The Wingham Advance, 1921-02-17, Page 7I ".:/\
J Some goo s pay more profit
thanothers". Usually, the poorer
the quality the greaterthe profit.
A he grocer pays more for Red
Rose than for other teas -and
he sells 'it at a less profit. ,
When you buy Red Rose you
buy the best.
don't propose to answer,. Tour ques-
110110, ao you, mil put that In your
Pipe and zmolce it. Now get" IP)
clenched his fists,
Tho foreigner% hand dropped to
his pocket. He did not remove It.
but pressed emnothimg hard tbrough
-the cloth against th,3 Young man'st
rlbs. "You are hasty, Mr. Hallett,"
ho remonstrated. "You don't know
what it it you tsay-what you're up
against. This is a pistol 'you can
feol"--be Pressed It close-11and un-
less you Itizten. quietly I ah'il Rool
you dead. Understand?"
(To Tie continued.)
&U5100 01WI-101kil
Menzies went away with his bundle 'his?" lie derafLude(L 141t1a all right. . . . . . .
of docunients to have thein typed, In- You needilt answer." A bankaote
doxed, and put in order sG th-iit he crackled between his fingers. "it
could lay his handon an7y one needed you can clea.r out the gang below -this
at a monieut!s notlep. Ho was� In for is yours. It's ni*e than they'll
1'. All- 1- 1,
Igill , 11111- lip -1111111111
Registered According to the �Copyrlaht Act,
MIQs Rozalina we�.,comes letters from
Young women asking for advi "., on
any subject. All you bave to do is
to address your letter to
34 King William St. Hamilton, Qni�
Dear Folks.,
Please dvm't soold it your answOrs
ire not in pr�nt ns -a-.- you would
Xko to !qoo tchem. I'm s!mply
Piwampod wPh I(Ators; And I am
arj��wcrhig tflivul strictly in turn.
Nvory letter will appmr-am- soon as I
cail come to It, -so don't giv-0 lip -bop,
411� Jut hocauwr� It Is not In this wpek.
0u.r CA):u1nn is growing at an amaz-
Ilk;, T%to. alid rnosA Of the letters ara I
zpl�valdid� I am more than delighted I
aZ the hek"ful response You have
given this dopzrtment and oincerely
hope every reader may W bouelited
and InQWed to carry on.
Two advertisements lie drafted In
-Very good, air, There'll be no
Dear Irene:
detection of crime. Moreover, the psvrhaps less concern that a murdeTerq S'ud' 0- Melrlvedv 191 Dr. Hamilitcin's
ubiquitous reporter is not Ao be ,eshall be brought to ji�Lstice than Our— pilbs,
I have kept com1pany, with a nice
That is one of blie penalties we
must silffer for ymuting nic a furs.
Devor Rosalind:
the sanctuary of his Qwn office, One
harm in telling them you?re In a very
tective living. The wisest course is fog ialmrbed a -t once by dle kidnep-
i�here by
Other boiys. Whout s1haal I do, try to
I told mo, the othex day dist ermine is
Jo meet him with fair words -to guide is a way -mostly used Dr Hmi%tioa's Pills ateml and, cure
his pen where there Is a danger of ti-adesmen Qt tho Palztlal Hotel the �Istaased healLby
laaDU girl tweat7years of "a, and
was to check 11allett's Own account
critical condition, air I suppose."
pany? Also afteT taidug a girl to a
deuce is it r*zht f4arhv,-1tOc0M0 home
on.,y th1dug to do Is cdwa" wmT a
wiliftc scaxf or large s0khandkerchief
promising case -has been spoilt by i ment. , Through this Ilallatt 5911111-
Pmet is abUndaut, and here, Is
tactless treatment -of a reporter at a 1 tered. Ile was halt way through Mr. PeAttick
some onA- else; also is it right
ilss U gir",
1 tie IT W.'rZilight. 19 It Tight
tbAought I would ask Your advice. I
of the evening before, -and to Identify,
"Not in the least, If theypve any
Dear Rosalind:
� back acked tiroini morning till.
