The Wingham Advance, 1903-05-21, Page 3A
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, , , I ,� . . . � I I . ''; Awfflowwwow
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I wivancing ulftrisot. during a., ni 1 "N'T CARL� L H 'f
i Or ilia first wovenient Irvin it)(., YOU DV
IkOwl Crop.
I 'odmixot Q. Ilr,onan oftYs; 11, tbO " .., :� I I I
Inat fifte(Ill ye'tril Some or tile most . Well, Ino"t folkg (10, and thle 1xi wjry t . � I
i0011sational a(lyquiens we have lind Allifim � � M
I worp. In Roptelill)(Ir wheat. A b;g , � �
I 1 4 1 , 4". 4. .4 . I n " No 1�11111
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, Tolstnv W * n War
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Z I U ULA I " Itk MlOrl, 1R%,(,' -1S% 14 1 r. V - - ' I,, tim inaelwaidt-ut or April loth to -thow4ands--or Men. Alit) wilat
tilat jilroetion. withnut it ,ft water. I � - A 11 ff, r 11,60 a am
,5 [AIMIN13 4 jai miyanw. lit nov at -livery Ili Out it t I __ A I- . 31 all artiolo coil thio liorror or war, by I elue I., v4nautopol-t1lo"t ;:i0traotopol
4 teol tit w%ch we dcfv1rI(tI,_wae abandone-4,
I =0000C,t; I of tile (!Restloll. �Plxat nionth. ]tile I �- count Lac, TOIAQY, X.IOW PrIn ,
z;�o*z*=C"copc=0000=o.**,.�.�coq"occowploc= � � been ff):,;l to it standstill, anti It America for the, firk tinie. It waii 0-Ild tuo fluat walik, "Ild tIW 40ya of
(Now 'Vork Hon,) I 1110ro runiforlably. Im Q411 Btarvo. : la flom;0010 811-04 tile Ultlltlth011 frOM - - I written lilt 188V Aa a prerace 'it(o,tvt I ,1,1,w church at Jvruaalein. rowaluod
Mon WIlol 11,4ve actult-ly been oil tile Sonit% laborerti Who 11CIL111Y (11MI Of OX. a I)II, ht-UNI110111L, litts 1)(1011 so fav- - i I -D � , . - ' volume of 'Rucollectiont; ,of Bev a t ji�, ", " o 0 ' W"o " " "'
p0mure and, lack of Tood y A. Or. 131,1410r. 14 Russian of- before, and Russia 18 (lira In! Shad.
ll%vo told Grabill :ne a qulok upturn ao exiate NAI � " " by
point of stiorvit,tioll, wilether Ill illo 1110 illat they hardly linflolre.1 at I-Ight now III f4,14(nnWr wkmt, It . . . . . I � I .. . hair , wbo served witil- Lieutenant Anti WIt4t couLlmilon must one draw?
streets of it big, city, In tho 31111 11 Toin I
t'. li. t all. q%ey *,,,onn, ollirteol Into a souti- followo-d tit,, �Tlll,vr this WoOk, and It Cpylon Gr%,r,E.N To.,I. Ili making Japan .Toa take a back lavat. The people Lay. In the Orlmea,a War, bat It Can h be that It all comea to tblo;
of Soutil Alneriva, Ill an open bov, colincloul, State,. which Litilled thpir' Nvao oith,p natnral, tb"t It 6110111<1, Was not appr,DVO(l by tile 1tufjsI,a-R 1.riltil,t It waii owilit; to tpollslincos
sea, or (in We "itly detiort" or Allri- 1111WOli,al pilln, and they ba4 not for bull n0w,' Of overy kind was recognize I'lluroll Tell.. Sold ill tile aftwo form ap: tbe, celebratett '%A' ce,grn,ond aq I� wag not Printed. it,11.1 youtidulliess that I got Into
tra.)iA, give divergerit accounts Of I is ()It ly, 111Z�o anid 0o, por lb. DX Wt CC ly ilia torrib1c; and Inextricable pool.
tbeir feallaws. sufficient lutelilgence to Substitute brusli(�l atilil'! W401) the w4l,kOt WOO ADAII Dinck tan, tit lead packo , . it lino been publislied. In I rfulailu'd for seven
) go to Prove tbllit dit- tho anga of tile 1111aglitation." I doullulog, au IS, alwAyn tile Case -gl,ocolls. k . I I I ,� . . . i , England In tile IWORIall 10400,90- AA U014 111, W111911
'Violr st,orlo.- A (11yreet negative to till" theOrYAS whon pit voliditionN Itro tba par. _. � . I . . I It expresses Tolstoy'a mature Teel- Months, *.lilt from wItIch I wag lu�
amount taotoro. The September, . . I � . - , .. -I -_ _ . Ifing obout. wall 10 general, 48 well e(nipotent to liberate ulyoolf? can
Jorivit, latin feel 6-turvatloll 10 4iiffQr- given by a prolesmor of till AnatrAl-! * ;ut be, ull ? I .
cut wa.y;$� Some *Farfor Intensely; 01,11- jult univerafty, who, narrowlY as- how,ever, will have Its InIllng, 'And I Tile Toullily Folks. week A: govit blufjl( (not too stiff) as about the ptwtwular war tit Lt,
ors liarilly at all. SoMe, IPQI %.Onto e4 . to the proAletion tiv.'Vt It Is not 'I ellg,xged, it to of nlai-e IA'Iiv. itlika Tulr;toy, ([ill the author
. pedtIyIng of Starvation during AW to% silo had licao tolling a story. jklid Ukewarja 1vater used after whictl 110 Was I � w -0 Is Only Ono an-
jy1ly.13ja.;4 p;tlro wjlilo tba,bufferinge of expedition into the doort country' far from the bottom nowi, ,T. uttlelous "After all," she smid, In continuing I've,", ,Deal of your life, not jorgat- than W�jng Interest, . lukt an, JIB tild ? T) ,I ,
Others appoti,r to be plirk-ly wentai. (9 Conitral Anotra.11a. purobastis mado TIgUt here or un- it'. ting to -scrub tile back or )111(10� The readlug of Nroltot's book Made smer -, a because I ' -wao exillet-ol.
