The Wingham Advance, 1921-10-20, Page 1Is
October 2 1 st.
Hon. Hugh Guthrie, Minister -ef Militia and Defense, will speak in Wingham Town Hall, Friday evening.,
WINGHAWONT., THURSDAY,OCTOBER 20th, 1921 Subscriptions: $2.00 per year
Single Copies - Four Cents
- -
Mr. E. R, Harrison spent the week -end
Given By The Men Of The Wingharn
Fourteenth Annual Field Day A
Great Success
Buy your cracked eggs at Gunns' Ltd.
The first of a series of
with friends in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Gear spent a few
Methodist Church
ihe Wiligham Methodist
The Wingham High School c hose an
Some real Bargains await you at Isards'
Store Alteration Sale, Buy a suit or coat
At Last 1.
The men of ideal
day for their fourteenth annual
at a big saving. See ad, on page 4.
5 Doininion Chautauqua
days with Belgrave friends. .
Church gave a banquet to the ladies of field
Tuesday evening, Oct. 11th. the
day. The games were run off on
High School campers and were attend-
H. E. Isard & Co,, are having a new
Concerts will be given, in
Miss Hazel Brandon is spending a week
friends in London and St. Marys.
church on
Although the weather was very wet and ed
by several visitors. Mr. Brackenbury
front placed in their store wh?ch will add
The date is drawing nigho
the Town Hall, Winghan-i
the basement of the church was and
the other teachers of the staff were
greatly to the appearance of the building.
Mr. Eddie Hawkinshas returned from
r6wded. The men had everything to do in
charge of the events. The winners
The Wingham Branch of the Clinton
Monhy, Oct. 24t hil
Detroit, where he spent a couple of weeks.
Tp., have
w ith the serving and preparation of the were
with the cooking
as follows:
Knitting Factory has again resumed oper-
being closed for several
Misses Elston of Morris
bought the Halliday house on Minnie St.
dinner (we will not say
of it, however although they were suppos-
had been
Forenoon 9 to 12
Hurdle Race, Sr., H. Mitchell, S. Har
ations after
imma— Watch this Space --no&
Under the auspices of
Miss Ruby Brown has gone to Guel�pbl
ed to have done so.) After all
seated at the tables, the waiters, number- rison;
Hurdle Race, Jr., S. Hutton, A.
Bread 9 cents, a full 'ine of pastry and
St. Pauls Church Ph oir
where she has accepted a position a steno-
about twenty-five, entered the base- Gibbons;
Standing Broad jump, Sr , H.
fancy cakes at reasonable prices. W. E.
Rathwell, next Robertson & Hecker's
in aid of the organ fund,
ment attired in aprons and c2ips, singing,
Mitchell, W. Gray; Standing Board
Mrs. W. J. Greer is spending a -month
"Three blind mice". The following copy Jump,
Jr., G. Bi3bee, S. Hutton; Run -
Cott . rse Tickets:
with relatives in Toronto, Niagara Falls
of the menu and the program which ningBroadJump,
Sr., A. MacKay, W.
On Sunday evening next, Rev. Mr.
Next week we will be able to give
Adults 2.00 Child 1.00
and Buffalo.
followed the dinner will give our readers
a fairly good idea of the excellent time coner,
Gray; Running Broad jump, Jr,, G. Fal-
G. Bisbee; Quarter -mile Run, Sr.,
Cragg will speak on "The Man with the
Grouch" in the Wingbam Methodist
you the exact dates you have been
Single adn-iission 75 cts.
Mr. and, Mrs. B. H. Taylor of
rich, spent a couple of days with Wing-,
which was spent until the wee sma hours.
W. Gray, S. Harrison; Quarter -mile Run,
C. Messer, H. Elliott Dever.
been looking for. Watch this space
ham friends.
Jr., and G,
Tanlac is manufactured in one of the
Children 25 cts
Entress, Cold Ham, (a la Thos. Field),
eaux; Hop, Step and Jump, Sr., H. Mit-
largest and most modernly equipped
Plan at McKibbon's
Mr. and Mrs B. C. Brandon of Han"
T. S.
Roast Beef �(Baby) Not Bert Welwood's,
chell, A. MacKay; Hop, Step and Jump,
laboratories in this country. Sold at J.
over, spent Sunday with Mrs.
jellied Tongue (Not J, A. Morton's;)
Jr., G. Falconer, S. Hutton; Putting Shot,
W. McKibbon's.
Drug Store.
