The Wingham Advance, 1903-04-02, Page 3r I . � " I . I . . ­ . , .. � �', I,- 4 " 0 , �I ." A All 4 � " 00 � � I, ". . . � � � , i �. I Vm--w—­"� " '��____�­, , ., , I , ___ - 1! -_ , . � . . I . .., I ,11. .l � -_ A I �� I plow . , . - , � , , . , . ., I I., - . I I [ � , , � , � , *,~ - . . , I I - , — . . _____ , - ­_­_.!M_.:.��­_.,;_ _�__.� _ - . , :. - , - _,� - _t . � = I - 0 I- _� " I __ . �.' __ - : _ - __ _ t� � � . .;. --- - __�-_0"qSW*A,"_&1"0__, -;Uw;.Imlmw f��+, fA / "Rifto-1110WO-NIII I - , , - .. , , .1 . ., , - . I � I . I I . � I - I 11 L - � � , . __ 9 ------- . � MA OFFICIAL COLLUMON AUENCY 000"0000"00000091. .1 . . � 11 -- . 0000" . PAMENR CURE Is — I Ili 110111and tile Politofftoo 0I Often � "A Free Sample Macket" - * WHITE VS9 BROWN BREAD et ",V* 04111col.. I I 0 In Mlland DIM are often paid ' . ­­ ­ OWLY ONE OF MANY 4 *.rouait the, wilium or the, Post -or- of Delicious "SALADXCey)on Tea ' . , I . ____._­­_ - ­ . � � _­ . I __ , f Ick" It Oflables; a mail living, say . 9.xtriicts From (jeorta 0. N1231slith's laterlisfing as'llay RoAd beforo Nittuml Sclonco tton of Volvoro,ity. payti in It, 'The eirre In Roticri,jam, to got a -small bill "Black, Mixed or Natural Green) will be I I , . 10 permAtent as ar as I know, My , 00,11ce % I Bright's Disease. Invari- ' "'I"' �h' .tell In any provioelal town 000"Q COPQQ" , . I . gtviiorAl health to 4pood.1 I wilI tho Often expesisive And. te: Sent to any pmon filling in this coupon and _4;;0"*=Q"=*.!gKQ""*;1c"" � V. A. Ilarrhi Cured B. A., is cacl000d w4bin evililious W41B, ably Vanquished by (1101I interference of V. I - vitwo"'t."' , - ur. 0"'�rge (I. I "Here .Is Another case, It You'll obeinfat, of Iho .Pmvlw.!141 BoaM of liumall beings cannot 'qLailat Ul. take the troublo to look at this agolit. Vol, tImt purpose, lie Ilawl.a. sending it to cas witli, a 2 -cent starnp for Ilk"Alth, recently pa'ad a paper 1pe- luolse. aril, therefoZe, the all - 1$1 Dodd's Kidney Pills, letter you'll Ben it is wrlLten ,Ili altwit food Ili not available' to 'I I -W bill to thfa 114MM-A PORt-OfMc. Write Mainly and mention 81ack. MIX4.4 � f0I tho Natural 94olloo Ajosoelation U10, I hAve 4I thill peol.10,04 of � tile 1100trilastor at Loyett, 0 , It I% *;ellt to tho, plaeo whisro the ostage, (.if Toronto I'llivemity on �, .� -141 Waist Xle .M,. 0. Av 11airri,z-g. Nottea wbat ho P . qf N41tl4raj Oreerf Broad, whem Irraill IvIth Artilit 0a, 1110110,v N to NveolleetW. After the N4M0, ....40 -.�,**. .4. � frosu wJjjQJj tIlVa rollQW10S 0>;tr4cto JUIQO for tW4% 4%YX� aDd, 114,vo IsivAr- ry" I 114 ISW I was at the point O. di;&th from ll�rjgh,.tis DIsetwe, and collection a draft t4 for%var(JeKI to .:0*#.4 . aro made; !Iably jouad tile, oolj coliteuto, ta, be W" w 00jujiloto wwcok, could Alat the VI by tile offles w1wro lie de- I Addroso ......... :,.":::::::":,:.,::*,::,.:A,:::* ##tvs ,%Visito flour is obtalue4 by grind- isivAterail wlien extim.'A"d uader,tAio . Other Cases in Which the I or turn In, M?tt(xl the I)III and where lie gots : Lng I;Itq Qlsqo,�jiarsn of 1.1 'i Investizatorg ,W *beat nsloromope. Slwllarl� my (.,-tell anti the bill duly recelfited , ... AdOross OISALAVA" THA CO., Toronto. gradn'that ti, all of thol wheat grain bave glowed thin scottona to Rasp I'von 'dresa rqysel _ , I, lbed. bat novi I am, I may vay, it . . . . i ..� ­ 1. 11 I -Wpw*-.. � - , ,, � �'. , , Great Kidney Remedy - ill Ift ­ - . . I . I I.- . ;. ,�, �, 1 lelfti when t . thro4glt t1ke alimentary trnQt with . well man and I attr1linto It all to Oil Isay'lli"t Of 4 -small 00 'It "Oil, , � . I __-­�,, � : , .... . , —_ . , .110 jjr,jnny o0ato 'and, . Dodd's Xldnejr Pills. Thal's from. A wIllolk It' lyty"140 Ill 4t,dvalleo. I I . .4iN .. . . garm are mided Out, anil %brawo prealealy Vie sicow results, It has . poollinuater, a inaii, who undoubt- -*---.-- . I . . . I . Pago Metal Ornam-eW0 FenCe away. Wholo WhIccat flatill. I.% w1kito itleo beeil found, frolia numerous ex - 9. I I I - I -lie Inner hmany oon%ta, pi . �rlmaAta on hisman bI tha,% I Conquered. 04Y XllOWfj* What 'he to talking I Stoopliog ril(ler 1,11ro. . If.,Indaopic,dumblounalow-prlced. Opeclally suitable for front flour pluo �l tbeire Is ,not . no -much (god, absorbed about, wid there's uo, uncertain I g he It S lit. I �14 � - . -1 - eupw1ililly the alourcm layer. Graham from wbolo wheat or graham flour I sou'ad al,bout wba[t We says. .& voteran Alt,vatioin t G t It ( : - and dl*loufenci)-)Intowx)lots,cemetoricalorob%r4s,oto-Retaft - fWaIr eoji-,6,;ts Ol -tliia cistira grain I In tha Ta,ansivital recetitty hal I t1lat , for 20 CF.NTS PER RONNING FOOT. Jrushloboul; - � brand AA from white. 1,)Dr instance* I Chas . . Ingram Cured 1110 tvmptatl"�'l to .-I wivIn, 11.111 . thochoo.postiesicayo4ca4yutup, WrItefortullpartioulaim , grouall up, a visnibeir of peopl,3 were fed on brea-4 der fire wtvs allaI IrrealatIble, aild ; !!! : : 1. Use Pago Farm Fence and Poultry Netting, � Vltaalt 1jr4I 4W more ,nearly A I Reliable . Men Tell Of "gore's oae from at, Toronto man. - Tile ftgo wire FeAcii 0o., Limited. W4*orvMo, 0AI perfect wilon, and will maintain And M111" 4sid,by a0urate pllyvlokbg�, Charles Ingrain, 38 Humbert street. that that accoI ter so, joituy P 1111,10 longer Zblaa any QUIer oinglo IC41 0=10ftl luctllOd.q, It wall f0,046 Role a aLonemason, And well known Ot t1wh baAl woutl(14 recelvea by raw , �� I I _1 . � llosstroitl, r4, and 0-7011A . . . . . X B. I 1`00a; h0I Its tifilb-110 f0rluill'90011- tbat on viat average En par oent. of Victorie's Over the rmrults. When i;. m: -in happolle 10 ' . . . - - __ - �., . . . . . . - I limong 'Ole w,arkIng Mon. In vile . . . : the protein, anti 07 per cent. of the I 'building trAIdO. k430 .'Iybalt 131-0 04YR: bel lilt 10 a .1400I pos0re the pro- I -.