61"Ilor . 11,11mo -1sohooner Nvas " a very strong Im.presaloin on Tolfftoy. If Nva
4 1 am auto," lie Said, ',that I felt (Wil 70o anti acldvol it) conservatively , This wlas 'the spiteful one's obattect. little of 00 teeth. lrbv first signal .
ag -tile oapgo of Imager much loss keenly will be wore likely to allow good -your summons to Sol- It Caused )ilm to ro-experlence with
wrocked On a, voy, _ a froin tile Va.y- ovIdle, still ,VQung, or I)Ptoro tho,war
man Islawls to Ja.1141cm a IQW YVR,rff than My filack tMCUOrk7 aU4 913rVaTItS "Yes," she Interrupted, "we knomr of disease Is
�roflta, and In- tile very near, fu- iloadll,t once for rollot-not to a quack for the UULIIC?r what thOX, both ba -d lived begali, or because owing to Ine,Xp0Cl-
ago, null spie,ut m4l,ely two lveok4 Ili did, I had,livard they could go for tam than will k1h3rt salee, , " YOU're after all, bat you "pink tooth. powder" or ruinous field[,. tbrougi, tblrty�rour years belovo. encri I chanee,E). to, pill) Into a riont-
awl open 1)044t ,without food, wag a4z- at
I long jwrlodu wittarat tood,. but the . think yaw can got them," . ,,We than experienced," he says, Lion frout Which I could not � tri -
(*I lioly lie fell; 4uVing that time.. , . - wbat tile author detiorlbefs-the ljor- - eat(% R)3rrt,Jf without great effort,
nrL geconEj (lay we put out -solves on short - 134UYIS RUALTU. T,rlplots had arrived at the home For tile n4nds anfi Arral,;-Oid-fash- 4'
111 ba,volly felt tit, all after tile Ar * , rDr of war -but ,we also exPerheticed I waq vptrallpod Into that Position,
i, "I Seemed to olxt� comworto. tll�ey complained bitterly — of little four-year-olol Gracle, -and loned castilo hont) SlIfIvett Into hot, it mental coadition tile autilor hard- alIlI wll(,Ip tIlpy obliged me to do
two days, I lie salo) e In extreme pain. * , .
grow ttie'longing for food, and 11 (to "At tile tkilial I stlifterea nothingr no,r Motliors mll over tile Dominion will wbea, it Wag time for her to say )ter soft water. Tbo hands immersed, the ly describes ax all," I tlt�, InOtit; Unnattirill, acl,tolle ill the *
not rentember &ufforlup; 4R,Y PaXtlCU- (110 1. surfer IlntjI Sams) days a ter- Do isilliveLl m4py an auxitino liour It evening prayer She o4ded tile follow- allivi vigorolifilY sorubbell wltli an A ,ad, freall from thp Cadet"' Coll- 1vorlil, J%) kill lay brother men who
140-palli, 4 , ; -ward. Indecd, although two or three tilo;7. will keep -41waYn at Land a box Ing; "And, Lord, we*ro much oblig, iijilividual f1coh. brash ill the begin- loge, finds Itiruself In Sovastollol. A find done ayi no harin, I preferr-Ad
III th,ifted alg(ag in a, dreamy 00 Vt of my Men were almo-yt dead from Of Isa,L714 Own 1.'Ca,bloits and give U101A ed ror tile kids, but next timl don,t Ring. If tboy art) rebels (tile 1141111fl fe,w wouths a.go, he Was &is worry to <to tillis rather than to Ruffor
, ,,
of way, pot (MrIng wJIat bappened. Jack o,T food, .11y the time we reached to t1leir little One,w am 00ouglon may send lam in bunches." rrol, the arras bpcfY) Olive Oil '717011" and 1= as giriti are tile day lit- InII&JIlavilt gn(l,lilegrne-ri.
, -
Eveln when I 0aw tile abily Willett the neareot settlement I really Our- require. 'Vieso Tablets have Saved ___ will in Dino out or ten ca.3cs make ter in go. It Seems but yestPrday Tbigtoy,s conoiluslou, after read.
P$Oked we lip I wit � x- forell -very tJ1oUs&jIkW of little baby lives, anol of
Is not wildly CA I Why do ,you think abo ought to them Soft and p"ottY. Cold Orcklm 01 -at lie -first donned the officer's till- Ing Eagihofl,i book, Is,Utla, 0 We
- � Y- I.Tbo 1.0 y unpleasant sensations I grAtelul mothow everyw1lorcs 40- . I often "Yellows" thon fsklit allot Ili sure - iform all expert tallor had SkIllf EiliotilIl b.�4 told wlitit It Is that
cited. I wahl too fabt to wOt" Ill little. good they have dope go abroad to study MUSIC?" I
"The only, orayling I remember dla- can recall 'Were OCCU91401141 )X�d )lead. 10owlerAge, the " - 6Because I happon to Mre In the to prouloto hall, oil tit(, arx"O, ileck - paddet wtUt wadding, arranging vamwo b;.(jl(JIn.rm to stiffer anti dle,
tLactly wm� for, a glass of rurn. and ac Moir little ove'SI Urs. L. J. Movar or faco, Naturo IS an ol(I-scll()Ol P1IV- - thicic cloth "d the. aboulder-oti I Mat wr, nuty know, and unolerstanol,
'beff, alight pains In tile Stomach' next fla.t to her when She's at lIvalo."
0� aluoke or tobacoo, and tIlat Wit.9 vaidi now and then a feeling of faint. jaii�, Wylie, ont., writea: "I cannot h __ slelan, but, after all, tile best, ' - so as to masl� tbe boylgli and litIll anil tlec-tl,oy these causon.
vea-y strange, beca,ase I aw, practl-, Dean. At, other timois I felt exception- Praise Dabyla Own" Tablets enough. "'We women,"' she was saying, --,-------------- I undeveloped Cheat axol give It a brava Sulrering� and Death Not the Worst
calj� 'a teetotaller' and do net ally stroag, although I )lad eatan Wbon I got them my baby' girl Wale agaln. "suffer In silence." CHAN, _-, -,, . . .rda,y ,,Wart Dow terriblop" people any,
anoking." ve,vy bad Wjth whOoPlag Cough, and ,g appe,,ragce, ,L goome but ye8to
grei&tly care for a hardly a sorap of food for days. "I can readily bW,Iovo tbal -' if En be PUL. all t1la.t unlrorlu 'Ill(' "In war, with Its -,yVl,ands, bloodshed
A. mj�n wbo is DOW receiving 4 1)19 I .1%; I were to judge of my own teol-, outtilig lm,r tooth bcaiiles. With both , ,7,0,P,U1 I "110 - ro, C to tile hair-olposser's to
he suffer In silence," the man and death. We must orgaulve, it red
oala,ry in Now York ]lad, a hard tittle tilgq, I should say that fhe agonies U1000 troublep at tile. Same time F1 sure In talk," . 0 Ef OF L bave his halt, atirlod and powaded cro,is k;co,.Iety to glieviAto the wounds, .
