The Wingham Advance, 1921-02-17, Page 3I .
:. - , - I .
I _. f. ...-1 -1 .. - I .11 .1. 1. I I -
I - . - .
� �
. � . - -_
I . I
I �
� . . .1 . 0--ft"o I 0_11 I .
� -
- I ... I...'' -11-11-1-11 1; . . . 1-1-1 - I
ot tile tNVQ * sedges from the vicinity
of tbopa,tob.
I .
,ftcri,d on in aNW york -Statei. Which-
Raorkorry *nid Slaqkborry.
— � I
Xxcept ,for yellows or leat-curl and'
cane ,bUXbt the -more Import4ut ,dis-
I �-�A R
M �
eases of the raispberry ocouroubl4ok- ,
berries as well.
pluw� On the othe,rj) hand, the
crown -4241.
q I 1I.Paf-Sp0%
grower of currants on4 goos"evirles
CrOW11-94H omized by Bacterium
Aws, no 4such 4nowls of avoiding ,the
tualletaciong a F. Sm'. -and Towns,
��% There are. three common leaf-smt
rust since it spreadfs on these plants -is
pirobalit'.y the most serlows disease
. I
�, , 0 daseiL-es of currant found practically
.i k
over marok greater distances, By
of raspberries and bija,okberrlea, 'Me
.. � tbx6ughout the currairArgrONA-Ug To-
keelying flyie,needlia pines. at as ,great
tree, .Trults, like peaell and apple al -
, eons ot North, America. Two of
01, ,distance px ,possible from the cur- .though
commonly oftected., do rot
, takese d�peasas.j the MY00spha"Cralla
. ,
rants and gooseberries a degree of ,suffer
nearly so inuch Bram this dis-
. leat-spot and AritlirA.Qnolses are 41fil"
comftroj maor ba oUtaIned. !spraying
ease asthese, twobuslilrults, X -nota
, , ouit to diseuguish one from the otlier.
has bom found to be, Ot jittIe yalue in
are formed ,oil the Toots aud a,t die,
� � The third, augulAr leaf-SPOt, is more
controlling ,t-11to rust 0
ground- Jovel. which often Tesult In
. , I easily distinguished, . ..
Amerlozin Powdery WIdew,
the death of Vhe plant, Icnotty ex -
� I Symptoms and Devolopment.
The Towdery mildew which occars
cres,,celices are also formed on the
I The '.Njyeos;1 jeat-.5pot,
If) �JillaeTel"a`
oil goosleberries is sometimes fiound
*ane. The only c(mbroil mea'sures
korlwa axe to -dig -and destroy the iat-
t I ca.u,sed by'llie fungus AlYCOSP1100rella,
va oUrraUte. There Is vDaile, inalca-
fected bus-liev, These Bruits are
.i -
I Gro.9sularlao (fr.) Lind. often causes
in MU
U011, h0)N'1avcT, that tile cl '&lit- -
vQaAed -.slo close mat raipid spread in
. . tba foliage ot red and white ,currants
dew ocourojou ,currants ,ouily and' that
the patch -may be expected It tile dis-
I I to drop. Vie sipat$ are 0=2111 11114
Inf�00tion 6es ,not take -place from
eased p�eots are not dug.out. It is
. brown wd spipear on' both sides Of
gooseberry to -currant And vice versa.
advisalile to discard all brishes when
I ;1 the -leaf. WharL fully developed tile
Tile appear=ice of the two mildewo,
pi�aaltlug,ivftloh s1how signs of swelling
, I . spots axe about oue-eighth ot an inch
are jd-entic,A as Is, tlzeir controLl See
on t4p roots or callesi.
.: .
,� in diameter,and tile icentre *t oa-cl,
the d0seriPdOms and controil measure.%
11 becomes,Witer brown.. The leaves
given under goosebeiTy mildew. .
GoD��eberdos are an alternate llcist
, � ,
i carry ,the fungus over wIlite r and
0ane'Rilght o�r Wilf. ,
1. -
I . Produce the swores lVilljoh, Muse Infec
.1 . . I
The dtseaeo which becomes impor-
": tion .the following v3pTlug,
. ,
lunt at times is caused, ,by the fun-
'ounrant ru"'t APP;`ics to 9o`OZ'0bcrr'4m
I �., . spores are formed on .the ,leaves dur-
gus, BOtry",phaorla, Ribis Gros. and
. 1,
� �� Ing tile spring -and ;g,jVnmoT end.serve
Drigger. The molst ormsplellong
I 1; /
I t6 ,spread ,the Infection, especially
symptom. I$ ,the sudden Wilting and
� 11 .
" I durini, damp cloudy weather.
dydog of parts or whole bushes. This
I 11 , , The leat,spet, which has commGhlY
uslually occurs after: elongation
. , .
