The Wingham Advance, 1921-10-27, Page 4(I THE WINGHAM ADVANCE Thursday, October 27th 1921 THE EPISTLE OF TIMOTHY Glenannan Turnip picking is the order of the day, WA To the Editur av the Advance, Miss Myrtle Bennett teacher, spent the Seven Days"', Dear Sur,— week -end at her home in Wingham, 'Tis a long lane that goes nowhare's, as Miss Agues Fortune and hrotheys, 1,4r, e ould prawverb sez, aw I hev made up and -Mrs, Oliver Stokes and miss myrtle Bennett spent an evening last week at me moind not to shtick arround home so the home of Mr. and Airs, Richard Jef. close anny more, besoides at elickshun fray. sard's A Ito rat1"0*0 Sal Clearance millinepy Sale toirne, Wery Pathriotic man shuO be out Mr. and Airs. Archie Lowry, Belmore, f wurrukin fer the Tory pirthy. Av coorse, spent Sunda), evening at the home o in ordher to (16 so to the best advantidge, Mr. atid Mrs, Arthur 1,incoln. x Great Slaughter in, Prices for Two Weeks Airs, J. Metcalfe is visiting with her he nusbt kape poslited on what the other sister, Mrs. Thomas James. X id this Commencing Saturday, Oct. 29th, fellahs is sayin an doin. It wus w, ind in view, an not bOaa s I ixpicted to th Mr Isaac Stokes who has been under While carpenters are busy making at- e BrIs. care, is we are glad to say im- Enormous Reductions larn annyting, that I wint to Mishter proving, terations to our store front we will be Creerar's mating in Wingbarn lasht wake. Miss Mar .5iting with her wid Eadie is vi somewhat out of order in our store arrang- 'Twas a full house all roight, an thin some, brother at Holyrood. ments while the work is going on. TO off - 25 per cent. Discount off Every but I squazed me way in, an beard awl set these drawbacks and reduce our heavy theshpaches, Icudliev had a sate on the plat foorm wid the resht av the noos- BORN sltotk, we start on Hat in the Store. paper min, but I didn't want to look loike HuGU]38—In Wingbam Hospital, on takin army favors from thim U. p. 0. Thurs., Oct. 20th., to Mr. and Mrs. Thursday, Oct, 20th, our Al - ]ads. Geo. Hughes, a daughter, $8,00 Hats for 6.00 Jawn King shpoke fursht, an tould us PROCTrR—In Wingham, on T Sale that wan av the ould parthies is just as uesday teration and - D scount 6.00 Hats for 4.50 bad as the other, arr mebby wurse, espes- Oct., 25th., to Mr. and Mrs R, Clayton Procter, a daughter,—Hilda Grace. & hallYtheGrits. HemidMisliterCreerar Come, here for all lines of merchandise will be the nixt premier, but didn't tell and you will save money, 5.00 Hats for 3.75 us who he ixpicted to be minisliter av B1 U-evale agriculture, but av coorse he has his own Mr. R. Johnston shipped a car of Come early and take advantage idea. Hesaid he wud nivir vote Grit lambs and hogs to Toronto on Monday. Wonderful Values in ladies', misses' agin aven if the U. F. 0. parthy wint to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coultess of Lis - paces, so mebby we may get him in wid towel. spent Sunday with Mrs. Snell, and'children's coats, our Alteration Sale of this Very Special Offering. us Tories some day. Thin Mishter Hicks Mrs. Win. Abraham underwent an fram, South Huron sbpoke, an tould us he operition for appendicitis in the Wing- discount will be 20 per cent. bed been married twinty tree years but I bam Hospital and is getting along nicely. Miss Margaret Curtis is at present visit. don't know what that ba:L to do wid the ing with relatives at Toronto. LadieAl Waists, Raincoats, Seperate PoAylickle situwation Aftler 6im came Mr. Eldon McKinney of Galt, was home HILLIARD'S STORES Mishter Amos, who has a saft jawb on over the week -end. Skirts, lots to choose from at 20% disc. the Hydro Conimishun, an thin Mishter Wm. McMichael, Jr. and fatrilly spent Wingham and Teeswater Creerar, who, I am tould, draws a salary Surday with the former's parents here, 2V tin tousand a Year from the Grain Mr Thos. Stewart arrived home on X Grov7ers. Monday from Shellbrook, Seek., where Dress Goods, Silk Velvets and Coat- 4*11, he attended the funeral of his son, John. They awl troied to say something about He visited with his two daughters in ings 20 per cent. 6ff.