The Wingham Advance, 1903-04-16, Page 1I M 30T.0 YEAR, NO. 31. ' • W IN GR A. N, ONTARIO, APRIL 160 lAdvane (0 1903. $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ....____.-..,._-,.._.--.._.._......_--..___... ...._.___.. ... Miss EthelKing1pas been very 'ill By Private -Sale, .,.F .-.,-....__ ......_ ._._..,_....-. _.-Y ^.n"r, "~."" .. .„- .— ,_.—._.-... ' ' ........--,._, _,.-. ......•,.._•__..,_.,-..•.,_ au ball, DOMINION during tepast week, This morning On account of the death of Alva. On (food Friday, a friondiy game of c (Thursday)she is reported no better. Drummond, Mr. Dountmoud is offer- Football was, played on the park here, Next Sunday will be the anniver. log by private sale, all his household between Wingham and Wroxeter BAND OF HAMILTON sary of Wingham Methodist Sunday furniture, tip to Saturday 25th Inst, Learns, The want of sufficient practice ST. PAXII18 Cauuoil, knew they could not roll the stollo away wI NU M M. Capital (paid up) $2,940,000 School, R0v. Dr, Medd of Hensall The furniture is all new and has only told against out' boys, and they were On Easter morningthere were 116 but did not therefore sit still in their will preach morning and evening, been in wse a short time. See posters defeated to the tune of 3-0, h Capital paid up *2,000,000. Reserve,#1,000,00 Reserve $3 260 000 Rev. Ii„ Hobbs will perform similar for P,lrticutaws, or call at residence communicants• The tort chosen by the owes, They went to the tomb. If laud lir fits)d + e Suoits, The best makes at the best Rector, Rev, Wm. Lowe, for the morn• they had :not done what they could, J' lden o LL. Stuart pianager. Prooident John ntnart anniversary duty is klensall. .west sine of Shuler street, next to rices, The most up-to-date Shoes at lug sermon, was; ---1 Cor. xv. 4.--'a$e they could not have learnt. what God 1Preai4ont-9.,11, Ramsay Wm. Dore'4, \V. J. Greer's. pl<sltier-4. LOST -- Between John Huffmau's rose again the third day according to was willing and able to do for them after Farmers' Notes discounted, house and Hanna's store, a black Ruff. Eight and Ten Cigars for 25c at Died. - the Scriptures." The Rector said-- they had reached their limit, 000 Roach, A. T.JWood, Proctor,.eat Toronto n' Finder leave at this office, Buckley e, ) Drafts sold on all points in Can• After a painful illness caused by Had we accompanied our blessed 3 ---Let us take comfoyt in constantly Savings Bank hours i0 to 3; Saturdaye loto 1 ada, the United States Paid Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Bant mourn the sad- PR1vATE SALEI of household furni- that now frequent disease, cancer, Mr, Saviour through all the stages of bis remembering that God will have a hand Deposita o1;1 and upwards received, Tut. den death of their infant daughter, Lure Hary going on, at W, D, Thomas', John Stroud departed flits life on Sun• passion; had we beheld Him suspended in everything that carries put His par• crest allowed and computed on 30th November T .ilcKenzie, block, P and 31st Ma each year, and added to principal i SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. which occurred on Friday last, the day last, fin his 73rd year, Deceased on the cross; had we, seen His body poses or is for His glory, Sometimes special oposits also received at current Tntorest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and Parents have but recently come to ,A Band. was horn in the county Limerick, committed to the tomb, and had we mon act as if they believed God had very rates of interest. a d 31st"Aocombor each principal 30th Juno VVinghain, and 11113 sad event has Effut'ts are being made to organize a •Ireland, and with his parents came to known and realized that all ouy hopes little interest in Iris own affairs, Some St-atessb ughton andsold fain And the ijnitod naturally cast a gloom over their brass band, At a meeting held on Canada in 1858. The family settled of happiness, here and hereafter, depen.