The Wingham Advance, 1921-08-25, Page 74k A T 77 77 these, the unt twono,-ft of which re- Van I'I'S WEIGH"- GGING present the uphabet, tile. remainder CHOLERA INFANTUM OUR F1100HUERIES LUSTLESSp PEEVISH G R131 FLAGMA boing r.umbers, ana special flags such BITS 0,, F �7 as "Yes," *'Nv!' "Prepare," "?" and E;o N1 11111 if a When 0, girl In her Nens becoine'i Cholera lafanl�u�,_ 17, ene tit the fatal IN CA Nv� HE SAYS PRO DU 101110N 1920 AMID SIGNALLING on, The Internatlotial Code is filiorter It I," "U %J Peovk;ll , listless and dull, whou noth- ,nd different. There are only the. ailments ct childhOod, , a trouble lug see r I that comes oil Fuddenly, especially ills to interest her and daintles twenty-six lettevi &f the alphabet an( FROA HERE &IMERE do not terapt her appetite, you may during the mumier mouthr,, and un- BRAHAM POURS OUT H13 L PLAYS BIG PA REPORT OF 13UREAU OF be certain that she �iccds mor , good AT IN LIFE one over to serve w; an answering pea- le,�s prempt action is taken the little blood than her system is provided Most readers of nautical stories have ore m D' aby'SL Tent In CQat Pocket. GRATITUDE TO TANLAC STATISTICS OF BRITISU NAVY, ld"at' a -y scit.n. be beyond aid. of the B, -� an Ideal medicine In �UC with. Bofore long her Pallid cheeks, heard Peter, but few re. Own Tabletq ar( thin Is the material with which a frequent headaches, and breathless- warding Izo It when they see It hoisted. It , ofi thi�i trouble. The,.., regu- four fe, , high tent, invented In TIng- and Maintained ness and heart palpitation will Con- Durina Battle of Jukland More' cog" late the bowels and sweeten the stom- Toroni,)Mna Declares lie Was Shows Steady firm that ist�e Is anaerate. Many moth- Is a blue liar, with a white spuare III aell ard tlius prevent all the dreaded' land, is made that it can be folded and DeveloPment of Canada's ers as the result of their own girlhood Than 3,500 Signals Were Ex- the centre, and stands for the letter P 6unimer complaints. Conc�,rnlng them carried in a coat poeket, the pole also Almo,5� Phyeical Wreck In tt e alphabet, Many who thIII4 they Mr.9, Fred RGse, of South Bay, Ont.. folding and serving as a walking stick. When He Began Taking It. Wonderful Waters. experience can promptly detect the changed by Our Ships. know" 1111stalte the white flag with a early signs of anaemia, and the wise blue square in the centre. for the Blue Lays- "I feel 11aby's Own Tablets' Tile total value Of tile fisheries pro- mother does not wait for the trouble Seaside 4611day-mahers, particularly; saved the life of our baby when she On Schedule. "I viouldn't ttiko all the gold you ,duction of Canada In 1920 was �49,- tc, develop farther, but at once giveD those who are near a naval port, must Peter. It Is, In point of fact, the let- had cholera infuntum and I would not Mistre ss —"Mary, how IF, It that the could pille up arcund me for the good ter S, and the signal "I rcqnire a fiald Gwerge NV. V.11,217, according to a preliminary ro, her daughter a course with Dr. Wit- often wonder what the various flags I be without them." The Tablets Pao oXgs for breakfast are 6onietimes bell. Ta"LIC I'VE 11010 We," port prepared by the Dominion Bureau liams' pink Pills, which renew the meal, which they see hoisted In ships pilot." sold W., niedleina dcalers; or by mall ed soft and riometimes quite hard?" Brallain, 31 Grove Ave., Toronto,, Oat. of Statistics. This s-hows a decrease blood %apply and ba-ulsh anaerata be. that pas -a to and fro, To -day the redis- The Blue Peter Ili the Navy, how- tit 25 conts a box fruni The Dr. Wtl* Mary --"Well, mum, I'm suro I dou't "When I trem overseas I ever, has quite a different ineanin- 0 waa pretty in-adh Of a wreck. I used from the previous year of $7,187,262, fore It has obtained a, hold upon the tribution of the world has brought Into liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Oiit. know, I put. -3 them In regular as tb, ainiftig spells and my n r 3 It Is the numerical sign for "zeroo' i which is, however, to be accounted system. existence euch a number of new na- while the international pilot flag in Clock strikes eight. and I takes them to lim o f, ve for by the general decline in prices