The Wingham Advance, 1903-04-16, Page 44.
England and is distributed in the
• .,.,
71xt p�•irivipal centres through theaflicea III i11111111t1Yt11�� III III t lIII i1li111i1i'YllgIII 1t1��i1t1Y�1t11�tlttltltit1i1tt11i$I1Ig�11�t�I1gt11fit11't1141tP
ok the Assistant Receiver -General,.
Any person requiring silver or cop-
-Immigration Any
for Mamh P01' coins clan purchase them at �
make it the largest ]Dial ell influx on their face value at these places. THE P E 0 P L E.'5
record. The total number of arri. The money does not coat the coun< a
"•'` vals in the Canadiaar `fest was try what it sells for. For example, � j j�� n j �j �r j,j �,j-110
12,267, Its against. 7,`?48 in the last year $15,000 worth of cent U 11l U. lJ!"iL7. l 1. 1 IERRr
�first month last year. For the pieces, io 1,50hey b were planed in �
first three months in 1903 the total circulation. They brought $15,000;
number registered was 17,938, as but their cost was $5,447. Thera
against 10,069 in 3902. The total was thus a profit of $9652 on the
At Big Reductions. for the fiscal year will be twenty. transaction, Silver coins do not Cash Paid For Eggs
five thousand- greater than in the give so large a margin, We had
last fiscal year. $200,000 worth made last year,
It will you to spend a few minutes of our time rookie I percentage of profit was�smal er Garden Seeds New Seeds, Z Packets,- ...
Their e
over these extrg —The result of the elections in than that from copper coins, the for, .. ...5C
Kansas on March 8th discloses the aggregate was larger, It amounted
0 pieces new Dress Goods, Black and Colored, regular fact that the vote in favor of enfor- to $111,397, The country makes
OOc and 65c—for...................................... 50o cing the prohibition law is the most about $100,000 a year on its silver Dutch Sett Onions, 4 lbs. for. , , ........................25C
1 piece Black Lustre, 54 in. wide, reg. OOc—for........... We overwhelming in the history of the and copper Coinage,
5 pteres Wool Suitings, 54 i.. wide, shades Grey and make a good
oeof pro this n to " Maple Syrup We Guarantee it Pure
p .-.
Blue, regular f35c—for.................................. 50c b the opponents o£ prohibition to
(These goodQ are on display in our north window.) tion, and thus pave the way for a. THE SUBSIDY HABIT. p Y p
re -submission campaign two years
from now, Onl six towns of an (weekly Sun.)
p Sugar Guaranteed Pure M_
This season's goods ; each end contains from 1J to o yards. favor of .a liberal viae towards cent to aid in railroad construction. .»
DRESS REMNANTS. importance` in the 1State voted in The Uuited States never: gave a Maple
These goods range in price from 50c to $1.50 per Bard. They the saloons. It gave large land grants, and the
y yard. I railroad companies spent large sums Infants Delight Soap, J cakes for ............... . . . 25c
are ours for 50c a '
M ..............,, of money in bringing in immigrants
nentT a no transpires w the pro B. thee. in the form fe assistance
lands lgt as � Tar Soap, Bi Cake . .
SILK REMNAN'T'S. Aylesworth K. C. was fife roma- them. Its moue assistance was s...
e� ...... .... ..5e each
Remnants of Taffeta Silks, Wash Silks, Brocades and Fancy - me and Sullivan visited in connee- the $64,623,512 cash that it ad-
lawyer 'n Toronto whom Ga- g o , but f p
Silks, regular price from. 50 to 75c per yd., for .............. 3ac y �+
Saturday ofrth s week only
Frida and "stock"
g �- Copco, Floating -Soap, 6 calces for.....
Y ices are g yap... w p, .. .
tion with their stock deal. A. . vanes it too back interest-bearin _
The above
B. Aylesworth is the lawyer who is mortgage bonds, and it has already .,.,, � CO CO FlOatin °�. .....,.25C
believed to have drawn up the in. received in settlement $126,644,- ' ' '
structions to the commission ap- 782.05, or almost double the amount
pointed to investigate the conspi- of the original advance. M
DRESS TRIMMINGS. racy, and A. B. Aylesworth is the An example of development with- Silk Edge Shoe Dressing, regular 25c; our price, 20c bottle
Never was a more up-to-date assortment of trimmings shown lawyer who will defend Stratton, out donations is found in Oklaho-
outside the cities. We are showing all the latest designs suitable the accused Minister of the Crown. ma, a territory which bears a close _
for Suits, Dresses, Silks and Cotton Goode. We can give you But these things must be very pro- resemblance to the North-West Boston Polish regular rice 15c ' hilt riCO'.. 10C
exactly what you want in this particular line. per for has not Hon G W Ross Territories of the Dominion The g-- s g P r p • . • • • • •Za
Our Stock in all departments is up-to-date. id so. climate of Oklahoma is milder than
j the climate of our North-West, but
its crop -producing roducin capacity is no
—The Weekly Sun thus crib- P -P g P Y Quickshine Friction Shoe Polish, for Ladies or Gents Shoes.
