The Wingham Advance, 1903-05-21, Page 21� �,l "I" I I" � �t ., 1, � � - __
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� I ... - -11. 1. I - W- �_ ____,____.____-___ 7177N.T 0!r 7 M t�'_ , " I � . I I ;,", , . . � . . . � 1, .;;;;;,;l� - �'. _ I � . .. I I . . . � � I - .� I I
,;"" . I -0 W. - __ I I 1- 11 11 I 11-1.1 11 - -
soull "Pileatitill In I'laullis IVIIQIQ' Boot, the wonderful Appoaratice of . .49
wireer. , Jesus 10 him, Its effect On hhu it, *111, 0111 -,, . -v.. ..A / � . -1 �� k__
. '11
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-0. First tin Le...Darigiocus-lial be. p It - V ,
. the gritat. and It, modlato oliange I " / /0., I
NUMBEIRS RULE FATES: � ' i'A- welds in Ilia llcq� what big mWaloo , � � ` , i `cs
,l)"Mch At DUM"Mus . , ,4� , . I
gaillialt"I'l (Actu Ax. �110-=), I)KtBOQA and work h .. - , � .) I..., .."
W, . 44 been fltj tlieli, gtaO . . , �
. , - I r.
, , I
rablit. , ��,/ I ,V.
P ILIU)J"Ey% p I'vent to 14 .. Vllow Arabia Ito re-, what be � ( I
M I K17 oiled to do Ala long as I 'A , "' � - ,
. f \� 1. , .
. _1 -
turvC4 Again to T.)awascas (Uul. 1. life luatec?"T?was all 60,411ople, jtl4t I _1 . - ., I .
. , � /I
17,M- where the' ffows sought to as Any pligrim. or saint would relate , . . I � 4=1:7 L't., — � _ J �_ L — � 41
Whf IS YOUR I D K 0 take 1119 life. Vaul chcapcd by alghtt Ilia experience. 02. DIrectuesq. Re � I . 1'"-" . -
� -11 , 4 .� I I (�_ , �
.. "
I , V;l
A . I �
belit let dowit by tile *,Ill 14 a hao- went (Itreetly, to the polut.. There " . �
-..---- ___ .— .— ket VOL' "'-' '-)P4-'-'5)- At J01`4841etll', WA - 0 130 114BItA.00Y, Do wavering, no I � � " I �_ �, � , �
. .
NU, Of,' VIL 1, The system divides the alphabet In- etc --110 clieelfivu, UP .his fourfold ira,uderlug. He. speaks of himself fres,l I . L.3 16i I �� I
- I
,aleat, then pa, appealingly. Rio addresq goles � I - -
of Damascus and Jerur I C� ; - I. I - I
field Of labor, float, the two cities l.r* to Featua personally, - � D ; -Z, ,
4 . � �
0 I latest addt-.1 to three divisions, or degrees. , -to AgrIP.- "I � " : ': 11 i � I " I
tiolis to Mod � - - i , � if .
augury � I; Tile Virtit Nixte JAetters tile wiNplo rqgADn of Judea, and. straight from'bla heart to the. heart I I lt� I i -_ i . .., __ -, ,
era , ilia AlY atban world. -Lange. of bit$ hearerif. 3. 14ONo. Paul had But- v .; ,��_ ;-� . 1. �
I atleft, 1 14h .... 44444 1: �, 3 .
wathem, constitute the Vrat degree, 81, ,
.01114i the lie,
'a-vination, Or next nine the second degree, and felient-110 hall sought to fered. much from the Jews. Us bad . all whioll, accumulate. After applying
� rather# IMP the last eight the third degree. will men back to God, to reveal been beaten, Imprieuned and stoned. Never wore wash illatorlalu 1110110 Ito kerosene, run tile machine rapid -
L Christ and Ilia complete work for They, had It) many ways tried to take P4viisivoly ilsO� for
4 " luost -,'ter ' Tile significance of each number al,an,q li-4clapilon, that they might tile life, Some of . tile very., men who: wits all,d full gowns t1lan this year. IF ffor a fair Vaillut0o, wilto,thQ4-ol ghIM
," . $YJAP11111 of and letticr of tile first degree are reP011t, and turn to, God; tigit, had done all tills we're present that lititchor's linen is v x and with A sort clotb� t'llon 'Oply, Intel.
I . � � cry popula
fnrilllll(� telling, It 13 us follows: 000 Ili tile beginning, ilia with a divinely renewed heart mild day. lWheu he had. won life judges can be purchaged lit the dark, fierviuca obthe oil AN Usual before firditz "valn,
I all o*d theory rGStYed, father; two the mother or moulder, ieversed, life, they Might do works mild tile tide had turned big wayr. - s as well ad In white. _T"!1M=1.. .
- 1c. nJW1fltI011 Of tile three, the created, four the matter, Aepp t I t . I am able shaije . I
TI pub a a God. turally lie would have been a 'Ilia heavier weavog to. dark blue ---
I I ,,�_peQta I
IN' ,,it P', W0,13 first call" of the three degrees; D. K and T, -21, 2". for these caqeels-13coause oil to have accused his allow 4 an wid green are I
ed t(i it in 010 Office b.r two; 0, L and V, by three; 1), M ,particularly alqllSh
. .
I % . . he liad Obeyed God according 'to his pleaded for himself. His love for the and wl'th a. 164oll of ooara� l400' TH E VOGUE
,if a %Nrall Stree and V by four *, L-�, N ,ai%4 Wo byl fire distinct reyclation, in a, Inanner dt., souls of bla onamies, bowever, rises elther an the bodies or skirt are very .
broker. It wa's when copper `lv" I F, 0 klad X. by- at-. ; Y, P anO G.b' �
, n a On$' $even ; 11, Q and Z by eight, and Y Pleastlig to the 32wg, they bad far above it" porgmal conaldera- attraotl.vq, OF PONGEE.