• Christians seem to think that God does 4 DIONINsolf, Senator, AE. G[BSON, Manager removal here. Tuesday evening, a committee wits up• first in Colborne township, and •five ded on, his rising from the dead, what a not came to church or prayer meeting W. CORBAULD Ageub Mr, Rogers of Cedarville, an ex- pointed to report on the prospects, to years litter removed to Ashfield, De. Period of anxiety would that have been often enough to know bow seldom they HamiltonTravellers lend !Arets notifies Issuetttheiilar k of R. Vanstone, solicitor reeve of Proton township, has been it meeting to be held oil Friday even- `ceased married Miss Ann Steepe, and to us, during which. our Lord remained are there. We leave God out of our of the National Provincial Sauk o8 England violting friends in Clinton and came ing, AIr• Dittman, an employee of the three sons and six daughters graced in the grave; and what a day of triumph calculations very often, when it is like troupe is any poet oQtehdo without `harg` or t aria up la3t week to shake hands with the Western Foundry, is a cap.tble leader, the union. The sons were --William, would that day have been, when we be- leaving the figure one off of the front of =nl editor of the Advance. Mr. Rogers incl the citizens have always liberallyAlfred and Albert; the daughters— held Him bursting the bonds of the two ciphers, when you want to write0 E °s r is An old -tithe, true friend, and the supported organizations of the kind Matilda, Lizzie (deceased), Margaret, bn'ave and preparing for all who believe one hundred, If a millionaire, cone• iwere pleased to tweet hit- once more, and will no doubt do sn Again, if the Sarah, Maly Jane (deceased) and oil Him an inheritance incorruptible and crated to God, joined one of the churches (,6 (( ( r / Ile has recently sold his 500 acres of affair is properly mauagW. By all I Elien. After twelve years residence in undefiled. This day should be such a in this town, what a rejoicing there . L1 >1 1 DS See Halsey Park's advt, laud and his sawmill, and is now liv- tueaus, let us have a Baud. Michigan the family returned to Cana- day of triumph to us, for to -day we be. would be. We forget that if God is not Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. ing retired, da incl for a time resided in Kinloss, hold the Saviour risen from the dead.— a member of each ouaroh, the world -EMULSION OF CUD LIVER OIL I have exceptional good value in, , Fine, decorated China ie noev offered town property, anv size and tin where rVira, Stroud died, Later they He rose again the third day according would be better if they were cut of exfs- Ball Bras. far Best Window Shades, P' 1 y y price P ak greatly reduced prices at 11, H, you clay desire. (Call and sae what d to Manitoba, and in 1801, Air, to the Scriptures." . tense altogether, If God be for us, who With "Acidulated Glycerine" Sped peas, without bugs at T. A. Chisholm's Jeweler;y store, Beautiful have to otter you.—Clyme Maguirei remove. , Stroud returned, and married Alice, The ends accomplished by the resur- can be against us? His is the kingdom Mills'. goads at bargain prices, Real Estate Agent, I daughter of the late John Thynne of _ rection, of the Lord Jesus Christ are:— and the power and the glory. His are Coughs Rev. R. Hobbs lectured at Langside Fred Shwantz-•of Renfrew has 12 School Board. iBluevale, They lived retired In the I—His resurrection. established the the silver and gold and the cattle on a iQ f1j !f1 j Gt on Monday evening, Plymouth Rocks, and in the months of Theregula monthly meeting of the I Town plot until AIr. Stroud a death tenth of His mission. thousand hills, Illi Colds December, Januar February and which took place on Sunday after an II.—The Divinityof the character of 4.