The Wingham Advance, 1903-04-30, Page 44
Lace Curtains,
Carpets and
Linoleums ....
The house cleaning season is now here with its
demands for Curtains, Draperies of all kinds, Car-
pets, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, etc,
Lace Curtains. -
A large assortment to choose from at prices from
25c to $7.50 a pair, in Swiss, Arabian, Brussels Net,
Nottingham Lace, Grenadine Sash, Door Panels, etc.
In this department we have everything ,you
want, Our stock consists of Velvets, Tapestries,
Brussels, Acadias, Wools, Velvet Squares, Wool
Squares, and Acadia Rugs and Door Mats.
Linoleums and Oil Cloths.
All widths from 1 to 4 yds. See our 4 -yard -wide
genuine Linoleum for dining rooms. -
=Kitchie & Cam-pbell'
successors to M. H. McIND00. -
Brass. and
This week we are placing lin stock a
large assortment of Brass and Iron Beds.
The extensive business done last year with
these goods gave us better discount on the
present stock. The Beds are finished with
the best enamel (not the cheap paint that will
last only a few months and chip off) and
l", • "1� � O fi" x�
C l3(uhospitalsw� t�°eoblnt*Moss of efngo e�' 1211111111111,11 111111117 111111111111111
during theyear. The
pQpBl1ltlnlbor ofatients on October 1 .M•
---Tbe Marylaud School for the was 2,287 ; padmitted during the THE
ind has issued the first general year, 9,833, The total cost of
dictionary ever published for the maintenance was $673,909.21, as ;
use of the blind. The work cont- against $615,23482 in 1901. The r �j �Y JAS.
prises 18 volumes, and contains average cost of each patient per U I U o. 3 U A S. 1 e K E R R.
definitions of 40,000 words. day was 84 cents, as against 87J
cents in 1901. The percentage of
Government grant to the total for Q 4
-Horseshoeing has evidently maintttnance was 16 per cent, as The Newest slid
been reduced to a science, At least compared with 19 per cent, for ...
that is what we may infer from the 1901, The Houses of Refuge cost Very S+► `
fact that the United States National formaintenance $238,303,20, y� ¢ p
Association of Master Horseshoers against $240,941,65 in 1901. S111ar4esb Styles
intends to establish a college devo The average cost per inmate per .,.
ted to the trade, A course in horse (lay was 25Values `} cents against 32 cents Dress �oo�s M
anatomy, the study of elementary in 1901. Tho Government aid to -.., .,.
chemistry and metallurgy, andtheSouses $ Refuge was $64,61901. 6.19, w b koceriesrudiments of veterinar aur er a ainst $61 229.18 in 1901. Tho �For Suits, Waists andaro to be included in the curri- cost o4 maintaining orphanages��®me BrokenSkirts, are shown at
culum. was $106,741.02, against $97,470.- w
The Peoples Popular
30 in 1901. The averse cost per -•
g p {• p� Always Fresh and Store."
-inmate per day was 15.59 egnts, Lees 6o C�Lrar
-Sea water is now used to ex- against 19.25 cents in 1901. Pure. Prompt De- --
tinguish the burning colliery of the The report of the Inspector on
Dominion Coal Company, Nova Lunatic and Idiot Asylums show- Them ®ut livery ••• ••• French Orepille Sole, Latest Color -
Scotia. Through a sluice cut from ed the cost of maintenance to be 4141• ••• ing ............................... 85c
a dam on the shore of the ocean, $659,335.37, against $623,675.77 in
the water is pouring in at the rate 1901. The average cost per pa-
Sugar has advanced in ,
�^ g French R ool Blousing, Fancy
of some three and a half million
tient, after deducting revenue, was rice, but we are still selling
gallons an hour. There are eleven $108.37, against $103.91 in 1901. So - Mens Overalls, Blue Denim, reg- p' g Stripes, per yard ................. 500 �o
levels in the pit and 450,000,000 The number of patients was 959 alar 40c and 50e -your choice at old prices- o
gallons of water were needed, and against 902 in 191. The revenue for .............................. 30c -Red path's Granulated
g pf Paris Lace Brocade for waists, -�
six days' time required to extin- was $101,076.20 against $90,677. Sugar, 22 ihs, for..... 1.00 . Per �••
$ .. e.5°
guish the fire, 46 in 1901. Man of the persons it Dark Sugar, -30 lbs. for. 1,00 yard "'
Y P Diens Overalls, Cottonade, regular -�
now in charge the report says,
.-- 000 a Oc • Fine Wool Dolaines for waists, per
} could be equally well cared for in .,.,. p
LET THE TRUTH COME. the Houses of Industry. 75c and air -Reduced to. ° COAL OIL. yard .............. .............. 50c
The report on Prisons and Re Mens Overalls, Brown Duck, reg1-0
- Remember, we keep in
(Toronto Telegram.) formatories is very favorable when ular $1.00 -for .................. 60c stock the very best American French Wool Satin Cloth N
compared with former years. The . and Canadian Coal Oil. sweat
It is to the eternal credit of thenumber Shades, For waists or suits, per
press Y is the since was 8.280, 8738 =' an y FLOUR, ETC. 5()0
g h
being yttrd......1..............'.