c er In which lie said Juat as much built,' sallow faced man, of lank,
mur.L Ilight - E rery blt c& work I did Mad e
as he wanted to say And not a, word moustache and burning black eyes. �
Dear lionely Wolf:
Itbin:k thP4,7cdZ Aldvice Ito Girih in I
more., The coneasion ran- I dmIlliesaid. "Your name IS me weak avid worn. I ocMldaVt sftoo.,p
"The the deceatsed 1111ott?(11 ' Ile spoke silkily and the cd- UR widitat g,40iag dizzy. My ton-
houve a, boy friend I ithink a great deal
it possible, the street in Which the,
bowe2s of compas4on they won't
and b7 the aime token there areoither
gir:s on the prairle besides the One
few questions tromnae (1 om, .19 years
many I his words seemed to, show that he seve,70 11rii-oary dj_ g, -My Iridn,2,76
land for the 'United States XxterL
ago, and his present where- wt a neither English nor American.
who has gone back oil yozi. Look
i ow):
I have well mostly always a.
04 we have been friends for Ilya
checks had been forced -on him.
worry a dying man. It will stave
order that aertaili points Pills, nod proved -tdkem just kbO -IM-44-
Itiorder that certain points In counec- by a reporter after all.
girl to another daam. thzVs all.
It Is not right to klas a girl good-
do In the dav time, j'ast when I don't
cine, I needed. Why, I ireft. beft-W In -a
Von with b4a fathees career should "You were at the place where this "week, 604 axter using tbwe piffis for
months* Somolirae_q b4o Is awTull 7
be -cleared up." itian was killed yeeterday-eh?" The I a molith Ortwo alt ranMar Intetnuls I
under -his I
for a while, Perhaps."
1 2, My complexion .1r. Tather muddy.
W�rftb agaln, Wolf. I know you
MT 0 lonely and I know you are -very,
frlendIy. Then again tie dout come
R1 RLVVVARD�-The taxicab driver
As a matter of fact, beyon(I a mild 1
S. Do you tbink it proper for a
to see mo at all' and I get some other
yrho on the evening of - drove
headache and'some, stiffness he felt
hand caught at his arm.
despise. It was not intended as an PPJr box, or fte boxes few $1.00, at All
burning black eyes were within three
trtend. Then he comee richt back
14are from -the West East to 34 Un,
ocarcely a trace of -the attentions Of
1 liave read yourletters every weo.k
avain friendlier then ever. Please
1"ne Termce Garden, Kensl�lgt0n,
his Overnight assailant. Ile was un-
rlll noar-'
advise me it I shouM drop him alto -
will receive the above reward On,
certain whether that was a tribute
are now �hfldron because of the fact
oethar Or whst is best ito do.
coinatuniting wid the Public Car-
riago office, New Scotland Yard,
to the skill -of the dIvislo'nal surge -on
or to the hardness of lits skull. He
Is it any harm when your Mend
brin.-o You home to stdp at your own
S. IV,
Inwardly congratulated himself that
the injury was net a particularly no-
gite and talk for awhile? 9�
what ""�s shou'd " girl Man .
The other (ran differently, and
ticeable disfigurement, Indeed, al
. FAN.
seemed to give him more trouble,
skilful brushing of the hair -Almost
Dear Pan:
SeyeTal sheets of note paper -he wast-
bid. it
Don't bother with the fickle fellow.
ed, and discontently surveyed his
lie descended -to breakfast with an
_, peril, lurks, In kidney
That le don't take him seriously.
final effort.
appetite that of itse't was proof tha t
waaknees, 4!
Treat all your friends the oretdon.%
It Riohaxd Erroll 11ast heard of at
his general health remained unaf-
lujid6cmaly it devejolis into Bright's
Sim." 01A f r spec,1111 tt, Ion
51's '0310 0
Golumbla, Ob* S. A., will coni-
fected and, discovering that there'
Disease and TJriaenilc; voison-Ing.
It is quite all riglit -bo, talk tor a
was R'back entratice to the hotel, de-
Through the system It sweePs. with
few minutes before saying good-
ke crushed the sliqat up, flung it
cided to make iuse of It least some
usin , g.ou t,
, C,,t M X dX0130Y
in. the waste PA -Per basket, and lifted
pontinaclous reporter might "I'll be
gravel and jamndice.