—There are always difficulties in Mr. and Mrs, Bert Chapman have re- Y, Y School Board on Tuesday evening illness of three months. The funeral -Christ was also ostab]fshed'by his reser- this veorld. They aro in Christian work t turned to Wingham, Y eggs, was short, Accounts Amounting to . took place on Tuesday, the services rection. He declared Himself to be the as well as in every other, But what are or a little over 97 eggs each in 4 $2,'28 were passed, and the action of • Contains 50 per cent. Pure Norwegian I We are pleased to report Councillor months, At that rate, and considering the chairman in paying teachers' and j being conducted by Rev, J. J. Patter- Son of God with power. difficulties when we can go,up to them Cod Liver 011; contains 10 per cent, J. J. Elliott still improving. that these months are naturally the officers' salaries for Match was rati- son, of the Baptist •Church, of which III,—Christ's dominion as King and backed by Omnipotence? Pure Glycerine. A wuuderful flash oorest in the year for egg production, fled, The building of a new fence Have a guess for the Gold watch at Pdeceased was a member Ruler of His Church and people was 5.—We never make a mistake in going producer, Weigh yourself to -day and these Rocks promise all averse of 1 also established for today we behold as near to Christ as we can get. Thank each week' while taking; notice the Iiuckley's P' g at the rear of the lot was left in the ' God, we know to da that it is not to a increase in weight. Only costs about over 200 eggs each per year, hands of the mane ement committee FOR SALE—A quantity e, seed nota- the commencement of His triumph. To- y halt the price of other Emulsions. 0. Lloyd's Son & Co. are preparing g ties, at a reasonable price,—Apply to build an extension to their factory, Beattie Bros. are sole agents for the R. A. Douglass referred to a proposed A. Fox, Whitechurch PF Y to day, God gives Him a name which is dead Christ see have to came. He is Scranton coal, and are in a position to competition of schools at the Fall above every name, To -cid God says— risen, Because Ile lives, we shall live P P y y 25 50 cents a Bottle. Horsemen should read the advt. of supply all their old customers and Fair for the best exhibit of leaves of To SIDEWALK CONTRACTORS.—Ton- "Thou art My Son. I will give the hea. also. Let us come as close to Him as we Swarte dt Vannol man, and see their many new ones with the best coal, Canadian trees, The suggestion was re- i dere 'for the constructic.n of concrete then for thine inheritance and the utter- call. $e will give ns some clearer revs- ,,,POR SALE BY... The hest is always the cheapest. Buy gg sidewalks in the Town of Wingham lation' of himself each time. Never fine horse, Gamboy, the Scranton coal and get full value girded favorably, but action deferred. dilring the present season will be re- most parts of the earth for thy posses• A new Methodist church is to be for your itiouey. April orders deliver- "elves by the Town Clerk up to and sions," mind if there does seem to be some great T V U L ed at $6,90.—Beattie Bros. FOR SAL;e.—Fur one week only, a including the 21th !list. Speclfications IV.—By the resurrection of Christ, we obstacle in the way. Come as near as iWl illUl! 11Q 11 1 1j built at Langside, and tenders are very cn ifoitable dwelling and lot on a to be seen at the Clerk's office. The possibl8,and God will dee that nothing asked for, in another column. Di' canal rads, near the Union factory. lowest or any tender not necessarily are assured of our own resurrection to > Price ver pea, tie, le, Apply a eternal life. He who is the Rosarrea prevents us finally from finding the jyp lS R ANTFiD,—A number of good houses y pp y t once Accepted. R. Mclndoo, chairman, R. gg t and Optician. See Iaard's new clothing; large as to rent. Apply to—C. J. Maguire, to Clyme Maguire, Roal Estate Agent. 