The Wingham Advance, 1903-05-14, Page 7* . � "N"O"'40 I ''I . . . I � - . I � . T, : I . . ,, '11111AMWbilm '. � -1 : I I . - - -11 . . � � . . I I . . . � ! -.1 � : , i - I ,1,1.1..**,",O.lq..141AO.I"..,."~, :_ , - _ , . ''. . � - . - - -1 I - _� "I , - I . . I . I �l--===t—v-----",,----,�—"",.-- I _­ __� � .­ . _ La, 49 .1CW._"0 � . ad on �1�'o. t*11� p,ei� gero ri,lbela In., tile next room with N 'door open wooden structures, 4otl tile ,re , , 0 of 0 Ill ,so t� 0 lv� Unawal an 0 botweent so, that there olmulil be dor vithor brick vonwroa or ll�� WON" 116.1 , brick. Ile thinks most of them wore them. AN soon tw tho steamer sall- wituoss t1lat tile child was re4li; OTTAWA FIR ,, , f) NIA THREE I ed a dotall of pollee, wilo hAd Ar- tile olill(I of the Q:vUrow.a PrIncega, - . DSWEPT o Insured, as tile people ,WW prolitod � r1yed by this time, cleared the Pier Immediately after tile CIA1414. birth 9 tile leawa of the previous fire, logitimavy was Attooto(l And IV of overyono except ilia dotootIvOR Its Ali far no, mto be loarued the total - and the mon from the Departroont Provod, and telegrams. Nvore sont to loss Is about $W0,000, of wtilott TH I U M 0 � 19111 Of Combustibles. The box was than tile Crown Prince at Dresden, the 200 HOUSES DESTROYED amount $1ZO,O0Q would likely top- U11411 OMNI raised from. the water In a ginger- Grand Duke (liar father) .at Salrom 6 ragout too knilllQo feet of 14mbor ly mannor and closely examined. In- burg and F,mporor FXancla Joseph destroyed. ,Vh . a houses and oonteats: � side was a board, to which ,was at- at Vlellno, # wOuld,' Perhaps, aggregate $10%. - ' tachod at one :and, a flat of clock- ,Tjj(, baby Iles in the cra4le 1.0 . - I 000, The Insuranoo mail have not I .. Infernal Machine Discovered work similar to that Of an eight- whIch all hor brothers and slotorK tile faintest Idea of losooff,but ,will day clock, Tq the perimeter slept before liar. it NrAs sent from morrow and all to BIN Up .0 Moque Burying largo wheat connected with, 'th%0 14141101roor , -k was attached an, upright from clovkwoi Drok4an. %iQ baby's linen Is the. e draw 1UV COME latloo, are on CUnard Pier nine that wlao ugd� byl tile youngorA Thousand Persons in th 'nook to. 0 to 'Zo people home - metal post. r.L,Jxls post was in- 11 �. . , less. 200, in Ruins. , sister. Princess Alvin, 1. linve had,to find homeg I � Yet. I with "'I'llf . : . . —_ tended to engage tile and or aid . rola Ivou or tioquaintaticea,but I At ilia other end of the boarilwas Nallall)w tl4a princtIfis. arrangements will have to bomade . . 1 lootened no Oectrlo olgar lighter of Many ladles of Vn4ean, sent floirr , Capital. Homeless To -day. for their future aocommodatloo. soda tilt largo ore to the villoo when the news all i Mayor Cook has called a meeting V IN FULL WORKING ORDER, tst'ore's"."A "soproloften 0 one the birth spread abroad. Via Child Of the, City CQUiliall for 10 wolook 411ILLAIN KILLED , HIMSELF11 . Q; attached - was baptized Anna Monica Via. Tile - -­­­ . * end was so arranged that th'a light to morrow to discuss the situatioa. , I .. , . or would perform Its reaction Grand Duke of Tucan it Is not Intended to apply for any I . . ' when the layer actuated by the - permission to take ie name of ,Ce1)nfIaqrAti0Il Believed to be of Incendiary Origin--Oue Suspect Under roller assistance, Outside of Canada, . . I . . . SAILlmer.ged in Thno to Prevent all ,,,.x, olockwork released It. At the Light- Alice, after the Grand Dtioliese, ' 's O,v . . Log point was affixed a blAo% pow. rVia Crow,xi Prince gout a, tologral� Airrest—Water Pressure insuffic(ent—Malts Bursts -- Monk., Ottawa's Last Groat Vivo, Itecag-4 of tile mar4et . Christians dor fuse, This. fuse and tile wires 'file Los It was on Thi plosion—Vind Was Made' 40, tile oxpveksIng,e1(,,a,tlfICat loll Itt, Ills ex- 044rd lieArt Of CILY-1110 Militia D14 Emcaliclit Work-- . . Ott,,wirsday, .April 260, Atesult or Alleged. Mallft Letter- working ilia lighter led beneaththe wife's Ralti a tory condition, Never. 1.1.100, that a and Hull wore de- Alld AIDOS111111alls at Monastir— board, ilia former to another loop tholoss . Will be Oreat riontreal,4 Prompt Response to Cry for tiolp. Vastated by a fire wiltell destroyed Torks. Surprise Insui.rgeilts—spIt ill . 14111led Avith DyiJanitte—AvIts it .1 Of fuse, ilia onds; of -which entered a reunion of the Couple to 'bout $8,0.00,000 worth of property) ' . Roax 1, I . ilia compartments on elther and of rogaydod as Impossible, 4t ?0O mortgage, but tit many cases the conderod from 0 t -Uonors Admit4l Corvo4-gL, I . twelve to-fifte n hou- the box, Tfte latter tan. to a put I r Giron ,ill ittetilrenicut. tiouses Destroyed ...... Almo . I purchaser wotli(l logo all ilia sav- -land people homeless, and burned I Brass May 11.—Andre Giron . logo, rtbout Vienna, May 12 —A mosqu,e a.t Kjq_ ,NLew york, M. a,y. :LO.—In & 10119 of. dry Colls. III tile compart- els, ,, Persons Homole5s. , ..... 1.i�. - 1,000 1,800 houses. The fire, break. prlul. In svhloh! ' wooden box which two Italians 1,0011 1111011to word found one hundred with whoul the Crown Princess of. rioney Loss ......... I ....... 