The Wingham Advance, 1903-02-26, Page 2� I '.. I 1. �� I I - . I � � . 1. I
� ----_1 - �- -
I � . - - . --111.0"'.. � � , - �. 1� _ I I � . 1"^ ... .. I lii"-!`!tt!"�--_;��_T . - P - � t , ... ___� _____ 1=.! = � ,;! ;;-_�'_ 7 === �-"" 0'"" - -.1 - � - -1 - � —til'o'—residefitil"'Ot
",, -� � I I � � '11 , . �, _L.__.�:_ � _.:.��=TWT=T l_"!'1!r*! 7:7 ___ - ____.___ lv' - , _� - __ ,. ,._�_�,:, � C
____.— ��, 1 ._ -.--- __ __ ____ I __ ___ __ _____�_-��_ � _;_.�,4__-, . , __ Now all( again
lovalities Afflicted w4h .Bilub, liallioll
gi JANVW��j&jjj jc,w. IhNwtwot�V,Viovi"v,Ny,.f",N�'V,-Ilyi� WY,V,,-.O,,Vwoillv�4�vitfwa4yvwivNN�M,fk% nil lily Arm. ".16. Boldly-11%ule Jewd were not all wmw SW_P*00"W*e08" " W"Wwvo w*"*" "-*""* Ili; thinio petition tile powors iji�tt, Ili%
. I V Ito a . _f I11-4 steady ji!t as luirgo I "I to cliangrij them to nomol,hinx bfttti-r
� $ it coulti not came diroctly froill tile ready, even -to listan to announce -
PI -1 I -.*� 11OU" ; It Wn's tot) lavgp, and, IL had 11 moole of Ilia Ap r s $- I flt�j�ejl for tile ordinary dAlly U40 411(l
I ) §� not 4uffIvI,,nt force. It fell moro as slah. Tile ispeakor Who dwelt 041 it therefore Abused 1114 vita
' FUTURE OF WIRE'LUSS IELE40 A 11ye �. watm. tilia froln the olivil end of VISION$ OF THE, N161IT: dais Ily
1 9; , r this t1tome milst be prepared with ar- till (,ulturod 1wriialla In otli(Ir paris
Q. till AaNv!i-i,jiouf, iluring a hq. d rain. gualL.11ts Ila Well as ilourago." Illad of flin eoulltr..r. ulit IL Ili pOnsiblo
I -- k' storm. Lai thii, aw"t, (11
, Lead to an hoard -In tile ayn(igoguo. Took him 11,111-0 plirvoils woul-I
Will th.- Various System 4 , or. I .Q
I �,.'U.,Ikl(,uly jre.,X:I%oQ that IIINtQad of -Porcons of great Ivar"1119 1113Y be I STUFF DREAMS ARE MADE 11"Villpatillim with 1110 Vandals Irthey
.4 being oiil� wal-mit-deep ilia watur was led into tile fight by those In ob- 111) hall JO� wilunivr anti WhiLor AvIth Mol.
aluiumt at n _ .
Filectrical Chaos? -�,,,A 0 0 .,,4 *0 0 iy choot. For A, momont I roure, jjo�;Itjonr, Apollog Kivosproof 440PMWO � It-vilunhellitur III) I AU w4lilookilingunilo
4)f?.kllAki"!�k,Akk,,MIP�N%A.I.Nk""hl.k�3K�l*�??ik�A .�mquyp,plpp MAMMA or Ilia, greatiles'l by showing Ilia will. L$-W.SS**"0&*VVV#%&@*8"WV@C6 , "� and 01, rl" all that
LAWW'. � . , piijq.�Kb? I di -.1 not compre.hend tile meaning of i8i : 11.1tj W .411.,V
(Rltvporl�l Wookly). Ill U. gl%rul; by 241treonf. ,tilt b thIN. Then I grasped Its Import, and Inguess to* recelyp Instruction from I � (inch time that '111) StOPPIXI ItItO thO vyery ililift ihPV Ali-PrO 41HU01 Wllenef4
A . -ifWash- for ill#- 11ru 1.1mo tit, WWII livillblo, people. RXpolluded ...... Wo are auqh, stuff as. droalus are I wery
on the horizon are elgna tit Nvar, t6 t Profenwor It. A Vossol Ion t L at afteritoon real crilivil anti looked at 00 victim, W110111 Lill"Y 0IM10 Or * Wl,ltber thev
: Ingtorl. Their patent a Ileatlonq, toar st+�e'j Itt)0n me. I tried dolipor- ly to wrlts It (ill
- P13 4 , - irture, e,?,r(-fuIlr--AqulIA - and Pris- 1ARdo, oil, 110 r000gilizoil as Mr. Perr-OVIII. A goliig; ]lad PUIlIfIl
very up-to-dato wr� of war a war I 110W lit n -1111g, aro tit 11101 wrmco. It atoly to get up iho uloping floor of '�O 4pollos tile wonder- Anti oar little life Is roundedi with it, )vcf,l( I-ttar Aft'. Parcioval Was killOds Cut (WOr." ill"10 they Feat forth It
, I v trap It war of no uwo I I might '0111" unfolded
for right of way in tile Wier. it, gill I. however, that ProfessopFos- ru, . ful fact of .i. Messiah already come. sloop. . I alto IVIIDII shown the pletitre ort'le,letter or c4 tologram.-Ilochester Do. . A.
. j M1111fen ol'felw Proof of Ill'i Invention, g,till it coupIt, of a' eps, or even three; 11, Apallou ),Iaits Achala (vs. 27, 28). -The Tempo9t. -lie W11*1ama Asserted that every Intoorat. � .
The amazing muccesli of Signor improvements. a year In advancl) ilwit back I still. Over And over I " I . ro( .
Uarconi, In crorWag tile Atl3tltk�iorr I& Ircolit's nppI,;c.ZtIou- If this Is trl.,tl It ; anti wholl I gave It nil tile .7, JN�ns tilsposed-11I.P.h.e original ex� Are future evento foreallacloweJ Ill detall of It was aotually seen by film I .