Brandon, Frances St.
Salads, Variegated, Mill's Mammouth
Sr., H. Mitchell, A. MacKay; Putting
Mr. McEvers has'returned home after
spending a couple of weeks with old
- - --d Tee—ter
Sweet, Howson's Early Rising; Pickles,
Mason's Mixed, Church Sweets, Willis'
Hot Stuff! Confections Carter's Angel
Shot, Jr., G. Bisbee, E. Purdon; High
Jump'Sr., S. Harrison, H. Mitchell; High
jump, Jr. G. Devereaux, P. Johnston.
"The call of Abram" and "The hand -
writing on the wall, in Belshazzar's feast"
will be the subject next Sunday at the
J. Walton McKibbon
Lyceum Theatre
Thursday, Friday and Saturday an
in B
"The Chicken in the -
Case" st
also Special Christie Comedy
"Seven Bald Plates" fr
Matinee, Saturday at 3.30.
2 shows Sat. Night 7.30 and 9. C
Coming Mon., Tues. and Wed.
Universal —Jewel
Production De Luxe T
The Virgin of p
Stamboul S
Directed by Tod. Browning e
AUCTION SALE -Furniture, at corner Qf
Jainnie and Patriok streetq, Wingham, on I
Saturday, Octobei 29th., at 2 o'clock. S
T. R. BENNETT, Auctioneer,
MRS. LouGHEPD, Proprietor. b
HAgen" h
T Canada
OpFETtS jOR SALE -100 Acres 3 miles from
Wingham; 85 acres workable. 3 acres
bush, balance pasture, 1 acre orchard', clay
and loamy soil, level; one well and creek;
ra e on , cellar; b%nk b�r S
X I d I In h se, age; School i'mile;
tole One; an cou t roa price $1.800. �
I oe. 43 ictorls, t. ATALOQUA head
AUCTION sALV.-Farm Sto�k #d ImPlb-
ment6, Let42,Con. 10, East wn.B . S
onemileanda quarter north ofBelgrave, on
Friday, Oct. 21st. S;o blils.
j. j. FEaGusox, Prop,
,&UCTION sALE-Farm Stock, Hay, Ropts, p
IMIDlements. f to. at, wingliam Junction,
commencing at 1.30 an Tuesday, Oct. 25th. No a
reserve. So6 largo bills. qox, Prop. r
J. T. LEN,
T. R. BENNETT, Auctioneer 2
FR RENT -Seven roomed brick house.
0 Apply to. THE AnVM40k.
SALF-Four day old Durham Calf.
FORApply to W. G BOYLE,
FOR SALE -50 choice Barred Rook Pullets,
H BltowN, & -ONS.
Phone 201.
][IoUsEICEEPER WANTED-teady girl
or -woman, no wher need apply. Apply
to ALEx '.AcNnvnN,
Carling Terrace.
SAI,E-Gtood dwelling. stable
HovansTaFriolined well, siluated in the vill'tgo of
Belgravo. Apply for further parbiculars to
Route 1, Bolgr&VO-
GIRL WANTED -To learn typo ScttiDg-
Apply to Xas ADvAxor.
Ducks also fat 110118, Chickens and geese.
Highest prices paid. H. BROWN & SONS,
Phone 201.
FOR$ALE -Two steel tire bugglos and one
all in good running
rubber tire buggy,
shape. It will Pay You to 60ot,%3%
mrn= ARAM
Flt'FOR SALB-100 acres being Lot 5,
,ma 10, Turnberry. Good barn, stables,
henhousO and drive alied also large frame
house . For
fenced, good spring water
Information stp ly
%lugham. -
elephoto 23-613,
WAXTED-Position at Housework with
good family. Apply at
Notleeighorebygiventhat a Court will be
hold, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lists
Act f Rig Honour the Judge of County
Cou`rt)j�y the (lountl of Huron, at the Town
Hall, on the 25th ay of October, 19H, ett 10
O'clock A.. tr., to heir and determine com-
Vshita of 6rrorii and emissions In the Voters'
, Rt of the Municipality of Win lan), for 19U .