Out of their experience thousands tional flags that even the experienced 0 re Navy is not 8 at all, but V. Boy Scout and Girl Guide (,ut without 1' '111 m lien I hear,; the down were In riueh a bad stato that I used �experlenoed during this period. In of mother, know that anuemia, is the signal oflicer finds it difficult t the train go by." to Pimp at tile least nound. My rt. -m - every catch there was an increase In sure road to worse ills. They know member them all. Another cause of,confusion to the Movements As World ach war, ahvayi out of order, 5o that to sub landsman is the quarantine flag. The Leaven. Equal to the Occas"on. whatever I cto upset me. .quantity, amounting stantial the difference that good red blood Czecho-Slovakla, Danzig, Memel and ,Q" flag, a yellow square, Is used for "I iiver know wh-A It was to have prorortions Ili cases, and the Dominion' makes In thedevelopinent of womanly Russia have all got national flags, with this in the International code, and In the feverish hurly-burly of mod- An Irishman applied for a job at the a good r4ghtla kilew) ard I alwly.4 got Las reason to be satisfied with the re- health. Every headache, every gasp Variations for the ensign, the merean- at there ern life, in the t,trife and en -ea of gas works. many people. think it means th, men and natio a it retrvAdug up In the morning lealling tiroft and a f3teady for breath that.follows the sligbtest tile flag, and the Presidenrs standard; is plaguebu board. It does not. The ns, there I "What can, you (to?" ashea the fore - cord of the year as recording , I weary. I was k:te*vji!y losiag weight and maintained development of her exertion by the anaerale girl, every and some countries like Finland go so flag for that Is L, made of equal yol- unity of purpese and achievement In mail. and finally got very vrak. wonderful waters. pain she suffers In her back and limbs far as to have a special flag for so uu- low and black squares, the Rut yet- the twin fraternities wh!ch owe their "Almost anything. sor." sald Miko Onc- evening, I iiald to my wife, 'I Salmon continued to hold tile pre- are roproaches it you have not taken important a person as the commander low r existence to the withuslasIlL and fore- "Well," &aid the foreman, who wllui niter place among Canadian fish In the best steps to, give your weak girl of a half -flotilla, of torpedo-bGats. 'quare being Ili the top corner sight of the defew1ur of Maft-Ling, a bit of a Jolmr, "yua seen, to be all think I'll try a battk,, U Tanlae.' I did, near the s-taff. s, wrhing edl- I aud the result vn�*.i wc,!Laefful. It just point of �alue accounting for a sum new blood, and the only sure way to says the London Thn-, right, but could Yon wheel oat a bar. i , It would be impoissible to memorize Rubbing It In. tortally of the far-flung' Girl Guldte aud rf,%v scomaJ t,i ine:!t my meds from tho of $15,695,970, or nearly one third Of do so is througill the use, of Dr. Wit, all those flags, The Admiralty pro- stait and IrO. raliev.-I ire or ait ay tile total value. Lobsters came next liams, pink pills. Signa.11ing with flags was not much Boy Scout Movements, Seivice in place, could do that," said Mike, ducei a heavy volume for the use of troubles. ed the prac terest, giving iiiAeaii of' with $7,152,455; cod, $6,270,171; hall- New, rich red blood Is Infused into thoe signal staffs which Is call tised In the merchant service be- of self -in a I ;.,,It yez would fill it for me fIrst." "It gt,ve me a good apDc-k 0 i4at fore the war, and moraing with vema- grasping, doing ratlier than t lki ig, I but, 4,535,188; herring, $3,337,738; the system by every dose of these "Admiralty Flag Book," in which they phore or flashing lamp was little are the guiding principles. From an I can v3w cat well ar.1 my iart vzrecs whitefish, $1,992,107; haddock, pills. From this new rich blood are all set out in their sizes., and quar- known. It Is recorded of a famous organization, as Lady Baden-Powell' Credit Where It Is Due. with. me. My nervwi are nov; staaly, 680; and mackerel, $1,126,703. Trout, springs good health, an Increased ap, terings, and forkings, and other dis- Evidently a young editor Ili Missis- I no loitger have