The Wingham Advance, 1921-10-20, Page 7Thursday. October 20th 1921
A' il
0 41
National Crisits
-My appeal is to the whole people; to
every man and woman who wantis to do
right by this country; to everyone who
breathes the spirit of our fathers who
founded this British Dominion."
THE Election to be held December 6th
will be the m o s t momentous in
Canadian history; for as men and
women vote will depend the economic
stability the political stability and,
indeed, the national stabil' of this
Today we find group striving against group,
class against clags, the industrial and financial
structure of the country assailed by false and
unsound doctrines and theories, 'while o u r
great neighbour to the south has adopted a
trade exclusion policy directed against Canada's
vast agricultural interesis.`-
The currencies of nearly ever'y'dountry in the world
are depreciated. The Canadian dollar in the United
States is subject to a heavy discount causing a loss
of over one hundred million dollars in exchange
Europe is overwhelmed with. war debts—unemploy-
ment is acute — and the restoration to -pre-war
,.Coniiitioris is� sl6w.'
While Canaaals In a much more favorAble condition
than many countries, yet there is evidence of stag-
nation, instability, unemployment and lack of con-
Taxes are heavy because of theicountry's efforts in
the Great W4r, but have become burdensome on
account of the misconceived policies and blunders
of Governments that directed Canada's affairs prior
to 1911.
These conditions are largely the direct aftermath of
the war, but they must be dealt with fearlessly and
loonstructively. This is no time to consider experi-
mental changes, or the theories of visionaries.
This is no time for Crerar and his Free Tra4e policy.
This is no time for King and his wobbling "charted"
policies, varying with each provincial boundary.
It is the time to cling to orderly, stable Governmen ' t
in the interest of all the people; to be guided by the
experience of the past, proceeding upon lines that
have been proven sound.
It is the time to place the destinies of Canada again
in the hands of a Government led by a sane, coura-
geous Canadian who has safely brought the countrY
through the trying years of reconstruction, and upon
,whom we can rely to retain and initiate policies in
the interest, not of a group, or class but of all the
It i� the time to support, Arthur, Meighen and his
The National Liberaland Conservative Party
Publicity Committee
Martin, of Winghatu Junction.
King Bros., annual sale commences
Mr. and Mrs. Young of London,
Miss Jean MacGregor of Toronto, is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Val
visiting at her home here.
Miss Beatrice Dobie of Wingliam, is
Mrs. Sparling spent Sunday
visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Jas.
Airs. John McGee.
Quite a number from here attende
Miss Sarah Sharpe of Teeswater, is
Aj3pleby-McGill wedding in Turnb
visiting with Mr. - and Mrs, Thos. Hen-
on Tuesday, Oct, iitb. Also qui
. number from here were present at
Mr. Ken Patterson and two children,
reception held at the home of Mr,
Helen and Scott, and Miss Lillian Pat-
Mrs. Thos. Appleby, on ][Mday even
tersou spent Sunday with relatives in
We are pleased to report that
Irene Moore lit's improved greatly
Mr. and Mrs., Wm. Martin and Bruce, I
her serious illness.
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert
- I -! ! I i 0 1 111111110m
I The Missionary $ociety bad a sple
I . 1 -0
on Thursday last, The Thank-
Fall and Winter Sale "
offerillog amounted to $39.00,
King Bros., annual sale commences
Quite a number from here attended
baseball ganie in Wingliam and also
Saturday, bigger money saving values
than ever.
third party in the Commons was done by
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Beecroft spent -91111-
Card of Thanks,
at the latters' home in Seaforth, Mr,
Mrs. V. L. Creighton and Francis of
Mrs. W. J, Blatchford and family wish
Doctor Michael Clark, Tv1r. Crerar sat by"
Red Michael He is
Sarnia, returned witlitherix.
to thahk their friends for kindness and
Men's Clothing$, Overcoats, Suits,
Mrs, Ben Naylor is visiting with her
sympathy extended during their recent
Mrs, Fraser of Bluevale.
