The Wingham Advance, 1903-04-30, Page 130TIl YEAR, NO. 35.. WIN(G-RAN. ONTARIO, APRIL 30, 1903, $1-00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE, BOX This Fall, eneral concensus of o inions, g P gleaned front Ottawa, appears to be Green Cit Mr. Geo, Green of Rassland, son of Cleo, Green Wingham, bee zn Possession,?.he Mr, ssess Orr, the new roprletar of p guru Godenty•Star elves the papilla• Rout Gaderg h 4f3i nal sa s-•-•xbe H.�■�� g yBANKOF AMIGO 3 r .of pur• the Brunswick is In possession, On , tion o£ tlae OOnut 0f Huron, as sent y B. and G. Electric Railway Co., in .hat a general Dominion election will ehAsed a large plot of land in British Friday evening, before leaving Ford- by the County Clerk to the Ontario view of the vete In Colborne township, be held before next winter's snow falls, CoInn#bla. '1'he land bas been aur- with, he as the recipient of a watch- te Government, as follows;-,. proposes to change its plans some- �� �� ��� , Capital alp id , $2 940 000 p �� � v r Precious Time• veyed into city lots and a large par. chain and charm, acoompariled by the Bayfield..,.. 673 Grey,.,....... 3235 what, It is the Intention. to build the Capital Reserve Sand undivid.$32691000 Mr, McLaren, X. P. for Huntingdon tion of It sold, There IN a very fine Witter power on the property, and as following address:yth,.,.,... -- Fordwicb, April 24, 1903. Bl 818 Bay .......,.. 3452 Brussels,,.,, 1180 Howiek. , • 3788 `2#1631 lake shore line, eventirtIly to reach the Georgia t# Bay, and branch paid up 4000000 Reserve, 11,300,00 J TURNBULL, General Manager, ed pronto) r estiutates that the ]Dominion Parlia• rnent casts 5128 a minute, and accuses the land is heavily timbered, Mr, Green To Air. Alex. Orr,-- a the undersigned, in behalf of Clinton...... 2*39 Hullett ..... Exeter..,.., 1717 MCI3illop, ._. l•5.Ci81 a will run along the 12th concession of Col- President–John Stuart Viee•Preeiden Ramsay wasting $8,380 another inetime has ateutecl a saw -null and settlement Is ra itli proceeding. The p y p fri and mann the fr, Goderich.,., 4033 Morris ........ 2.3513 Rensall...... 702 Stanley.....,.. 2091. borne to Nile, thence to Dungannon, thence to Lricknoty as ter-. ,, 1)xRiach, Farmers' Notes discounted. worth of time one avenin r. on v f5 g "ante of the place will be'"Green Oftq" others, kn°wing Ghat volt are anon knods wing that to remove from among us• cannot , SPAfortll .... 21L7 Stephen ., 3018 and Witt ham. , g The western portion of Colborne town" a:—Jehu PA. 0. o (T ICtibsars, Geo. Roach, A. T. Wood, A. Ii;1',ee SToronto) Drafts acrid on all points in. Clan- ado, the United States and Rurape, Fresh consignment best quality of Oranges at Buckley's. g Y and if, it groira with the rapidity let this opportunity pass without ai#owln ou, in some all ht tva g Wingham,., 2113 Tucker•ainith.. 2315 Wraxetrr.,. 428 Turniie#'r 2043 y .... ship iyill bE asked for a pmt#1.t hams, Saviuge l3ankh hours p $, $aturdayelotol SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Bnys" Schon) Stilts, 2 pieces, ages 2 characteristic of western lawns, we may expect to hear more of it in the out appreciation " of you as a neigh- bor apublic moon, one who has III- . Lrt3 Ashfleld .-., 8006 Usborne... R. Colborne.... 