---,- . � . - OtIDWI the protolds (gluteu),aull � , ; - Us elsorgy yfolding portion. thecar- siarbohy<%ra,ta of the best w1bite flour 'For tola yofWa I Ilmye been. Irou- liability IR that the bullet lyaoqes liahydm-Teu (atawth) axe, nearly Ili Me, In Whole wheat'$0.5 Pell . Dread Disease, IbI04 w1th "Cli'n filist stages of riglit. through tilo bodiv, frolix. on(! to AL19M;V-164%MM14-T- -Ca-Nr.Q,B-rKM tjio proportloing domandoil by t1to IQ131;WV!c,1r11the protein. and 94t per cent. DI � Disease. I tried several and. Oil tile other Itan(j, I( lie 1-1 Cp ANADIAN . P A1113.17111i BI,MQR.bJE.N1j 0yetom. The hurnan tmly demanAs of tl)Q carbohydrate lhp digeoted , . other medicines. lift could uot o t 'Vtftn4Ing Met, the clianceff are in ^ CUEPTA1314R, . M 1-'1kLTlIY OROWTH from the fooil dtk"Jy oI L Mma W.11110 In hain bre4d. oiily 77.0 per' lro, o1A ine to . ''old, . 40 RIGINAL 141,1..A.T.Ujij,�-j of protein, 50 gramis of ;111(1�� 'Wra I - (7rout Afall ais4 Rmp ) It cured. A friend of mine 1; ge favor 01 tl.D wound being .slight 14. 4'034�" A It y rat and o0at: of tho pIrotells, 444, $81-:3 per So gren't llws beou tile I , I voVllern are well rt�waro, of this, A6 OTIVBI . . 11--.5 UM . 450 giwssa carbol*drate- In 3.00 omit. of Uo garboliyOrtktis to 411 - have isHed ' and, . I RIOR 31,13RIT, . . - Merest In four boxes and am., now cured of w): 40 the;y NV Ill (h."j) flat, they never = Z. AWORATIC E: QUITl.tDLr, RATE;4 . grama 14ro-Ad tlicro are 7.8 grame of IlMsted. . - I I Torasi-w avor tile auro of Bright's -I Aftor a isoldlin, has been in I DON L � . r4 011)XIIIJE R111VORD anslmflnj�'bo protain, 1.3 Wrauis fat, In One case, foi example. a otudenb Disenee, roport(xi, from 14hubanat"10, V140 tirllt stages Of Vallls,' . a few engngemplitc; lis lenrito suell ^ IMIRART.4, . � ` . r 1,&.,NQ that to Nova Scotia, that a reporter yesi.cjv� USA mi. carboI aged 23 was fed ass,bread 1444a from day YJ,--lted the boad office of 111a (6 (A. .H. licill, clumd, ,trickg, and, ao, rar as the rest of, It M ONE, 1,411011 I . . W INANCIALLY F:OITN'l) plot fl�o nemssnry 11'rad-unt of pro- � floul. and wilk, f6r a posce - I Co., 02 Youge Btret,t, Wtter,li IDUHL Of the 11ftOrnoon fatalhat. Th(,ro is Iliothing strang;.( Cp r,r[I.,�TNABLr, . ,)cat,] it ulan 1voinid bayp days, gaining two pounda Ili �_ .Vedlulsw 11 I could go oil, ohowAng yoll Bins- IR concerned, lie 'becomps, simply it ve 1�.,-�,C, lm;�� U',QvI.mW0x.1AT,lU- Will froan 1) = Toronto, -to 11-tscartaill tile view" of ar * I All-IRRI'Vii'VI-11 RITU114 to eat about 1,305 grama of bread ' welght Ili thitt time. llecomiumod 1.9 . tilse ulwilageillont oonaernIng the case. 13LIL I'll jil4i; give you on& more- about It', for allneot all 1110; oxi)-t-l- M `4X,w,OTNFAJiir,N' I M MIRWIMONAL INDITIETvI -jabout 3 pouts14-i-0, (lay% This wouhl poull4lAr or bread And 4.3-4 poundip of , tic foulla tJte-managpment, eAtililled, thatt of Q.11, Kent, of 40a Gilmour oncsg appear to lend color to that = N'-,jR,kIjLj", .1 14 ATIONAL 11.T,,'l?1ITATI0j.j give 3Zi grani.,; too little fat, anJ milk pva, dAy, d1goNtlug 91.6 per cent. fl. btit by no ini-aum r,urprbsed. iI 01,ta,wa, Ills was a most 4100trIne. For Initance, bo rarely V_ p,43.ENV,E;kf,, vp� li..FINIT,N PC, N L,:1qT6 2-10. gramis too much carboliI of the protpili amd 90.7 per oent. of . . , re- InuI lie ban . ,111,1) 10ND TO NONF, . -1 (warbohydrate ary th(v ea,vbohy,dvato of liv? broad. Num - "No," wai; t1to ilasawee lie re- roinarkabla paiw, Indeed, so do(I )vT soon men P;t .j.,,jj&pj- ., - )nit 0.w* fal an. . . to t e id It real , --,% V U I I hoth energy formpro, and to a cor- erons experiments always. yleld ox- . ,pol,tiArle iluphtlon, "We are not Bar- mitrkable that Avie afterwards got ly Full Information choorfully givon. Orga.nlzera w Lnted. Apply to vitlior ase, au . pl�ksed that tile plibilo. generally at,(.) blin to isia,ke Jilts statellI ulkler 8Q10111I Als If they h0l reached for tain oxtent interchangealile. the vn.o I UctlY tJl =0 rO Its. , orood to tile co, -kth before it, gativyy thr, bullet. In fact, the .9trang W. F. X-ONTAOUNI, Grand Reearder, 107ullion; or statIOD from a 0tandard diet Is not - Obvloukly, then, anyone who says . wt, lengt1l b(-Ixlg I 11L,Ijj� o. .1 . pubdiu, ry -o - ,tinuall . eat W. P. CAINIVAELL, Grand Organizer, 11'amilton. -nw,tinatively recog- . taint whItO bread 115 PGOr food Is Bim - 1 61011 tnat Dodd's X14ne'y Pills will Uv. Xent to a printer Ili tile oin- thing as icon y happelilng, I grekV(7� We have i 0 known . ,ploy of the Amdrlua,u Bank Note Cow- ell aPP'1rQntIY thO 11�11'0 ,vIlbli, . of . I Dawl Itilleae facts by OI our bread ply Ignoran-t of t1;e Is6bj6ot in ques- , Cure Rxight-o I 'Isan 0-3�, we hav Not Far Wrong. with buitter-& fa,t-or, taking it ti0n; exPe"ll"I'lltal evidence I?rOvea It for a lOiDg tiI ourpcives. The par- *,I,,,tlny. He auffered for four 11710111,1119 el)UP-CM- � Are 'Professovs Always, tit happy. I U ahr-POI You. think girls have a , rMv story ]a told of Bliotti§ trans- with milk, ,which ealitalav ,it Jar& that.white, br(m;l yields eight, per kar cure Is oi:l.,- one of many of which front BrIgill'Is Dist"e, tr,nd -Ilail Act - - "Ion lnt� ti%e, In-dian language of amount of protela and fat, or cilt- cent. mare isourlAininit to the body ,WA,cun rurljj.