wbea lie first came to this City,. and of Starvation are much exaggerated. IvAsi In a, bad way, Lind islept but lit- "YQU'taJCO 00 Much Plea ; ana lite incipient *mougtaolhes aeoll-
ileglriy starved. r,or ,days and weeks Bat thq &urferings or my Men were tle ettlim, day o,r ailght. After the -_ . . tilifferlag and palus of death."
togoittior lie tild mot ilave a. decent terrible enough. I askock one of t1lem nleacnil 0oso of the Mablets I found Urn. Uppson-Your grnaidtather Ili I ;� tuated with (Ixative, aad that, clank- It is not tile suffering and mutila-
Moat, -and, by Ills Owll'"00ailt- 41" bow )to felt when lie was lying 'on thewo, wAs alrewly a clitw90 for the art, octogenarian, is be not? Ilig tile s4ber attacbed to Ills gilt tim and death of naan's body that
f better, Site a�ept w,eII through the Mrs. Nearlch�lndeed, he isn't any- - belt againot tile steps, with Ills cap most .needs to be dImInWhed-it
on o eep Still'" lie onad. I tile ground one evening, too wen,X to. (lay, &lid nearly all night, and this thing of tile sort. He's the most I .. on Ono side, he walked d6wil the Is the inutIlatiolil and death of lite
I . Move. tr 11 vtreet� * * * - Is needed, but.
Oftem, wJien I wlip frightfully, hull- "Bogs," lie replied, "me fall of WA9.0- 'grKt,t TedIG9 to -Ina, SO I wall utbful ikip I caer bun-tPqd np� , . Only trevLorday he met a 10'relit soul. Nok the Red Oros,-.
. rook; ol; ChrInt to destroy,,
9Xy aind 114KIn't a cent to buy (Lily- devIllf e neuxly Worn out, losing no mU0.11 against." Z ��. � I . . the simple a .
,lawill) at 1110 1110140�" ' I -OW . . girl; they spoke of trifles, ,the llp;i, of falRelsood arid deccrytijun. * It *
tbl�g, I wo-ald ge, to one of the free "I gave the poor Wretch 'a little reat at miglit.. She cried almost In- --- � 11 I . 11 I I botli were wreathed In smiles, till rMmtoy concludes by f�peaktng of
libraries and try. to force myself to 111'anols, but be declared It made him cegsantly beforre I boWlan giving, iv�r "Yes, our society's new president I . UT -1 '- lie knew that obe (find nat she only, lite advice to a cado-t or tile rallItti,re.
� �
Sit down and .rest. I feel worse. tho Tphlots, but in. & slior�t time the cortainly Is , buey wowpan, bat they k ) I but hundreds of other girls a thou. collego not to Milk wine. The lad
uum Some Irrealst- III did not find that hunger In any cough coa,Ei-od, Alhe cut SIX tooth, 9VOW Sax she Is neglecting her duties an 6 . ,,� 1, 'el , replied ;
"But It was no ,V,P��,,Q� , , sand t1wee better even tbau'lille)
to impnisS. would. drive me out Into way affected Illy mental powera. Cn Wiverrul, ,M4 began to gain wouder� wife and mother," . ,,But In wilitary -service It Is Some -
IV. . . ,_ 0 might, and must, love him. IL all
. the streets agaJll, A,ua I wpuld paca i tile contrary, It Seemed to Improve 1`11,11Y. 11, rapj�, I believe I oWo her "T�iat -Is not true. I know, for a . Seems to hays happened but ycoter
them restlessly, for hours, hungrily them, I -,wan aijile to take 'tile keen- life, to B.ijby'o -Own, 'Aa,blets, an I do fact, 'that she manmges to see lier, 11 I day. It m&y have beeii trivial ami - thnes necesgary." I tll(yllgllt 110
. watolling tile testaurantA aond won-! eat Interest In my scientific iyoft. nut t,blill; iOho ., wpulid have Pulled I , ineant necessary. for health and Nvjien I would get another -pogs,1111y the facit that I had some- tbw011gh. 31a4l It, 4ot been for them. I family almost every (lay." .... (a absurd and 6onceltea, but It was all strength, and I 1 Intended tri-
- - - , It irow
. - . - innocent, and therefore pleasIng muplifinti,,V ..,%, avilx JJ him li�i
oqua,ra ineal. . thing to occupy my mind otived me oam, rccOMmQnd tho T*10ts -to any "A, woman will bay a, 'thing just , . "Go and Let Yourself bo 11,i ileo " 14, . _
"The faces of tile POOPle in iale I front suffering am the others did. motlien., wbo hals a, crops, ul, Sic k- so It's cheap." - .1, I14-401of'S fr6 esporifillee and science,
� beeau . And now be in In Sevastopol, anti but lie Continued:
crowded strects got on MY nerves-' Tilley, poor wrotelieu, had nothing to ly, 10,1iJId.,, . "Perhaps, but she Voesn't make ,- he Suddenly sees that sounothing is I,Wby.,,at Gook-Tepe, for Instance.