)roasos more Ilia)) AT) inclination on dreams ? Was, Xinioption rl,glit wilkilk Ill his three dreams. 0��1%0N-10___"%^^01%V�%01^
liai NtIrre,,i till al, ho;A o� rivals, aild: tract ,ill I FvNM-WIPI1 WIAN, 00 M tr- watpr was nearly even wlt4 illy clona SAW tile 0%r%#%01^11%rW1r-M 11)
-irly c:in do buslile.,isavross rhoulders. , lie wishod to go" Into lie said: "Notiling mora Q:Gsely re- Napoleon at St 11 .
between thiv corintry and L'aropo', Coil! Comp A.hz)n,1_t8f which Corinth ;40 %lie semblas tile death of Man than sloop, ghoot of JosiNphloo And talked ,with
he ie twenty jtIr.5 AtI.1,11tic, only with Profee-;or jjy I, t a Impetus ilia streara above capital, and It was Corinth which lie buft It Is in aleal) tha-t tilo soul Of her Ili it (Irviln). alia warijoil him Ito
.. I 1"v000n4en's Permission, for, so far, me foil a little to one side of the [[ZThe filarkets.
systems struggling for ece-loncz decided to VIRIt. lie May appears. most divine, anti It It! was soon to tile, it warning that Was L . I
And %lie lawsuit" have, dl�_1'1111.' I I no, other form of reettivvy has been contro, and I Was spared receiving directo to 1:1113 field or labor bly, = that It foresees something W soon After vertflOd. _,%1_%~%^^*�0%e_%_~%^^ ::j i
. lu" � 1bl" ,
In thl'i country tile (to h urest co 1 FItOwn cnP- O*t taking 01guals tilt' '1011190 oil Ply hend- I got thO Aquila and Prioallift. .tijo fqurg, Ito%, tbaij, as It soems, It Blachor told the Ning Of Prussia ,^^^^O-�^e#-,-.-.--��%O%ow%o%,%�v
sirict, a dhitalloo. Pull nailer my feet and .thus raised "S. Allglittly convillood-Soo R, V,
pany ji buing tile Uxrcoiii Vorall-ttlY Icy" frorenon, m-,. muiiLb a foot higher above the l. Is atost at liberty 21, that lie had boon notiflott 01 Illix ap- Toronto 10allitiertO Markets
t(,>rtLinitilouiaoitt)rtedaalttgQ Wv cor At present itio pr,%0tIN%I (it . (4-11c, powerfully confuted the Jews, This question 11410 Occupied tile proacillIng death by tile Apparition
I betwevilt al, the d2fit-rmit, '10"FitOms" waipr. There wits a gleaut f3f hope. anti that pjjbjl(..Iy,1l allowing by the � 11 Ages. F eu 10.8.-Griadal x-ecelpts were
tain stateilumto said to 113YO, isks"I'll: 0 m1nds of pliVosophers lit It of Ills entire family, 110 L11011 VDrY onuil'or Sarturday, w1th no changes
from the Mi,rootil COmil.111Y. Tile! narrows down to thO que4dnu of Porliaps the Witter would ocaso t 01.1 Ti-stanielit Scriptures, which the Lord B,to,ghnia considered that
But Pror. Fvrffinan run lit. But as the flood Jews received as Inspired, that Jesus dreams; by the inconceivable rap, Abraltain Lincoln has left on re- of 4.00 Ullialliels of whilto At 7?,I�2%
latter replica by a suit for Infringe,; re, (LOIN'1111Q. d Braun, crawled soon Afterward. In pirl,ces. WbrAt I.f; Nteady� vVith sales
]X.Ont agillast tile tie Forcwt Volu_! of Sf,rnssburg, Germany, aI)nOlIaQOd slowly up to my shoulders again, I waa tile Xe'44111 11 anti that they ' Wuld idity a their action-tilo evento of
pany, anti asking the latter compally I!t�41 wi,ek tIpj,t ho Ila(] found a imw grew tit; frantic as haters, Each be saTod Only through Him, 1`TIIJ8 card scoyral curious dveam oxporl 500 bushels of rod wInter at 7-11-2c,
ln�,thod of sending the electric -Waves, mont-he VeIng often lived through by
tot remove Itself from tile earth. It � little rIpp!o As It touched me felt they refuso,l to 40, =4� 'vs knew the tj,o mind Ill a dream ,of less than two oncies., ITO had undoubtedly had a 'IOU bush. of goose ivt 08a, and 100
,he Marconi lit tiny desh-ed VOIlInIO, and (11"NANI like the eight legs of a spider or ent of Ills Assasslobtioll bush of ,splringjall 71 to 72c. Rye,
ill to be noted that If t � to a'gIV(,II 1-olat of tho Conjp�1,8.13. Ing, neaver my face, cap" consequence. Their city Was sacked, allnuteat' duratIon-prove,t] the Intle- Ps'llaPIAIIII, firm, 10 v 's oolliair at 08 1_2e�
Company's claims -,ire upheld, thi-I ; aling, and � thpli- tomple burnt and more'than a pandence of the min,Ll and Its capa� for several Years before It took -Igod, Boo buallois
Those are very I shouted nail screamed Again and million of tl em wl city to exist without ilia body. Ills- place anti Ito alluded to It In line
broatl ell I ore killed and the Barley is anchan
- �m (�M_ i furth,-r details'arp being awaited by sellin�g tat 50 to 5140. 03A4 Weakqr,
,vill raise, hob with 'Lily dsylltL again, I tossed up bits of charred rest soattered oviir -the face Of 1-11*3 tory showe that iclestirces of fate have, of Ills public Addresses and told It
ploying tile colietror principle as 11, i svit titifIL lilen with the deep -out In- with sales or 500 Dwrliels ait 87c.
receiver of the mowages. The do 1 vood, crazily hoping that they wou!d earth." boon flushed upon tile SOUls Of Mail to Noah Brooks, one or Ills bigraph-
Prof. Puplil. of VOlUmbi-3, Ili some way find all opening and III. Paul arrives r rearn or
� terest. I it nPlIaBus (v. 1). Huy quiet and firm, -with sales of
Forest rceelver op-1rates on all Ox- I er: J. -Its Pro", Brami. with having done through the madiam. of a d ors, who lAvoo it In PrOsIdent Lill- a, ton, for
AOtI.y oppobite, principle, howevnr 1 rise as it signal to the friends who 1. Came to Epliesus-In acordance
jil'tt, ill- most Valuable work Ili Wireless vision, and no less un authority than coin's own Words: timotbiY, taodi rut; $5 to $9 for mlNed.!
and there seem.9 little 111;('14100d, � tf li'l,".1phy afLer �ijareoni. Anytlillig were unwittiogIX killing me, Each irlth the promise Made them When Colerictgo says the suporatition of "It was just after Jay election In Straw Is nominal. .
it will be shut Out. . I h-- linn to ray, therefore, will b*k re- plece fell back- as regularly as It return Ing 'train Ills F-ecolld Missionary destiny signals Ill dreams is natural 1660," fault] Mr. Lincoln, "wheiii tile Xutijor ,,ijuid fair supply.