�ji proofs. ' ally reacaetl the staige w,hen the (loo- PLEASE QSAR IN MIN(D tilat & slilf, tPippy faculty for sitying tliv. ri�ght lat to)!$ decit(red, lie cotild not live till didenue may be btxt at oynilitolki of 0 D- th'al grallain brval, whIcit Is suade . A speelitlibV6 V'rescription. Ill VIM etwo otililAellient Ireft,verlad blood. thing'? � the passages from tile Bible, -1 The big It I%YltlX all o$0, W111011 ,19 Pr4 . tho next morniag. While -010 Borrow- witli %'Venver1ri Syrup dalIV. 0. corato -go-can't say. I nover saw a'�tnp- mother of 8isera lookod. out attho vead and fat. from. the W11010 Wheat; Dot only (io, . "The troubinu in"timse cures.have Ing wgo waIlteil oy his beilsdo watall- py faci.1ty.-Yale necovd. I wIndow and crie(I ilircgigIl tile lilt- Brown brea4s are jurerlor to white but the bra,nny partioles, by Irritat- been madeibY whtut Is termed & 'Pat- lag rot! 1,110 oild iler eye olianced"to, 11 � . ­ ­ -'-----'--- ' I tLe." Not knowing the Indian word bmad, becaus-1 flicy conta,in lutiell Ing the Ititestinal. wall-,�, find thus cot inoI Had they been made by fail on nit advertisemesit wlilch.i,uld 11fixed the Instruments, 11 i If you are for .ila.t.tlo"" 11:i tried, to get tile IeI avallaillo nutriment, wefght for PrOluotIng p�,:rl-tal III hast(jis otber Sk Valyoiuhw� ill the regular way, and L looking for a. Indta,nu to ll,�lp him out, and des- W(Aghrt, than it doce. Toxf-hoolts food,s too rapidly through 1410 intes- . � , thlit ljoa(ra jtidnc�y I-Illis woulLi cure Pelostrlanj; in a certain provincial rel cc tine, so that complete . absorption - liji,physiclan IsmLl been able to tell DrIlghl,"P. Disease, , \ I . home a n d arlbed a wIcker frainework. I In- and medical men reftionsly t - . ojAAtjy . ,now- Ijo.Drought them about, 4,AA a dt.tyw0allig man, grasps at a City re0antly Were much puzzled py Ole 'i'lErn WES r Want to vir,it (JItills thlouglit they recognIzed his ato tit* istatement, (Its-proied y1ears -navnot thke place, anti considerablo , I 11 ,OeT woull have been, talked of learn, straw, so this despairing woman tin old ,"-Oman who wa,s playing a I' , " " , , , , "' '' t1lQWest YOU` m4o&nliig and gave him tile word. � ago, Viat tho btsst part of ilip loss occurs. Of courst�, in co,r�aln at- edly. XroM, oue end of the countgy 'to Igr.11spwa A,:i; this last clianoo to save barrel organ. cam -do, so With Very little f,XpansB Afterwa,rd P,,Ii(yt found tIXat lie b -ad wheat grain L9 milled out and thrown fections of the allmentaryLiract tjjt9 , the'other. ` But ,wliess peopid --talk hew nuloban,I life. A inesseI -was At Ono end of the in,atrumeat she as tile UNION PACIFIC will Bell meAe the motilds. of Sluera cry away in the bmn. Tl*re 10 absolutely increased periStalsIs Is of benefit, and qbOut out- oures there Is a -tendency had patsted this notice. One -Way Colonist PI'lakets E V through Vie eel -pot. A similar dif- no foundation for tl'O Wild a' mally people takeF -I, a dru,ftivt roused out or . A" . E,F�y alms .browll,br6ad for Ito aity, 'Oil, that Is only A patelit proolirec "Help the Biln DAY aX the following rates from ficulty In .coaxl?39 a definition from made J)y the -whole wheat title reason. As wlth every otber food, L ' wedwinit advertisement.' � L jilis ,.bw. a box ol j)odd's 10duey Vills Beneath this api3eared a, second ap. Missouri Myer, terininals: cra,n*k: In feet, all t1sta evId6neo Is In eat wliat agrees with you ; it is Iltor- t4II f6ract bought, allut -the dying mangivell his Peal: I UN"4114 SUNE 10.TH. the antiftored wAs met by a school fa,vor of the white artIvIe.' ally a, fact that "what Is One's meat . ! .that,Doddio KidnCy firpt dose, Mimi; .dose bvougiitum hu- ,, teat,olfer, I �, Pills arek tile 1110 work of st, doctor, vemen.t. Oadua,lly the -pain oeased I am the -father of.eavell mother- $2.15-00 to San lorAncisco. Los She was trying to make the chlid- it ia true. that WhQle W.J eat coll- -may. be anothet'a polrion 11 I I I ,piat tbo,v have beanL uniformly sue- pro . less ,chil4rono, Angeles and mally other California word "bovine.,' . N ' ' .1hu"ina &I- . ii4ad liWtll returned. It took seven- ran n tallits more, protein than wit te flour, P00 woikinginan 'Clen. -not tatosful In troating till. diseases of the teen Wxes; to cure Illin. completely. The old 'vrosnom wore a pair of blue- pollylt-0. - . 4% applies to an animal," a Iv3 but theta, "we lIva not by what we ways -has demanded, white broad. Ildfileys.1 and thut� the only'feliture Blst ,Lba,t,ls se,von years ago, and 116,0 spectacles, PellInd *whloh her eyes UNTIL APML BOTH Bald-. 