D66ted, Clerk's OfJ14�o, this Chth day of
October, 1921, W. A. GALFIRAITIt,
Clerk of WIdglihm.
I . I Baptist church. Drugs and Stationery
Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Smith of Kitchen- Cake (Gobd for dreams), Coutts' Devil Afternoon 1.30 to 5
spent a few days visiting with Mr. Cake (Mind it doesn't burn, use a fork), Hundred Yard Dash, Sr., W. Gray, A. Mr. George Fryfogle, leader of the Edison'Phonographs Phone 53
d Mrs. C. R, Copeland. Ladies' Fingers (Not to be squeezed), MacKay; Hundred Yard Dash, Jr., P. famous Fryfogle orchestra, has organized
Christie's Anthems (Ripe and Juicy); Johnston, A. Gibbons; One Mile Run, Sr , a class at Mildmay and will give music
Miss Lillian Lutton of Wingham, is a Creme Glace, Georgas Extra (Well M. Stewart,'W. Gray; One Mile Run, lessons there each Tuesday.
est at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Greeced); Nuts, Copeland's Nigger Toes Jr., S. Hutton, P. Johnstod, Pole Vault,
assett.-Listowel Banner. Gunns' Ltd will have a quantity of ADER OF PROGRESSIVES
(There only ten of these), Bennett's Sr., S. Harrison, J. Lutton; Pole Vault, cracked eggs for sale until winter. Hon.T. A. Crerar
Mrs. French has joined her husband in Doughnuts (Blanched), Andy's nut -bars Jr., C. Patterson, S. Hutton; x Football
. . . . . . . . . .
One Sunday evening recently the people .51
ingham. They have leased the John- (Advance please copy); Toast, Cragg's Game (Inter -School), Wingham vs. PF 2 Leader of the National Progressives
were ushered into their seats in Knox
ewrim e:. and in all pro
on dwelling on Alfred Street. short, crisp and punctual, well browned Harriston, Wingham winners. bability
church, Listowel, by the aid of lanterns .7
Mr. and Mrs. T. -Ts
F. McCrackin and and Qasy to digest; Coffee, Isard's Blend GiRLSI EvnN because a transformer burned out.
Hon. E. C. Drury
ForenoGn 9 to 12 . . . . . . .
r, A L. Taylor of London, visited (Waterproof) The,cupthat cheers. As
The Ladies Aid of the Wingham
there isa famine in China, be careful of Throwing Basketball, Sr., Helen Wilson, Ali"
lends in town over the week -end, the dishes. Dorothy Webster; Throwing Basketball, Methodist Church are holding, a bazaar Premier of Ontario
on Saturday, and the National Progressive Ca
Mrs. B. C. Paddock and her sister, Miss PROGRAMME Jr., Marion Mitchell,' Ena Cidrrie; Egg in the Council Chamber n-
oventry are leaving this week to spend December loth. E eep the date in mind. didate in North Huron
Introductory address of welcome by Race, Sr., Mable Armstrong, Marie Liv-
e winter in Brooklyn, New York.
Rev. q. E. Cragg, and Toast to our King ingstone, Egg Race, Jr., Annie Homuth, The Canadian Express Co. have a new.
Miss Azelia Sanderson of Hamilton, Mr. J. W. Kin
Race, Sr,, ly painted blue wagon with white :wheels, 9
her parents, and Country, singing of the National Alice Williamson; Needle
ent the week -end with n
Anthem, response bv A. H, Musgrove; Dorothy Websters, Edna Musgrove; Itis quite attractive. Fred Carter also will address a public meeting
r. and Mrs. A. Sanderson, Shuter St.
orus, 110 Canada"; Toast, Our Needle Race, Jr,, Annie Homuth, Alice has a very attractively p4int@d bread
the Town Park.
of song, ch
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cummins Church by J. A. Morton, response by W. Williamson; Apple Race, Sr., Marie wagon.
ronto, are visiting with the latter's and if weather unfavorable it V
J. Greer, Rev. C. E. Cragg; song, W. H. Livingstone, Dorothy Webster; Apple Rev. Archdeacon Graham of the Diocese Vil I
arents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Beckwith.