- the Tariff, an Mishter Editur, afthur Manitoba, on his way back. hearin theer spaches, an radin a whole [at Mr. Win. Duff spent a few days this We understand that directors of the An old friend of ours took us to task eck wit h. friends at St. Thomas. TurnbeM Agricultural Society have been for inserting advertising for the Progress- more in the Papers, I hev come to this w lead to believe that the reason why the ives. To this good old man we answered conclusion, Misbter Melghen belaves in Mr arid Mrs. G. Gallaher and Mr. Discount off Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Protection, an tinks we shud take it and Mrs. Jas Masters, s'pent Sunday at list of Prizewinners at the Wingham Fall that we didn't have enough such advertis- the home of A. Procter, Belgrave. Underwear, Boots and Shoes, Fair was not printed in The Wingbarn ing. Just as a grocer sells groceries to shtraight, loike I 2w1ways tuk my whis- Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Mills spent a few Times was because that tte secretary did grit, tory, black or yellow people, so does key in the good ould days. Mishter days at Orangeville, with Mr, Mills' not hand it to that paper in time. We TnE ADv*NcLe intend to�sell space in its Creerar is fer taperin off, to to shpake, mother, who was very low and has beg to state that we prepared the list for columns to any rierson who is intelligent decreasin the dose av Protection till at since passed away. Rugs and Carpets — Big stock of Messrs. L. Boyd, K. Cooml: �Wilton, Brussels and Tapestry Rugs 20 lasht we git down to free trade, 'Twas Borbridge of St. Thomas, motQred up publication on Friday, September 30tb., enough to buy it. It does not matter os and H. and completed it late that night. On1what position we may take editorially this way wid me frind Sandy Banks, he and visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Duff on per cent, discount. Saturday and Monday until after-dinner! each of the three political parties are wud awlways mix a little wather wid his Sunday. it was being set in type at THE ADVANCE treated precisely alike as far as Tiur whiskey, fer as he sed, he belaved we wud Mr. and Mr. Wilbert Mathers of St. X MEN'S WEAR STORE --- Slaughter Sale of Men's and BOYS' Suits, office and as soon as it was carefully read ADVANCE's advertising columns are con- be betther widout shtrong drink awito- Marys, spent the week -end with relatives here. by copy was taken to the Times and that cerned. Space sold is our method of gether but we must dale wid condishuns Mrs. L. McKinney of Toronto, is at Overcoats, Raincoats, Pants, etc. Big Stock of the best before 4 o'clock on Monday. News is making a living, and just why we should as we foind thim. Sandy is an ould man present visiting with Mr. and Mrs. JOB. brands of clothing, sale 20 per cent. off. received by this paper until late on Tues- refuse to sell it to the Liberals or the Pro- now an shtill loikes a glass av whiskey McKinney, day and often on Wednesday morning, gressives is more than we can see, especial. whin he hao a could, but he is shtill put- - Mrs. Jae Aitchison of Stoney Creek, is TERMS, SPOT CASH In the issue of the Times dated October lY when the conservatives let their ad- tin wather in it. Mishter McKenzie visiting with relatives here this week. 6th.. the editor very nicely explains it vertising contract to Montreal Agency, King is loike me naber Sam Hill, who thus, "Owing to changes being made in who try to get into the weekly newspaper awlwcys mixed his drinks, fursht whiskey, Morris Ic oar office we find it impossible to give the on bargain day. thin a glass av beer, an thin naebby pretty wedding was solemnized at K list of Prizewinners These will appear, I limonade wid a shtick in it, arr a little Trinity Church parsonage, Stratford, on He -Ee ISARm' D &'COO in our next issue. 