In Gortuany tile Slaby-Arco and ' wits thrown. Often they Were too journey (011ao, -xvIll. 21)� "Rphosus o riot rrjils, Tile Bible part- news had boon coming Ill thick 1111111 Tile bowl; roll butter sold, aft 1%) to
, I light even to reach the covering of was not only tile capital Of tile pro- instances In
- ,y.,,�,,,tfu 3- listened to. The sparking t orlous go=
m3h, . lo,ill 'tile electric t� i4vely affirms numerous. ook , _.ggs ab 1.�>o :to 22c.
the Braun li�.�temti have had acl. of produ4ni; he cistern. Vince, but War the City Of tile great- fast till day, and there had been a , %aij 0,
wItli a recent victory ter the lat', waves does seem a rather a-ulo tie- eat Importance ill all Asia MInor-a willob great 'I'lorrab, boys,' so that I was per dozen for now laild and at 14: to
ter, that it doca not infringe 1,1113 i vlve, and We may hear any day of The Witter was lapping my neck splendid city, And the emporium QT 10jittivt., IrvejIls wore Forosl;udL1j,'*'t1.(I weli t1red out and went home to ISo fo;r- hiald abocr&, I , 'L
Rjaby�Aj,co dovicen. in France tile I A, new alethott Which Would quitu 1 when I thought or my bicycle wrench rest, throwing myself down on a Dressed hogs aira firm, Small lots
0overnment has practically con- I trade Ili the east. It was called one namely, idio drealu of FlIate's Wife,
I VeN-olutfollize wireless. i and my knife, I got t1lom from my of, the eyes or Asia, Smyrna, forty which sD troubled her that she tried lounge in my chamber. OPPOSItO of light jolilling at $8 to $8.,25, and
flocated wireless telegraphy, 13cl Hoanwhile, what Is 901119 to hAP- pocket, and threw the knife. There
that the, stock -boomers there have !poll When a dozen different sVstvMs was weight t miles to tile north, being the other to provont the condemnation of where I Jay was a bureau witht a Neavy At $7,GO to $7.75.
0 that; It carried well, of a 0 -, And Waiting Following Is tile rango of quota -
I 0 a In I, Tile city stood Oil tile south I ,
act 41ad much of a chance. Italy" aro shooting lip polp.i ;tilt] bonibard- but irben it stru k ti b r and It Chr st ; -tile dxcam of Ablinclech, In owing Ing glass tip a It
t plain about five Miles long from east Which it was revealed to, him. that In tuat glass I raw myself refJc0tOd,,tIOnv:, . .. I f I "If
proud or its nativle 9 -al. -8. seems to! In,,.4, space with electric waves? I dropped back into tile wa,tOr With a to west, AaLl three mitea broad, With he had takOn AbradIUM'S Wife, WIIIIG nea;jy at full length, but my face Wheat, white, busliel, 72 to 72 -.t2o;
h up W tit rconl, And: cannot but moan ilia most IiOPPINA hopeless splash. The wrench was my tile Icarian sea. an arm or tI%Q Ali -
tile English Uoyerament haa al.00 co.uruslon. There can 11.-� Ito 1110110- last ilope. I the dreamis of 'Jacob, of Laban, 09 I noticed had two separate and dis- red, 72 1-,20', sprlag, 72o ; goose,
equipped many of Its war-BbIP9 With * pot,%, In wireless tele,graph,y. That Is : . golin, on the west." Joseph, of Pharaoli's servants, of the t1ciot Imageg, tile tip of this, nosof of GSj -, oats, 87c; peas, 75 to 78c ; bar.
Maroont Instruinenta. In America set tied. Tile field Ili tree to all ! I voNod myself its carefully as I IV.. The baptism of tile Holy Gilost Allolitilites, of Solomon, of Nobutillad- Ono being About three Inches from ley. tio to 51a; buckwheat, 50 to 51o,
the lead In thiq line seems to have, I comers. Auyboav with a common could, and then twith all my strength, (vs. 2- 6). uezzar And of ilia wise men all proved j,.ho t1j) of the other, I was a little rye, 50 to 53 1-2a ; flay, timathy, per
bkmv secured by the de Fore,;', 11 alternating dynam') or till Induction 11-al"POrcd by the water and by MY 2, Tile 1101Y GhOst-Paul was 11 to be of benefit to the dreamers. And bothered, perhaPs startled, and got tonp $12 to $15; mixedo $6 to 0;
Holy G -host lireseher. His first W111- In jo,t6 xx\IjI. - tt'ja stated that God up and looked into tile glass, but strair, $S to $9. Seeds, liar busliel-
,iyatem both the War Department i coil call set up for business, or to unuteadY foothold, I tossed the lit- . . Alsike, No. :I, ,76.75 to $7; ,No. 2. $0
. cOmj)ett- 1 upeat somebody else's business. Tun- tenoe brings these unenlightened dIs- calla men to repentance by visions. the li'luslon vanished. on lying down
and the Navy having, after tie Place of shining steel. Straight cipler face to face with the deeper to $6.50; red, clover, $6.50 -to $7.50,
tive, trials, given the contractis to ' Ing, or syntony, Is no duubt possible as a, ray oir Ilgirt it wout Into tile things of God. cijt wag tlie common The old Greeks and Roman$ were agaln I saw I,k� a e(i.,cond tit -no, plain- timotily, $1.75 to $2.50� ;Appida, per
the latter company. 1 wi hill limits, but lit �rezent those Point where tile strearn or water was firm believer& In tale signifloanoo of er, if possible, than borers, and than I bbi., % to $1,75 .1 dressed hogs, $7.50
But by tar the most interesting 1 limits are vague. with Any exte Ave privilego or the disciples of Christ to dreams. "Dreams descend Ir011i JGve," noticed that one of the faces wl
. flowing Qirough- And as the pall receive lint only tbe ordinary graces, a' to fS.25 ; 'c�;j& nc4wij laid, .20 to 22o;
polpt is tile question of transocoanio its i of Wireless, there Is �ound t"o' be slid from nlider me a -lid the water but also tile extraordinary gifts of wiys Homer. Cicero dreamed that lie a little paler, say five shades, than butter, dairy, 16 to, 200; creamory,
signalling. Marconl1a recent MOsaages a mix-up and a gay eve. saw tile sons of the Roman Senators the o tb or. I 90t, up a -ad tile 21 to 25a , chickens, -per paire 750 to
wo sect, red by 1 Iti'll,Lt Will thip. Iiii-vvyors tie ? Nobody 1 closed over me, I knew tll,qt tile till Holy SPIXIt; and thus the dis- called -to Caplidl Hilt to meet Jupiter, a -
acrova the Atlantla wc wronch was not going to fall back, olples of Christ differed from those thIng melted way, and I went off %..55 ' par lb.-, 10 to 12o; tur.
magnetic' known much about tile ether, and and its t1hey passed before tile great and in the excitement Of t ,y a, `p'et' ailb'.'," 1 5 t o I 8 3 ; p o t 4 o a s, 1) o r
means Ol wnat lie calla a Where had It landed ? 11ad it risen of John." Tile genuine disciples 01 tie hour k,
detector. For long-distance Work,: nobio-ly Imis th-In tllp'%" Will tlle'7, into the air and. been seen by'somal Christ are 9till distiagnishEd from all god he gaw him point Ono of them, rorgot nil about it -nearly, butnOt bag. $1.25 to $1.80. i � ..
