The Wingham Advance, 1921-10-13, Page 8�i
List of Prizewinners at the School
Ready to tt
heat, Marquis, Willie Gray 17
spring W
Howicl;: gats, 0 A, C No 72, Alex Rob-
ertson, Lorne Scott, Oats, 0 A C No 72,
Wear Depa^rtme�it Im' Sheaf, Lorne Scott; Field Peas, Arthur,
19 rll� Norman Coulter 9tb B W; Harold Ham -
Coats -Heavy English velour, bQaverette, and op- ilton 17 Howick, Valette Chamney 7 E
W. Field Corn, Harry Montgomery 17
possum trimmed, browns, reindeer, blues ........ $35.00 Howtek, Eph Gray, 8 Hullett; Sweet Corn
Ilk! 0 Iden Bantam, John Gamble 17 Howick.
24.75 po
Plain velour coats .................................... rizes Ist $1, 2nd 75c, 3rd 50c.
Suits -Clearance of all suits at cut prices. ROOTS AND V13GETABLES
Potatoes, Irish Cobbler, Vernon Chain-
ney 7 E W; Potatoes. Dooley, 12 tubers,
2-4 Drew�es-Serge trininiod dresses, regular u p to Earl Witmer 17 Howicl�; Myrtle Har -
Wgrave 17 Howick, Cecil C ultes 9 E W;
$32.50, special ....................................... $17.50 0
Marigolds, yelldw Intermediate, Mildred
Mainstock 17 Howick, Elgin Rutledge
1X,F Colborne, Blair Gibbons E W; Carrots,
Chantenay, Elva Brown 17 Howick; Irene
Woods 4 W W; Joe Kerr, 9 B W; Pars-
'lothin'g nips, Hollow Crown, Edythe Kennedy 17
Howick. Prizes, Ist,91-00, 2nd 75c; 3vd
Niel -l's Overcoats, hundreds to choose from, lowest DOULTRY
cash prices. YouthS' Overcoats, special ........ q 15. 0 0
Pullett, Barred Plymouth Rock, Mil -
AMen's li,2a%,y Ulsters, special ............................ $21.75 dred Hainstock, Olive Alton, 13 Ashfield;
Cockerel. Barred Plymouth Rock, Clay.
ton Brown 17 Howick, Mildred Hainstock
Margatet Pullen, Wingbam, Olive Alton.
Pen of two, Barred Plymouth Rock, Olive
Alton, Garfield Finley, Wingliam; Pen of
B P Rock, Mildred Hainstock, Elva
Brown, Olive Alton, Calvin Rutiekge.
BR.AND Prizes ist $1.50, 2nd 1.00, 3rd 75c.
Spring Lamb, Fred McQuillin 4 W W,
TORONTO Will Ross, 11 H.1lett, Robt Douglas I
Turnberry; prizes Ist $3.00; 2nd 2.00; 3rd
1.00; Beef Calf, prizes donated by John
,Sole agents for 20th Century and Society Brand Joynt, M P P, prizes lst $15, 2nd $10, 3rd
11, 41h 15. 5th $5, Thee Todd 4 W, W,
Tailored Clothing. -20th Century Clothesl
Robt Douglas, Gordon Lyons 4 W W,
"IMM givc guaranteed satisfactien. Geo Sanderson 8 Howick, Wm. Lyons 4
XZ75 - W W.
New fall Hats in brown and dark greys, special 3.50 MANUAL TRAINING
Aammer Handle. Robt Coultes 7 Moi�-
Borsalinos, Stetsons and Mallory ....... ............ $7.95 -ris, Calvin Rutledge Elgin Rutledge;
Wooden Mallett, Harvey McLaughlin 17
[AM ADVANCE Thursday, October l3th, 1921
The Women's Institute met on Satur. r
dav afternoon at the home of Mrs. R�
Je&ay. It was agreed at this meeting
to rent tile Methodist church here to be To Farmers, Mechanics, Lab
uwdas a community Hall. It svas felt
tbat this building which has been used to
such good purpose !it God's servicQ for so
many years, should not be lost to the orers, and all who work
community.' So we are looking forward
now to many more years of service in it
for the uplifting of our community know-
ing that wiz cannot enter this House of
God without being uplifted with a spirit =:m outside =:no
of servive and sacrifice for the Master and
those whom lie loves here. The first
ineetingto be beld in thisChurch Hall,
will be a concert given oil the 11th of The boot illustrated in this -Just above low rub -
I St.