fainting spe'la, 43ardines, suielts, pickerel and Pit- petite, now energy, high spirits and tingulshlag marks. merchant skipper that on one occa- justly claims for the branch of which OPP! was a firm believer in the doe- I sleep fine and feel strauger arid Isct- chards came In the order named be- perfect womanly development. Give sion, fancying his trained signaller she is Chief Guide, and Princess Mary tween a million and a halt million dol- your daughter Dr. Williams! Pink Pills With Different Meanings, could teach the Navy a thing or two the president they have grown into a trine that if a iiewspaper copies an ter Ili cvery way lars in value. and take them yoarself and note ho� 'Every ship Is expected, by interna- he undertook to communicate with movement, Zth ail active power for itein. from another paper, it ihould al- "If there's one medicine that's worth ways give fall credit to TRO paper from Its weight in gold, it's Tanlac, and I British Colvmbia to the Fore. promptly their influence Is felt . in bet- tiOnal law, to shOw her national col0rs, passing man -o -war. This mercantile good, They have expande(I beyond, whieli It coples. want to express my gratitude for what ter health. and all the principal merchant ships, signaller painfully spelt out his mess- the bounds of the Empire. Like Puck, i Her gigantic salmon catch keeps This young man coploil in his sheet it has done for me." British Columbia to the fore among You can got these pills through any passenger and cargo, fly a house flag age. The man�ol-war, much more they have put a girdle round tile the provinces of Canada, and In 1920 dealer in medicine or by mail post- as well, to show who the owners are. rapidly, winked out its reply earth. Approximately three-qu,-,Yters a poem beginning "Full fathom five Tanlac Is sold by lead'ng druggists she continued in the Lupremacy with paid at 50 cents P. box or six boxes for Some of thes-e flags are as well-known The merchant Jack made "I.M.I."— of the total number of Doy Scouts in thy father lies," and at the end put everywhere. Ady. ;1 NCV, $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine as the Union Jack, or the Tricolor— please repeat'�—tima and again as. he the world (something over a million), these word" of credit: a fisheries' value of *1422,329,1( . Co., Brockville, Ont. flags like those of the, Canard Line, tried to read the winking dots and and a third of its tot.11 ' .20,000 Girl "William Shakespeare In the New That Proves Him Sane. Scotia, With her fertile sea fisheries, the Compagnie Gerenale Trans-Atlan- dashes. Guides (six times as many as there Orleans StateQ." "He's crazy, Your Honor," said tho as;iumes second place with $12,742,- 11.1 659. , Following Ili order are New Depressing Conditions. tiquo, and the NavlXazlone Generale At last the signaller In the man -o. were in 1912), live In foreign coun- policeman to the magfatrat,�. "I found Brunswick, $4,423,745; Ontario, $3,- Doctor—"Your trouble is dyspepsia. Italiana, for example. But there are war with cruel Irony spelt out very tries. Each year the movement Spanish Onions. him standing at tho corr-3r scolding 410,750; Quebec, $2,591,982; Prince You should laugh heartily before and hundreds of others as well, and all of slowly and distinctly, "Do you speak spreads and the totals Increase, more "And now, children," asked the his wife." Edward Island, $1,114,663: Manitoba, after meals." them convey a meaning to the sea- English?" And that to a ship flying the boys and girls pass Into the companies teacher, at the end of the lesson, "can "That doesn't Prove him crazy," re - $1,240,607: Alberta, $529,078; Sas- Patient — "Impossible, doctor. I taper. blue ensign of a British auxiliary and troops, and out of them Into the You tell me the Enlish national flow- joined the judge. katchowan, $296,472; and the Yukon, cook them myself and then I wash the The really chatty flags are the little cruiser! fuller life of adult citizenship, in a er?" "His wife wasn't th-Bra, Your Honor,"' $33,100. dishes." oddly -patterned squares and triangles The use of convoys during the sub. larger number Of countries, "The rose!" came in an eager chorus added the officer. —0 that are hoisted