Conservative Pees that it has dealtThis
a-- ens Odd Vests, all wool Tweed
more ferocious] with R. R. Gamey, y size -your choice for...... $1
M. P. P. for his alleged crime of the highest being 13,481, In 1877. Strt a Silkine Blousing, Ver
tampering with a deposit slip than ,
Our Bread Flour is the p g• y
On the 30th of September last ! Mena Shirts, well made, Good best and most economical pretty, per yard ................. 50c^ao
the Liberal press dealt with Hon. there were in the ails of the Pro- :_ material re 12. a stripe shirt -
J, R. Stratton
for the alleged Crime idiotic and insane, beings consider- Wig) regularprice80c. Redac each kesbetter to sack, than any y p ' per
of tampering with a member Ofthat you can buy. It will
nee 529 'Er Stripe bilks for waists r
Parliament. able decrease from former years, y yard ........................50 to 75c o
Not a Liberal journal demanded other flour on the market,
For drunkenness 2,674 were com- Those who have tried it say
Hon, J. R. Stratton's expulsion mitted, a slight increase over last .� Men's Ties, a quantity of Isnot
from the Ontario Legislature upon year. and Four-in-hand Ties, regular 6O' Black Silks, Plain and Fancy, open
the charge of attempting to alter The public accounts for Ontario 25c -Price to clear .......... lOc each work stripe. For waists, coats and
the party leanings of a Conserve.- i� Suits.
for 1902 presented to the Legisla- SEEDS.
tive member. «-
The truth can hurt noted who ture yesterday, show total receipts Dimity Prints, about 200 yards. '
3' of $4,291,082,'and a total expendi- Dark colors. Regular rice 12 a Mammoth Long Red Beet Fancy Dreasbltlelins.
does not deserve to be hurt. R. R. .. p i Seed, New Seed, per Ib. 15c .,,..
Game was welcomed in good faith titre of $4,345,003, and witg a Sal- only ......... . ....10c yd Fancy Basket Cloth. --•
e yat•d-now on -•,�
Y g ante of $175,661.74 brought over Garden Peas per Ib....... 15c Plain Batiste, &c,
as a messenger of truth. Let Hon. from last year there is still a small
So -
J R, Stratton appear in the same balance on hand. Ladies' Skirts, Tailor•nlade, Good Package Seeds, all New
g equally
g p 0~ material Neat fitti g per cent. off ° Black Broadcloth. =
uise with a nail good credentials The receipts are as follows: e-- , g, Flared Seeds. 2 packages for... 5
and he will be welcomed. If the Black Cheviot.
Conaolidgtedrevenuefund- w Venetian Worsted.
i truth can hurt the Conservative ..�•
art let the Conservative art From Dominion of Canada, o
party, p Y subsidy ...................:$1,116,872 Black and Navy Serges, -0
be hurt. If the truth can hurt the Special grant ........ ....... 80,000 Men's and Boys' Ready-made Suits, Cash Paid For Eggs Black Russel Cord.
,Liberal party, the Liberal party wool Tweed, at your own price. If Black Grecian Cord.
should be hart. Truth first, last $1,198,871 you want it cheap Suit, move quick, Homespuns, &c., &c.
and all the time is the aim. And Interest on capital held and
the patriot can take the truth• debts due by Dominion ...$ 141,414
Interest on investments...,.
which is serviceable to the country 63,404
pwithout stopping to criticise the $ 195,819 Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr MacdonaldRd, Wingliam Jno. &Jas. H. Kerr
ersonal qualities of its source. Orown lands .................$1,483,081 -�
Law stamps..Licenses . ................ 853:4 $ ?t1tl��it�liltilli�bE��E�liiii llt�itiltiilill�itiiYj�iiitl���ttiblttttllltlil�ll�ill�f Jit��tlttiiti�t�iltjiiitit�ifi
THE BUDGET. Algoma taxes ................ 3,770
Education Department...... 64,141
Secretary's Department 108181 TOWN PROPERTIES WANTED
guaranteed to wear. Prices from $4.75 to
$30.00. The medium Beds are ex-
For the fiscal year which ended
on June 30, 1902, the receipts of
Fisheries branch... ..........