�Pmaeiu. ra.cos, nothing but face" They' do pn,tto think at believe that Thege Talalets will curo all tile . . � I
. tb ey selections on that principle when tot not right;_ sqpmrethlnp,� Ili 'llappf-11111:' when I'AlitYbel0f had to Massacre the
otreamed by me co.utilinally. day and ' Ivily they suffered no keenly." minpi, allmentia oritittle. ones, �. I - I -
Wast 1. 11 Should J)e.IIN tollabitariN, ttle noldleradid' not wish
night -not one.of t1lem. familiar ; not S,,,t9g,ujvLXa,Rteed t1cl, contain no opiate, Ding is tooting *the bill." _ tilat to nat at all aii it
012o of them kin4l . � asid m,n bei glvLm witb advantage to . — 11 4... .. Commander. calmlY �Fllr; 111m that liv to do It, a,nd Ito load drink served out,
y, my tile youngtist and most dellca,to child. ,A: tramp rang a doctor's door- ... Som en Me advice to -lie lyhose mother so loves hill', 41110- and tljen--" Here are all the lior-
"It seemed a,p if it ,was 'at" O I bell and asked tile pretty woman thiS from whom nolt silo alone '�rt all rors of war-Lbey -this lad
and still and see that awl. 14L So,ld by. all c1rugglots or RE worilen Passing through
ot ,u, jg�- WALKED, LTICE nit. by 1 23I . are, In
peordou of races fIlt by forever, They .box, by writing to She would have expeAted so much that if; ePoll wAlt Ills freSh *,voting face, lilt; little
did mat strike me as belonging to tAte, Dr. Williams Medicine b6.,Brook_ be So k1fid as to ask the doctor If trying Period. -that lie, With all 1116; Special and sh oulder stral's '(an der ,which theends
tile, *olt_ t I , i .1 . he h1ad it pair of old trousers lie Incomparable bodily and mental ex- or Ills bashlik are So nea,tly Tucked),
rqQ people; they dseemad. like tha faces . AN OLD mAN V""I", O*t '-'50 "6 1. 1, � The painful and annoying symp- eellencieft, is -cleane
of g1l'opts. When I dropR04 aff,to I I I I would kindly give away'. tOI 90 Whel'O mot' are hIfq well ,d b0Dtl?,. I& naive
id6op, at .night I usled to see those . . in(Ilm the ,doctor," said the smil- toms experienced by most women hellig killed and Crippled. IrIle com- eyes, and lite conception of life 80
faceo in my dk,Aams. and for Months WALK AND RETAIN HEALTH g'young woman, and tile tramp, at this period of We are easily over- mander does not daily that lie to perverted.
after!1 belt4mol prooperoup '1110Y Joseph Hamel �Suffered Long . ti�aarly fainted., come by Lydia E. Plulchaw!s tile same youth '8�110311 all love allot * Thip is t3in real horror of war!
haunted me 4MY a4d night like a Judicious Pede.;-r1_,,JsM is the Best I_ I Vegetable Compound. It is espe- mugt love, and wh000 life Is to Illin What millions of Red Cross work-
. I Before He Used Dodd's . _� tif- cially designed to meet the needs ers Could heat tbe.�wounda that
nightmare. I Exercise lor All 0.1assesI . He -You must admit there's no more Important than anything else
,My hunger eausedme the keenest kidney Pills . . . Ing delights a girl so much as the Of Wonlan?s system at the trying In tile world. The Commander dool" S,warm in that remark -the result
. Walking Is tlio simplest, and moat devoted attention of the man of U(yt deny tlltk;, )tut simply Says: "Go Of L6 -,Vll.ole educa.tion. � I
torture. Every bone in my I time of change of life. and let yourssll Ila killed.,' Ilia �
: My"'aaaclhod -,' My head throbbed via- natural and tbe most, wholesome or her choice. -
jently *, I bad terrible pains III 141.7 Had Lost.All His Energy andwas Dis- all exercises. No athlete ever trains she -Unless it's the devoted at- It is no exaggeration to state that conimets with it ((ouille fear; ilia The New Fo , ad. I
I .
Stomach, n.nd bait the time I felt - coura�,-ed-Tbe(4reatl(:iditeyRoni- for a contest, no mp.tter what its ton.tion qA- tile man of some other Mrs. Pinkhran has over 5000 letters fear of d1mth and tile fear or Shame;
as If I was Just going to faint.,-. edy Cowed Him. Completely. nature may be, witliout walking a gIrl's choice. like the follo-win; proving the great but, pretending that it is all the I hear thle scientist In grief
'As sooll as'hunger fairly got hold considora,ble distance in the open air , r___ i value of her medicine at such times. name to nitil w-notlier he goes to .lVitil. all tka strength he hag
of me I lost every ounce Of enOV97- NIcoilet, Quo., Ma,y, 11--fteclal).- CiLoh day. 'gany keep in vigorous He -Does your father object to 11 I wisix to thank Mrs. Pinkham for aeatti, or remains, here, lie gets Morul.-
I could -riot look ,for work, as I had or tile ma,ny people of th-19 neighbor- health by this alone, anId no matter my making love to you? what her medicine has dore, for me. ready with a Show of Interest In d(I'Vily will ibia public fmd all beef?
be Id -not even beg. horO who have been brought back to ;what other exercise you take You She -011, no I He told me to have My trouble was chan& of life. r, our what lie Is, godrig far, and even In lila Why don't tivey take to plasmon ?
,?n doing; Icou J)elongings and bod. lie goes to the ,aLve lip your pork and venison,
Two or three -times lasked men health and strength thilough the use ingst walk. But, first -of all, learn as many Innocent and harmles . a years ago My health. began to fail, my place where men. are lillIed, and too;
for money, In a tituld, f eclile, way, but Of Do-d4!o Kidney Pills few are ill & how to wn1k. A great many people amusements as possible. head began to grow dizzy, my eyes
wben they turned aside I did not boEter poisItlard-46. give the public the walk in an aimless, Shuffling man- __ I pained me, and at times it seemed as 11'aPeff It 18 only said t"ll't men are Give tip your lamb and inutton;
1, an benefit of t,belr experience than Joe- nor an4 secure but -tittle benefit from The Girl -Do you know, ltr- Ca- if my back would fall me, had terrible killed there, J)ut that really tliat is There's tit EL penn'orth-nay, Wit
persist. A poox ill -dressed wont, not the came, and things will t1tril . . I
gave Ine'u dime onb night, although eph Hameli-He knows I)Qth* 01-doEl of, the exercise. In walking for exercise poral, my heart' seems to beat In pains across the kidneys. Hot flashes catt otliemviee� Dut hair an hour at true-
. I did'hot ask her. I got -a igood m0al the quefi�tiaiaj-tbe' suffering and the ibe effect Is better if tile kind Is perfect sympathy witlit yours ? were very frequent and trying. A tll,e Dastion to ample to allow tbat Enough to gorge a glutton, .
with it, ltut afterward I felt hun- ,. rellef . , _ I directed toward some pleasurable Mr. O., much alarnied-Ileaveno, friend advised me to try Lydia the reality 19 Me, . re terrIJ)Io and un- 4-ItIf,; natural organio- saltj -
grier than ever." I It . "I suffered front Kidney Disease for slid. wal� wltb consciously directed Have you got -a tobacco heart, too? 10, M a el a 0 4c, U .