Jit depende on cirounistan-ees.' I
a speaking tube. "Any newspaper
lingeing in the reception -hall.
M=7 romedles contdn, alcohol.
thinlE twentyfour about right,
men there, G�eeu? Right. Tell Iem
Ism hour.
'He wanted to know sornetbint; Of
In consaqucuice they Wlam the
I'll -we in half an keiid
what the police were doing, and a
disease to further i -pry.
tue UP a typlat."
Mu . MA.ffl 11an-
visit to Scotland Yard seemed the
1-i- . --PfAi, - . out T� +;h - back -
A tpropeir remedy wilP scoth and
Dpar Miss Rosalind:
but hive alwa7a been ratbor blullc-
waxd when meetingo now friends.
Pleas-(),adirlsa m2l w1uA to do. Thunk -
'Ing )rou In Advance.
Dear Bunny.
Ytm know my faVOrltf) TeCIPO
4ZIIIIA 1C116l11W1.i,3. It U road and
e-tudy wid writo sand rcad sonto more.
Wlwn you rawt new try tobe
jwl youirs-4t; nniuml aix]. fric-ridly as
you, Uke PWVk, to be to Yl�u. Put
yourself In another pvrswals place
U-1111 $,so 11OW you wwala met.
R 0 S A I. eIN' D,
Dear Miss rtcsallad:
Seeing your lottert.) to girn in the
paper I would like to ask yDur advice:
I am a young girl 16 oTd and
I go out with youv,,.r genthemen. I
havo b?pn go!:ug wilth, a young mail
ribcut 18 Years old. lie stcpped go-
Lne� with mig 4quito emddenly which
taint my fcelilngni. I thInk quite a
lot of rhim. and .v%nt to know it It
would be proper to try and renew his
friendship? lie is what you would
call a high-flyer, it you will excuse
my lauguaqD and Is now gain,-, with a
girl -friend of Taine. When. I'm home
I am all out Of sorts and often lose
my temper, Dear Miss Rosal4nd
wilaIt will I do? Will ; try to towget
him? Siaoerel7.
My Depar GirV
I I owe, would forget him wad all like
him. You could be such a sweet
Liftle friend and bs;va such good
times with a bunch of jolly girls,
Why make yourself bad-tempered and
d1d and cranky and lylua by thinking
about boys? Again I say -Forget -it!
Des,r Rosaabid:
As I have beenreading the Advice
to Girls, I thought Derbaps you could
help me out of some ot Tay trouble,
I have a black fur collar on MY
coat and It Is very, warm, but the
black comes off on my face. Could
you Vowe tell me something I could
do with it. I have not had the col-
lar on long. Do you think It will
come off in t�me? Yours truly,
L, I J , lical the kidneys, give them Strength,
died, may be a potent factot in -the ground of his thouglits there was . I and nourkh them back -to, bmft.
Hoping you wou,"d advise a poor
1Dfiely boy Ili losing his only friend.
Dear Irene:
detection of crime. Moreover, the psvrhaps less concern that a murdeTerq S'ud' 0- Melrlvedv 191 Dr. Hamilitcin's
ubiquitous reporter is not Ao be ,eshall be brought to ji�Lstice than Our— pilbs,
I have kept com1pany, with a nice
That is one of blie penalties we
must silffer for ymuting nic a furs.