, i k.A been called anthra,011,060A is ,eaused by
growth, has ceued, tipe of the
j . th,e'ifunous PseudOj113ZjM Ribis Kla-
.,, . -tar -1811
oarles die and thq,loaves tarn brown
To every woman belones the AgOA
�* enjoy a. hedathy, active 112e; ye -t
I 6ahp, but Is -difficult
and fall. Tbo ,Aftini% I$, by
mine ,out of ten suffer A*0=1 some
Ij . trom. the mycosphaerella,
fungus which grows In tbe pith, wood
trorm, a lbloodlesaneV. Thht Is %Nty
The, size and colorof ,the 8POt On,th'B
arid bark at some distance below the
one'eeejs cin every side .pi4le, thin
� I ,k jea-ves are ,similar. As a lgellars,l
parts tbat wilt. The fungus forms
chook% dull eyes und, droopdric
111gures--oure sizino of headaches,
I i I ,rulia, however, tale s1pots !are ,sm-aller,
, �
al,nires on the 0,94 parts. ' There Is
weak bazlu% aching limbs and u Ozer-
. dark brovn aud Iiax,9011Y . confined to
no oodbral known at present for -thiS,
,Wn health. All weAk women should
. .the .1a%,r. The
. the upper surrace; of
d4sease. The most careful eradica,
via the right to ble, w,&A by re&egh-
i tea,ve's often turn yellow and drop. In
tion. Of 4'Lieasad bushes In summer
Ang their weury boddes with ithe now,
." tIae case a this disease, the t1ungus
and winter has failed to control it.
a"i, red -blood -that pr=pf4y traza-
torms Chem- into healithy uttra*tIve
, I also attects the Petiole p young ,canes,
T'he sPat-
, Root -Rots. �
women. Thila new, Ted, blood is oup-
: � and berries'
frult stalks ,
p1ded -by Dr. WdMimsl Pink PM4,
ting On ,the ,fTaft is mInute, and Te-
I -
The mat disqeases Ot axe
which. reaches every organ and every
: .
seembles fly"spacking- On the fruit-
little understood at Oresent. Wbere.
�nvrve in the body, Through the me
I . ,
.3 .
I st,ilke large dark-coloxed apoto are
they are trouble -some It <,,an only be
Of these PJK 'theULjinjdFS Of WoMen
have iound beacifit -%vhen 1611"aning
1:1 formed. .The fungus is .carried. Over
suggested theit affeated,plants should
flom anaenika, dadiget%tion, panerQ
L 3
'I , ,%dntar in the dead leaves end in the
the canes. The first
be dug� and destroyed. The space
.�,hvujd be aeft blank and If lifting tare
wealmiess and *13ie zk1hrients (oom
wbWh woulft alone sUfteir. Among
L j&pOtg On ,vmng
� I Anfeiction in the spring colnez kOm
diseased plants doeso .not Trovent w1he
women who te?al of the
the many .
good Dr. Willinans, Pink PiUls have
.) d"ej sourcea and then during 'the
trouble spreirlding to adjacent planbs,
done them is Airs. L, M,c,ks. P und
!,I . aro,ving season otheT spores are 418-
tile 11irac.tice, of lifting ' adjscent�
14W, N. S,, who ELVE: "Ibeoamie very
1 '
tvibuted from the new ,Spots-
hoaq,thy paant:, for about two feet
down li 0, - any Uqod
1rM10A' 'run , In e It4l;
se e
eon d Oehh and, waitery, my stnoilgith
I Taje� angulair leaf-SPOt �5 oaused by
away -from ,the dI -sed plants would
Oaded, and I i vw'w easIlVdred 11lat
I tale fungus Gerccepara sugultatia Win-
I �
be adivsabi.e. The tungi, ,musirog
mv work wia� abuzdem4 I had ofiteu
; .
ter. The spots ,although sma-11 are
-root-rots usually ,live oVer In, the floll,
read about Dr. W-11,19ims' Pank PIlls
; . v%ngular In outline. Theyaresivoi
for S-01119 lime and thus ma,ke control,
and decided ,to try them, and I ,can
, I .
" .
on the nud6r SaTiIaCO 0,2d,
difflicnIt- I 4tf$r,iAjjr
I my diat. atter maing ,three -boxes
; - � colored
i light,ar,glan the,Surrounding ti,96110 OIX
American Gooseberry (Powdery)
I 10ound mysoN galn�ing, and under a
Ourt'her use or the pil&., sail. any jcEd-
; .the upper surface. .
iMlidew. I
Ibinie ,enieaVy iarad Yata. ity was restored.
� I .
Qatar nw own -experience I can
� I oontrol of,Leaf-S'Pots-
The mildew Is serious ,on European
strongly recommieud, this, medledaie."