'Tan any one tell me w1lat eat, but by whait we digest." We call, As tho great pby3Io,0a;lst Isuage,lin- I 11 lial they ,differ from regularly belen wGrkilig every day since. Surely were completely IsIddels. A20,00 to Ogden, Bait Lake City, aptinat lip, I 8I jjny, but not digest it. The Taut, V,M�Ined, rrOW a 1 Mverted Instincf, but obtalned medical advice is that the I � A fow streets farther on the m7s. Butte, AnaGolida aml Helena. )f confess- 10, t,bat the pro.toin In tile because lie has found by experience ^ Gare like thAt is anougli to make There was the silence ( It.11 fivIoWiptIon of a specialist Is glvL%n' t.ho. �wlbcjq worldl believe thiXt Dodd's tery of the Iniscription VMS cleared $?_�2.50 to SI)PIcane and wanat- ea* Ignorance. Vto teacher Wgan to bran am(i so-called aleurow, layer that he "can work.bi)ttar on ttlsO public at popular, prioeg. � Kidney Pilifi; will cure Bright's Dis- up, for there mt an old man 'turn. obee. thTow, out leading hints. . : . . Ing Muelo Out of anotli an as $?Zj to Portln)14, Taconia, Seat- ____ ._____.___ - I - . MI . . I I I er r "Tho animal that gIvej3 Ila meaty I QuUl be your sufficient warrant. ft" � : , No Room i(or Doubt. , (IllapIdatea ft"'I ,the 0,11.8 11119so' faint tic, and many other Oregon and Mill silence. + **"++"44++"%%+"+++++'+++ seal t . "Now, you, ]lave seen the psrtlan- Where the TroubLe Lies fitraAlis could almost he heard from WaishIngton polnI "And sb:,Des,11 friie a,luea. + on follow the nalnes of the lal's In .the Parker caeo. Nobody can ,,U)Ije wjjoja ttouble tv lit inaking up the street. - From Chicago -and St. Louis pro.- _N -O light l puzzle(I j DEATH WARRANT I F� � doI for till inatant tbat,that *was people believe. %jIlls lip a skeptical age. He, too, wore glaisges, and Ills or- portlon-Ately low rates are in ef- N * membowCjor the 110I of Commons . z yeirltaple casa of the incurable, I. t - gan hore, this -14 gen-d : coun"nances. Iso signed Charles Ile. de4LJiL war- utied to be, 111. you see It. ill the I,a � fact by lines connecting with tile "And th:t) 6traps that yon carry I + rant. Bra,14hnive, the president, Brhglj�,s Micaso, neltlw.r can any- pors It's true.' Nowadays It Is 'If Yell "Hell) the B111100' . Unim Pacific. 01' CHARLES 1. 4 ' .. One d-o4jit that the cure -wa,q offec- -D d6n't believe It.' And under It: * I your books InY + signed firm. Thi,,)mao Gray wassee- see It lit the papei i III Kidney :Pills- and by If we could bring the people here one The UNION PACIF to has a.loo ex- "Oft, I know, I0 cried a young ,j, on.d. and the name of 0. Cromwell tea ,,Dy Dod( "I 4m tile mother of eaven father- tended territory to w0lehl round voice, with, explosive pagerneils. ,0.444,0P4.,:,+.,.,e,,4"44+++* ...... + no Ot7tor AgencY� Of course it tOOk at a time and- lat tbem read these let- I-eeg children.,' appoars. thisxl on -tile Eat. t-4me aad ,pongamrance, bat tile P4- ters, or bring them face to face with .!A m1an Mopped. -up to -blin and said: - trIp Elbliveseekers, Excursion tick- "Well, Samos, whiat animal to It ?11 now.ara nayner, a member of tile rillwo warrailts were issued for tent wao in the last stages of the the men and women who,wroto them, "Look hore, my friend, next time et,*1 will be sold, .as follows: "Faithler IO -Youth's Companion. Bialtjlmore bar, hagg in ilia possession the execution of Charles 1. - One .,,,ROM. MIS . ill,waLge borom. she started to use ,I III ter L I .SrjU.RT RIVElt TBt,MINALS . was given to thin headsmals, and Do,:ji11g%.j<1dpey Pills, Had she start. our. at * ru,ggle, would be over, for tho Yen, ,gO Out You ligti, g,t t is. ITO mAnY POint$ In, Kansas, Nebras- How Cruel. wbjL-j,t parporta to lie the Original � W11010 World would admit that Dodd's sI II. an your orgav, ka, and Colorado; I . the other to t1s,'o officer cowma,ndl� 18� 800110r tile WOM %Vuuld 111I IM11 jr-Id-ney Pills Nvill gure Bright's JAB- The gr!nKl*r Divot lia.ve guessed Tit; -Hit,.. . wwrrant Wund for the exeelition of Ing the troops XL the Tower. It easter a_nd � Mie'reoults would have I . . Me MA'ssy points in Wyoming, Utab, gland. The wa, . ease. I what tho error wa,% for, puahialff Mes Thift-Don't you think my Churls% 1,. IZ1119 Or En s. j.bI <,juty or the latter to -pro- � Lven obtlaIned much more speedllyj . . ­ this ,&aswa baick from ills eyes, he 3Wnitana and Idaho; new -dress is just exquisitey They donment came into hia pomession teat th,p execatloaer In:- cL , vrxljiAr � 'Oct Wia-,j = s u)ts More Cures PI quckly up apa down the To many points in Oregon and ,ill say so. . out, the eessteiiee of the lfoiiso of W F5111118 -01P, 1OV401Y I I think that Commons, which, In this Lase. con- omfev, ,, � , . I . 11 As you can qee, fhese'are only A' stlieeIt aos �r looking 'for a polleemaril 1 a0inI 18I tll.r&ugli some legal 1)uslnesa . One fare plus; $2 for the round - �'Yoti -know of' other caom of row oux-es. of Bright's Disease ,picked 80I 110110, 110 lealled over and � dressmaker of yours could make it hk�-,I trallOaCtinI.- for It client II stituted the court. llt,'_ht's Plswnj�a that have tecil at, rantloDil from the, Many. There road tbO 19igM, -trip. olothes,prop look graceful. la a dmandanT of Col. Lynne. The On tito clocuniont ,qorne of the words eu.L-I..by Doddila Xldney P.Ils ?" quer- are dozens of othi-ro, eqxlml[Y -%a re- "Tila.tfs the Old wonfun all over," Tickets 0-a sa,le March 17, April . warrant was direetetl to Col. Lyssue, art, crossed with lines drawn at right %eI tho reporter. carejully Investi- -k tile glasses 7 and 21. 