8a S. Committee, tion and the Life has promised that He ,Christ and the truth. ►cs sm'tment ;easy priced, i g METHODIST CHURCIL Next door to Post Office. Real Estate Agent. will change tiro bodies of believers and Lebanon Chapter, G, R. 0. will meet (;.ENTs' Patent Leather Boots, See make them like His own glorious body. In the Methodist Church, the pastor, on Tuesday evening at 7 30 sharp, for out- great line of Patent Leather Boots, • If the spirit of Him that raised up Jesus Rev R. Hobbs, occupied the pulpit. P. s•—Wo carry a full llne of Dr. Shoop's conferring of degrees—Wm. Lovve, Z. Every pair guaranteed.—W. J. Greer. %isi ors Here And There you, that i y congregational from the dead dwell in on The hymns chosen for con r Fatally Medicines. Tile Young Ladies' Fortnightly Al ILL HNDS of print jurt reepived at raised up Christ from the dead shall singing and the anthems by the choir ISard s 1L}c• quality for 10c.—IOeE" """' ^"' ^' also quicken your mortal bodies by`His were appropriate for the occasion, In Club will will meet an Monday evening, in you. quality for 8c. ;every enol a Bargain, W. J. gotnuth spent Easter in Lis- Mrs. Vanstone of Hamilton, is via• spirit the commencement of his morula Assessment Roll. April 20111, at the home of Miss Delia WANTED—Good strong boy to learn towel, iting her sot), Mayor Vanstone• irit that dwellotli g dis- Sparling. Steel Rangeanaking trade,—Western Application.—Let us on this blessed course, the pastor referred to the impor- Assessor Clegg has completed the g g Hyslop Foundry Co,, Ltd, e Arthur, Howson spent Mister Sunday in Mrsiter a. Allan of Park's o» Kincardine was a vis Easter Day determine by God's help to tant events commemorated by Good assessment of the town and returned. Ladies high rade H slo wheel for sale. Cheap ; apply at this Office. Fresh, pure and reliable Seeds of Dr, . spent Easter }ti Miss Fann Ho die unto sin, that we may be made alive Friday and Easter Sunday, Many, he the roll• which resents a ver neat all kinds at T. A. Mills', Tand MrsTowler a P a ah of Brussels spent 'unto God through Jesus Christ. Our said laid particular stress upon the a P y Mrs, W. T. A. Fishleigh will receive Toronto. Easter Sunday with Mrs. F. Hogg. 'unto appearance. from it we make a few NOTIOE,—Some fine building lots for Church in her baptismal service teaches death of our Lord, but equally impar- extracts :— callers on Tuesday and Thursday of sale. Apply to—C. J. Maguire, Real A. R. Smith Good Fridayed in weekMrs,s Thos, Manuel is spending oodsoc at few ns that "As Christ died and rosea din I taut was the doctrine of the resurree- Ward 1.—Real each week; residence next to Geo, Estate Agent, t. Brussels. weeks with friends iu Woodstock, g property—$102,037; g for us, so should we, who are baptized, tion. In referring to these important personal property—$30,350 • taxable Mcxenzie'a. Geo. Rankin spent Good Friday in Mrs, Jun, Meadows of Brussels was i 1 Brussels. i a guest at J. J. Mitchell's this week, die from sin and rise again unto righ- events, it was not necessary to break off income—$1,650; total—$134,037. A meeting of all those interested in Football Schedule. teousness, continually mortifying all our the connection in the series of sermons Ward 2.—Real pro err Baseball will be held is the Council Pi-incipal Musgrove is in Toronto Geo, White of near Guelph spent I property—$110,050; Group 2. Intermediate— this week. the holidays with his family in town. evil and corrupt affections, and daily now being given on the Book of Revels- personal property—$14,000: taxable in. chamber on Saturday evening, 19tb May L—Listowel at 'Wingham, Barrister R. Holmes is in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. G. C. planners Spent proceeding in all virtue and godliness of tion. The revelations made to the pro• come—nolle: total—$124,050. inst., at 8 o'clock. May 8—Wingham at Brussels, this week, Good Friday in Seaforth and Clinton. living, phots and apostles were of great impor- Ward 3, --Real property—$159,420 ; May 15—Brussels At Listowel, In the evening, important theme f Lance, revealing as they