019,900 There Is an ordinance forbidding 'ng out on the Ilull side, swept across 'two hundred Moslems pouside of dynam S" t1w erection of woodon houses In 04 the narrow channel of the Ottawa had assembled, was, according, , to a � , Ito—onough. to-rond ,-any eloped, Is staying (It AD, origin Incendiary. to the cillia..rcl line pier at tile foot forty-five tons of solid rock, do- seremmo, a. remote village lit tile district, yet it Is constantly olidan- itiver into Ottawa, swept the d1s. despatch to th-6 Die Zletung, frow of Jana stroat at 3 O',QlOQU 11'XidSY stray the pier, or tear out tile bot- Ardennes. Ue is living in a, small, gored -by piles of lumber, There Is a trial: around the Canadian Pacific - afternoon and left there In Qharge Of torn of tile Umbria o . I, any other secluded cotta.ge, sees nobody oxo I opt groat (]eat of angry discussion oil tlic station, climbed the bill and attacked .80114, Bulgaria, blosvp up with dyn4_ Baggage MagLor "iomap Pryor, with steamer. "I'llo-dYa4mite 'WAB In his brother who occasionally visits Ottawa, May, 1O.—%le, fire whlob fact -that poopla are compelleti. to go 4io, Church of St. Joan Baptiste , , mite May 2nd. TJ10 WOMUIPPors were Instructions to turn It over to a bars wrapped in light brown paper, hliu,. and remains Indoors except out a ,wide swath through tile city to the expense of"buildbig substa . ntial iihilo ilia main conflagration went bu,pled III tile ruing. T -U.0 perpetrator - � � on which wore words suggesting when lie -roamo the woods on the of OttawA to-4ay wall not particur houses, .while , their protpotion 'b� in straight s,outh. Ili the western Of tile outrage, -a Wan named. Po- paggeinger on the'Umbria'.who WOU14 that it had beon� mude, by the -Clim,aX c(Igo of which the Cottage st%ndo. la,vl�,. deistructlya frout a, DIOXIetarY )VIIOIIY ld('stroyed by liability t . a fireL, 3nd of the city or-Ottawii jklone more POW, commIttled suicide ily phoot- Call lot it just before ilia steamer Pow4er Company, which' has an of- Ile Is now, inualif more composed than ft.Qlnt .of View, As many. dollars could from lumber. i .han 400 houses were desi,Voyed. The 11 ulldln result war, one thousand acres of Ing. A Paper found In a aalled:�wtextay,- 100 pounds of �Iynm- floe ill the Park Row, b 9, 7bia lie was when ]let arrived. I -Ile no long- easily be lost In one small block In a Unicu Station 1,17breatened. � , no ,of ,his imOkIng Tullis in OttawaNland six Pookets Identified ,him lip a ment- mite, twO dry ba,tterle,g and a InOftt dynamite was divided equally be- at, talks of entering a. monastery. great city. W1141t renders to -day's The Union :Station was for it long hundred acres in B IK��rsons bar or tween the two compartmentar there All Is absolutely ended between orablo time considered to� be in danger, I;u. ,)Orlshod In the flames. - I 'tile ,,go,cedoulan Xalghts of Ingenious aqrrangement of clool(WOIX being one hundred lValf pound sticks him and the Prineepe, He will not coliflagra,tion particularly dept. escaped, although many piles of In=- ' Death., � . . .. and levey)s for the explosion Of dYna- Ln.each. * F11tk,!3tr(A IN P0FAt,E COUHT. . Vlatill's Or IVIOnastir' Troubles, I return to Brussels for Some time, W that almost two hundred homes bar In the vicinity were burned. lulte, iyerc joumil by, tile police just TO- tile astonishment of Super n- I -Its kinspeople here pQsItIveIy do- were fed Into Itis Insatiate 111RIV, and Tharc are supposed to be about fILve Ottawa, May 11._.(SpecIaQ_,Tc>bJl ConstantInopie, .%lay I , . before, the Umbria eailed. 11N.he clock- tondent Murray, it was found that Do to sa-y anythingabout him. to.1light one thougaAct. Fouls are de- hundred famIlles homeless. Some are White, who, was arrested yesterday Christians . 12.—Viirteen ;Icking Away vIgoroujW,y- the end of the fuse wa,s scorched and Oil , . finding rofugp in other houses. Others an au,splolon of Ii ving used W0rQ MIQ and- nineteen wp.rk WAP I . burndd down for abont a quartet p(�adent on their friends. and neigh- . a , a& tile were wounded, and rillhe box, Innocent onouigh In appear- are camlAng.on the pu.bile parks and tire, wais brought tip in the Police three Mussul. , . . _r, amee, but contalulng 6nough oxillo- of un Inch, suggesting th t tl borls for a, pictoo, whereon to lay. their commons. court thlar morning, Ile was charged luans were killed- during tile recent "' "" Five to blow, tile bottom Ou,t; or 'ilia clockwork had released the lave.., J,.b . Outbreak at � . wAp lying alongside, tile before the Yteamer sailed. He MRS. BUBBICK M91 WINS hoado. . � with drunkenness and remanded for I Xonastir, I . Montreal Appealed to. 