I It Is ,advIsalyle to andrapt t1le 4e-
Mirletteq. American van-leitles are
You cum get Dn W40amis! Pink through. au -y deoder in. truedilciftle
11 .
t xbruptdon. 01f the leaf refuse from -the
I A, I
seldom baMy ,affected by it, ,The
or by aladl, at 50- (cents a box or six
� plants -by PlOwinig Or otherwise. or
zARde.,w first makes appear auc"
boxes Ow $2,60 from The Dr. WK-
I ., 1 - g all.
itietter by collectlag and bjjT,nf.u.
-on -the lower par,ts -in �r June.
llaimW . edi,elne Co.. Srockvilale, it
'A on �
.. I vatuse, I% order to Teduce, t,he e11201111t
It Is a. first ' a whftlsli maul,ldy growth
. . . Thir,,roust
� � of efiwily tpring Infe,oblein
, which aater -becomes rust brown 1
before th-6 new le&Tes tonle
1 p axts of ,the ibushes ere affecte� -in-
.: be done
: 00t in the 'Spring.. The destructiOn
eluding the berrlea A dwarifing' and
d"etoWng effect is rproduced when
, � of the - did let!kves will ndtt however'
I ., �be enough ju,say ,case to
the ycrang �cz;nes and new -leaves are
. � be, comple
, juleotic,ii an,,,. it is onli a
I attacked. The berries are dwarted
avodd some
, I s9j,t in obtsin-
which will 0, ,
, and may crack opm,
. MwassuTe
I reslatis from sivray-
ing the ma4draium
,z The mildew is very ditficu'tt to eo,4-
'trol. Bven the most Persistent ef-
� 1, jug ,or dusting. -
,disease mi be corl
forts Often tall. ThTiongliness and
I .
. 7
�. � t',�a lea_Spot
effectiviely by ,$Praying with
the frequency of appliciedicin are very
� or
I ottier Bordeaux AlliXtWO "40,
important. Potassium sulphate (liver
-Da,rinc the -past Brim, the
I . . . own eircial UMO sulphur I�S2 or 1.40.
of sulphurr) one oun I ee to two 011ons,
� Commission of Conserration. has been
� I 1,�, 4,1
. , ,
�_ I . I I
Sulphiur,dust (go pa,rts sulphur and
lead) has -been shown to
is M11-0 1101valk, i—Al ,usedi, CoLumer-
clal lime -sulphur, I to 32 alas also
condwbing Illustration Work In Dual-
io ipiaxts of
be equwuy efteod'veko in experiments
been forrad to be satistactory, It Is-
oou�LZ Ontario, One branch. of
the workhas been 4hat In ,connedtion.
,ftcri,d on in aNW york -Statei. Which-
h,Cd to be better to use llme,eulphur
wftb 16 tomins chosen Ter,the Purpose
ever spriwing SO,riblon or ,,dust is used.
and ,tkne ofJtS Oil)-
for the earlier sprayings ,end thento
substitute potmasluan sulphite at ,the
of Jiltustrating Improved qivet�ods Of
the thoroughness
aire most 1111pop-bank- � The
Vime there ls,dauger .01 apottJ119 the
farming. Amiong the lives �yt work
followed liavo baen vti,rlaty tests ,of
schedule uoually .recommended Is a a
berries. Either of -the soliftlous must
. f the
'arm orops. The reaults o
rjeiWWtL 3iluke the first, 11PPI'lcati OU
be applied so that the under sur-
faces o(Z the aeaves are ,coaked end
- bests ,With pot4tiaestoo very vaduabi!e.
so ,the leaves are unfulding.
followed by four or five aP-
,the interior foliage of the lbu&�'must
IDUrlag ther seasons of 1917-18-19, the
should be
interval$ of ten to LIV13n'
be reached. The first ajjl�jc,ti,on
TrIell CobbLIta, and Green Ajountain
Plj,WtjOnS at
Tale larl9th of ,Me Interval,
should be nlide lust as the buds burst
vm-lettes were &owasldo byzide -and
ty drly,0-
spraying must be
and ,the subsequenit applicstious at
-during 1920 the. D,00:ey varlesy was
between succas,slve
'with, itale geneiral
Intel -mils of seven to -tea ,days antil
lgira'm" In, addit'1011 to 6se The
th- -
jef,t to Khe grower
1211101ad t1le w a,t,,,er. be
at least five aDplioitions &,a made.
. .
Irls-11 Cobbler Is now unmist'jakalily
advice thrat,
"Ilme than tan
ftrIther aDIplitaMonS deipead up=. :�tbe
'the tavon'tto itwlety in the -county.