did the redem • Seed Peas, perfectly free from Bugs May 25—Listowel at Brussels, Wm. Robertson was in London last Ait:c. GvewAv of B,•nvsels visited her g P , p• personal property—$99,950; taxable in- -at A. H. Carr's. May 22—Wingham at Listowel, Saturday. da ugliter, Mrs. R, Barrett, this weak, of the Resurrection was continued, the tive scheme, but this Boole contained the come—$600; total—$182.970. Rouse cleaning is at hand, andT. A. GMay 29—Brussels at Wingham• Miss Tena Robertson spent Easter Erin Lindsay of Brussels visited his Rector speaking from John xx., 6-7— after revelation, made by tate Lord him- Ward 4. —Real property—$181,100 ; roup C. Juniors— in Brussels. sister, Mrs. R. S. Reid,, in town this ''Seeing the linen clothes lie, and the iii self to his servant John. As to who the personal property—$10,200; taxable In. Mlils is ready with at large stock of April 27—Brussels at Wingham. •V . Wenzel spent Easter with friends week. napkin that was about his head not ly- I R•evealer was, no doubt could be enter- come—$1,8W; total—$193,100. Curtains, Carpets, Linoleams etc. May 4—Listowel at Brussels. in taiued. The mighty Angel, May 11—Winghaw at Listowel. at Listowel. The Misses Colvin of Brussels spent g with the linen clothes, but wrapped i g y g referred to Totals— See new advt. next week. Allay 19—VVlingbam at Brussels. Andrew Gray spent the holidays at the Easter holidays with friends in together in a place by itself." From ill the 10th chapter of Revelation, the meal property..,....,. $552,667 Mr. T, Gregory has cut clown a num- Map 27—Brussels at Listowel. his home here. town. this text, important lessons were drawn l chapter now being studied, was no doubt i ersonal property .... 77,500 ber-of the shade tt•ees ori the property June 2—Listowel at Wingham. Mrs, B;ssette of Kincardine sent and impressed upon the congregation. the distin distinguished personage, whom John Income„ . , - , , , , , , . • , , 4,050 P y bliss Maris Cornyn visited in Toren- P' Pg a , the Easter holidays the gueat of r rs. saw and to whom he refers in chs recently purchased from Al. H. McIn- Seed pea., without bugs at T. A. to over laaster, pier 1: Total Assessment,.... $631,217 MUN. Quirk, BAPTIST CIIURCII. deo, preparatory to building. ALTs. Gay is visiting her son George, 17--18, who said—"I am He that liveth Last year's assessment in Port Huron. Mr. Fishleigh of Ullesley visited his In the Baptist Church on the evening Wand was dead; and behold I ani alive after revision.......... 020,347 J. Buckley has something nice to Sold Again. son, W. T. Fishleigh of town on Good Easter Sunday, Rev. J. J. Patterson, B. forevermore. Atuou; and have the keys Easter confectionery. Cuuncillor IV. F. VanStone has dis• Gordon Gr•ifiln is home from Guelph Friday.- Increase ............. $13,570 for the holidays. A., Preached from the 8rd and 4th verses of hell and death." Tire present is em - The Semaphore is the name of a Posed of the farm he recently pur- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Green and fans- of the 16Lh chapter of Mark, He spoke haticall our day," t There are 317 children between 5 and chased from Dunc:anStewatrt. The pro- Miss Brock is visiting St, Thomas ily spent the holida ars with Godericli P y ` he day of Fnha- 16; 173 between 10 and 71; niales be - third paper to be published in Colling. P ' of the dark days which had fallen upon friends this week. friends. y P tion And grace, and God is doing all that wood. C, It. Goodfellow, editor of the perty is a valuable one, lying as it the early Christians during the time that He possibly call for the salvation of the tween 21 acid 60-557. Midland Free Press will have charge. does within the corporation, The pur- nit's• Lottie Miller is spending a few Mr. and Mrs. , (). 