greaterthan that of millions o£cites:—"That does the Reform Beat on Bartacres of unsettled lands lying west h. Guaranteed waterproof ............ IOC
Cam-pbell - Party mean to do about the Senate? of Manitoba. Thirteen years ago ---
Can there be any truth in the sinis-
Oaklahoma formed part of Indian
ter rumor that having now by the
MCIND00 accident of mortality got the ma- Territory, and settlement by whites Ladies' Box Calf Boots, regular $2.25 per pair, for .... $2.00
successors to. H.
was prohibited. In May, it
jority in that body, the party in- P ys .,
/ was thrown open for settlement.
tends to drop the question and give To -day it has a population of over
its solemn professions to the winds? half a milhon and the assessment • Ladies' Dongola Kid Boots, regular $2.25 per pair, for ... $2.00
Professions more solemn there of its property for taxation, on the
could hardly be. It is right and Ladies Blucher
essential to public interests that basis of one-third the value, is over
statesmen should have full liberty $60,000,000. It has schools, col- ' Oxford, Patent Toe Cap, per pair ..... $1.60
of honest change. Peel changed on leges, banks, and many other tan -
two memorable occasions and by gible evidences of development. It
SP'ECIA so doing, far from lowering, er twelve hundred tulles Ladies' Patent Leather Slippers, per pair .......... $
1.50 w -
his own character and the tone of Now,if Oklahoma had been a
FOR TEN DAYS public life. But his changes were 'part of Canada, an army of subsidy
manifestlyeonseientious• the were
frankl vowed and instead of hunters, all desirous of "develop- New Gloves Belts Ribbons Collars &c. -"
y ' ing" the new territory, would have ' ' ' ,. , &C.
,, ,,,,�,� serving his own interests, evidently thronged the corridors at Ottawa. 0—
,thronged the loss of power. As differ- Y"Leading men of both parties," .as
ent from this as black from white
Mr. Tarte ha -s so often described
BABY (,ARRIA6ES AND would be the shameless tergiversa- � Jno & Jas. H Kerr Jno. & Jas H. Kerr
the applicants for public money,cdo�a�d Ed, hgham
tion which some followers of the
Government, ill-informed it is to be would have been interested in the'*'— «_
60 -CARPS LARGE AND SMALL hoped, would have us to believe is various
f �lll��tlitlt�li�ittZttlitli,tii
meditated with regard to reform of dollars would have millions—of
the Senate." them and added to the public debt.
I If any member had mustered up TOWN PROPERTIES WANTED.
TO make room for new goods we —In the House of Commons, in courage enough to object to such ' W. A. CURRIE�ilU11��tt�T qq AM SAW �Lrr-
reply to questions, Hon. Mr. Blair expenditure, he would have been I have almost daily enquiries for
will sell the balance of our Car— gave the following information:— called an "obstructionist," a houses to rent or buy. .... AUCTIONEER ....
The total area authorized by par- "crank," and an "opponent of na- Now is the time to sell if you wish McLEAN & SON
riages and Go -Carts at greatly liament to be ranted b way of tional progress and development." to do so. g wingham _ — Ontario
g Y Y P g P No charge Walesa a Bale is made.
reduced prices. We have a good railway subsidies is 56,087,072 Money subscribed by the subsidy Abner Cosens, Minnie St. Date of Sale arranged for at the All kinds of rough and dressed....
acres. The total area earned on eaters would have been used to de-
Advance Office. Terms reasonable,
. assortment in the latest desi ns. account of construction to crate is feat him at the next election.