3I 154 and 10, Sune 2 ' markable, and all lie miktored, replacin, BUYING CLIMATE. aut-Colonel Com- Itil.g.1,,15 to one another. Several tilgna- I 'The mana,ger walked Over to a safe gated and Attested to ,by reliable "d turning h1c,ii Inotrument to j-&jvo. aod 16, 190'k "or to the Lleuten tuves to tbe 400ilmelit are marked In 011ki proallood a I undle of lattervi. people. surely you would think that ,,ShnI mi-,ced them blooming organs For full Informa,tion, call on or Callfornlano axe accused of selling niarrallsX, or To Loth of t1bolu." the same ma-linor. TAN has been ex- volixll.�, thein Z , lv� paid : "Every-� as aoctors can, give no hope t -o tllob* up agaln�*'-Tlt-Bita. address climate. Perhaps It Is som. it IS a It was necessary to secure f roui ptt.lnod in the following manner: - � . , ome of these letWra tells or a case i;hreatened with this terrihic, disease, � . � P.- F. Cail.Ler, T�- P.- A'., 14� Jaries good investmept, It pays better England epi>me family reI an,l It was roared that an attempt of, nrj1,qjj�i;1Ia, Dl,�e.tso eured by Dodd's jisere should be no hesitancy in.glr- A rhilosopher. � BvIkIlog. Tpronto, Canada. ,than buying coal. Open doors, fresh -- ship- might be made by the Kinglo friends Kidney. Plllws� and every ease Ilas Ing Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial.. And , B. CbI G,, AA, 126 Wood- vegetables all the y.ear, flowers and a-moug the conrtento of the be., to brlbE) someone to invalidate. the beer( tborougghly Invvetigate,1 and if Doild's Kidney Pills can cure Wife-­Thore's a ,burglar down In war*4 avenue, Detroit, Mich. , gH,ss all witter a,nd fruits galore Pell to Mr. Rayliter's client was the warrapat by ohauglng its wording. It ver1fled. Let me read yoI a fair Of Bright's. Disease, the most deadly the cellar, Henry. 0 -that, is health and happiness and warrant. Tile dweent of tile Baltl- ,woul.1 be Impossible. to erase any, them. form -of Kidney Disease, 'how sure It flutbIall, my dear, weouglit ART OF A SALES GIRL. life'. ( I . morean from Col. Lynne Is said to woixi without detsta,oving lit paItt �the .. " '.1 1. Y xtoibt. Band Culmd - ", is that they ovLn cure those earlier to be, thankful that we are upstairff. T H B I where la,nds will. produce every- W eetablielled, and In has family elivokered Itues, aud tile fraud would .. ­* 11 4 II "611 - . -I- I- I stal- . Wlf6--But bo.'Il - come up here. . — , . ,ng 'that grol there bar. alWMYU 113011 M tradition -r lit It there -was any .#II qn . ,es,of Xldney,Dlaease, such as Husband -Then *6'11 go down in To Succeed She Alust be Tactnil ' thl va in the Ifiddles that; the death warrant was In the at ouce be appa e the continuity. of I On' I Diabetes, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sci- west, and nearly,, everything that Interference with In6b, oil it. Bi I . . I . etc. lie- the cellar, my dear. Surely, a ton- Patient and Quick -minded. growry in tbe somt-tropics, its ell possession of lids rel6tives. tho ina,irka. e 11 "Gays., - rl�- a.tio4, �?aln In the Back, . . . . - You I 35-1-01fti, - -, room hollso'Ought to*,be big onough The, -warrant hais Do heaiilu- on the . .- , n1 -,I .1q* member, a6f I gIiild beforej DOI XId_ Mato Is worth &ny� man's coin, win- some of the Coms:p6ilers. too, were Ingpliwil2i'I sa I -as in the last q1tat prescription to hold three people witjiout crowd. Occasionally a girl forgati; berself ter vegetableI two crops a Year ma-ttor concerning which, Yr.. Ray- not amxIons to place their signatures , , I f,WZ�J* of - r.,ght,s l9eage. I com- Day 1:4110.aro a speol Ing.-Booton .Traveller. and takes it out on the customer, t nor was setking Information. t1ts - menceell, I fox, �diaoasOs of the- kidneys, and'Iss . . . on he same land, corn and oranges preaence, among tile other on a warrant for,,tbe,Mmth of the mess , odd,s Idney Pills In ' � ' Xlft of England. T,lieli braver asso- , . . - I . and then she is apt to lose her in the same field; English walnuts ol .3-ttly'. 1804,� au L all aj)ont the twelve years they Lave been be . 1. . .1 = Ir t -s �;- Dood ' 330 - roro the public they have proved their 'a olives or - ,.L,wienty J�oxev%� a,*,d bave A BKOTHERIS IMSPOIN -In an Gveng.1%lit on the part of those - clateis made eare thatthe 'weaklings , . . . SIBILITY place, For 4notance, a friend of and French prumos" spa WI to have been the �beis. as tile - . aWier minedy or meddolne of any worth bY ourilig thousands or sur_ . __ . . . mine, tirea from standing all day, Bohemia's hops; to wheat or x , or conscientious men . I . . w1ro paoke,l tha bo.. - 41- PI l,,;:jjt;,e( a,jiti I.fe;-1 wiall, sleep well, ferers from all forms of kidney dis- exasperated by the ,repeated quos- alfalfa; and as il,iry!mrOw, get 850 a The parchmetI badly worn. Fifty catse inight be, should i3jit have theiv Wid I linve a good appetIt% etc., ease. They are no cure-all', 'but they Every =Other Is re8penfilb,18 to tions of some woman -who kept ask- year from each cow, to raise sweet ye.I after its Issuo, ace�ordlbg to namep removed from the. document. "That 11% away Omelk, In :J.801, Hore's do cure all forrn� of kidney disease. -some extent for the health of liar lit- Ing whether the goods were really potatoes or sugar beets -that ia to an- Heaco, the inarks over the namea. , me and xbc public have proved tic ones, andtha prudent mother wl I be able to. choose Along Ithe line' o' triaditler it wao placed upon a c mucit'r.