The Wingham Advance, 1903-04-30, Page 5-11 _ . , ,.'n' ,' 0, April 3p, 1903 THE' WINGHAM ADVANCE Goderich. A Bog's Reformations I , The G. T. It. authonttes etre arras, 'We have a boy of twelve 111 the oaf z ; Slips Prices, Small Profits NOWIS T IME Ing to put down a granolithio walk hero convicted of stealing, what would goal „alth _ p Arid round the station, as soon as the job can you advisor” was tbo message received - Tho boadbi Ste To BU UUr Spring uit• be let. by wire from one of our county judges. Stout Values. r uic Returns Pt missed taking + If. -. I iI YI Illi, ■ Tho answer sent back was, ''Delay aa• i "For 2$ years I have never Station piaster Stratton expects to be tion acid writoparticulars." The ti ti- able to go to his duty about the first of 0ulars came in due time, and from a ing Ayer's Sarsaparilla every spring. It .cleanses my 3 May, He is gaining strength daily. police standpoint the were serious g g g y t Y ;blood, makes me feel strong, and ! s Our Stock is Complete in all Styles and Sizes for The largest stook of cattle ever offer- Ieforenough to warrant a long town in the John P. Hosni to every y way." -- something (ti Q n ed for sale in Huron was at Ridgewood b e n studying modern met ods in lead 1 John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y, U V ll B been studying modern methods iu oiiild• e Mari Youth o r Boy Park Stook Farm onTuesday of last saving work, and readily consented to Pure and rich blood "f tiYe©k transfer the guardianship of the lad to '' t . the Superintendent of Neglected Child. Carries 11eW life 110 eve - _ , The "Greyhound," that large beautt- ran, there being no Ohildron's Aid , r 1'Ve have Bos Stilts ,,,° fulateain ship of the White Star Line, Society organized in the district. The part Of the body. YOU a r Newy u' from........... .............$1.10 to $5,00 is coming back again earlier in the sea- boy came to the city under the close Youths' 3 piece Suite Short pants, front.............$2.75 to $ 8,00 sou than usual to eve our citizens and surveillance of the local constable, and are invigorated, refreshed. -. Youths' Suits long pants, from .......................$3.75 to $10,00 count people generally n cheap exour• was duly handed over, Weil , he was Men's Tweed Suite, from ..................... ... ....$4.76 to $10.00 county p g y P asked, where do you think you are YOU feel anxious to be cion to Detroit. going now?" The Reformatory,' he Iactive You become strong, Men's Serge Suits, from.... .............................$3.60 to $10°00 replied without a smile, that being the , e John Maxwell who has been incar- GENTS SUITS in Black and White Stripes, Sizes only punishment that he could conceive . steady,courageous.That s - .t 33 to 42, from . .......................... ..........$10.50 to $11.50 cerated at the jail here the past couple of. He was soon enlightened, and hs , , Ladies' N)J 'V GR1:X STRIPE SUITS for Young Men, sizes of months, serving a six month's term appreciated the idea the more lee com• ; what Ayers Sarsaparilla 33 to 40, latest cut vest, neat fitting pants, guaranteed for vagrancy, wits brought up on Man- Pre11et1ded it, The past t be complete- =lifeWill do for you. q{ p } to wear .......... ......... . ...... . .................. .......... . . $ S.00 da morning before His Honor Judge lot forgotten; e trusted res ected, aided au l 111.60 y W 1 i O l erg ODD Pants. -400 Pairs to choose front, prices........... 75c to $4.00 y g for , p alottle. Altdr■uttd.. ; Doyle for trial on the charges of assault encouraged to all that was worthy and i , FURNISHINGS. -Hard and Soft Felt Bats in all the with intent to disable and of theft. commendable. After a month's trial A kyoardootorwhathethtnk■otAyaYe i .• Banaparflla, lie know. an Aboutthlsgmnd s - Intent Styles and Colors.. .................. .... ...... IUC 110 $4.00 The assault was cominitted at Seaforth free from any nnusal restraint he seen- old family medfelao. Follow Ida advice and Coats. SHI(tTS, SALrx BRAND. -In all latest colorings, ed willing and anxious to do right, and we will beaa o sisieco.,Lowett,Masf. a Hard and Soft bosoms, pleated fronts etc., guaranteed on the 4111 of F brn:iry and Paul Shae- a farin home was secured for him far if color comes out we give you your money back,.... $1.00 to $175 far was the victim. It appears Maxwell removed from his former environment. t - NECK WEAR in the new midgets, mites, and strings ............. 