g 29,986,826 acres. The total subsi- But what was done in Oklahoma, A. DULMAGE ' LATH ' SHINGLES
dies paid to railways by the Do- where the great development that APPLE BARRELS
minion Government is as follows— we have mentioned has actually REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. ALEX. KELLY
UNDERTAKING In Prince Edward Island—Nothing taken place? How much was given CONVEYANCING, MONEY TO LOAN
Ball Bros,> > g 1 on Town and Farm Property. Auctioneer for Huron CountyHard and Soft Slabs, also a
Realdmee—Patrick Nova Scotia ............$1 874 000 in subsidies? Nothing How
Street, S. Orae a lar(,e quantity of dr hard -
y2 much was advanced as loans? Not ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. a q Y Y
former realdeace, Now Brunswick........ 1,29 ,000
where night calls Quebec .......:.......... 10 091 a cent 1._, How much was given in OFFICE.—In the Kent Block. I have secured an AucLioncer's license for wood for sale, delivered.
receive prompt at- Residence—Catherine St. Huron county, and am prepared to eouducL
tentioa. Phone + Ontario .................. 18 750 the form of a land grant ? Not an sales at reasonable rates.
Si The Peoples Furniture Store , Sales arranged at the Advance Office.
Manitoba ................. 3,259 acre ; the railway companies even Telephone Orders Promptly
Northwest Territor's 7,457 Paid for their right of way ! In- C. J. MAGUIRE ALEX. KELLY, Wtngitam P. o, attended to.
British Columbia...... 9,682 stead of receiving subsidies, the REAL ESTATE: INSURANCE AND
railways a in taxes to the terri-
To aid railway construction east-
. twee. Lake Superior and the east- tOrlal Government $158.88 a mile, Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty.
or over $100 per mile more than
ern boundary of British Columbia, ASStCNEE. ACCOUNTANT. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON,
What Is The Good lire Grand Trunk Railway, with its
there has been paid $12,435,341. y' office—in v'anstone Block. ACCOUCHEUR.
The total sum paid by the Domiu- large and expensive terminals, pays Open Saturday evenings, 7 to s. Office :—Upstai �l in the Macdonald '
ion to said railway construction, in this Province. The debt of Okla -
since Confederation, including the home is 75 cents per capita. J. A. MORTON Night calls answered at office.
Canadian Pacific railway,is: Had the Government of the e
$132,922,163. The total Cost of United States or the Government BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR.
of buying cheap if you are dissatisfied with the pur- I132,922,163ntercolonial and other Govern- of Oklahoma been in the habit of DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLTI
giving subsidies, the same pressure MONEY To LOAN.
chase in a short time? True economy is exercised in meat railways was $69,418,275. that is brought to bear upon our PHYSICIANS •SURGEONS - ETC.
buying a thing that pleases you till it is worn out. Our g P Office:—Morton Block, Wingham ^^'
Governments would have been COMM rxnapof, '
� I Josephine Street — Wingham ..T N
Men's Suitinga are of this character. One suit makes a brought to bear upon them. But
regular customer of the buyer. Then there is the guarantee
—Mr. Willison, until lately edi- . the American railway promoters MISS DELIA SPARLING p KENNEDY
of everything up-to-date and first-class. Suits from $10.00 for of the Globe, writes as follows : knew that it would be useless to A. T. c. M. , M.D., M.C,P.S.o
An ugly feature of the situation Jf� \
t0 $40.00, made to fit in every particular. in Ontario orifice is the sudden seek subsidies in either quarter, so Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher (Member of the British Medical
P instead of spending their energies Music 1kTothod, Simplot and Kindergarten. Association) !C
but complete abandonment by the in lobbying they went to work and Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE.*-
HATS.—In Hats, we have the very newest Ameri- Liberal party of an excellent and
built railroads. If our Govern- inations, Special attention paid to Diseases of women er +
can styles, at prices from 50e to $3.00. cherished Liberal doctrine. The and.hildron,
fact cannot be got over that for meats took the same stand we osrios Houns :—i to 4 P.M,; 7 toe p,m,
many years the Liberal party look- should see the same results here,
NECKWEAR.—All the latest designs, 25c to 50c. ed upon Royal Commissions as THE the W T H Il
BOOTS and SHOES.—WO have special prices in
resource of hilt Governments.
Even when it was outnumbered in
Have you spare time ? Increase your
income by work at night. Others are
the above line a
, which will p y you to see before buy-
the House of Commons, the party
doing it. Our goodq are used every-
where everyday. Write G. 1Flarshall
ing elsewhere.
preferred the direct fighting of the
& Co., Teas, London, Ont.
onto and Honor
Dont. y ':
Parliamentary Committee. In the
al Do 't. of Toren.