1720 Wawanosh, R.1872 Goderich Tp, 2300 Wawanosh,W 1043 and propositions will be submitted to the ratepayers of Ashfield and. West erestallowedaudcomputedon90ethNavem'd r Me and 31st Me each year, and added to principal I t ed on deposits of and to 10 years, : 1,75 --at Orowder's. near future. We sngge$t that Mr. Green "sale one of the in ways taken a keen interest in the welfare of our village, '+bei" abreast Total population Of the caunty-57,097. Wawanash as soon as the application rates Special also received at current Drafts d ad 0th upwards, and added to principal 90th Jat1c rds, and 31st Deponrbor each year. Lectures, streets the new city--"1Vinahant Street in mien#- » of the times always was your mot. We presume those figures are taken passes the Legislature. An idea seems to. have some s ,,Draftson Great Britain and the United bought and sold, A. 1, GIBBON, Manager Rev. Wm. Lowe will lecture on the "'Irish and Ireland" at Mitverton on Q1, °€ the old )tome town. y presenting you with this to. In g y chain and charm, it is not for its in. trinsic but from the assessment ratio of 1002, and are like) to be a oximatel correct, y Pp y gained credence -that the belt line scheme hoe been L, Dro>otxegx, sgiiaftgr, W. CORBOULD Agent May l2th, for Rev, B. Howard, B, A. Dain g Well. value, as a memento of friendship and goodwill, knowing As the figures given by the census of abandoned. This we are assured is - not sa, "Rome not built in notified IiamiitonediasnetCrculBarnoteq R. Yanstone, Solloitdr Rev, 11. Hobbs will lecture on ',The The Advance is in receipt of a letter whwill receive it thega suet 1001 were 53,489, the population must was a day," and some time will be required and its Bra i ut Raglandat Manly Man" at Walton on Friday this week from Geo. Sills of Carman, Manitoba. in ich is g wen, metty cess follow your new adventure in have increased 4,503 in one year, or far the construction of the belt line, (Lttd ,vNationalobe q cashed wBltti Eronbte in tiny be as the w tba are or NEW AHVTS. evening, Football. George is another Wing- Taut buy, who is doing well in the another town is the wish of your friends, Signed !n their behalf– else Stiran County was undereatima- ted on the census. Indeed, there is it but the promoters intend to push the Wingham and Brussels Foot- West. He is now manager of the Car- T. J. Nicholls. suspicion abroad that Ontario general - work as rapidly as possible.,, Corn is Xing.–T. A. Mills. junior ball teams on the 1 ark here on man FurnituI'e Co., and writes thus:– Wm. Ohapman' ly was not given full Credit for her W01 meet your Shoe Ideas and saveCAMERAS Cameras.--Walton McKibben, played Y evenin Win bam er- g p .,No one has any idea of the rate at Mr, Orr replied, thanking his friends for population, and that Quebec was, if voti money white we are doing it,–W.Wednesda J. Greer. Something New,–Tsard & Co, i�• which people are flocking here !,Ills their kind] remembrance. Y anything, overestimated. Hence, On- Now Is The Time. --Crowder rCo. Brass and Iron Beds.–Ball Bros. Brass; defeatedgame the through - o itsbut yed werethe y t- year. I have just returned from Win- ni e p g, and the depot there is a sight. Election of Officers. tario suffers by the lass of six repre- eentatives, Weather Forecasts. Poultry Netting,–at Fishleigh s• ors by a score of R to 2. y I met several former Winghamltc>s At the ret g Alar' meeting of Wing - Rev. Irl Hicks' forecasts, as far as Winch our Space.–Hanna Rt To -Night, there, ail enquiring about the people ham Epwortb League held on Monday evening, the following officers were Fisn.–Fresh Salmon and Whitefish at Buckley's. heave your order. May 15, are in substance as follows:-- A regular Vulcan storm is cen- •�gTL �� Q ♦Y by wn pe' Appetite tialShaValues.–Kerr Very Special Values.–Kerr Bros. Pie Organ social in the Methodist p g Methodist church, The beet talent of town 1,111 in Wingha&, We have a school dis- trict a fern miles from here called "The elected for the ensuing year;– Removing. period tral on May 1st, extending to the 4th. Everyone Does It. –Cooper & Co. We are Sole Agents.–.Galin Campbell, assist in the entertainment. Refresh- Wingham District," so I can't forget the town, The President–Walter Hull lot Vice-pres,–Miss Fessant It is a .matter of deep regret that From the lot to 3rd inclusive these changes to growing storm conditions a �f��er� 9. ments served after the program. Ad• old arrival of the Ad. 