The Wingham Advance, 1903-04-16, Page 8r ., THE, WINGRAM ADVANCE. April 1 G, t go.1 .,.,... .,.. ..... ,. �.� . ___.111_--_ _ _ . _ ....,,, . ,-_,.. , _. . ­ ________-_1_____ , w_, _ .., , .- , .._. _ , n•, . e.^O%e..nrw,� TUR4 Aix\ANC.k1 Is always pleased to =III ii ,y,,i.'01441,1"4!1I. . .11 ` Wl'lllilA4.4AJ ppr�y�- •y�rq y� g « 4 a reretve accomits of tho following•• --1 ''� New Prices or Promotion Examinations ations �-•ltlarriages, give as frilly as possible, L�aster .r,..r.,,... e a Births. $--•deaths; give sketch of � � The following is the result of the Easter proncotioll exitmit'RU011-held ill life always, 4 ReninY;41s, G,- T�oas � � �-CSNew Goods I'tihllc. s0hoal, `1'he usual xnid•summer promotions will bo held at the evil of by {ire. 0»• -Land transfers. 7 -•••Itch- Mwbdlaa the next tern!, All pupils should be present on the day of opening, Apri120th, belies, 8-lTuuaual freaks or incl•ii _.­_..,.•_,..-.,,. __ I as on Witt date the classes will be arranged. for the terra, dont.. 9 --New or important enter. i wro 4 011ml P UN a THE ENTRANCE CLASS -TEST EXAMINATION- prises, 10 -Visitors to and from a die- ' Everything guaranteed strictly The Pupils of said Class were examined in the following subjects:--Arith• t.ance. 11 -All township news, Don't first-class. Money back if not satin- metie, Geography, History, Grammar, Physiology, Literature, Memorizing, fax et sX y ' p fieri, We ,guarantee these prices for Composition, pellln and Drawing. Maximum marks, 1158 ; marks required g to sin our name, which is not . for Pass, 50 f oL who�e=ai9 • Ranor mark. 808, for publication. ONE wTi;IaK ONLY. - The use and popularity of Muslin Fabrics need no comlllent. We emphasize Geddes Wilson 1093 P. Derr 983 A. Rintanl 860 SLIPPl lts. -A pratty Slipper always P p Y 8l'bs,'Ca lees for ................. U. Lamont 1043 M, Mason 082, H Campbell 846 dresses the footdatntily, See the new however, the immense variety of handsome effective patterns, Suitable for any occasion p lac F. Patterson 1041 P. 1lapvidSon 981 ��V. Late 831 styles at W. J, Qhoeh°s• or purpose, included ill our showing,To start business with a rush in this section an 3 .tans Pumpkins, Peas, Corn 4r U, Adonis 1042 V, I{neclltel 981 J. 9ma]e 8LU i' P Beans for ........ ... ........... 23C Ai, Frye 1012 L. Strachan 980 D, McGillivray 807 Fora SAL,r,-.•Three buggles.one new; T hursday morning, We are making this almost sensational offering.- JOho Bull Pickles, per bottle ...... 10c A. Mann 10`29 0. Borden . 077 R, Jones 8N) also two clittere, ape nearly pew; E. Sanson 10`21 E. Glenn 973 H. Jones 788 robes, harness. etc. Apply to Clyme 850 yards Fine French and American 11lusiins, Cxiugbams and Piques; consisting of Mixed Pickles, per quart.......,... 150 M. Rose 1018 E, Mus}�rove 973 E, Cooke 788 Maguire, Real Estate Agent, 8 lbo, Tilleou's Oats for ........... • 230 M. R scacka 1018 E. Lang ARU B, Rush 783 dainty patterns and colorlogR ; suitable for afternoon and evening gowns or ♦ � C 3 lbs, hand picked 1leana far..,,,.: 108 B. G. Adairehank 10()3 P. McPhersonl 037 LD. . N(caotis 7t4 looked over702 An rh ensbacriPtionce needed $lisOb,�and skirt waists, reg, 15C, 24c, 25a yd,, to Cleax' Thursday and Saturday.,,...,,.,, 1 8lbs. Whiting for ................ 5 n 1, , eniing 956 R. Howson 7Li noted that same subscribers here In 113 cstns Peaches for, , , , , , , ,, , , ,, , , , , 25c B. hiarsAles 100., 1, Pt E, 0bnatable 718 1 C. Wilson 1001 E. Attehesun 95. arrears for two ears, a few three �� e sell the Celt:br� 4" lbs, Laundry Starch for. ......... 2:x0 F,, Johnston 1000 F. Vannorman 018 M. Walsh 707 y j 7 lteci Nazareth 111r-aistS for Girls and Boys ; you cant buy S packages Blue for ................ 10c M. Turner OSS K. Lowe 9`20 A. Walker 015 years, and one or tiva live years, in all j anything more serviceable ; be sure and See them, $ case Beets for .................... 