. . . pi-fticlla 9 Veg t, bi 01 - bearable tbau he expected. lie Seen it's putrItIvo albumHon
Ali orchid hunter who nearly per- th-ree or four yAiare," says Mr. Ham- you ,have ,brought — .
. movement until pouud. I have taken six bottles of it radianii -%vilth joy and blooming 11111 make tile sick sound, 10 -al the
.ished In a 'Venezuelan jungle two pl, "For two years I w6iiId te,ke two every musele Under perfect control . "Hell," silo said to 111m one ev- and am to -day free from those troubles. a, man . . �
I with health. ,Suddenly voinething halt,
)-ears ago and �ost five of his men, 6,r 101-ree da�y.v off work 6. week. I was or your will. Moping along in an oning, "is given up so reluctantly I cannot Speak in high enough terms splafibes and the man tumbles over Lk:�nd m'ak(> the palsied new men.
by starvation Would Xllght after oon;tInually 'sick and forced to walk, a,liniess, lackadaisical wann-er does by those who don't expect to go of the Medicine. I recommend it to all tritat ,I, nelgNboring limp 4-T excre- And It fulfils my dearest wtsh_�
night when lie went to sloop fam- like i&n oefd -man, I losit. .all my., an- little good physicallY and harms one there.11-Love V,nd the soul �Jlunt. and wish every sutEering womau would mentg-a terejIlle example or Suffer- 0 sing I - ts praises londerl
Wiled and exhausted dream ,of the ergy and became discourage,d. . mentally. . era. give it a trial.,, -Bpr,LA. Ross, 88 Yovkt� Ing and remorse and an expasure 04
arious ,,Zrt_-r ti,,V.I,ng a loit of medicinen The necessity of maintaining a pro- I __� . You need no knife or plate or dish,
markets that be had seen In v Clair Ave., Rosliudale, Mass. - $6000 for. all that Is tieing doine there. It Is You take It in: a powder.
parts of the world. He would behold taliat ornly gn;vo relief for a while, I par, treat position 91 t1va body must, Thero Is a young man In Kchlson felt if original of a4oua letter Proulng genulnensal
. aw1ul_lt will not du to look ELt It
Leadenhail ma,rket in London Piled wali fortunate oriough, to try Doild's says a writer in the April Cosmopoll- who to Buell a good dancer that cawiot be prilduced, o,r 0, think alioult It. But it 1.9 -1131- ".Day It, aAd see your means ex-
, .
high with .thousands or carcasses Kidney Pills. 'After using three tan, be borne in mind. Bear the one of his recent partners stopped pos 11)le not to tbink. pand,!
and . tolls of meat; and just as lie put boxes I -,vas completeW cured.11 weight on the ,balls ofthe feet, keep in. tile midst of a waltz and hraid; I � . . I I I a 'Inking pans aXter this fashion: You'll spend less and you'll wAsto
out ble.liand to grael? a ter, of beef Mr. Ebmel is ontlimsflifftla 'in h1v ilia shouldero back and Ckown, the "Excuse me, but are we dancing Or Touch of Style. II His tit
.or a, rio4n stea-k, tlie VIslou would praises of. Dodd's Kidney Pills and Client high, but do not hold the abdo- W-restilng ?,,-Atchison Globe. . That time it -happeuc,d to him, Foon lens -
'Ed knows What an till- it IWAII happen to Mot. 1-14C�W, In It'? Wit It Saves the cost of booking -and
fade, and,jp #s plikee would be the there in )Tdt the slightest doubt of men inward, as Is taaght,.by many Every, woman Y
giZy1y, C61%ed markd� of PaRAIrA, the Correctness of N4 statement as atbletic Instructors. Lot it Do re- Some Forgotten Fashion Quirks. portant finlab to a, own Is supplied 10 't ? .W,by should they do it to inc- I guaftntee it tasteless.
I to me Wbo was So good, so nice, go And think as it .ne,m strength, In-
, vrith ,bananiia, '�Incarlples and or dozens W people Can testify, to Mal laxGd for this part of the body should a little short of a crime Ili by a pretty bit leckWear. Never dear, not only to my nprse, not only , Bills
Anges, glistening brightlY In the Illness and cure, I .1. move in and out with each breatli. It in 9,a to be old-farillioned, but was; that juv.iry more easily &#ain- to my mother, not only to *IiL,r,l but And with new health you'll throb,�
tropical k;unllght. Those, too, would I There Should be perfect freedom to these day
breathe normally -New York World, there were scolue styles In vogue I Ole than nmv*. To begin with there to So many people---ulmost to every- you'll
vanish when lie tried to, snatch them; . lie Had Reasons. I haVe claims I bod'y 7" L Dean take your alcohol In pilla :
aind lie . would &Wake hungrier and � - long ago that still or ,
. More mlsera).lto than I ever, Baltinlore News. one teaspoonfal of Pninkiller In hot those who, remember them. There 11 never were so many dainty stock And a moment later be reflects: Anti 'breakfast Iii a globule,"
I 11 I could have borMe tbG real bar- "Ai man in Lt profession," Said ,the water swe0tened will eure altnost1my Cape at proseRt some talk of an effort eollaro obtainable for 25 or 50 cento. ,,Whpthet� I Shall to-daY I)c what Put thouglil for food be plasition! fit.
rors of the days Lt thousand times mn,nl bangirog on Stntp N[3. ,>, ,,M,7[st ot tiatlileney and Indigestion, Avold Substi- being made to revive the bonnet for I Next ilia leftovere, of which every I . to 11-(y�y, to no. one Came; oil the coil- Its praises Ili Ina quicken ' '
, better," he said, ,,if 'it bad not beah have a. wide circle of friends. He tates. There Is Only one "PAIIIIIdIlLe"-Porry Young wGinen. The little puritan wOulall has a 11ox or draworfal trary It seems almost as If they 9ach. cravings that tile thought of
Davis'. eapes and deep Collars, the dis- tucked &,%Vay, tile I)ItFj of ribbon and winbe(l it. Yes, I -even I -am not .
for the tantalizing miseries of I the can't afford to out his acqaallitt. . erectly gathered Skirts, the girlish lace and velvet, can all be utilized wanted by anyone. Wit If I am not . it-
s.') I � The Golpf Makes me feel famine -stricken.