Willis; Toast to the Ladies of Our Church Race, Jr., Annie Homuth, Gertie Ander- of Kootney, B. C., preached eloquently
be held in the Town Hall on
Mayor Brandon ana Mr, Zurbrigg of by J, A. Mills, response by Mrs. J. Pat- son; Nail Race, Sr., Marie Livingstone, to the members and adherents at St.
t. Marys, spent Monday with the form-
tison, President of Women's Missionary Agnes William�on; Nail Race, Jr., Annie paul,0 Church, Wingbam. on Sunday 0
r's mother, Mrs. T. S. Brandon, Frances Society and Mrs. W. J. Howson, Pre- Homuth, Mary McGregor; Past Walk 4 evening last. Thurs. Oct. 20th.
t. 01111131k,�ez . "',
sid;nt of Ladies' Aid Society; song, chorus, Nile, Sr., Dorothy Webster, Marie Living -
Thousands of weak, run-down meft aftd at 2 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Angus of London, selected; Toast, Our Sunday School by stone; Fast Walk I Mile, Jr., Annie
isited for -a few days with the former's A. E. Lloyd, response by W. J. Currie; Homuth, Gertie Anderson; Throwing and women have reported astonishing gains Everybody Invited
linweightfromtheuse of Tanlac and is God Save the King
arents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Angus, Toast, Our Choir, by,Dr. R. C. Redmond, catching Tennis Ball, Sr., Helen Wilson.
Ileasant Valley, response by J. H. Christie; chorus select- Agnes Williamson, Dorothy Webster -Marie sold by J. W. McKibbon's. Win. Rutherford R. C. Procter
Mr. Horace Bennett spent a few days ed; Toast, OurEpworth League, by B. Livingstone; Throwing and catching Ten- Patrick McGlynn of Wawanosh, has HoN T. A. CRERAR Pres. Secy. Treas.
i town at the home of his brother, Mr. Cruikshank, response by F. R, Howson; nis Ball, Jr., Alice Williamson, Irene bought the Roderick McLean property Who will deliver an address in Wii I
amuel Bennett, prior'to his leaving for a Toast, Our Rural Members, by A. G. Hunter. on Maple St. The property was sold by ham town ball on Thursday UcttotCl iv -ft
usiness trip to Australia. Smith, response by J. J. Kerr; Auld Lang Afternoon 1.30 to a auction at the Queen's Hotel on Saturday 20th.
last T. R. Bennett being the auctioneer.
Rev. J. Carlton McCrackin of Blen- Syne, Hundred Yard Dash, Sr. Dorothy Web- ' ' - — 0 C".. M*C Cec PC* V*4P
eim, and Mrs. Albert Lavelle Taylor of ster, Marie Livingstone; Hundred Yard Word has been received from -Mr. E. S. DIED 4 To Auto Owners
Dash, Jr., Annie Homuth, Gertie Ander- Copeland, who is the travelling repre-
,ondon, visited their mother, Mrs. John THE THREE LEADERS sentative for Fry & Blackhall and Gunn.
4cCrackln during the week. son; x Relay Race �Inter-School), Wing- MILLER -In Lucknow, on Wednesday 1W If you want your Auto (not simply
ham vs. Harriston, Wingham winners; Sonola, Ltd. He has reached the Soo. October 19th, Lavina Sherwood, be:j,�* painted) but
'Mr. Ken Paterson and two children, (Toronto Saturday Night) We are delighted to learn that his sales
cott and Helen, and Miss Lillian Pat- rhree leaders are all on the sunny side x Pass Ball (Inter -School), Wingham thus far exceed $5,000. loved wife of Mr. Elloitt Miller, in her Refinished
radn spent Sunday at the home of Mr. ot fifty, and all Presbyterians. SirWilfrid vs. Harriston, Wingham Winners; x 26th. year.