2.50 0, Manners 987 J. Matson 917 D. Borwash $29 amountipg to Ave hundred dollars. H. Runciman 085 13. Ding 910 He sent out some duns, and one man - - 7 packages Tooth Picks for.... , . , . 21c V ...d de • .- - - .. .• I 22 lbs. Redpath's Gran. aSugar....S1.00 HONOR ROLL FOIb 1►lE�1URIZ3'CIUN. received tris missive with indignation. 11 25 lbs, Coffee Sugar for ........... $1.00 E. Glenn, H. Johnston, G. Adair, M. Riscocks, V. KrIechtel, M, Lang, F, He went to raise a row with the 4 � Irw)-a y MaSpring Skirts 30 lbs. Dark Sugar for..........,.$1.00 Patterson, M, Frye, E. Sanson, R. Orutkshank, P. Davidson, O, Manners, P. editor for dunning him. The editor JI Kerr, Al. Lamont, At. Turner, 0. Adams, K. Lowe, F. Vannorman, E. Fleming, g are attracting a great deal of attention and selling rapidly. It is nice to come into our Special Sale of Crockery. M. Masan, P. McPherson, B. Marsales, M, Rose, R. Janes, E. Rush, U. Welsh, showed him some dune he had rarely g g H. Campbell, J. Smale, E. Cootie, G. Wilson. ed himself one for paper, one fort e 1 store, choose a perfect fitting Skirt, splendidly made by the best Tailors in the country, in Imported . g Y prices. P, McPherson, M. kliOscOk ,ROLL IN SPELLING. one for ink, and several others. , P P TUDH V, Knerhtel, K. Lowe, P. Davidson, M. Lang, Now, said the patient editor, T '� Cheviots a 1u all and all -wool Friez©; the newest designs at ver law 0. Adams, F. Vannorman, M, Rose. didn't et marl when these came. I e OPUS J. Masan, A. Mann, g FROM JUNIOR TO SENIOR THIRD, knew I owed for them, and I relied an Great �� * �® �� Dept, 4 to 8, Pass Mark, 320, you and others who owed me to pay j Phone iib Prompt Delivery May Moore 619 Minnie Shark 531 Davidson 457 them. You see we all. depend on During the mouth of April, we will sell Ready-to-wear Clothing, all new and up-to-date in Opsa Wednesday wind Saturday evenings ErnmaAitcheson 691 Hector MuWick634 Wicks Borden 955 somebody," The mad subscriber saw ` quality and styles, at Manufacturers' Prices, Come and be Clot -bed and save mono If you 1e - Rena Robertson a09 Clarence Blackhall 529 Chrissie Rintoul 449 the force of the argument and said he q y • 3• i , y y p ' Willie Galbraith 500 Maud Frye 516 Irene Vannorman 445 was sorry be had lot the bill run so fel' to have your Suit made by our fasbionable Tailor, we bave a large range of Tweeds, Serges and • May Williamson 547 Lizzie Green 613 Una Robertson 440, long, How about ours dear reader? Worsteds to select from. We guarantee fit and workmanship, and prices lower than ever. We are` Mamie Flood Fi16 Esther Wiley 509 Cora Beckwith 440 y clearing out Boots and Shoes -that means cutting og the profits. ' Ruby Derr 544 Vina Davidson 508 Olive Cartwright 426 PAPE11HANGING.-I am prepared to b g p Alvin Hart 54-4 Barry Lamont 503 Wesley Woad 420 do your paperhanging or painting, 1. Emily Mann 543 Nettie Vanalstine 495 Percy Stapleton 361 neat! , promptly and at reasonable -„_... I . . ,.�....-. ,,, .. ,... I .. " 1. Sadie Davidson 530 Gertie Conites 482 prices Orders left at Mooney's tin - SENIOR II. TO JUNIOR III. Dept. 5 to 4. ease, 203. shop will receive attention -Geo. " 0 M + Fx eda VaaStone 489 Ethel Wood 413 Maisie Lediet 373 Phippen,IRDON 00 Edith Conery 407 Edna Swarts 408 Harold White 357 --. •------- -~- T �t Jessie Stein 463 Clara Beemer 403 Bertha Jones 355 Bluevale• Big Prices for Trade. DIRECT IMPORTER Erwin Adair 435 Elam Armour 402 Laura Rush 304 _ - Ruby Hart 431 William Gibson 394' Fred Guest 350 Miss Mary King spent Monday in:mit..J..,61.4.,hAiWi"I46.E,.,,1, i.m&. dii,a�iidj "aLAw, Gretta Kennedy 427 Donald Gibson 387 Leonard Rush $45 Brussels, Caro Runciman 419 Chester Page 377 It,oy Buckley 3-11 Mrs. J, Pugh spent the holidays in • Gordon Young 415 Adelina Welsh 377 Bettie Sanderson 341 Stratford. FROM JUNIOR 1I. TO SENIOR II. Dept. 6 to 5. Pass, 270. J. H. Casemove of Turnborry is very TiJlv�>la� �livil•�n' THE iVI A R iG FT �OtiC� 0 Creditors. - Mary Johnson 435 Mabel Halteran 339 Austin Taylor 290 ill at present. Delight Hobbs 416 Pearl Paton 836 Stanley Alitehell `203 Miss Olive Scott spent Easter with Tenders will be received up to Fri- wINQHAM DTAxtxETB Harve Rose 412 Herbte Huffman 334 Bert Ta lox 281 P day, the first day of Ma , addressed In the matter of n o estate of S"I'li- JOAPC y y relatives at Ciintan, y f E'lour per 100..... , ..... 