-or letter; from 'the o%me Rob- Ti all wool, finally snappod out, "All I yaI background -to preI it.. The, 013 JaU' U00, bqt'jyeel1L2 and 8 o'clock , ay,s.kiiers athanxithe mean..q for . -ty r your ability,. or ,was , . $ . aliv. except the buttons," and promptly yov tastes o . . -srarrant Is as fol- In the afternoon, Charles 1. , erl; Bond, dated May 2, 1002. You, that. I I V ; PxOtecting the health, .of hdr chil- '�r job. Another friend of mine your experience. (lato line on the taken to a. iscaffold covered with �. -- - '.. I L - . . ... ­ - I droll. For thI,3 purpose. the I lost he L&I are cheap, wit -tor IiI low's * black, before Whitehall. TheteL he ' door two gr ,,no r8 0 ob- came very near losing liar place for At the High C;aurl; of Juatim for UOLD MOD' R616 —TEETH " . Dome quickly placed a .dolutely ,so .f"edfa calk 101110I the same reason,but escaped through soil rich, amd nowhere can a man thin..try-Inge, aud Indythige of Charles wa,s executed. It will be-totleed that _ table with dental Instruments - a with Raby',,j Own �rjabletis. The(M hor aleverness. .A dunopy womari, more easily "got staked." The 91*=rt, Ringo or England J auu- tljere In some discropoacy Ili the da4to dazzling array of Makel-plated. tools. ZalAcit.9 isp�edll� rellevo anti protupt- State le prosperous, labor In demand, of the ,war,rant and flie, facts coil- . Operation 11.evoornied Por tile Bellerit . with lie figure and a rAtinted face, ary 2-ith, Anne, Domini, 1611. The dentlot,.In a -vvbltO coat ,up, iv, curo all .vtornaol, and boweitron- a 1vould-ba coquette, lsisl�ted after a and so rapidly. do things grow, that. nectod w of Pavol-,tu Animals. 1�e of raut . , Mi tile,, asecutlan. as 9.1.4in- I poured. lie took up 0 'tile Instru- �Iem break up ali colde, check llim- long Inveatigation, oil ,purchaulng a a family's expenses a,ro easily arily recorded. . . Pro- Thlo is tho language of the war- - . __ I Fthe latest wifinal to receive the ments. It hald an ebony. handle and I ple rovers, prevent croup, and a certain garment. Tired as ilia girl vided. Until Xube ,10th, rates to . . .. a), workljig on a tile Whereas, Charles extenart, Kinge . . . I gorlolls atteotlen of tile dentist lit four bars of nick � irritation ,accompanying III California, 'Via Soirth,ern Pacific of E i till was, she advised another. garment, nglawl, Is and starideth con- - Xubelik's 'Wit. � tho horso. Already quite a number of ratchet, which crossed 0110 another cutting; Of teeth. 'Paicy are 9,00I for for she knew 'Clio one selected would U1110s, willb4based o(n 916 from CIlI__ viated, �,,Ztayntad and condemned vnivable aullitate,suals. as racing and so! as to form it hollow,,square thA,t childron of .111 agos frow bifth-up- Dot fit the woman,s ugly figme. cago. Write P. D. 0110&te, General of high trintown &lid other high BuilitloXONYS., #-rottl)3g horRes, III liad their grewi.by the turning of a screw, ward,9, and,ars aold under 0, gua.r. 11 This to better for your figare," silo Agent Southern Pacific, Detroit, une- I ' .. I _ . arlines, and sentence was prono Thet violinist Xubollk, Who IF; to damaged mo-larH .attended to, and litt e or bh,r. . ,- . antc-� to contain lie opisto or barm- said, really with a isiallelQuit inton- Mich. . . ( ed againkrt him by this [a symbol , I ,Ing 41ThIs- is lk. speculunj," sald the don- ful d -rug. All mothers ,%v,jio have tioll. (I a s_ � L I the court marr tlioCoizntel,q.gUarlaiine,Czaky, , .when, they snille display gitte "Figure," filiouted ih it supposed to repreoett. . X . , , glaid, tooth. I . 1A I tlgt, and lie seI h to the, I proper uged Ilaby'a Owl. 'flablets ]ftalso tile)a tomer, "Let me tell you, you husay, Morge None the Worse of it. pasbing isouter=3 to be Pitt to death hao a greater readiness of wit, than All'operittion In.horso deti(Istry I size. It fitted, upati, t o alilma Is back and Ireep them In tho house. 917's. that my figure Is better than yours." by the severance of Ills head from be, is usually credited wltl . t. IttereetIng to witlinss. No plan has , tooth nnd held ther mouth wide open, Sohn Wea-ver, BlIssfield, I The buyer was standing by, and the "A splinter must come off berell" his body, of whicir sentence execu- He 014d Played, OAC,aftdrnooni at a had more 6�xperlolico In this unique afforiling a good vlmv, of all that I havo a family of six cillldrll:%11� saleslady, as quick as a flash, rpplied, Ile said, a4id lie took up An Instris- tion yct romalneth- to be done. fesolon thall Dr. 'Al-aller, Nlvh* la)r. withliv. A 1groOm took hold of i 11 waslien's reception 4t ',lie Waldorf- , has have litod Baby'a Own Tablets and "Exactly, madam 1, that is why Ire� ment two foot long, Relssars shaped, Those are ,therefore to will and P�l ended, to Over 25a, cases (turing tjje.