which axe ocmposed alt slinvIe
evaded for long by the cleverest de- tosity in regard to the ady of the vegetable emtraoto arid Juices tliat axe
Young girl and love her dearly c"Ate
sq1e 1"s been keeping oonipj�y, With
131,wk oqmes off bern. all. A ftrrier
tective living. The wisest course is fog ialmrbed a -t once by dle kidnep-
i�here by
Other boiys. Whout s1haal I do, try to
I told mo, the othex day dist ermine is
Jo meet him with fair words -to guide is a way -mostly used Dr Hmi%tioa's Pills ateml and, cure
his pen where there Is a danger of ti-adesmen Qt tho Palztlal Hotel the �Istaased healLby
forget her or again seek her omi-
V, � d1r.t%,6st or t.h,�4,a aV.. However,
it Ir, not all dirt, more likelydye. The
itisnuez,, restore
.his writing too much, and puthita on which leads through a narrow alley X11c!tIan and &Way conc&atkn and In-
lils honor on occasion. Many a I for fifty yards on to the Embank -
pany? Also afteT taidug a girl to a
deuce is it r*zht f4arhv,-1tOc0M0 home
on.,y th1dug to do Is cdwa" wmT a
wiliftc scaxf or large s0khandkerchief
promising case -has been spoilt by i ment. , Through this Ilallatt 5911111-
Pmet is abUndaut, and here, Is
tactless treatment -of a reporter at a 1 tered. Ile was halt way through Mr. PeAttick
some onA- else; also is it right
ilss U gir",
1 tie IT W.'rZilight. 19 It Tight
your okin and the far.
wrong moment. I when a tap on the shoulder caused quabed, the experience of
Menzies dletated an �pcount or the him to wheel. He confronted a slim McDiondd ot 285 X14A Street, Gt;tswe.
t,3 juig a gipl, before engage&' HOP -
jug tilIs m4sees t.11.0 waste bealreit.
Dear Rosalind:
� back acked tiroini morning till.
c er In which lie said Juat as much built,' sallow faced man, of lank,
mur.L Ilight - E rery blt c& work I did Mad e
as he wanted to say And not a, word moustache and burning black eyes. �
Dear lionely Wolf:
Itbin:k thP4,7cdZ Aldvice Ito Girih in I
more., The coneasion ran- I dmIlliesaid. "Your name IS me weak avid worn. I ocMldaVt sftoo.,p
"The the deceatsed 1111ott?(11 ' Ile spoke silkily and the cd- UR widitat g,40iag dizzy. My ton-
There are goDd fish In the sea� yet
cry, very interesting and I -Abuld,
like very much to have -you answer a
stepson of gen- gne was furred ead my appot�te poor,
tleman, a MT. Richard Errol, left Eng- extremely -correct PrOnounciati011 Of MY bead, ached continually, aad Ihad
and b7 the aime token there areoither
gir:s on the prairle besides the One
few questions tromnae (1 om, .19 years
many I his words seemed to, show that he seve,70 11rii-oary dj_ g, -My Iridn,2,76
land for the 'United States XxterL
ago, and his present where- wt a neither English nor American.
who has gone back oil yozi. Look
i ow):
I have well mostly always a.
years were 4n, the, wor-not, posbibile etate, I
abouts Is -unknown. The papple are Well?" demanded Hallett shortly. tale wondedul, Dr. Hainilton's
'in in He feared that he had been rundown
rd, Was to see myself taking that
drowsy teeliag. M7 beek teela tired,
and I don't aleep weld at night, but I
order that aertaili points Pills, nod proved -tdkem just kbO -IM-44-
Itiorder that certain points In counec- by a reporter after all.
girl to another daam. thzVs all.
It Is not right to klas a girl good-
do In the dav time, j'ast when I don't
cine, I needed. Why, I ireft. beft-W In -a
Von with b4a fathees career should "You were at the place where this "week, 604 axter using tbwe piffis for
vinuit it<x Do rau think this ia kidney
be -cleared up." itian was killed yeeterday-eh?" The I a molith Ortwo alt ranMar Intetnuls I
under -his I
Nor it is'right to huz her.
1 2, My complexion .1r. Tather muddy.
an shook a newspapar
The chief detective inspector knew, In w -2s. compiieUv.or restored.".
that the simple paragraph would fl -=e- Dr. Hamilton's, Palls give �eomg-&m
W�rftb agaln, Wolf. I know you
MT 0 lonely and I know you are -very,
What what would be g, od to bleach
my oampiejan and make it clear?
throw Into the search for Ex rol the "Well?" said Hallett again. He
had resumed his walk but the other relief beleause Ithe7 act &Ireotly on
vexy young. ROSALIND.