1 85 to Smith of tlno'Mtvn of Winghnna, in t11. Coun- Russell Fixter , 389 Orval Brock 329 ZnVflberd Sturdy 2,74 to Roht. Hetherington. Langside, or P $ $ 25 ty of Huron, Hardware Merchant, deceased, 1 Pearl Carttvrigbt 378 Roy Clinansmith 328 ItECOMMENDED- John Ooultes is home from Philadel- the erectinn at Tiflin's appointment Fall wheat per bush new $7 to 08 Notice is hereby given pursuant to theR.$.O, Rams. s P� Gladys Carr 359 Edna Coutts 3'24 Minnie Kergus pbia Dental College. (Methodist,), on the Whitechurch Oir- Oats per bush..,,....... 0 27 to 0 28 1897, Chap, 129 that all creditors and ;others Eva Delaney 357 M. Flulfmaa 3114 Elmer Oanstah]e Master Harold Pugh visited relatives cuit, of it Brick Church with cement Barley per bush........ 0 35 to 'J 4Q having claims against the estate of the said Lillian Delaney 356 Ethel Beckwith 308 Allen Knechtel K basement ; the contractor to furuisb peas per bush ."..::.. 060 to 0 65 15th avaJesse oo F brua q 11,03 laceon or iiredu n or in Brussels last week, Ready Mixed Paints (j>� Hazel Drummond 343 Nellie Uontts 907 Clifton Aitcheson gravel; everything except brick, sand and Bran .... , . • ... ...16 to IS 00 before the Ex day of May lett to send by post Ready Mixed t tit Dickie Mann 340 Lizzie Johns 302 Annie Lloyd Miss Annie StewKrt is home from gravel; the congregation to do the Shorts ..................18 00 to LO prepaid to undersigned. Iheirl bri Annie Smith Mitchell for the holidays, teaming. Tenders to state cock, with Cho , . , , . , , 1 10 to 1 '2.11 or to the undors(gned. their olu ishan and sur - Mitchell • • • • names, faddresses and descripptions, and full For interior or exterior work. There is FROM PART II. TO JUNIOR TI, Dept. 7 to 0. Total, 380. Pass, 100. Mrs. R. N. Duff and Miss Alice Duff and without finishing of y basement. ETay .. P . .......... 7 00 to 7 60 particulars op,palr oiaims; as[ntement of their no Benzine, water, soap mixtures, or in- John Mitchell 339 Clara Mitchell 264 Mabel Swans lea Work to he completed b the lab of Butter per ib...... . • .. 0 17 to 0 1.7 accounts, and the nature of the security (it any) visited in Listowel last week. November, 1903. Plans and specifics- L a ........... . .... ... 0 10 to 0 10 held by them. jurious mixtures, They are pure Paints. Nellie Mitchell 325 Ruby Buckley 2116 Higgs And further talce`uottco that -atter the said They dry hard over night, and hate a Lillian Ross 318 Golu Holmes 251 RLcOA1IIENDED-• Mr. Robert Maxwell of the Bluevale tions may h,; seen at the residence of Lard ......... 0 15 to 0 15 last mentioned date, the said ICxocutrix will beautiful gloss. One gallon covers $60 Irtma Kennedy 317 Edith Sherk 250 Brownie Swarts road has been visiting in Galt. Robt. Hetherington, Langaide. The potatoes per bash...... 0 60 to 0 60 proceed to distribnto the assets of the deecnsii square fent, two coats. Frank Gillespie 316 Edna Finley 248 Gladys Johnston Miss Barbara Tbynne of Arthur is lowest or any Lender not necessarily Alipplea per bag ........ 0 50 to 0 60 among d only the o tl,o claims of which silo shallgthe Put t, in gallon Cane at $x.50 Lizzie Sturdy 301 harry Ooutts 243 ,Agnes Walker visiting her sister, Mrs, Bails accepted. Hales per 100 lbs........ 5 00 to 6 00 have notice, and that the said Executrix will quarts at 40o Violet Borden 297 Marguerite Homuth 238 Lettte Morden y Lamb skins .. 0 b0 to 0 65 not be liable for the said assets or for an art O. C. KATNE. Pastor. any `" • ints at 25o Cora Kerr 290 Razel Worth 237 Archie Simmons Miss Lilly Paterson of Wingbam ROBT, HETHERINGTON, Sec.. Dressed hogs..,. , .... , . 