The Wingham Advance, 1921-10-06, Page 1I
Single Copies - Four Cents WINGHAM ONT., THURSD^OCTOBER 6th, 1921 Subscriptions: $2.00 per year
. w:. LOCAL, ITEMS -:-
Buy your craZed eggs at Gunns' Ltd.
A Great Success From.Every Point
As Standard Bearer For Conservatives
Agricultural Course Of Instruction
Dungannon Fall Fair on Friday of this
of View
In North Huron
For Wingliam
week. It is always good.
Weather favored Wingham Fall Fair
Geo. Spotton was the choice of the
The regular October meeting of the
7 .
Mr. T. R. Bennett sold a Fordson Tra6
on Wednesday afternoon last, although it
North Huron Conservative Convention at
Wingham town council was held- Monday
q ., L4A Now that the evenings are longer
tor to Mr. Wm, Lambkin of HoyVick.
rained about midnight the night previous,
Wingbam on Friday afternoon. He re-
evening. All the members were present,
:1 F arvill I
will want new records for
At the Baptist church next Sunday
The large, crowds on the grounds on the
ceived 83 votes while his opponent H. J-
A letter was read -from the Bell Tele-
your Phonograph, we have the
evening the subject will be "Jacob and
last day of the fair must have indeed
A. MacEwen, of Goderich received 80
phone Co. in which they ask the council
been encouraging to the directors, at.
to assist them in their application for in.
Largast Stock of Records"
Candy Day -Saturday, Oct. 8th-
though the gates receipts amounted to
The convention war, fairly well attended
crease on certain charges. Each business
Everybody likes candy, A large ship"
$499.35. This can be accounted for
consideri4g the wet weather and the fact
phone is now charged for at the rate. of
in this part of Ontario
ment of Willard's fresfifrom the factory,
in more ways than one. Probably 300
people were on the grounds before the
that it was not properly advertised in
this part of the riding.
$2.57 per month and the proposed rate is
$3.00. Each residence is now
Thousands to choose from. Come in and ee-
creams, nuts, hard and fruit centres, 40
cents per lb. on Candy Day 'at Mitchell's
gate keepers arrived at twelve o'clock and
The election of officers resulted in the
charged at $2.05 per month and the pro-
I tth m t your leisure, our phonograph de..
1peartme a ta
n in tile balcony of our store is at your
Corner Drug Store.
it is estimated that over 800 school chil-
following appointments:
posed rate is $2.50. Moved by Couns.
W dispos al. We have
dren were admitted free. The directors
President -Peter W. Scott.
Lloyd and Bennett that this council wish
"Records t o Suit Every Mak-
Tax Collecter Fralick wishes to warn
also gave an extra ticket with merpbery
Ist Vice Pres. -Dr. Armstrong.
to place themselves on record as being
those who have not. paid their poll tax
ship tickets sold iluring the last couple of
2nd Vice Pres. -Wm. McQuillin.
opposed to any increase in Bell Telephone
chine. Records
that they must do s8 before October I5th.
months and this admitted another
Secretary. -H. J. A. MacEwen.
rates -Carried, A copy of this resolution
to Please Every Customer."
Anniversary services will be held in the
hundred people and another reason for
Treasurer -Dudley Holmes.
to be immediately forwarded to the Ont-
Wingham Methodist Church on Sunday,
the difference between the gate receipts
and the appearance of the crowd was, we
Chairmen of Muncipalities-
Ashfteld-J. A. Johnston.
ario Municipal Board.
Oct 16th. Further announcement next
A petition was read from Mr. Henry
are sorry to say, because that some people
took the trouble to walk in by way of the
Blyth -John Ernigh,
Brussels -Alf. BaeRer.
Fixter and others asking for a light to be
placed on James St. in Ward 4. The
This week only, with every record you bi . y we will give
A Durham Duplex Safety Razor free
with any 50c sbaving stick, cream or
river bank when none of the directors
Colborne -James McManus,
matter was left with the street committee
you abGsolutely FREE one pkg. of the best steel needles.
powder. Choose your own favorite and
were supposed to be looking notwithstand-
Grey -John Pearson.
whom, we believe, are contemplating put -
get a razct free at Mitchell's Drug Store.'
ing this the fair was a wonderful success.