beginning to a Ini: an order. and R, by nine, there being no nin 1, Bought to kill him. in tile templt,_ tione. Ile did not even want guilty Very pretty models. are shown In
tower was IoXv ill Paul waa -worallipplug Ili thi� temple men to wear the olialn tba,t -be were dark Illue, Tjie .skirt and waist aro
1=1.�, I ltrIGG-M-tana ioll." ,laid the letter In the third degree. when the Jew relzed him. I continue- aR an innocent man. laid In box plaits which are piped Ilk A. woman could build bier whole
If I doun buy to- Each letter Is represented by a It was not by any power of his own Almost. A word of fearful Import I white linen, with medallions of Rus, wor;Iroho a pongeli �vs summer and
broker, "that put In m buy order digit number, as follows: A, J. and Iva had beet, preserved; but It wag Language falls to describe ilia ter- Blau drawn work. 1, still be In 1.1l. .1.01glit of the modeg
day at 63, YOU don't 8 are represented by axis In each bec,%usf.) (,o�l had litterp�)sed ,%till 1,les- rible failures clustering aroundt1dr, actme or these are embroidered with
to-warrow. at 65# t1tat You (1011vt tile physical " 'five the quality ,of Cuptl llini. so diverse and so fashionable are the
want y t 61, and U I an; six, the pattern of all building, timony, & Witnessing-BeatIng teg- word. Whon we miss an opportunity Frenob knots, Some of tile wals'ts moods or tills dainty materlal.,
'at it to -day a - a Ito hall been commanded. or fail in an undertaking wbe" have pretty Elower designs doiva the It butlas our Goatit, plain or Ores -
9 the order, until the' seven, tile completed temple; eight, Small-Tio those In humble life -, to there is little or no chance Of due- front embroidered In white floss, and. on Short, three quarter or -full
Or 65, to stop twenLyweeveutit or the manifestation of Goa; nine, reva, tile Poor, the ignorant, and t1le ob- cess, we are Indifferent; to do so It Carefully laundered will look like t .
twenty sIxth or lation. The other two degrees, with scure. Great -Tho rich and noble; when there seemb considerable cow every thn,e. c , long It,
tile month ?" t I don't want some slight differences, are simply all to Rings, And princes, anti gov chance of failure, Ili bearable; to Heavy QGttO.1l 0hsVI0tJ9 13141te, fitull- It makes tbo most Bervioeable of
"Yes. that's righ - ernaro. petticoats. - � I
apt On tile days and , latensificatlon bf the first. He ,had thus stood on Mars, hill at bO almost sure of our undertaking ning, shirtwaist sults,and a now Got-
y6U to buy axe � , And the trayoJI6,e c.%ti find few bet -
Lt the figures I have named," re- As an illustration, take the namc Athena: Ile had borne tebtlmolly be- and then fall itt last, -is misery arid toll cloth much resembling basket toil materials for building her tin-
tilled tile customer. title birth da,tes of Pope Lco XIII. foro the wl'e men of Greece; lie had grief beyoud language or Imagina-' cloth Is very pretty. This comes In a, dorwear, at Icast so oar globe trot -
I .1W11at i N The letters of Ills first name, Joa.- decial-ed. tile same gospc,l burore tion ."AlwOfft, but lost 11, allade, P, little deeper titan . Pongee, tero. I .
. Ot if th�ero should be a .
Th.8 broker glancod at elilim, are represented by the follow- VOUX and Fcat.uzi, and ,pow before , I I " ....... ___ � — anti combined with 13ulgii'vlan 0131- The pongee blouse Is the top notch
reaction ?0 " is tt 9. 4. Add A g elpilll. ) ."W" colors 10 cry f smart utility
Le Be,+ Ing numbers, 1, 6, 1. 8, 8, I � broldery In the isort v
tile calendar, a to these, and the sum is 3:21. Add again, 16 . 0 , wear. .
i')' 'L , While Incrusted with lace, embrold-
Inteea%h. j w3my. ,lot be alit Should surfer -Many of tile . smart. t ( I
( rder to-daY Or IOL "" all numbers are reduced to n Jews Overlooked or dented the surfer- � 'Rjirco, pretty wash gowns are Grad and elaborately. made, It bulicle
execute your 0 digit, and the sum IF. 5. In the last 1119 ChAracter of V e Messiah, and z The Market . rjlc>lv,a In the picture. .
The wnrket is very � . I . . . some of the smartest gowns to be
norroW. k Liters name, Pecol, the letters represent stumbled fatally I The one on the right Is watermelon I
Irular last now. mild in a wee . at the gosp�J be. found In the summer outfit, '
r_ 7, 5, 3, 3, 9. The Fum of these numbers cauen, It required them to accept a i L'o ....... ,l.,,lll,o,,l.,,0%,,�1�_ , i Pink butcher's linen, Thli skirt Is out 'rt
likely to be a, good Many The pongee parasol Is the sma
are Dges. if copper should -sell off, Is 1-17. Adding again to got the digit, cruolfted Redeemer. I � 1.~ . . vl-,�lll" ll.,`llll,,,l,` tunle, and finished with rows of tuckno sunshade for morning and service,
cha b �, 111 and we have 9. March Is the third 11. Ali Interruption by Festus (v. Toromo Faintvrs' btarkt,ts Ing About an inph; wide, Mile yoke of ,
shall I U. at a lower figure tit' merith, and tile Pope wag born the in fact there is scarcely, any part
*14). the bodice, end tops of ilia sleeves .
24, 13ealdo thyseir-The loud or our 'NN;Zilrobe that ponges has
6'-n 2" I second day of that month, 1810. Add- roles wag the eff9ct of big all M iy 18'Viv revvipt.i or grain oil are tucked and Piped with white ru . .
.,Not unless Yon can get It at 56 rprise nut success fly Invaded.
and It isn't llkelv to react that Ing the numbers of.the .Year, i1nd we and arstonishment.-Hackett. What tht. bticet to-(13�v Wvr.l luxleraLe. linen.. Whits lace appliques in'a 1. ..
luuc)k. AnyWaTt It it should, Lhollay have 10. Tills makes the numbers Paul had said of a resurrection from With lit tit- OL, 1;9P 1.1 P A.t. I.;. Wileat grape design ornament tile walst, A Sweet Paticak.e.
not be right. from which the concord is (later- tile (lead accomplished In Jesus as is steady, .,",)j ll.isle'.s of \v,iite sell- aiad a cluster Of pill tuplig at tile
Of tile Monti', would mined, 5 and 9, which represent the the first fruits of a, perso 1-g at 7.,� t) 711iz. ,-,,Dj bli o113 red shouldeT throw fullness sufflotentrfor Whip the whites'of six eggs to a
a% buy tO-llaY ortol- - ' I
No. 11 You d0J should a 'iew'ng bushels of the bighop, sleeve, whiell'is brought* finow,, then add
he order until thc name, And 3, 2, 10 the birth. from tile Jews who E -n ghten wilitor, tit 74c, ait-.1 210J i ' the beaten yolks,
'it ,
norrow. stop t Ten, being one intensiflz!d, the num. not Only his own people, b �vea goosa at 07,!. Dirlo,-v l.i firwer, 0000 Into a wide Carl tuoked and piped.
t.anty-sixth or the tw8ntyll'sev- Wltll two,tablespoonfuls of minced
Finth, and. let ma, fsee�tho tNventy- berN of the Pope's birth represent the Grentlies-among the rest, the busliviu,seliii;g, at 4,1, to 46lic. 0..*ttg The gowal on the left Is delft blue
aluth -,would be all right it You the first three great principles. "Ten Polito and lear , n ,�Iill_ at 35 to butcher's linen. The Bk1rt ls'perfeet- candied peel,, half a pint of cream
, ad Greleks and R*- steady, 40V bushels g, -V
fillould not got it before." is said to represent a person who Is mans-aud of tile wanner Ili which .363ic_ .1y Plain, ulne .g6r'0 and finished mt and one .tablespoonful of corii starch.