'Lod "" –Wm. C. Thompson Wingham may soon lose, one of her will increase as the advance eastward mission --15 eta ;children, 10 eta, Pro- ' vance is , anxiously looked for every week." Yours truly, etc. Bed "" -,-Miss Brock 4th "" --Miss Lloyd industries, for W. J, Obapnian has de- across the country, resulting in active y g ceeds in aid of the Organ fund, g Secretary–Miss M. Tibbs tided to remove his Glove Factor to y storms of rain, wind clad thunder on If you have one you yy Thanks. Special values in fang black lames Treasurer–Arthur Helm Acton, to amalgamate with the FAC* g and touchingthe 2nd and 3rd. Much Secure bolos that in p Mrs. T. J, Alaguire desires to convey and feathers, at Mrs. Gr'een's, next door to Smith'o Barak. Call and see Pianists–Misses Fessant and Hall Representative on District Execu- tory there, unless some hitch abould occur in the details of the Uusinesa ar- cooler weather will fallow close on the after ears Ou y y See Halsey Park's advt, y her thanks to the Canadian Order of Foresters for the prompt payment of them. Live–Ml's, Hogg The past year has been a prosperous rangements already made. Mr. Chap- rear of these storms, giving many nor- them to central sections touches of would not art with- p > at any price. We've STnA�YB7£nn1ES at Buckley's. $1000 on the life of her ]ate husband, TO LBT.-2 furnished Bedrooms in ` new brick hoose, one block from franc one in this society. The membership roan's removal will be a serious lose to Wiughani, as he does a large business, night and frost during some of the Cameras from $1 1.0 't'f'ear (7reer's Shoes and Rubbers, and also for the cheques for $86, for sick and hiner.al benefits. Fraternal r:ir•eet: use of parlor may be had,– Apply at Advance office. is 124. The total money raised was $205.00; of this amount the Missionary and employs a large number of hands. nights in the first week in ATa g y. See if this does not rove to be true. On P $251 each. Full lisle of photo supplies al. Ball Bros. for Best Window Shades, societies are doing a good work, and To Correspondents. s'ammittee raised $105.20, including $10 Mr, Chapman has never perhaps had the encouragement gement from the town in and touching the 8th anti 7th, look ,for f; decided and rapid chane to falling p ways iu stook. Y Seed peas, without bus at T. Althe p g Mill Mill'a. Canadian Order of Foresters is one of the best. Its large surplus gives it There has been some slight changes from the Junior League, all o€ which goes to support g Apart Ren. and Mrs. Raley, the buildinga of his industry, that p y au employer of tabor might expect, g g barometer and quite warm, resulting Plates, Mounts, Print - ins; antro, Church news and additional local first-class standing. made in the postal rates that are of interest especially to newspapers and missionaries tq Lhe Tudians at Ii;ita- g p His resent buildings Are scarce) suit- p g y in sharp Electrical storms an the 6th and 5th; thunder storms will powders, Fining and axing an 1'oning� powders, eta. matter on eighth page, Seed Peas, perfectly free from Bugs newspaper correspondents. Now the mat, B.C. The total expenditure, not including missionary givings, was able for the growing trade, and hence s most natural these days, y • As these storms Sixteen thousand settlers have to .Y"" toted !n the west since April I6. –at A. H. Carr's. BEAUTY AND WEAR—What a Shoe Combination?