the old coherers broke down. Till& i ask tl�s legislatures for-wireleas fran- a ftome's future ruler. The next
detector, which seems to - chises ? go far as anyone can see eager eye 2 Or w&s it only lying out ol-ilet,t; 'Dr tile bapLisul of. tile Tioly 011t a In walking on the Campus quite, for the thing wQuld once Ina Leading Wheat Afarkets. :
magnetic f alght beneath rubbish that had Spirit, willall enlightens, quickens and dAY, Whi I while come up and give me a pang lowing are -MID closing quota,
be far more sel,031tiva than any form; now that Is tile Only thing that O I lu,tiuo, C coro met the boy whom as though something unc-omfort%ble V01
of coherer, Is the invention of Pro. i can ;nakn wireless it'.1f1graphy a prIto- stopped its upward course 2 purities. * he bad seen in tile dream, The boy tions at Important irjioat centree to-
leasor Rutborrord, of Toronto, and ' tlf�.-jj bu,iinpas proposition. The alter- i 111"11017 I could get my head ones 1. Ch rGP8IltanO3-XOUl1 CAIled Upon lived td be the great Cilesar Auguis- had happened.
wits exhibited as far back as ISD7. � native 19 that ilia Government should wore above water and Irad m,v feet ths, people to repent And prepare The dream of Calpurnla, In "Later tn t'he da.3r I told my w1fe t`O1-4AY;- ' - t Cavit. May. July
the WAY -f Via Lord and pointed tug, aboul it, and a row days after I
It seeme to have been taken up ILI- ; tnice It over, as France has already I fixed as firmly as possible on my to Jesus no .tho Messiah, Th -at is, which she forissaw the murder of liar tried the experiment again, W -119n Nlew York ... ... --- 6 IrX 78%
dependently by Sir Oliver Lodg,.,, j done. _ — . t j. pall, iny V,urred eyes strained to- on Jesus -"The closing Words of husban4, Julius Caesar, Is another sli . XG enough the thing ca,me back Chicago ... ... ... - - - 77% 70%
I.. � - 1 ward tile Incoming stream. I knew familla,r historical Instance. I/
. the sentence Are a condensation of I 1. a-alm-t but I never succeeded ;m Toledo ...... ... ...... 77% 80,1 76%
It Was still failing, Ana that tile
wator was at my chin. But it might
all the explanaUona by whtoh� tV0
WILItunt going uacm rito It . ory
bringlini; the ghost back at ter that,
there are moJern examples enough .
Dulatlil No. I Nor. 76% 77% 77%
bL-It might be smaller, And -was I
Apostle convinced them that Jesus,
whom he preached, was tile Pro-
of remarkable revelations of com- though I olme tried very lindustri-
the 01101Y to allow It to my wifev who
British Live Stock Mal-kets.
right It Did not my water-dImmed
pilot whoM, Jelin unnounced."
Ing events made within our-
tallied balls of sloop Lord Brough- 11Vafi WoTrhed about It somewhat. She
London, Fieb. 2I.-To-ilsy Calla-
eya:i mock me? The flow was car.
6. Spake with tongries-ThIs was
situ Was IvIng In �is bath One thought It was a sign that I WaS
dian cattle are quoted at 11 to 12%
talaly less I It 'Was growing less
every second I And then It ceased I
Pentecost repeated. A new out-
Pouring of the jic,ly Spirit upon a
marning, day-droaming, when lie to be elected to a secomd term, olf
besido office, iand that tile paleness af'one
ti per lb. (dressed weight); Am -
can i
firmer V 2% to 18% k_ -l-1
There Was only a succession of sub-
new twelve. Prophasled-Not the
saw seated on a chair close
blin Ilm form or a schoolmat of this, racer. Was an. omen't,tlimt I
ericari cattle at
cents par lb.; refrigerator beef Is .
dued drops in place of tile splash-
Ing, bounding
ability to foretell future ,events, but
.whi�i; he had not seen for inafle should 'not see Il,fe through Is last
firmer at 10c per Ill. I ,
torrent of the last
the power to preach th,e gospoland
years. The spectra wore, the term."
. half-bour.
to expound tIfo Scriptures Was
Uniform qt it 131,10-01 Officer History proved 11hat Mrs. Vill.
Toronto Live Stocic 3farket.
I And already ilia rubbish above be.
given them. see 1. Car. xt-,v. 3. No
ts to the
coiln-'s prosellitimant was entirely ac.
Lord Brougham thought he had fall- curate. '
Expoort cattle, choice, per awt $4 00 'to V 60 '
, gan shiver and resound under tile
, rapid blows of axes. In ten rain.
person quall-fled preach
gospol, or to do Christian work
on asleep In Ills bath and that lie It ts known, that President Garfield
1, s, — med - Yet while dressing Ire I 144t li -.4. t,
N inedluni ................ 3 00 to 4 00 I
doco�t*j ..................... 340 to 380
I . 1. . , .A
Wet were three undergraduates bi- aad purer, and th3a, I struck water ; utea more. I was looking up Into
wisilt uazder it t(y a stone flDor. � tile full light of the
Of (illy kind until lie lima received
the -baptism of tile SPIrIt.
- - .
remeMbered that as college Rtuil -
hLud a ,Ile Ong premon an I -
would die tyn tilie attifniver-sary of'the
Butchari; cat"10,I)MA011 ....... 0
Butcher.' cattle, choice ...... .300 to 4 25 i.
300 355 1
cycling through Canada from Da. And
Like a flw-b came tile recollection '
afternoon, and
Croleman and Carter were lowering
' T-00,011iiaffs,-We should all seek a
ants they' signed a pact in blood
battle of Chickamauga, Ili which lie
charg* cit,ttlo, fair ......... to
But 2 00 to *2 70 i
do ottinnion ..........
troll. to Niagara Falls, Carter ant] of the open cistern I had noticed
a rOpQ TV Ith! a. big noose', ab the end.
deeper knowledge In the word of
that whichever or them (lied
Almost miwaculously escaped -with Ills
- .
B, :.::: s 5 i to 4 25
Its, export. heavy, - - - -
Crolisman were senio.-A; I was a Jun- on our trip through the barn. Was
I 9011; the noose under my arms, and
God. Those wh
hould, If possible, appear to the
other as of the existence of
life, . I
do light ....... - ..... " $00 to $60 .
reedors, vhort�koap ...... :.,.*.. 350 to 400 i
for. � I to drown in dark bole ? I
remember tbat there was 'In In-
then my overtaxed body and nervei;
ra ilod. me. I came to senses
God still know but little, compara-
tivi-ly, and Oil many points need
life bereafter. Shortly afterward
do inadlum ........ 3 25 to 3 Ito I I
do light ........... ::,.,.,.,.,.,. 301 to 3 50 ;
At Ancaster tile well -gravelled
road began to fall off shb�rplyl aad btant's comfort In the t1it,oughtthat I
1 had better drown than burn to 11
my a gain
after a few minutes. and found my-
celf lying In bed between bot
instruction, 111ITe followers olChrist
Rhould be bold as well as humble.
