The Wingham Advance, 1903-05-21, Page 1The - . W..ingh4im Vanceo 30TH YEAR, NO, 38, WINGHAM, ONTAIRIa, 1IAy 1, 10043. $1.00 PER YEAR 1 !' AIDUNC we will a o ccs. 'bushel >; n Don't ins This, the great winding We aro enforced that Fred pay 7 it for remarkable, t DOMINION 011ce Potatoes. Bring them in at pont ins. Th s, Leased. 7Iil* BANKOFRAMILTON r Pn revs r loot he Re r ins e seal's # Orr,r { once.-- , &, X• Kerr. re art for ll)Ol in else issue of last ftp Auction Sale of Honauth Bros, an olaxk in the ween a hotel, and his ' jl It is reported from Winnipeg that week, we »milted to note one fact that Saturday next, May 23rd, goods sold brother of Toronto, Have leased the the Canadian Pacific Railway has ar• is rather remarkable, that is—that at your own price. Din6ley house; possession to be given Ministers and church }vcrkorsgoner-ally, aro riY I icy G H A M. Capital (paid llp) $2,9801000 ranged to ship21,000 head Of cattle there were 400 pairs of twins born der. g cordially invited to contribute sterns of church August 1st. news under this heading, from their respeotiye throe h May and June froul Manitoba ing the Year, and five sets of triplets, Unequal Measure. 000,00 , (and undivtd- 3 38p ppp g Y q churches, Capital paid up $r,000,00U, f;esorve, =I,Soo,00 Reserve 1 y or 053 children from 474 mothers, Says the London News. -For blow. Sold, Rev, Mr. Jones, Baptist .minister of J• TURNBULL, General Manager. ed profits s o and the West to Montreal on the way to Liverpool. The number Of cattle Cantata. -Ing out the brains of a boy in Elgin Last week, Ali,. P, Brown of Lakelet 2ud concession of Howiek, has resigned President -.john Stuart shipped last year during the samecounty a Ivan was given a year in jail, sold the Lakelet mill property to Mr. his charge, Vice-Presldent-.,A, G, Ramiray Miss Hou bleu is bits tralpin Por I tealin ten cents from a bo Cashler-J, Turnbu Farmers' Notes discounted, months was lass than 5,000 headabout g Y g g y in James Horton, the mail carrier, Mr. Rev, Wm. Lowe and Rev. J Fd Drn$axoss:•-John. Proctor Wei. Gibson, Drafts sold on all points in Can' The Minister called at a certain Can- for the tOantatachildren e e and A 1?tet is in Fuiung ple Wentworth county a man was given a Brown removes the machinery and moods Of Blyth exchanged pulpits on Ge Roach, A. T. Wood, A, B. t.so (Toronto) ada, the United States and Harope• adieu have jI►at after ho lead came to ,]%ted," to be given in the Tawn hall n who sworey- year in ,he killed d o Lin ondon ndon the man an AHrton Bests Ithe (buildings and Sunday last, Savings Batik hours 10 to 3; Saturdays 10 to i. P property. e n r to g of nail, two reeid- Divine servieo will be held in St. erDeeposits o nd computed upwards received. Int, his new pastorate. The small boy was the evening of Al ay 20th. Posters will got off scot free 1 What kind of jns- ences, stable) and several lots. Paul's church this (Thursday) ev-en'tug, and 31st Efav each year,andadded toprinoipal SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, present long before his mother caaule be Issued this week: keepthe date Interest allowed on deposits of $1,0(I and flee to Ilea ? Who i6 to such for it ? as it is Ascension da Special Deposits also received at current upwards, and added to principal 30th Junq dawn stairs to greet the dominia. open, Admission-25ctQ ;children, 15, Have we got cl»wr1 Lq such a grade Paid Well, Y rates of Interest. Rev. George Baliautyue has tendered Drafts an Great Britain and the United and 31st December each year. Trying to be cordial, the minister said, Plan of Ball at R, A. Douglass' drug that we regard the theft of ten cents It is understood that Rev. Air. Barr Itis res! nation of the charge of St, An_ Statos bought and sold. "How old are you, nay little Wren?" store, and the spilling of human blood as will clear $100,000 with his party of drew'scongregation, Molesworth. I'' DzasrxaoN, Sfllioitor. A. B. GiiBSON, Manager "I'm five at home, six in