Miss Annie Campbell of St. Helens,
in the year 1869, ani was united in mar -
man of charming personality—a keen.
visited with her friend, Miss Winulfred
Peath From Acute Peritonitis
Boys' Clothing and Furnishings
Farrier this week,
The itilquest into the cause of d. ath of
astute business man rather than a poll-
Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Reld and family.
the late W, J. Blatchford was held on
Prices greafli reduced.
Mr. and Mrs, John Blake and daughter,
Bernice, �,lr. and Mrs. 1�lmer Alton and
Tuesday and after twenty-five minutes
tician, who to day finds himself at the
head of a movement which 'threatens to
babe of Ashfield and Mrs, R. T. Phillips
deliberation the jury returned the follow -
Men's Worsted Suits, regular 45,00, for ......... .. 32.50
Men's Tweed Suits, regular 37.50, for .... ..... . 24.00
of Lucknow, were Sunday visitors at W.
ing verdict,
R. Varrier's.
"We, the coroner's jury inqoiring into
has gone about a great deal since the
the cause of death of William Blatckford,
di integrate the two old line parties, It
. s that the
Bar drnaster Resigns
-find according to the evidence that the
Men's blue Serge Suits, regular 4U0, for ...... 27�50
Mr. George J. Wright leaves on the
deceased came to his death from acute
1,; quite possible when smoke of
25tb of this month to takd the position of
peritonitis, caused by perforation of the
Men's Overcoats reduced ................... 20 per cent.
foreman in charge of the rubbing and
stomach, and we are of the opinion that
battle is cleared away this map who was
polishing of the Phonograph Department
proper medical aid was not summoned in
the McLangan Furniture Co. in Strat-
born on an Ontario larin near Molesworth
ford. Mr. Wright worked for the same
The Harp Singers
Stanfield's all wool Underwear, sbirts or drawers,
firm in 1916 and 1917. Mr. Wright bai
The Harp Singers bring to Lyceum a
may find himself at the hdad of the strong,
been in Wingharn nearly two years.
is Now P.;�M. For The Whole County
refreshing novelty feature that has won
per garment ................. I I ... ..... 1 8 9
*.:: :89
own way. There is not much subtility
instantaneous favor everywhere during
est group numerically in the new House.
Mr. C.�i AJ, Reid has received notice
the season just cLsed. Four charming
,, �.e lined Underwear, all sizes, per garment .:
Ribbed wool Underwear, good quality, all sizes
from the Attorney- General's Department
artists, delightfully costumed, featured
14a is able, and during Canada's time of
stress he served hor well as Minister of
extension of his jurisdiction as police
the street songs of Italy. And in their
magistrate to cover the whole county of
artistic presentation the Italian Harp as
Huron. This is an addition of six town,
it is commonly called. plays a prominent
ships to the territory Mr. Reid previously
had jurisdiction in.
The Harp Singers place importance on
paign in'London, N1r. Meigben referred
the singing part of their program, and
Lyceum folks will enjoy a splendid vocal
Librals Linder Mr. Xing, but to the deli
program when the Harp Singers appear�
of the forces ably led by Mr. Crerar.
In addition to vocal numbers both solo
(Continued from page
and ensemble work, there are readings
King's administration of the Department
and harp solos on the program,
of Labor was not marked by many flashes
In the typical Italian cities there are a
of brilliance; he labored prodigiously in
great many musicans who make it their
the house to pass legislation of a radical
profession to entertain on the streets and
pature with regard to combines and such,
on the lawns in front of the homes of the
but the statute books were merely clutter-
well-to-do. The muric they use has been
ed up with unworkable acts. I remember
passed from generation to generation.