Tile broker wrote the order, and sufficient unto himself, and this is ill!$ was revealed to "Ilim-all tllL,; Dalry pr(xl:�,c in t�tlr supll!y, with the bottom with -a wide hem. The Stir until. It is all thoroughly lifend.
. Yvalst Is out on the., plan of an or- all. put one ounce of sweet lara into
glanced somewhat anxiously at his especially true if a factor of tell Is would lead Buch a balf-thinker and butter aad eggs about stulltly' Dairy Mnary ablit walst, and has a very a clean frying Van over the fire, then
astomer ap he said; round in the name as tile 5 In this a pagan as F estus to conclude round- ,.01-. E -utter sold lit 13 to 20,-, and .
0 have this case. Ace.:)rding to this system, these IY that Paul was a visionary onthus- 0 , short bolero whicli, Is edged with a pour Into It enough ba4cr 'to make
$'Now lot us see 11 1 gg�� at 13 to 1-1,4 pAr dozaa.. (,'car, wido band - I linon tar-chou lace, The a parvake no 14rge,r than the palm
rigilt," and its read what he Irad numbers form a combination which last.-Doddridge. Much learning- d,,., truck offered more freely, and cuffgamd z;uilar are I'kewise trimmed.
Indicates, in part at least, the strong "Many Writings" had turned ills pri"s uri easier, . _ of the ',land. '"'hen the papeaka is
livritten. [111 -right," said the and remarkable character of the brain, .the Idea being �uggested by The cantre gown', Is white PIQue don' cover with sugar and hold over
$-yes that's 4 18 lie man. Paul's many allusions to lla�y is Uea,dy,- mith, Vales Of 1-5 with a fine, satin ,strips. The skirt is I e
ousto;er. smiling a little, 1 ition 6 being repres Moses and loads at $12 to $14�1,u toA'fOr` tim- laid in clusters of narrow tucks, t a hot salamander. Send to tablo
Oted the broker's puzzled exbres- In add allied by Lite propbets.-Butler. C 21- othy, and at $0 to $D for mixed. which are le,11, open a little ,way fro a few at a, time with a bout of ]lot
n a number, each letter Is said to have III. Paill's reply to Pastes (rs, 0- in currant jelly.-,Wasb, Star. . .
slon. a color vibratlon, which Is also Big. 29). 25. 1 am not mad -Dither I�aul ,�3trair unchanged, two loads sell- the bottom, throwing a, pretty Clare ..
d-I)o You think I -M & trifle Orf,MY . .
bearings?" he continued. , It's afficant. Once thoroughly under- or Festus was beside himself. They I Ing at $8 to $9 Ill toll- . - Into the bottom ot the skirt. Each . --- .
lot ,Btraug$ if you do, but you see stood, the author says that by this lived In different worlds, and ono or Dressed bogs are firm, with sales strip of tacking Is finished at the . Dave 'Nou Noticed?
1. - eastern one . . I the other was wrong. It Featus was at $8-24E� to $8,75, the latter for bottom with a gqu,%re two medal- .. .
It -6 like tills: These numbers are me ,sane, Paul was mad; If Paul was light. lion. Tlie'walst Is blouseXand trlin- 'niat I I , , I'
eording to a s3stern I've been look- Call Determine Almost Anything sane, Festus was mad.-Peloubet. Following is the r.wgo of quot.%- mad with modall1ofig. � The hyacinth -is a, favorite bloom
Ing into lately. it,s a little like tile In connection with his life, for ex. "There is no madness so great, no tilaus;, Wheat, white, bushel, 72% to Nothing Is prottldr-than an all- for tlie all,flower hat ?
old Jewish embalm and ample, the years which will bring delirium so awful, as to, neglect the 74%c; do., red, bu,shel, 74 to 74%c, white,golyn. It always looks so cool That . I
Tne Thin,- Works; exceptional business prosperity and eternal Interests of the soul for the do., goose, bushel, 67c; oata,'busliel, 4old Olf-mu. . Tile pregent fad for loose, grace -
also those which will not be likely sake of the pool, pleasures nd lion r A pretty black and white gown Is ful coats Is 0, .boon to tile we an
Ills great. The woman .%Vllo discover- to be successful, so that one ma3: which this life can &Ive.11 a 0 8 85 to 36y,.o; btLrley, bushel, Q tc� 40e; .shown. Tile materIal. Is d fine quality, irlio makes her own clothes? ra
ad it worked out Illy numbers, and prepare himself, as did Pharaoh of 26,27. The king knoweth-'I.Agrippa' PF as, bushel, 7.5, to 78c; haor, time thy, of silk - linell, ,So shaer and sort Is Tql t I .
when I stick to them eyprything old, in times of plenty for periods was a Jew, and no doubt was per ton, $12 to.$1-1; do., faixed, per thig that It strongly rcscwbl�s lib- ,, a
, n't they ac- ton, $6 to $0;. stralw, per ton, $8 Real linen, In Itff natural edlor,
goes my ways and when I do when leanness may be expected. qualilted Tvith the history of The arty silk. cla,m be had In the - Shops as lovo as
I heard Again, that It enables one to deter- amd works of Jesus, of I -U life to $9; apples, per barrel, $1.50 to. This Is a pattern gown, and Is 12% cents, gi ,ya,rd ? DrIghten,od, wit),
mostly go tile other way, a death and $2.50,,'dressed bugg, $8.25 to $3.75; liand-:bmbraidered In white wash silk
&>f her through Charley Thompson, mine what persons will prove pro- resarrection, of the events that 00- eggs, 'new laid, 1.3 -to :L-ic; butter, kirt has I a pai a, bit 'oi the Hungarian embroidery,
, Richard,, mud I were boys to- Citable business associates and ralth- curred oil the day of Pentecost. and floss, The , no' front - It; ;ivould build
gether. ful friends, and also In what avenue the Preaching of dairy, 16 to 20c; do., creamery, 20 and graduated flounce tucked at toll suits
A, ley were taking din- tile Gospel since- t . .
one night ill of effort one will be most likely to Jesus had been crucified." A carribr- o 24c; chickens, peri Ill., 15 to 20c; and bottom. Those gowns are shown . I
and Riellards, Who turkeys, p . That I . I ..
ter with me, be succ-assful., There lva,g a wide knowledge of the . er lb., 20c; potatoes, per In blue and white also and are made .