–At rate at which book and newspaper manuscript passes is 1 cent for two $151,33, Mr. Chapman'o decision to remove. We are informed that the mal" he rangements are made, and only the st pass eastward across the country, cooler weather will fuIlow from the $ �T� I� IB�ON W. J. Greer's. ounce, so that by leaving unsealed NOTICE. --A satisfactory sale of busi_ west, giving paQsihle frosts In sections .1.1 1 D. Bell is hAving the exterior of the Park house brightened b slot. g y P' Banns of Marriage. and turning flap of the envelopean the inside a one cent stamp will be nese or property certain if listed with C. J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent. details remain to be carried out. It is not alwave easy to secure for a town northward on the nights between the 5th and 10th inclusive. Look fur A1er- Druggist and Optician. A sugar beet factory casting 50,000 'I'he publisliixig of the '"banns of Marriage" is not often heard of in sufficient for a lar large budget at news. For Entrance Pupils. an industry employing forty or, fifty hands, and to lose one thoroughly es- cur and re u y g lar storm period cover - Next door to Post Office. is about to be erected at Peterboi'o, these days of license and clot wed" y q There kppears to be consiclerable Link- Bring in the postal rates, butt the to, T �'l With the double purpose of promot- in 'enthusiasm tablished is a serious matter. Mr. Ing the 1011i to 15th. This is one of the May periods We will venture to put Font snLz –3 buggies, 1 now, Apply to U. J. Aiaguire• dings. Last Sundae, for the first dm©. man ears. Rev. 49m. Lowe crease on newspaper er manuscri t some- p p P g renewed in school work and rewarding merit, Warden Chapman is an upright business man, and with his esteemed familywill be down as dangerous. As we enter this Andrew Hugg'n3 was in Brussels Y y published the henna in St. Paul's, be- s anusWoodcock time ago, was generally recognized as an injustice, and the Postmaster- i,n aGeneral ,Kerr, of the Brussels Post offers two medals for competition among the En. , missed in Wingham s socia[ and church period, say about the 10th, the barom• eter i;Ill begin falling g gin the west, a last week measuring lumber for the twee Emma and Chas, did going back to the rightg g trance Examination scholars of Huron circles, While hoping for Mr. Cha I g decided change to summer tempera - furniture factor -lea hare.' Hardestry of Montreal ; also between Sarah Woodcock and Wm. M. Daw• old rate. Correspondents will lease P p On, The pupil who takes the hi hest p P bigbest mans future success, h the Advance ce he pleased to hear that he had turf will begin in the same section iWt`iit�i>ftiW+ft4itlYrlNY�h'YriWr9AhhNYe Jae. Nixon had one hand severely out by a hot lamp chimney and is son, of Toronto. The -banns are to be note the chane g � ""ober o€ marks at the next En- trance exam. will hand- ebAus;ed iia arrangements and decided vast cloud areas will begin to move g eastward across the county, an y, d from . nursing the injured member. published three Sundaes. Municipal Ownership Pays. receive a some gold credal suitably engraved, to remain in Wingham• the 11th to about the 14th, storms of + , Boos Schaal Pants, sizes 2L to 30– At The Central. The town of BraceUridge has A municipal plant, all operated by white the second pupil in rank will re- Go to Isards--for largest selection and best vidues in Carpets, Curtains, rain, hall and thunder–some of them furious and tornadle–will visit many 60eta,–At Orowdez's• Miss Carrie Cody, for the past y p waterpower, for supplying water, ceive a silver medal with appropriate engraving, The in Huron Linolenms and Oilcloths. states in their sweepto the Atlantic The Young Ladies' Fortnightly Club will tweet on Monde even!" six years has been the obliging Opel,- ator at the Central office of the Bel light and power for domestic and InanuPacturin pprofit scholars County have in'the past stood high up A Valuable Industry. seaboard, May 4th, at the home of Mrs. R. Clegg. Telephone Co. here, expects to take a bits paid an Annual ofbetweenamong Provincial candidates. We trust the stimnhation of this contest Our reporter paidyii visit to the