Valter Patersonp Diagonal Road. Laurier was elected to the Quebec legis- Bisketball Game (Inter -School), Wing- Bandmaster Geo. Wright has decided to during the winter, and made to
'in Stratford and will HERGoTT—In Wingham, on Sunday, I I
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Noad and family lature for Drummond and Arthabaska ham vs. Harriston, Winghpm winners accept a situation October 16th, John Hergott, aged 80 i W look like new, leave your order at
3-2. leave for his new place of abode about I Robertson & Hecker's Garage
notored from Ingersoll and spent over three years before Arthur Meighen and years. The funeral from the residence * Ap
unday with Bandmaster Wright and William Lyon McKenzie King were born Harold Mitchell received the greatest Nov. Ist. We are sorry to lose Mr. of his daughter. Mrs. John Lockeridge, im for TOM GARRETT T,
' number of points (24) but as. he held the Wright and his estimable family from our man-
amily. Mrs. Noad is a sister of Mrs. and Thomas Alexander Crerar at that with whom he has resided for some I to do it for you. Good worki 4k
time was a babe in swaddling clothes. championship last year, it was given to town. Mr. Wright has been a splendid years, o W ship. Satisfaction guaranteed. 4%
Wright. W. Gray, who was next highest with 20 bandmaster, n Tuesday morning, to the, W 4%
Mr. Alex T. Ross who has spent the Sir Wilfrid was elected -to the Commons points. The boy� junior championship Mr. Jesse Pickle has traded his d ell Church of the Sacred Heart and inter4 ih Only the best of materials used. o.b
the very year that the present prime w ment in Wingham R. C. cemetery. %1111.% aaw--34_4 �V"aaaa a40T
ast four monthi Mth his parents, Mr. .. ster first opened his eyes in that little was won by Smith Hutton with 19 points ing on the corner of Patrick and Minnie
nd Mrs. Daniel Ross at Truro, N. S.. mm' to his credit. Misses Marie Livingstone St.. for the house just south of the
eturned last week to his home on the farm house in Blanchard Township Perth and D. Webster tied for the senior cham. Methodist church, lately purchased by
nd line of Morris. County, and Mackenzie King played in his pionship, but this was decided on Tues- the late J. W. Shoebottom, and at pre- X 14
a Beni- cradlein thethensmall village of Berlin. day morning in favor of the former. Miss sent occupied by W. G. Colgate, pro -
Misses Ruby Robinson and Rat When they had reached the mature age of
lect accompanied by Mr Bowie and Mr. three, Sir Wilfrid was Minister in the Mac- Annie Homuth won the girls junior chain prietor of The Times.
Ruart McDonald motored from Chesley ken7ie administration and little Tom pionship, with 30 points to her credit. We were mistaken when we stated that
and spent Sunday with Bandmaster Crerar was toddling about his father's Mr. Homuth had purchased Mrs. Loug- ley
Wright and family. farm at Molesworth. Yet Sir Wilfrid Buy Now, King's Sale heed's property, he has purchased Mr&
Mrs. M. Robinson has decided to take lived to see Arthur Meighen rise to be a Get our prices before buying, our prices Wellwood's residence on Patrick street,
a well-earned rest and will spend the power in the Conservative party and a are the lowest for good clothing, Dry and Miss Ida Stanley, nurse, has purchas-
w.nt6e months with her daughters, Mrs. leading member of a government, and to Goods etc. ed Mrs. Lougheed's property on the PIT
corner of Minnie and Patrick streets,
Percy Powers, near Guelph and Mrs. 0. make Mackenzie King a member of one Apology To Our Readers
E, Taylor, near Belgrave. of his own administrations. - The cam- Owing to an extra rush of printing and Mitchell & Brown have sold out their 019� FOR
Mr. J. W. K. VariNornian of Brandon, paign which is now opening up is in all advertising several good items of news restaurant and bake shop to W. E. Rath- :�Vi E RY
spent a few days in town. Mrs. Van- truth a young man's fight; the respective had to be left out of this week's paper, well of Brussels, who is now iii charge of OOT
Norman is with her mother, Mrs.,peemer, leaders are not overburdened by the We trust our readers and correspondents the. business. It is Mr. Rathwell's intent -
at Toronto, whom her many friends wil I le will bear with us for this week. ion to make the business a success, and
regret to learn is as present very low, weight of years, in fact this is an e ction will serve hot meals as well as continue .14
in which youth is going to have its fling. 9th Grey Horse Regiment
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Armour, 65 Leuty That is why I have deemed it mect and All members of the atove and those the baking, of bread and fancy cakes, etc,
Cenclair Phippen, painter and decor- 0�1
Ave., Toronto, announce the engagement, proper this week to set down a few facts wishing to join, are requested to meet at
of their daughter, Vinia, to Mr. A. gleaned from personal observation of the the Armouries at 2.30 p. m., Saturday, ator, has completed painting W. D.
