The Wingham Advance, 1921-02-17, Page 50
SF6tt 422- . -1 1 Ills brother-in-law, joe Kertz �f "Guelph
JR. IV—Irene Taylor 426, Alb4t who underwent an operation for appenj
Coultes 389, dicitic lately,
Total 5oo. , We are sorry to report th]4t Daniel Men's Wear Ladies'
Tuxu#—Alba Carter435, Dan Arbuckle Martin isn't i itig as quiokly as his Wear
412, Lawrence Taylor 393, Ilarold Kerr many friends"N'oov
a, eighl)ors wish.
368,-A-gatba Coulte�. 354, Joe Kerr 322 , Miss Viola Jamieson spent a few days
:.x John CUrrie,301. at -the Rectory in .0 ysl Overcoats Dress Goods
Total5oo. X 151 Men's Heavy Winter OvercoatN belted and Maid% Tweeds, Serges, assorted patterno and
SR. II—Agries Coultes 365, Viol.1
t James We are sorry to report that Peter wr f0rW fitting stylek, grey, green and brown
35X Leaver has not been well of late. patterns, Rea. price uy to $25, for.-. $19-60 colors, reg- 75c to 1,00 Per Yd for ......... $
89CONi)— Mary Scott .37,7, Dorothy
Kerr 373, Norman Coultes 298. Suits SIMS
Total 3oo Oreater Values Than Ever X 20 Men's Tweed
6ju, Ij— Edward Marsh 25o. 00 P,,,and Worsted Suits, sizes 31 to Pailettes and Taffetta Silk in brown, green and
FiR*—Leonard James, VImer Ar. We have t4ken the loss on our high 42. at ............................ 25.00 navy, gray and black, extri?, qualities, So
buckle, price rrierchandise, hundreds of sat* in. wide Reg. 33 to 3.50, special a ya
SR, PRimcR—Alberta Shiell, %$fied- . - Boys, Suits..
JR. PRIMAR—Gordon 'Kerr and buyers will agree that our goods are good X - - V61VIets .
Arbuckle. Bob oursprices the lowest, Sale ends Feb, 21 fi le quality Suits for boys in new styles, sizes Navy, brown, red and- black Velvet, fine
26 to 35, reg� 13.50, for .................. 9,75 pile. Reg, 1.50, for .........
M. 26th, Buy now. 1.00
Teacher. KiNG BROTSIP'RS. Shirts
Men's heavy Work Shirts made of good quality I Goddess front laced Corsets in pink or white,
blue chambray, large and roomy, sizes 14
School Report Of Westfiefd Public ne n9lish Contil, reg. 350
School for first week of r1ebruary, to 14, special .......................... 1,29 and 4.00 per pair, or ....... ..
Totall 700.
D tz A Corsets for average figures, made froin
V CLASS -1,61a Stackhouse 589, Grace Sweater CoiRts good quality white contil. Reg. 2.00 to
Redmond 583, Eddie R'vdger;k562, Nor- 0 Only men's fine double knit all wd6l Sweater Z50 a Pair, for ........................
man McDowell 558, mazel ILeating 546, Coats neatly made, a bargain at ....... 7.50
Douglas Campbell 526, Ul wood Stack- VIP Brassieres
house Sro, Mary Farrow 485 r, Caps .................. 1.95 Mitts ......... ... 35C Pink and w * *
Total 640 bite Brassieres in bacic and front'
IV Cj�Ass—Grace Mason 496 Mary ................ 95c Socks ................ 59c styles. Reg. 75c to 90c, for.... I ......... 59C
�D11 424, George Howatt 407: A31va
lwuen 303, L4orman Keating 331,
Sarah Howatt 3c2, Mabel Walden sor,
Warren Bamford 29i, Eva Cook'259,
Total55o ng & &-a
III C]�Ass—Emersou Rodger 3501 The St' aMP UJI X Good Pink Salmon, reg 25c, for ...........
Hilda Pickering 344, Joseph Bell 340, 19c N. P. long bars Laundry Soap,'special ............ 30c
Melbourne Keatil)g 24o. X Dove Brand Pork and Beans, reg. 25c, for "'18C S02113 Chips, reg, 8c, special 4 for .................. 25C
Total 450. Best quality Black and Green Tea, reg 80c 10 .... 50C
Edison)s Genius X r
Cast le Soap, Turtle Brand, reg.
II CLASSi.-Mary Rodger 370 Haroid i Sc for ...... ... ...5c
Carter 335, ene Qarter absent. X I Krumble Corn Flakes, at ........................
