde s. self for this dance wandering about I will never forget it, and -If I „ didna• think ye wad turn cannibal, puce -76l per tem.. TeSti o nII centdrugfree. the get home,;too lata for dinner." ... with the disconsolate air of a man a Sho stopped suddenly, and stnrecl 1 Are you tai going;th to dance at gob I" "Capnlbat 1" ejaculated Bob. + P Hall's Family Pills are the best Itis daugoter thought A moment de:nlyho hsbel became awarepartner; of a buzz, her he d, found the mt rElaine, g uis by herr i °d' 1 As sasltO Efealed li st en fhb mlight said t e a her drybr. " iy, u vdn don- -!, a" said; 11 , a atir of surprise and oxohemesnt• also. She tried to greet him with 1 mistake the question for An invi- key's down yonder I" Fond of Variety. Well, papa, I could baave waited. \ 1 that peoullar movement and expres tattan; -but he seemed to under - A smiles , would Indifference,' but 'Elmira Telegram. lets'] of r crowd welch the report- tea smile wpuld not come, and she stand. r + lies Ifinard'•s Liniment in the U"he Damsel -But this is such a 'DEAD Fi.Ip5 Ti[CIiLE NO NOSJ-h- erCa debcrlbe as "a sensation.' " "No t Tlien wily Nave yaat comet p it is the little worries that both- [ could only t>seemd her hand cold d you mean to ask," ho said "That house. queer, unromantic way to propose to She saw lite dowagers and other elle neo that seemed ,almost cold and would be a difficult question to a girl, Air. WoI1tIp. In the daytime, 'th 1i anti nothing is mar°.'annoying roomott•ere tart the upper enc' of tit_ repelling. answer. 2 fount it so when your tr and on the way, to a syuburban train I tlhian to iliave3 flies buzzing all r, they 4 room stare ,at tea entrance, visci L+'lif„ratae by bliss Duskam. y then" then "sire you surprised to see Die, III cousin ut It to me, just now." The Widower I know it, Miss de 3".'Qu, settling first ah our ear, - -• i ;;, pat their heads together. ttn:l p 'p ' do r no or face, plarticularili beard a man near her, but Ignorant Miss I]elaine?" Jio said, his dark "Lady Blanche?" she said. took- Nothing sucaoedis like distress. :Ivfulr. I've generally proposed whilst of her proximity, exclaim: g w:ilen lvaa tva'nt to rest, To ttrushi ® ® t ekes fixed oat her with an ex Ing at her lafiyshlp as she gllAled ti 7yirdl in the Ilett Is worth two in taking a moonlight rice° with the "No ! It can't be., by Jove! Well, I'tu orree. Th is useless, they: return air , , a Sion difficult to describe; it and the past At the moment. "Y(ri2 know ¢h° cage• i girl, but I thought'I'd go at ft d1[- air ce, The use of '4Yilsonfs I'ly Pada - but it }s, though I" tone of his 'voiao seemed to Indicate very well ?'" ferent this time, Just for variety. e • a ► a i; Thinge are sometimes what they is,tptle anti* sure busy, to get rid of the t , Roused from her reverie, she put a pleasure, ,Thick .he was trying to "i know her yes„" ire said. "I ' seem• i l'i'ttle eats. Buy; a packet •and cloan, the curtain aside, anti so gained a conceal. went last year for some shboting $lords of a feather occasionally pre- 1 Lever'aY-Z(WicseHead) Disinfootant Soap y a.re Blouse in a few hours. , ; i ' a a view of the entrance, and saw a tall. "Surprised?" faltered Elaine. "Yes. to; Del&in e.. You speak as it you Por .ta flock apart. ; Powder is a boon to any home. It disin. figure stane:ing before the stewards, Did