school and Thrown Out. crimes of equal calibre? colonists which he brought to Canada three on the cars," was the delightful 1 g W. ce)RBOULD Agent R. Vanetono, Solicitor Y• 13e gots the usual bonus of Lucknow Presbyterians held their an- recently. Travellers are ratified that the l auk eof g repIy, On Friday Inst, as Rev. McKelvey Very Busy. niversary on Sunday last. Rev. J. I3. FlamiltananditsBranohasissnetL'ironlarnoteQ $5 per head, which the Canadian Gov- McVicar of Fergus preached the auni- of the National Provincial Bank of grisland of Wroxeter was driving to Wingham. The Western Foundry Co. Is as ornment pays for emigrants to agents vereary sermons and lectured on Mon- trouble I a can be tasted without cq■rlfa or Mason keeps the largest stock of his horse stumbled and fell, The bits as ever, On Monde last, the anywhere in Europe who can send out day evening,rouble in any part of the aorto School Supplies for the opening, -Send y Y Y P NEW ADVTS, the School shafts of the buggy were broken, and ground was broken for the new ware- acceptable men, Ile gets a commission The annual district meeting of the Mr, McKelvey was thrown out. For- house, 00450 feet. As soon as this is of about $7 a head from the steamship Methodist Church for the Wiughalll Does IC? --Cooper & Co, The Young Ladies' Fortnightly Club tnnately he received no serious injury, completed, the new moulding shop company, and he reaps some profit distriot is being held Wednesday and BARGAINS Notice. -J. B. Ferguson. held the last meeting of the season on Nir Black happened aloe abort the will be commenced. This week, the from the sale of supplies, y f this week in Lucknow. IN g Pp g Thursday a .rj Keep Cool. -Hanna & Co. Monday evening at the home of Miss time and assisted Mr. McKelvey out Co, added another line that is sure to Mr. Jno• Kerr is the lay delegate from Moved Again, -at Grifiin'e. Dulrnage, The election of officers re- of the difficulty. be popular -it steel range, for family Should Prevent Collisions. Wingham. Special Diseotznt.-Ftshleigh'a suited in the following:_ use. It is a most handsome, well fin- Sherman Robson, a well. known The Presbytery of Maitland met onCAMERAS President--Miss Brock. Different Here. railwa Tuesda 1u Seasonable Goods, -Isere Brae• sated specitlren, and shotes what the y man:of Colorado, as just per- Y • Wingham, On account of Men's Store News, -Crowder Co. 1st Vice -Pres. -Mrs, (Dr.) Irwin, At the last meeting of the Orange- Wei -tern Foundry can do. Without fectedan appliadee which, if, all proves the Presbyterian church being in use 2nd Vice -Pres. -Mise Matheson. ville town council, by a vote of 4 to 3, correct designs, exact true that is by the W. F. Mission, the Presbytery County Council Meeting'. -W. Lane. Secretary -Miss Cornyn. g , patterns and claimed far it by its in- met in St. Paul's church which was Warm Weather. -Ritchie & Campbell, Assistant Secy. -Miss Ohishalm. they decided to try the Bell Telephone good workmanship from start to ' ventor, will.' r•ea,tl reduce railwaykindly- - -- Treasurer-Miss Lorne Gordon. Co.to accordance with the terms of g p collisions ail4' thousands of lives minuts are not yet to anion. The Something Interesting -D. M. Gordon, finish, it would he impossible to pro. d Y 0 Glenco Juniors, picture 2• Bargains in Cameras. -W. DlaIiibbon. the assessment act. The company duce such completed work, as is beim y. Tile a liancb!a a sort 1x.. Flim, p g of look pp The Chicago anon in Young Men's Regular $1.00 -Sale sale Price.ture ,..,,.