� Rpeoultim7whalidle with Ono band I know ll)&t' 101DY'Ut'd tile best Medl- commended this piece." The Astorla, and aftexr,rard lie stood, ra- I 7 , buyer, I tile ladt two VoI Xjet ua follow and the mare's tongue with the eine I hn-vo ever used for lijoy, little who had heard liar roply, compli- ajad Wit -It cutt-Ing edges that were require you to see this sentence execiltmi in the open streets be- they, Ill at case. In it corner, allptit. tli.e proopedl tiga In tits -case of a rac- Other and the dentist examined .the oI . mented Wir warmly on her tact, litter sawlike. This was n cutter And on fore Whitehall upon tlio morrowe A ,yoI gli-L approbabing, Bald: Ing juaro that recently arrived at daniaged tooth. � I � Y&I can got Mby'-11 Own %Ubletis the sale was transacted.-Leallf."s being applied to the tooth It snapped thlb tlilrtictli of this Illate,11to month "Pavd6s) lait, gir.'but youk handker- . . tilb dhotot's office to 'be* operated I frosir 4:1:11y druggl9t or they will be jllosj%h)�y. � ) . off tile spilator as though It bad off January IiI th3 hours Of chint 16 halaging out of your pocket.*' -was pnt Ili a box stall 'steep over It and you will collie , at pct,ld, at'25 cents itipun.'fto to �,olit by mall-po, I been chalk, i I . . Town In tha mornluga and five Ili "Mhaink-y(nit" ,said Rubelik, 11thank asild In t1jo paesage,way a box 1by wrltlng'to tile Dr. Williams' SPRING AILMENTS afternoon of the same day full you :for this 4vArning. You know, the . , outside .*bar a resolution.--SpanWi proverb. ­ ,� � � I .1 I .. - I . . I M,edleine Co., Drookville, Ont. , - t1l'a - I - - - ­.. - . ,".... .,­...___.__ ­ I—— _........ - � -11 ­_ ­ . ,.,.— __ Amomg the silver glitter of -the don- effect. And for, see doing this , compa-my better than t! do." � I I . - 1. I . . .? I M.hw PAI I 16,9011,*14 11 �A OkIII I,% I 11.01,1161 I 11 1911 I iii " I )WI,410�ioil!'O,kto,o"&�iil,illlwkml��di4�,m�wj.j d'I . I The Blood Needs Attention at This tal Instruments on ,the table an elec. . . .� ., - 1. ," . I I . " , , . 1. - . Mid Lost Track 017 the Case. Season -Purgatives Should be tric-battary buzzed. 'Clio surgeon �, : . . A Chain is no Stronger thaft its Weakest Link Mho Young woman who, when wked Avoided, fixed to one of Ite Nylrtq a drID a-Dil -1 ii � I . � If sho JiAd read "Itomeo, alld SnIlot,11 . pprin.g is the, goasoll whall 7cur Instantly a hurt, of steel upon the The Twill-viging'Pains' , � and a Wiref0tace Ism Strongerthan its Uprights. replied that- she amil nover read end of t5e drill began to revolve with t -1 I I -Tullet, but Mie t3tought noinoo was systlim needs toning up.. Ili the the current's force cis fast as a air - V � ) I No .oDo should expect xL Epting yon, tnuft Ilave new, ,blood, cular saw. He uppItedthe dr -111 to the I ow - - - lovcly, wao of tbo same tempetament Just as the trees must have litiv tooth. WIth A Jillminjog, sound it dug of 'Khteumatism I I - , lionce to hold up. of itself As a village postinastol, wlso knew or "p. With slow blood you -will feel '+a way through the toriv enamel, . V, between the posts. pretended to know something of 4111 � f ".." : I 4. t. " vprlg4tl.y, happy and healthy. Malxv 0.1*_ ,_ �, , The Prost upFight wires tile (101sigs of tile world, grea,t and � . ii�aking it in a moment quite regis- And Sciatica,, DistressIng HeAdftah63 'alild DiXZY Spells, small. 1. People take purgatiVes In spring, but Ins, and sinooth. I � . , arit large -and strong. The this to a acwtons fulstake, (is tile Tile dentlat cloallsed the tooth Glade Life Wretched-Dootans and Medicinos Availed . �%. ,7,. S01fle WA99 ft -OWI - d 'n0glibbi'llig tendency or all Iiiii,gailves IN to fur- L I + I � 7.t.3'. I 111- llj IV. Vr9st Xoelc Wdu them tOwn who Otrollm Itlito tit jhoriiiighiy�,witli ]lot air blown, from I , " , . Nothing, but Cure Came with the'uile of It. ,��."h ­ " L . 0 POStOffl(lii User weaken the vyiitein. The one anti 1 *The %*%�.� .'s- I - . � , in place and each support iyoo day thought 'they would have Only 6us-0 way. to, got new blood and e, t4yring(%� ji lie took up In a for- � � I , � .11 -, ' $Gmo eport with the wise.ma neW Fareng-thAs in take Dr. Wit- - KAlltdod tight In - . %kv '.. * I . , 11`4' its own share of tha if. cops a worse,I of dental gold. This .�, � - ek. _ . lir ruppaso it's br,itly dead 111, , malleable metal het. .111. -11-i'ver Pills. � . . 11 we*ht. 'Light V6 wirex 11 Ildnis' I�lnk J'Jlla� Thtw actnally to the cavity. and added more an�j tic. Chase's Kidney . . support� Bending to t16 er, Mr. Pratt", Isald Onp. DI now, r1cit red bloi�il-they arn inurn to It, mOlding tile gold DO it - .- Thefrost _ , � Loch give tio : "Well, net 4o dead as you think. I ill() I .. wetikens thern and they itee apt to greatest, spring tonle. ill the I Irstead of giving you reft.son6P wIly duepil In flerilt. And was wriselml in . � . gi'Ec.4" there n-'n't mA1011 goes 00 t'll&t world. Dr. 11711111tins, Pink PUN six"011- grew, till fill'Ally ilia tooth Ivid re- . . - break when the strain is saver6. wo doult Ittar about, evets. if It don't gt1in pI . e amd It o. Dr. ChavM9 1ZIdney-Liver piligglicill(I hettltli and %mirito. �troftwd made. lly 1,106110i all Ppring allmontH. .Uhm wao 6d Its )1)01* alz a aP It - "After uIldergoing trf�tljinent bI , L , I B %lj�ft I #toot Vetice never breaks. happe3i right here.11 r I oil, 11,111te I10l1k.NLt1ltR, N. IN., thell Mod ameoth and polished curep you, wo prefer to quote front two doctorg and tr,ying wany 06- : I . Write eor catalosuo. 