'n an enCOUncer between. Imperial , . ex- . . sum- a week, White Is a miserable looking t and i b' when found by pressed the opinion later that had � ma,ny of the humblek houses con At 6 o'clock a telegram Was son, fellow. who lials alrea4y. nerved seven a foroo of ,insurgents . aAt1",u3,6 Ir the bo'x not been 1xit In the water I . ad gtra, said to llaye been tininsurodo to Montroal asking ter at(], and a -k . , ��Oofill,,Velghboring villages of Zaparl , detectives a til�xlvlulyidor ittstrucLions years for argon. Mile police to -day May � from C%pX. Lapgap, of tile Detective at the precise moment It was doine, special 8.25 it special had leltMontreal car- ,10 not think that he caused the big C)tll, 11 Bulgarians were ktiled . Bureau. It had been, put there with an explosion L would have occurred. As Guardian Children May ap the companies demand fire, but way have, started the'small I and 71 w,ere made PrI00ners. '0 , - that men. By the time they arrived tin I I . claimant The fuse, he said, was so, short premiums on such risks. If it be true rying three engines and twenty-liVE; fire earlier in the day. at tile rail - other baggage awaiting $ star,ted by tile man The Berlin View. who were expected to arriye at tile It would bave required hardly more Get $14,000, I that the fire wa advance of the fire lihd been chocked, way dc,pot, which wa,s' oa,ally extin- � piefu la,te,, so tliat there wpu,14 be 310 thtin a soccond for it to reach 'the - whom the Ottalwa, pollee have In Ous- but the 'whole district was coverec, p1slied. . . k I . I I Berlin, May 12.-TAw German aov- delay . in getting it ,aboard .. q detonating medium, which was sup- I tody, It Is -pitla,ble to reflect Go the Nvitle flanies for liours aft,orivards. OrnMelit regards ,tile Tur'kQ-Bulgar,- Mild police got their lillorma,tion po,3ed to have been gunpowder and VAU ill-condi. - Tile willingness Or Olt partleti to help ian situatto I I widelspread loss wAlloll , 4 as being grave, but a opelolal delivery guncotton packed around tile dyna- NOT ,COVERED BY .TIIE WILI was Very notiLemble. The 1111litu I responsible officials say that it a �alyou,t t,4e box from � mite. Bliperin toil dent Murray -'de- . tianed wyqtah W capable of OccaAlOu- - rendered excellent serylve, an1d tht collision can be staved Off througli latter Relut to 1:101100 Commissioner - . firemen were freely ul(lod by citizens. 11110SIS HUD MON114 Gredne yoxitorday afternoon, and 011ued to my - exactly, what the ,do- - I3U,rfal(,,1_,1ay:L2._,1.V.he tipplica,tion ty . I 109- i the summer, more seller counsels can ,signed Pietro Dem4rtlnl. Tbe writer tonating m6dIum was but assured the executors or tile estate of tile Sta,rted ar, B00111's Tards- The Dominican Fathers rendered a got a hearing in the winter, when I - I s there is a society formed for the newspaper men tnat it surely . ,01C, fire started near tile St. Louis groat deal of assistance in the w * ork military, action Is, inipoosible iving 1,;nglIsh ships wo�ild have proved its efficiency. Jae late Edwin 1;. Burdick for a, con- of remOYIng furniture from (lanXer. DISCUSS- The Powers have made ,rep;esenta. , Ot al Y� , ,ptirpose of di �yi,chlngs of Italians oir tho-hig,-A Foals by. blowing them up declared, the machine to be .the inout I strgetlop of the 7111 so am to give .d=, In one Of Mr- J- R- Booth"s One Dies of Fright. tions at Soria, amphaplilog tU.e im_ . . with dynamite, and. hints that it, Is perfect one lid liad ever seen. I . lumber yards. The alarm was turned Not Until 0X0 O'clock was tllerL ed in the Chamber. possibility or allowing Bulgaria to Aria. T,he wrIL_ -The box was. placed on, a patrol them trirst powerd over the- property Ln about B.'40 tilla afternoon, and FO tiny assurance that. the Vhaudiere . realize tile fundamental aim ofits affilia,ted with the M . Ing, camp ItIou and gonefra,l ap- wagon and taken to pollee head- left by Mr. Burdick to Ills three cbIr. . ' I . I Policy, namely, the acquisition � 08 �Lexte that quArters-1 . " .1 I , dron during their minority, was ar- rnp14 wa,g t1la, mighty, march of flame flats would be saved. Across Welling- part of peaTainloo, Of tile letter ind :k It had left a, 1111mr tolt ati cat, the northern torininitu o. of ,Macedonia. .. The powers it Lai the work of ainyone, but an Ital- Investigation showed thlat the box gued before Surroga,te Marcus yes- taiAt b_v 7 .0'al0c wake, ilia fire, where Piles Of lum k a o'v' that t,h,e . i-gots s' desire to Ilave was ,brolaglit, to tile pier on FrId ter4da,y. I &ed asoras of dosola,tion Ill Its . bar sur- ARE A BLOT ON .CIVILIZATION den Parting of Mace- . lan, and aUg "" .' . ' The riorty-third 11IM49 and GOver- rounding tile U.'P. R. depot, ana la, In favor ,of Bulgaria"would ,thei job attributed to PeniarIff, abotit 3 �--m., L%i a wagon paint,d'. According to the statements made Rome, May 12.—Roplying in, the cause Graeop, Servia aidr . dark green and resembling a ped r, norr-Geu6rall's ppot Guards were call- leading down to BooLli!L3 mills, ano . Other noun - 1111110 latter, ill' its llto�axy quality, , -' bY Mr.-Mllierl before the bectringM tMamlwr of Deputles yesterday t6 a. tries to raise claims for Murkish ,ritinj rapidly, dler's wagom � SurdickPs entire estate Is valubd at ad (>tilt to aid in, keeping Order.' other industries at the L;haudlerc: ,tomand made by Deputy Clriueni for territory. Hence ougge'sts a habit of w . Two Italla,us were Falls. There were no casuall,les, but tile Powers are anicl paiWi illy. of writing for the DQws- ,.ei. 'the wagon. I ' between $40,000 and $50,000. Of several persons had to be hurried- -tit explariat'lon of the present status unitedly determined not to permit . I Was it Incendiary? 