,nols,t and cloudy, not
elapse betweenspraylugs.
suictesis -cl 6he trei,tment and the sea,
Di a,oh ' year since theT were IfIrst tried
days sho,ui&
�othcr hand ifft Is dry,,tho next
Gen. Shad)ng the irolwa is said to,'
011 th ,conduct -
may . ,be, dolayod Lor tWenty'
1aEsan '+he golount of mj*!dew. The
bl,r 4the-LIustration w.ark hive not
Spraying rt% are
i=PO reslgts ,
shad -a must ,be ,,allmbl, ea,rly in ,the
been table to meet Lie ,demand from
Idwy.s. Two 'at
In controlling the;go
season. I I
"he ne-*ighbors -for seed.
first, the maximum
.. I Lbaf-S P ot.
Tile ITI& Cobbler ,has siven ,the
�9M dMease:54
the buzh,es, isr Insured by
The leat,spoit M. Al�- - f*WPrn*-
htgfte�st avonage r1old, has been freor-
trulting of
keeping thO leaves hea,itIly, alid sec-
la, Grosatularl" Is more I. � _P1 Ion
or fi-loni rot ithain any of the otlisr var.
10,ties is
.Omd, 'tha iea;V�C,3 are retained On the
Coreseberricig that on ourn � In thal
I ,tried, iand jam exon,lleat table
Potato. One ot the farmers eon-
,time for 10,11-
bioll-ee unti-I tla-0 nOrm"31 ,
dePoliAtion may res,WA befure'the f.u:t
dtleting ,the ,test raports,. "Th,? Doo-
tng, thus insuring tile provar mMt4X^
matures. The disease may be eas-
Toyp� and Green Mount-aIrls y1e;',ded 27
ation of the new growth and
,Ily control-lod. by follo,dinv
buglie's each from .tile, Wig p1wited,
avoIdiA14 wInter injurT.
schedutles Outlined for lea,f,slpiots of
wralrie the lri�h Cobb*ers yldldea, 40
. Ilurdpe:aft Ourilant Rust
busliels from lh�e oa= amouat -of
Thd 111119us� CTC,nartiu.m, rthicalA V-
Eurcosan 'Rust.
'seed," Another wrlt-es, 'The
de W-ald Wh`,0h 01111ses thle, biltstell,
GoD��eberdos are an alternate llcist
Doo4eys and Gre-ert Mountallits ratted
oft ��'ttll -pine said Oilior fiva-
for the, fUr�gUs, Ca.1191rig White pIrE0
bad'�y and, tho Irl9h. 05bblers wero
ni�edj�e Pinesir has 'to 'SuMlnar and
glister inust. Th,,N dfst.usslon under
abolit. ,aill We had to flad1l back upon,"
autamil �03 on the 'Jje,jve�s of, cur-
'ounrant ru"'t APP;`ics to 9o`OZ'0bcrr'4m
Another .says in his report: , "The
fou abortle!§.' This fungus
V�Uts, and goaza
as 'vie"' (;0oseborrlot are less hq,lv-
ic!obblers 4ro ab.111 ciu.r lfavo,Tl�.P.;) is ire-
sd to D, uro" but
wris originally ,eonfirld
Vy affected than ,cartfankq tbg a rule I
garrig both yield und freedom from
ithla the lia3t ton or twenty yp_&rs. It
and no miten injury is emtsod.
Dotpy .
.h�,trj b,ocowo widel-Y estlbllshell' it'
Clubter.-tuA Rutt.
I 'Seeil grown du New nraiiswtok
m0e.bru -Unj't�,d Stites and C%nadl.
The ordinary Yellow 6r olmAer-cup
It -as been Irled ;Out a;long With home -
it 48 )TOW 60011motly folmd upon, air.
rum which Is so commmi everywhere
Vowti seed. In mosit IvMnaceo 41le
raftt.s and goosiebenje# An ItIlls' ffie�'
on Wild !goosebeftles sometimes ,oc-
New Oftftsivlok seed g%vo bltlwr
Clon W 10rtun'a,toly- It 'do'c's very lit-
turs on cultivated varlatles. Littla
ylolds but In wailo'case!) whero ,the
tie Injift-Y to the"' plillits ie'ven Vull
� injury i� tu;usled ex0ept NVIIiero om no.
ftoma�kzowll ae,ed 11ad 1yeen earoft:17
wootlftL ft oevere. Tho groWor AA
ioul-oijal ,attack m4y eanse defoliation.
a6locttd them %mg little ,If lany dif-
' Pines, UY 4001"Ug eue'
'Vie Wiftter SUg,4 Of thig funglIg 10CI
felre ce,
Mnts all(, g0os4)eWrjW 6t & dlstahOO
, ,ata
, on, lihe two sedges CaTex OL,p
varlotios of ,proven merit should
Aof i'llfbe to fivo 'hundr,ed sa&ft ,',I'M
arla 0. 'Goodenovil. The oon-
�be chosen, tho med should �be ,taken
tAs pjueN q*A be ,roWn 4bly jAsuted
Itrol wmarulia .knorom ,vhftib this mt
fwm hWi y1oldbW hil,is and; anl,v the
*Wag 4* tuog%a o6twklog WA
I , ;
�- ----I. �...-�--�-.---..-...-,---�,,,,.�.