Lord Brougham rLzelved news Of
his Iriend's death on tile day and
sto to a 26 -
okerscholoo ..... � .......... 275
Stookerii, common .... 2 25 to 2 75 '
Miloh cows, e,tch :::,..,::: $060 to 50 00 -
had it only led attaignt on, we night
death. I fought my Way up to the
blankets, and my chumiq Mr. Gas-
We should all strive to be helpers
hour the vision rt.npparod to
Sheep, await. per owt .......... 360 .to 25
Igtve coasted ,soveral allies inte 1-latu-
harface through What seemed to be
Ilion. Carter wanted to alLop In the
ton were rubbing me. So vigorous
In the churcht When men: are Rhim-
'Inated and purilled by th-ts spirit
Kings and prominent personshitva
been specially .favored Ili the mat*-
- 11'�
BuokR.porcwt._. __3110 to 60 -
:.:::::: * * -
Lsintip, par cwt, .... .... 4 50 o ,550
fathoms of water.
city for (Anner, bill Croli:m-ml. and Blowin g and strangling, I man-
I wero in favor Of rlding the lz�w .
were their efforts that I felt warm.
c than at any time before that at-
their toing-ies are loosened.
tar Or dreams, though, as a rule,
the warnings conveyed by dreams
#,� Z:�� RAM91
.... .......- 2 00 to 10 00
Calves. per Mad. I
Xyt .......... 15 80 0 0
Hoge choice, car c 3 t 0 0
wiles to Grimsby. As wo had agrecd agica to get a breath, And stood i
up. Then I -knew that my fall had
ternoo.n I begged them to treat me
' .
Tlioughts.-Apollos was a mode
preacher. Ile Was (1) eloquent In
have no uraotical effect. They
�. ,,��� ,,� JLHogL4
The folIowl lg� compositions were
light, par a, Wt .......... 580 o
do select, per owt ........ 584 o 0 00
: 565
to abide strictly by majority vate,
on our way. But ,%-.'a broken no bones, and tbat the
With less vi6lence.
speech, (2) mighty In the Scriptures,
ettl er comi too late to be commu-
n1cated to tile threatened person,
written bjr two IttLie. gir Is of ilia
Uop.fat, per owt ........ * . 5 1i 0 to
do dows, per owt_.. 440 to 000
.*. :,:
we continued W11
ardly left the batakirta of -ter vvas only watst-deep. The
find b. th."
Iron that I had
Tile next (1aY proved their
tmatment had been good for me.
(3) fervent In sp.'.Tit, (tk) courageolia
In heart, (5) humble Im mind, (6) un-
or it they are communicated they
113blienilau pumrtor, ulio, owe their
R to the Now York
do steip, per c wk ...... ... 200 to 0 Ot'
galva,nized pall
town when Crolaman ran over tile trIppeet over was .floating half -full
nail sticking out of a
I felt no Ill-effects -whatever from
wearied In service, (7) powerful In
fall to be credited. Many famous
received notice through
aglish ,public
schools. They were furnished to this
Dulinlis Review.
stub of a
horseshoe in the dust. His tire was: of ,%vater, besxIa me.
my expzrIence, and insisted on go-
In-- alicad with our trip. The Gas-
reasoming.ti? .
vivid dreams, to get out of Parts
paper by Edwin White GaMard, libra-
In retall circles tat Hamllt,otni a
flat in ten seconds. INhen we had But My Plight was Tina enough. The
tons clijected strongly, ant] would
before the Massacre of St. Bar-
rLan of the Webster Free Circulat-
moderate volume of tradd continues
speat hall an hour in repairing the hard woric in the heat of tile day
and the blazing barn ]lad drawn the
have been glad to have us spend our
We must coilcludo from a care-
tholomew in 1572. Admiral Collg,n�
Ing Ltbrary. at ilia East Zide Settle-
ment, 76th 6treet And East River,
with oompaxatively n fair Increase
over the eorresp&nding ' period of
agry that .
puncture, we were uo, bui ,
. .
overy olle of us Wished We and tstop- � perspiration from every pore of my
body, and now to be Into
vacation at their farm; but we (lid
ntoot Wish to give up our excursion
ful. str.dy of tWs lesson that God
notices all that enters !.Ito tile ]Its
received .11foo such warnings, It
he paid no heed to them, and mot
The Story of AdAX and Eve.
� I 1
190C. In a. number of the leading
plunged -
Hamilton. Wet even thought
pod chilling pLace, for I knew not
ot turning back. But a short d- ' this
t1le ratio, and our time Was
Ilmlbed. SO,' dinner,
and character of all His obj3dreb.
his death.
Henry IV. of'France was wornad
God made the first ,person that was
lines Of manufactures,
machinery, Implements, bent stuff,
we could son a bij how long, put me 'in danger of rheu-
tance, aftead ,
matism or pneumonia. And the tin-
after we bade
thein icod-I)Ve, 'Odc Ott to-
9 - and I - -much.
ii,pollos Was a ja,tv. That Meant
no had been diligently -
Jon at the handof
of ))Ili assassinall;
a Intill this man wantq a latLy so
when Ile went to sloop Ile cut Out a
fabrics, boats and shoes, ivIAPs,-cl-
etc., oirders are roportedheavy
prosperouts-looking farmhouse, ,
h hht, we might : uloillate danger was great enough.
wards Grimsily.
The burned barn, 1
ad up in thie knowiledge oftlieScrip-
Ravaillac by an apparition tII3,t
him In ,the Nroods of
i1b and made a lady., There Were a
s arO making
It tvas improbable that the smoke
some bread and milk. "
Trwa Id ,settle Into the cistern suffl-
as examined
thO ruins that morning, PI&JnlY i0lo
tures. He had a knowledge of Je-
hovah. lie had been tang lit to ex-
Fon-tairiebleu. -Tames IV. or Scot -
lot of fruit trees and one was ,a apple
Im.provemeat,ts to cope with the oil -
'In r cibkthing, dry
T110 family gave u3 a cordial re -1
cteryt,lon; a gallon of m3k. fresh anti i clently to disturb me much; but
'the ' the fh%wes
me the story of how so much water
happaued to be poured Ili upon me.
pect the Christ, the Anointed bne,
the Deliverer; and much else of
land Was warned In tvia dreams
aginst Ills Invission of 144tiq,htud
God sald they may eat all ilia fruit,
-iliG tree, those
mamd. .wholesale
oods, groceries -a,nd produlco, orders
creamy and cool from earful; .1 high Overhead I could see
brisiul " ill the timberis of the roof, and at-
Tlbs south end of the bulldln.- was
Importance. It tile us much to any-
but disregarded the vislonAty ad-
,but not, apple and
two people were forbidden riot to eat
e rices gener -
considered faIr AV
flour iijid a giuut loaf of
were set before no, And when - -.% a 1. really good sized pleees of burning
Wood dropping to the floor. The
still standing and the partly burned
roof slopyJ thence towanat (the mjd_.
one to be tra),neda up In a devout
Chrlstla4i home. We are, Informed
vice and met his death lif'Ffodden
r,jelij. While resting at Daventroe
the apples on the t,rea.and Eve took
some of the apples and them to
any payments
.� well. I I I I
-'alge . :
offered payment for our feast, M I .. i were
clie. ilijg through vrlilell Ihad passed
(],,a of tile barn, where the cistern
of I
Its bIrth place, Alexandria. This
an tbe, eve of the battle of Nasoby.