Fine, decorated China is now offered at greatly reduced at H. H. WATCH THIS While working in the foundry on situation in Toronto at an earl date. Misa Cody was always prompt, $lee street $12 h00 and ellla s providing g will cause our pupUs to land tit the top Western Found! this week, and found it a busy hive of industry. The prices Chisholm's Jewelery store. Beautiful goods at bargain prices. SPACE IN Saturday, Rout. McDonagh had the misfortune to have one eye injured by five and obliging, and business men will miss her cheer response •'Num- protection, but water power develop- of the list Ata the Province. The awards will be given As soon as the officials, though busy, always receive the Fess courteous) The first FUTURE FOR piece of steel lodging in it. a t B g' bor'"? in answer to their rings, blr, at coat of about $q7,000. so thatrecnowmarks are published. The winning thought that strikes an observant visi- i Fun SALT; CHRAP.--A set of new Campbell, the manager, is looking for there is an annual deficit of $500 pupils moat be residents of Huron. for !,the luck of room for the proper double Harness,–A. Young 3c Son. A full attendance of the members of a young lady to take the vacant posh- tion at the switch board• When the power comes to be all in use, it will yield a constant and large Now then, Wingham boys and girls, work for the gold medal. carrying on of the business. Five new machines have been purchased recent -E PERSONAL Footwear L. O. L. No. 701: is desired at their next The very latest styles in Ladies' and revenue, and is besides attracting some Died• ly, and temporary additions have been 1 regular meeting, May let, A very in- be Gents' Fnotwear are to be seen at W. J, Greer's. first-class industries to the town. Municipal has been There passed awe earl on Monde p y y y made n the mouldinghashops, If the Company !s to handle the business in P y our renders are all cordially invited to oontrlbute to this column, 1f friends visit Facts beresting evening may expected. pal ownership a decid• morning, one of the pioneers of this you, or you visit friends, lot the Advance Avery fine specimen ll the loan tribe may be seen in D. Bell's window. young WANTED IMMEDIATELY.–A Otto lady for Telephone operator ; apply in ed and gratifying success in Brace- bridge. section ft country, illn Mrs. Young of kq. 'burn, an illness of three weeks. eight, to say nothing about storage and shipping room, enlargement PP g gement of know about it. Chas. Barber of Lucknow was in It was shot near Brussels and "set up" writing only, at once.–C, A. snip- bell. Mason peeps the largest stock of ,after Deceased was the relict of the late the Warks is an absolute necessity. town last Friday. } —FROM— by our townsman, Robert Johnston. Sudden Death. School Supplies for the opening.–Send the children. Geo. Young, who preceded her to the Seldom does a new enterprise meet =with such encouragement from the Air. R. Barrett and wife spent Sam - s t Sun - dap with relatives in Brussels, The 'work is well done, ti'PANTED–Two steady, industrious Mr, J. L. Geddes of Belgrave re- FOR SALL.'–In the vicinity of the y spirit land about thirty years ago. By her long residence she was known far business world, where there is so much opposition. Though only a few months Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Carus left last Thursday on their return trip to Gold- �r:it l C� 1 � men.–Western Foundry Co., Ltd. ceived the sad news from Duluth, on Western Foundry, some ;rood houses and near, and she enjoyed the esteem at work, the foundations of a en Colorado Stratford, Out., April 28.