S. Do you tbink it proper for a
energies and organiza,tiOn of �Ihe d(opatied tissues Of. the Iddneys.
great newspaper -ark Ald he did not Nva,s keeping pace with him. Get the ganuine in y�dilow boxes, 250
&thietlyan orooh in their Not,
one woman in n huzithA ;.., Ireeparwt or
girl to Idss boy? Supposing she
likeolijui; and, do you,think It makea
hand caught at his arm.
despise. It was not intended as an PPJr box, or fte boxes few $1.00, at All
burning black eyes were within three
Detir Rosalind:
him think mcme, or less of bar? I
official,statdinent. The criminal ill- dea�.*M. ReAuse 06 subetiltuba. 7
inches of his face. "YOU know kho
1 liave read yourletters every weo.k
tlra-k you kindly,
vestigation department doesnot issue � A
and find theni intereating and help.
bulletins officially. It was an aet of killed ueem, ea., 111e, JU-1191.1sal .4 ; -
courtesy,. arid Incidentally a stroke of become a little less correct under The fish Waist� in Canada amounts tu'11. I lWe liv the country aboet
c trqs-3 of some excitement. "You -to over -300,000 tons a yeax� of which tWeLlVe mi:as tTora -the city and find.
policy to maintain the good Will Of " k Avilpamna during the -minter manthe
itfie press. The reporters might have not told the pol-11ce Yet, You about one-am,"d Is eVailable for eon- as thwo am Lew young pecq)l-- Xving
paraphp%se it as they would. *, will not tell. them?" free enpri'.,y. VQrsica. into tortuizers and as a food Ileox.
He -received the newspaper m n Hallett shook himself e said, -I -for lio-,s and poultry. I 'would 11rhe to got some girl &Prid
pleasantly, parried their chaft and 111iDoIr. here, my man," h
-too adroit queikions with unruffled
good hiinlor, and told them little
anecdotes which had not the slightest'
bearing on the muiter of'GT.eye�Strat-
They read the typewritten sheets
-anded them
he h greedily and cross
examined him a mercilessly as ever
he had bean oros-44ximined at the
Old alliley. A.ola�rk brought a card
to -him and he read it without 06
oliange of countenance.
-In a minute,,, he Wa to the wait -
Ing clerk, and f�ut the card in �fis V
waistcoat -pocket, ,Well, gentlemen, d�
you know -as much Qs I do now. It
thexels anything elsei �Ou want to
know, just drop fri and see MO 'WheD
PN you like. - Goo& -morning. A�,
They accepted their dismissal, tkud
[to -took another glance at -the -card.
It read:
And criderneath written in pencil:
pego .3,reye-Str4tton.
,4MU?TE11 V.
"Mr. William Smith.
Ir.ho Oaxly eVeining plpeTH were oil
the streets before Jimmie lla�llctt
rose, cnd 1ho inevitable reporters
tad aslablished a, blockade of bi-%
hotel. lie cursed them while ho
shoved. it seemed that the rioter-
lety which he had left NOW YOrlt to
esoa.De had followed him to VM.'Illrd-
As an old newspaper hand himself,
Ile had ljtt,,3 ta
ste to be served uP
again all hot and spiced tor the dele-
tation of a mo.ibid-IY hungry publlc�
He Aurveyed a salver full Of Ord's I
That had been brought UP to him wit"
,a -scowl. Vivid xecollectIOAS came
to hint Of �i*Lo Wa Yin which '110 h4d
himsMf dealt in "personal gketdhes"
$Ad "Dorgotoll statemoilt$" on big
storiles, and he bzgan to conceive 0.
,covtain, 14low feeling for I'As 1011'"'
torgottOn YjctIm$. 13ut hW chin grow
va eee lom,,At�wve bof& VII talk,
Go Aw&y an4, tell lem I'm dead,"
'The liveried tUnetfOnW 'Who had
�bmu Iq tho cards gave 410 11mr 411
PT) " to 4 grin as his dI0ltYP0r-
mit�ed. .",yef, air 116 -to oiald quietl3r;
"Theea not lmlle�',e it, Jr.",
*ft 70% gbttWg 611t 01
Deaw Henrietta:
I'm sorry the letter could not be
puWdshed en the date you expected.
It just had to walit 4ts turn for there
were about a bundired ahead Of you.