Adam Adam eat them and they
Bradstreets ou Trade. -
Gaston, our host, bluffly refused to
touch a Penny. On the other hand, i SO easily was certainly big onough
War. When the ridge -pole fell, the
lower end of It, charred antl splin-
was a seat of learning. At one time
Chailea I. was, warned in two
st.%yed down Ills threat.
.Wholesale trade at Aiolltreal'0011-
. to a falling stick whose
he inals , went 4 admit
toil that before WP
tered, had come to rest just over
it possessed the largest
drealus by Straord that !Is would
God saw that soina one has been
tillues of fair dimensions *for thir
away Wo should let him allow UF3 hs.41 wolght. c-txild crush In my skull like
my pilso.n. Although the trough thus
the wo, w
most with, d1sastroug defeat It lie
' In
eaten ilia ,apples Adam said that Eve
saliaon, Vie cold weather and
new sLock-barn. wlilc,,, W.1a, 11,3 tol I i p,.t--tvb.,%Lr-l.
rormea -was full a , f holes and choked
H,loqn,ont and migucy i6i tmi" man
Porf4l, I ad meeting Cromwell's
gavo it to him, And those two POOPle
deep enow In the country had tended
us, the pride, and envy of all tile -' WorzA of all. the cistern hit(] been
The building W�Lsuot built Ili the hdiape of An agg. The
with rubbish, It -,vau still sound en-
ough to force much or the
vrno, twor burabloi tentmakerg, a mail
and hio wife, know more about divine
army, than at Northampton. Prince
Rupert, to NKliom Charles rotated
wore had to work for their own
to routriot trado isonlowbat -but
rettailerir have been giving quite llb-
country round.
quite finisiled. PaIntera Were Put'! I big end was down ; but even 80i
thrown upon ilba rains to Work its
thingo than lie. "Aquila and Priscilla
the Urearn, persuaded him It meant
oral sorting ordons for spring -Intl
-ting on ti,e sceorid coat, and one or � the bottom sloped rat�cir stiffly to
way Into, the cistern.
towx Illin unto them and expounded
nothing, and Charles went to his
Clinift, mado. Adam hawas fast asleep
suirtmer goods. There has been a
-Ing 11161il,�. 1 a. p:Aut exactly under ilia opanin -
re Work X
It 'Impossible to
No ore had noticed ,wliat became of
Me way Or God more parloetly," God
(foom, James II., when before the
walls of Londonderry 'in IM -was
when uca took the side boric and
inada a women. The women's
steady drmand for good& for t1w
We notiml one ni,in JuIA AlWat to i wos almost stand
not in a e6tern. The ro,)f of '- nny-ralore except at that 10-ovest,
the -water; no one had thought of
In tbAt hole.
11 -ca t1lese people or humble gilts
to inisiruct this mktn of mighty gifts
troubled with dreams predicting his
waff Eve She. Was Adam wire. ,God
Oftfi n at lllOrollto, and
D 0
jobbers have generally been booking
a pump
trly thre, 1 ceair:il point, for the Slippery an-
lt on no; ,
my 1,AIng The st-15
smokln3 remnants of the Darn -were
Bow blis true cliatilietar ppeared 11)
defeat and repulse through tile
sakI they should P:O to the orchard
orders at advanced prIceG i,oulipared
-t lot my feet e4lda back to the
Weeks, Mr. Gaston, said, and ill- � MoR
full of wiger searches for my body
Ills wIllinzaess to learilaof them.
agaucy of a Nonconformist clergy-
and gk Ali tlit, _ulf; thoy wanted
with Valuea quoted at tile opening
most, hL.4 whole flay crop wau -i;tored! ruld'Ile a,q fast as I stepped away.
when Carter had 6ben my bicycle
,tIa us are always humble
True E;h",F
man . And when he demanded the
but do not tolich the ,apple plant so
of tho year. T,lie mill,i and ractorkm
away in the vm;t unoW. Mwt ,)r I
Two, or three small sticks fell upon
wran2b shoat up from a small op -n-
When Paul ag'ala Visited 1,:P.,0Z
surrender of that city oil the:1.2th
Eve toak one of the apples and gave
ecIrtinuo busy and skilled labor to
hit, ofook war turnad out to pas-
tile, and In avoiding another I iillp-
ped and got A, second comploto
In- In tit<) littei an.1 fall back out
" '
lie, foutid "certain diectillps" and
000ln amcovered Immature Christian
Of August, that Year, It was Ilic
Rev. George Wulker who appoar,A
it to Adam. tHa ate it they Was a
snalre, that told tl1Vm that God said
not very easy to f3couro In sonic (Is-
Business on tile Pacific
ture only ilia woriz-horses anti
few cattle and Fiome cmaller ,tilt-
ducking. .
of"41411t, In the wat aslies.
Companion. -Zoath's
11 ences. lie did not condemn or
at tbD Bishop's Gate and refused
thos apples are not to he touched.
Cotivi; Is falrly good Jor this, sea -
mals being now In tile stalls -,%no
By the mornenliry light of the lit-
t.3110V them becanae of this, but
oil behalf of the starving garrison
K,) Gnd looked down ut Adam and
son. There have been many buy-
.peno, . I
,jr ImT . we eat down
tie torches that droppad Ili. I caw
t1vat illy.- ]lead Was at least 'five
wlsoly tiaked a pertinent question,
.111 -ave ye received the Holy Gboat
and citizens to surrender. Londou-
dorry saved the kingdom to the
saki, Didn't I sn�y you should not
toxich them apples_S� Adam said Eva
evv In tho Winillpeg market thepdat
ten dayv, and (L large amount of
After o, pcotion
on the pjaz%n, for a few minutest regit� I
feet from the opening over me, and
Y_ 11 I A -.P "
gluce ye believed ?11 This questlon
Protestant succession., and catiand
gave me it so Vloift sald ,von, must
buying for tile ripring and summer
when w4D %vere suddenly annimonml
that there was abs�lutely nothing
tn,r retelt that my fingers
was lione8tly answered; bu.t they
Wape car riest seekers after God.
J'amou to lose his crown at the
Boyne. I
IeAVo thifl orchard ;30, Adam and Eve
left It and hngel gi�cd them Out the
and also for next fall has been done
into an experience that literall.v
In anticipation of a large Increago
came within an Iciell of being the
coul,3 grzi,.qp. The fire rinared above,
Our lesson brings out vcry clearly
I'lio Ill-rittod 3lujor AudFo
Angel bild, it raw )a Ills hand-e'NOW
in tho doinand tlil-j year. Businotts
and of me.
-while I could hear the tramplIn
friglitenetl in their
raxitif"ll 1, 1003, .
tbU,; tact, rjaniel.y, Go -I uses. all classes
talents to forward His
reoeived a warning before lie left
York Post, I .