25c was lying in wait for filo license inspoc• One day he forgot his good resolutions, took soma moue belonging to his em- ROXBURY SCARF -all colors .. ................................ 50C for and mistook the man. At the can. y g p k We have just received } player's son and bought cigarettes and COLLARS AUSTRIAN h1ARh:.-llnud wade button elusion of the ovitleuce a little after tobacco. The yours man soon discover- GO TO A I a full range of the holes tell styles and sizes from 12 to 18, from ............ 15c and 20a lealf-past 4 His Honor delivered his son- ed his loss and treated the culprit to a X ra AUTOMOBILE" tense, saying he cousidert d it, if any- downright good tlirushing. The en- ;; fi A Silk Waterproof Coats. thing too light. The sentence for the cideut was undoubtedly discouraging, • a Yea ;. „, « Y _;r Handsomest garment of 'heCrowder assault is ton years in the Provincial bite there has been more stealing re- the sort on the market ported, and in Otherer directions. steady Thursday, April 2nd, was a record day ac the ' R. • • penitentiary with herd labor and for the progress has been made. The strong 7.thot•oughl3 guaranteed absolutely waterproof and weighs only lesser offence of theft three' earsim- likelihood is that this rational treatment CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE y i one and a quarter pounds. The latest style; lightesti weight; risoumeut. the ternisto ran concurrent. and change of scene will prove effective. CHATHAM, ONT. p neatest pattern to be had in rainproof coats. See them. ly. The remainder of Maxwell's term The boy, instead of being an expense to Six calls for Ch cc holo e a single day -ono o[ .3 11110 Community, With reform uncertain, these from Chicago, mho from Manitoba and y g is liven amid normal surroundin s and the other four from leading business houses int , We have a good varier of other kinds of Rain Coats for for vagrancy,of course, merged in the g y g g the city. Positions at $15 to $0C per month are 4 i f ten years term. On Tuesday evening is an industrial unit in a country where getting quite common. A recent call offered you to choose from in child's, misses and women's sizes- ' about 7 o'clock Maxwell made an at- the crying need is for manual labor, and 90 per mouth for a first-class stenographer. o tempt to get out of jail through a place useful, self-reliant citizenship. The Does it not Pay to Attend the Best? prices fL'Omi.+ 110 $10 each. -0_ = where the stones of the wall had been policy has beau successfully triad with 1College th. Nom is tie time tEaster orn Foracaatyalogue twenty other lads during the past year address, - loosened to make a sewer connection. in order to demonstrate the possibilities D. MCLACHLAN & CO., , His attempt was unsuccessful, and yes. of this class of work, and it is safe to 27-31 Chatham. ant. ISARD S BLACK GRENADINES are taking the terday afternoon he was taken to Icing- any that hundreds could be dealt with J lead in style, quality and price. You can save money buying in a similar manner. The so-called bad here as well as your neighbor. Two hundred yards fine ,ston. boy is usually the product of uncongeni- = Black Grenadine, worth 75e per yard, some stores 50c al surroundings and unsympathetic re- R E Ss y Is made when you choose our store as the i latives, and what he needs is not confit- lr] ask' --our price while they last ....................... y ment in an institution but a complete place to buy your Furniture. Stock Lar g e— Pleasant Cure for Weak Lungs. change of scene and free scope for his for sore activities. With a little more co -opera- Hogs Are Worth 6; Cts. Black and White Muslins in all qualities and latest The best famed Prices Right. Before buying elsewhere, just y , weak lungs, tion between magistrates and the Child - is the soothing vapor of catarrozone ran's Aid Society, many such lads might effects—prices 10e, 121, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c. get our prices; it will cost you nothing to find which traverses every air cell and pas- be successfully handled under the foster - sage of the breathing organs. It treats home plau.