at the yardarm in marine campaign sharpened the need A third of the Boy Scouts who came from her pupils. The amount of capital represented P_ In V;e vessels, boats, nets, traps, piers, Minard's Liniment Rclieves Neuralgia groura. The Navy has f1fty-nine of for good signalling in the merchant over from South Africa to last year's "And the French?" The Canadian Pacific. is the cply and wharves, etc., engaged in the ships, and they became quite expert in Jamborne in London were Dutch. In "Lilies!" was the response, after solvent railroad on the North Am - reading, agains-t, the difficult back. India, from which Sir Robert and Lady some hesitation. Street % crican continent, says the Wall � primary operaL OnS OL Cal, Lng an landing the fish during the year_1920 was $29,063,359. The number of em- ployees engaged in these operations was 57,660. In fish canning and cur - Ing establishments there was a, sum of $20,512,265 invested, and these plants gave employment to a total of :18,499 work people. Happenings in Canada' The National Industries Corporation Is about to commence construction of a large manufacturing plant Gil Indus- 1 Heat stroke and heat exhaustion side of the street, or in spots not ex - trial Tsland, whore rivetless sichle I often occur in hot weather, with seri- - posed to the sun's rays. The clothing bladt��-. will be niade. Knives will be' ou% results. Not infrequently we hear of the baby should consist only of a manufactured for ail standara grain 1113Y of middle�aged men and wornen col- loose cotton wrap, the =-ins and legs and (:tLtt"1V,' machines. 'it lapsing and dying on account of the being left bare. It is especially im.- is now doilnite)y announced that f heat, especially if there is much hum- portant that the baby should be bath - the Prince Raport Pull) and Paper Company will go ahead at once with I t idity with the high temperature. ed daily, so that proper evaporation movement and its ideals must, cases nearly always occurring may take place from the body. COILStruction. of the first unit of Its'These two hundred ten per day sulphite mill, i on the street show the need of pre- Cautions on the piartof the individual During the heat of the day, persons -advanced in years should avoid the having an InItial output of forty tons in guarding himself or herself from, crowded streets and thoroughfares per day. This company recently par. excessive and prolonged exposure to and confine themselves to the parks, chased the British Columbia holdings the sun's rays. A somewhat common public squares -and other shady spots, of the North Empire Timber Company, practice and a bad. practice is for men which will afford them comfort and approximately 1,000,000,000 feet, of on holiday to -go through the heat, of, relief. which fully nin.ety per Cent. is spruce and hemlock. the day without any head covering People shoruld wear light-colored, in order to encourage the -growth of light -weight Clothing during the sum - A large shipment of threshing ma- the hair. Sun stroke sometimes oc- mer, and dark -clothes should be avoid - chines to Palestine is being made by I Clars as a result, -and in some cases has ed- as they absorb the heat rays and Sawyer -Massey Company of Toronto. An order amounting to about $40,000 proved fatal. Living in apartment make the wearer uncomfortably hot. Indoor have win - has, also been received from Kingston,. houses during the hot weather where no great amount of through draft is workers should dows and doors open to Create a draft, ,Jamaica, for road machinery. This order Is the result of a shipment of available, is a frequent cause of heat and thi light should be suppresse -d, so to let in the full Of the $90,000 of road machinery which was exhaustion, especially among those of middle life and old age. ATrange- as not glare sun. The clothing Worn indoors must to the same destination In the spring. ments be made if possible to be loosely woven., andi of either Cotton Work Is being rushed on the plans for the erection of a model town at -should avoid stuffy apartments during the summer naDniths, but the present hous- or silk. Everybody should try to avoid, hurry and excitement as these Kapuskasing, Ont., by the