I than good Company, In teaching bar pupils the author bag, $1.00 to $1.15l. � ps. � � . I Pretty belts are to be had of soft
is usually molle what facts connected with 'tile life, death . . over thin lawn sit ,washable fabrics, with an insertion
wav glum- At last I abku-d him of thlo.system uses it to determine a;ud resurrection of Clirlst, i3elle-vest British Livo Stock Markets. A, stylish early"spring suit is pic-
Waff the nill,tter," and he told us he In what department of music he -Agrippa had bean instructed In tile' London, May 3.6. -Live cattle are tured, The materlal used is a very th"Ough the centre In open-work
had been having a hard time of It, or glie,will he most successful. An in- Scriptures -amd acedilted them Intel- stoady at 12 to 13c per lb. for Aw-3r- Ilght-NA*bIght broadcloth. The scams sti telling In colors ? I
eTer since he usoved Into Ilia new stance Or this -was a young woman lectually, I loan steers, dressed welgght; Canadian are piped In sathi taffeta and orna-. That . . � .
Offices down here on Broadway- who came rather less than a year 28, 29. Almost, etc. -See R. V. There steers, 3.1 1,2 to 121-2o per gb - niented at the' 'bottom wLth strap- - Battlement or tab effects In trim -
,,;aid he had not made big office rent ago for instruction and had for are two widely different opinions as refrigerator beet, 9 to 9 1-2c, per I 1'6." pings of the same. I I mIng are growing In popularity for
ellice. be bad been ,there* R."If m some time been studying Instru- to tile meanruk of this verse. The Shopp, 18 to 140, dressed 'Weight. ' . The coat has astole collar trimmed ' the bottom of. skirts.? �
doze%, times ble deals had fallen mental music and composition, r1rat is that Agrlppa,'s heart was . . with fancy braid and 6dged wid Tilalf; * . .
through w,le]3,-)Ie supposed ;LbP-7 On applying this system. It was de- touched and that, according 0 the Cheese Markets. straps of the silk ornamented with The vogue for shil.ded effecin" is
L% made, an 10 was termined that she would lie much Authorized Version, he declared with
- -
,wore as gO011 a' d I Belleville, Oat., May 16.- To -day cut steel buttons' This 13.eket is '.!tied strong In millinery ? Uiere are shad-
holloughly dlscouf- more successful as a vocalist. As all eariousmeas that he Was almost white and with liglit-weigb. white satlu and ad feathers, shaded ribbons'and aliad-
, I
getting pretty t that was the case with Mo)ba, who hall Persuaded to become a Christian. The r the skirt has a deep accordion -plaited., ad strawa. 1, . . � �
there were offered 1,355 t
, Thompson suggested 217 colored. Sales:, Hodwson, 127
1, ,� 0 tLe Was completed her education in lngtru- ,r -vie -116c; W 500 flounce. Sucli sul hes a ser� .
I . DthL .Nv Is that the words were colored at 11 5 ,, atkins, a V ma
I P. .
'Under ttie Wrong Numbers. mental innate before she discovered spoken saxetigtically, according to WhItO at 11 1-4q; Alexander, 500 viceable travalling costume or Is . I
she had a remarkajile roles, this tholilevised lyamlom, and that he waq white at 11S -16c; Er . anion, 193 pretty for street wear at any time, . T RE, WRONG BOTTLE. .
We did not know -,vhat that meaut young woman had not supposed she not in the, least Influenced by Paul's white at 11 3-16c. I ( ,%. skirt to such a, suit can �alwmys .
and he —
mud wanted him to explain, bad a voice worth cultivating, but words towards Christianity. Nearly Napanes, Ont;. Way 16Teoterday be worn w1tb .pretty shirt waists, Trouble ill the Th-,)nilikims, Faililly
told uq about tile system. ne In legs than six months she made ,Lit recent commentators accept the 22 factories ,boar,llecl 1,525 boxes or ' � . . ___ . t AVItest 111edicinesGot Mixed.
-Ough one of h 4
heard of It thl, 13 Pu- a succeasful deDut In concert as a Imi,terview. Would to God -Paul's an- choose, beinz. 1,175 whits arxI 850 Bollnets ar qu-nill-l'...., I
.P,10. l3elag, in a way, in Ills lines vueallat� . . smer is sublime. He Is so tboroughly colored; all sold iLt 113-16c. I . Her . G's'a . story Joh-'a W. Gatestells:
he Wag interested and looked Into it. Another Jilicident satisfied. witb the salvation lie has London, Ont., 'Alay, 16. -To -day :IS It is wbisliprLd from afar that very,
"You see, it Is like this: Each per- related of the successful working of experienced that; lie does not hesitate factories offered 1,331 boxes May, small,jery high hats are to be wailp "Did you hear. about Thompkinu and
son has certain numbera that be- thl - sort ol divination Is Of a man � to heartily commemd It to �all Ills make ; no. sales; bids, 10 3-4 to 110. this spiling, and, -moreover, they are hia wife 2 NO,? Wall, Tolompkins'- IvIf a
long to Illim" out Of which a concord ;&, bad been for. a long time strug- royal hearers. Except, etc. -What a South Finch, Ont., May 1G.-Tilig to be tied -under ills obin. These de- ha(l,,A:,cough, medicine, When.he WELS
can be made, and If lie worl'.8 Under glIng with an invention which lie was gentle reproof to those rulers who Ovening there wits a large attend- mure little htl4i�dro.qseb ard'.. nbt lbe� , .-
necosli is the results unable to com,#ete. . were, keeping him In chains 1 Wba t a mace; number of cheese boarded, oQmlng to all women, but If bonnets bilying it the druggist remurked In-
. . -
tills harmony El 4. friend In- .t 1,685 boxes, 1,200 wiAte, -balatice, col- milo to be ilia proper caper, why claeutally ' 0 i)r tIlb
and if he doesn't, he is likely to get duced him to try putting himself It; delicate appeal to them fail liberty . . ilpat Ile Ilmd Soul
It ent a discord. accord with the vilirations, of his IV. Paul decla-ed Innocent (Va. SO- ored; price offered, 11.5-16C for white. lovely woman will stilt herself to beet hai� restorer that ever glad-
and,li3_8b for colored; all sold. thio occasion by lowering and broad- detled the head of a bald headed maA.