–Herbert Wednesday morning, of the sudden death from pneumonia, of his Cott• and lots. A 1 APy t° C• J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent, of.a very ]urge circle of friends. She had reached the advanced age of 82. pruspee- tively large trade have been laid, and Mr. Buckboro of Waterloo is visit- SIIOE STORE Cook, a boy of about 16 years, son of sin, Mrs, Zopp (formerly Miss McKel- Illness. Two sons and four daughters remain $12,000 worth of finished products have been shipped, Forty men are Ing his daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Hobbs ut the parsonage. p g � Mayor Goo. T. y Cook, was almost in- lar}, at the age of 33 gears, Deceased Mr. S. McBurney of town, who has to treasure the sacred tlreniary of a now at work, and the manager in- Jas. Cummings has goue to Bridge- stantly killed this afternoon•• He was was also grand -daughter of Mr. Wm, been sufferin from paralysis fat sew- sainted mother. The sans i#re–Jatnes, , forms its Lhat they could employ 100 if burg, where be has a situation as Tell - employed employed at the AlcLaggan Furni• Geddes of the 3rd line of Morris, and eral years past, is very feeble indeed, of At#barn. find Alexander, laardtvare they had the room. Last week's oa•- er in the Traders' Bank. ture Company's works, and while en. sister of Mrs. Stewart McGee, formerly Airs. McBurney is also ill. This week merchant, Wingham, The slaughters dere alone covered Z17 ranges, and to • Miss Emma Mulvey, who baa been deavoring to get on the factory ele- of Wingham. The remains arrived in a number of relatives from a distance –Mrs. McKenzie of Hensalt, Mrs. tithed $8,000. In additlon to the ard!. visiting friends in Harristou and Ccif- ford, returned home this � vator going up, failed to catch it, and losing his balance, fell to the bottom Wingham to clay (Thursday) by the C. P. express and were interred visited the afflicted home. Among T. Anderson of the Son, Alps. Thos. Strong of Wa and Mrs, John nary house range, the Oo. is making week, Miss Dirdie Sent attended the rune- Ladies high grade Hyslop wki el for of the shaft, adistitnce of three stories. in ie in the Bluevale cemetery. Agra. Zopp them were --two brothers, Messrs. Jo- septi and John McBurney of Cass City, ngliat" Hanna of 5'Vinghain. Th; funeral several lines of hotel ranges ; one was shipped last week to Hamilton; it Fal °f the late Miss Stiles of London. Deceased formerly resided !1.e Wing- sale. Cheap; apply at this Office. He lived only a few minutes. visited friends around Belgrave last Michigan ; Mrs. Abbott, of Alontana, took place on Monday to Goderich weighed one ton, and was worth $?AO hA,n , CEAit:NT–Car Durham cement just Mr. R. J, Tindall has opened a shop fall, and the sad news of her death has Oast n gloom over the neighborhood. who is engaged in ranching 0n a large Mrs. Burden cemetery, a large number of friends accompanying the remains to their Three others are on the order books. Dr. and Mrs. Sparling have return. ed to Canada, front Denver, arrived, Parties who intend using K Cement soon will do the wise act if buy in the east end far the sale of theBlne• nate Mills flour. Vice are pleased to 'WANTED IIN ATEDIATELX. –Good. scale; ( a sister of Air, iYlcSurnEy) of Ryda! Bink, and her last resting place. g I The Northwest trade presented a fine opening, but we are sorry to hear that and are nosy visiting Mrs, S arlill 's parents g p g p in they it now, as cement will likely advance its rice before long, We are hear that his health Is improving. He general servant; must be willing to go to G°Dudley summer. Apply, to son James. The latter is a brother -in. law of W. R. Smythe, M. P, P., and is BUILDINGLoTs–For sale, on car- nor oFrances Patrickstreets,o on account of not being Able to supplyJohn town. Young, of London, came home also agentsforHanover cement.