11apats. Among other things Ik quotes Tile agents of steamships flying the this amount about $1-:1S000 is In There aye rumors of Incendiarism, ly removed and one, .tit Italian, af ilia Investigation of the lynchings any change In the status (,no. 61iakeppeAre, Wlth four., errors In British flag are feeling a little, un- life in,surance. and 113 'bot Subject a,nd John White lei in tile police cells cited ,shortly afterward. if Italtans at R, rwin, Miss, In July, 1101kori Jbr V6irvera. - - thirteen words 'box aind Its con . Lents Comfortable over the Incident..' A to the provisions of the will.", This in coniiection with, the(fire. lIe war Chief Powell says that the police 190,1, the Under Foreign Secretary, 1. Altbough ilia general alarm was sent cut last insurance money NVIII, go direct to Subpeot White or starting ills first Signor Baccelli, said that ini spite of � jov_-ma,de up a most formlda,ble Infernal night for the wagon and two men . sent to the penitentiary by Cilau- 3fud"Id May 12.—Admiraf Cervera, Illaphlue,, tile moot dAiageroua thing of who took the machine io the pier. tile guardian- of the children, when cellor Boyd in Ja,nUar7,' 1895$ for fire 'I' the hay alletig, but that lie did .he activity of Italian consular and has bee'll gazatted appointed, by the court. Mrs. Bur- hicendlaylsm, a,nd released on ticket- not start tile big fire, as lit., wab .11plomatle ,,officers, no convictions . a Ilia I senator. its kind ever found in this city, Del- � dick being the natural guardian It if, is, Under ;survelliance *by a detective had been obtained, owing to the Te- . . . 11 . ,tli,oT the Umbria. nor ilia Cumard plar *wIlI . be OfIleave, Ill October, 1901. I It afternoon, ticonen of witnesses, 'who, persisted * nor the pa,ssengore nor emPlOY00s,Of is not unlikely thAt Jille said to havel a craze) on. the sub .n deellaing to make depositions. , the line were ever in any more dan- MONTREPIL STORE ENDING named, as the testamentary guardian of fires, and ig suspected of the habit Sonia Itentarkitble Escapes. Signor Baccalil said ilia American HONG NS UNPLEWNT . I v of the children, although the Surro- �Somo remar Congress had votr.d $50,000 for ilia - � . ger front this Particular machine of ringing fa,lde a.1grins. kablo escapes Lire re- '. tlian tIJ4 would h&veboen to bad It. I . — gate has made no settlement of this corded. One was Warpook's. ,wheat. families of the victims, but to this. . . been movely a -box of dynaiulte, be- . on as yet. Wile Fire's Wginning Will, on Wellington Week. Tweir. measure the Italian !Government re- - q1i`11h11`kL houses right in tits midst of tile fire- mained 0. stranger, as It could not cam4e, 0A the writer of the warning T c e *111 are The first premonition of danger ' I letter says, the fuFas running Into New Proposals M,Ide Which X. D. Kellogg and George 0. Miller. was a, fire in h hay -pressing fac- swept region escaped without a admit -ap,rteo for bloorl. This indem- This Boy Tried it* and Tben . . " the boxes of dynamitew.ere not cap, Gecwgo 11. Du'nstan was UPPOlOted tory,near Union Station at noon - %Its particle of damage, except one nity did not, however, fit any way . . . ped and the a6angement to" Igniting are Sure to be Accepted.. 111 'third executor, but be has ra- caused a gofod deal of alarm Ili a broken window. T31ey. wor6 the .1im1pish ilia value or tlio Protest .. Cut the Rope,. - ,' them wals Dot set...thouglif a touch Of L nounced the appointment. district- th,a,t had been twice swept 1 houses of George Ross, 66 Rochester press-uted by the Italian Government . . I tile flogdr w,puld.1f6we set. it I� an In- , . . ___ Attorney Miller stated the post Llon . by fire, but was placed under con- 1. street; William Ranstead, Elm when It learned ,tha,t tbe guilty . — I ' .11 . . stant, - I . . of the executors, which Is In brief, trol after burning a, factory and street, both employed, in tile bull -1- parking had not been pufilshed. A . .The. letter'v�hldh warned the police 'M -AY WEAR UNION BUTTONS that the testator either intended several thousand dollars' worth- of J Ings, and Mrs. *MoXechille, corner Ths) Under Secretary sai(i the Amer- A VICTIM -OF D -IME NOVELS or the presence of'tIle boi, on, the . to create a trust In the executors lumber. A second niarm was sound- , Somerset and Preston �treats. Ran- !call Government ,recognized Crinard pier arrived -at Police Head- Montreal, May 10. --it is prActicallY during the minority of the ] �lc I t,l 13 'k'Te.w York, AfaY. 121—After a o6urse at It- 04, about 8.30, and the flames burst I stead licard some one remark In -a of biri protest, and that Pr ,1dJ,u.S,j quarters by �pecial delivery shortly Certain that an agreement will Ile dren" or tlla,t he Intended to confer out in tbel beArt of tile lumber die- . pashillig ]its house: "Gosh, lie must ,X-EcKluloy and President Roosevelt of dime novels axlZi cigarettes, Philip . [lava a gl�eat Pull with Laurier." both bad strongly condemned lynch - after noon yesterday. fit was ad- reached .J:ef(>re many boure by which upon them -w1lat is known In law trict. %io fire began in J. R.Booth's Volidin. sixteen years of age, on dressed ,,Commissioner Greene, Pollee the great dock strike will Do set- s authorlty to lumber piles near Oliver's furniture Tragedy an(I C:onieuy. I Ing. I.. I Itednesdai U19117t went �ru .,.onx . f IDepartment, Clty,? and was mailed tled. Since FrIlday n1glit's meeting manage the estate-devlsed to the factory.and sprend w#li lightning .The