Nov., Armistice Day in commemoration ad. is, we believe, the "King
of the great sacrifices made in France for ber the leather is bound to
our liberty. Theprocceds will be used Pin" of all boots for wet or 14wrinkle.
to provide comforts for our wounded
soldiers in Christie St. Hospital, Toronto. cold Weather. 2nd -The snow or wet is
We confidently expect that no one will
,staY home on this great night and so The rubber as you will not- sure to find its way through
miss a share in this work. The paper at
our meeting was given by Mrs, Aligns ice is much higher up than the leather (more or less) at
Stewart oil "Housekeeping fifty years
ago" cerLainly there have been great ad- the ordinary- line of "Leather the wAnkle' above referred to.
vances in the thing,; that matte for com- top'rubbers" w1iich is a very
forL, it remains for us to show if our more 3rd -This boot complete -
comfortable living is developing so fine, pronoitriced improvement ov-
and strong and capable a quality ot ly overcomes these two very
womanhood. We must needs keep our er the, old styles- objectionable features, i n
,standards high to competq at all with our
splendid women of the pasl;. For our The advantages of tfiis boot 4 fact we believe it to be the
community singing we sang "Loves Old
Sweet Song" and Mis,; Grant gave a over the low rubber are ob- only boot made that is ab -
splendid reading, "A humoious sketch of
all old lady and gentleman discussing the viotts, for instance:- ........ . . solutely waterproof.
Women's histitute". The meet.inz closed
with a social half hour, when we `�wcre We are the makers of this boot, and we make them to order only. The
entertained by a delightful luncheon and
all went home. feeling that it was indeed price is reasonable and we guaralptee it to give complete satisfaction.
good t6 have been there,
Rev. and Mrs. Sinclair attended the
convention at Teeswater, Friday. At the Do not delay your order - and thereby give us a
Y, P, S. meeting Sunday evening James
Darling gave a splendid paper on "Work.'
ing together, discussion, me-,wuring up to chance to give "GOOD SERVICE"
the young people's standard". Mr. Tom
Abram, made a splendid President.
Alma Abram is slightly improving, Misi
Olive Terriff is the attending nurse.
Mr, John Baker still continues in very
poor health.
Mrs. Murray who has spent thff summer we H 0 W111F I LL I S
months with her daughter, Mrs. John
Mulvey, has returned to her home at SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES'
Misb Susan and Maria Johnston of
Hamilton, are on a visit to their sister�
Mirs. Albert Haskins and other friends
A goodly number from these parts help- AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN
ed to swell the crowd at Teeswater fair,
which was a decided sticcess the weather
being all that could be desired. L
r10WLCXw Eight Abittedget Calvin Rut- A iother disastrous fire took place Fri -
Heavy black worsted hose ........................... 59C V* ledgre; Milking Stool Elgin Rutledge; Bird A 1� 41� t- . I- C_
Tru Knit Fall iNleririo Underwear, all sizes ........ 98c
Jq .50c.
Allift "I
'X HCLJLJnC'mL Co., Ltd. X
House, Earl Witmer, Robt Coultes, Elgin
Rutledge. Pr;zes lst 75c, 2nd 60c, 3rd
Hemstitched Handkerchief Irerie
Woods, Agatha Couiter, Olive Kilpatrick,
Patch on Bag, Cecil Coultes; Crochet
Work, Agatha Coulter, Irene Woods,
Sara Cole; Hand -made Apron. Mabel
Smith, Agatha Coultes; Dreossed Doll,
Margie Laing; Embroidered Initials, jean
Sparling; Xnitted, Jessie Andrew, -Patch
on Cotton, Jennie McKee, jean Parrish,
M Hainstock, Plain Sewing Janisa Hom-
ay even ng. w en e arn on e rm
of Mr. Henry Wheisar was burned to the
ground, with all the season's crop owned
by Air. Wright, who has been working
the farm The fire was caused by the
lantern expluding, At this time of --year
this will be a heavy loss to both parties.
The Belgrave Women's Institute will
meet at the home of Mrs. jag. Taylor,
Tues Oct. 19 at,' , 2.30 "What we ought
to know about, Wills, Deeds and Mortgag-
es" bv Mr. F. Anderson. "Business
Methods of Women" by Mr. Reg. Wil -
liains. Roll Call,, thoug4ts for thanks -
giving, solo, Mrs. R. Williams.' A cor-
dial welcome will be given to all the ladies
who find it possible to attend.