Spruce Falls Pull) and Paper Company. . During the ing shortage makes it difficult for only intensify the heat, but healthful past year the Spruce Falls Company some city dwellers to change their during the hot and the exercise is beneficial even in hot wea- ther. It is officially noted that men expended $4;000,000 in development there, while only $2,500,000 is required abode weather results are particularly debilitating. in the tropics- who do strenuous Work to complete the work. The plant whon. case of children, 11 is a practical an,' PIRY, enjoy better health than the ,In completed will be able to handle 20,. impossibility to keep them well in surnmer if cooped up in apartmolits or ledies resident there who take prac- ticallY no exercise. Bathe daily and 000 board feet of lumber per year. The company is also considering the erec- tenements. Rabies must be given take a sponge bath at night before tion of a pulp mill and power plant. special attention, ana- mothers living in or elOsely built up quar- i retiring, so ag to induce sleep. Dur - Ing hoV weather keep occupied and do It is reported that gold hunters are swarming over the country drained by crowded ters, should keep their infants in I not discuss the weather constantly. tile Wapshe River, New Brunswick, rooms on the ground floor, that are The up It only aggravates the discomfort and tends to make �others irritable as well and panning the sands of the stream Ili search of the yellow metal. The shaded and vantilated. -per stories of houses are usually very as oneself. Pat sparingly, and avold prospectors are looking for the Gil. bertson Warm, especially during the afternoon When the suns rays have meats and heat�producing foods. Let the diat consist largely of salad -i and lode. The story Is told how GlIbertsou made a canoe trip up the and evening i been beating on the roof for some fruits, and, the thirst maybe quenched river some sixty years ago, and while hours. Bables -should, when possible, by cold water, weak tea, lemonade or making camp for the night, came be kept out-of-doors on the shady buttermilk. Above all, keep cheerful. across a large body of gold-bearIng ore. Not knowing what it was he took home a large piece, to use as� a door weight. Sometime later a geologist visiting Gilbertson identified the Ore, Harwe -you not"AcCed and a nind rush to stake cialms along, the Wapshe River ensued. Gilbertson 110-,,jr many OjF y0imr neighbors refused to tell where he found the ore. hv_�ve chi anged from tea or Later he became in -sane and died with- cofrPee to out revealing the secret. This season P, systematic search is being made. The new Furness-Bormuda line sum- gr PO"Ur"m] bxs: ther cruisea from New York to Quebec has been Inaugurated with the arrival at Quebec of the Fort St. George with The smooth, rkh f lavor of 150 Passengers. This is the first time this ce-rcal beverade appeals' that a, summer service has been run- 0 to the. mm, and it is free - I 111119 between the American and Cana, J'rorxj element of hRtIU. than ports shwe pro -war days. The round trip takes twelve days. .InV Better nights and brighter mornings usually resuilt STAXT The coast 1-ine of England. is 2,200 froin Pdstum in place of Rim miles long, tea or cofkb�.. Chalk is for=ed almost entirely pod. 0 d e I A pf 0-1 911on, the shells of creatures which Ifterecl end 0 on. I onae lived in the Water. Wherever We 97.1wason aeO chalk in. a state of nature we know tl).k.f, a sea or lake once oftapied hotw000rmh Dug the site. ground of the sky, the meanings of I Baden-Powell have recently returned, "And the Spanish?" Journal. the jumbled colors, which said, "Altar there are in the eight provinces thous- Dead silence. The pupils looked course two points to starboard," Ad. ands of Scouts and Guides, some Of blankly at each other. Then a hand miral intends, to proceed at 15 knots," them English, some of them of mixed was waved frantically In the air, and "Altar course'in successlon N. 86 B.,,, English and Indian parentage, and a shrill voice Iriped out: "Onlons'l 0 0 A R- 8- F_' 4`% LT and so on. some Indian. The Chief Scout and miss v, L LAN D 8 A L T Flag signals, in the Navy are mainly Chief Guide went out on the lnvlta- 13 concerired with manoeuvring; general tion, of Lord Chelmsford, the Viceroy, Not An Acorn. BUIR caxlots 0 M I conversation is carried on by means with the object of consolidating the TORONTO SAW WORK3 It Is related that when a certain of semaphore or flash -lamp. The movement on the original lines of a Ohio man brought up Ills son to be Ii. OLIFF TOPIONTO amount df talking that is done In a I unified organization. As the result of 11 4 4 � 4 4. 