night ances un4er any circumstances." . IerI9 Paradise. Simplicity of some of the new hair- lit making lip an. attractive adorn- wauted, why am I horc?" , 2
Tills same explorer, during the "I don't agroo with you," mildly I ask but little w4en, I'm dead dressing Vave the wrtYl to tills revi- ment for . the throat. Insertion divid- And tlitiik you then my weal shall
month. of sami-stallvatloil which Ile remarked the nian an strap 4. Ing stripe of gay Colored velvet is One War Suinined Up. be ; *
okporlenced, 4illf tered constantly I real As recompense for earthly WOOS . val, There was a perl,&d when It was s those questiong. On plasmon ? riddle-faddle I
"Youdon't? A�d w,"t is your pro. No golden crowin upo,n MY head, nolt considered correct for woman to 'Ono pretty tliought. Medallions of No one answer
violent headaches, dull gnawhigpit,lits . Youth and * embrtildv�.� or lace, appliqued upon T(bey all fear to speak out as much The shulile sirloin stlIll for me,
. In the Stomach, and bad attacks of fession ?11 $ i .. No harp to wpavy lif-indgand toes; wear hats, after early
a . I I . ! INTO halo wfe,aldl I wear, indeed, many who now never drea.m
.1 And all the time lie : : . of wear� Satin r1libon, form another ret y ae the lad does. It will not bear be- 4nd now and then thle saddle.
malarlat fever t food, I No purple robe bey0nd MY means- Ing 6LIier than bato and toques re- Rto'k. F requently emilro derles Ing spoken of. Anti after Seven -Froul tile St. 3ameW Gazette.
could Wall: of nothing thu - . ' be separat- monthe the lad Is not crippled, Is
y tenfold: 1314GALUTY CHAII-M I arly ask a ,vell-r0110d lue&d, - member with amusement that they ))ought by the Yard can I
which Incrqmsed his miger, an�not who,, ad into mell4lilone, which are just not killed and -the war ill over.
University — With elghtteern ll�plcs and Putt*lDg bought their first b pulap. By tile %vay, those What has happened.? Hard on the Minister.
A graduate bf Oxford ' I the.0 were about 18. Tile modern. ele- now 60 PO
gave VD till his prospectfil. in life sonle A 0ear skin.1tosy 0heeks andUright greauffle � Ego. - That for sefen monthq I mol,ttsb parlsh minister was Ono
. gante knows absolutely nothing Of top collars, are terrlhly tricky till Thin A 9
yeara ago to become a docial ivorker Ut yes Compel Admtrat:on. A caddY - this form of headgear'and alludes If 'you wear one, Do sure to attach ha,vo feared and suffered-lildingloy
among �hb poor of tile crist end of $Vitil I%, lynx -like eye, t In- (Illy Making ca.lLs-. and when about to
- '
London, In order to get all Idea or No woman noado to jie told tile 'And 'w698 Upon ilia shbuider t1P.9, to it' as Something archaic. It firmly %ibero, It ))clongsl- NO sufferings from otherb. Of exploits , knoek at a cottage door was lialled
obArin, of a clear- comlype-vton. No SbC,Jj -.%va,tchl me whack ilia b-al),14, There are a few good old-fashlon- frequently one sees an unconscious that is to say, dpedw of Which
wbat it felt )lite to be really poor mail can lie, blind to tli� beauty ot thoill, fly ad souls, however, who still "bar% ma-idell wllv.4e tali callar has wriggled e d least reenil by a cjilitilsh voloo th'aig: "T.4eer's
. he lived for six 'days Oil 12 cents, b,eeks or the, power of Spark. rro follow oln .their elry trips; back" longingly, to the old Style and Ono end free in tile I)ack, u6nol Ila% with pleasurk-there have been none- mactiolly In Utere," and. turning
8 than one tiny ra'sy a eXp101t Was that I stood "
,ev,.ting Rattling more re. Ilar, eyeal. And ever), woman, no mat- Alj;kt when, I 001110 Oil gentle wing lament that wil continue to turn a thereforet ceased to be ornamental. My only round. b aware that 'a 'Ox -
two -cent loat each day. As a te. tile -PhIladelphin, Lcdger. akf food for cannons, and long re -
Starved, and Was Ill tot, what her loatures, may lie, can ge'll, lux.nd we thon, the wAtchful d,af ear aitol a blind eye year-old boy was be,bind him, harflig
suit I lie ileaTly. I have a. por'Not comptexion. Bright soul, quaint ebarm of the boanst, One Of . . malned In a place WhPre Many al"M ruin up I rom Where lie had been play -
for a, wook afterward. nee or king An Odd lVaist. n ol he 's atj)proaah. 40h�
have been vorV eyes, and a, perfect complexion COUR A putter, fit for pri these Women rhapsodizes on the I were allot in tL;e head, the breast .
411t would !not f rom pare blood -and pare, blood Tbat's guaranteed to moke tlf,B anbJeot after this fashion: "I was &lid In all phrto of their boolles. All there's nobody lit, my little inat),"
lirt--tvaist which Is sure r, is a personal aspect culd the, nilli,star. "No. there'a nae-
., irying, lie ,sald, "if It I I'Lld not Seat Come"; from -Dr. WilliamaI Pink Pills_ . goal. born just 1.11 time to remember the An oc1d al , g ri who IOVO9 things that, howeve
food rill round TOO --in tile 1301 -kers' By earlefting the -,bf000t Dr, William,%, bonnet, even Ill time to wear the tO ILP170al to till' of the mattor, besides which I li-ad booly Ili theTe," reiterated the boy.
shops in the 'restmtrants, In tile Pink Pills give vigor, strength, qic toes snwil. be the sort from bounot in Illy, teona. people in their original, !R mad(.- of linen, with a eliaro (it biit an Unimportant one) Tball, after a good look at tile mtnli,-
' prs'. stitched linen straps lit a coRtMOCIng ill 11, V.ommon cause. A continOTI catise'l ter, came tile disconcerting query,
butcherA, and In the health, happiness and IleaUty. I -lore �Ilvbicb so then. In one's teens One
-%ralk "Out g1r6=111; ,,I, the walst
I ,would till Adred yards at tmefta'y'addoldwany i�]Ingg_most of them color as the trImining. 7 But what was it 2 Debtroying scores ,"rlutidty,c?roiae3lin,t,lf?tspws?tt, ,
1 Is a Ift of proor: "For upwards of Ono driver two till . across __________, . . _ -.-,
tLouts, Watching the People go W4;threo years I Fraffered from anae- least, jaa�proprlmte: So Ono were & little Itself Is severely plain, but a d - - .