-J. J. Kelso, Toronto. them out, and you may save money. Our remote parts that cough mixtures and Come and buy pure pea meal. I 1 This is but a sample of what might guarantee goes with ever article we sell, sprays cant approach, and kills thou. have 40 ton on hand, and rush your - • z g g y sands of germs at every breath. Cat- be done in almos't every town or town- Carpet and Curtain -Dept. « arrhozone drives away pain, congestion ship in Ontario, and it is a part of the hogs along and obtain the high price. Come and see us. Price our goods, and you and inflammation; it makes breathing work the Children's Aid Society of Nothing else will do it so quickly as 3 is a busy spot these days. Special values in all kinds of will be able to sayas others have said— easy and regular, and exerts a marve- Huron will be lad to assist in where s pure peas. We also have a large stock Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoleums and Curtains. ions influence on Coughs, Colds, Sore that you wish you had known before, what Throat, Catkrrh, Bronchitis, and Deaf. cases are brought to their notice. The of Clover and Timothy Seeds, Mangles. ; SPECIALS IN CURTAINS ness Catarrhozone cures at once, is officers of the Society in Goderich in - a hue stock we have and what reasonable delightful to inhale, and simple to use. vite correspondence and co-operation Rape, Speltz, Flax, Orchard Grass, &c, ; prices we sell for. Try here next time and Price $1.00 small size 25c. Druggists, NO. 1•-12 pairs fine Lace Curtains, Taped, new patterns........... S .50 or Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. from friends of children in every part NO. 2-10 pairs wide Curtains, choice patterns, sale price.,......... .75 of this country. Address James Mit- 1\10. 3•-15 pairs, extra fine patterns, 3J yds. long, special price ...... 1.00 et a surprise. Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Constipation. y Carr S g p chef, president, Or Mrs. James Clark, NO. 4.-D pairs, nice now design, extra wide, (taped), special price.... 1.25 secretary. e- • I NO. 0.-10 pairs extra heavy fine Curtains, worth $2.00, now.......... 1.75 NO. 6,-12 pairs fine Nottingham Lace, wide, worth $2.50, now........ 1.95 West Wawanosh. I (HARKET SQUARE) . ,■ ,,, . _,,,._..W, , ., . balker 13"ros. Buttol o tined Dollar's Worth. " Mr. John Glazier, of Ashfield, leaving Is contained in a bottle of Poison's obtained gift tickets for the purchase of Norviline, which hares Rheumatism, ' H • E. Isard Co. goods from C. Elliott to the amount of Neuralgia, Sciatica, Toothoche, Hand- Money to loan on notes, and notes Furniture Dealers & Undertakers $35, received a handsome parlor suite. ache, Cramps, Siok Stomach and In- discounted at reasonable rates. Money Mrs. Jas Walker of Dungannon, who digestion. Mothers field Nerviline first advanced on mortgages at 6 per cent. Opp, Bang Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce g class liniment for children's sore throat with privilege of paying at the end of wy has been for about three weeks serious- hoarseness, cold in the chest, and taken any year. Notes and accounts collect-I11dLl.dhi lit YiA1J+lem 11p,ipv. ltrldils,rai l sat 1„.li ly ill, is gradually recovering. Her in hot water before retiring is a splendid ed. Office -Beaver block, Wingham. remedv for colds. Don't be without ROBT. MOINDOO. "880 SNAPI IN MILL1 NERY Notwithstanding the number that have taken advantage of our reduced prices, our stock is still large and well assorted, col ` prising Beautifully Trimmed Hats, in great variety. Fashionable Trimmings ; Special values in Tips and Plumes; "Ready -to- wears" of latest styles. All offering at } temptingly low prices. f Call Early And Get Best Choice. Mrs. Green Next door to Smith's Bank. 1_ SEEDS Come to R. A. Douglass the I Druggist for all kinds of Flower and Garden Seeds. Over 80 dif- ferent colors and varieties of sweet i peas to choose your mixture from. BULBS CANNA BULBS DAHLIA BULBS GLADIOLUS BULBS TUBER ROSES TUBEROSE BEGONIAS F Anything we have not in stock will be procured at Catalo- gue price, -• A. special prize of $5.00 is being Riven by me at the Wingleam Fair for the beat collection of roots and vegetables grown from my seed. For sons, Colvella, of Ingersoll, and George of Gorrie, who have for some days been attending to her. left for their respective homes. The Qnarterly Board and Building committee of Dungannon Methodist church mot in the parsonage Monday evening to decide whether to remove the parsonage to another site, or to erect Ii new building. No decision was reach- ed and the meeting was adjourned. A large number of the venerable