7 00 to 7 00 thereof °ico" in 1 n°etn ,or bemntrecoivcd sby o •' 11 pints at 15a Azalea Sanderson 288 Edwin Elliott 236 Tommy McDonald visited relatives here last week, Wbitechureh, April 7, 1903. C,ivehogs.,..........,... 6 50 to 6 66 her at the time;of;such:distribution. Please call and examine them before you Mar Currie 270 Bazil Blaekhatl 230 Mary Madigan Tallow, per ]b........... 0+i to 61 Dated the 31st any of March, 1903. Mary ;lir. and Mrs. G. Martin are engaged Ohickena per air ....... 30 to 50 buy -it will pay you, at Oliver Campbell 260 Edna Bottrell 216 Maud Madigan with Oliver Mills for the summer. p p DICKINSON Sz; IIOLML9 • Mary Adams 265 Bessie Stapleton 214 Willie Haines Ducks per air ... , , , , ... 60 to SO p COl1�IUNICAT . P P Solicitors for said Executrix. Miss Belle Burgess and Mr. James ------------,- .------- Turkey, per lb...... .... 10 to Il ROOM 8 TO ROOM 7. PART I. PART IT, To Pass, 125, Burgess are visiting in Woodstock. Geese, per lb..,....... ,. 6 to 7 Fishleilvh's Oneida Irwin 245 Geo. Cruickshanks 215 Emily Crowder 191 BRIBERY, CORRUPTION, &C. Wool ...... . ........ .... 12 to 13 RD TRUNLWAY TIMEAL TABLES. SYSTEM' Muriel Pardy 235 VeronicaArmstrong 213 Thomas Holmes 186 hIr. James Steip of Guelph visited RAND TRUNK RAILWAY si'STEMt friends in this vicinity over Easter. G Roy Kinsman `228 Hattie Matthew 206 ' Frances Beemer 185 Editor of the Advance:- TORONTO STOCK MARKET. TRAINS LEAVE Volt Hardware Store, Wingham. ConradAtd � Charles Carr 206 Arlie Bisbee 165 Miss Annie Swann is home from Tbat brlhezy and corruption have Palmerston :53a,m.,,s:00a,m.,,3:o5p.re. Esaias Montgomery 225 Abraham Brown 201 George Howson 165 Goderich High School for the holidays. flourished during the past tour or five For full and accurate market re- London ........ .. .......6:50 a, m,..3:10 P. W. Smith & Pathick's old stand. Georgina Forbes 2'3L 1,;Ille Longman 203 Fred. Manuel 153 years as never before, Cannot be de- ports see second page. Kineardine.11:10 a, m,.1:40 p, m.. s:4s p, m, i bins, Robert Maih he spent the Mrs. bled, But woe to the man who seeks Kincardine.6:53aRm ..8 o5n. m...,8:10p, m. George Constable 219 J+nolle 1(cOcr_i 19f ter holidays with her sister, Mrs. to point it out. He is set upon by ex- - . Broomfield, at Galt. Palmerston. ................1I::40P10 a. in...7:55p, in trema party men who would gonad Palmerston...,.....,..1:40p.m...8:38p.m Mr. Wesley Denman is home from him to death. When Mr. Gainey made H orsem-en I L, IiAROLD, Agent, Wingham. St. Helens. Belgrave. Clinton Collegiate Institute for vasa- his statement in the House on March CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, .A I. "' `' ' , (Too late for last issue.) D, Sproat was in Seaforth on Tues- tion, llth, be created a consternation, and C - Ou Thursday, April 2nd, our genial day' Miss Hattie Gannett of VCingham is at once, the Liberal press begaa to TRAIN. LEAVE FOR abuse, Notice was given it to be fair Toronto and .Cast.... ,6:57 a. m... 3:53 p. m. ( tailor, Mr. 0. Decher, accompanied by Wm. Wray is visiting friends in visiting her grandmother, Mrs, John S 2 Wid11 110 draw S'OUT at- Teeawater....ARRI..,1:17p.m... 10:a3p,m, � to Mr. Gamey, yet' we find it using assts!: r•Rorx r� t W, S. McCrostie, went to Rostock on London. Messer. such expressions as these :-"Glamey's tentioll to the young Toeawater. •. „•6:57 a. m...3:53 p, m, a very pleasant errand, viz: the tak' Miss L. Jameson, Blyth, is the guest Misses Maggie and Jennie Diment of yarn," "Gamey, p Toronto J. East.,. ER, p.A ont, :43p. m, '+r ing to himself of a life partner in the Y' g g$ Game ,the professional liar•, J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham ? person of Miss E. Ratz. an estimable of Mrs. Buchanan, Toronto were holidaying with their and one Liberal journal remarks that TROTTING STALLION 1 I ,�' rr P parents. -Premier Ross has now called in a young lady of that place. On Friday Allan Weeler