–•A. Young & Son. and his family will shortly remove to their their B line house, and Mr, D, Stewart Mrs. I3udie AofoltnEs. largely interested in mining proper- Five good build ng lots H. O Bell. the goods, the Co.Chas had to close the door to that profitable trade, for the attend the futieral of his grand - mother, the lute Mrs. Young of will occupy the residence: purchased 1 ties. One recently sold, brought, we present at least. One of the largest Auburn, from Air. Tindall on Patrick street. As soon as Mr, Stewart vacates the Walker Bros, and Button had a are informed, $60,000. We regret to say that there is very little prospect of Passed Away. The following from the Lneknotw dealers in Winnipeg offered to handle Huron Orown ranges exclusively, and Airs. Snell and Mrs, Siemin were in Goderich township last week attend- brickatrange house on his old;, farm! Air. Dow- customer one day this week, .Mr. and Mrs. McBurney regaining Sentinel has reference to the decease guarantee a business of $20,000 annu• ing the funeral of their neice, Mrs, Brownlee. ---THE--'-'•- man, the recent purchaser, will re- A cote passing the shop where the P g p firm store their sut'pius stock, saw the their former condition of health, of NTP, Tiackett, father of Mrs. Chas, annually. From these facts and others John Agnew is home from the Wes- move his farm) from Brussels. y Rooms to rent over D. M. Gordons door invitingly open and walked in to g y P inspect the stock, junior League, The new officers of the Wingbarzi Berber, o£ town i–Another of the pia• neers of Ashfield township passed away that might UE mentioned, g , we feel as- sured that in the Western laundry C°•" tern University after a term of hard study, and will spend the vacation at , = q Corner � ? Store stere. Apply to Dr. A. J. Irwin. � - snddent�* on Saturday evening last, in T.tcl„ Win;�ham nos err htdnstry his home in t'Vingham. Ul U It is said that the following will pre. WANTED --Good strong boy to learn Steel Range -making trade.–Western Junior P,pworth League aro i Pres!- dent­--Vinla Davidson, .lot )fine -Pres. the person of Mr. Alexander Hackett, at the age of 11,`l yeare. His illness was that is likely to develop Into a large manufacturing concern. Its first seven Mrs. Casper (nee Mias Emma Net - tri Reld) and two children, of Mays• vent hair falling out and cure dand Foundry Co., Ltd, .–Brock Brandon ; 2nd Vice•Prea,– Laura Ansley; 3rd Vice-Pres,--Oarrie of short duration, as lie wire up and rtroriths" record is exceptionally good, ville, North Dakota, are visiting Airs. Cooper's parents in Lower Wingliam. I5 the [dace t0 ruff :-Hay 10c worth of quinine and 5c NOTi0V,,–Some fine building lets for Stewe-rt; 4th Vice-Pres.–Lill. Young; around the house on Friday. Mr. The enterprise ohould receive every get worth of permanganate of potash. sale. Apply, to --C. J; Maguire, Real Estate Agent. Mason; Hackett was a native of Iteland and possible encotiragement front the Dr. Roe of Philadelphia, is visiting his Everything that is Min and put them In start bottle. p q Seng:.• --Olive Treasr.--.•Ariel F'+Lrk; Plilnlsta--11R2E1 Bt'andan Was born !n county Tyrone on August Connell rind ft•orii the citizens. Ono parents to Morris. lila mother has been til for the past few weeks. 1'Ve - Add one pint of haft water. Shake The Listowel Sthndat'd says:- l4ir. and Laura Derr. Amount raised during 1, 1820, He came to Oanada in 1815 fact should not he lost sight of --that tt"dEri,taud that 41e doctor is one of Pure and Fresh la well before using each time And W, G, .Piston of SVnghant, contractor And spent three sears in Montreal the buildings and plant left from the the leading physiclAnsof Philadelphia, then pour enough of the mixture into for sinking the artesian wells, has his year by the Juniors was $08.23; of this $55 was devoted to the new church and Buffalo ; coming to Ashfield he Wreck of the N. I, Works were not Jos. Bowman spent Sunday with a basin of water to make wine red, Soak the scalp With it