'sail i,r nt l; Ls Christ's body la 1n Joseph's new tomb, p y There were rogl,teredrvith the Clerk weeks in Brantford. `fpr with Mrs, Bell's p,trenta i» Y q P rare, and the time will seine when Burin 19 ., A hosier factor is tieing establish- chaser is Joseph Bowman of Brussels, Olinton. and of the different ways in which men "righteousness shall cover the earth as g 02--47 births, 34 marriages, y y g and possession is given at once. The Miss Bissett spP.nt Good Friday at g 31 deaths. ed fn Walkerton. A joint stock com- her home it) Exeter. Frank Mooney left on Alond,l.y for and wotnon face times of trial and Cala- the waters cover the face of the deep," selling price was $0,000, and Councillor Hes ler where he has secured a sit- unit Then the woven friends of 0; Watl 3—Ward avd. 4 ; Ward 2— selling has been formed and the factory r Mr. and Mire. H. Park spent Easter P Y The speaker then proceeded with the he Van Stone retains )a contain part for P nation. 899; VVttrd 3-055; VVat•d 4-864; total will be running in a couple of -months, with Slwcoe friends. Christ were, pictured, as tlu,y came, position of the 10th chapter, which he pasture, Considering its location, the Mrs, Wenzel and daughter sent spice -laden, to the garden, ur )osiu to ,. —2,266. an increase of 136 over last WANTED—Twp steady, industrious property is cheap enough, and yet the Frank McGuire visited in Toronto b P p g ' p i g explained as the Reformation" chapter, Burin Lha holidays. a few clays last week with, Harri"011 do the last services of love to their Mas- year, men.—Western Foundry Co„ Ltd. sate must have netted the seller a few g y friends. outlining as ni drought a did that great Mitis Cook visited her home in Olin- ter, to be pact by the nulooked-for glad- event, beginning October 31st, 1517, in 1 hundreds on the transfer. ton on (loud Friday. Miss E. Reynolds spent a few days Hess of the resurrection morning, and which the "little book" seen in the The Wiarton Board of Trade is y y agitating for all independent tele- Rooms to rent over D. M. 0ordon's with her sister, Mrs, Larsalea> Niaga- the jo • aucl gladness of the Easter sur- T1IE Sxolt You V% ANT.riLadies, we R P J. Netterfield of Toronto spent Has- ra Falls, J g hands of the mighty angel played so im- have the 5hne you want, tight here in phone service, and expect each instru- store. Apply to Dr. A. J. Irwin. ter at his home here. prise, On the way to the tomb their portant a art. The "little book" he stork. A Spinclid lice from $1,25 to Misses Lottie and Etta Gook of 011n- P P went can be operated under $10 per To t1le Point. Harry Ansley was home from Chat. ton visited their sister in town last hearts had failed them, as they thought interpreted to mean the opou Bible. It $2"i0 See thorn at VV, J. Greer's. year, An exchange well says ;—Boys with hain for the holidays. I •Saturday. of the great Rowan boulder set and was sweet to the taste, in the doctrines, CHITENT—Car Durham cement jest According to a Toronto daily, tine their hats on the back of their heads Airs. Geo. Mason Apent the holidays W. J. Chapman was absent last sealed. They had asked the gtiestion of and the comfort brought by its teaching arrived. Parties who intend lysing• lice of cement for concrete walks has and ton , hair banging down their fore, with London friends, week on a business trip to Hamilton the text, *,Who shall roll WAY the and promises. The after bitterness was cement soon will do the wise net if price g g g and other cities. „ they bay it now, As convent will likely advanced 1l to 10 cents a barrel during heads, and cigarettes and smutty stor- Mrs, Oliver Gilchrist visited Brus- btoue? and coming near had found it seen in the difficulties and persecutions advance in price before long. We ars seta friends laat,week. Mr. an,] Mrs. McCluskey and family gone. From the stop some short, dttriug the past week, and prices aro les in their nloutha, are cheap as old y, often experienced by those who ended- also Agents for Hanover cetneut,•-•-A. left 'on Tuesday for Guelph, where practical lessons were drawn. !'bun & Son. expected to advance still further, worn out horses. Nobody wants them Miss Lou. Lloyd spent the holidays they intend to reside, P vorecl to carry out the teachings of the g at any price. Alen will not employ with friends in Shricoo, 1.