4. f, 1� ti -4- visit some 20 000 Indian Be- entered as a SLUUeU in a co ego n a a n __ y- Our ours a sea As I I that State he made known to the ericormous. I Scouts, who had been enrolled inde- I president his de6ire that !its boy take Few people probably realized, be-, pendently of the parent organization, a course shorter than the regs fore the official Jutland papers were and a, further association of 15,000 I'My son," he explained, "c issued, that from start to finish more, Scouts and Guides 6nrolled by Mrs. take all those istudles. Ile wants to than 3,500 signals. were exchanged be- Besant, agreed, with "indescribable tween British, ships in Connection with enthusiasm," to come into the world get through more quickly. Can you brotherhood. These are but two in. arrange it for him?" the battle. # "Oh, yes," said the president. "He Wit In War -time. Somoof them were quite humorous. One senior officer s-emaphGred to an- other, just befort Jellieces big ships came into action: "It seems to be get- ting a bit thick this end. What had we better dDT' "A bit thick' 'is 4 mild description of the whirlwifid of action. in which the ships found themselves. It was easier to Joke the next morning, when we find among the recorded signals this enquiry from the Princess Royal to the Tiger by searchlight: "I hope all is, well after -our busy atternoon.1" Among the wireless messages there were many little dramas, as, for ex- ample, the signal made—of course, In code—by the little destroyer Ambus- cade about two o'clock In the morning in the daTkness of the night battle: "Have expended all torpedoes, I am alone, position doubtful. Request instructions." There Is, something plaintive about that "I am alone," but It serves to show what an Immense area was covered by the battle, that a ship should be without consorts in the mid- dle of it. Where Postmen Are Scarce. What is declared tD be the Loneliest miss,lon station in the world is situ- ated on the Roper River, In the Northern Territory of Australia. Here dwell a missionary and his young wife. They are cut off entirely from the Companionship of the4r fel- IDv.r-whites, for only a few Australian aborigines live in the district. The nearest doctor is five hundred miles awQy, and it Is two hundred miles to the nearest white settler. only once a year does, the misisitanary ObtaJTL news from tIrD outside world, and sometimes eighteen months elapse before a mall is received. Some months ago the homestead was buried twenty feet under water through a sudden flo,od. It was a try- ing time for the missionary's wife, who had just given birth to her first baby. For three days. aild nights her husband, assisted by blacks, rowed them in, a, small boat to hills sixty miles. distant, heavy rains drenching th-cul all the time. Vegetable Leather In Japan. A plant grows in Japan whach far. ntshoD a sort of vegetable leather. It is a pretty shrub called the, mitaumata, and its inner bark, after going through certain processes, is converted into a sabsemee as tough (is French kid, so trauslueelit that one can almost see through it, and as Pliable and soft w Calfskin. stances 011C 01 MaIlY 0 8 un ver- can take EL -short course: it all deppnds sailty of the spell exercised by the on what you want to make of him. principles of Scouting. British by When God wants to maxe an oak He origin, pan -British by adoption, they takes a hundreds years, but he takes have In them something that appeals only two months to make a squash." to the boys and girls of sat nations, and binds them together In a common fraternity that can rise to a plane Nerver explain: your frignds do not above the ordinary distinctions Of need it and- your enemies will not be - race. With the passing of youth and lieve