$ .Go The total assessed watts of Listowel offered, in exchange for the franchise turned out by the Western Foundry of looking glass to be tun on each is given at $5:.0.030, which is $:0,000 and exemption from taxation, to ive g Christian Association in its report just i only E and a camera, picture e.x2., less than last year. The falling off is g Co. Ltd, of Wingham. aide of an engine to enable the engine issued, shows a membership of 4,891, Plato. Regular 82.00 -sago Price...,, 1,2a y g the tows two telephones, keep the fjre er and firemen to see the roadbed for who paid for their dues and privileges g F cyr l evidently due to lower valuation, alarm in repair and pay the town $100 Go to Isards-for largest selection , six miles both in front and in the last year the exceedingly large sum of I only Magazine Camera, picture 33x3§, otherwise the assessment would show per year. and best values in Carpets, $71,427. This association occupies a Plate. Regular $4,00 -Sale Price....,, 2.5o JJJI p Curtains, rear, The chief value of the invention thirteenstor a substantial increase, considering the Linoleums and Oilcloths. y buildiug valued at $1,000,- 1 only Glenco A. picture 33x3., Film. Auction Sale. is that it does not make any difference 000, situated in the heart of the business ReSular $0.00 -Sale Price .............. 5.00 See Halsey Park's advt. erecter 0f new buildings that were Horse Show. if the toad is" curved or straight. The district, the rental of which helps to erected within the year, Population On lot 43-41, can, 1, (toundary) Arran support the or anization. In addition to 1 only Glonco No. 1, picture 4x5, Plate. SCear Geese's Shoes and Rubbers• is iven at 2698, bein an increase of Morris, on Saturday, May 23rd vale- of it high are completed for the instrument ,arks on the principle this income and fees business men con- g ' g y ' holding of ra high clnsa horse show in of a mirage, grad it has been Hauled + Leather carrying case. Regular s)8.00 37 over last Ahle farm stock and implements. Sale tribute $10,000 annually towards its -Sale Price •..,,•,,,,•, ................ 0,50 Jas. pry has gone to Winnipeg. year, No, of dogs 110 ; , p Guelph on the 4th, 5th, and 0th June. by its inventor as the °'miragescope." maintenance, Over 2 000 our men cattle, 200; hogs, a0; horses, 107. aft One o'clock ; no reserve. Fight young 1 only Glonco B, picture 33x33, Film, J. R. Stuarts shipped a car of horses months' credit will be given on sures $1'400 in prizes will be given and re- It has been tested front Denver to go to the building daily. Regular $8.00 -Sale price ........ ,•,,., 0.00 to the west this week. The City of Toronto is malting an over $5,00, on a dated fares on the railroads front all Grand Junction on the Denver and interesting departure in Horse Shows, r annum d joint notes, or places"withtn a radius of 80 miles froth Rio Grande and the Colorado Midland New Pastor. 1 only Second -land Camera, picture 4]x Ales. McGregor has gone to North 5 per cent. per annum discount £or Rev. Mr. McLean commenced his 0 Regular 835,00 -Sale Price ........ i5,00 Ba for the summer. and is'holdiog a novel form of equine cash. Rett. Shaw, the city. It is expected that most of and also passed favorable tests on the Y proprietor; Alex. the well known horsemen will exhibit Colorado Southern and Missour! pastorate of the Baptist church oilec Sun- Bay in the open air on the after, Me Ewen, auctioneer. See porters for day last, and was favorably received, Lien, Chown spent a fete days at his noon of July 3rd, in connection with thrix fancy horses and that Ltie affair Pacific, He reached to lar a con a Advance particulars. mor[nn g g ' home in Clinton last week. the Old Home gathering, which the will be a grand society event as well as g and evening. The Advance /g Our feeling Shoes have a summer hopes that ni McLean flail find Win M BO ` The enumeration of the fisheries of $gated of Trade of that city has arrlan• Our Oxfords, Ties and Slippers are the greatest open air show of exclusio- resort feeling in every Pair, $1.00 to g" 1.5 the Dominion cost $13,031,70. ged. Instead of extending a show the kind that give a touch of elegance ely high class harness, saddle and $1,50.