,,)Nrell, Richards went to the we- numbers. In a few months ha, had ,32). At the co,=Iusloa of the .speech VC, IlWalt, *On.t., ,Xmy 16.-T.o-day oning thQ little bQnnat-Otaped hats Thompkina Is baldheadedt but lie
map his systemp slid Ilia invention perrected and on the the king's .sympathy was evidently. r
_ who got up t
.5110 told him he would never bosuc- market, and to now a multimillion- wilth.the prisaner. 'but Paul had Put 1,463 .boxes of eb'ftse were boarded but learing the strings QIf. ' However, pretended lie didn't licay. Re-bouglit
O(!�qqfui at tile number where hewas alre. It out of the power of Postus to ro- here, 995 white, 233 colored and 85 no compromise will be clillto a4 -:a c1gar and talked politics 'with
;t move. go had The author of this system holds lemse him, becau-5e, he had apPealed to United States; All sold except ono. smart as the original bonnet, bigh - two or tIlree of"the* boya for a while,'
located stud he muk other that Ill& success was due to tile con- On ENIar- lot, wJ21ch Went for 11 14-c. % and small. . " and just before lie lefU for )ionic- be
a long lease, and there ,%vore for cord or Ills numhers, and to the I Woo - I Markets - � I � lllt . * I sald kind or carolessly.i to the drug -
reasons why If, 'was ilmPID1581131a Paul -A-as a highly educated man, One�or,t,,hv loveliest wroatha ..for .
douliting says that if they -will look n,nd was the first one of the apos LG:ndoil, Mily 16--Vle Offerings at gigt: I 1.
him to do so. � the . evening coffure- ,18 ,made of �-'Say.', -oil nicaus got any stuff t1fa,t1s
. I
,,Re a,sked lier if there wag 'lot over their lives, they will see that tip,,; or our Lord who could be 130 -the wool -&u'6t1On` sules to' -day 6111- honeysuckle feaveer and- blossoms, all
, their periods ol success have includ. called, All the others hall been outnted to 12;812 bale% ,cbicfly uled- good for tile lialr-mak� It-er--Eort.
Rome way out Of It, and ,Fhp sugge,st all, in each Instance, tile same num- chosen from the middle class. They' tum, grwdel,- Competition 'WaA spirit'" fairly carried out Ili gold. Another or gilow, You kliow?lt -
e,j that if he had a, partner whose E effective 6pray Is of green leaves'and .. �1,01i, yei,." ,said the druggistil , �
J, tile t�ers, unless it be that they have are ,mentioned to- ,our ingligh Bible A fair 1supply of Punita, Arollau .%01111
. �
numbers were in accord wli,h,L,,, outlived tile numhdra, tinder which at; "unlearn chiefly to the cantInent"AAhural black molintalu ash berrioal, wfillu ' . "Well,.'� Bald Thompkins, "guess I'll
number otilig Offices to ,take c ed and Ignorant man.". well, , I girlish and pretty is'il, trailing
they were rfurn, and there Isr Q way (1cts tv, 13). These terms cannot prices, F,ollowing axa, tale sal �:_ -gaP-. take a buttle, 21Y brother-in-law le
of .it part of the bmsiness which she WIWI land'of violets and gardenias. , a regular dude alia likes such things.
tile difficulty would be, la to determine that. have been used as we now use them, tall: . *1 . --- � . �
indicated, In support of her theory tile au- because persons who could write 'New South Vi"aleg-2,900 balaff; . lerepe de.C.bine Vrocks. The two bottles -were-about the
pilot at least, OTOXCOwe- alking thor call& attention to tile old ,Jew- mg they did could not prop.:Irly b3 Ecourad, 9d to 1&:10d; greasy, 71-1d game give, but that'w"n"t the'4ruk-
,.Re Alld Carter had b9en t - .0rope do chIne, ,still holds inidis- - gist)s fault; Inium
worked I 8& . V�Ing opened them
Left eal)a)a, which site asserts this called ignorant men, They were not .to U. -
of a partner.ehip. The woman 4yetem makes plain, though sbe had educated In literature and theol- Queemkaaad-400 bales; scoured, puted reign as a material for dressy b(ytjl Iv -11611. 110 got- home, That night
out Carter'S nUmbers, found they Bevel, examined It until her own ha' .24 to go 1-2d ;-groasX. 11 1-2d to (rocks. It tends itself admirably to af ter lie had undressed he happen.
. W P O ogy ag religious teacherg were ex- 11 1 i I . artistic draping aidd will sta-hd & fair
,,-ore a right, tile Partners 1 "'a" for some. time ly-een completed. $110 pected to be. The Apostle Paul,, 10 1-2-d. ! ad t,6 think that -tt might be a good
alos; scoured, 3.g ; amount of wear.- IV,blte, grey -and thing to try a little of the hair i!e-
formed and bildn"a lifts been going also cites the fact that people find however, was educated in both lit- V10tOTi&-8O0 b are smartest shades Cur. 4um-
all right over since." 0 Ot ,ertain numbers lucky while others crature and theology. The details Sre4msX, :Is tO Is _8d- cream sto-rer. 1-4 1316 dark Ife'kat litild of lite
,-quesr,ll said the broker, and 11 -are the reverse, and days that in- Df lit% life are too well known to be South AustraXia-200 balcs; grca:,y, Iner gowns. Lace and fringe arathe wlfs�s tougIr .medicine and lie plas-
ea most popular trImptings, ibc!ugb url-, tered It all over Ills, bald head. . It
, ,gy to-,, lie hesitated and then variably the lacky numbers will be *mentio�od here. Above all thingalle 81-2d to -U(I- I
(I -ratand," . -5,100 bales, scoured, ontal embroideries show . up Wel On was good and stleky,
lidded, undo I ound to he those which make ,up watt devoted to tile Jews' religion. New Zealand I . and It hung
92 yet, were going to aay 'believe, Lite Person's eoveord. He caused to be beaten, 6(T to 3.B; �W ; greasy, 4d to Is 'Id. the white grounds. � right oil. Airs. Tlic>ml*lns 104 t6 vlo.