Supplementary revenue (6`L
ment, public works and
I1111T� ,y��MILL
the Dominion amounted to $58 -
and 63 Vic.) ................
I have almost daily enquiries forAUCTIONEER
111A111111i1111►11lsslj+ 1
ce tioDall good value. will be leased to
P Y g P
052,333.34, while the expenditure
Succession duty ..............
houses to rent or buy.
Now is the time to sell If you wish
• •. •
have you examine them. Also see our stock
reached $63,970,799.86, the differ-
Casual duty ..................
to do so.
Wingham - -. Ontario
Immigration ................
of Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables and-
ence between the two being $5,918,-
Sale of lands at Toronto
No charge unless a sale is made.
Repairs and maintenance of
Couches. Odd Dressers and Stands to go
466 524. Of the expenditure, how-
' p '
ever, $2,569,380.59 was devoted
Public institutions...........
Abner COSenS, Minnie St.
Date of sale arranged fol• at the
Advanta office. Terms reasonable.
All kinds of rough and dressed....
with Iron Beds. See our Window Shade
to the fund set apart for the reduc-
Refunds ................ .....
tion of the debt, so that the net de -
and Curtain Pole stock. fieit amoutad to $3 349 085 93 d
Residence. -Patrick
Street, S. Gracey's
former residence,
where ..night calls
receive prompt at-
the public debt was increased by
that amount.
Ball Bros. In the financial statement, made
last week, Mr. Fielding estimates
that the receipts for the current
The People's Furniture Store financial year, which ends on June
p 30, will reach $65,000,000, or nearly
khat Is The Good
$7,000,000 more than the receipts
for the last fiscal year. The ex-
penditure, not including the sum
set apart for the debt reduction
sinking fund, he places at $59,350,-
000, or $2,000,000 less than the
expenditure during the fiiscal year
1902. If Mr. Fielding's estimate
should prove correct, the surplus
on the operations of the present
fiscal year will reach $5 650 000
-I -
of buying cheap if you are dissatisfied with the pur- and the public debt will be reduced
chase in a short time? True economy is exercised in by that amount. Since the present
buying a thing that pleases you till it is worn out. Our Government took office the debt
Men's Suitings are of this character. One suit makes a has been increased by $13,331,657,
regular customer of the buyer. Then there is the guarantee but i the event of all Fielding's
g y g predictions being realized the net
of everything up-to-date and first-class. Suits from $10.00 increase of the debt for the seven
to $40.00, made to fit in every particular. years ending June 30 next will be
$7,681,657. Should the Grand
HATS. -In Hats, we have the very newest Ameri- Trunk Pacific raiders be successful,
can styles, at prices from 50c to $3.00. the deficit would be increased with
great rapidity. -[Weekly Sun.
NECKWEAR. -All the latest designs, 25c to 50c. 1
BOOTS and SHOES. --We have special prices in ONTARIO LEGISLATURE.
the above line, which will pay you to see before buy- The report of the Commissioner
ing elsewhere, f P Ill. W k h
V It is o
s s ows that there
are now 119 miles of railways un -
A pleasure to show goods. der construction. The lines under
construction are : Irondale, Ban-
croft & Ottawa Railway, eight
miles, and Manitoulin & North
Homuth Bros,
Shore, five miles. There are now
7,10.36 miles in operation.1
T e Superintendent of %Nmiza-
tion Roads reports an expenditure
of $196,246.07 on 200 miles of
roads opened, 748 miles of repairs,
and 6,602 feet of bridging and im-
The Bureau of Labor report
,may shows that there were 129 strikes
3+1 in Ontario in 1902. Of these 52
were successful, 17 settled by com-
promise, 19 by conciliation or arbi-
tration, 13 unsuccessful, 22 pend-
ing. No particulars bad been re-
eeived for six. The strikes invol.
ved 795 establishments and 12,788
blya r4c persons, covering 1,015 days.
For Job Printing at Right
The average number of days invol-
ved in each dispute was 9.51, or
0.68 per person.
Prices The report of the inspector upon
Hospitals and Charities states
Open accounts -
From Crown Lands Depart-
ment, public works and
buildings and other sources $
Total receipts .............. $4,291,082>
The following were the payments
consolidated revenue fund: -
Civil government ............ $
Legislation ...................
Administration of justice....
Education ....................
Puhlic institutions and main-
tenance ....................
Immigration ................
Agriculture ..................
Hospitals and charities......
Repairs and maintenance of
,public buildings............
Locks, dams, etc .............