JAr, John T. Bell and Miss Maud Bell
are back after a visit vAth friends in St.
Catharines, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Fort
Erie and Bradford, -Perm
Patrick St,, Phone 231.
Qttalified to give Chiropractic aiod'
massage, ajustments. Spinal examina*ion
Lucknow Bluevale
Oct, 10, T921 i Mrs. Robt. Musgrove spent a few days
i 1 1, 41. C�: A � n
The Grim Reaper cut dowri another of i as, wee w en s a ' ungannon. uth. Prizes, Ist 75c, 2nd 60c, 3rd 50c, Notice is hereby V I be roxetex
Cle old residents of this vicinity last week. 1 Mr. Chas Garniss received and deliver- ,iven that a Court wit
i DOMESTIC SCIENCE held, purillant to'the Ontario, Voters' Lists Rev. Mr. McKibben of'Gorrie, preach -
the person of Mrs. Alex Smith. The i ed a car of corn and Mr, J. L. MacEwen Act, by His Honoar the Judge of County edab e1equent sermon in the Methodist
a car of Western oats la:�t week. Loaf of Homemade Bread, Vera Pin- Court of the County of Huron, at the Town Church here on Sunday last.
1%te Mrs. Smith bad been living with her 1 on the 25th day of October, 1921, at, 10
Mr. Lorne Hyles spent Sunday with ley, Mabel Smith, Beatrice Baker; School l.kall.1.1c A. M., to hear find determilie con). Rev. Dr. McKenzie, a returned miss
(I ughter, Mrs. Al lau Turner on the ioth plaftits of errors and omlAsions in the Vofer.W� ionary, will preach anniversary servi . ces
13. of Culross and bad been ill for some triends at Atwood. Luncb, Amelia McElwain; Half dozen List .1 the Muntol of Wingham foi, Ity2l. 1M., Women's and Misses'Coats
l Dated. Clerk's lZ this Eighth day of in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday.
..nne with the natural infirmities of old Mrs. Ball of Toronto, and Mrs. Brav of Grabam or Bran Muffins. Olive Alton; October, 1921, W. X,
age. She was a kindly christain woman St. Helens. spent a few days this weeit at Tarts, Vera Finley. Prizes, Ist 75c, 2nd W.A.G L Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Johnston of Brant -
and did many a kind act in her own the home of Mr. Robt Musgrove. '3rd 50c. Cler� oAf Vi`ng`h�m, ford, are at present visiting relatives in $18.50 - $97.50,
xjuiet way. Sofne years ago the Smith I 60c, this vicinity. Just received a new
lainfly moved into town from their farm Mr. Thos Bradnock of Gorrie, shipped DRAWING AND WRITING Mr. and Mrs. L. Ruttan of Bluevaler
two cars of cattle from here Monday. Whitechurch shipment of coats of
�,n Kinloss, and resided here until the
I Map of Huron, Mary Denholm Boyd visited friends here last Sunday.
Mr. Robt King of Toronto, spent a Mr. and Mrs. Gowans visited with Quite a number from here attended the
4eath of Mr. Smith which occurred in Evans, Ruth Heiman; Map of Ontario or rich velours, Boliviias
few clays with relatives here. frierils in Kincardine last Thursday and Howtek Agricultural Show heldi in. Gorrie
19r6. Mrs. Smithis survived by a family
of three sons and two daughters. all in I Mr. and Mrs. W. Phillips of Atwood, Canada, Ruth Cole, Grace Cowan, Ken Friday. , Mr. Gowans attended, the Bruce last Saturday. and Duyetyns in loose
k ,
the West except Mrs. Turner of Culross, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Flam- Cowan; Any Iviap, Sara. -ole , lylargartL teachers Convem!011 Lhere. bacti anu belLed sty CS
and John of Lucknow. The funeral was -end. V
Cowan, Jennie McKee. Writing, Ist class Rev. 1. A. McKelvey of Teeswater. with collars and cuffs
rheld on Friday to Kinloss cemetery and Rev. Mr. Wilson was preachi c occupied the pulpit in lhe� Methodist
,ng anm- Thos Henry. Clark Johnston, Blanch Blyth
was largely attended. versary services at Pine River ast Suit- Evans; Writing 2rd class, Ivy Crulk- church here. on Sunday. Rev. Mr. VIM of Beaver, Beaverine
=he death of Mrs. John McLeod occur- day and Rev. Mr. Hosking took Mr. Irwin was preaching anniversary Services Councillor Moody had a bale on Satur- I
Wilson's work on this circuit. shanks, Mary Denholm, Hen Parrish; in Teeswater� day of household effects, Mr. Guncity of and Australian Oppos-
rred Aber home on the 4th con. of Kill- ich was the. auctioneer.