to ,tile restaurants for lunch and Is, bunker, ditch 8 011apef all of vlolets, lvith tile Jillot and half -way below It' It
mitt," says Miss Mary -TaekSon, of Willie over lifurd princes tile walat line there are five Slashes
—'erino what thoy were going ,,, A 1 A"4. Wr t f — a0ift, - ',-Ila sholl rise as though Of 11 -11 1-t strinn tied .f1ft G U 1+ k
14 I _rMl.II - I;! . . ji-vule prim U .Y. V. 01 an d ne
to ent. I . abfn, or w1itut I ,va VCL
4L IIBZr ilia end of the third day', I in my lace, lily lipv 9,bd game were .least ; and the clook Under olne'o pra Lt- just large enonigh ror ,% stit a Ji n
o:a,maipsor, anki I crew go weaw I eouid The n1blick, M8,S1110 Cally, came to a wreath of pifik rill- hand to be ran through. A, fpblrt-, lot
was In a lialC cOulatOsO State, Prac' i sear4L,ely Walk abottt tile house. I Shall never miss or mako a 0111), boll and sooired Oyer the girls lit Made In tillf; unique style was air
- tically. I had lost Illy. identity and (100tored a Jy9d deal, but .got no Willie, only those Who SwUlall o -day . ) con- white moreerized linpn, with the
'be I theIr teens Of t ., who tire - Ise Stitched stmps III light blue linen, of School Life�
lay memory. VS thinking about fc;0d, lionerlt untl gan using Dr. Wil- speak of membership. I demned to big hate i�nd nothing a 6 each Strap finished -with a narrow I
l liamW 1-11nir Pills. .Before I ]lad taken Shall litivo a oard In tile way, or headgear I
"I was alwa; . , little action fringe. Tale strape were
but, In quite a detached Sort of Way, them more tlian a couple of week'; I ; "Tile bonhat had a cllnrm all its nentent, Over 9xertlon at Study and Worry Over Examinations
as if it were nothing to (10 with 00111 a change for the better-, Ilaro on this field of perfect strokes fastened at the neck and Shoulders Close COntl
11 1100 own. It wag quakerlsh, it Savor of ot the, waist, and then were drawn Too Great a Strain for the Nerves -Dr. Chase'$ Nar'va i7ood
inn. I thought of It as an Untra4 and C61tinning tile "a of the Pills I'll Illay a -,VJJJnt1l[,0 gaM-3 with RII $tllco, aLild Ithon' being about It. It through tile two alasheo. The Upper
yelled inait might think Of 111did, I for Flonto time longer lily. strength Who beat me wovan on cawt,11, the : was ,pretty bella'Ved,' It coald . be !par� off tile ploovo was Erlaelied In the so many sollool girls and School- Nerve Pood, and slate she has been
'INV reason told Mal that In three i returned, tile color mine liaelx to illy folkal ,a ball;, mischievous and It could be abso- -a froint of the waist, boys, too, are palp, iftliglild had run Using this preparation Nye are
, Who sar I o&4inot W. t tl rAmo Way ael th It.h. Subject to Weak Inloro, than pleased with' the im-
dhylu I could oat as lunch it. I )Ikcd, � race, li.nd I gainqd fourteen pounds jutely adorable. Xo%v we only., gee It o"ptrap was used as the de- down In lion
but oiy mind could not take hold Of lily -woight. I e&n recommend Dr. Wit- A,nd best of all, tIIO9AnI.3s between, 0,11 tile and oil v6ml morvous heatlach'e, and provemant M110h, haa been mad# in
ll,%MW pink pill$ t(y -every weak, all-: Whon o'er my Radtal? I alit heard , variety. stage adorning ,, a oomtion.-Uay Woman'sl Rome Com- spells
that fact, It 3comed as if I should mock ,14,11Y&LIOR ArillY Infid or pan'o- I victims of Sleeplessness, thLa.t we no her health. f3lia. looks one handrod
alway a be eavtlyig one t1by . loaf n, Ing girl Or wwuan-l' I My triumithe to recount I I Waon, - white satill coal- paillon. . I I longor realize the folly of .develop- par cent. better, )ter berves are
nbd wa,telling *othov people go Theva Pills fire good top all trou- There'll not ba Ono to olonbt lily' Infine lividneffs, a
I sellt,lp, ,vvltll wild Ostrich feathers Ing tire mind at the expense iof steadier, silo Is cot bothbred With
11 _q I . , boa(lactles, anol is gradually in -
11% restaurants. Woe (lite to poor blood oil weak : , .*Ord, Ittrings a foot whic. We have , Skirts AVell Cut, ilia bod.Y.
"On the firth day I was utterly nerves. 'Don't talto any other medl- _W. W. WhItelock, In Life. and tha motivers and fathers crea.sing in flesh and weight."
rorgottiou -Lite bo'n"Ot and we are tile There to litirdly anything so !in- It 1, Ou
CoWtol. If a mail apoke'tO me I ti -61111 eln,c-ace th4rt tile full Runic, "Dr. --..- , il portant in dress as tile out Of tile that falls the responsibility of Mrs. 14 Wareham, 20T Sherbrooke
blIK and. could not &hgwor) but W1111a,lue, pink pills for Vale 13eOq At 111tvit'.0 (leads 1,1st longer that) I � blell looking after tile
I , . , . skirte, a not here are some hints w, bettith of their Street, Peterboro, Ont., states;
eta I -and . r . ,0 tile secret of the childrov, and tbo thM WO RUggeRt "Ono or My children NaA suffered
nk away. Every lilt of mOra,k ploP fal fo; .on the wrappar.,around 1110 WO & . I.,.-jrrlieut (losmetlog. will lot you lilt
fibro a.nd every- oullcO Of PhYS113'41 overy box. It III doubt Fmild direct � . — . a; lit the first place, even tile wledilm of hhv1tU, the health a great deal with nervous NDad-
, ol'ack .Irali g000." t I to tile Dr. W1111atusP Aledicille Com- � . 91 For the Throat-PrPUY throats ut-wi one ,v goNv,no are at ti
44.4"lu . 'tile so-callkI 1011,J tort- of lair ehildtan topt at tile high aches, dizziness .and sleepleastets,
After tilt$ 9',Xperlchce, thb grmda�l I ,,.,IR -.V, Beaekvillo, oRt., ftnd the fire never yellow; tll(%y are whitt?, or both back &lid front. .A. tour -inch water mark by itstng Drf. eqlaso,s 4.1141, in faLet -,vas all run down, pale
i�icra � toik ploi will Ila mailed tit 50 cents per - round, lIrlu und smooth. Xxt Na- 114 tile right thing, 0,nd they Nerve riood,., and languld. *Tllese troubles were
eat- In diviloverIng the*%,ox or Six boxw for $2.50. 1 Ill.icard Verstudy wid Con.