11 113 the next issue we gin arr brandy, an ye nivir cud tell just Saturday evenieg, Oct. 8Lb, when Hazel I find no list but the following: "Contrary We have had a Plethora of Fall Fairs Pbat he wud want nixt. Wan ting I Beatrice Robb, daughter of Joseph and to the report of last week it was M,,,. and School Fairs in our paper for the past know, he awlr ays bed a wurse headpke Mrs. Robb, 68 Inverness Street, Stratford, I was united in triarriage to Armand Lenard Hugh Gilmore of Turnberry, formely of r few weeks, A subscrib,r told its be wzs, than army av us the nixt marnin. Lawson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawson, 219 Buried With Earth Caving Wingliam, who stood first fn having the not interested in reading these reportF. I am glad to i-)Iarrn Yez fellabs in town Nile Street, Stratford. The bride was a a load of bay in the summer is improving Quite a large number attended the Ball We pointed out that a news that a lot av our byes are lavin t former resident of the 1st line. Manv old most exhibitsof ladies work at the Wing- I Paper must F. 0. an comin back into the To be U. friends extend congratulations. - While working on the laying of pipe nicely. in Wingbam on Monday evening last bamFnllFair. This correction is d serve all classes ard we could bring him ry ranks, alone Diagonal Road on Friday evening, Mr. Gibson Gillespie has finished week, given by the Juveniles around On Thursday evening the members of Mr. W. S. Linklater met with what gravelling on the new grading which pordyce of which Mr..Raymond Red - many who were interested. We aie cer- Some 2v thim come to me on the sbly or) the Trinity Church, Belgrave, gathered in might have been a serious accident. When will make a grand road next summer. mond furnished the music. In justice to Mrs. Gilmore, altboughmTah: i till me not Times published the item in good faith." tain that a chool fair that will attract to mintion thur names, but arge numbers at the home of H. Johnston, he was down in the ditch a quantity of In our rush to get the prize list out we from 500 to 1000 people is worth tfie space that I kin mark thim. down fer Jarge Nummerland Farm" to honor A M. and earth caved in burying him ver the feared that we might have made mistakes, newspapers give them and more, Fall ShPotton. But we mushtn't be too b re marriage. After the company had arrived orked v al - S Mrs. Bradburn on this the occassion of their 0 fully, and found only this one correction; those who wit av winnin, fer thint Grits are an inimY the President of the Ladies' Guild, Mrs. iently to ri. lease him, and we are pleased and therefore went over each item care.; Fair prize lists are interesting not only to shoulders. His companions w necessary to make, , but to their neighbors and not to lSe dispoised. We thought we had Robt. McCrea, presented Mrs. Bradburn to say he is now about again, Associnaswe fourd I we would not want to eliminate their publi- theparthy dishtroyed in 1878, but Be with- a beautiful costly cut glass water set I ourierror we informed The Times tbatication. it ch e, when they published thi� OnlY for a few weeks ea how shtrong Ahey came back in 189 and an address expressing the high appre- Is s the list (which they I year rbat feature of a country 6. h3ve not done) they could make this i ciation of the congregation for her faith� Whitechurch recti cor- i weekly and we feel that our readers on the Thin we joined up wid the Bour2SSa ful service in all departments of church f DOMINION. STORES LTD. OM Mrs. Gilmour having two more;, whole would not be without the reports of crowd in 1911 an bate the Grits agin, but work; the great pleasure it gives them to Quite a number of friends and relatives 7 of the late Mrs, Mliott Miller attended en!ries than Mrs.4Taml n whom we had, the fall and school fairs.