I sm, Inclined -to think Your twiiible
is conaitipation. and liver trouble. YOur
tiver is Overworked trying to absoit
Impurities thst the body is
Inc. Try drinking two glas
wateir between qpch. meal 01 be -
fare brealdast and one belore In
ba bcd. That may seem a lot, but
"ux syster!l is demanding quarts, of
w&tcr, Walk baiskly as oftea and as
fqr as you can tvary day, and talre
at 'enst three good hot scrubby baitas
Im uot a doctor, 3n7- dear, but hopre
I inisy do you a little lyk of good.
IV,rite nio again, so that I will know
if there is any im-provement.
My Dear 111" RosaUnd:
Sosdna Y<Air lett<zs df Advice to
Girls Ili the paper I thought I w(mld
talto adventa-ge of It and &sit a very
groat favor:
I am not a girl but would be very i
glad to Aiear ktoni any loaelY girl of
gbLopiit my own aAgna (23) as I ampretty
I-oneily myself soulotimea,. I ;il
Answer any lotters received with
B R X.
Dear Ewa:
Your nanic shall bo 110.rwaxded to
every good carreopondent, boy or
girl, who oendis me a st3auped, se�lf-
addromod envelope. 1 hopa heaps ot'
reade-s ava-11 theinsozvos of &IS wav
ct helphig �scme one and Ine-rew1n., own. store of knowledge by the
,art of aettex writing.
Dc,ar llosallixl*
We ire t4rur girl friewls, who ato,
at presont, 4iway Lem the care "d
prote,Ct:14>11 Of -Our prX01IL-1
We axe �1%rplexed by a number of
puzzling qu(nAj4G1M Wcu.4 you a<)
oblige us so to rinswor them?
i. At what age sItcutd -a giri br--
betore sbo marries?
0 - Is Irequent ldeAtng an evil
3. Should & m1ml dd keep wra-
-rAny 1with a Cdl" boy or lafty boy?
4. It 4 -boy invites a girl to at -
Land a festival, v4th hint, amne length
ot time before the event 16alros place
aM lnveA you to ieotuAdet� shouiA
tlw CIA wait til�l the boy awntbons -it
06 60dond ttnw bafol* she glyog filift
her dedalont
S. It & boy 4cwmAvAft a 6*4 to
hor home And t1lev dwt At ow cm* W
door, wh$014 fhould be ft fircot to
mention departing?
Sltweroly hopirm 41w;t this w91 be
publi,abod, wq, veraubt
Dear Chums:
Lottera must be ebmt ftmisroelt, -or
wfll airswer Yiuw querim a,.,i number- i
ed -
L 'Me azo varleri, not beXore
twouty-four If cho values ber Uealth
a4d happdnmm
2. AMost decidedly It gorloxa4l.
3. NO.
4. Any Invitation, ebould be an-
6werfd one way or the other a,; ao-cu
as possiWe after It 1= been given.
Az j�von cvi the girl ]Knows htr Ansvmr
she should give Itwathout InTther dN-
5- The girl. ShO 4MIRS a '4111lUte
and then saye goodoulghi_
DOar Miss nosa7'Ind;
It Is with V.-easura oant x Ciave kept
In 010130 contact 'with your Advice to
Girls. I think You a xcal sensibile.
motherly woman. Wodle in niy Per-
NeXity I Want to asic You. a favor, I
am 20 years old and a very nice gen-
t-10man, of my Own axa dusista on Our
,being engaged, aud lie Insists oil bt
Ing a policeman still as he earea new
V,T no other Job; wSile I hate the very
name of p4cAice. But think a lot or
the same mom. Please adylse me
what to 40, Should we part? You
understand it meaus a serious sftlb,-
Ject to both of us. A41,9c, he jucllne�s
somewhat jmlous 4avrard ane, at times.