-W, J. Greer. ham a congenial field of labor, and that to a Woman's outfit -$1.00 to $2 50, his y point o will be successful from over one week in Madison Square, it draught horses ever held in the Pro- every point of view. DRUCI $TQ WANTLrD-Ta bay -a number of lf)D W. J. Greer, urges, S e Tending That Way. •• acre farms. -Apply to C, J. Maguire, will all be done in one hour of a sunny ped will not be considered; pp y g Holidays Of I O it will simply h The most frantic appeal for a ser- Anniversary. Real Estate Agent. sncmar afternoon. The beautiful Y 9 3• P Y e an exhibition 0f heal- PP Next door t0 Post Of11Ce, Qneen's Park and University oval in It may be of interest to know the thy and symmetrical animals, the best vanb ever put into type has just ap- Very Quemssful anniversary services The investigation of the census of Toronto furnish roadway around ad• y of the week of the holidays for , and it is intended to be P go newspaper. It were held in Wingham Presbyterian da of their kind eau•ed in a Chita 1901 cost the country the swim of $1,- ser - joining circles dt over two miles, and 1003. The 24th of May comes on Sun- an educative and pleasurable event, took 600 words and $20 to express the church were Sunday last. Excellent er- g y mons were pra;aohed by Rev. J. S. Har - 486.05• on these will be ranged upwards of 500 day, and so will be legally observed on would-be employer's feelings. After die, of Listowel, The collections for Organizer Copeland, of the 0. 0. F. horses and carriages, An army of the following day; Dominion Day on Barns Burned. describing the favorable location of his the day were liberal and amounted to is working now with , the Blyth judges will make the awards simulta- Wednesday; Labor Day is Monday. The barns of Alex, McDonald, on the home, and his "small family," he ap• $195• On Monday evening, an excellent Foresters. neoasly, and the judging will not occu- September 7th ; Christmas and New 6th con, of Turnberry were burned on peals for "a medium-sized girl," be- lecture was delivered by Rev. W iTdiWdWtYNItN>y,Myr^d Yea yyaly l%/ty,tlt ' l i.s 1` Moffatt, of London on A Bicycle Tour <. py above an hour. Then the whole Year's are Fridays, The King's birth- the s rY last, The h e originated in striae h small girl .night not have through Scotland." The lecture was Mrs. (Dr.) Sparling has been vera exhibition will move around the oval day, November 9th, is Monday, but the strawatack in the barnyard, but strength to draw the salary we are well illustrated and was very much on - ill this week, Dr. Rparling was tele- what eauQrd it there is it mystery, willing to pay," and adds: "If yon joyed; proceeds, $40, a for on Jluu lx and pass in review before His Excel- that is not a legal holiday in Canada.,. graphed y' lency the Governor-General of Canada, The 12th of July falls oil Sunday. Flames soon spread to the buildings, don't leant to wa6h your own clothes Wingham Junior football team play- Lord Minto. It is expected that over and two barns stud driving shed were we will send them with my laundry A Prosperous Year. KEEM ed the juniors of Brussels on Tuesday 200,000 people will witness this unique Located. soon in ashes. In the buildings were and pay for them. If you don't like to The schedules presented at the district tE - ( J last; score, 1-0 in favor of Brussels. horse show. It is designed to show to Mr, Al. H. blcIndoo has found a shit- several tons of hay, 200 bushels of oats, wait at table the will turn the kitchen meeting in Lucknow this week show g that Wingham A4tehodist church is just the thousands of home -coming Cana- able location and has gone into busi- implements, and five calves, which into a cafe, and all walk out and wait closiii a ver successful " NOTIpLr.-A saatiafactar sale of bus!