you anyway. -Fra Elhertus, Its enthusiasms, the Inspiration of the — BRINGS HAPPY EASE. movement and its ideals must, cases, inevitably decay. But if, In the Don't Endure Pair.. Apply majority, they survive, then it is mere. P1111 ly visionary to hope that, in each coun- ED try where they thrive, they may in- sensibly leaven the lump and become Z. the germ of a real and abiding League of Nations. K, HN C FF 1 FAI, N e.. Good Company. To -day I have, grown tatter from walk - Ing with trees, The seven sister poplars who go softly In a line; And I think my heart is whiter for Its parley with a star, That trembled out at nightfall and hung above the pine. The call -note of a, red bird from the cedars In the dusk, Woke his happy mate within me to an answer free and fine; And a sudden angel beckoned from a column of blue smoke— Lord, who am I that they should stoop—these holy folk of Thine? MONEY ORDERS. Dominion Express Money Orders are on sale In five thousand offices throughout Canada. The Rernedy1rour Grandmother used to ef. uverywhare. get Sure Re On Sale r A Good Thing. Rub it b.i. Americalff ricale-W Dog nameal" Restored to Book oa E. Pk&ham's D.00 DISEASES Compound. and How to Feed Walled Free to any Aid - dress by the Author. U.-Clav Glover Co., 731,% Jig %vest SIst Street Now York, U.S.A. Only "Bayer" is Genuine p, /5�v Why Dogs Bark. It is a curious fact that dogs bark only when they are in association with man. The dog in a state of nature IF;iK merely growls, howls, or whines. ­-Ibly tbe act of barking Is 9, 1 ECZEMA IN NORA, FIRLS Very Itchy ana nula"Isx-10 Troubled 1. W" e&s. ­oiar daughti-r's face carne out In r. rash tilat we were told was eczema. Her cheche got sore and shembbed caus- Ing loss of sleep. The breaking out was very itchy and bumed eo tbal;Ihadtotleglovas on her bands to keep her from scmtching. "This trouble lasted about cht weeks before I used Cuticura. I used one larp boi: of Cirticum Ointmenz with two Cakes of cuticura solp when she was healed. " (Signed)AIrs. H. Starea, Blenheim Rd., Gall, Oat. Cuticum Soap, ointmeent and T--I- cum are ideal for daily tollet uscs- S.— 2r-. Ointment 215 and sec.- Sold r L M��Z� FNE YEAR13 Fin&Uy Was Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pk&ham's Vegetable Compound. Paris, Ont.—." For five cars I 8uf- �y red fro ams P caused displace- ment of my organs I I � gill 31.1 (, 1. and in my back. All P1111 of this time I was unfit for Work and was taking different Z. medicines that I thought were. good. I saw the advertise- ment in the papers of Lydia E. Pinl ham's Vegetable C ound and took it alt full I a nowinpor cethealth or . I reco . end dog's attempt at speech - It would cer- I it to othe: tainly seem like it sometimes; as, for Warning' 'Unless You see tile name instance, when a pet dog sees you car- "Bayer" on package or on tablets You 'a'nudlln"'Ithe rying food, he will bark as big way of,are not getting Aspirin at -,ill. TAke -Mrs. D. WhYW4 asking for some. Aspirin only as told in the Dayer pack- long Is ry Another dog, which Is In the habit age for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, when th� of going to bed at sundown, Will bark Rhouniatism, Earacheo, Toothic-be. rinkham, TT_�eu ywa will Por f!�,: to tell you he Is ready when the time T,umbavo antl for 131o.bi, tira _X-olne comes. be following the diroctiwv-, Mid dusagre I stored thi It Is also curious that, although the worhod out by phy,4itiaos during who hftvl dog is so much the friend of man, his twtuty-one, ye -ars, and li,,ul�ed S Afe by I ments �0 name Is used In many expressions of millions. Handy till boxes (of twelve wtwiatiol abuse and reproach. Snell Phrases Bayer Tablets of Aspirin Vost few If yolt probably aroso in tile East, where eent,,. l)rugp,,NtG also oell I-Ydift 11. dogs are considered of very little ac- pat Laqcg. Made Ili Vauadli. Ai-pirill deti-Ltft% Count. is tilo trado mark (rogistered in Cana- ba opent 0 ail a (I'l), (it Rayer Malluraefuro of '5101lo- Minavel's Liniment top sale everywhere aceticat hle-zitOr Of I an give ou perly. letter in your liti wapapers as a testi SSADY, ox461, R )n Ill onthiueAo 3 than we can uni aft find health in MaUE Mok ttervvill )a b_V lk