acllool Of "t"'rvatIo ituro L'Onik, to ilia rescue =
lltteoni�ln few Flies last year I - y all have the yoke Piece, .Tills great food care 1980, gentle attributed to 01
sonseLtion8 of other meb who )lad , -I.. .i - t school. $Ilia began 7As-
'Whola, thitures, : ..i.4 -A. ,; tight ribbons; they makel wrinklos which requires the moRt careful tit- notl .natural in A(ItIOR its to be ad- finenicat a
1 * Dr-� 0111,00'
. gone liungrY, IN met,-1118,uy Of thOm ; 711yo for- . leep ()It small pillows to avoid "tWITO ting. This renders the skirt im- mlrabl.y r,ulted to tile require- Ili&,, a Nerve Food. and X
in tl1a. catIrso br jilti plillauturople George H. 11111111119 says � . 114, thloat separato- W%vc rowid. thig
eign situation has been confirmed I chins." Battle t possible tov tile holfie drossma,ker. ige�uts of children T�ie benefits ter MR SAY that w1a
No Flies ti " eat ' I
Worl, and lie alseovored that In no I's Y vater. a ear- t1uttment exceedingly helpful. It
two * easew were tllelt� et,46tiong . as generally quite poor, And Alit- IV oitev% a (Illy In very wo-vill N I Ullby of the skirts havo 0, pointed be deprived froint Ito 1180 4r
. ! =k=0 *=".=t then, aftor it raw watments. In V0rV � ba,ck and front, anti almost all taln Wid lasting, as it go,js to form ham relieved ber of Iteadacho,stead-
Mike. brimt, Is promlHod a Most excellent , It vou tite cold. This in to make it f1ral and yok 41mally tacked and gath, nONZ red ,corpusClos 111 tile blOOd, and Jett litir nervee, and built lily 116M
d. �v We ean gee
.t. .tArivatlon," hdWag fond Of How- demand Tor'what Lt call spare,atill. ` . supple. If dark, uao Imilou Juice nt are Infinite . foree, system wonklerfullk,'
7 0 n 0 of elaboration. oreato RaXV 110TIVO
Ing, "is & inevLal rather than Aptly- In tily Oplilloa It' will be taken at - 11,oltilup. Washing it ,off nextinoyn-' Prott, P- P Vtect lftz mrs. 'A DAN(%% 2I Charles street, & great Change In ber, ut; the Col.
slosl ,Vain. Its Principal terl'Ok's are good pri.ces, 8:W011tY callts Ineftliff , - It In & necessity tll%t they be per, I, ,lll.y or Ill rotge,ning to her face, &Dd
tZO;ncotp ho Im- it low price -for whImt, I feet ilvat - I Ing'. fectly t0oin about tile IlIPS, but trom Xingstoli, Ont., states; . gho Ill g4initig in flesig and welght.'*
,d With tile mind and t I . daughter sufferNI very Rini* with Food, *60 cents
nglilatiom I .Via MC,y Sea, ftti 0w it lorice as o7c - ilson's, I - For ill(! hair--sli-It-to revive It; Wa* tll,xt pollit they flare lit the StLuel.; doubt from Dr. lchn,Wx Nerve
refined man, lie for Aeptonilu'r Iv.11PP.t. if ill" IIr0- '. n4t faRldon, poluo measuring quite licatIfteho's, Caused no
OiTho edneated and IS L . ter it) eloalwn. It; rubbing to vtlmu- at tile hem. (I'Vor'Stuody and it run dow-D Col�- it, box, a boxrg for VIM. , at all
Who ha's snoy, I�bttor ditys, Is the sOnt , lircelivet of WITItOr *WIIPAt . - *1 � latt. t1ill roota, .tit(] good 111gliLly five (Lild It half yards ditIon of tII0 nprvous Ryfittvill. Th,(,vp deal4prv, or StInlanson, B.Ltea &
al-tk dato. Still To pr6to6t y4*v
Inan who Buffets most NvIlen he goes I harvostod itt no v. 1 F4 y pa&�l S
short of 10.0d. "le sufferings fit a I It! to a fact tll,tt exportoro 11 --we Hold I U bruphIngs to keep, It glo"SY. . _Nva.pll. kttar. I .. � attaekq of 11t,n(b1th)s were vory try- (',().,L T)OrOAt0I r nd
OR her, and 11lotle(Ill ill,lt allp against IMItatiolils, the. POK il't a
I are I.O.,611V a Matter, for _Au1tast.,Ifqopt(,.inbvr shillull-lit -,-- a 1119 a a of Dr. A. W. 'Cliase, tj%�
starving V1101 t*o.,tIl,,T,.O'.b .kIvilrorkien.criti- Strophalitidill to said to 110 tit i� ,wA@ gradually groW1119 Tv'"'ItOr Mid HIPII tUP
tilt. If ho Imil not a I 111111loile of bItHhela, Itiml ih-:V movo. i 1. Itionths tainotuo rocelpt-book alithor, are, oft
; (I., (Iyk.(4 ,LO W,tL1jl .11, ,Itwalt or tiny wof4t Idendly potpon oil, oaxth. It IS
tent .nt, he, niont, of bt)%�*Ivlfiter w1wat to fI3 r twore ivervoll-z. About tAX6 box of big remediLlow,
1), "0111110"am"91, ralicitrrauto tIlOSO RAICS 1114ly not only prevent , Alileollo rn't toll. Soma denial allk to inade from att 'Afriftil plitIlt, bY, etl1c ago) I get Itor a box Of Dr. GUAS00 1 OVUY
1119bly 111"Ut,
do,o 'tot burter ;;:.� lilt, b-Aweell the Molars twice 0 and '000hol-C . I I I I
� lll�u 4ilor,o animal a hmu Is, the low, pploon, but give us a steadily .
.I I..
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