A pleasure to show goods.
National Convention of 1893 it
stated its position on the matter in
guaranteed. ICdP0 cc in Deaver
unmistakable language. Now all
and students may enter the
Office: --next to llolmes Block noN building
is changed, Accused of extraordi-/STOWEL
sketch or modal of your in -
veution orimprovementand wewiilteliyou
free our opinion an to tchether it is ppobably
nary conduct, the Ross Govern-
ment has pronounced the Parlia-
audtvashiugton; thlsquali8esustoprompt.
L 7 AY(1,
i1JLL' 111 ►7 Vl!
mentary Committee antiquated, in-
Room --In Stono illock, wingham,
Patents procured through Marton & Ma -
adequate and unfair. It has de-
at any, time.
clared that the Royal Commission
is the ideal method of investi ation
sPItING TLRM begins March 30.
Two Courses—Commorchd and Shorthand.
g Send for College Journal.
Immediately Liberal Parliamenta- C A. FLEMING A. L. McINTYRE
rians and Liberal newspapers have president soo'y.
taken the sharp curve, have aban
�-r doned the thirty-year-old doctrine,
1 HL ,v 0 have condemned the Parliamentary
Committee, and egt011ed the Com-
For Job Pried. at
� Right Pr�'c�s
�-A writer in the ''Toronto Mail-
E,mpiro gives the following:—Ac-
ollowing :--Ac
cording to the Auditor -General,
there are some financial transac.
tions upon which Canada makes a
profit. The issue of the currency
is one of the number. (low do we
get our silver' and copper coinage?
The money is minted for tis iia.
"'High Crade Work Only."
Our graduates readily secure good povit.
ions beeausd our high grade training pro.
lnfarea them to render timt•class services.
13ushtesa men want first-class workers--
no time to wasto on Lhe other kind. (torn.
malleo a conrae now and be retuly for a
position In the fall, write for eataloguo.
W. J. Elliott, principal.
- for tasty and
• • 0 vntLj .• Job
D.D.S., L.D.S.
,, Prices
CE Prining.
OFFICE right.College
Graduate vi Royal
bfarriago Licenses Issued. No witnesses
of Dental -:
Surgeons of Tor. ,
onto and Honor
Dont. y ':
al Do 't. of Toren.
Latest improved methods In al
Dentistry. Prices moderate.
Money to loan at lowest rates. Office
guaranteed. ICdP0 cc in Deaver
7-95, WINGIIAM. ti
D.D.S. L.D.S.
Its a pity to have a good
Suit spoiled in the making.
The suits we make give en-
tire satisfaction. Give us a
of trial and be convinced
Webster 8c Co.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the F en.
neylvanin College and Licentiato of
Dental Surgery of Ontario,
bfarriago Licenses Issued. No witnesses
Office over ,Poet Office—WINGHAM
Money 4% largo amounts; smaller In pro-
portion, Easiest terms,
Teacher of Piano and Theory
or srHeelp and interestingibre swing d`'
Send us a rough
Office: --next to llolmes Block noN building
sketch or modal of your in -
veution orimprovementand wewiilteliyou
free our opinion an to tchether it is ppobably
ti i
patentable. Reletted spplicetionshaveoften
prosecuted by us, we
(conduct fully equipppperd offices In Montreal
Teacher of Violin and Cxuttar,
audtvashiugton; thlsquali8esustoprompt.
L 7 AY(1,
i1JLL' 111 ►7 Vl!
dispatch work and quickl secure Pntents
nabro,rlanthtiutentiotl, iilYgheatraferences
Ratablisbed 1840.
Room --In Stono illock, wingham,
Patents procured through Marton & Ma -
Road Offioe GIVELP11. ONT.
Risks taken on all olmses of Insurable
rion receive speclel notice without chast4e in
over Too-e-e!diclributed throughout
We D,
perty on the dash or premium note system.
JAAtItSGOLbrt1:, CIiAA.DAvorolk,
Barristers solicitors ere,
gpoaiat s -Patent business of riSsnufaa•
lnrcttl au >xngtnccra.
res! eat, 9eoretary.
f 1
Officer Meyer Block Wingham.
N. 7., Dioklaron Dudley Ilolmea
PntOnt Exgllrts and'Ftolioitord.
(Nn„ New York Life 13'Id� , rlontrbal
Atlattue Bw Weabtn tori D.C.