my be irmblesome I* .the em4loatlou
- __L - -, - -,-. _--__i__-- - �,
smooth ituWrjs 4rav 1nm oftb And
I.I��,,�,��1.1�."''..,".'I-.�,,�iI __,-_-____-
+++*11 ; 0 1 1; I -11, f +41 4 4 41 4 i 4 1 1 i i`4 4 -lip it i; ll 0; 00 il I; 11 1�if 1.41 1 �04, j 0 J_ j 4 0 if+ 1 I 11 aad 26e. -low Ta0djurn, 21e JW4 go;
, , �. P ,
+ Bradstreet S . low qu;,-,,�*o 1,W*Wrn, 17C. 4nd 190'.
# 0 -aching wools, 110;� *ud 23c, J*st-,ra,
� ROMAN, CES OF le "'; sal*,rb, 24e*,
, Trade Rev . , W 2P —.---
% . ,.
I IND, US TR Y 1� 1�� I ..--- 11 .k. I
Vy,zavton WW. ,
. 0
[.++."+++" V P I. F++"+"++++#0++++""+"+++++`0 *++++"
slope the rollin;g machine ania cuts
the PIP01-1 Off, -for 6111D knows that %he
2116 Wilit Is knoira as a double roll.
nase rolltsare beingmado rup In bun-
416.5 0� M -vach bmidle being wrappea
In StOlit Paper ready,for shipment to
the Wal"Paper dealer.
But this, Is w)t by any means all
there Is -to tile manufacture cr modern
B D rO�t ,
WW,�lpjpc,jr. The work th,at has to
be done before the Printing machine
—_ - .
1% brought in -to use, and the -processes
So very few persons Icnew how Oie
throuxii Which many of the papzw,
Pass arter they are 'Printed Iavol�o
paiper that decorates tilej� w.1118 is
the .rufj.4t dXjc,ult and tinjelcon,*'Im-
made, tha procesR Is usualay loolced
Ing labor. , , "i
Upon as a cort of trade secret, Viougih
Befoire the ,pattern its iprfuted the
it need not be so. 1�ecausa Very lit-
Paper In m0st instances Most be given
Vie has been pubUshe4 about Wall-
a iplain -foundation tirt, known as a
xuper moRing, ftle -average Intelligent
ground colar. This Is done byama-
person P.Tchably knows leso about
&.1no, that ap.plies, t1i4o color and
how 4t Is ,made -thun about any other
spread% it everily by mearis of a nurii -
manufactured article that Ze in gener-
bar of hrushes 1hot scrub crosswise
al uga, (,
of the paper and are 'worked by me_
To watch the,paper come down, in
Cliallioal ,arms. From this ma-Chi4e
an endless strip and pass around the
It passes into f%e long: drying room
big damm. t4lit Is. tile main ,Part of a
and W,A,e,L it comes orrt.,$ jtk,��tlie form
w1liPaPer Val -111119 makhInO is really
-of a large roll, ready fDr stasertion Into
gasoinating, aecording to a writer In
the priuding machine.
the ZedentifIlle American, who -gives
Making the Rollers.
the to,UoWing Interesting descrip1tiou
Of how w4at paper is. Arade: Ar-
Even earlier than this, for months,
ransed at lintexvale ,3mounrl the drum
'in fact, before ,the pTIVtIng otf t1hp,
land Preisisting againat tale pakper a,Te
'Paper Is'begu-4, the work of m4king
rcVers,, elach one of i%ti-Ich carries In
-the Printing rollers has been carried
rell �
Of ;a .Portion Of the pattern. As
on ,slowly by skrled workmen, who
the paLper Passes niriound -this revolv-
qmt and ,tit smar,a. s,lbrlpa ,of brags,
drig ,drum ,each of ,these, re,�ar_s -prints
wWelt they drive into The face of the
upon ft me of the ,color& that go -to
wooden roller to conform ,to flie de -
make up the eorliplete Aesign, The
slgim�maxked on tale suii1ace of the
calov is carried up to these rSilers
wolller. Some parts Of thethin bmss
from the pans thatcoritain ithe supplY
and the cells thus formed are ,filled,
Of collar by swift,,running tolctli berits.