thoroughly drilling machinery at work on the Livingston property adjoininix the rail• building fund, $10 to missions, $20 to purchased at farm in 1810, on which he resided continuously till his death, only, a white elephant., hitt a bili of ex- penso to the town, until the Western Ills famiiy in Brussels, Me. B. is put - ting in the crop on the fat'm he recent. once every day and rob dry with a way track on EIm°a street, A distance organ fund, and after paying expenses being a resident'of the township for Foundry Co, took, hold of them, Oat ly purchased holo Councillor 'V'an- Stone. towel. The hair will soon atop falling of over forty feet has Already been a balance of $2.62 remains in the 55 years, In 1852 he was married to of the useless, expensive "white ele• LOP r U 97 and the dandruff will disappear. reached. The well i3 large enangh treasury. Thirty-two members can, tribute systematically to missions, Aliso Jane Johnston, who survives him phAnt," is being developed an industry Miss L. E. McClelland. who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. McKenzie -0 WANT M --Car Load PatAtO69 I (Apo NT!bushel for goad stock,–Ci>;O. E. to admit an eight -Inch ht•fnch nasi" Drill, g g' Ing will be continued into the bed and during the year the membership and together the endured the hard- g Y ships and privations of pioneer lifeily theist Win ham shonid be road of, g p The hist thing any citizen should dn, !s and other friends in Teeswuter and Win pant ietnrtted to Iter hatliE iii pp__Ar Iixxa, rock until it Witter gow cit 11. The Junior 88 to ltinder rp aised a of ton, children, pon )thens a€ietent�healthl Iron IIMi.,`Claude struck, providingCient too de th is greatIn League hastIncreased aaperedorn the faith- fill stiperhntendency Miss Reid, a x of whom are left to mot rnis loss• Warks usit p p y atnd La ing, mi#"ager of the , SAt fine two.storey brick not found necessary, that xso a be of who has ttImn great interest to the they are Andrew, Joseph and John, of rapidly developing enterprise. Rather eticour'age the iso help t3ank of Hamilton, Georgetown, vis- this week. Mr. L. Hamiltoncottage, Iron u. --A 4 acres of land. fruit and trial Will "lade at some other point irgeceas of the work committed to hoz Ashfield t Mrs, Chas, Barber, of Wing. enterpt and thus Laiited ng farrow t g y resident of ��� _ shade trees. Apply to C, J. Maguire, in the talon. card, )tool, ?Vfra, Ilahert Irwlit, Aslt(leltl, and to build up the LOwt,, winghatt,. Real Estate Agt, Foxe SALI4.–In "Whitechureh, hallse and lot, containing 5 acres. Apply to P'trEnuAxomo, I Atm prepared to bit's. W. .1. McNall, Ltteknow. Mr, Hackett was a man of wonderful vit- PiAxey BntLAB,_J. Liuckley is seiling The Parnell -Dean Baking Co.'s Fancy Win. (11ondenning left on Tuesday tet spP»d the alttnmer, in Manitoba, DRTtGGtIST Dr. Ovens of London, M, R. 0. S. L, L, It. C, P. specialist, eye, var-, nose Thos, Phillips, do your paperhanging or paintln neatly, promptly and at reasanaltfo ality. Ile was honorable and upright in all his dealingsand was universally Bread, 110119, etc.; ta:irlive at 11 n.m, dully. .Special linea .11ome-Itttide, tau• IlE will loottto for the present at Bal -j - ehvalrt. lie will take lite teaming out- �� l 7 �t� G 11 A J'M�' and throat, will be in Wingham, at (;itmphell's drug store, Monday, May y IIAGAn S1tOLS�-Ther most up-to-date Shoes for Ladies ; see Hagar Shoes At prices. Oeders Left at Mooney s tin.y shop will receive attention-mG,60. esteemed. In religion !le was z1. Meth, reka, Graham. Rye, Bakers, Whole• wheat, Currant, ete. ; delivered to ally (it with hint. Will, is an indilArhous ' young pian, and should do well in the -`1'y Atli, Wastes properly fitted. W. J, Gxeer s, T bippen. odist, rind in politics rL Canaeryattvrl. part of the town, !llonra 12, prairio west. i