- g g Y year. the is good advice, but how to do Y_ dians how important a centre of the Hess with one »f his brothers at Fresno, were all destroyed. At present high on ourselves. The nurse and you have membership returns show 50 received 3b, is sbmetilnes hard to nese or property certain if listed with P California. Fresno is an important price of lumber, the cost of building separate rooms on the third floor, She on trial, and 23 by certificate makin C. J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent. horse treading industry Toronto has P g 73 additions; there were 32 removals know. We would suggest a become. centre in the raisin growing country, barns is no surall item, and the des- is very lady -like, but if she is objee- , The annual meetingof East Huron and we understand Mr, McIndoo will truction of farm buildings ineans tionable to you ill an way we will let leaving the present teas membership pair of light Oxfords or Slip - The y y 480, a gain over last year n s Cau• pees, or a pair Of Canvas Teachers' Association will he held at BOY WANTED. -To deliver parcels, he interested in the fruit and daily heavy loss, unless they are well incur- her go, 14[q wife will try very hard to tributions to connexional funds reached shoes, such as we have ill a and learn hardware business. -A. ed, and even then there is loss. In en. please you, but if g Y Y Clinton on Friday and Saturday next, young &Son. business, whit;h his brother conducts you don't like her I the creditable sum of $594.OS, of which large variety O£ styles. on a large scale, Mrs, Mclndoo will deavoring to sate the property, Dir, will let her -well, anyway, come to $410.80 was for missions. There was It is said that the United States and I McDonald sen., had it narrow escape; • our rescue." paid for circuit purposes $5,453, and the Yon want a pair of Tennis,join her husband at Fresno at an early P total amount rai:;ed for all Great Britain together handle more The Band. elate, We hope that both will find the his hands and face were severely Died. $7258,05. The report is indeed accred es is Bowling t Outing shoes ; se letters and periodicals than the rest of bawd what you went in these The Band will give their first con- salubrious climate of Oa)i£ornta• bene- burned. able erre, and sb»tvs that the work the world put together. An aged and respected resident of under Mr. Hobbs' care has lines. cert on Monday forenoon, May 25th, ficial. prospered . on the Park. '" Wedding. Wiugharn passed away, on Thursday abunflantly. The givings on the Build- The Bankers of Wingham played Baseball. The residooee of Mr. John Rolston, evening last -Mr. Alexander Mitchell, ing fund evidently did not lead the 'baseball with Blyth on Tuesday, but Holida farther -in-law of Mr, Win. Mitchell of members to withhold from other claims This week a special line of Y• The opening game of the season concession 4, Hawick, was the scene of , .,• all before the prowess of the Blyth Next Monde May 25th, will be so far as Win barn is concerned was a ver tare and ha town. Deceased webs a native of Ire- of the Ohurch upon their liberality. Alen's Shoes, per pair..., 90c y, y g y g happy gathering on team by a score of 13-9. land kept as Victoria day, and the places of played on the Park here on Thursday Wednesday of this week, Nearly two and emigrated to Canada in Annual Meeting, business in town will be closed. last, between Win ha•m and Cargill. hundred quests gathered to witness 1851. He was one of the pioneers of + i°„ n9 Jas. Duncan, leader of the Band, has g g' g The nineteenth annual meeting of the (;F rlJ removed his family from Toronto, and Farmers and others should make a .Both teams are in good trim, and cer• the tp,.irriaage ceremony and extend Mar•yborough township, where he pre- Maitland Presbyterial Women's Foreign S. they occupy the residence recently va- Mote of this. tainty played well, On Thursday, c0n;fl10141ations to a happy couple- pared himself a comfortable home Mission Society was held in Wiuglfam cared by Mrs. Maguire, on Leopold they were evenly matched. The bat- Miss Jessie, daughter of Mr. Rolston, from the then standing forest. About Presbyterian church on 'Tuesday, A .SIQ1F, STORE High Court Officers. tan ears a o devotional tueetiug• began at 10,30 a.m. street. teries did good work and with a few and •Mr. David Lnngheed, baker, of Y ago, he and his wife came to arid at I p.m, a business meetingwas At the next meetingof Court Mait- exceptions were well supported. The YVingham. The testis was prettily , Next dour to Post Office reside with thele dannhter, Mrs, Wm, held. At 2 p.m. firs. Malcolm 'of Tea1a- t . If there is a better $3,00 or $3.50 land, No, 25, 0. 