'a with fe,'�t SoWe pa.pers, �Te .prlrkt�
When the pliper c9allea out alt -the
ed ,from copper rai-lers upon w1vich the
,� -
other .Side of the machine it ,shows
pattern ;has)bee� (�d%refully R-nd pal -
the Complete design, It is taken
teniTy ergriv.ed by ll , And.
from Ole machine oil a broad carms
Before the making ,or ,the ,rollers
bel -t, at -the end of which lit is picked
ct;tn be beg-jili ithe .part% of ,the de -
up -by an dugenious device that
,-igu that -aire ,to be printed in ,each
. places a stick or wand erw.sways im-
color mu,Ag ba separately drawn and
der dAioipaper omd swittly carries iton
trarisIliarred to the follers.
sprocket clila ins, UP to the ceiling. The
The work of the designer, natural-
.p4per hangis in loops tro-al .these
ly, precedes 90111 othaT ,%vork, for his
stick$, Xerrehing from ,the ceiling al-
vvater coPor drawing of the ,paittern,
most to the ,Mocr, and slo,swy disap.
showing the paper Just as lit will ap-
pears down the Zong drydng room, the
pear waien eomp�eted, is the ika-rting
Illeat-ed is.-tuiospbere of jNjbjWh quielily
point, .
removes rthe moisture.
After the Paver is printed it often
. Wound in Reeis.
�,q onlbo,osed before beingr011ed ready
,,or thin market. This is done on a
As the Paper cGineshlom the, drying
special machine in lvblch the piper
room it is autcmatically 1yound jojt,O
passes un,der &.�iteel roller the entire
big rolls known as reels.
ill has been engraived
reels are then -put on to a rolling
to ropresairit the, 4hriewds of a ,%vove,n
aila,chAne in charge ,or a Woman Oper-
fabric, the roughness of brash stip-
ator. The vaper -comes toward her,
Plina, the grain of leather Or some
along a wooden trough, and ,Is me-
other textrure. As the paper passes
'chanicaNY Wound on u ra-padly rre-
between tails roller andi a %rVel, one
volving steel rod, When the operia-
. whildh liars. a -sort surtace, 116 -texture
tOr SOBS a mark In, the -margin Olic
effect -is pressed into the w,allpaper.
- �
, rot used Bor iplamitIng. Attention to
Registrar -General ellows1hat in F,ng�
the -so -matters N;;dll certai&.y ansan, in-
ind and Wales the births of males
cromed yields and greater iprofibc-
numbered 3.15,419, and those of fe-
F. C. Nun-nJok,
males 108,150. So there was an
excess of 67 per thousand, compared
Mate S*YA Than Girls, '
with the average excess of 45. Afore
boy babies die than girl babies, and
Thereseems io -be a rooted Impres.
ithe numerical equillbrum between
sioa which sometimes finds its way
the sexes is established In early
Into print, that more girls are born
Youth. After 16 Years girls out
Into ,the world than b�)Ys- So far
number boys, and as age Increases
as reliable statistics go the opposite
Women Preponderance becomes
Is the ,case. In all the communities
larger -
of western civilization more boys are
born than girls, the excess ranging
The Vronell government
from 20 to 60 per thousand. This
gani,10od motor aaba"atorles which
excess invariably ,rises after et -war.
test Wells and oth,er supplies of drink -
Tile la,st Quarterl:� Return of the
Ing water all the Spot. ,
� -
. A woman7s fondest hopo is to stay young. She ofiten resorts
to paints, powders and coinictics to hide, hor years. Sonie worion
pay large. sunis to so-called 1113eaully Doctors',' in the bolief that
money will buy youth. Whe.118 vvear 'prlish dre&ops, thinlring ther
� , .
call fool the world about their ago. Blit no one is d,ceivod. The
.more you try to hide y(rur a�,,C, the Irloro, it Alov.s. .
. There is but one thing that holds Old age bqetc, .-r! 140, AS
- t , I
health. Sickne?s and wealnw,�i bring old wi,() ezn-ly in lil'e. Dr.
I �,
11,;(1,,mls Favorite Prescription iu, a buildin,-qp inodicine, for
,wornen. It tnakes them healthy !�nd strongr wlwidl tiley �111?er frola
wonion's ftoublow. It keeps thein loohing, youn ' v-., 1�y_kceping theni
well. It is a -Nvoman�s tonic for the frail, the 6.41catte and thos-e
Who arc, nervous, dizzy and who h.mro,'bacimelle an(I 'Yva,,,111h1n ('�)Wii 9
bome women took it years ago and have felt youa
s! -a,,-,,. 1)0f�tor riolVil's Favorite Preqeriiiti3a t; k."t6;.tt'0wr vogmoto'ole
An(tvzithout a rartiele of aleoliol. 'It is safe to ttoke. 'fry it izoiv. w
tablet or liquid form at all druggista, or eend teii c,mw for tri, -4
pag,kageof tha tablots to Dr. Plerec's Invalids' Hotel in Ptezhlo. X. T
or brane-11 in Bridgeburg, OAt ��
__....,._,..____,.__ ..... . � ........ . -I..... � . .. ... ...... . :._. ..... ... �-...�.-.-.��-.�...,.,...,.,..""-,..�'..�,�"..�.I..,-.-�..".,.,."...-.�,,�.-
TORONTO Teports lo, T�rad,streef'* i
cay that there 4%, a very X=r vollaur)
of bwiaesq being tune 14 cot,071 ,
staples at Present.