he used to be a fair target for the OPPos-
The Harp Singers bring to their audience
ition in those days on account of his fond-
the atmosphere and music of that phase
ness (or the spoken word. They used to
of Italian life. The personnel of this un -
lay traps for. him and -he would go head-
usual organization follows: Athel Lin
Jqng into them every, time.. He may be
dorf, harpist and contralto, Helen Miller,
more wary now; the responsibilities or
'party "'supposed
alto, Vivian Purcell, second soprano and
leadership of a are' to
reader, Mary Korb, soprabo. At the
-breed caution. -Mr. King'i cabinet tenure
Town Hall, Wingham, on MQr day, even -
This is how WE LOST
The Score:— I
Winghan-i ............... .... � 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1-6 9 1
Zurich... .... .................... 0 0 2 1 3 0 2 0 x-8 9 3
Batteries, Morden and Anderson for Wingham; 01hert, Hoffaian
and Henning for Zurich,
H 1" 10%
0 TIT 24 Young Mv.�A Can Win
.We placed into stock on Saturday, 24 pairs Men's side calf shoes with the
fashionable English toe which we are offering at the remarkably low price of
The are niade.with new Saddle Strap effect and we
have them in both brown and black leathers.
All sizes 67 7, 8, 9, 10.
There is a sure win of from $1.00 to $2.00 to every young man wl-io is lucky
enough to procure a pair of these.
The Shoe Store -
Phone 129 Wingham
Sale Annou nce,ments
B 0
Annual Fall and Winter Sale
The sale that Is waited for by hundreds of thrifty buyers,
from year to year. Our reductions are genuine, and dis-
counts given olf the actual, present value of all merchandise.
Sale Starts Sat., Oct. 22, Watch fop BillsmComing
/ I
Silk stoelkings
Women's Holeproof Hose, nil sizes and
colors, These are firsts, not seconds, per
pair $1.25.
Fall and Winter Underwear from the
best makers, in seperate vests, drawers or
combination sults. Prices 89C to 2.39-
Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves, Chamoiaettc
Gloves, all reduced 20 rier cent.
Crepe de cliene Blouses, Georgettc
Blouses, Voile Blouses, Tricolette Blous-
es, Lill reduced 20 per cent.
was brief; he went down in the tidal *ave
ing, Ootober 24th.,
of 1911 being defeated in North Waterloo
by "Billie? Weichel. He tried to come
Ths Late Permelia McClinton
back via the NorthYork route in 1917
We are called upon this week to record
third party in the Commons was done by
but To h n A. Macdonald Armstrong
the passing away of one of our former
(there's a good old Tory name for you)
citizens in the person of Mrs. Jas. Arm -
Doctor Michael Clark, Tv1r. Crerar sat by"
Red Michael He is
held the seat securely. But Laurier never
our, of Spokane, Washington. The de -
Men's Clothing$, Overcoats, Suits,
lost sight of his wonder ]ad, he saw in him
ceased whose maiden name was Permella
and cheered on. a
more than any one else could discover—
McClintoD, was born in East Wawanosb,
and that it meant in kindness—and the
in the year 1869, ani was united in mar -
man of charming personality—a keen.
'knowledge that the old chief looked upon
riage to James Armour in 1887, After re -
Boys' Clothing and Furnishings
Mackenzie King as his rightful heir swung
siding in Wingharn for several years, the
astute business man rather than a poll-
Quebec into a steadfast line in his support
family moved to Saskatoon, Sask., and
Prices greafli reduced.
during the hectic days of the Ottawa
from there to Spokane where the rest of
tician, who to day finds himself at the
head of a movement which 'threatens to
convention of 1919. To the majority of
the family reside. Deceased who had
Men's Worsted Suits, regular 45,00, for ......... .. 32.50
Men's Tweed Suits, regular 37.50, for .... ..... . 24.00
Canadian people Mr. King is even more
been ill for several weeks, was a woman
of a name than Mr. Meighen although he
of estimable character and a member of
has gone about a great deal since the
the Methodist church.
di integrate the two old line parties, It
. s that the
leadership camr, to him on a Quebec
She leaves to mourn her death, her hus-
Men's blue Serge Suits, regular 4U0, for ...... 27�50
platter. That was a reality his "dies
band who is a brother of Jno. Armour of
1,; quite possible when smoke of
faustus"—bis lucky day when he nosed
Toronto, one of our former residents, and
Men's Overcoats reduced ................... 20 per cent.
out the warhorse William Steevens
two daughters, Mrs. 0. Schmidt.of Spok-
battle is cleared away this map who was
Fielding for the prize. On the cAumps
ane, Wash., and Mrs. 0. Reinemer of
Men's Odd Pants reduced ............... ... 20 per cent.