Total 4,50. is clear and unmistakable. JM Oc
PT. II—Elaine Bamford 330, Edgar
Howatt232, Edna Walsh 222, Madaline It places 'Edison'i Amber- ------
Walden 211, Eva Stackbouse,absent. Ola $0 far above "talking
R. R, RmmmoND, Teacher.
0 0 '0 , machines" and ordinary Ae M I L L S
Report for Westfield, S. S. Nq�, 6, for PhlPnographs that there is m Our Good are the Besto. 45
second week in February. IiO Comparison. You don' X Our Prices Higlit.
V. Class Total 700.
Elwood Stackhouse, 628 have -to be a musical expert
"frix XXXXIC
Leila Stack-
house, 508; Hazel Keating, 505; Eddie to realize that the Amber -
Rodger, 502; Mary Farrow, 474"Norman ola is the worldyS greatest Rival Prevaricators
First Dent st
McDowell, 471; Douglas Campbell, 417; i —The fact is, I've got
A L L- .0. at Gr;ce Redmond, (absent). phonograph value. Any- gentleness down to such a fine point that STUDENTS MAY ENTER ANY TIME
"The WaIL-offs a Screen Cla'saics ldele,,is her cocint breed, Lut tails in love .1 . V. Class Total 600. one wbojikes music cannot
�11 my patients go to sleep while I'm pall-
Itic., adaptation of the famous Broadway WU41 her. He arioptq the "cave -man Mary Bell, 465; Grace Mason, 437; fail to" note the tremendous Ing their teeth,
Stage success by Frederic and Fanny nish - style, i#'his wool �Xarld the struggle George Howatt, 377; Elva Walden, 356; Second Dentist—That'snotbing! Mine
feature attraction -es n e Norman Keating, 366; Wa ' ' difference.
Hatton, will be the kt I :that j ufts between th se t*o being$ rren Bainford, are-beginningto have their photographs
the Lyceum Theatre. beginning Monday, j rom separate social wojo.�, is tense and. 337; Mabel Wajdtp, 815; Eva Cook, 269; taken while I operate, because they always
Tuesday and Wednesday, with the I sbsorbing. Sarah Howatt, 250. EWSOWS NEW DIAMOND have such Pleasant expreMons on their
;ast of beautiful women was engaged III. Class Total 500. We give thorough courses, have experienced instructors who give I jV.
ro'e: by Joseph Bell, 355; Hilda Pick( idual instruction to pupils. Our graduates are meeting with success. Winter
It is a play with a rich society back- axwell Karger, - Director General, nd
for the'niumerous and massive society 4 merson Rod- courses for farmers' sons. Address college for free catalogue,
ground aiid is said to have been mount t d Melbourne Keating, 252; E A Dogs To Be Tagged
Iftautifill May Allison in the stell A faces.
!ring, 267; MBEROLA
for the screen with a most lavish display; scenes of gers, 189. The statutes of Ontario for 1920 states
tile production. They have has such a purt, musiral tone, that that every owner of a dog shall procure
in fashionable gowns'and settings, been dresF 11. Class Total 400,
I ed in the most advanced style once You've heard it, no metAlic p tag for each dog owned by him and keep WINGRAM or STRATFORD
The play was originally produced on of fashion with gowns of exquisite love_ Mary Rodger, 315; Harold Carter, M;
Broadway by O)iver Morosco and is by liness May Aljitqon*,jppeart; 'Irene Carter, 181. j� �oundingphonograph or shrill 'Vk-1 eucb tai securely fixed to a collar on the
the same authors who wrote "Lombardi, bet, of' in a num- Pt. 11, Total 350. rig machine" WiR ever please YOU dog at all times- The council directs that;
gowns that were speciaiiy designed Edna Walsh, 250, Eva Sta again. The genuine DillniOnd'A;Nt the tag shall be given on the - ment Of
Ltd.," "Years of Discretion" and "U for herb P- ; ckhouse 28r!
4yFrOaWer Goes away with needles, the dog tax as provided by the statutes. tr111 ---
X s an mod stes, Elaine Bamford, 233; Mqldeline Walden, The Practically indestructible Im- Owners of dogs who neglect to comply W
air and Down." The Hattons have' The lay was adapted to the screen by 206; Edgar Howatt, 194.