of Wingham Sunday- force which will make abort work of B 4w� l!,,,,yy evening, on their arrival by the nine ed at his home here. Mr, and Mrs, Henry Grainger of Mr. Gamey and his abettors," It is �a,,�o �% /�A�.l,1���I�ii��i�1 y`A T,.Au o'clock train, a reception and resenta• Molesworth were visiting it! the village // \ P P Mr. M. Walsh sant a few days g probably an oversight an their pert , { . kion awaited them, arranged as a aur with friends at Marnoch. y this week.. that they make no remarks as to what . , 11 rise by the people of this vicinity. which was purohased at the Chicago Sala Colonist Excursions. p Mr. D. McDonald of Palmerston Mr. Stratton and the Government are, last fall. 1IVV.� j �1ttiSiS Jt.IA They arrived about 10.30, and after Mrs, D. Sproat spent a couple of spent Sunday with his uncle, Mr. Geo. if Mr. Gainey does prove the truth of GAMnoY is by the noted sire Gameilion, congratulations, an excellent luncheon days in Seaforth last week. Mcvonald. his charges. At anyr•ate, up to this which is now considered one of the most pep �AP�was served, and in a short a3dress Mr. Mrs. A. M. Perdue of C]ttffurd spent date no discrepancy has been found ular sire of high-class knee acting trotters • he One wav tickets at lots rates on sale until ll D. B. Murray, on behalf of the friends P Mr. Fleming of Molesworth is visit- between his statement (March 11th) by Gambetta Wilkes, which heads the list of .Time mth, 'to Wp���ints in Montana, Colorado, here, presented Mr. and Mrs, Decher Sunday with her parents here, ing tris aunt, Mrs. Wai. Maxwell, of and the documents furnished, and Air. j,uridrad initho list of etgAproducedatters and 0.ndbCaliFo niaWashinKton, British Columbia „ :a with a handsome set of dishes and a Miss Bell. Pelton of Rockwood is the Bluevale road. Jones hats not denied writing the letter clock. As Mr. Decher was so much spending a few days at S. Sproat's, pacers, Gamopula s dam is by ever liG one taken by surprise. his feelin s did not AIbert Denman of II;Ilstead & Co.'s or Letters las given in full by Mr, Ga- of the in re°standard porfoIrmere° thandany Mt. Clemens Mineral Baths. P g Alias Summerville of Oriel is at res- Bank, Mount Forest, s ant the hol]- mey, Lately another journal states:- other sire living or dead. permit him to reply, but W. S. Aic- p p g Thousands visit Mt. Clemons every your Crostie filled the gap', thanking the ant visiting her uncle, Alex, Stewart. days at Iiis home here. °'Reath, the man most to he en Ile byaGoo. Wilkes is tlhicli makees him of the for treatment of Rrhouniatism,disorders. Situated near people here for their hearty evidence Miss Annie McCallum is visiting her Mrs, R. Rae of Listowef spent Sun- vied in this Gamey matter is Hnn. richest bred Wilkes Stallions in Canada. This I)cbleA and nerveuA disorders. Situated boar �� Paper S. R. $take, who, too chitritable to ,noted family tvhioh produces 75% of alI horses by that. r i qu�icklq and comfortably reached of good will. We trust Mr, and Mrs. sister, Mrs. Ed. Vincent of Springfield, dray with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. An- by the Grand Trunk Decher will be loo spared in o and Berson, B line, Turuberr seek revenge against the Govern- having a standard record, Florence Ds dam g P joy Dian and Mrs, Geddes spent their y' went, is compelled by the exigen- is by 1%lessongor, s happiness. Easter holiida a with friends in Lis- Air. Jahn Black B line, Turnherr cies of his profession to take it. Gamboy is a sixteen hand, 3 year old, bay The "St. GatheTineS Weld." y Stallion weighing 1150 lbs. He Is a good In. Shopping NOTrs.