Ills customers 'and I admit It Imprison- Punta. Arcnals-al`900 bales; greasy, I ___!!q . . lent; fit or coughing duiving tile
dueg, seem an improbable tlAn1;, but ed and stoned thO8e W-110 belonged ,
to the rising "sect of the Nazar- 6 1-2d to 11d, -1 I . A Touch- of Style. . : alght and In- foolhig ltioatind the clos-
ino more Ao than sending A, wireltIss ' -1day ` e4001 rinjklaind Islabdo-516 bales; greasy, Long Jetted scarfs are draped et for her modichlb-, got hold of the
(lid tam years a -go, Or that 000 Iclud �jim S e ones." This ho did wIth. a good con- 5 S -Ad to 7 8-4d. arcund brims, tied, In back all(] fall' hall- restorer, $110 took -a! big dose
of light ray wfil heal and another mlence, believing that he "oughtto .
atpd." do many things contrary to tht 13radstreers on Trade Ili much adorned ends. A.I)rettY old and then hollered-,
bar 0 Vinsen has dentonstr INrUltNATIONAL L'USSONNO, V111 name of Jesus of .`N mreth." Wltha frhore lina been 'Increased actly- fashion Is revive(! by 11F Ire!" �
th a
'n the notes o� old Tr1llItY'b ,.'az
chimes fill, in a Ahowev Of silvery -MAY 24, 1003 blank search warrant in his pos. - Ity In Montreal r w�holesale trade round a 6.rowp In tiara rashlon. Thompkins, aW&ko with It m'yell,
111clody among tile big buildings And session for tile finding and arrest tills wpek as a egult of the Bet- Tile beauty clf ilia burnt stmw hat There had boon a little at in the
0 of any who professed thlo name of tioment of tile strikes. There Is Is Its adajit',%bility, to all 'sortEr and Pillow caser and Ito had rolled around
tile throng of 1;ieople hurryln� up anti I�aal Ilefon,-AgOppa - Aut� 216: 1-U-241. Christ. lie himself Was arrested, still a great accumulatium Of freight conditions- ,ot �trlmmlngg and- coa- with Ilia sticky hwA until lie had
down Wall 6tre0t- year, Commentary-Conriecting 1*.nk4. "Af- humbled, anti brougirt into the ser- for e-iti)-ort and warohou,ses are fill- tumbd- - i . � made U, g1leat 11010 Ill tItO cage and
,,you gee,l, lie continued, "the top Paul halt lain In prison two VILO Of Jesus. -.od w1th merchlandiso for ,alliPment Clusters of quallit, oldl,fashloned had all the feathers worth men -
month, and day of tile month Of one's Yeare, Felix wag remove I oo account �
birth, tO.-Ctllev with o,ne!s names Agrippa was a descendant of Aer- wpat, but good .progress Is baing ficps, wreaths of lovely ,red 9tra.w.. - tIOning, flailing out from lite Gran-,
of grave complaints, of Ills conallet, 0 jai on. all sides, and tile situatioD borrlcq and glowing Peaches are him so Ul&t he looked like tho baul,
(;ive 'k,lach Persol, Ceitain NxinlLw ,t,141 porclus postus lvas appointed d the Great. and was of Jewish - m-nd
stock. Ile was ovidantly thoroughly, ,WW be greatly relieved by ill(,, cl()so. awong� the sdason,s trimmings, - ' - - slice - In .an lillsli foliklore.,tale. Jac
On o a CV7 Never Was 'ribbon' m6ro cleverly came ivabIng to Mrs, T,Iiompklns' as -
ION& chimed form 0,13 In 1110 atea(l- Festus wa<' a much bet- educated In the ,Jews' religion, for Of thO 100k- At Ter t I 816tailce. Me
aoa just as it '.er man than Felix.,' After Fostus - treated than in the millinery, bf to, one ,. �kin a [It It wag the evil
am. -3 .6r,varn-or tile pmul pays Ile was ,,expert In all wArm dayE, tills week 1113,ve. m&ter W -bat lovely things they are, a g th"'Mi.011day And again
overtone those numbers form a, con- the demand for sew- * day- hill I
cord. We don't hear each DOW the 'Jec J -1w"-% again oustorus and questions which are tally lwPrGved buttered, tills time loudeF than over.
'Ought to "aye Paul tak" to a eru- - among the Solva.11 lie was also a onabW goods. More buy,ers from� these gatbared-up rogatt6s' of soft,
,115 ;;aletn for tr;al, for there they had In tile ' ,Lt.- gleaming ribbon,, and how, bx . 'Ire 1.11 I I
be ,sttike, jvhat we hear Is the
ovottollo, and wililt count's in thh. n tit quielto ."Firal polteal r
- nominal believer in the Jews' relig- the country Wave bee for golue, are tho t011eO Of 0016r, tbopInki3 and' � The hlrc4 gIrl ran Ifito -Lite night
,.Yhtm if; Ills concord, or overtone, "lore power OVel tile 4ourt'S" or [On, for Paul also SmYS of film - ,,Be- kot the past fam *Itll nothing'an but A sweater and
eould mmrctly aesassing,to their )ts'? I vwockd. At Quebec 4il the past' Palt, sort blues" rich, warm oranges,
f,>r the wl'010 thing is foun'ted k)" ollemy. Paul aw that �thar only safe 110yest thou the PrOP111 Aril -109 ,, pair otrubbbif bbota and tarnad
at Are the basig Of E: , cirpleg mild vivid bright bluos, and onior4ldl &
t Ot, it.(. sva,v for him wit.9 to appeal to (,as. kn4mv. that i1fou bellevest.11 Yet he wpok. business In whologalt , I . . In nl�goaeraf alarm. It coat Thouip_
musk, and, nousellsO Or 11 s&rt and have his case tried tit Rome. lv-" 86 notifan. at heart. , had boat) goo -.1. Till* conditions Oj greens. . . , . � ..c king e 16.5,0 to make, It. all rigilt with
thing has, to far, worked Rff unforml,.�,,* Vostus at Once. granted the ap- Compared anti contrasted, Those trade at Pacific Coast contras Art, ; ___ the f1ronien, but he gayi; 'tho'exparl_
-is tit e, la, ie, and I two men are now brought together very eatlafactory. Trt0b at Will- Vor live Monsewfill.
� w of gr0,TItY With n Peal. � once wag cheap at the,priee, ma tile
propose, to let it keep working." 1, I'lautle address J,oforc Featus and I God for the niflog haa boon IiArly Active the 4t)ne AvOnlatl ImPrOW-B ills texture ol -, cough mixture litartod his hair grow -
And he Went oillt leaving tile broker Agrippa. -Yo. I -22a, Paul t1jo prls- firot and last time. It canin About, past week. Tho sootting of 8pring, the skin on ]tar hands very� much by- tng atain. lo: Intiden tally his ,w1fe,s
wondering. - %. n that tilner, wag stand In the midst of however, easily and naturally. Xing wheat Is practicallp over and 03. goakilig them lit milk from ton to fif- ':o- .
laugh bad dlimppeardd.�'-Xow York
It w,fts found on Investigatto , - pump an!r 191 1plidor of orlon- fact that tha arem Olows a : t(.Pjl ininutes each night ])store 0e : Press. - I
tile pnilation, with Whom tbI8 system� ,tit the 11 Agrippa visits rioutua. They talk � I
tat ro,vAlty. Au Foon its Paul was over their affairs, And mention is large Inereaso this seasoll )Vautm- rotIres, rolllavc,lur, this With a good : .�_ r I I .