Also I liave a delax lady friend, who
Is 7ADuna land is admired greatly by
al) the young follows. 13ut (ices not
ea,ra for any of them and doee not
caa,e to offend them. in what --.vay
could she tell them her desires and
not Offend- Hoping andinistjug that
few lines won't rob aW one efte
TaWe Worthy of advice than 1, and
hoping to see thits letter in print,
My Pear Girl:
If You love the man well enough -to
marry him, you surely can love This
job. Help lAm m=ke the beat of it
and rise to be the biggest man. in his
By being very friendly and nice to
10hem. all, but showing no preference
and accepting no Invitations except
general Onm, )POasiblY where you are
Included also.
I am alwaus deUghtedito hear from
the Pradrde. Thanks Im -youx W
Dew Rosalind -
As Othem are Wking advice, I 4so
ba-ve taken tale advantage. suould a
Young 91111 tbank heir bc�y frdend when
.he takes her home tsA night atter a
concert or the rink, ote, when saying
good -night?
Is it rl,9111t to speak to boys, you do
not know when they yeal ex you f.1rat
an the street?
I= acquainted with a young mea
whom I adanixe very much. He does
not seem N% lin6W--4_h1s or at least
does notl�pay any mc&; aaeution to I
be0thing to do?
is newasary. hat la Ole
Thanldug yon in advan�flu 1�1"r
GOLDEN L0,011.j.�Q�
Deax Golden Locks:
YOU cannot f0rce friendship and
adiniTation. It will comelf YOU are
wicrthy--and Old e=mg&
By all means thank your friends for
any kinduests. I-Iow else win they
know you enjoyed their elWrt to give
you pleasure?
I wouldn!t bother abtoibtnio kind of
,boy who forgets everything he sver
leekaed abbat Oarsmen decency and
Poll-te-vess when ha Alyel)S11 at a
strange girl in the street.
Wh,m sWopffmg hurts, witen difting
and bending eauws distrese dvat's
the itbine to mb in kft Of "NervOind'.
Uen&T.y a couple of apphowitono
baings gratefuL v;eUet. No Itiliment
=Iwo sootbang, more awtun 0 kill
mustalar, irlieumaiffe, or sc�%t4e pa6ns�
Thousands ot homes rely on good old
Neorviline for mumps oche, dysentry,
and exbervai musvWdar pailina. 14airge
25-aeat bottles. for saRe evervvhere.
Send It In.
R you 1mve a. bit of newa, send it In.
or a joho that will amuse, send It in.
A story that Is true� an incident thaVa
'We want to bear from- rm," send, 6t
Np-vor mind about your styl-%
An olytiradaitlo note was sounded by,
Mr* George Sumner. the veteraA
president of -the Montre&A Board of
Trade, at the annual meeting, when.
Mr. Sumner gavo his yaledietory.
"The outlook at the present ano-
me"" eaid:.Mr, Suninier It his ad-
drem "is possibly not as bright as
usual at 1his season. Neverth.Ww_w,
my, teeling Is Qat we ought not to,
be discouroged, for from information
w1deh'iliss racana iiito my possession
recently, mexchauts are quite hope-
ful ot the Outure. Moreover, we had
!splendid crops last yew, cotton mills
have pWr-.V of Orders and in many
other lines there is not backing evi-
Idlence, of an emly xetur= to normal
milditions. The pre -sent Is a time
for ca�ution, hawl work, inoxeasedpro-
duction, and an unalijakable conti-
deuce in this Canada of oura. We
have done, woll �n the piiut. We are
!4f all things Canadians, and, as Can-
adlaosk we must aud will succeed."
Is Y(oar Nose Plugged ?
If Subject to Colds, 4-lere is
Reel Good Adv�ce.
-Dont Wait your stonabb with tough
isyrup. Send hailing medkotion
thToirgh the nostTills-s-and it Inbo (he
pupagits that axe eubje� to cads
ana- caAanllL Mmsy to ft this with
Oatairrhazone, whl-ch cures a cold in
ten manobee. Myento Abia lungpi goes
the healing vapoc Of Catarrhozone-
taS through %the bronchiall tubes, nos-
1,1�ls and ar a
tMoe of disease remains Will Oa�
ozone PoMoNw. You% not have colds.
mor -%vill yall ouffer from snitfles,
brouchitts, or throalt troulAe If Ca-
turb000ne is (used. GOA ft today,
but beimire of dangerous eubsthutes,
meant to dtoolve ym Cor gmula,0
Cdtavir1romcne. Large,size, two niDni)W
.trealt"lit, cosit $1.0- fi�lftll size 5ne;
SQWW,� size, 2ft; iii dealexs ar -3
cataaTliozone Go,, x2ma-stou, Omada
An Inventor 'has eonnected a podr
of globular floets that support a per-
son in wzt4-,r Nvtth A double crank
which, ivh4m revolved, draws a user
in, Imina wonlea dress IOU extravo,
ganCv Olitan the nreii�
%U 01
If It's only worth &,e while, send it in.