coinic and tile Pathetic were "For the present," continued Signor . at tile (C.Eineral post -office In this negotiAtiong have continued, and . c Bacepill, "I can only hope that the Park, as be had said he would In 9, rtant conferences were sobbed as they saw. ,the homea,which . several Impo children during their.minority. c-11pidity. . . uriously blended. Weeping familleb city at 11 o'clock yesterday morb- Albert A. Hartzell, representing . great American nation, which In latter to Ilia aunt, and atteingtqd, Ing. ,Tli4 'address bn the envelope biel,d to -day. It Was pointed out- to Airs. Burdick, contended tb4t If Mr. . & islaill Bursts. many re&pects stands at the head of to lio,,ng Iffinself from a, t ' . I and the letter itself, Writt the abippers, that It they were willing immodiately after the fire broke ' sheltered theill, dIs&olved Ill,flames. civilization, will Understand ihat ree.. an on three rurdick 'intended to creat & trust out the pumping *main burst an A man with a bugle kept blowing ynching Is a custom which certainly Tile plan failed, a.hd as th'6 boyl sheets of .,pheape 'lined note paper, to waive the clause prohibiting tile s tile executors claimed, being a d left hysterical blauLs from. tile lnstru� I � were written %vith lead -pencil, and wearing of union- hattonk? and agree ,a tfie firemen helpless for two hours. is no honor to cw lofty a blvilization swung to and fro he was surprised the letter *as tile work ar-'e, partly to 0011911 tile labor bureau the sharp, shrowd business m9w, lie would T�io district Iles in a. hollow, be- Went &lid appealing for the aid, oi an bat I- will suppress it." educated Person. It Is a,% r - ollows: greatest obstacles to a settlem nt ha,vo expressed his -wishes in clear, ILair a dozen. lust3t fellows to lend 11 t L to find that he was not gtrairgling, a low. Lt. � rocky bluff, . which affords a -hand in movJng furniture. A V Signor Cirmeni, In response, stild as he had expected. He-sayg he tad would lie removed. Negotiations were emphatic language. 'Me will hd a partial protection to the houses that had .Ig that while lie was satisfied with the . ,Tile Letter of Warnilig., . eontinudd until a late hour- to -night, said. provides how, the executors sball escaped from, a burning Under Secretary's answer, lie WaS counted on the noobe breiking Ills -The box, v�lth 'Iron bandlos, Is an the licignt. But a, high wind StV with its bristles on fire ran to neck at once. He pulled out 11 knife - I - I and it was afterwards learned that aCt as executors, not as trustees. was blowing from the( west, and even and fro ,squealing lonaly. Debris ol not satisfied with the indemnity. He and cut the rope. - , i . i I among frijoka for $toanclor UllibrIa, the shippers �eemecl disposed to Burdick had no idea, of creating a , the, dwellers oil the high land were burned houses strewed the streets. reminded the Cliamber that American He was unhurt, though the rope " Dear Sir,—Tlle Mafia ifteets you, mako some concessions, and that A trust a..nd when he attempted. to afraid that the fire w1ould mount Sheets of music which perhaps had papers had published Illustrations of had burned through the flesh, leav, and wishes you well. At the Cunard satisfactory offer *%vill he submitted name guardians be simply fell clown up and sweep tile whole city to the contributed,'entertainjuent In these lynobings, accompanied with a Ing a red.circle about bla taeck. dock is a, bo�k containingi 100 Pounds to tile me,, tO_mOrrOw_. on a. legal proposition.r . I . a happy statement to the effect tbat,'Itallans I cif dynam1te. Inside Itloo Is a ma- . flat ettgtward. . homes were tossed to acid fro in cost so little" It would be worth The place selected by the young . purposely 'set, can ex- Basis of' set.t1k,mcni. , I . Surrogate Marcus ,admitted t A Favoring Wind. tile dust of tile streets. mail in. which ,to, did is assoOlatecl chino 'that, . strike the principles of I&% Laid down by while to lynch them all. The speaker with memories of Edgar Allan Poe, .,- piode �bo* stuff any time vilthin, The hasile upon which the Mr. Miller were, sound,!but said that The church and moastery of St.. Ali Unfortitilate. District. idded that lynchIng was a shameful , , , w 'was almost qpot on the good namei of a civilized -ol,x hours. 41 14 ex acted to be settled, *to-morro who according to the legend of tile thirty tbP to the disPosit Tile area traversed 0 they applied ion of Jean Baptist stand o,n the bluff, and neighborhood, used to sit on one of �_ ,,The society has declared war as, result of to-nightl8gonference Dominlemn Fathers were seen re- precisely that which suffere ir. r against t- ngland, and has ordered Is as follows: . I I the property. In this' case there the (I people. the projecting rocks overjooklng the . the destr eamer Union or non-unlon men not to lie was DO piestion as to the disposi- moving their books "d other pro- 3.900, although tile direction ivwi ThR Incident was then .closed. Bronx River, and write poetry. Tile uction Of every ot tile ,von the house an Concession tile opposite of -wh flying the British flag that sails out discriminated against by the fore- tIOn 0 property. . This party. D at it was before. . rock lit question ls,witilin eight of . ow -York harbor., . A . "I ' dispute is as to the interme street,,wbere the body of Judge Mills Ill 1000 the fire started in Hull au(I . the scene of the would-be suicide. I of X . I men. . . -diary Iles was supposed to be In dangeir. Crossett tile river to Ottawa, shear- RRGPHET HAS KAISER'S FACE ,1 The undersigned received orders Men receive- the right- to wear handling of It. Volidin then hastened to the home union bAtone. � ' Pictures and other articles were re- Lug Ito way through tile doomed dis- — to begIn operations by sinking the The Surrogr6te said that liew.ould moved riom It. The possibilit-y of hav- trick In a southwesterly direction. Che Architect of Metz Cathedral of his aunt, Mrs. Bertha Schroll, at Oceanici, .but so many women and ,Workmea molesting ot-liers to he give a. decisio'n withill 0, day. or two. Ing to remove the body. wag ronsid- TO­daY the fire started In the south- Explaills Lilcelless ill si(atue. the Soutliern Boulevard and 179th children took passago on that boat discharged, whet . har union or non- . . � orod, But the da,nger in this, region NvOstern corner and spread (in the street, and told liar what lie had .�last Tuesday) that the society's union. I . . Bevlln, May 12. --Mile explanation of. done, adding that, unless -0110 would ore changed at the lauL min- ,Emplt)yers retain the right to em- SEIZED ON CZOLGOSZ, was averted by the wliDd veering W11199 of a southwesterly wind al - plans w. l round to the south. tind tilienceforth most to tile Union Station of the Cored by the architect Of the appear- give him some moncy.,, lie would re- ute. The machlnb. in the box, tile ploy men according to merit. — ' n Pacific Railway. The pro- ance or tile features of the Kaiser In peat it. Mrs. Schroll went for -a Ile - and a cruao I Assassin the Sirg was confined to the lower Calladia . .affair, Is Un Olt leadero will not he permit- . Did Brother of Mclibiley'S ,su of the flames was eventuall� tile face of tile Prophet Daniel on the liceinati ,and had li'.m arrested. first � maAe, , Led to vlait man working. blenace Itoosevelt ? level. Here it had its owlt w", and grL iaccide or the Metz CatliLdral, is that The boy on Monday wrote this let. enclosed simply to show how- easy it . is to sink a 'steamer, I and �� h,how .Old emplo,yeaq to receive first con- by, the time the water was obtain- checked by tile pulling (town of a it is ill accordance with usage, which ter to Mrs. Scroll: ' h at ithe society is oideratlon. . Los Angeles, Cal., May, 12.—Acting ed'agaln, houses -were being consum- few houses at, and near the corner 0. wcts formerly common as a sort of Dear Au-ntie—I'm going I to kill idle threats. The society lRepresentatives Of men to have Under Instructions from the Secret ad In blocks tind streets.. Margarat and Preston streets. It I. - not making Service Bureau at Washington, the The firemen fought lia.rd to keep freely asserted that had this plall homagn, ojld that it Is not a joke of 'myself, because I don't want to bp,ki undertaken to clear Ne,W York , tile right to submit grievances be- . It Win questionable ta,ste. The features of live any more. I'm gdIng to breala harbor ;M British ships, mud It will Tore tlie arteamship companies police to -day arrested a knan who tile flames from crospLng Division paign 110en adopted earlier In is suspeeied of being, one of four bro- street, which Iles at the foot of the thO struggle a 00nolderajile area F,mperor WilIlaill 1. ca,n be found In my. neck; in Bronx Park, In tile woods succeed. ' i Increased scale of wages a, jewd ght havo.been saved. 1II,t3ly Berlin monuments. east of the museum. I'm going to ., ' a 1)p thers of Czolgost, tessageln of Prest- cliff, and were gilecessfal. Tile fire,., mi I Thle roaso�s' fotr this movem011it upon previously. Agreement to tie a rope around the Ilmb of a tree, 1hi.0 society do a not wish to disclose; for the year 1908. dent McKinley. however, swept along froat south to Water Pressure Very Iloor. stand 00 tile limb, the noose cif the Joe it to a 16 socielty, ..kholitlon of the Labor Burea.u. Groat secrecy hiLs been maintain- north, following. the oppoelto direc" As It was, there *wore no explosiveL KILLED BY A TRAMP. rope around my Dealt and jump off. . Buff say t1limt t) tion from th6 fire of se�yoral 7.ears avallalyle for the work, so tbat tlic. —Your loving iiepliew, Philli In orifor to protect Itself, must cwrrY In tile meantime erforts, continue adl nbout the arrest anapractleall,y : I .. I . —_ Ip. the war in the onemy's, country, to relieve the congested condition of no Information has -been given out ago- houses which It was determined tc, ilillister Went to I't-oteet a Neighbor's NVII03 the boy was arra gned, In , and it goes without saying that It the - wharves, concerning tile man. 