a decade in pictliring New York, e above regulations are liable to
been the most acceptable playwrighm in un e Mathis and A. P Younger. it was R. R. RHmuoND. records by many years! i
lerOl Records outlast ordinary fragile with th
Oci(',tY directed by Herberi Blache. who has penalties of �ot less than ten dollars'and
and "The Walk -offs" is credited with be-' ;0;iW
1 won an enviable reputition in directing ATame Ysur vtvn ttrmr and learn PT'l ;�'A
ing their biwgest success in this not more than twenty -f -r- A 11 C -
Cleve 'al recent OW surprisingly easy it is to . — . �,, - k ill I
Nazimova productions. g HE MUMS FERIS WIFE Own each offence. The annual tax specified in
Numerous -special art interiors and effects
tion. an Arnberola, thanks to Mr. Edison. the act is $2.60 for a dog $4.00 for each
y'Aflison wopears in tile role of were deiign�duyJ(il,11 Irrolden. To Please the parish she must be �,,4 HOSE valuable documents of
Ma ord, a N-autitul young,: As active as a busy bee. NO W --can you refuse to visit our additional dog. and $4.00 for a bitch and
Kathleen R . utberf, stOre and listen to the - Arnberola? Yoursmay be burnt or stolen,
0 -- $6,00 for each additiorfal bitch own -.d by Ili
society woman who is much'dissatioried: Come right away—don't forget—
She mmot appear at this and that and you know that you could
with the empty life site is leptling. Her-, E."'t W�vk4q-,nos;l please. the same P�rson. The law comes into
And always wear a stylish hat. 1161 44�, not replace them. Don't take this
force on the first day of April, 1921. 41
Her balls she must re' risk yourself when for a small annual
brother h -s been divorced by hi,
'"Id hi� fitrul to Mr. 'Machan of ve ten every, day,.
r; Mr.'rho'. Gear of 6�h E.tst Wawallosh, J. WaRto -MeRfibbofil surn you may rent a safe deposit box
fortunes are at a low ebb because he turn alway
s only Though she recei Clearing Up The County
mea*ns of support. The brGther atterapts h,"', t) -s -se -ion. 'Mr. Gear And la - Dealer, -�n our fire and burglar proof vaults.
all things the others do Winghat,11 A. G. Farrow of Oakvill
e, County
to persuada Kuthleen to marry a wealthn: ll�ir futitre. es Director of the U. F. 0. in Halton, attend- I V* XA,
A -tion S�lle in the She must be inter ted too
society man to mend both their Fortur.,os, On suppers she must serve. and bake. ed a meeting in the office of the Depart-' 77:�-It-
I Ai I rs. G-ir Who undement an Opera r -
but she�docs not love bini.
tion 1—t. Thttr.,dav ill the Wing A I Ifincy pie" or frosted cake, I' ment of Agriculture, Clinton. for the pur-
In the studio of an artist Ill it pose of organizing South Huron in a Cam-
lCathl en ha OsPital is iliiprf,Viu� I)( t it will be She must be organist and choir
r ill r, ri
a tinie before 'Mrs. (lear is able to I)e Or else she will be under fire. paign againt scrud and grade bulls. Com-'
me�ta a wealthy young Kentuckian who, around.
Tho Double, T 1?- 1 11�A 1� /,I
And if opinions sheexpress
mitte,, were.appointcd in each of the five
She's "dictatorial 1, "��,,Y�11` -I.,
VQI) 170 41
May Allison in "The Wailk.-Offs'!
Benitiful Sitat, AI)pQars ill [11,,,% ()f I Social Life by
61 tll(;,H ittoiis,
or less _j '7;L- 4wlz-k�.
Between townships and meetings are being arrang-,
A Sunday school class she mmt teach ed for the ne;�r future. R. C.'Proctor. of' WINGHAM BRANCH --C. P. s�,njtjz,
And listen to her husband Preach. Bet rave, W. D� Black of Seaforth, and:
With,patient fortitude, the while, ToPonto
C. F. McKenzie, B S. A., of Oakville,
She must be cheerful, sweet and smile
Detpolt and :will take an: active part of the campaign,
Now if shes human—and she is— Chicago Messrs. Black and Procter are County 7.
She is indeed a child of 14is! Directors of the 1-1. F. 0. in tbis County,
Unexcelled Dining Car Itisboped to have the South Riding!'
A Safe Job Service. "Clean Up" on scrub b
ulls soon, when a
After the People Of. this town get S, start will be made on the other Ridings in 061
the Coonly,
through, handing over their pistols to eepifig cars on Niglit train�
- (loderich Loses Big Mae
the polcemen. as officially re4ijksted and N"Hor cars on prin
theGovernment, the burglar will stand ciple Day trains, The death occurred suddenly in Gods- f
less chance of having his hide'riddled in rich, Tuesday, Feb. 9 at noon of Donald
most of our homes than a woman of hay. Vull information front any G ritd Trunk Neil McKenzie, a highly respected citizen,
ing her character assailed ai some of the Ti,ket Agent or C. E. Horning, District The deceased. who had b n in t e em-,
pink teas we have heard of. Passenger Agent, Toronto. ce
In other W. V. Burgman) Agent, Phone 5o,, ployment of Charles'C. Lee for the past)
- H. B. Elliott, Town Ticket A ent — or ten years was takinc, a load of coal + Ar IL -1
words the gink with a mask and dark tlan ff-OF ^ rue--* 0
tern will be able to walk in and draw on 4, Witigham, One I a
c house for delivery after dinner. and was
Your bank a count with such case, that seen to fall back on his rig on South
XX XX XV. XX MUN, X XX X XX X Xt741T,1C M, .2% XX I the average ci tizen wit I sl e VF.RYWHr,,R
go to e p with street, near the hospital. Two men, who i I", YOU 90 ill thiS Coni.