originated is not a professional pro- told that lie -waki permitted to speak made of Paul's case. F eatilu ought to - PrOv011 - th4 'Outlook for th,-T fall oream.L-olDeboral: . - , ' ' 0 . 11 . Wheat Is"All Sown, ,
phot but a teacher of muAld, Who 4,01, himself, he at once ji""gllm Ills I)XV0 son t him to gonto before this. trade. nusiness tit namil ton Is Moro. � ' � . -
MaGa (L specialty of teaching mus. llddr,�,g "witil lliq uallal p4al,islied Lima# but could not do do for want Active, Tliere is; 9, better sorting Lacqvornd DrasR Should bo rub- 4� W��lnnlpeg, Alan., May 10,_111.11D'U'. P,
ical compOeltiOn- In Studying vibra- lion r tesy, " For till, third timn lit the of it suitable charge. ftftfthd 419 A X`Oliult Of "lore fav- bed wlti, a clolth dippod Ili Sweet oll. - R. general 01apWillecaldefit's offled
tions and harmony, goinewbat beyond �kctig wk; havo tile story of 111AU116 Paul'a address in one of tile most orablu livettiller. Vall orders, too, 1 hnil aTterwaftl Iyollalled Witlir a sMtt to -day fcoollOdd Ito flithl ,nOodibg pe�
, alon. -kable parts of the 4BIble, It Is arl vard, Bfttlsfactorll�v, tloth. 1)o not use any scouring com- -,,port of ilia -teason. Taila shows that
,t been Fiat ". ver 3 Octming forN
tile lloillt that hall as ye L on reintlu
down In books, i9lie tilInks silo hills 1.9. AgrIppa,-"lIerod Agrippa, It. One of 0086 apirittlal guide -post -g tr&velerW oixleri4 and mail ordoes Pound, as tills would Injitille the lilell :&II the wllmt,la In ilia grotiod'. 11,nd
found that each digit And each let, wau king of tile rountry Pa"t of tile Along the highway wber; one al. calling for llbi�ral quantities and b;!- qpm I � 1. al90 that it larfe p.roportlon or till)
t,cr has A ulliform vilirt6tion. Site upper Jordan and tile ,Ssea, of Gall- waym stops, looks i�bout him, thinks Ing wcII distributeJ. Owing to tna __ :iloughar 'geclino (or thla Y,Oarlg crop
saysi. as & .jnattor Or facts that yo,,!. Ile
, Ilad a palace at Jorugalem, backward and forward and reckons. MOI WO11thek which has 1190-11 OX- hoO U190 gown- All th&A96htg ape4k
I � To remove a whlto�mark left an di
- o INU611 thing as 0110,110-0, that anti Avaq prorosseilly r, Jovj-, and was It hao many filatinnable featured, and I)Oricft(.�d till tIlIG Av".k, ILO','is rx- most favorably W the prospects. 06
th"r" "' " d signifleg. I tb�fti may be mentioned that tha sorting tradd will pollylia(d oak table It to risiommended ft6r, and 0.111y' that illaro"1111`0 03611
OV,rything Is relevant an versed Ili 3(3%v,IW, enatoum. Ile was among poo, to hold A hot Ir6n it little abbVO no llmlj�dlment or damage froin tiny
a to" by any other name. tile sw t later t1lan tioual tills vear. .
'anti tIl4t . n of tho llorwl Agrippa, wbo the following., 1. Simplir,',ky. Thore lit) kV .k, tholl withdraw for ill win-
� it" miglit be, wofild glf.xv jallip valt,;po Of HtAIAO gOCAS fttb 'firmly' th-e rilar $Ott
however Owes, 's, and linprigoned Peter. Is aligolutoly no, attempt at rhotor- %-, again when POO *11at(316r. They' 00% eltilwilly
- - -ruealerfl Ic, learning . or o1raltory. Paul . Ad. At 1461.110a there 1,4 a NEW lite; hold IT) PoAttlo'd litkablinot0f, h6ftftrl, In naylog thil.t
sladdr A nawli 19 01 1m After the il;!&truction of Jo had 19 I -
` 11)
� " _� /_
I I L� : \�) �
- ,
, ,
I , � �
I �) 4 , XU
I I.. - ��71 .
F"', Z� r 17C _""� -I
T I,. M .ets,
not be a X09% I , -
portance. I A. 1). 10. Ito war; drAill'olled, hat per. tile audience of Ills life, Ile would ablexint of activity In jabbing 6relia,-. tho wood IlAa cooled, and repeat rain Ito noW needoil too a colitin,111.
The alphabet$ digit, and the law mittli'll to 1.4,tain bio wealt1l, and � litaltilraily be expeeted to make tho, 01%loro from retailers are Inicioaa,ll -, 00,000r4ttoff Tintil 1ho mark bad did- tio-ft or tile eonditlobs which Il'olvA
or vibration WV ill() fonnd&tIone livorl at Rome t1qtlI A, 1). 10% Ile 1 i,,ffarlt of Ilia life, Ott the contrary", lixg, ovpecfall� for seAsollablo .' appearod'.—Trilittl1t. . ! � been so perfect lip 'to tile peesonj
of tile df0tem. It Ili declared that will; Innuoral ill life, lint !1()L 1111juat 1 lie slutply rolatAg Ills experience, llulad, mild tile ALIXt folv, weeks In os- —_ tilliol. 1 .
tile alphabot or every laywital red what lie waa All- A,—
go is of in bl"L rule, and lials been conside 'I flow 110 lived Ad ply'ati�(.1 to e,holiv rt.neWod antiVity Ill i A tbor(Avdt goalkintf In, IrcronatiO tilf, - .. � .......... ��� ,"', .......... "I'll
deep import, And Id. not only 10 It"Olt tho )Ypgt Tit the Ilerwilan faially." it Plittrisce, Ills standing In the low- sesoontible gootla. 11.1pro hhtt beel oft� 11 make Ali old itowlilgifift'd1ill'16 41- T110 IlAlt book pr1il.tM In r,,aglanti
PT obetio, but Interprotill PV0Ph('1Yv ; Nipt (11601 P11i'llit—'TWO Ill 011f, 0.1 tho I Fiji church, what he did toe Illiat a good dowand Ili whole0als trado mo,,qt a-1 goolf 0 flew. Itt elemilg6a wifto A 11110tory of tile Game :of
0 ! 0
at A roWed to rAuple who usep it. crand yo.110 of instruLtion awl por- -ebureh mid agAinat the Chriatlanotroloa at ttt*wo tl" w6tkk tim ,pta-ti a -titti gammod itirt and 'heog.0 � .