-Mr. Pardon had a success- towel. has leased his farlx! for a term to 4 . Many people do not see much read- dividnai, having, a strong short back, well sec flc for iliomnaiiaiutmous well are a groat r. ful brick bee an Tuesday....A1r. Thos, Airs. H. Bone of Rockwood is re- 11• Duff and W. Robinson. ing matter save their own lora! paper, tionalgtip. high Iuee act ac,oregsTiiis colE"rinvtt g von» pro4tration, and also serve as a splendid Todd was in Goderich on business on newing old acquaintances here at Mrs, Alex. Moffat returned to her and why such papers persist in coloring only been high last fall isshowin .quarters tonic. Situated on direct lino of the Grand Tuesday cite a number around y y, g, Trunk. 11 miles from Niagara is easy at our store because you 3' Q present. lionie at Uhesle on Monde atter facts surpasses oar understanding. A this spring 40, arid prodent indiclat ons shots g a Falls, y , , . here have seeding well under way. . endin a month with relatives here, local paper not more than ton miles its clearly that with little handling he will Booklets giving information of e{thor of don't have to kiek to get your _ Mr. C. W. Lawrence spent his Eas- p g ntako a 20 trotter sono. g ' P frolrn lVingbam stated last week (Sud' GAIV.BOY will stand for service at the the above resorts on application to L. B'atroid, money's worth; because we have ter holidays with his children in R. N. Duff is away this week at this is all that was given the readers Exchange •hotel barns. TrRNIS :-$10,00 to Agent, or the largest assortment of new _ State, inspecting rollers for John ,, Geo. Wraith, b.auager. ' I Buffalo. Wellsville and Whitesville, new York to form an opinion):-- insuro, gauable.st January, 1004. J. D. McDONA1i,D and up-to-date papers in this Rev. W. J. Brandon of Allenford Mitchell. The hearing of the Gainey char- 33-30 Swarts & Vannorman, Owners DiatriotPassoagerAgent, Toronto. vicinity; because we have no .Salem. spent Easter with his brother, J. A. : gges has been postponed until Mon- old, undesirable styles ; because _ Mr, Wm, Weir shipped cattle one Brandon. The Easter Song service is the Ate- ; daywere of next week, as his solicitors thodist- Church Sunday night was a were vat ready when the Commis- , I , , ,W we bought the Ross stoelr. cheap day last week. Miss Mary Halliday of Clinton is decided success. The church was well sion met last Friday in Toronto, A i • s � spending her Easter holidays at her filled, and the new shed taxed to its • Proof is ofCen a mato dif Qcult item and are selling it cheap ; because Rev, Mr, McKelvey gave a very fine home here. utmost capacity. of production than were assertion." .- we got a bargain on 3000 rolls of . Easter sermon on Sunday last, Miss Annie Naylor of Clinton its i Is this an evidence of high and impar- Do you want to buy a horse in • the choicest new papers ever Miss Ella Neil is spending her holi- spending her Easter holidays at her . tial jotlrnalisxb F Let wk wait, for if town ? If so call and see what T have 4 brought to Wingham ; because- days at the home of her mother, Mrs. horne here. Grey. ' the charges ase sustained, in the main, m ley, d ; large l value for your SETTLERS' S C NES �► weII because we do everything J, Neil' , some of these editorials of the past mopey, and a large list to choose from. x 1y g Farmers are busy with the seeding Rubt. McAllister and son Bert, are, y?tJ1SYQIVS in our power to make wall -paper Mr. and Mrs. J. Hartley of Wrox- although weather has not been the few days will melte f the s reading a Now as the time to b ca that farm er shopping call for you. We aro : eters� pant Goad Friday at the home of most favorable, spending a few days with friends in 1 Ecru weeks hence, If these evils and are wanting. fan can buy cheaper pp g y y , ere Wm, Weir, Windsor. . abuses have crept in among ua, let now than you could a titonth ago, To Manitoba and Oanadtan North,wpst looking out for your permanent Mr. Bryans, teacher of S. S. No. 5, Mr. Robt Weir, teacher S. S. No. 4, ' them he exposed -and the chips fly Call and got prices, will leave Toronto, every TUESDAY during 'She farmers are busy putting in Morris is spending his vacation under is holidaying tinder the parental roof i where they may. March alld April, f003, if aafllatent bilaines3, patronage. - their spring crop, and house-cleaning the parental roof• y g P " It aught not to be forgotten that the CLYME AQ�lJIRE of!