0, F., Mr. E. Gartung, game ended with a score of 5-5, and dressed in white and carried a bouquet Mitchell. Deceased was connected water lgd the opening exercises, and rr' man's shoe in Town than ours we will Superintendent of Organization, and of roses and carnations, Tile m with the Presbyterian after reading of minutes, Mrs. Ross of Wtr give the marl who finds it a pair of was a good exhibition of baseball. We Untie yterian church, and in g W4VtAlUUt4'MM 1+W1tAltitrM'N+il19MtU4'+rMt ours for nothing. -W. J. Greer. Mr. Thos, White, High Secretary, ex- have not been able to et the details words that made the twain-oue were politics adhered to the Conservative ThiBrus gave the President's address. g This fuss followed by reports auci thea pest to be present. Let there be a full of the score. spoken by Rev. Wm. Lowe, at 5 p in, party, His wife passed to her long Mrs. Murray ofKincardiuele.d in a dedi- Win. Afoore and J. Brock have com- attendance of the members on that The bride and groom were unattended hoine four years ago. Two dartghtel•s catory prayer. A solo by Miss Chisholm pleted cement cisterns for the (ween s- occasion, Free Mail Delivery. • and came safely through the ordeal. remain -Mrs, Mitchel! of Wingham was well rendered, and a most excellent hotel and Mrs. Herdsman, also walk The prediction is made that in ten After congratulations, an excellent and Mrs. Bell of Leamington. Toter- address was given by Mrs.Ooiin Fletcher FOR SALT -Good dnnhle frame house, For Sliver Cup. P g " of Thames Road. " and cellar floor for H. Joffroy. Their years those will be a rural free mail wedding repast was s read ,before the rilent took place in the cemetery near oft- A Purposeful two lots, rents for $1'1, a month. Price Win tram Rifle team and the l3ae• b P' P M Life, bins, Richardson led in a Lis- very reasonable• -A work speaks for itself. t= delivery and almost a complete tele- guests, The tangible evidences of Moorefield, Deceased was 83 years of cussiou on rile Responsibility aIld privi- uire, Real Estate Apply to C, J. Ma - hive team of skill at will haven phone servieo throughout all tite well esteem were num,rrous, and the guests age. Mr, and firs. Mitchell both died leges of Christian as compared with g gent, Mr, Mulvey had a heavy fait one day trial of chair skill at the target, in settled parts of Ontario, and that left behind them a beautifut arra of (in the fourteenth Of the month and heathen women. The Question drawer MONEY To LbA;r-At 4 last week, Ile was assistingMr. Bow- Gorrie, on May 25th. The prize is a Y per cent. on y P both were buried on a Saturda war: opened by 1•Ira. Ballauryna of improved farms. Eats terms of re - these conveniences will revolutionize presents. The evening was spent in y, y roan at the time, and when the team ;silver Cup, given by Wm, Dultztage, , !doles>vortlt auci Mrs. Munn of Ripley. Payment; expanses light. A ply A. started, Mr. Mulvey fall off the wag- fornzet•1 of Win. -ham. There will be conutry life, causing peop.e to no amusements and avclal converQaatian, „tic. ttiisclosada very futerestingses6iott, Uulmaga, Reai Cstate and Loan Y g' y o New Way To Plough. gon, injuring his back. twelve riflemen on each side, We ex- longer crowd to the cities. Life on when the guests departed, wishing the In the evening, au intensely interesting Agent, Dent Block, e.e.t to hear of Win ham team win- the farm will certainly be pleasanter newly -married couple many years of The plowing of a goodly, part of a address was given on Mission work by field in Last Ashtabula, Ohio ivas ac- Rev, R. A. Mitchell returned mis'dolr- D. T:, Strachan has been engorged as ging the trophy. g when