The entries in all the classes were large
Morris -Arthur Shaw.
Howick-A. A, Graham.
ting in lights on each end of the bridge
near the Howson mill, also on John St.
J. 'ITIValton McKibban
,People who have helped by Tan.
and of excellent quality. The govern-
Turnberry-John Metcalfe.
between Leopold and Minnie streets and
lac are always anxious and willing to tell
ment judges on the different classes made
East Wawanosh-George Sturdy.
in other dark places in town,
Drugs and Stationery
others about it. Sold at J. 'ff. McKib-
notes in their books very complimentary
West Wawanos4-Robert Medd.
Mr. W. F. VanStone, chairman of the
Edison Phonographs Phone 93
Sport Floss, I oz balls 2 for 25 cents,
to the exhibitors. A few exhibits were
late in arriving but the judges and direct-
Wroxeter -T. J. Hemphill.
Goderich and Wingham were each al-
Board of Trade, addressed the council
Saturday only-WinghEim Bazaar.
ors were patient and waited for them. If
lowed to select their own chairman at a
urging that the matterof a memorial to
the fallen soldiers be gone ahead with
1\4aster George Mines of No. 9, Turn- all exhibits were closed at 10 o'clock in later date. without further delay. Ex -Mayor Gur. Local Success Z HOUSING PROBLEM
Entertainment At Belgrave berry, is to be congratulated on winning, the morning it would facilitate matters A credential committee composed of ney and Mr. R. S. Williams also spoke in In the Egg exhibit at the Western Fair
An entertainment will be held in the the highest number of points in his school I greatly. Messrs. Edwards of Goderich, Toner of this behalf, The latter said he believed London, our local branch of the Unite Discussed At The Annual Meeting Oir
F oresters * t Bluevale School Fair. Howick and Groves of Wingham was ap- -
Hall, Belgrave, under the a 'You, can't have good health with a dis! The inside exhibits, such as fancy work i pointed and after examing the credentials it would be wiser to have a grant come Farmers Co -Operative Company came off The Board Of Trade
auspices of L. 0. L. No. 462, on Friday baking,'roots, grain, etc. were excellen from the people through the council, Mr. with flying colors, securing. First, Second'
evening Oct. 14th. The following talent ordered stomach. Correct your stomach and the lady judges, Mrs. Gray of Tor- Gurney suggested the taking of a vote Of and Third prizes for graded eggs in com- The postponded meeting of the Wing-
anisc -will' keep onto, the people at the next municipal election petiiop with dealers from all over Ont- ham Board of Trade was held in the
,willassist: Saprano Soloist, Miss Gert- disorders with T and you And Mrs. Start of Tara. also
rude M. Wood; Comedian, Harold Payne; well and strong. Sold by W. Mckib- Mess'rs"'W. J.' Howson and F., Howson, to ascertain whether the majority favored council chamber on Friday evening. The
Miss Gladys bon on the grain, Mr. Stothers on the roots a park or.a monument and give them an ario.
Pianist and Elocutionist, anges Hands election of officers resulted as follows:
Times Ch
Way; Dancer and. Reader, Miss Vf6let In future- the United Farmers Co -opera- and vegetables, - and Mr. J. M. Graham
Hon. Pres. -W. J. Greer.
estimate on the cost of eacb. Mayor
Gilmore; Piper, Mr. Dunca be on the fruit and flowers, all had difficulty
Elliott said he did not know that it was Mr. H. B. Elliott who has for the past
n. Plan of tivdCols Produce Building will not President -W. F. VanStonp.
hall open at Hopper's store on Thursday, Open after 6 on Saturday evening in making some decisions. The poultry altogether the business of the council, but thirty-four years been publisher and.
S, owing let, Vice Pres. -T. C. King.
classes were all filled and the judge was so
a committee would be named to meet the editor of the Wingbam Times has soId the:
Reserved seats 35 cents. to the end of the summer season. .. .... 2nd. Vice Pres. -Wm, Gunn, Sr.