his hand knowing that others than WINGHAM MARKETS E
were )near, saw him fall and summoned i t1lutlitV the V Ord# cotiquers bacl
su!e�s may safely Prey on his (Correct up tiil Wednesday n -larold Taylor, who was coming out roads and weatber,
c al P,
BUyA, "Ipay Dop t Car 1, c.ash-, rofit" eG oon) Dr. I StOrtil
2 10 �f the 'hospital, but all%efforts at resuscita.;' I
w, Tha t' overnment titends that Wheat No. 2 Spring ...... 1 80 to tbe Power!
when Vou f anytrevolvers are to,be left in the Wheat No. 2 Fail ...... 1 80 to 2 t seless, death having taken
hands of the elect 10 1. ion were u I
orate, is evidenced by Flour. . ............. .... 5 60 to 6 25 Instantly from heart failure. The famou,,, Ford engine, Siniple to
the instructions which reached Provincial Lard .................... 35 to 38 Mr. McKenzie, who was in his 74th. 1
You buy personal transportation and the pleas- Constable Brady this week, urging, him to Butter- , .............. Operate, illstailtly responsive to
every w
Eggs I ........ I ......... t5 was born in Ashfield, near ish, iS So wonderfully dependable
strictly enforce the 6anned weapono aqt 40 to 45 year, was the son of Neil McKenzie, and
ure of Driving your self, your family, you fl iend's 33 to Lcchalsho!
Thernigistratea, we are informed, will Cattle, med., butchers.. 9 00 to 1000 where he was a prosperous farmer until you seldom giVC it a tliougjj�t-
anywhere yoti like, any titne yott like. now be permitted to promiscuously issued Cattle, butchers choice,ji 00 to 12 00 some 12 years ago when he removed to
Permits to retata pistols like tile doctors 11096, liveweight 12 25 to 14()o Goderich. In his younger days he was POWer 48 there to pull
The surplus
You heighten your standard in tile community. 'Von raise your were to 'give Prescription's under the Hay .......... , ....... 24 50 to 21300 One'Of the big Men Of that county, both YOU out of ti' ht COrner,,;.
business efficiency. Volt willadd j strong tic to family life. Volt will Booze Law, hence it is going to be harder Cream ............. to 60 on account of his size and ability,
out down Doctor bills. You will add many yetirs to you life, and we
ay�Dort car is the best means to this end. I Besides his father, who is i And this wealtil of reliability and ser -
believe the Or, to keep your six-shooter out of the hands n his 100th.
Of the Police than it is to get a six -ounce year and still very active, his widow and �ViCCI is available to Ford oWners at low.
It they were any better cav we would get the agency for it. order on a drug store. All %you get from you want ers, Annie and Maud, of est niaintenance c()St,
A cotupari�oti with other malke� will convince you and, eventually the police,for your fire-ar two! daught
you will buy a Gray Dort car—why not now. th'Ose from a d ms is a receipt, Detroit, and two sons, Donald, of
istance not even getting Spokane, and Neil of Astifield, survive. WO VCnkl' Ford servjcc,�.
It is a Pleasure to demonstrate to you whether you buy or no. mileage for bringing them in, As a con. �Vc sell
Rory McKenzie, known as "Donald Mae. genuine FOrd pat,ts.
stable may search your Premises now for G"O 00 BEEF WhC11 parts 01, 1,(
anythingfroin Pistols to booz6, women Gregar," and the biggest man in tbe-d pairS are needed we have tile equiplij -S.
world, is a brother. ent
will do well tO keep everything in order, Call at a4ldthe Odlled Mechanics to ive you
lest Visitors drop in unexpectedly oh them prompt w0flk at standardized pri ce�S.
.;E. MERKLEY & SONS and want to peep into all corners of theirOlver & Beninger's M orris I
%� bomes. The old Hnglish law that a man
Gray Dort and Coltft�bia Caes, vVingh"1111. tould defend his castle to the last round Butcher Shop Mr.- and hIrs, Robertson And el);ltiren, A. M. wford, D4eill
of ammunition, is withdrawn by tile Mrs. Nfilvert Sellers and daughter, Vera,l or
0116rio Government tWarming you for 'AlwaysVoung and ctdice and prices Mr. William Ca
mmm *0WXXXXXX= NchAnge. are teasontabI6 ny the podnd '011day w semore of Webig"w'I
tile fight.—I carcus pricts right. or by the spent S idi Mr. and Mrs. jojjrt�
� 0