&t VIThIltGri has boon active the
Mr. 0aston waa dkoussing Donlia-
ton. politics whrAlill r.i,.V a thin,twl!i-
of tile animals
kitalls, and now AIM thon a boarpic
pa,umad Ap.)I1(,.,i - Acti is: �i to 10, 0. Study
of gifts and
work. Apolloo, tile eloquent preacher,
England ter this counIty that lie
went,.', be executeel as a spy. go
past wook. Reporta from. tlie66un-
try show that the call weather r-
Irg strand of blue viaNtO flo-,I,t Out
shout froll) a. human threat out-
was able to ml.-litily convince the
jewo At. I'm and Priscilla,
was VIsIting a Allis Rebecon, Stewart,
ciahtly has helped greatly to re.
from a Ventilator high up in a ga-'.
Publi-inly .
a friend who lived In -D orbyslitre.
dUCO, atOLIM Of heavy' g6048 In
blot of tile big barn, Tho farmer saw I
Little by little ilia air In tile clo-
Commentary.-Paul'a stwi lit Jet ,
tivo humble tontmakera, wore used
ThI5 faily Introduced him to a man
Pt-culiarand woliderfililly consti-acte'd
crif hani.19 And � it looks. now
it nt almost tile Rama Instant, ,%nil I
down tile stPOR.
tern grev Warmer, and the noise of
- -imp .-
it a 11, is seemed to Inpren,,ii rather
salem was very silort. This Vr,aw V., *.a .
to fit APO1100 for greater useful�
n,ajs .. Tile tratbron wrote command-
named Cunningham, w)ir% Immedili,to-
him the
but Borrowed From the Indialls.
'Phe In dWspatell
as It the istocka -to bo carriod,oveir
will be lighter than
But even before h,? could got half- I
tfrin ta levnen. Sladdonly I beard
rourth time lie had visited ilia ORY
I' Ir
ng this great preaells , thus
Ily recognized as person
whoso Imago lie )lad seen In & dream
mention a press
from Farmington, Ale., doseftug a
much expooted
a teW Weeks ago. Ordardi for the -
way to tile buLlding ilia line. of I
tile elmwg of a fire engine bell, and
Flneo Ills conversion. .tle --saluted
opianIng life -way and augmenting Ills
the night before, and which Was so
droNving nceidelit on Lake Moose-
coming reason bava boon numerous.
blue smoke Ifad become a dark then, n, clear, rogonant commawl
flames threaded Its - that mus� have orkme through
the, church" (v. 21.1) And hurried on
it) Antioch. "Thero to too tnuth rea-
ut-ic'uIll'sog. .
All ishould use tile light, knowledge
singular and vivid tit its zharaoter
lookmagmitic recalls to mint] the
Shipments continue, heavy. Vaillea of
cloud, and red
rolling masg. SmOkO And tire were u, firemn Ills trumpet. I our-
' myn'to fear that his reception at
an -I al I!Jty tll,-y Illwa. AI�Dllol had
linnia.-Luro Christian
that lie could not shako it off. Mr.
CannIngliam dreamed lie Paw Andre
ft'arf'1111088 and wonderfulnesti of tile
aboriginal titles with which some Of
stupid goods' lit** At Lond&i
Jobbers are buey recelvidg ordere for
to, Ile seen n.t a dozen openings. mised, correctly, as I aftorward
twit a lan"t"il. t1l. 'ilia llamllt6n fire .
Jerusalem was cold &nil uligr-riclone
that a. Jealous dislike of that
tin experience,
lint lie was -rorvout in spirit," so
riding oil horseback Ili tile midst of
the charming inland waters of tile
tile vii,riligy and suramor goods anti
We found out afterward
hired mail had been talzing a RmOICA 111(til had limnafre-1, by plocing to-
trotj position towards tile law which
Ilia Work waa lianored of God, even
a fit
,,,,,urAngo forest and witnessod his
ro by three m.,)n, who searched
pinf- tree State are burdened.
Those who urge ilia retention of
In thipping to retailers W varlotio
trade contras. P,
aymenta reeenti,v,
in ific ate,I)Ica, and, that a spark gether many sections of here, to get
Ile pstablIalle
.d ame.agst Ills Clentlie
Ictore lie wan more Per.
fently Ily Attlilla and Priscilla. Aquila
him and led him* away� An nwoko.
the Indian names of American local.
have boorl very fair. Ott-mim whole-
from his pipe as Ile went to got within re.-wh Of the blaze.
converta, It.4 to that determination
and P,rloollla used their knowledge
but fell asleep Again and dream -id
Ities and natural features have much
sale, tilime report a steady dernand
flay for the horsos had started ill(- There was it sudden sliDwer of am-
o1 the Part of some to follow In
(>I i�trltual thililm tar hall) Apolos,
ill'it lie Was one, of a throng of speo-
reason oil their side. Certainly these,
for goo4t; for the eiltaJug e6satitt.
-�!hlljgv unil crunching And
blaze. bers, a hvre%
file track and to underlaino Ills in-
Pla akIllfully led the Pplieslan be.
tators Wntalling it han,iing e(ndueted
who have substituted for ibqm mod,
Gaston and h1s Men could inaUt- bl!;sing itb.-,v,�. anti a mvirl of fiery
r;ur-Aa, Which, to tile Intenso am-
dge of
lfevet,is IntoL a Positive know1c,
uador, military sup,!rvislon, and Aftdre
ern English name;$ have seldom been
Wholi the Preaclior Came.
every effort count, nil) tll;!y know air -was fvvil,41 do;vn through the
bitiprincilt of ilia lator days, Was so
thtj thInf,vi of God. A hurnbla or teach.
waq tho tnwl tie saw hanged. Within
happy Ili tliell, selection. But such
i r cojAe to our
exactly ,.V11-tt animals were In the it.p�nin&-. Tlj�- roof was failing. I duck.
flit(11`1111Y Plle(!'1100111. It must have
,jmo, spirit Is absolutely essential
twelve, monflig of tbo droam It had
.aboti-IgInal local nameo of lakes and
house �
imra And whore. NVP tllr#ls) l0h%-K I'd berienth ,�hv water to oseapo tile
AS We could; Ive big iiparlce, trying it) crawl to One
boon with, 1), sil.f) heart t'llat fit, 1)4ul
Ili order to be holpezi; both Apollos
aOtuftII7 DOmo to P388-
mountains as Meddybompa And Pas-
Pit met him. at tile road g'ate'
helped as much
ran out w ied Out , iddo over tile olipp3ry, Edoping hot-
hurriedly terminated life visit, But
none or thmm thinge moved him.
nn,I tile E'phwlan disniplas fiDssess.
oil tillis. Go�lls people should always
YAnin3torile distrivat A)t Arnold wag
born of n, droaar that lie ]lad when
a,dumlc -ag and $1, tadob.Ai 9� Rhalloo-
gan. Umbacooksms, Molloolinlikening
An' drove Ills buggy to the barn,
bag,; of grain, and tiptl horanti P.) I tom, and expecting at any second to
T. Apollos receiving Instruction
itet,li such a spirit. ThO trillY (TrOat
(Iaerlltlr� In Arnold's ll"ufie. He dream-
and Afoosclookmaguntle call colu-
An' (]inner tims, Wuz awful late -
h h ck hlio � get .1 cl-ushing blii,.,V from some do-
t1fo building. But rapidly an we taclied timber of tile falling mass.