•ers, is the order of the day. in Turuberry, Government at Ottawa, impressedCaX F&tate A ant Passengers travelling without Live Stools AU Wali Paper Trimmed Free. - Mrs. Thos. Wilkinson and Mrs. Rob- g Mr, and Mrs. H. Davis of Wingham art Andctraon spent their Easter Bolt- Mrs. Jackson and two daughters of " with the prevalence of this crooked should take the train leaving Toronto at spent Friday afternoon last at the days with the farmer's sou, Jim. of Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. Ben : woric, is just now framing measures OM00-UPstairs In vanetpno 131ook, 1,45 p,rn. , game F Mrs. J. Gallaher. Ripley, Jackson, 5th con, for a few days, ; to lessen or stamp oat the evil in our Passengers travelling with Live Stook Mr. and Airs, Howell of Georgetown, Afr, and Mra. Norman Johnston and Monday of this week a cow belong- ; midst. ,�v should take the train leaving Taranto at • t their Easter ]holidays at the to to Chas. Cleaver gave birth to twin April 19, 1903. A R>1ADun. Notice to Creditors. 0.00 p ­ Window q children of Moorefield visited at, Mr. Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each ViridoW hs�de . Home of Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Suchen. Adam Halliday's for the Easter va- [ayes, this tieing five inside of two j -e estate -- train. gears, This is a goad record surely. Ili the matter of the estate of Andrew Jobb of The kind that neither curl, The League meeting was well at- cation. Jamestown. Townsht of Turnborry, in the County of For full particulars and copy of "8ottlom tended on Thursdayevening last ; the Robt. McKay of Ethel occupied the Huron, l Iaoman, Deceased, Guide," "Western Canada," or "British g Thomas Stewart who has been vis- iv Crack, nor fade, are the kind to is was taken h Miss Ada Gallaher. ` pulpit in Roes church Iasi Ii,tlxbath Aries itvn Cameron spent Eter vat- Notice Is hereby given pursuant to the R, S, Columbia," apply to your noarest Canadian P y itiag friends at Norwich and other that we sell. The rollers also o. W. Kitchen left on Monday of places far th4 past moat!!, r0turned morning in a very acceptable manner. elation at liar txnCI['s, A$fi. 'Thomas ug, Chapter 12Q, that All arsons leaving alaima pacific Agorit, or to stet &very important part of the Iasi week for Hart -ow, Essex counts*, hams on Thursday. The pastor, Mr. Wella was an the sick Strachan. t0vlito Y nit iton the 2na of Febris said Andrew ri a h�p°r�e. shade and to these we a a where he expects to spend the list. utA. on 1l Damen N Mr. Rbht, Croaks (formerly of Grey) ggiro 0 or balers the spoon day of way pay 1? P t Mrs. Ilantiah. (Sen.,) of Seaforth, •Wednesday evenly Peter McDon- called on old acquaintances in this vi- 1?03, to file with Christopher Jobb. AdtptutA. gssisttabtflonerAiPaosongar Agei{t summer. speelal attention when baying " 1 who lies daughter, spending the winter aid and Miss Maggie . Yuitl, tlx con. cinit last week, trator, or tiro m1dors Dir ed1 a stttit°moat with Iflllg St.1,,ast, Toronto, Our stock. Be sure to asst for Miss E. Neil entertained a number with her daughter, AIIs. S. Sproat, gg 8 + y full part(attlars of thai> claims, a d of t the wore united in marriage by Rev. ,Tan, 40 I., bald by cinam of any) aut�• that atter the shades mounted on $arts- of her young friends on her birthday, left for her home on Friday, B Mr. Ruhr Simpson returned to Strat• the Aatlidnto Aaia Aa it nlatra nr will pfoe aoa Inas., A., in the presence of a large ford last Manda,y to resume his studies to( (sti+ buto the nAsatA among rho parsons on- !11{1 YLAi1e' last week; they report having spent a rat the absence of Rev. Drown, Mr. company, horn rollers, for, although they fine time. at the Business College, titled, havtn regard only to rho etaims of Banter took the services at Brick wbioh heshu l then nava notice. 