WN1 It make a paragraT�)h? Seibl it in.
It some goold your words 0an teach,
It eoma dktafit reader ireath,
It you huvo a glowing speoch, -send
it inr-The Beaver.
Of Int-arest to childiess
Cause of Asthma. No ove can say
nath certainty exadtly what camses
thia es-tablielliag of asdimatic tondi-
tion& Dwt from the zitirevit, from
Toronto, Ont-ri.i."I rufrinvA form
floNmm ftom. cmata and vaw�cus other
long timo fron), fovivlo in-
inditanits mw c,,oit up a troublo impos-
t,,j vllii -v ivt-
eibl�o to be -wllovled except throuL941 a
eau�cd by tbtt eot;,�.!,:, liw ono
klu-'"O prOPam'1011 Gulch U'S Dy- J. D-
(if -v our 1�k�oklv bi'..
kellagg�s A,,thma IWmedy. Vn,�er-
I Ilow es
(ainty may exist as -to Mqwo, but
� 11'.f -,'I(! �;.,L-% - " i sn,ts
,them *in be no uncertainit$ weg,,,lrding,
I Li,)ttlt� (,,f y.
a remedy -whiell hat glveu reltot to,
1 (1, ov, -, (I,, rtl rl�l n o (4-,-1-.�.1t.iVG1
,a gVWNttIo1l of a9thmatic vic-unio of
I Wash, .`11 it hvi.."M
t -lids ccourge of t1w bm-a6hial tit-b2s.
It isi ald everywhere.
thatat.y niot�lmi k.0113 V-vrv. 1 0
CanibrIdgo Univmiedty, In London
table Compolin,i %%t,"I'-UR *,�AAG RaIl
feinale -C-40les. -Mv;_ LA
ham rotuw4 to admit women to fill
BELLA, TV,' Shaw Strect, Tokwiw, On -
I meniberoltti in the kiniversItY on
tario, Canada.
equal terms w6t1i 11m, mieri. Most, of
qlie v-�,pciticnce bf briellitfau.4 a
the Other English junivargitiM In-
trying one to most wonawn on.1
cluding Oxford, k%lr%*dY have aranted
&thietlyan orooh in their Not,
one woman in n huzithA ;.., Ireeparwt or
tull nimborsdilp to mronyon,
tin&Nr�;t_�jidt; liovr to twoweiy ct,ro for
herselt. Tlvory wo6wnf at this titte
k Will Prav*nt Uloveoud Throat-
ohould rAy upim L�VdiA N'. pirildwrals
,AA Ow Arpt *TMVbMo ot voM 0nW1,
Vcge�Utblv 011111tOUTId. a -0103t Valuable
Which prostigas uleora-0on and Ju�
tonic aml niv,7t;orator 41 the fema!16
A,.ab1nvwtiO1l, odue a 6Voonft of Dr.
ftbanoal Zclo�Wa Oil. Add� a ItUo
in taway mines on(m ehi'Mesd thft-e
o*ar %o ft to *Ww K YAMahle. It
are now �hfldron because of the fact
,%J% QJAY " ftJVA00 M(I W"eftt
that LYdia H. Pinklinm10 VegetAblb
ftw 4geft*Aon ftd awftig that tat
ib vala". lu" Wfio wow* wtkAL
Compound makes woman normal
healthy and stroti, and this good
fishiened herb roWedy Mb -
WW o*4od t* q%jns�r IA,* 41ras
root an
tag$ *XVjpgr0$ IwAwo to tuw4e.
Uins uo 3woot4as or bumful druAL