you not; say that you never went scarcely know: e'er." Yea, cannot lxlous0 your waist and feats and dleama at the same time. m ' who had evidently"flocked forward to to balls?" "I never sate her till to -night." And have it, tsar .Test Fun' s b t receive, him. , , Cooks Cotton Root COM Otlii ,, "I did. I to not,' ti rest %lig d, 'said Elaine. % She heti too need to look twice. It " I had rdo intention until Iasi night He leaked daw,a at her and then ice° parquet Is not paved with LtaallirtR Ultder the 'W'rong Bed. Johnny -How old was Ttlgi:3luselall, ]Ladies Favorite, ' was the marquis. Tdio fan suddenly of coming here, but suddenly I bt: Lady Blanche, as if he fully uu- good intentions. philadolphia Ledger. auntie? I Is the only, safe, rellablA became motionless In bar hand', and thought how ,good it would be to , derstow, Sbe laughs Ileet who IRughs least. .,P r old Miss Maden came near Au mile -Nine hundred years old. _ "- regulator on which woman gritting hortsroU in trduhte last night. "And haw., old ares you, &•untie?" can depend, in the hooti she knew that the color had lett her see' =he paused a second, and though ",Sbe is very beautiful." said Elaine. 'HatldsomR isn't unless handsome g ,,, „ /"- and time of need." face. His presence was so unex eeted hc+ had. bot oken the word, it seen' -i "Yes," he admitted soca. She stat -ted, according to her usual •i111drty, 13 clllld. re' Prepared in two de6rees of that it nap almost like an ppari- ed as, If 11fa eyes said "you t"-" a, quietly, Virtue is its only, reward. - lidlilt, to look undergtlie bed--'' "'11hem papa _reckoned wrong by t strength. No, X Anti No. 2C tion, and It affected hf!r very mush numbter of people who should be Icy `I,, 'baitt'tt perfec ly he sself-possessed, nt as cif If you trust to things happening "Yes, yes. Well?,, d t you nh old and A& Me,thaaelat "rs. He IsNbyifarothe beatydolta. as an apparition would have done. neigh%ors, enjoying tbemsulves, And-' he were y Well, hes deed at the time ]tap- y gutta satisfied to stand .tea will• pond to be an upper berth In . a ! over No. 2-Forspecial known. ases IO degretll Sho Servide back behind the of ho wHl), I came: tvithaut all invitation, : 'there beslcl0 her without makii.ng Don't whine and look tragic and ,. Jeiss-Is Silas so very plain -looking 7 . atif?, deaf,now to ills murmurs of the tf>o '• he. added with a smile ; "but sleeping-car, tatxonger::7..k sur d per box. 7ovet•s. watched him. any effort At conversation. But adfT to the walght of the world. ,T,els7s-Wc1ll, I sieve's think so. Wiry, ' y4,cHos--agk your druggist for Coolcfa they tet m0 in. ,Why aro you ,not Elaine's self-possesslan felt short the girls who went to school with ! Cotton Boot GoInvouatd. Take no other In his evenhig dress lie seemed al- dancing ?" ' of this .nigh standard, and site was Old pe epic cannot know how we ills own reflection shames lite man , , Inr(716.t a stranger to her. Bile had al- May Sprang toward them a,t lite 1 try'n to think of sometltiln to feel when love first comes to. its. whose face is branded with Eczema. Lethim item wouldln t even let her appear in as all pills, mixtures and imitations are g g I photaRraph, ta,kem of all the dangerous. No. 1 and No, 2 are sold an ways, assotsimted him in her mind with : moment with a Iaint cry of alarnt. say, yalt #bantling to