lossonoct. Stli. Mrs. McLeod was in Anniversary services will be held in Writing, 3rd class. Mabel Smith, Grace Mrs. Musgroie of"Wingham. i,,+ visit- Goder jft-� um, in the newest
Cowan, lean Sparling; Writing 4th class, ing with her sister, Mrs. Frank Henry. The disagreeable weather, did not pre- ].I/ shades, all sizes in the
her 56th year and had been ill only a the Methodist churcb here, next Sunday vent the large number from this vicinity
short time, only a few days before she Oct. 16th. Rev. E. J. Roulston of Staffa, Margaret Cowan, Lenore Beswitherick, Rev. Mr. Scobie preached anniversary K
teiken ill she and her husband had wi preach at 10 45 and 7 p. in There jean Parrish; Pencil Drawing, Grace services at Port, Albert last Sunday, and from attending the nomination meeting at lot.
V:Dnght a place in town with the intention will,, be no Sunday School service on this Wingliam on Friday.
account. The service at Ebenezer and Cowan, Margaret Cowan Ken Cowan; will preach at Armow, next Sunday.
fifspending the even -tide of life in quiet Rev, Mr. Perrin of Armow, will be beie. The silver medal contest in singinglK
-xiess and rest after years of toil oil the' Johnston'� will also be withdrawn on this Water Colorsp Ruth Cole, Mary Der.- Many of the old friends of Rev. Mr. andelocutionothe essay contest and art Children's Coats
larm. The funeral was held on Saturday day, A special Thankoffering will be helm. Prizes let 75c, 2nd 60c, 3rd 50c. P,,,ose, were pleased to see him last Poster contest undertaken by the Women's
�;:G lCirdoss cemetery. She is survived by taken. COMPETITIONS week, when he was here on his way to Christian Temperance Union, will be Smartly styled coats
:Laer husband who has the sympathy of Mrs. Snell is spending a few days this Holyrood on Thursday, where they un- held in the Methodist Church Monday r&r
fim entire community. week with her cousin, Rev. Mr. Clydes- Public Speaking, (Any Subject), Len- veiling a Memorial Tablet in remem�brance evening, Oct. 10th. . I @Q�) for Children f rom 4 to
The Women's Institute are holding a dale at Fordwich. ore Beswitherick 17 Howick, Agnes Cor- of the boys who lost their lives in the The regular monthly meeting of the 14 years warmly lined
,'Dettionstration Lecture Course on sewing Mr. Ernest Churchill has purchased a bett 17th East Wawanosh, Janisa Horn. Great War. Mrs. Mary Moore, also at. Women's Institute will be held in Mentor- and a good range of
week and many young people are I barber shop at Listowel and is now in tended the meeting in Holyrood. ial Hall I Oct. 5th. Miss Bell and Mrs.
&-king advantage of it, Miss Colins oficharge. nth 11 Turnberry, prizes let $3, 2nd $2,, . Mr. and Mr6. Charlie Cook of Lucknow, Telfer, willLbe in charge of the meeting. colors, Specially pric-
Ancaster is in charge. Mr. Eldon McKinney was home over the 3rd $1. visited with Mr. and Mrs. The.,. 'Hender- Mr. Grant Laundy spent the week-�od ed $9.00, 22.00.
The Pipe Band is putting on a dan'ce week -end, he is relieving at Galt at pre- judging Competition in Beef Cattle, son. with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. d.