Praoao4ly a% oth,�r llaeu of itextiW4
are, ,�,,Ilj slow. One wbcl(m;A1v,r P�t-
tributes ,tlae attivity in 4.1,f.1V),!!s :to 1410
veneral belief ithat vrlee,i In Ifteze.
linci are now ht the bottwu. ' The
Famo jejami is nlade vdt'i r,,...,ant. to
Woollens arid Unerm. 0,.,P,) favorable
tt�atura of the present situn-
�tfoll is - that, caneetliationo
,are now being made, In. ainob ln-,sl
, .
volual"'),th"In"W.A.4 th,4�'ease 1-;oMA weeks
ago. Soma -mlxllers, are a�jltiug Wr
cred'it rioteo fz;r t'A,i d-.f,feren�,i� In
prier,-, of guodq buagalt sumo rowitlis
ai�;a minjured with thoso fibu,iniug
%day. 11,,.waver. There In some, cout-
p.'a,*,Lt niadq ,t�iat ,retallprs in the
fma Cpr tawrui �hava not -howa tb*�
. I
T.roper �uaftade In icuttlng -thnr pnoes
so as to be able to 0eur th,�.Ir st,wlrs
and raplac3 them at prts,ent valueo . -
Tb,,',,4 is One Cf;'UL� faCt(,T.I�Jt is Oadui-
ed 10ic,ja J9 fta'dlnX ha,ck the pabdic.
tbrou,ghout tio coul-ATY fm -41 bUY1119
as f,ee:7 ;14 1hey otiberwbse, would
aud; is at the exrna tims -7.P-r1,Enr1,:e:,*
the miovijula�d -of goods from whole-
salcrs and .manu�iac%V,114.
Lea;ther,prtces liavo been,,at abarp
ly in the pai3it week, slue to, taanerg
nG-,v .having reach2il taleir 66w,��r rr4ced
�hlde4. Alovenient of leather is a ht-
tle better, at the dec' 1.1ne. Loicto Lod
,�Uoes are -still sel2lig ZION4701*0119h
NvIlcInalers say that there is a IkEirt-
te., s,orting trade boing done,
Qrccetries are moving In good
y&am,e and prices are now steadier.
The nour ,market is easier Ta,Dowlug
-tho dm�mes whith have talte.i ,plaive
in wdieat. In Oje, 11ve atock -morkets
, �
witle are easy and vaZues a2 dreased
mea,�,% have been -mairked down sharp-
dy. Potatoes axe .slow and T41(*S
easy. Cheese is firm and rc1-,*i'.7t;s
(,)? new JaId. e -g -8-i are iucTrzia,��Ing, Re-
perts from emPloTmen't agenz,,�h are
to the ,effect tha-t ,conditions Is the
lab:).- maykP.t are b,�htt-M- .111-tirlAw-
o4ring Is sr'..'rie-whait more cletive. paq-
ments are poor ailthough hadox.; IT&
well In view of the condlt�ozs in bu-,4-
nes�s generally, .
MONTREAL rzvort9 to Bra&�txeet`a
sa:� a gradual' but certain 1MprovA_-
ment is uoticeaible in Ixesiness 'not
only in this provace, bixt 0om all
over Canada aci&rdlng to xL,P,ve,1.%
'Wbv�l, sale crd,f,rs are �C,onliv,, In -nore
plentiful, due to -Vila fa-ct th-a-1, the -re-
t4l trade have all -awed their stocks
to i-Lra down to avery UV_��,.ebb.
Cotton mail"aftoturers sita,te oat ow-
Ing to their having to -pay hig,breir
prices for the ra.-w malwiaa. tUey Vill
lisve trj revise -theLr price-L'i3ts to a
-0.,ghtly h4gher level.
It Is reported thai' thirty miLlilon
pounds ,of maple sugar Were hatmes,ted-
during the past year,. -the estirriatted
value or! whic1h, amoun,tied to seven
MEN= dol.'arS. The 1113XV01,4 Olf 310710Y
amounted to 2,941,427 �paumdz, and 27,-
375 pounds of u= valued at $1,647,-
- Owing to fthe 11beral offerings .of
ba -led, bay, ifor 'whieli ithere is only a
,limited sale, Prices decMued another
rl-�alar per ton; The grain muxkots
vi�e duM
. I at lower ,priceo. V-a,'We and
- jhqog,s prices are easier On increcomed
afteximv, Potatoes deldlined itwen-
ty-five, cents ver beig- The butter
marrka+, is dull, with h3avy stocks oin
hand for which, there is a limilted out -
lair. The cheese market holds tirm.