'It Is known, Much conrilsion. clear out of the way had, to Ile par- Prollerty. tile Moraii.nia, Police Court the zparks proposes to wage It hs fiercely aa Tile Allan `Lln,d� Bavarian sailed however, that lie was arrested to- Tile wildest confusion and panIO tially . Chopped and partlally haulou Gainesville. Tex., May I2­R0v. W. Of thO DOM were visible about his . lit knows how. k yesterday and the Dominion Liner dAy and confined In tile city jall. prevailed. Furniture -was flung (10,wn Moro than due untowa,ni air- .T. Powers has been murdered near neck. . I . �.. y!s first and Canada got off to -day. Both veovells No charge has been lodged against cumstanca contrillitited to the (Ilinen- Burns L'Ity by a tramp. The latter t " This Is tile soolot, out of houses. Everything on wheels . last warning, and those Who PrOPOSO carried u. good cargo, and a large him, the pollee simply detaining the was called Into re&i1sition, and the 910118 of the disaster, the chlof o, then barricaded himself In a house . � ners must numilor ot Passengers. There were p them being a break lit the -watei l)Ut was abot to death by 0, posse. A V111AGE MPERIL. to patronize British, sten, man on suspicion unttl after tile Pre- stream of tfaffle filled all the ut eat$ main, wldeli it re,quired .10 minut.e., Rev. Air. Powers saw tho tramp, on - take their chances In future. two additions to the vessels In the sident shall h&ve left Los Angeles. - going eastward for hours. Men and — 11 The society iiskr4 and gives 'no POrt to -day, ilia Allan Liner Ionian it Is said that CzoIgosz has been bundles in their tol.realr. Even after the. temporary ter a nelghbor's house. The Occupant Udealls, 1(m).. Centra or tll(. zone. of . quarter, so.—LaT on, laY'On, McDuff, aind ilia Lako Brie, of the C. P. X . , women carried ture, was piled patching lip had been orfected tbc ivae ahsolit, and tilt- minister want prairle Vita. . I . living In thiselty for several months arms. Household furni streams from the Dranclies were so . and d--- the lio that -cries )told, line. , being employed in it, tarnale factory. Upon va,cant lots in places that were miserably ,weak that they %rare lit- it onoo with a,gun to drive tile IU- WillnIP-09, May 12.—Aceordlug to in- - enough I 1116tro Demartini-I! THE pHINE,SS Ills actions, it is said, have not supposed to be out of chuiger, and tId more than a.ble to reach tile Up- tru4cr away. When lie opened the formation received hero the village 11P. fj.—Tfte battery. Is not at sometimes tile family mrould be seen- ugs. loor tliet man dealt him a blow with ad, fuses without caps -and Ill -alrs* and sofas. One . 'G axe, .ind continued to ,strike un. 11111h D been out of the Ordinary, tunl no . per portion of two-story buildl of rArans, north of darberry, wits, . ,ht,.; IXILE ron L . complaint Is made of the man, ex- seated on tile oil been TJioy lacked the tearing force wl fell tit the clergyman was dead. surrounded oil three sides last riot loot, couSequentli there Is no . oept that lie Is ft, rotation of tb'e man finding that a trench had sponges out flame even after It ,has night by a, ivall of fire, lighting up dangor In handling the box." I assassin of President McKinley. dug near his house, tbrow his rurni- caught firm hold of a. wooden DnIld- . tile villa -go as bright as the Doon. tr.110 detectives, Captain Watson ture into It, and covered It ,%vltiv Ing . and Mr. riloyd, Immediately, began * earth. Another was driving a load or . I . . STAT -ION IN INDIA. day still. Tho fire was raging out a search for the box. It was soon No"Reconcillation With Her AIRSHIP'S SPEEDY TRIP. furniture when shouts from spmeta- Loss May be $1,000,000. — . on the outiikIriw of tile village an(I found, for it had come to tile pier tcyrs warned him that the stuff was " In the distriet that was Lurned ro Ile 14stablisiked. by Superintendent herole mail were battllng� against It - Under, pecullar Circumstances. Husband is Possible. sitecesstul 'Alrip ill Paris by %,we on fire. , there were a nult,ber of stores, and I or Ite(earologlettl sel-Vice. the fierce finines in an effort to was exactly as described In the let- - . ricur mail lVilo, managed to get; a, sbould think the Property loss, ex- Savo their homes and the fruit of ter, and wag found tit tile foot of — . . Aeronants, wagon but to horsen took hold of clusive of the himber, w6uld be at 1301,1111, Ifiry I2,.—It Is; learned that their wliiter's labor. So far only the gangway, among the otlior. Paris, May 12.—An airslilp con' tile sharts and moved their prGportyl least $750,000, and possibly $1,000,- Nil'. Walkcr,*wbo, to mlikluled as the two houses In tits village liad fallen pieces of baggage. It, wdff a plain, CWLDIS LEGITIMACY ATTESTED strutted for the Lobaudy Aros., made out of danger. I � 000," said John D. Laldlaw, manager simcn,;mor of Zoh.n Eliot as superin- and & highly successful trip to -day un- of the Norwich Union Fli-o limuranef Cendant of the BrILlsh Indian Meteor- aj prey to the flames, but the situa- white pixie box, newly made, Tlennn,, -Ma,y 11,_r . The Burned Area. t rtal. last 111glit. illogical IServIco, recently spent a tion wAs one of extreme alarm. Fear� W.10 Unmarked, Its size was About _r�ie future of the dor Pilot Juohmes and L, ligineor Rey aeron Ing tile worst the residents hail pre - 40 1by 20 b,Y 90 1110hea. Ti10 tOP, O.X�Orown Princess of Saxony was Tile start was made from St. M41!