( 21. 2 %.
Are tPuly humble, And In thlo tlieY
ad that lie saw Xrnold Walking lit a
mtintl unreserved adialratioll only
I I.
0Aws ina had put It. turkey lip
%viorkul, &aid -with, all tile amli;t- But only arnal) pleees caino Into the
When boad
,111 Apolloo-A preparation Tor
Paui's Ift,bor at Epliesus had, N�on
Imitate ,Vho wag meek nod
lowly Ir heart
with Bri Lf ill Pei Itors and later
1190:11d2lin red -coats against Ills own
enthusiasts. They are undelli-
Ably cumbersome And hat'illy likely
To cook; but, mir, that Vary day
t -IO flopped and ky-ouked broke
ntice that arrived from the 110911- elstern. I thruut my
borhood, we were Booll convilleed abave tile .surface agatil I Hair tile
mado by Apofts, Who had Inetructird
-4 ,ill Xowa to tile
eountrympil. All of Which wall verl-
(toll, .
to strilcO euphoniously on tile unpve_
Judicied ear. Possibly they
two slato, .
that some of tile anilitiala wpre operilug. waz llearly filloa with glow-
t, tint, comparly of tip
twillght of John tile Aapt (At's teach-
Iler Own Idea.
Spoile0r, 'PercoVal, thi Prime Alln-
ate re-
PIPtO With IlOetiC sliggeotiong, but
An' 'lien got Out (till runned Away !
(Inomed. Ing tlinbor crids, white various swal-
Tilt,- thought was a terrible. one fer pleewi (if burning %voozl w
Ingo efteerning the Mnsslah, Alexan-
Chi, ago Iteeol-d-lbrald,
later of VvigUtrid, wh-) WAR assassin-
iliftY don't ronvey iliPM Very clearly.
Th(rodorn Winthrop 'had tilt)
An' M& wu% mail at everything,
to Inc. I remembered a pnn of two vight. 11NT*,%V,i`1 I thought, ',tile (I.Im-
.i"� the firitillon soo'll
flrla--Tlds� citY war built near the
111011th of tho Nllo by Alexander the
"Your daughter," said Mrs. 01(j.
ated by BeLing,liftra In the lobl,1 ,);I
(lit) T'JOURO of Commons _
In a,_
Sent In lifill, I)ilt lie & tove In vain to
An, scoldet, Snan, nil' ,George an' ine,
.All' killed saill's hot) )at lind tile
or thiTo slieep 03A t 1111d of -Ml PA
WO PaGRe.41 thj'()jIjV,jj thil! b3VII, ANd I
I 911 is ; Will
ox it gulsilp1litp fire, and I hall be
A a
At -lit - Tile
G ('- - Eloqw. -learned
oftntio after bvIng contluoted through
might liaTh O."lpf'd I 114 tat J.
. if It
got poetry out of tile names of some
or illn Millne lakes lie IoVed
nest I
1*11oved I Muld find ilve , ,%nil 111,11's,
, In , �
(11 seovered And talcon out."
wt>.rd Ili tho original expreasea not
Ability no An orator, but al
O'n,y Go
tit(, lluwly firili4iod, iving or tile 111"19-
niffemit palace occupled by the Bill-
W11.1ani.q, ilio Cornish miner, had not
been provont-,d by friondii from wariv
Meoselooklivignott-3 mugqostod to Illin
out yonder ,side the apple tree,
out at least Ono. In I Alailliod. lint
It was a, foollt4h act. Tito slai,701
vi% -nn as, r ioor,elf tji,�ry waa a liffis-
ln,� of rAvala aftoNe, nn.1 it slilaidi, tit
iho possession of stores of learning.
Illig"t011"?, I'llar hmell & oplendid vo-,
lmg, 111m. W113aniff
Cilliy thn effort of all Indian hunter,
With nil exceedingly Imperfect con .
An' Oeorgo all, mot wq lInd to ,�alt
livat; heavy, wid before I realized
(-,11 wntor e.1nin down lipoll no, It
� ,-,:'I. IV."" InfAructeil-Probablv by
""41111" '"Ir") I 111108 It' 8110cess1011
14,111111 of Ilia E*ngliall larignag 1), to
Out there behind tho Clover shod
Tit] theV' ,.
wilat I wan. dollut, I Ivar; �Vvoplllrf.
*'Villdly but
WJr., (�r eour.,4o, from illo fire hn,;,"
11111 to fig-lij
C0111t, dimilyle of John Who had
.1u'11v:i, Im-fore ilin 8.%vltltlr commenced
think so tit )ter hostesri re-
plivil. "'To.ilall watitc(I tt) rot tier (it le
illItt Ito s&W 41, sm,101 maiv dressed In
tell )low Ill he,
, cl unexpectedly allot a
nil at nil' Oporge lie dried,
Ali' uald lie wisht 'at be ivuz dead.
rebout with no clifinght
to find my Ivay out again.
I -i -in %va��! plinity of lv,!tf�r
I ill - flolw�q, for 0- Filli'lull that ft!jI
hl.i ,,.uIQ0 Colima, or po.,;nlb!,y by 41olm
of thern tPoritolres, but I Made ill)
& Igile, caat allif whitil. wall
,,to,j&t en_
ter %110 lebb-1 (If tile H")U'w of Vote.
Ijj()Osp, tL I
ill lifol"achunkernug Ang-
grote(I to him nollflng alore 1,61116,11tio
I WIRIA thm,
Thfill sud,101117 I ottinillInd ovor
i jjpf)II tilt. Ivag r1lf"N"fAcd fir other
11111t:-01', who�o earIlAr mililtitry .ipol-
my mind rielit tit tile otart that a
filong, Wh1hrill lie *,Vag Milt bj & Intgor
than tile thought that the take field
weren't ,nor pronellere
Koine rattling m6taillo objf�ct, .3 nil
I tirl,vAi, v. The-li tho Pil'at,lit'd NICIIII(N.
lorl jiia.v have attended.-Ilaekott
.v, L110 llgdowlng
vocalinlary ,would look better In it
man drc.�,;FrN In a brown D')at, who
been named by poind woodmali filter
nov" (
A livill" Anywhere,
)f nad I droppeil Into f�paom 1 felt
) It r niall stem and that Ili turn a
14.,r �111 Ilml & reftlon;
rooln furniphul like, bera lit, ovon It
Ottiv it plotol And thot, t -tie way)
lie lit
IlIg Inninorata, Illo 41ort-fteed Mary,
no 'WIshitb&rt'l�v
W tha,o got too alink ics
jIlle Ali, gro-W dnrlzer, ,yvt coolor I.arf�,ilr one. SAW tho wator poured
dif:1)(mitloll find ardelit itea)."
It dIdalt oont qulto Ito ritich?"
In iiio left breast. NVIIIIams drearatil
Ills Molly Of tile chlink mlig,
I Pat
Wnevorin tha; iconio to visit -Ilor(%.
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