Mr. King is loquacious and moderately
Disbman, Wash. There are al -o seven
born on an Ontario larin near Molesworth
effbetive. He bas the rather rinforoinate
sisters, Mrs. Jno. McDowell, Mrs. Robt.
Stanfield's all wool Underwear, sbirts or drawers,
habit of talking over the heads of his
McDowell, Mrs. Robt. Henry, all of East
may find himself at the hdad of the strong,
audience but he can be eloquent in his
Wawanosh, Mrs.' Wm. McDowell o f
per garment ................. I I ... ..... 1 8 9
*.:: :89
own way. There is not much subtility
Sloux City, Iowa, Mrs. Jas. Help3 of
est group numerically in the new House.
about him; -he can hit bard and in this
Denver, Col., Mrs. H. I. Morrish and
,, �.e lined Underwear, all sizes, per garment .:
Ribbed wool Underwear, good quality, all sizes
campaign he will at least be untiring and
Mrs. John Armour of Toronto, also one
14a is able, and during Canada's time of
stress he served hor well as Minister of
enthusiastic in his efforts to win.
brother, Mr. J. H. McClinton of Gode-
But the dark horse is Thomag', Alexan.
rich a sister, Mrs. J. Wigbtman, prede-
der Crerar the leader of the "National
ceased her some years ago.
Progressive"- -in other words the agrar-
\- Interment took place in Riverside
iatis. In his operung speech of the cam-
cemetery. Spokane, Oct� 3rd. Muclf
paign in'London, N1r. Meigben referred
sympathy is� extended to the family in
not to the challenge which came from the
their sad bereavement.
Librals Linder Mr. Xing, but to the deli
of the forces ably led by Mr. Crerar.
This man.has bad no parliamentary ex-
periencq ' to speak of, fie came into the
Rev S. R. Johnston and wife of Ber-
House in 1917 when the Union Govern-
vie, attended the Convention here and
ment was formed aq4 lie went out of the
also visited at Mr. Johnston's home.
government two vearz later when the
They were accompanied by Mrs. Arm-
strong. Mrs. Shict, and Miss Winnic Fair,
war was over, For the best part of his
of Bervie� returning to Bervie on Friday
life lie has be,3n up to his eyes in the grain
business and is president Growers Export
On Wednesday of last week while
Co., Limited, And if the signs and por.
threshing at Mr. Robt Cathers? Mr�
tents do not fail Mr. Crerar is opposed to
Percy King met with a very serious ac-
cident. He was firing the engine when
anything in the nature of a public investi-
he slipped off the foot board and fell with
gation into th a grain business. Mr.
full force an to a bolt. He was taken
Crerar, although he has developed lately
home and medical aid summoned and is
into a more confident nublic sneaker has
doing as well as can be e2tpected but it
This is how WE LOST
The Score:— I
Winghan-i ............... .... � 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1-6 9 1
Zurich... .... .................... 0 0 2 1 3 0 2 0 x-8 9 3
Batteries, Morden and Anderson for Wingham; 01hert, Hoffaian
and Henning for Zurich,
H 1" 10%
0 TIT 24 Young Mv.�A Can Win
.We placed into stock on Saturday, 24 pairs Men's side calf shoes with the
fashionable English toe which we are offering at the remarkably low price of
The are niade.with new Saddle Strap effect and we
have them in both brown and black leathers.
All sizes 67 7, 8, 9, 10.
There is a sure win of from $1.00 to $2.00 to every young man wl-io is lucky
enough to procure a pair of these.
The Shoe Store -
Phone 129 Wingham
Sale Annou nce,ments
B 0
Annual Fall and Winter Sale
The sale that Is waited for by hundreds of thrifty buyers,
from year to year. Our reductions are genuine, and dis-
counts given olf the actual, present value of all merchandise.