thorn is a deity mast service, a happy life. The Advance extends ar from China, and others. The W.F, Principal of the Gorrie Public School, prompt deliver of unexpected letters. congratulations. compliahed, last week, with an a.nto- y ' p Y P g AAs. societies in the Maitland Presbytery Itis duties to commence on June 1st. Recital. and weekly papers, The business end r metria which took the place of A stout have contributed this year, $1500. The He bas been well. recommended. R. The Brussels Post says: -Miss E. of farming ran then be conducted on APPRuNTICB WANTED. -To learn team of horses. There are food thnes visitors and delegates were well enter. Dva lase has resigned. Estelle GrlflZn, of Win ham, tubo has sound 1lties buying and selling will be the Tinsmithing business; goad„stronK coming in the hiture for the farmers, tained by the ladies of Wingham Pres - Douglass g g Y g g boy. Applications received up till byteriau Church, and very much on. --THE— STILAYY D -from Lot 27, Con. 11, a large class here in voice culture, is facilitated. Telephone will also be of May 30th. --A. Young & ion. Already they cern ride on their seed - drills and reapers, auci soap they Y Toyed their visit to our town. Turnborry, about Sunday, 10 Pigs, arranging for a Recital its the Town great advantage. p y tea namely :--1 brnod sow, 2 young pigs, Hall, Brussels, for Tuesday, June 2nd,Narrow Escape. be ploughing with rubber -tired auto. Evangelistic.p f j p +• 7 su tore pigs. Reward fur information. She will be assisted by Prof. Glen Municipal Ownership. W. 1;, Aley bad a narrow ercape mobi!es. Soon, rural mCorner ail delivery Sunday last was another successful Dlug Store -Murray Wilson. Campbell, of Goderich, a well known The village of Fenelon Falls is ern- from lustant death on Saturday even- will he an accomplie:hed fact in Cana, day of the evangelistic sorvices in the The proposition for it sectional ban its rensician ; Jas, Jones, of Brussels ; and barking upon it curious experiment in ing last.. 1-I0 wits working at J, Buck• da, its it is in the United States ; the Methodist church. The services began to the Huron, Bruce & Grey Electric others in addition to her pupils. Municipal ownership. A by-law has ley's restaurant, anti had occasion with people should have and must have it ; with a Praise service at 10 a.m., follow - Railway Company is to be voted on in Notes. been carried to raise $75,000, and with a pair of pincers to cut the wire lead- they will then get their mail datly de- H-111190listtho pRus Russell spoko service thi greaat Is the Place t0 get Co)borne township on Thursday, Alay this money the Council will acquire ing to the arc light, As soon as lie cut livered of their doors, arid also mail esllect on "Patitin0 Preaching." In. tItO IrVer` thin Wm. Armour is Navin a large addi- not On) a water -power and electric into the wire the current struck the their correspondence at the Fame time, afternoon, he addresisud an audience of ,r' g that i5 80th. The amount of the proposed g g y p Soon the t men in rlad Town Haii bonus is $7,000, tion built to his stablp....11lrs, Bell, light, but also a roller flour will. The back of his hand, burned its way y lray catch the wireless tele. , and at the surae Inure and Fresh in Edward street, hats had her house firm which has been running the mill through to the pincers, and a terrible grams its they ny past with lightning- hour, Mrs. Russell. gave an address tv The extreme scarcity of farm labor painted, which greatly Improves its coet (Tolled 500 horoe•power.. It has shock was the result. Fortunate) he speed. and by the extensiongof the titctwomen, in tine church. In the even. Y int_ 1.vanr;elist RuQ,sell spdkH m fro Is shown by the fact, stated by the appearance.... Walter Green is treat- been bought out for $35,000 :and tile and was standing Oil aladder nd the shock telephone system to rural dhAviets, Yam's charge to TimotIly, At tit() close i Colonization Depa rt.inent of the