in the Town Hall on Friday evening, sent. Cecil Coultes 9 E W, Calvin Rutledge 1 Miss Lavina Carrick was at her horne Laundy. Women's and Misses' New Frocks 1
11r. Robb, one of the head men of the Mr. and Mrs. L, W. Ruttan spent . Snn- Colborne, Jim Brydges U S S No 17. here for the week-elid. 9
G.T. R., was in town a couple of days day, with friends at Wroxeter. Prizes let $3, 2nd $2. 3rd $1, Mrs. Win. Martin and Bruce visited Serges, tricotines and Porret Twill of extra quality, fashioned in a
fast, week inspecting the road and build. Mr. Everitt McGee is spending a few last week with friends in Brussels. Grey score of styles featuring embroideries in silk and wool, sometimes tipped I
--ugs here. He was accompanied by.Mrs. I days with his sister at Gorrie. Miss Annie Flynn of,roronto, is visiting Much sympathy is extended to Mr. with beading, some ;n coat effect. All sizes., Mrs. Peltier and Mrs. Gilbride. Mr. Jas Clarke and family spent Suit- East Wawanosh Council at the home of Mr. tnd Mrs. Andrew FOX. and Mrs, George Whitfield in the loss of $14.50 - $50.00 1
ladies are neices of Mr. and Mrs. day with Mrs. Thos Stewart. Misses Isabell and Lettie Fox visited their youngest son. He WAS Only 3 years I
Alle--,c Ross and visited there while in
Mrs, Geo McDonald is improving we
Sturdy Drain x000,00; A. G. 52nith, gratit.
to Whigham F all Fair 5o.00; Allan Scott, PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT
last week withMr. and Mrs. Alex. Mow-
old and was playing with matches when
��onple of months with her parentg here,
tnwa. The party travelled in a beautiful
t)rivate car wbicfi was the object of much
are pleasedto report.
Mrs. Peter Moffat underwent an opera
Iiinutes of Council Meeting held on
Sept. 26th. Member all present. Miu-
bray of Dungannon.
Miss Irene Moore hAs been tinder the
his mother was outside, She heard his
screams and when she got to him his
Nits. Thos, Jewitt is on the, sick 1i st
Mav site soon be 0. K. aga in.
,attention while here.
, ri:
tion for at her home ri r
ntes of previous meeting were read and
doctor's care for the past two weeks,
clothing was all ablaze. Bverything was
Taylor, rep, culvert I.X5; J. StoliellOuse t Maggie McElwain, Gordon Weir; Jr.
Mcr, and Mrs, Gordon Johnston of Tor-
day and is getting along nicely. Wellope
Her many friends wish her a speedy re-
done to help him but he died in dreadful
Anentertainment will be field in the
Foresters Hall, Belgrave, under the
Jul,) are visiting in town.
she will soon be 0 K again.
The following accounts were paid: Joe
pain that evening.
Measure the whole family and come and get your winter's Supply
:4-rs. Brown Mallough and infant son
Mrs. E. K Thomas is visiting friends
Johnston, rep. Potter's bridge $1o.00; 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas Steele aud ithildren
Mr. and Mrs. A. McHwen, Mr. and
�Velcws of Belgrave'l
oa Sunday avening tim barn owned by
lirdee, Oth con., was burn3d to tlia
o� f' rimsby, are visiting at her home here,
Quite a number from here attended
at Toronto at present.
Mrs, boin Higgins is spending a couple
Campbell, underbrusIflug on Con. 14t
15,50; At. MeBurney, gravel and gravel-
of Goderich, and Mr. Richardson of
London, spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
Wru. Abram and Mpter Ross, also
Mrs. Thos. Abram visited at Maxwell
ggo�:oad about eleven o'olock. The caug*,
tile Teeswater Fair last week,
ling Con. in, 66,30; $- McBurney, tile
and Mrs. Cornelius,
Abram's last week, -
the rliachine =d release his Finger. The
result was a badly lacerated and painful
'�he Brid of the Road Film was shown
of weeks with relatiyes at
Mr. Chas Garniss has had his chopping
rep, culverts, work on grader, gravel and
gravelling 1X0.20; E. H. Taylor, plank
The delegates to the Y. P, S, Convert-
tion in Teeswater, report a splendid time,
Miss Mabel Spieratt has been visiting
herfriend, Margaret Stevenson this last
oil �Joaday, Oct. 24th,
A. PoRtgalfIRM), Clerk, F. 2. McPherson, TesLoher.
�n the picture house here last week a d
- on account
mill tied up for about a weel,
for bridge it Westfield Church 21.52;
hoped the result witlnot be ser'011$-
few weeks.
eirew crowded houses,
of a break in the machinery. but has re
Jenkins & Bradwick, part payment on
A number of the farmers are com plain-
11iss Margaret McClure returnecl last
�r,,e,ek to Spiera, Sask., after spending a
ceived the repairs and the mill is again
running full swing.