Board of Trade committee. On motion plant to Mr. W. G. Colgate. During our
Mr. Wakefield of Listowel. Mr. J. E. Durin
Palmerston liefeats Win ha -n Mr. and Mrs. A, M. Crawford return- 3rd. Vice Pres. -J. A. Mills,
9 Thompson of Ingersoll, and Mr. Willia
of Councillors Bennett and Lloyd the seven years at the helm of his contempor
ed from a three week's trip down the St. Secretary -C. P. Smith.
On Wednesday afternoon the Wingbam Goodwin of Cookstown were the judges
committee will be composed cf Reeve ary we have had a certain amount of plea- Treasurer -A. G, Smith.
Lawrence on Tuesday evening, making.
)usiness relation.
baseball team met defeat in Palmerstoil ot heavy and 1 ght horses respectfully, ripling, Couns. Greer and Haney. - sure and good will in our 1: tid J, W. Mc
-A. Cosens a
1300 miles without a monent's delay from
by a score of 6 to 5. The result was a sur- and tile showing of heavy. borses was ship with Mr. Elliott, and he leaves the Kibbon.
prise to everyone, as on the previous Wed. car trouble. never better. Mr. T. J. Fawcett of A great many people are talking of the
spaper business with the best wishes'
Lower Wingbarn. flats as a memorial park
I The housing probleai as discussed and
nesday the Wingham club played rings Tanlac is made of roots, herbs and Markdale, and Mr. E. E. Martin of Win. of the editor of Tim ADVANCE.
around the Palmerston team in Wingham barks and contains no minerals or opiates especially since they attended the Fall it was decided to inquire into the cost of
ona, acted as judges of cattle and swine: Fair on these grounds. It is to be regret- Moving To Oshawa the different kinds of building material
and is sold by J. W. McKibbon.
and defeated them by the very one-sided One complaint was made against a de of
ted that Mr. Bennett and Mr. Lloyd are Mr. Wilfred Fryfogle hag disposed and organize a building committee or
score of 12 to 1. However it seerhe that a Anniversary Services in St. Andrews cision of Mr. Martin on the swine, and
notmembersof this committee as both his dwelling on Francis St. to Mr. George syndicate with a view to relieving tha
game of ball is as uncertain as a horse race Presbyterian Church on Sunday, October Mr, J. J, Kerr and Mr. S. Burchill were these gentlemen were on the committee Hughes, mail clerk, Mr. and Mrs. FrY- housing shortage in town by the erection
and now the stidden-death game has bee ' n 23rd. hev. R. C. McDiarmid, of God- called on to give their decision, which that viewed different places last spring for fogleand little son, left on Tuesday for of several new houses early next spring.
decided on io be played in Wingham on erich, will preach. Fowl Supper in the after careful consideration they did, to park purposes. A councillor from East Oshawa where they will in future reside
Wednesday ahernoon next. Palmerston church on Monday evening. the satisfaction of the exhibitor who en- Wawanosh informed the writer that and where Mr. Fryfogle has accepted a The tnatter of the erertion of a suitable
claim -they would just as 'soon play in Rev. Dr. Bates of Toronto, wil? speak tered the protest. position as accountant in the office of the memorial to the fallen heroes who lost
Wingha.m as any other place. on "Christian Education" next Thursday The school fair held under the auspicn (Continued on page 4) their lives in the great war, was pulled
Chevrolet Motor Co. We are so,ry to down off the shelf and dusted. People are
evening at eight o'clock at the Baptist of the Department of Agriculture and in see this estimable young couple leaving anxious
to see the council, or the town,
EVEPYBOD 'S COLUMN Church. He is an expert on this subject charge of Mi. S. B. Stothers was also a Wingham. take some step in this matter before many
and will be well worth hearing. 'All wel- success, although the entries could have PERSONALS Hospital Donation Day, Mon., Oct. 10 more moons p . ass over. A great many
CQRN-we have a car of No. 2 Yellow Amer- come. been considerably larger.