I . 4 . I,, , I I :1 11,
.: I , .. . �_'_�
I i_11.11--�_ -
s I AS J UK Him l,
r (0. 11ales in London Daily News)
mad in a forels,ol land I V 4.11011-.
not at the head of lils old brigade.
not In the starin mid ,stross of but.
,Lie, but alone, by4 Itio civil band,
with -tile shadolve of A' ollarp;o of
wront,- Winging over him, As I -think
of It nly, blood rulift cold lit my vollis,
. for as At noldlor ho was groitt. I .k
think of 1.110 dead. man lying .on
Vroncli Bull lonclP Ili tile grhu gratip
of death, �1110 then illy Blind g000
swimy. back to him its I so, ortoig
0aly 1111a oil tile great, f4r,sproading
Arrican I)yan tit, ito fronted our
foes In ball;t1o; And I forgot tile deafl
mitu, tind 1-cluelli$Jor Only tile living
leader, wIlo, wlin'tover lite faults
Billy 11tLY0 I)COU, Irma At least a
dauntloom gervaut of 1110 .Ooaritr�l
�vhoa paril crowded round tile ljol, .
Woo" whow Ito led.
or the charge that made him take
fila life I lillow 110thillgl I know Ito
nityro than -any. Other wan lit Britain
wiletiler or nU Ile had cau-so to of-
itou miuscir; but ,this I do iinow,
that whon ilia country, needed litill.
and r1flon spoko their language 0"r
death, Ili Egypt, India or Africa, Ito
U14" in all out, loland waff -move
prompt to go where graven were be-
ing filled Vian tills bold Boot who
lvau yesterday a, licro, to -day a out-
As I think of film I emit almosit
bear agalit l;4o ruotllug of tile I-ligh.
landers' feet through the veldt grass
and t1to swish of the swaying kilts on
fllo AfPICall UIP. I Can PIOMro him
at R 1101111, that bivoilacking
ground or the Australian
troops, and as Lite scene comes �w
back I cam alluost; hear again in(,,
doell-tonod 'elloers of the sullburne'l
bushman as they, ruslml to meet tile
luau W110 wa,18 to theill all Ideal hul. .
tilell and a leader Of men, Ile came
umongsC tliL-m kaddenly, \ylthout one
warning ,liound and, ,stepping front
. A I)AFIRjillg tMin: 11114101M.1 Wltlk Eldkit.10
trand along the linex of tontg N%�llerc
till> buolinien- liy about in ona-ch,nis
fashiall, reacly to Tight, but 4yerse to
go through 'tile routine work or
camps, ,11,o ,goals those rough colo�
ulaW inilsfit liuve seenied ittitioldlar-l;
Like ainif crude, But.not to hill), for liv
11WI fought against such men, and
know, that pipeclay ,Lild not make a
warrior. Ile ,saw theiti. Jou4ging lit
their zbirtk4eovos, with rlilcs plied !it
dloarray wbau the shadows that
tbeir tenth; threw, out lay like dark
stroame Ili the tirliflant sung!)lne, an(I
as Ill> loolcod lie hiliglied, ilia quick,
short, magnetic lAugh, which taitf
thalu they were u,iiderstood, Ault
h Mesed front
group. to grnuil, that tlW9 wag "Hoc -
toll," Bind, like a mob of boys freoli
loosed from school, they Owarmed .
aroujul him, tossing their rough felt
hats high lit the air and cheei:liig
Big they used to cheer upon the dat-
tlo stations when a ni&ddened herdAft 1.
of hours uAld hollos broke for Lho
scrub, ajid had to be wheoleil for the
opoin a.t. .the v1gk of life and limb. Ile,
alert, keen -eyed, rosialuto of face anti
beavin-pn looking from head to hool
a 801dIET, tllClk elleerS and toss -
cod them sharp,, short words or
thanks, and left tlww ilia rl6her fell
I the magaiatism or his presence, That
IN"ag lit's way. lie did net -waute'llis
worii�, but gave to soldiers what; tile
soldier loves—criall pralso or bla,ine,
I san, 'Macdonald once again, up -
01, tho banks of ilia Moddor, .with a
brokOu band of men around him, the
13111tttei*ed remallants of the-1111girlaild
bAgade, .sullen and sore from defeat
almost within the shadows tbat
01*011,18's stron�,ltold cast, and nonn,
Who saw him there, just oat or
range of Maidrofootelials surIV
heights, coifld have foretold tliat'
lie would live to die ilia death hy
has (tied. He went amongst tho)lieu
NvIth eyes that flashed -along' till,
shattered ranks ' a -Ad woke, � . tile
Highland,' pride,, fla 'did, not whip
them with wordg, but every glance
told the 861diorg fhat lih had. )loved
for better thingg. from, men w1lo worg
the Highland colors, aud.-they ki)OW
whai lay behin(T that glance, and
bl'11,00d thelnHeIVCH for bottertItIng,.i;
mild in Ills ]land ibo"Old brigade be -
cattle olice: mofw the . very . floiver of
Britalit's chivalry, , :�
Once agaifi I smw. hiw;. marching.
with lite men acrbsg� thaVreeKtato
like A Alan Of firip, antl wherever X4v-
donald ,* huo hli I-Tighlandere . ad
vanced -tile cli$my .fell back; "
�O 1*
with UnedOunlil at"their )lead Lill.,
Highlandeks were i.;?reslatlble. . No. -
Door cOmmalldo could be got to
.front. them, whiln. they handled their
bayellets.'Now.116 has gone; .lull
all Ills f4ults and railings, like his
sOldlerly gifte, must be litlAW with
him'. -]Ile did )act die -,As all,who, know
llh� Illou'r,"If hm Ills
a, ,It I tor 0 battle. He died Ili ill,)
solitlude of Ills own, I,OOW$-I)y Ills ;)1vll
114nd, Better, for him, and botterfor
OcOtlalld, llwl Ito d;ad as Watichol"
died$ facing tile ,oneuntag of Itts
country, Intrepid to tho last, ly,ati
Ile 90110 dOWa In Some stormy scone,
bearing Illmoelt as blithely as lie
ILlwayp 416, ill war, tile ruilglish.
Imenking ,%voillil would hav(3 theowil
n6thini but flowers upon his grave:. .
but lie was bralle mild ,resolute, and
ready always to .take tile post
where death was busiest, a manor
troll nerve, ,or granito will, Intlexi-l.
blo where 111ally another wa*era,d.
Let tlito ho Bald of hial 1101ir bil Iyas
gone -110 -novel, turned .1xIff -face away
from, 111i c6untry'a foes and paver .
brought reproach u])On 'his odun- A
try's flag. I � _
Iln-lloiv Old (lid you say you were -4
MW 010 Girl-14walteoll.
I10-1 didlift 6Ak tbo 1111,111ber Of
3Z bou�". ,