—•Wo must not confuse our part of Book in their lives. FOR SAI.Ij,—In the vicinity of the them ; iris will not Marr them. John Balls ant Easter Sunda with Chas' lloinuth left for Toronto last any Christian work with God's part, Ill the evening, part of the eleventh Western Foundry, some good houses k y P y week. He leaves in 'May for West and lots. Apply to C. J. Maguire, They are not worth their keeping to his brother in Toronto, Africa as a missionary. `these women did their part, but instead chapter formed the basis of the dis- Real Estate Agent. Anybody and they will not keep them- Mrs. Cleatov of Brantford, is visit- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barber and Miss of resting on that, they began to wonder course. selves. If any boy who happens to lag Mrs. R. Herdsman, Lizzie spent last week visiting friends how they should'niaunge God's part too. PREBBYTERI:IN Clietten. P. and S. Powler, of this vicinity read this answers to the description, Wm. Pearson spent Easter with in Lucknow and Ashfield. No wonder they felt dismayed, Iu the Presbyterian church, appropri- --THE---• sold this week to W. F. VauStone let him take a good look at himself his parents in Ingersoll. Rev, and .Mrs. Hobbs Spent Good 2•—We must do for our share all that ate Easter services were held, but we eight fine two-year old heifers, whose and do what his conscience says is best Miss L. Forbes visited Brussels Friday with their daot liter, Mrs. 11. is possible for us to do. The women have not been able to secure any report. friends on Goad Friday. V. Hatton, of 13rantfard. weight aggregated 8,500 pounds; they to do. !n 1 Qyl DI1 i Ston were a fine bunch. Messrs. Fowler New Seeds, the ver best aro the Miss Clara Graham of Toronto spout John Allenby left on Tuesday morn- VJUU leljLj D g Store V are good feeders, y Easter at her home here, Ing for California, where he will re- A Good Idea. A Good Act. kind we sell—T. A, Mills. surae hEs former situation. + Rev. R, Iiobbs was C. J. Maguire, coal estate. agent, A. nL, Robinson of f3imcoe spent. d writer fu the I'arinet•a Advocate On Tuc'sdaLy, Easter Vestry Meeting. Sunday at his home here. Miss Jennie and Muster Alvin recommends the placing of Lelephonee agreeably surprised on opening his IS Lila !'lace to et may now be found in his new offices Walker spent the waster holidays „ upstairs in the Vanstone block, next A most harmonious vestry meeting rVlrs, Jas. A1c(lttire spent Good Fri- with friends in 1'eeswater, b in rural Pest oPllres, Ile, says:--• I in:Lil to find a letter from Chas. L closed the church year At St. Paul's on day with Brussels friends. believe t11At telephonea would be of Derr of Philadelphia, (son of Brad- Everything that is to the i rtlnswlbk hotel, Those hav- Monday. the Wardens repot't sltatved Mise rtho} Mtis cavo is sen Miss Edith Greer and Mrs. AicDun- benefit to farmers generally, for call- sba,w Derr• of town) enclosing a cheque ing business to transact will Rud him g spending ald of Luckmow visited Gorrie ails ., [ L11'e LiLl([ Fresh in ing busrotilpt and attentive, trove. the Church to ire in a vet y satisfactory this week at her home here. C4'ingllAlrt (rinds daring the boli• Ing medical aid and in sending for for $:..i towards the new church build. condition. Tilos. .Heli was elected Vnt. C. Thompson spent Good Fri- days, anpaebinery, because in most cases they lug fund. Charlie is it Wingham boy, BUIT,DINGi LOTS—Far sale, on cor- Reeto64 Warden, Win, Corbould, clay at his home in Brussels. Mrs, Briefman of Toronto and nlrs, have to be brought from the nearest' anal a.ppreeiates the efforts made by n veof cud building ad lots. rick