ican Corn to arrive this week, which we Large stock of La -J' ies,' Misses and Chil- The ladies work, fine arts and dairy Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phippen are visiting The Ladies Auxiliary have decided to people are opposed to the erection of a
are selling at 70 cents a busAff the car. call
us by phone and arra for your require- dren's Winter Coats at reduced prices at and provisions wire shown in a large GEORGE SPOTTON with relatives in Detroit. hold a donation day for the Hospital on monument and would sooner se a new
ments, ZOWSON & HOWSON. t a Monday, October IOth. Donations such parkopened. Wingham has a beautiful
Phone 40. ISARDS. 40 x 80 tent while the fruit, roots and Dr. Elmer Aitken of Toronto, spen
d Furniture will Listowel 4 ply yarn for s -,v eater vegetables were exhibited in another found, 165 delegates entitled to vote on few days at big horhi near Glenannan. as, vegetables, fruit, butter, eggs, c * armed sight where a park could be opened and
and Househol s 45 cts. fruits, marmalade, jams, jellies, etc., will put in shape for a great deal less money
FORbe-2toered cheap for quick sale at our re- tent 30 x 50 and the championship school the selection of a canadiate. Mrs. Harry Green of Marquette, Mich- I
sideace Minnie St, Wingham, on Friday and per large knot, Saturday only-Wingharn acceptable. There was little re- than several other places have paid for
.Saturday afternoon no from 2.30 to 6 Bazaar. fair exhibits were in another tent &0 x 60. The gentlemen then nominated were: is visiting with -her sister, Mrs. T. j. be very
X1. sponge last week but as this is a worthy granite memorials. A committee cornpos-
o'clock. 114188 HALLIDAY. These tents were supoosed to turn the Dr. R. L. Stewart of Wingham, H. J. A. Groves, I
Mr. Gordon Buchanan of Hanna & C611 nd two of them did, but the larg. MacEwen of Goderich, Geo. Spotton of Mrs. W. A. Irwin of Belmore, is visit- cause we hope for a better response on ed of Mr. VanStone, Mr. Gurney and Mr.
OR SALF-Do you wish to purchase a is to be congratulated on his having won water a Monday next. The pupils of the Public R. S. Williams was appointed to wait on
Heinzman&Co.plauo:? Ifsoaddress. ertent'didnotarldthe rain on Tuesday Wingbam, Wm. Campbell of Gode'rich,
P. 0. Box 123. the first prize of $25 for the beat window evening came through, but a few of the Mayor Wigle of Goderich, P. W. Scott of ting with Mrs. D. K. Livingstone. Vic- and High Schools are being asked to take the town council at their meeting on Mon -
decoration. The prize was offered b t6ria St. their donations to the schools and others day night, with a view to asking that
Ing sum of Gagnier Ltd., publishers of Clothing & Mr. Leathorn of Brantford, visited with some steps be taken in this important
OUND-Puree contain' y directors removed the wet articles and East Wawanosh, Or. R. C. Redmond of
oWiugham Fall Fair, I wishing to contribute will kindly take
F found at th 01,11011.1e.yr dried then "'during the night while a Wingham and John Joynt, M. P. P. couple their donations to the hospital. matter.
may have same property., THE ADVANCE. Haberdashery News number ot the lady directors were on the Each Nominale delivered brief addresses. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McGee for a
Gunns' Ltd will have a quantity of job early on Wednesday morning putting Mr. Joynt, the first speaker, urged the of days.