pioneers of the vicinity of Dungannon spent a very enjoyable time last Friday afternoon at the residence Of Squire Mallough, the event being the celebra- tion of his diamond wedding. The venerable couple, her. and Mrs. Mal - lough, thoroughly enjoyed the eveeit. There were present about seventy-five, among whom quite a number were up- wards of three score and ten years. SESSION OF MUNICIPAL, COUNCIL. In pursuance of notice given, the fath- ers of the municipal council of West Wawanosh met in the township 'hall on Wednesday to receive tenders for a team of horses to work the road grader dur- ing the ensuing season. There were two tenders presented, and that of Edward Johnston of Ashfield, was accepted. It was decided to hold a court of revision of the assessor's roll on the 20th of May. Nerviline; it is the most enonomical, potent and reliable household liniment made, and costs only 25t. Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure 06nstipation. i Kincardine, April 26th. -Alex. Me - Cosh, a farmer living on the Lake Shore range, Huron Township, was found dead in his barn yesterday. It is pre- sumed that he had fallen in a fainting fit while feeding his stock. He had been dead some days when found. Milverton, April 25. -Mrs. Simon Rupert, a woman about -forty years old, hanged herself this afternoon in a room of her house. She had been in the asy- lum, London, for some time, and was only a few weeks home, She had no family, and when her hasbaud came home about 4 o'clock he found her dead. I • A Wonderful Tonic and Strengthaer Said a druggist to -day, "No donbt about it, the tonic that gives best results is the biggest seller, and that is Ferro - zone. It enriches and purifies the blood restores strength and energy to the feeble, and is a scientific reconductor that was always popular. In Chlorosis, Anaemia, Tiredness, Langour, Brain Fag, Indigestion and Dyspepsia its ac- tion is prompt, and satisfactory cures always follow, Yes, I recommend For - rezone to my customers because 1 be. lieve it is the best tonic and strengthen• ing medicine that money can buy." Large boxes cost 500. Sold by A. L. Lucknow. xamilton. Mr. George Campbell, an old and CEMENT WORKS.highly respected resident of the town ship of Ashfield, passed away at his - home on lot 7 on the 106h concession, on I am now prepared to properly axe. Tuesday last, at the ripe old age of 87 cute all orders for Cement worlt s,1 every description - including • 8110v,¢. • years. eidownika, foundations, stable floors, The Divisional Court in Toronto on etc. I have every factlty necessary, Monday last, confirmed the judgment and can do the work right. All aeon. Y guaranteed. Prices and terms reason• of the trial judge at Goderioh, some able, Cement for stile. months ago, restraining Mr. Harry Days, CHAS. BARBER, Winglenm, In of this village, from opening up a third Ldrk R. A. ➢OUGL9S5' H. ,*,GO • • G RU T 0... e en a OUR MOTTO Droany, of Icinlougli, on Sunday morn- f+ Highiip de Work Only." ing last, was a sad blow to leis many - y' friends and acquaintances. Mr, Dreany 'TR I. had reached the ripe old age of 82 years, but was ft his usual good health, and expired after a fete minutes illness from 'c , • ATF'ORD, ONT, PARK'Sheart failure. lie was an old and high- our ggraduatos readily secure good posit- ly esteemed citizen, and his death Will ions bet'ausc our high grado training prc- J lr Store be regretted by a large circle of 1111I them to fonder first-class serviceser i- Chemist & Druggist 11 j no ti»eas mon to o first-class workers--- frionds and acquaintances. He was a no time to wnat.o on the ot.hor kind. Itont- monce a course now and be ready for a prominent and life long Orangemen and position in the fall. write for catalogue. otildo G.N.W. tot. Co. his funeral on Tuesday last was conduct. W. J. Elliott, Principal, Macdonald Block Wingham ed by the brethren of the Orange Order. ,Men's Is Suitings. We have now the most beautiful and complete stock ever put on the Wingham Market in the way of Men's Suitings. In all the lateet designs and materials at very reason- able prices. You will have no difficulty in selecting a suit to suit. In fit and workmanship we take a back seat for no one. Satisfaction guaranteed. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor Wingham Just Arri*ved C,- 0 1C` lam` We have just opened up some fancy Gold decorated Glassware direct from the factory at Tarentum, Penn., consisting of Handled Olives, Fruit Dishes, Nappies, Bon bon Dishes, Creams, Sugars, Tooth -pick Holders, Cake Plates, Custards, Goblets and Vases. ,:A Also a package of Table Tumblers with imitation cut bottom, extra value, on sale at 38c per doz. at griffin's T. A. MILLS has his stock complete in all the best known varieties for the Silo and Fall Feeding, also Ripening kinds. This Corn has been specially selected for seed and cannot be surpassed, Also Speltz, Buckwheat, Hungarian, Millet and Black Tares for Green Fodder. Marigolds, Sugar Beets, Field and Garden Carrots, in all kinds at Lowest prices consistent with (Duality. All kinds of Garden Beans, Peas, and Vebetable Seeds. Dutch Set Onions, English Multiplier, Potato Onions. PEAS WITHOUT BUGS. ----Sow about loth to 24th of May and escape the Bug. My prices are lower than any wholesale, consistent with quality. Call and see the magnificent quality of my CORN. POTATOES, Y•— I have a limited quantity of Red River Triumph Potatoes, the earliest and best in the market. , M-1 g7, 1 ug store m uo now, IT'S ALL. RIGHT. When the sleighing broke up this spring, Mo se Mitchell of the and students may 0111 the W tAI V V had ls had some 900 large roller mills LISTO maple logs stili in the bush which are . l_ CJ now being brought to his mill by the aid .,` c ' of'a powerful traction engine. The loge at any time. are placed on four heavy wagon trucks SPRING TERM begins March 30. 111 V V 1 W and t11e big engine moves along the Two Coursos-Commorcial and Shorthand, road with them as easily as a team of Send for College Journal. 4T. r sk • horses would draw a msmall load, Each train load contains 45 maple logs or C. A. PLEM14G A. L. McINTYRS preside it Seely. about 2500 feet. Th dd n death of Mr Arthur R. A. ➢OUGL9S5' H. ,*,GO • • G RU T 0... e en a OUR MOTTO Droany, of Icinlougli, on Sunday morn- f+ Highiip de Work Only." ing last, was a sad blow to leis many - y' friends and acquaintances. Mr, Dreany 'TR I. had reached the ripe old age of 82 years, but was ft his usual good health, and expired after a fete minutes illness from 'c , • ATF'ORD, ONT, PARK'Sheart failure. lie was an old and high- our ggraduatos readily secure good posit- ly esteemed citizen, and his death Will ions bet'ausc our high grado training prc- J lr Store be regretted by a large circle of 1111I them to fonder first-class serviceser i- Chemist & Druggist 11 j no ti»eas mon to o first-class workers--- frionds and acquaintances. He was a no time to wnat.o on the ot.hor kind. Itont- monce a course now and be ready for a prominent and life long Orangemen and position in the fall. write for catalogue. otildo G.N.W. tot. Co. his funeral on Tuesday last was conduct. W. J. Elliott, Principal, Macdonald Block Wingham ed by the brethren of the Orange Order. ,Men's Is Suitings. We have now the most beautiful and complete stock ever put on the Wingham Market in the way of Men's Suitings. In all the lateet designs and materials at very reason- able prices. You will have no difficulty in selecting a suit to suit. In fit and workmanship we take a back seat for no one. Satisfaction guaranteed. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor Wingham Just Arri*ved C,- 0 1C` lam` We have just opened up some fancy Gold decorated Glassware direct from the factory at Tarentum, Penn., consisting of Handled Olives, Fruit Dishes, Nappies, Bon bon Dishes, Creams, Sugars, Tooth -pick Holders, Cake Plates, Custards, Goblets and Vases. ,:A Also a package of Table Tumblers with imitation cut bottom, extra value, on sale at 38c per doz. at griffin's T. A. MILLS has his stock complete in all the best known varieties for the Silo and Fall Feeding, also Ripening kinds. This Corn has been specially selected for seed and cannot be surpassed, Also Speltz, Buckwheat, Hungarian, Millet and Black Tares for Green Fodder. Marigolds, Sugar Beets, Field and Garden Carrots, in all kinds at Lowest prices consistent with (Duality. All kinds of Garden Beans, Peas, and Vebetable Seeds. Dutch Set Onions, English Multiplier, Potato Onions. PEAS WITHOUT BUGS. ----Sow about loth to 24th of May and escape the Bug. My prices are lower than any wholesale, consistent with quality. Call and see the magnificent quality of my CORN. POTATOES, Y•— I have a limited quantity of Red River Triumph Potatoes, the earliest and best in the market. , M-1 g7, 1