express same I wanted, wliqu I married, to eome anoint Cerate Inflamed llsnbl skin with Ncav- r recommended by all druggists in the Do - the *W.1 -worn salt of tweed in which " Elaine: ElaJup-1 The ,griff}n. Slie colttmon• Iimlcer ^tvlten a voice on the ! into peaeo. er's Syrup. pupas.anin}on of Canada. Mailed to any address! she had seen him on both the ocea- is coming ht>ri Uh !" other si of the curtain was heard You curd your set -one knows you ., on receipt of rice and four 2 -cent posts" C -I on which they had met. Sho hits , It Isovtids funny to Haar you talk- i ptamgs„ The (fools: company, Tit, marquis looked at tim ituxt- , to say . alud yet one doestt t. Mlioro seems to Feminine lYisloin. ],nig that way. When you were at NVIndsotr, ..Qst%, thought h'ni distinguished -looking; rets 11tio ftt. a and tht.n at I,,laln,, " Rum -thing his coming here be, so much lieu don't tell. college you didn't believe 'n eternal _ _ _ them ; 511e felt now tbxt in the regu- questioningly Chicago Tribune „ --- - - -•a his w- lotion social 1 tlli,ly ;then he saw the young tu`-night. I'IO etas never been , !a mallear of fact, tivha cares ' •• How did you ever manage to got pumisrllanent at all. ' -President Roosevelt and his wftEf garb he towered above fellow In the batik *round, and smiled. here betrore ; never been among us I know, but. I didn t have a.ny ane- , his fellows, with that air which birth 1, r„ , g for lila rgtlews of ysster-year ? rlsi the good lido of that crusty cid • „ mot each other for the first time In I sets, tt conapbacy . ha said. at all,ln fact; and he hasn't oven had tipateii In Rome we should do as ort. , ng st ixe as It were without "What etas `this young InI Iwon the, politeness to answer the invi- the Romams don't, undo of yours?" asked Fan. _mleFs' thellr, r-- I the nursery, , t,ttd played at "horses. "red elm the things he ''ked when ., and trundled their hoops together; He doing, Miss Elaine ? And why are tatfons we've Always sent him. I do It lip sometimes -too lata to mend. }ie came to visit us," replied Nan Do you allow; 'drunken peoplo on ` , and by Miss Caron wAnt to Ells- 7rmpon ling ttclstth(I It.ivtlitieen < f the yE>u abetting her, 1nay one a:ek ?' wt>ntlar, what ha has come for 1" flood bums sometimes needs a )lush. "The good side at any man is Ills alta trail' ?" a,skeci a fussy clergyman j rope to finish her txluaatiori, arcs stewards with*a p0;ite, hulr-wearied K; rl19111Loekt< backbtottho balcony. ud and t1 t It as i wtinwntoci u)>anlo of t Elaineartliat 1>l© Xt is poesi'hle, to have too much, of inslde." t ata.day, York elevated station. the Roosevelt went to college, and whon emlla; then ho made his way slow- " Thls is a very dour friend of i was alluding; :to the marquis, her a good thing. , ; . , "Sometimgg, but mot when they, rare he Lett it td begin his career he mar+. Iy toward ilio upper end of the roam. mIne, Lord Nairne, a1d--" face grew; hot, and she endeatored _. Mimanrda Liniment is used by, laity- too drumk," replied the brakeman, tied a Miss Lea, tvh0 flied throe As he went slowly between tits " I undorfitamd," fald the mar- to speak, to say something, anything, Vortrt late boys, etoianih ' . I t "jwst take a ,seat near the middle of years ]ator, leaving him a widower darleors and lite promenaders, he q tis, with a •swift glance at May's ; bul she seemed itneapable of uttering Chicago News. t,bo car a,nrd keep glAot, and you'll Or with one little girl. T,ttOn he came looked to right !and left as IP in downcast blushing face; "and she, a, word, Uncle Charles- Bloys, how, can you A New Standard of Hotter. be all rl,gh;t;' I I' , across Miss Caron again just by. search of some one, and Elaine no- will got into Ali;gra oo wraith; this lady i "Yes, it's strang;e," replied the associate with that Thinks boy ? I The tworst side of the Prussian , chance. All these years she had Itleed that even as he Volved over who is coming=' i Inam the steward was addressing. understand lie's the worst scholar. spirit of arrogance was brought out A man who insists upon occupying' been faithful to her first pinafore Lady Banister's hand els penetrat- "It Is 'ter aunt, tifr 1. nradlev," "Perhaps lie has come after Ladyl in; the school. in. the . Ilussnor-Hartmann Case, two seats In a railroad train ought I love. ' 06 lie married her, And they, Ing eyes seemed to wander beyond snip Elaine, quickly. "Oh, dear, 1 Blanches They say ilial they were Willi°-IIuil I If it wasn't for h}nl which is now being tried by court- to feel like a cannibal when he is !h true story -book style have )Iva her isdysll}ns eyeglasses. what shall we cls? She will take Very thick he was down At the , martial. Tits story is this: Two, eating pork. happy ever_ after,, ' me or Tommy Ind be at the foot of . • Holding the curtains round her, May ]tome, 'I'm 10,Traitl.t' earl's place," the class, bcysr Flussn g and Hartmann, were I . ; ..... I . -, I'`. - Maine watched him closely, and Tho marquis nodded at M!ay very' "perhaps III assented the other, al sallootgtOgOtilar, and were, prob- `1. Presently. sats Lady Blanche glid- much as an -elder brotlrter might i in cheerful ignorance of his prox- ably, very good friends, Hussner ing toward him, _ studied for tale navy, passed the, ltrtvfs done : amity to the roan of whom he was 'Jim what it W,ag 2S yem% Opt The live stood talking together for "otic n,way, and ]tide," j1c said to ; talking so freely,. "'lilt I don't fanny(' necessary labs mtthlril;Ittinanenrth,a to aa. minute✓ or two, aft If they were old 'lest in a low voiee 1. Then to I!Malno,'. that that'•s it, somohow. He only, y✓ - that lordliest rasa Kipling, a 'German "elft- &bs Oil ' lriencls or acquaintaneos; then snd- "Intrddtileo me to the lady.+ Wa wilt1 stR ed a ntfnlate or two with herdi t n ear. iiartmann, under the national _, lur,p naw po now n it a is as teas; eared. p s l4tenl of universal military service, - . Apo • .i y ., 11 HAsta, terrible badtlottterIsthe mar -I C p `t was dratted into the army. They a pP E,- . l)id ou Naar that last story! • ,1 W * Ln met ca.sui ly, botch being, of C>olirse ,Is lriiSlavve. a , j'l :T q y. ,Q 1n uniform; and Hartmann, del[ghtee v , .i about him that came Clown from ! to aeo iiia old school irlond, apllar- = - ' ► "" Landon ?" 1 T1it prompt, sure cure foe I , ` 1 ontly forgot for the moment what / t trf AND r e s`e' ;., _r., I. , ,s 'Elaine rose, her Il cAu tit In her i „ p q s7v b'a sI►d' +1 i .ice 1yg discipline required of tiim, and gtatta a ' ,« - 1., teeth liar face ale and red h .1=. ..• . .rya • I `'+ , ,- p • Y ' airy . 