F OR SALE -1621 model Gray -Dort Motor Car. cracked eggs for sale until winter, things in shape. party to bury any differences and keep a Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGee of Durham, =110 %10AXT9AF
Used onough. to be in good shape, now 710 vim 141OXXXXXXXX
tires. Will take good second-hand Ford in Creophos-An unequalled tonic and The success of the fair is due to the united front. He was willing to support visited with the latter's parents, over the
.part exchange. Explain privately reasons for cough cure the best remedy for bronc',, itis hard work of the energetic president, hi§ the choice of tfie convention. He said he week -end.
selling, Enquire this office.
and stubbogn coughs. At Mitchell's, wife, and a number of good workers both bad heard that he was a U. F. 0. bec use Miss Mabelle Marshall of Clinton, visit-
EOR,S,AL, , va, h,,,.ne and chickens for table Corner Drug Store. among the lady. directors and the men. he had supported them on different votes ed her friend Miss Olive Groves for a few 20 per cent,. o n YO u r
.1, or r ed. Also male birds for
'di. plirp..,., Illicit whiskey stills are constantly be. There is a certain element who try to in the legislature, but he was simply vot day last week.
JO." KERR, a Poultry Ranch,
Lower Wingham. ing located by Inland Revenue Officers, stop the wheels of progress by knocking 1 -ng for measures of which he approved Rev. Mr. Lowe of London, a former
The distillers of hootch get away with the and as usual the report went around that and he would always vote independently pastor here, preached anniversary services W .. Money 69 *0 X
FOR SALE -Wood cook stove good baker in goods for a while but the trail of the ,they were chkrging 50 cents" and "we're- without feeling that he was not a good in St. Paul's church on Sunday. we
first-class condition. Apply at 14
TIIE ADv&XcE. - serpent always leads to the spot where going to Ripley,"tbat bunch can't run a conservative by so.doing. Mrs. Lillian Diamond has returned to .1
OR SALE -About 2000 bushel of dry West- the heart wrecking vile stuff is distilled show without horse races". Another Dr. Redmond stated he was not in the home in Toronto, after spending a couple Big Interest Isn't It.?
.Fern oats at 65 ota per bus. Apply at the in the caldrons of hell. knock which is constantly being throwq field, but asked the electors to vote for
Whitechurch grain elevator. of weeks with friends and relative in town.
ANDREW FOX, G%tnns Limited" will close their ware- up is that we advertised that Drury the beat man. He deplored the fact that On Saturday, October 8th. we will give
FARMS FOR SALE -A number of snug little house every Saturday evening at 6 o'clock. would be here when we knew he wouldn't. the last two representatives- for North Mr. and Mrs. S. Tyndall and Mr. and
houses with ton to f1fteen acres of land That is not the tr'uth. 'We said we ex- Huron at Ottawa had practically deserted Mrs. M. Chamber of Cargill, are spending
adj scent tothe town of Wingliam, ox0option. Shell Brand French Castile Soap the
al homes for retired farmers. Also a number kind you bought before the war, 50c per pected him, but that we would send out the riding by moving away after they a few weeks with friends at Trout Creek,
of larger farms, F. MLo0oNNnLL 2 IN bar at Mitchell's Corner Drug Store further announcement later. Mr. Drury 'were elected. Mrs. F. H. Roderus is visiting with her
wingliam., told Mr. Wright and the secretary that Mr. William Campbell and Mr. Wigle sister Mrs. Kinsman at Sarnia, whom we
LOST-Blaek Dog with white broas and Mr.^Cecil Mines of Turnberl.- he would come providing that Mr. Crearer both retired in favor of MacEwen and are sorry to report is at present under the X
white le ;, ariswers to the name of present visiting with his cousin, Mrs. did not want him to go to new Ontario -al spoke strongly in his favor. doctor's care.
"Laddie", 'Inlormation will be kindly receiv-
od. MR, WILL HENRY, Milo Thompson at Riverhurst, Sask. that time. Mr. Joynt called at the Mr, Peter W. Scott said be was not Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McGee, Blue4le Z
R. 5, Lucknow. - He reports that there is an excellent crop premier's office in the parliament buildings in the'running because that be believed it road, celebrated the fortieth anniversary X
L0ST-11eadlight of car somewhera on the of wheat there, yeilding from 30 to 40 Z Re(vular prices on all litle,; of Misses' and Childt'a-li'S
to make sure that he would'not forget to his place as well as Mr. Spotton's to pull of their wedding. A number of freinds Z-1
10th. line of Tarnberry. Finder kindly bushel to the acre, and they are only come and he was told by his secretar ' in for the evenin Footwear. The Shoes are all marked in plain
leave Ab Mux:Oy's Grocery. waiting for the rains to cease until they Y out and leave the field to someone who were 9.