Sale Starts Sat., Oct. 22, Watch fop BillsmComing
/ I
Silk stoelkings
Women's Holeproof Hose, nil sizes and
colors, These are firsts, not seconds, per
pair $1.25.
Fall and Winter Underwear from the
best makers, in seperate vests, drawers or
combination sults. Prices 89C to 2.39-
Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves, Chamoiaettc
Gloves, all reduced 20 rier cent.
Crepe de cliene Blouses, Georgettc
Blouses, Voile Blouses, Tricolette Blous-
es, Lill reduced 20 per cent.
Agriculture for a periadt sinking his SLEEP Boys" Suits, all sizes $9.75 Rai8ins, per lb ................................. 25C
REGISTER OCTOBER 3rdo at personal opinions in the face of the nation- Can you do it well � Just one or two Half price in boys' clothing of all wool suits in currants, per lb .......... . ................ :::19C
alperil. But Thomas Alexander Crerar doseo of DR. MILIt8l NERVINE—$1 20 tweeds and worstedo. Lux 2 pachagos ....................... ........ -28c
Corn Starch ...................................... 09C
like his distinquished opponents, Messrs. will soothe the irritated and over -strain- Granulated Sugar, any quantity .................. Delb
0 ednerves. Guaranteed8aft and Sure.
STAPLIE DRY GOODS Rolled Oats. fresh stock, 6 lbs ................ ��Z60
Meighen and King, will never compel the Sold in Winglism by
affection of his fellows by reason of his 35 In. heavy Plannellette, per yard .................. 19c Tea, good quality black or� green Qnd mixed 85c lb,
ALTONMcK186011 op., VngliGh Prints, all colo n .......................... 25c 3 IbG for ........... .............
personality. Apparently we only gilt a J. W Towelling, per yard ........................ 15c, 10c, 20c Laundry Socip, all rn�ikes, p6t, bar ......... 7c
a Lauri ............ 18c, 0c, 29c Toilet Papei,, 6 lArge roll o
Nacdonald and ier at very long cotton, per yard ............... a f im ........
Phone 166. interva1% This much can be said tor WIr.
-will'ohm"t ont.9, crerkr, lie will not stoop to personalities M R S. T FE L L S'l
ASUpetiorsehoolofbUSI%Iesgtraitiingtthor<)uglit,Oursesin-CoMtoorciaI stib- Terins, Cash --No Good.4 sewit on-
jectq. Individual ihatrt1cVion,, Graduates assisted to positions- -.Sttid
enter at any timer may do and lie may be counted upon to Qualified to give Chiropractic and B ]k (0) S
in this c�
ents"Ithy I ampaign, whatever, his followers - PatrickSt., Photie-231. APProval-Get Oar Prices K LN G
Get the best, Get our Free CUal0gue- urn, ith no hitting below massage, ajustments. Spin I examination Before Buying.
--- -— ( ish a clean fight, wa
A. McLachlan, Pres. Thog. P.. Poster, PrIncio4l, the belt. free.
f .
and knows his limitations in this particular
wal be some timb before he will be able
to be around again�
A"ft --
regard, Most of the speaking for the
Er E -
third party in the Commons was done by
Doctor Michael Clark, Tv1r. Crerar sat by"
Red Michael He is
Men's Clothing$, Overcoats, Suits,
Furs, Fur 'Coats, Ladies' Ready -
and cheered on. a
man of charming personality—a keen.
SAUTH—In Wingharn General Hospital,
Boys' Clothing and Furnishings
to . Wear All Reduced
I the
astute business man rather than a poll-
on Thursday, Oct. 13th, to Mr. and
Prices greafli reduced.
Ladles' Serge Drenses, reduced ............ 20 per cent.
te a
tician, who to day finds himself at the
head of a movement which 'threatens to
Mrs. C. P. Smith, a son.