Sturdy Drain x000,00; A. G. 52nith, gratit.
to Whigham F all Fair 5o.00; Allan Scott, PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT
ing of potato rot this fall,
Doull Win. Michael havel
New Striped Plaid Ski
��onple of months with her parentg here,
Mr.jas.Clegbornof Port Colborne is
visiting with relatives here.
work on grader 9.00, rep. culvert 2.00; W.
Wightmati, raking stones 3.00, widening
Jas. and
jaken a ditching contract and are busy at
In box aide styles, good quality and colors, rea tenably
East Wawanosh
Nits. Thos, Jewitt is on the, sick 1i st
Mav site soon be 0. K. aga in.
roid Coti. 1 o and ri, 32.00; P. McLean, The following is the report Sept-
coin, statute labor tax 6,40; Roy Noble, ember of S S, No. I Howtek.
cutting weeds Coll, 4 And 5, :1.50; John Sr. IV--Anderaon Inglis, Harold Bar-
and pleated
priced at
$7.00 $15.00
%Trs, Chag. Carapbell arrived home
Taylor, rep, culvert I.X5; J. StoliellOuse t Maggie McElwain, Gordon Weir; Jr.
Entertainment At Helgrave
f4,om Peterbor6ugh on, Saturday, where she
'jad ileen visiting her daughter, Mrs. St.
rep. culvert 4.50; Chris, I �n,
gethery, wor� _Jim Inglis, Robbie McElwain, Clare
on grader 7 8o; 1. T. C=ltes, putting ill Edwards, Clifford Dodds, Lenard Metcalf;
Anentertainment will be field in the
Foresters Hall, Belgrave, under the
GetYour underwear Now
C)alto a number attended the tneeting
What might have been a serious acci-
dent occurred on Saturday, when Master
culvert 5.00; I.,- Young, putting stones in Sr. Ill -Wilfred Dodds; Jr. 111 --Marg-
swamp Con. 11, 2-00; Win. Dore, furnish- aret Edwards, Edwin Detzler, John Tay-
auspices of L. 0. L. No. 462, oti Fri day
Measure the whole family and come and get your winter's Supply
-41 l3vick Church on Monday evening to
tba lantern slidos shown by Rev, J- R-
jack Toner, son of A, I. Toner. Gorrie
South, got the index finger of his rig lit
ing Speed boards in Belgrave 7.00, For lor, Willie Barton; Sr. 11-13dythe Met-
gravel -Geo. BentlY 8,85; L MeClinchey calf, Ethel Taylor, Wesley Dodds; Sr. I-
evening Oct. l4th. Th(- following talent
will Moist. Saprano Soloist, Miss Gert.
of underwear, you can now get the weight and sizes you want, and then
we have the hosiery In fall and winter weights at the right pricto.
�Velcws of Belgrave'l
oa Sunday avening tim barn owned by
lirdee, Oth con., was burn3d to tlia
htnd accidentally caught in a tog of the
power wAshev on exb1biticift at t lie Fair
g- lately the little fellow
ounds. Vortui
6.6o; 1. Dingwall 2.25, C- Xi1lg 4.50; J Maude Dodds, Minnie McElwain, Lily
F. lqceallam 9,00; P, W. Scott .1�6o; R: 11dwards, Clara Detzler, Verna Mont
$hiell 9.6o; W. Vother,gill 9.00; J. Joyat gentery, Melvin Taylor, Marga ret Mont-
C. Nethery Harold Wright, Pr.-Hinnia Pin-
_ rude M. Wo6d; Comediati, Harold Payne;
Pianist and Elocutionist, Miss Gladys
Way; Dancer alld Reader, Miss Violet
K I N G B R 0 S
ggo�:oad about eleven o'olock. The caug*,
had presence of inind oriough to reverse
4,50. T, Braftotlr, 12-75; 3.75, gomery,
Jay, 111va Dine, Myrtle Montgomery: 8-
Gilmore; Piper, Mr. Dunedft. Plan
eito fire ig unknown as Mr and hirs
ltro,�c mid Children had bcc� away all
the rliachine =d release his Finger. The
result was a badly lacerated and painful
W. AndetSon 2.25.
Next, meeting of C0111161 will be held Rvelyft Montgomery, Lloyd Taylor.
Number on toll 30,
hall open ott Hopper's store on Thursday,
e3ay and had not been. up ' i:
finger, btxt with careful attention it Is
oil �Joaday, Oct. 24th,
A. PoRtgalfIRM), Clerk, F. 2. McPherson, TesLoher.
Rtorved seats 36 cents.
efie ovening.
hoped the result witlnot be ser'011$-