LOST -Between Gorrid and Wro ter, on that Mr. Drury had marked Wingham was not in anj way mixed in the little Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. McGill announce figures, and there's been no marking up.
the Saturday, night Oct lat. a able nalx,ffe. Will get it harvested. on his calendar for the 28th., Mr. Drury family quarrel which existed among certain
finderploa8c notify Mrs. Roy Moicerslo, Farmers and others -For highest prices also refused to accept an invitation to conservatives in the North Huron. the engagement of their only daughter,
Wfilaham, R. R, -No. I or telephone Wroxoter,
Ada Luella, to Mr. Reuben T. Appleby of Take off 20 per cent -give us the balance and the
018 R 10 and receive a reward of 45,00, Val- bring us your live, poultry. Farmer's speak at Guelph Agriculturalo College oil Dr. Stewart said he had never before Turnberry, the marriage to take place
uOd W9 a gift from her mother, Co-operative Co. Ltd., Wingham. the 28th., stating that he had 'promised appeared on a political platform and he early in October. shoes are yours. Reniember the date-
-Davidson roproaontativo, wished to express his thanks to his
The Harley Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Adair and son, to open the fair at Wingharn oil that date.
31r, J. Menton, of Andrews & Morlson, Limit. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hubbard accom- Z S_
od, Tormifo, willbe in town, In a d& or two, John, were in Mop#on on Mofiday 26th, How many people would not have adver- mover and seconder, but would with- Come.
for I d by Mr. and Mrs Hugh MacDoug-
the purpose of ap I endorse Any panie aturday, October 8th
Vilitl6ne a istribut6i attending the Diamond wedding of the tised broad cast that Drury would be here draw his name and would
-for this diftrict. Part es I 13rested plaaae X
,Write at once to former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John on that evidence alone? Mr. Joynt, M. candidate which the delegates w o.1i I d all and Mrs. D. H. Hastings motored up
MR. 1. MEN'±01;. from Blenheim and spent last week visit -
0 10 General Delivery-, Adair. This old young couple were made P. P. for North Huron and Mr. King the select.
Wingham P.O. . happy by the presence of some 78 guests, U, F. 0. candidate, did all in their power Mr. Spotton saM he was sorry to find ing Mrs. C- Jobb and other friends in W, GRE
WANTED -A girl to do general house all relatives, and of a family of ten, nine to ket the Premier to come to Wingham. that the old sore had no healed. He Turnberry. 1 0
Work. Apply to, Mr. and Mrs. H. Majury and the lat- F100rWF.4R OF MERI
mns,.&.W_ Ronmsox, Were present for this celebration. One The special prizes given by friends of would not seek the nomination again if
681 Waterloo St , Mrs. Neat, came All the way the fair to help make a better prize list he was turned down this time, but he ter's mother, Mrs. P. Caxton motored
London.' daughter, , PHONE 23
..v.. I inkham Sask , to be at the gather- was very much appreciated. Mr. Joynt would be a good sport and do what lie from Toronto and spent the week -end
'V ANTNJM At on Girls and WO Mr. and Mrs. was very liberal in his donation of $40.00 could for Mr. McEwen if he was the with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Fortune, Turn.
hand a Ce ON
a g ine a wing -Xincardine Reporter
ztoyt t Cotro O AXIO goril; MI= Ing
X Adair are well known to any readers of to the Wingbarn Fair And $40.00 to the choice of the delegates. Ile would accept berry. Master Harry Addison, who has )VING* AM2
.$300,. -Will bur a real g9od 1018 Ford Tits AnvANoto who will join in wishing Chmpionship School Fait. He also tin' invitation to speak for the Melghen spent soble weeks visiting friends return -
Touring Car. Ask
T. R. BENNETT at Ccomford's, them many happy returns, (Continued on slip sheet.) (Continued on page 4) ed with them, §zXXXX XXXXx0rix xX*X6XXX=XXXX1