1 - a ntatan to aatakc hands wttlt $uss- - ".a a i tt[rlis; but ilio marquis c11tT not aT>• F . ner ; then, remembering himself, turn- = Prke 25.9, and 506, :. • r- tris i r tl +`" cera:. - pear All angry or even embarrass- i M eft a -gesture into an imperfect salute. = t i gs - f ed and leaned arainet the window of "5 :r."• r tl t y "• r<i , tbYtlihE nitr Lot of tUcxlal russktn j't IorMssi e. , . ' ' If "'Won't you wait and hear ter f..: e ffiver, was niortnily outrag;od, kind, r - uito as mach at Ills eas0 fas before. t No Cheap p ixit istas go (I s;.l 11 _. ,_ story ? he saki, In a ttnv clict - .4 . drawl ills sword, and remarking, , ,, ,I. ,arts,,,-lw,I ,I Ii:N.d: t n as P,amsa 1S Paitats nor is thexcxa good, r "It Is sure Ito be entertatn!np', : 1 ' ",%'bell Itir,Lw any sword, blood must g , y i o I r ,1 even it not true. A% they have fir;w t" Ito rrau his okl schoot friend Paint SO cileap. - g;ona l That's tL pity. 13110 -»fie Mauls- . 'Wlhy should zoo+u pa zr tIlrough the body. IIia school Irlend- Dick's Blood Purifier 14,d And his faen suddenly became Ctc to G5c for your I t>ralulttly died, itnd Lieut. Hussner, I Bvery can andlevery', ',color J1a&tJ1e •Sallee; I , t $ l serious And moat• storn--"will You ' gaing Koine, as promptly wrote to is the best Tonic for ,. r tpr be ang*i if I ask ,you a questlem ?" t an►avtlsxs Fend tn tier. •ou A lilt) mother of the flecscaaed, III T F high quality. ri - S Maine `tried to souls, and tl}rl I tilt» Weave it :rottrselr t 'hat ht) had klucAl tlgr soon for the y, - r cattle E d t<. - Sendusa.portenrA,atnent{ jai•ar!txt:s,{sa,,s!rtand iv6'it art+ET onr i aftnage to lot)k tit him. I At e. boot of 2a"C to 65c ' honor of the I>russiau sorvlee. Ap- y ; ELI ,; eA " What Is Il.?" she said. "'Iliad I >arently there are several dtlferent i , bo>klet ehovirng Itow•tra3me b iitlfed 4eges are painted'wltha oft: ! „ ,per t'ota . ' l ,. It puts cows in petfectbtaith, and increasca - ints, - F'IiKY not prcrmiso to ciflstvt)r ? ! i 1<lrnis rrt lienar In the tvoritT, aLncf - - '_ _ 1 "Yoll sliall fl<> ae Von pleawwl", lin ! I build seSelkirk t better fellednce on Ila pG.st:s.hine hail r :(!ut. iiussnor rrpresrnt HR/1n Of 1 -. (1 , the flow DICI 's f vtlts i710T'JC9 9 al7tlaatit glossy Coat r; A. RAiNISA !` fA SON- X'atittt rtea.ise a„ MOIIT128flaT.. SII 0,1143. Do y(m think that that gen- , you iruy tvad woven. cttsr 9eee1 Gates I . Xhem. It will be Intp_resting" to setl b y , :G i tlenlan's t;tlpposittall% teas tllss ril!;ilt' •, site Strong, Yvitimble end Cheap, Al. whether his Imp,rhil mastrr nut' and t ,.',,lute life and spirit into tiihtu. rias thoutxic improved Yor trys;, tlsky std no , Try a pliCltsage `with smy run.clo*n ariJmo,J '. ! Orlin; that I Itnvo etYnin all tlfe way bearer then Inferior gates great etrt.inplar will acqult film, I 1 tri' 31iLretlE'ld - Pltoulel ilio maurt-marital take an gou•may havb ami 7011 wr`il be convinced. - at A Iuvrnen#'s not- + i write for a ralnlorut. : - w leo to see, Lady Blanche?" 'trl4il ulpatt 1+"imIIC,+J CA• a% ,me C'ourao A:td sttntfsneo ititn to t9tf 6reetEs•ai pdeok6lyb,, ' Z ialne enthral. ' t .e .. Vt►,yl]l.^..t?Ur iSntc a rete'. months' Impriloolnuent.-•-liar•+ LIMMIK I, MILrb & Co., A411INI ft3, MONTREAL III im Is -✓Alm ,wra.y( - Ird+.rw+lreeli► 'illi► Tt9 'ioiltilitYsail. , ?1 1,11111.11.1 b erMrd pori' 'Weekly. , , t.I. . ' _._1_.,__ _._._..,m..o.• __._--.. _.. -.-..._.sass-u---' _...---._. _ _ _.-