On- ing his residence to a coat of 'paint.. , . council will build a power station at throw hire off. In falling the pincers they may come into electric torten of the surniou, a ltoception service was tario Government, that they have 100 Mrs, Diustey is having it stable erected an estimated cost of $25,000. It will were torn from his grasp and the elect with the word of business. Electric Iicid, :Ind thirty-eight were added to the applications for every two, or three ori her lot on Patrick street.... Wes. then offer electrical power at a low tric circuit broken, Had he been railways will soon traverse the coun- mou,bership of then church. Tito Sacra- VIA English farm laborers available for Allenby has been making a number of rate to induce industries to establish standingon the round death lnust ties, and towusly r central meet of the Lords Supper wcs theu ad - q 1 graded D JL U service, marked improvements on lila cottage, themselves there. Meanwhile, the have been irritnedlate. A halo ryas schools, t0 which children are taken in mItlisteied, a very large nurnber remain•i'19 to partake of the emblems of our The Brunswick hotel fa being very .Edward street. A gable added to the firth faoru which the purchase is to be burned through his right hand, acid covered vales, may beeotnemiecessful)y Lord's sacrlticial death. Tile program front, verandah torn clown and re- made will rant the flour will, paying the front of his hand !a a(Qo badly established and prizPct, as they are iu for Sunday next is its follow$:---• ., lunch improved in its internal arrange- 10 achy A Flalh+luj:ah Chorus. Inents, and is likely to be, tore pope- placed with a platform, fresh palet, $1,200 is year. The council, however, burned. Tile fluid sectus to have gone same parts of the United States. Yes, 11 tan, 1Tr. Russell will speak. 1.'tr with the travelling' puf it ie them it etc, when finished, will add greatly to will be at liberty to secure a more through him, for there are marks On in the wonderful progress Of the next Subject•-••-'°Cllrist's Conception of p tits a has been for past two Years. The Lhe appearanee.,.,Ilelar the Band at profitable tenant. his right hand where part of it a.p- twenty years, rho rural districts will Churell," t r Hamilton. Its opening program on Monday fore- , ears to have made its esea a It rusts share a ver fin ortant Irt. 4 pon, -A vers+ spec•iaal f;ert icto in tits pbt•te glass windows in .rant are an WANTED. Industrious, —Good smart cabinet p p'. y p r Methodist church for both ]adios and iloaninLhepark,..,ilitrchdesiredrafns tnatkor, ludustriotrs, telrrpelate stud of uoids0 class tail, auci t,lta results will WV NTEID. 100 ctises Elgg.Y weeki, l,'entivinen. ,A rare occasion. Subject improvement, fell in copious showers on Tuesday eve- good character. Competent to handle lease Mr, Aley a very sore hand for 11 cents, Corn l We are h()rl, seAing litbla Botany. 114r, ItlOrtc111 wfll le+a<l DRUOOZST Dr, Ovens of London, M. R. C. S, ning.... John Boslllan's residence, Lee- .nen and figure costs torreetly. Good some tittle, Had lie grasped the wire agent:; in the country for the only the service of song with Iiia wato r.,, It, C. P, spc eiahst, e. o, ear, 11080 poll street has been brightened with a chance for right man, Dive all parts• tvltll the other hand, or had i10 been Ohio I3ailny Oarn, tlz0 beat silo caro of arvhestra. 7 g g 'regard to-do Potatoes --We have the tea- 7 p.m. -Grand Farewell Scrvice. I1fr, vY I N G '"fit 'Ai and throat, will be In Whi ham, at rulars in own writing with re tad tb y, P• . OatnrphelPr drug store, Monday, June coat of paint, also tine hotrse occupied t ualifleations. Apply to A. Lung, 218 standing on Lite ground, death must vest cropper out; 0 lbs $,).00. special Russell will $peak On—The RewardsIst, 1st, lila ries property fitted, by Albert Fleming, 14trick otreet, wooden St. Toronto, Out. have been the result. prices by the pack.• -GEE. b" KINC*, of the 1lightoous.1' .a..+,..