0 "Why, you peoplo ,ilon't know the Of 1.1 R : 'it lifl.116 found i)r. Willhanis, i to it certain brilliance and the oper. tile exporlenoo of the cured OU091. AiI And Patent limlit'llirm, 1 al 4ilOn was over. � 'FROST VM PENCE CO. LIMITED, Welland, Ofit., Wiftnipeg. Man. war"" ovor", aidd n,"nothor, fli,111119 Pink Pills it iqil(%jl(lljI j;ppilig 1111,ell- I , ___ Mhiq oI of Mr. IrAinnis was unus- imost gave up Ili 41Npilr. au noite oi . hack on tho Mork exeliallgo PI 6110I. I -.VftH Very much rnn d � I .I �. I -1 - ... Oli,Ymi e,ai't NVork that dI own; Oright or the Military Salute, ually.qeIrlous bI It was of twen- theso did me any good." - , a M " '.1 replip(l tho postilliltdor (* 01, illn leapt ("'Priloll vNitall'sted inp, $%it(l ty years, istanding, anci Ila(] rc.q1st- 1, I-Portunately t lvgan ii-Aig br. J 1.11 64, 1 �,.jokiw,..I AW I 1,160 4`10111111 14.I milc I looking .1. ­ -7 -..,..---- ___ __ , , � - _ ­ rl- I � � ­­ - I . - ... I.. � ,­ 1. � 1.1. I . A " . , , -It's. 111 guo I 11M it 0011stallt fol,11119"of languor ' of wilit,ary II ralslum the - '19-M Ui'1si'i-L"-,I I'l.,14 .01,11k;n.: -1 1, . �N,14,.. .. , .i I , , f4irvwdly Gvpr hin spentm kli Anti SID991HILDN"113- XY fLj)JWtlt(! r -111.0d i r1glit Wind to the limil is gieni�raljy o(A tile efforts ol� two phy4clabsbald ('11 - hol vi I til I It Al't Did ,I,(. Ilk 14, . , , N [I , '11tI With Kit- � �.,.��'a.�..�.�41i�Al-igl�L*il,ll�1414,411LAI�l4�olo.,��..�,�l., - d"10010.1. . R 61-11.. a :%% I fallII tho lim, ino mid my slvep, ut itight wa% ilia- I 1-.q.lip all Isori-o of troaltmeftt. it la Mara- "Itht it I i;,.(*�.;� wils — elloner In the petpers." .4 anti rostlei,q. .'Mor - vNI to 11;Lve Originated fronit tha . J i , , ,nk I ' :Z tuvb( I begall (141,1,l; 01 tJ.0 tournament, wben tile I? another Illusitratlou of ho -W, D11, lie a 1vollilpr. However. t pal;.I K WeGtr . That's 11 the greatest thing), Ili the 7 "Hilt theVo nre II thill-gg that tho use of De. Willfains' 111ink 111110 kr-1,qhts filed pa;st the tbr6 llftiWo NJ-1hey-LIv r Pills retiolf ill' aqlng the'so JAIN Witil thn jillI . ! al'oult In 1110 jtnp"�rs,l bnld Another ill , . no of tile till% wat of di-seai7aild vure When (!it In the thwl 9,N*j),Jr,Ojjj* fit fil � t (Innit ll,.,Ilpv;, you know bf, ore was a tipenlY villingO 1`01' tlji3 ivio-,11 of Irality, an -A by way of pom. luo whe I WOr]a,1'_.jn njivt1ling tilat's worn. You - ttpr, wid after takIng it few boxe.4 iffln-ont. 1,4.'�istml tltt,lr braI to their 0010,11 wall's fall. liedtly twouty year-il. 4w%lidlog 411fe- I get stylej� '9 I ,',tvv(ll,"oll'tll-',filla"L,t"svi"nto '41INI", ared. I bail gaint (I nicely In , U " . �4 I felt litrorgor I 1�111 I buil d0lle foil . brow to impl.% that their beauty was mr. NVIIIIA111 minw, farmer, or nPIX-1 , At alia 11111,01 to . �& Well, vo.,, cald the poptilulater 'IT , I 1, abd Im9nn once lifioro to ell. , , :. 0, ill _: 41141alt know thitt My wa.4 d(Ififl, Ir.1t T '"'Iars. I I I We ila7zlilli, lor 11114,17aded eyea to Vio'cold Town-�hip. near Port Itob- fWSh, eliltnge ,ttil .�, i " 'Volt PAII grf%t T)... Avillinnist, Islilk I P4117AI on. ifho offleor's salutb with I IIIVM, WtIlftild VOUlItY) Ont., ataws, J4),,� 11 I notv %. 0,�' � � I P� : i . I .0 1" 'j"ay . 'I, - - 1� TT t - aaa � , .1 I I I I I I iro I . me -* _Y0110110 Voln1will 1011. . a trord tmv (Isaloto Ili nwilh-It 1. Oil I 041 1MV01NI IIAR It 41011I)IO InCalilliAl. I ill havo been ,911bI to i*vibra and V-0 credit 19 d%IP i( I)r, ('h, $I 06 A by mall __` lit r1l) (Ior% it . 111.1:4? first 11.1-sil loll Ivith t1le hilt Op. clistril-0131rig lWndaellps aineo boyhoc,d, tey-Llvor Pill% anil f .44A&II ,nmer ?,�� "Ifton, Dy "r!""II` " J"'"'d ""'it lv�"k 11"'"f" "(%tty 1()%r-" p", I . an = — I*N" or v1,��li,1R,O"",-;t,r,1,lr A211r)(1, by writ. � lim.1UN tho 1111A 18 a ropefition of tho I arsil In later 11"o thig became CI e0&9!!1 10 fert(A.V-01.111 *1r,110%v, the f., _. . � . I . - � rd 111ftbb .,ax rs so Auddell t Ing diroet to the Dr. Willlitina '�%IX01til- ! ertl.%%,.leI at-Vall ill 1.1i4sing tho crons i lleAtOLI wIth, rhe'uni%ttslur Ana ft'l- -opportanity off6r-.." i 3 livitipotou Tlilet% . pt, `11, Ulld MHOI My lita W49 Dr. Chn's"W Tki I , * . PBut the ii)ne tbing we emphasize is their 13 vllio CO., Ilrov,ki,11le, Ont. T)() not; J�jlt or II!,9 gj%,j)l,Q in t()kOn Of fttIth I 0 le Tho headaches, havo, athillie-I thitr n,,F�Uvcr PON . Mr. Duln1l(,i1(I--N-eI,�oll WaR emning to 101. 411,V dealer pf.r."llatle 'Volt tit ill ke " oill ffoalt'v, whilo IoI tile point , 3VA410 thIvrAblil. vilot,11,01.5 en!e% olc�, ileall,hilt TioltIllilli ,,on wbilldlit. ('11. It iuhsittntf,� �Niiliiitltutps llovvr ture(I afterwitril ImplIp"4 vither AllbliLlisslo'n Vera .l000WV1lsI,%!j with'tlIzzinountid Iw,nu,,,o IhPy. imuce-OM'wllerii ollilb?s woctring Quetlitios. , : I anyolle--thf" gmmlwk I)II1.4 bave cured Or fr'.610I in,anin,p.; lit pither case: IM -1019 Anti I w,wi for ,da3ij 411d fail. 'One pill ti, do-; ;�3 vmli,� .. I . %, .sGit'"by It, ** �g,fvgvll J11IF? ovelling­ - obbers 'wear MI* irom ii; I 3f im 01pnintle ' (r.tiptiirously)-011, hundreda Or thonmanda lit all part& , illat 10 In 11-o loll)xkl� neeI JO 6UM WO&I 11blit 1,09' nhytW9I AS b0I 4t all 4"I'V,P ;*e W)MA114ar), 11 I � I. - I., 11 11 I - --ililikiiiiii(iiii,,Nlk"koohl iiii'miummillilimillikowow IvIllialu I I � of *A world, VKAAd oil gruaffl. i0fo troUble advanef,d I became To- IIII A Co., %)r011to'. . *