Colonization roads...........
Charges Crown lands........
Surveys, inspections, etc....
Refunds ................ .....
Miscellaneous ................
Open account ..............
Total expenditure .......... $4,345,003
on Town and Farm Property. Auctioneer for Huron County , also a
ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. large quantity of dry hard -
OFFICE. -In the Dent Block. I have secured an Auctioneer's license for wood for sale, delivered.
Residence -Catherine St. Huron county, and am prepared to conduct
sales at reasonable rates.
Sales arranged at the Advance Office. Telephone Orders Promptly
C. J. MAC><UIRE ALEX. KELLY, Wingham P.O, attended to.
Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty.
Office -in Yanstone Block. ACCOUCHEUR.
Open Saturday evenings, 7 to 0. Office :-Upstairs in the Macdonald
J. A. MORTON Night calls answered at office.
Office -.-Morton Block, Wingbam
Josephine Street - Wingham
A. T. C. M. I P. KENNEDY, M. D., M.c,P.s.o
Teacher of PIano, Theory and Fletcher ' (Memberof
eiBritiish Medical
Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. )
Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE.
inatle- Special att t! i
McLean & Son
endren�oasee of women
oand o ll
OFFICE HOURS :•-i to ! p.m, ; 7 tog P.M. Wi/
1111111111111i111111111111111111&c- THE
W. T. Holloway
for tasty and r
ADVANCE down•to•dato Job
D.D.S., L,D,S,
.,�. Printing. Prices Graduate of Royal '
:^„ OFFICE right. College of Dental
-0 Surgeons of Tor. ,
• - 6onto and Honor
Vee. (3racivatoof Dent- ,:u
R YANSTONE al Dept. of Toren -
..w"�".. to Un voraity.
Latoet Improved methods in a.
'.4 BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Dontietry. Prtoes moderate.
,-^„a guaranteed, tSC 0f9ce in Beaver
Wea re sole = Money to loan at lowest rates. Office
7-95. W INGHAM,
agents for �'' D.D.S.,L,D.S.
`+' I1�LTl1�v Doctor of Dental Surgery of the 1: en. ti.�..�........ .. .....�,.,",,
THOS. 110LMES nsylvania College andLicentiateof
�..s BANDER ETO. Dental Surgery of Ontario.
w' Marria o Licenses issued, No witnesses Oittoo over Poet Offieo--WINf1SAM
.+w required.
--'e Money 4% largo amounto l smaller in pro.
STOCK FOOD -0 portion, $asicat terms, MISS SARA L. MOORS PflOMPTLIr' ��ECURECI
.0 RICHARD 11OLMES Teacher of Piano and Theor • .. g
--w Write for our interesting n books a n ant+
s BARRISTER AT LAW, SOUCIT011, VTC., ETC, y Or s Help and �� How you are swind�ed."
-... send us a rough sketch or model of our
.,.. Office; -noxi to Holmes Block now building wntio or improvement y f°-
.�+ free our opinion est owhether iti'11rorbluyy
t, -
MISS C•ARRIE MOORS ►atentable. RelectcdappllcaRonshaveofteh
For Sale onl 1) en all 6, prosecu{e s, we
Y Y ELLI1VrGTON MUTUAL Cgnauct fully egnipppped offices In Montreal
..,.e Teacher of Violin and Guitar. and Washiagton; tt�isqualifies ustoprompt,
.1 FIRE INS. CO,f ly dto; tetr work and ryuiektyy secure Patent#
s M^^',b Rooms -In Stono Mock, \wingham, e0 hrond n# the )nvCntion, Iifghcat references
Cole A Campbell �"° Eatabllshed1840. furatents
«s Patent procured through Marlon & 1,ln
--•s Road Offioo OURLPH, ONT. tion receive special notice�witltont charge in
DICKINSON & IIOLMES over 106 necrapepera distributed throughout
Risks taken on all olaeeoe of insurable pro the Dominion,
perty on the cash or premium note system, Spgeiett t --i afcut business o! Mannfer
THE DRUGGIST w RarriStOra solicitors, turcra Au�Uginedre.
,.. 7axseCi rosid CnAd.DAvmetar , OIICItOrS etc, MARION & MARION
Office Meyer Block Wingham , Patent Experts and Solicitors.
Calillllll11111ii1Zt11tllttiltl : &G .VN•T, WINGHAM ONT Z L. Mckinnon Dudley JMolmes t Atfantl w'� 1Vai p
0 Its a pity to have a good
aSuit spoiled in the making.
4, The suits we make give en -
P the satisfaction. Give us a
of trial and be convinced.
Webster & Co.
0 4