1EXPl~FtI NG cost you a little more, they, al- A number of yattn ea le from ! 0burch and Belgrave, and Robert The many friends of 'i'i>ill, Dryans, Mr. G. F, 131;air of I3rtrssets took hated at Whlghum this 4th stay, of April, 1003, way's give the best satisfaction. here sent a ver en o [pahle time at; Owens the Sunshine ,appointment. who has been sick In the General alas• Charge of the service in Victoria Tla[i DICKINSON & 11OLM11113 p y 7 y pita!, Toronto, will be pleased to ]earn but Sundiiy evening, and delivered an Sol lcltotafor �idministrittor Sial bar hobs in some odd lots the home of Andrew Longley on Good' that he is rapidly rogainin strength ' . �' Frida evening. ekOeltentaddress, 4 shades which we are clearing y venin ; w DRATBs. and expects to be able to leave gthe out. On Mondn evening last the loaingf Fant. --in Wingbam, April 10th, 1003, hospital very soon, en Dnugald Strachan, who hag +ARM F, OR SALE. We in.vito you to Comb to bur side In the Bible contest gave a final i Annie, 7oretta, infant daughter of Leen indisposed for a considerable • supper to Chair friend. on the winning t Air. and 11!,s. W, H. Bent, a ed 0 Axaong those who are spending{ time la able to be out again we are ~"~^ " %Fri, MAltttat store and see the lines oa which P g g their Easter holidays at their respec• leased to state, 1.n0 acres of ood soil altuated 0 mileo so ,ratside, after whictl S goad programme mbntli., 3 days, Live homes are: --Miss Ittnyline Me. l? from I,ucknow, twitlt the fail(>wing� inn• e ,re" vtte aro giving epociltrl discount w,a[t Bryan a. fatiotvs, Three selec• Stroud.-�•Tti Lower Wingham, April u;arrlti of Detroit, ATisa May Hogg of Air, Will. Tirpdon started nn Tx]s rovements, viz: Frame house '20x28 ninili�°„anoruiiri o r rlhfandiie°e Wiitinthe'r,n`ln for this week only, tions rendered by th0 choir; a duet Til* p Invenrann a pr„bnulYatntentable. Cleat tunte„. j' 12th, John Stroud, aged 72 years, 6 f!,seter, bred. Brvans of Belgrave. annual tri to Alanitolut last 1;`ridia , vith sninll Kitchen attached, Fr:•icne a Miss Charlotte McMichael and Mr. months. Clarke Priaser of Fovdwleh, and Miss after lmvhlg spent the winter with Ins Barn 40x0(! both tri 1Yaod repair; 90 eon °r eA°ti ne t0idient al•toreo tuoo Konn OWN Albeit Gallaher • recitations by Miss 81ItT118- $elt0 Pearson 0f fllenannati. ,,isle!•, itis. ones, carve:! of Cleared land, 5 tortes of alaalt Patents t„kon t(iroukh litunn do rya, receive I,ongtey, Mist Annie Fraser and At- ipeetaxnottee,without obnrxo,Inthe `�, ( Wo bort !>tallaher, and a reading by John iRInfoul-In `tiVingham, April lOtb, Tt,, ,l% Douglas and family who re- Mr. Prank Wctglivs three sons-•- and 5 acres of timber: l8 acres of Fall '" "" Hartley. Last but not least was the I, Mrs, Win. Rintoul, a daughter. Gently loft the 16th con. for Park Waltel•, Fred, ruler Frank left for wheat, 5 acres fall ploughed and the �W119 I �� nm���%003 ehait•man's addreae, which was much fJames-In Tarltiberr April Mrs. River,. North Dakota, reached their Manitoba. hast Taosday. They took balance of the Cleared land udder Ahnnd$ontelYlllnntrntaagwt4ekit. Ur"o,itolr, WINGHAIi preciated, giving good advice to y' P destination all right, Mr. Douglas with diem a nnmbor of horses and araaR. Will be. sold at a bAl•gain. Chani in of any iti nt n9eo�ttanal. noosing, $a. MI' That. James, a daughter. IS and boys. A. silver Collection was a week omd two days an the .Tway farm t«tglenients, also hoilsobold ef- I+or futher patticulAria n1pi ity fa b . 0094 r: ; i arca taken at the close. Satem Is the ,Runeiman-1n Winahani, April 13th, with his cat' of aettier's effects. They feet:;. Wan; wish the tibyst eypry site- C4rO. A. SID ALL,My $stl3roxdtitiiy,fiteyi, tk proper place to have a good time, Mrb, RUntlman, to can. kro well pleiuted wlth the outlook. +roes in their' naw. 100400tl- 1janker. Lucknavr► moo oe, baa >f at., 1v4iehh,gt/ia, , - . . - ..- I .. . - - . _� . .... 7