— Kincardine in 1917 in sbPolte av the fact that we had know ihat they will'�still be members of the funeral The Chain. Grocery Stores -of Canada at first credited with this prize. Reporter. mosht av their bi awl Trinity church; a wish that every Lucknow on Friday.: g min, an nearly blessing Much sympathy is felt for her bereaved thur newspapers wid us, they gave us will attend them and 1L prayer that they husband. will be long spared to continue in the good Wingham Branch,, Josephine St. quoite a run ter our money. I am afraid work. Address was signed by Mesdames Mr. Ken Paterson received word on they are loike the Canada thistles, we Robt. McCrea, R. Proctor, John Van. Friday that his brotber, Mr. John Pat- maYkape thim undher control, but we Ca4, Jas. McGill, 0. S, Scott and Joh, erson of San Pedro, Cal., was dead. His thim. Wij McGill, Mr. Bradburn replied thanking �ody is expected to arrive in Wingham Extra SPecial—FiVe Roses Flour In 98 lb. can nivir "terminate " the U. the audience for tbe;r great kindness ex- on Thursday and Friday of this week F. 0. it is diffrunt, they may st.pring up pressed in their address and choice gift. Mr. Chas? Rintoul was visiting relatives bags $4.79. Place your order now. "Red Foam 11olke chess wbin the fall whate is winter Evening wai spent in music and games. in Kitchener last week. AIrs Rev� Hawkins sang several choice Quite a number from this killed, but wance they are plowed undber � vicinity at - d av thim. 'To change the Misses McClelland, Bly , former member Wingb m last Thursday and Friday, At live minutes to ten BUCke e that is the in solo� Jno. and Mrsib Armstrong and tended the political meetings held ini I -W y figger av shpache, the Grit parthy is loike of Trinity Church, Belgrave, were there a Breakfas M Ridge NV as a typical Nlissouri Messrs. John Beecroft, William Robin.' t Bacon 39c. lb. Picnic Ham 23 cts. 1�.-J 0 toWn. At ten O'clock it was a M an ould cat wid noine loives, for the evening. Ladies bad provided son and Ernest and William Love at. f a sumptuous lunch. Itwas a jolly com, I wish, Misliter Editur, you wud see tended the plowing match in Woodstock pany overflowing with good wrshes for the last Thursday, seething volcano peopled by wild- our frind Jarge and till him I an ixpectin bride and groom and to eaeb other which Mince Meat, 2 lb .............. 25c .21c bw f Pure Lard, 1qlb eyed maniacs thirsting for revenge to be appinted Returnid officer in ward brought to the writer's mind the follow- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and Mr. I [Ficnic H,4 twinty sivir in the Township of Aslimosh. ing lines: and Mrs. F. L. Creighton and son, Fran- Corn Syrup, 5 lb .............. 490 Pure Lard, 3 lb pall .......... 57c. Cis motored to Seaforth on Monday, The reason for this Sudden 0 0 In 1017 Jack Pott was put in becaws he "There are only a few swift years --ah 0 t" voted wid us, arr sed he- did, whin we let Mr. McKee addressed a U. V. o. meet- Straw. and Rasp, Jam, 4 lbopail.79c transformation will be seen in Whitechurch. There was a full Cheese, I lb .................. Z4c in Ralph Inc&s Production A to didn't nade his Vote at all, at all, and Nothing but good be heard; 9 e. it as ivir. Make life's fair pattern of rich design, Mr. Amns Cornelius has purchased a ocon, tin .....27c now he is just as shtrong a Or' Bulk Cocoa, I lb .* ............. I(Ic Pry$ or Bakers C What do ye fink av that fer gratitood? And fill up the measure of love's sweet Chevrolet car. Pork and Beans, 2 lb tin ...... 14c Red Salmon, 1 lb tin .......... son wine, Yours fer Meihen and Shpotton Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Henderson and tZ son, Hugh David and Mr, and Mrs. Timothy Hay. But never an unkind word," 4 String Brooms .............. 45c Campbells Soups .............. 16C "Red Foam —Post. Wm, Dawson motored to Moncton on FrOm the Saturday Evening Post Sunday and spent the day with relatives Ammonia, 3 pkga ............ 25d Forrning'Cood Reading Habits Mere, Choice Lemons, I doz � ....... 40c Story by Will. H, Hamby. It parents wish their children to form Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenagban and 3 pkga ........... .24c 'Corn Starch, pkg ...... ..... 