streets, s, people's Warden, The Siaesmen ares Miss Ttessa Stewart was home from 14, R, Brown of Kincardine were city ; also in calling for market quota- Mr. Iiohhs to remove the indebtedness; 0i e,goodBell. pp y to --F. Shore, A. Culntner, C. Hollister. Moorefield for Good liriday, guests of Mr. and Mrd. W. Alletiby tions in case of having Carloads of hence Iris thonghtfulness in Feuding a E. Nas}n, Jas, I et'i', G. Vi1.n. Jtan(}. Mrs. A„ L.Hamiltonlltnn And childrenchildrenthis week. grain stored, rL9 well its In ,eaV'lllg a Cl1Cgi1C. Charlie has it gond hitllatlpn The Oakville Now Era, says; -•On Chas. Inglis, 'Vestry Olerk_ F. Me- are visiting friends in Ripley, Chas. Jobb with hie sisters, Misses long trip where the towns Are co far is Philadelphia, Ila., and his retuit- Wednesd;ty last a cow belonging to n, uIll and Dolly. spent Saturday and g g Guice ; Auditors -••••A. H. Smith, C. N, A. E. 13radwin of 131yth spent Sun- Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Woods, apart. I d° not believe, however, that tauc•e shows that he has an interest 9 D .1 vaiia llichard Wilson, Sheridan, gave birth Grlfl}n. Thos. Holl grave notice thAt day with his parents in town, At Witliscroft. many persons in it radius of twelve in Wingllaun's progi ess, though a to acalf with eight legs, two tails, and at the next ideating he would move Vern. ]Sutton of Toronto spent the miles would be in favor of having it resident of Uncle Sain's domain. two distinct bodies as far as the P Slav, Dir. Thyme, ise, was editor of that bile preAent rectory ho sold ails holidays At ilia home In town, the Arthur Enter pt•ise, tvirs in town or pitying anything towards it, the shoulders. The bodies at the should- amore scttalrle ane be erected, n1ra, r this week, lLttendint the funeral of the chief ob Pctiou bein * want of ktloty- PRIVATl; AALT'. or, FURNITURT., "tV. J. Nixon of Lneknow spent Lyre- g j b Until the 18!h of April, 1 will aril era United and were joined to one S. J. Smith asked for ertuission to ter Sund.c At Chas. Darber's. late John Stroad, ledge regarding thv instrument and head. The coin has died since, as also p Y g g g all Lely At illy residence. ings d 1St, A. r Hamilton pat to a memorial avindnw in the llliss A1,unie-Iiond of Ubiey,aitch., to Mrs. Geo. Fox and lira, llArt And the real benr=(it it would he to thein. all my bnuyehold furnishings which .i• dict the freak calf. chancel, for her late husband. This the guest of Mrs. Jun. Conery. daughter•, Miss Binum, of Owen Sound I truly believe, myself, if the instru- Are cif gond quality anti nearly now.— AT lilts. (llltti> x'e -); tr a Stock of req wall granted, and th0 meeting Colin A. Campbell spent. 1•Ined Pri were visitors of Air. and Mrs. John ment could be put into otic post Offices Airs, T. J, Maguire. g p P IloSman a Pery days last week. ril2iJGGXST I eady-to•wearn ire burnt straw and adjourned for two weeks, to then clay with Owen Sound friends, throughout the country it is reAtly tine bolt 'SaT.v.—Two story brick resi- other new shades ; also it large number receive the Auditors' report. At the Alias Flo..Flenty of Brussels spent Aft, and nits. W. li, Hall of Mea- most practical way,,, deiiee and two Cfthq of an acre of r v 7 r of tritumed hats, all offered at surpl'is- close of the meeting Alp, 1101liater was Easter Under the pareatal roof. ford were guP, to of the editor of the land. Apply to -=-t,. N. Grilliu. IV I .Ltl G 11 A, Al ingly low prices. 1,701, the down -to. Advanvo last $Attli•d-ay. M r, 11. is tine Mason keeps the largeat stock of (late Rea -to -wear, see Mire, Green, elected by the congregation as Lay Mr. J, S. Rose of Guelph spent of the fires of Aywater 4 11411, of the School 4applies for the opening. ---Send lleadguarters for the best weeps At See change of advt, next week, topresentative to the Synod. Baster with his family In totyln. Arth4v 411terpriagi blas childretl. T. A. MAN.' ,.,;.,..+..