Pringle's residence on Leopold St. and v
forces to conflict. I therefore present to th .4 OUR SHOES will clicer you up when you fc
George MacKaye, of Toronto, the mar. youthful triumvirate who are to lead their Oct. 22nd. MAJOR E. PiRTTIGHENIV, e Pringle Glove Factory on Victoria sad instead of niaking You feet worse- We
riage to take place early in December, you Mr. Arthur Meighen, Mr. William 0. C. Regiment. St,, also Mrs. Herdsmand block on Jos- to show you that will
Mrs. Bellinda Johnston. and her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Thos. Fixter of Wallaceburg, Lyon Mackenzie King. and Mr. Thomas Drop In ephine St. For a good job call him on .14 have some new styles
were in town for a couple of days. Mrs. Alexander Crerar, each free-born, of The National Liberal�and Conservative the phone or address Cenclair Phippen, make your stockinged feet fairly itch to be
Johnston accompanied her daughter to matur, age, and under the tongue Of Association has opened Club Rooms in Route 3, Wingham—Advt. on the inside of them, They are priced to
Wallaceburg, where she will spend the good report. the Meyer Block, directly over Thos. Tanlac has been an unfailing source of encourage private Ownership. Would you
winter. (Continued on page 5.) Kew's Harness Shop. Mr. John F. coinfort to millions throughout the
Mrs. Wheeler and son, Lloyd, and Mrs. Groves is in charge and will be glad to length and breadth of this continent. like to take a look at thOni ?
Cardiff of Brussels, ttlso Mr. and Mrs, Hon. Hugh Guthrie Coming welcome anyone from any part of North Have You tried it for your troubles? REPAIRING—Bring aloag your old shoes and let
8pelran, the Misses Speiran and Mrs. Hon. Hugh Guthrie, minister of Militia Huron. Open day and night. Private Sold by J. W. McKibbon.
Geo, MeTaggart of Moncton, visited at and Defense, arid another cabinQt min- apartment for lady workers. Drop in. X us put them in good condition foi, you.
the home of Mr. and Mrs, D. K. Living- ister or an excellent lady speaker will ad- Listowel-Wingham Football Bank Manager Leaving X . ___ - - — - --% " l
stone, Victoria St. dress a mass meeting of the electors of The first game in the Hough 0,ip Series Mr. R. D. Blomfield who has been
Mrs.E. J. Jackson, and her mother, North Huton in the interests of the to be played in Wingbam is scheduled to manager of the Wingliam branch of the
Mrs, Barbour of Teeswatdr, visited M-eighen GoVernment and their candi- take place in the Town Park on Saturday Dominion Bank for the past four years, two OF MERIT R
-frittids in town last week. The latter is date, George Spotton. in the town hall , afternoon, commencing at 3,30 sharp be- has been transferred to Toronto and
in her 90th year, and is in possession of Wingliam, on Friday evening, October tween tha old rivals Listowel and Wing. leaves in the course of a few days. PHONE 23
allher faculties to a remarkable degree 21st. There will bean afternoon meeting ham High School Teams, Comeout and "Blom" was a capital fellow and he ard
'for that age, The above named, is sister and the same speakers in Gorrie at 2 p. m, encourage the High School boys by your his family will be initsed in town. His
and Mother of Mrs, M , E, Copeland, Everyone welcome whether a protection- presence and your 25 cents, A good game many Wilighata friends widi, hina success
ist or a free trader, God OaVe the King, is assured, whoever lie goes. 1XXXX4WXXXXXXX XXXk*XX41tXXXXX
Shuter estreet. F& 01% 0%