10c AMES TAYLORchildten visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. good 'reading habits they must first our of Fordyce on Sunday, Ringo, 3 pkgi3 ................ 23C And there Messrs. Johns, Walsh, Russeii, and Thursday, Friday and Saturday form such habits themselves. AUCTIONEER Barb I Laundry Starch, 2 lbs ....... � 19c Silver Gloss Starch, pkg 12c .Nlatinee. SItUrdav 3.30, 10c and 15c. is no better Way to do this than to Phippen of Exeter, are hunting in this i I Crisco, I lb tin ...... TIV , bring into the household Farm Sales a Specialty, Orders left at vicinity, and while here they are staying! .......... 25c, S 0 ShOlvs Saturday Night 7.30 and 9. that will be " a periodical The Advance, Wingham, will receive �t the home of Mr. and Mrs. jas. Cortiel. Castile Soap, 7 bars ... ...... 25c Money, 5 lb pail .............. 95c cc it the first nir;ht for you Nvili want to tell your of interest to every mem- prompt attention. Ws. I ber of it; that will supply the best Phone NotthHuron 15-623, Bmssels 15- 1 1 PAImOlivt Soap, 3 for ........ 24c Special blend Coffee, I )b ...... 39C friends"about it,—Usual prices. reading for Od and Young. Among Fordyce Brunswick Sardines, 2 tins ..., isc Cross pi$h ------ the periodicals of this description The Sardines, tin ...... 18C Salem Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rintoul and fain * I ; I NOTE—This Theatre Will be el Youth's Companion is unique. Not visited at Mr. Alex Rintoulls on Sunud',13yl osed all next weelk owing to repairs Which are only does it aim to entertain a Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Bebnett visited last. nd in' the latter's mother, Mrs. Gilmour, north FIButtier and Eggs Taken Bread being Made, form boys and girl8 in their t0enS, as of Belmorie last Sunday. Mr. Thos. MeGuffin and big cou"'in of i cents a Loaf its name suggests, but there is not a P1194 Mrs. W. A. Catbers spent a few ListOwel visited at Mr. Jas. Do � ogle, in it that parents can p,�s over with in- last week with her mother, Mrs, da day recently. ; difiereace. Earls, south of Oorrie, she being Mr. John Martin's big steer and hair, --Thse wildest, madde,,,,t bunch very less horse which has been on Lxbibitiou COMING SOON of RZ! We carry a complete line of presh buckoroos that ever tore their way into yout, The 52 issues of 1922 will be Crowded sick for a few days. since last July at the fairs and other Canned Goods withserial stories, short stories, �O Rev. Mr. HarkneA of the Presbyterian Places of importance have returned home heart strings, editorials church Wroxcters cecapied the Pulpit again for a time and can now be at the very lowest prices. goetry, facta and fun. Subscribe now and bete la)st Sun -seen at 'day, Owing to the pastor, his place. HARRY CAREY receive: Rev, Mr. nolmes being on the sick Mt. Afrl George Dobbs of parry Sound I. The Youth's Companion -52 issucs 111r. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell , is and at Present visiting relativeg and fric-ads in 1922. Miss Laura, moved to Witighain recent- around Jordyce, it is- about forty years 10 IbS. Gra in "The, Wall ly, where in the future they Purpose re nulated Sugar for 89 cents. Get OP 12. All the remaining issues of 1021. since Ile went up there into the bush but iding, although sorry to lose then, aq i -a looking fine, �vben e xjrqt Our prices the 100 POUUdS. cn,y years of there lie bad to carry his provis Dy 3. The Com�nnian Homo Calendar for neighbors, we wish them in, went up 1922 happium in their new home. ions four I I n4les on hig back. 4. Or inehide McCall'g r $2 50, Mr. and Wrg, Jacob Uillits have got Mr.Patrick A1&1,Iymi has Purchased a LYCEUM HE ow" e0ettled in their new h6ine, which they re- house in WiLbq Rut" Magazine, the 111 intends moving away U1101) 'ntly Purchased fZ6m Mr. at2d Aim. Robt. it, the near future. Above prices nr6 subject to change. lY 2uth6titY on fatUons 13othl�c,��JLitehell, We welcolne theth to out 0 pubokations, only $3.00. c('111muaity. -2-Ifta to bear that Mr. Daniel oVal. Ingbarl Nyho butt his shoulder falling offlil". A