Men's Worsted Suits, regular 45,00, for ......... .. 32.50
Men's Tweed Suits, regular 37.50, for .... ..... . 24.00
Ladies' Silk Dresses, reduced .., ........... 20 per cent.
Ladies' Tricotine Dresses, reduced .......... 20 per cent.
MeLBAN—In Wingbam, lot
Ladies' Silk Un6erskirts, reduced .......... 210 per cent.
di integrate the two old line parties, It
. s that the
Oct. 12tb, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Men's blue Serge Suits, regular 4U0, for ...... 27�50
Ladies' Winter Coats, reduced .............. 20 per cent.
1,; quite possible when smoke of
McLean, a daughter—Stillborn.
Men's Overcoats reduced ................... 20 per cent.
Ladies' Plurb Coats, reduced .............. 20 per cent.
battle is cleared away this map who was
Men's Odd Pants reduced ............... ... 20 per cent.
Ladies' Seperate Skirts, reduced ............ 20 per cent.
born on an Ontario larin near Molesworth
YOUNO—Iti Morris, on Sunday, October
Stanfield's all wool Underwear, sbirts or drawers,
Our Fura and Fur Coats are all dependable skino.
may find himself at the hdad of the strong,
16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Young,
per garment ................. I I ... ..... 1 8 9
*.:: :89
in coatG, muffs, states, etc. Get our pricea before bnVing.
est group numerically in the new House.
a ton—Robert John.
,, �.e lined Underwear, all sizes, per garment .:
Ribbed wool Underwear, good quality, all sizes
14a is able, and during Canada's time of
stress he served hor well as Minister of
Combination Underwear reduced .......... 20 per cent.
Agriculture for a periadt sinking his SLEEP Boys" Suits, all sizes $9.75 Rai8ins, per lb ................................. 25C
REGISTER OCTOBER 3rdo at personal opinions in the face of the nation- Can you do it well � Just one or two Half price in boys' clothing of all wool suits in currants, per lb .......... . ................ :::19C
alperil. But Thomas Alexander Crerar doseo of DR. MILIt8l NERVINE—$1 20 tweeds and worstedo. Lux 2 pachagos ....................... ........ -28c
Corn Starch ...................................... 09C
like his distinquished opponents, Messrs. will soothe the irritated and over -strain- Granulated Sugar, any quantity .................. Delb
0 ednerves. Guaranteed8aft and Sure.
STAPLIE DRY GOODS Rolled Oats. fresh stock, 6 lbs ................ ��Z60
Meighen and King, will never compel the Sold in Winglism by
affection of his fellows by reason of his 35 In. heavy Plannellette, per yard .................. 19c Tea, good quality black or� green Qnd mixed 85c lb,
ALTONMcK186011 op., VngliGh Prints, all colo n .......................... 25c 3 IbG for ........... .............
personality. Apparently we only gilt a J. W Towelling, per yard ........................ 15c, 10c, 20c Laundry Socip, all rn�ikes, p6t, bar ......... 7c
a Lauri ............ 18c, 0c, 29c Toilet Papei,, 6 lArge roll o
Nacdonald and ier at very long cotton, per yard ............... a f im ........
Phone 166. interva1% This much can be said tor WIr.
-will'ohm"t ont.9, crerkr, lie will not stoop to personalities M R S. T FE L L S'l
ASUpetiorsehoolofbUSI%Iesgtraitiingtthor<)uglit,Oursesin-CoMtoorciaI stib- Terins, Cash --No Good.4 sewit on-
jectq. Individual ihatrt1cVion,, Graduates assisted to positions- -.Sttid
enter at any timer may do and lie may be counted upon to Qualified to give Chiropractic and B ]k (0) S
in this c�
ents"Ithy I ampaign, whatever, his followers - PatrickSt., Photie-231. APProval-Get Oar Prices K LN G
Get the best, Get our Free CUal0gue- urn, ith no hitting below massage, ajustments. Spin I examination Before Buying.
--- -— ( ish a clean fight, wa
A. McLachlan, Pres. Thog. P.. Poster, PrIncio4l, the belt. free.