� The boundaries of tifa fire imay be "I have no Information tie to the week at tile tory Ilore with a view to establishing pa,red for Immediate flight. t, very which ,%V&g m&4a, of two pieces, was decided -%vilell tli�n Emporoif of A,ustrit), tire ditrInIg a. light rain, and w1th a described gemerally as ilia t"a,nada quantity of lumber that would be Ili avallablo. vehicle had been tecluist. , hinged and faeterwd wliji a sta- and tile Xing of Saxojiy met here a, brisk wind blowing. T)ia Abippass- Ailantic tracke Olt tile South, Rich- tho yards at this timo of ill(! yt.ftT., experimental istations in India for plej hasp and padlock. Tile hard- week ago. T,hey agre&I that Alto ad over a, Dumber of anburban towns. inond rorad on the north), First but It would probtibly amount to at the ,observation of monsoon eondl- - 00110d, loaded wIthL furniture ready, , word -wag neatly Japanned, anLINvlas could not be allowed to live cItII0V ,kt Uttiltes, It inado a 01rolo around avenue on t1le w -est and tile? west lonst $150,000 and inight bo $4300,- U0110 by U100n.4 of hites, and kite bai. for removal. - aNidently. now. l I In Austria, or 841%colly; 8110 Is to the Cathedral spire. After further sW of Division street oil the, east. 000.,? . I 11 10011A I ; The whole surrounding district for Could Rene tile Ticking. have oil Inaoino ot $6�000 YOUAY and evolittions It returno-A to the point It is about thlroo-quarters. of a Waterworlcm System Inadellumte, , Tho first btation will be In tile Ilion- ab, area of tell miles appeared tie be The passengers were nob all retain possession of hot, newborn of departure and descended without mile long and a quarter of la mite �Ilay&c; at S-Imla., 7,000 feet above the &flame, 4nd a conservative estimate "Tile aveldent to the wwLerwork& level or tile ,sea. I of, the lost; alre4dy. dotia vms $100,. 1 PT -100d Of the presence of the Infer: child three months, accident, . T,he distance covered was broad, The Asseminent Comin1ission- systein, which cr1ppI%!d ille errorts of .--- 000, . .-4 nal machine. Li'vorything wag (lone After slid roturnect to Lindean. tile L 37 kilomotars (23 milos) Ili on6 hour or estimates; areas of bnrnecr (11"' the fire dopartniont, War out tit(, Ili--; Eddy's Church Gift ot $120,000 I ­ ­ . k quieti,v. jill soon as It was found It Plifleesswaa terribly depressed. lilor 'and 86 minutes, agaillab 44anton Do. trick at sixty liOr"' Tit's is c%one'd- argunients of ilizi ffisurauee con) Calieor,l, N% 11., May 11-I.—Throu-91) was carried to the end of the plot. a, fow days before the ftceoc�0110- mont's record for ilia Doutsell prize, Cr('d MUM IOIV- , -OcOr To Build silips. - It contains about noo libil-ges, 1111,11108, who linvo for solne montiII; tile gift c)f tile Rov, Miry B M 11)(41do tho box, by Ilstening card. ment sho haA despormte fits, Crying of il% k1loinoters In 30 minutes. been making represcintatiolm to tile 14*.dtly, Out Christbill ' ,ScIeIIt1st,,4 of Xalltav, W ay 12.-A Sydney dor3. � ftlly, one could he%r tile ticking of perpetually and exclaindlig; "I'low mostly substantial brick buladings, city of Ott.twa th.,tt tilt) waterworki4 Concord, N. It, are to have OW, of PRICII states thAt 81r,A. L. Jageo, a Maternal, Atithinette. rebuilt after, the last fire. Them were. Inadequate, linving . flljm at I a As In head of tile t1der-Denipster Com- rTleca of clockwork. A ropo was 1: )lava wroliged my clilldreni" In- a, good .b(spn out- thc* . t eliurell ri tur tile filly, of Liverpool, ItIld Str Alston .. waro inhabited chlefly by -ff. I'Ally P. to oned about It and It was low- dc-od grave rears were entertailled Moliolor Unclo.-Ouly four pounds? Class Of moolle, prown by the progress of thp clity. 41,&ITIte, st'atp. TJIo T"Ift of M1 nics. eppeelall,r rall- I C;Upb,(1 Ily Dixon, n. great ship balld6r Ili North ored Into tile water. wholl superlo- for tier We or reason, Iler mothort chlor Provost, of tit(% fire delmrt- Illellitles ilia Inlid Dow )L) tendent ?4urray arrived ,on "int'a a, small baby to make so way men, and the avorage value , ado . M101IN C -lati- ,a lIctil i the Ilp.;,I*t Vogland, are ,intordsttok ,thdDillbIV09 with two the Old family doctor, and tile Olt\ much, Tuas over. A* baby alvi,tys of tile dwelling houses woultl be nient also In. rocominelid, ,Ili ,ill Sclont. - Ill In a project for tile or6otion of & assistants Ito found the )non care- royal narges specially solit for the ought to wolgh tan, pounds." plaeod at $1,wv. for'an Improved wator SPI-vINN" of the eltv, In addltloa to tha gift steel P111pbuildIng blalit fully keeping (lie box submergnil. child Could not comfort ]ter tier go I 'Oectopled official E.stiltinte of* Losses. of this site Mrs. L"Ildy presints to , at 'gome In the meantime, the box havlSig t Ilroold Mother -You hotrid thing I The bouses wern largely '(% Port ln'Nova� sc6ila,' ftere the l*st tier to compose lierRelf. (ILL Assessment Colutilis,410 �r tll(- church n. cash dollfttlOn Of $100­ Imen dIffecivere(l, Captain Duttonre- I lovo her just two .ao,4 a liall' times by people who had 0ought them, on y 11 't fA(IllitI08 for such WOrks are obtain. t egarding the sall- 11alw's Legitinutey Assitred. An Avoll as I could possibly IoLve, a the lnatalm�nt PlatV, These wouW be Pratt estimates that at 1011st :i,j-,.() ()Ot), 111,11cing li4t%.r tlot.11 gift repro.qen able, . jog of the steamer, and She Start. Tile $6%on dourt commi4sionor was 011, pownd babyll, . . 1118dred up to tho anionint of tilbbuildings Were burned. 11alf word tile Oulu Of $120,000, I " , .