The supply ot now 'tud ,cgjv.s is in-
creasing. C,
RetaJI trade 49 tair, WIlection�. zu-0,
also very fair.
11A.NIII.TOX rep.Drts to Rrlad,Atr" t';
say that apintral", as to -the vnit? of
trada 1�'oc,a:ly are ,rallht-r mix, -.3. Av-
eardire4 ,to i�omo ther.4 ili.,, urr improvt-
innit nofleeaWe while cilic,rs t�-.,-.5r V,lt!#-
they ,r"almot notice �IrV1.111T.1" Hk )
grea+er U�fj��'Vjt.y. lCt�
,,t,,j,-,s Z,r-.
' .. .�ald t�
be moving fairry well Arbille saino
othco A'Aars c'�,d*gw,)jili, "ro ,��, I �v.'ow.
The general fecling, bmwxrr, k- th4-t
tit(,- worst ,!- ovcr and 4111at ,�r,--ru now
r,n any ch-aligo will be in tb,� wz,.y of
lru�mwz,mon�.. 'Ma-.,r1f,mt:urIn_- is sllov,,-
Ing a Nttle more -life ,and taw ,avem-
p1,GYnUmt situitalmn app,,.ars to be at
least no Worse. A tair ,QOrtilig 4 -Mile
Is being done In boot% aL,,,d choes, an,l
prices of 4eather aya -ea,'y. Soilv�
leather dealena iay 11 -at thty r%n% "e"
colving ,% ,better demand for sia;,,e
lives ,of wather. Sur�j)'Ic�,,� ,(,.,r 0,_m
laI6. eggs, are lrienmolng fast ,aad
pr*v�s awo P.A.2ug. The ji,.,',Vto� mar -
V 'e,
ket UIZ,) Wk'a'k. Orv,�eyl ; �.tr,y wolv-
Ing in gocA vo,'*n,,�% C' ..! -.�.-, � I-, fIr"li,
butter Is etmdy. !.�'.Yments �ce ou,:?
fair, �
'WhRe ra-intlian nitVla 4re Gtm litur
tr- tor Int, , *wdl.,1t, vz,�d% thew &4 .0vi-
'Cone" 'ref a braidening ot t1rcit, tl(,..
tuamd. Y11110ro also I wmrg to ,be
,inarti actian to the wool marlot ia
vneral ' in is,vi-Ap%illy What tillo bseitler
ton to othm 'bugat-sq. 'QualW30115
I tor Canadian wao�g are uziomn&rl, as
. 1 F11143 Wester% 27e; ftui3 =Alum
lvmtern, 28e; mmmam Avomwim, ;nv
I _-.1-1.1- I-— --11 1.1-_ _ � . ....... _.__A.,.....___.... _. _..____ ___
I � ,. 1
Tioritmto Mnion gtacl; Vaxd,��.-Ac-
W31 salv5 darbig the wez2t Were, 6,647
en"yo% 41.18 valveg, 7,190 ho* and 2.-
4WVkv2,P, Irith In) e.atu" 604 hoge
and 10 shez1) Olt t1irough billing. On
M-Gri'day Nvith, bowi-aly 2,00 cwW, o on
o.,,.10, prices remaincd, steaidy With
Clue Provions elo.w. On Tureisday Ou
run Y,ma ec,olpearztively hiavy and
trading slow. On Wedaesday with
ani4wr 2,500 4m,%Vo on cele priceta
004 a 01VTP drup of 50e on all ci'azs-
es: Cholea butcb<�rs %Rold from $19,50
Ito $11), vood kitir.1v frcm $8 to $9, and
ftir kinds 010.0 to *�; olrowe -cows
$7.50 to $8.:�O, ar.d fair ktads from $6
to $7. i%zners cad ,cuttera. rpa2-
Izela from $3 do $6. Mlleh ctrivs nud
Forlavers ,t,r:1,de was quiet. Good milch
cow,s were quotea from $90 �to $130
Imid P,Pwilloers Tram $100 to $140.
ObViCie htdf,'M S014. V��! 11491101' than
steero 0 -,the mme grade, a few
dholoo holAws' rcaeldn'- $10.25, Prom
I -W3 fbeder's vlowpoint. the oDnAltiont,
n,.,w preva:alu..; a" discaurag -ft. The
,f',oad of eattlo wa Tu_-s,day and Wed-
' V
ne,dly �to Illk) markat shows poor
ludgmunlit. The arlec,s now prevall-
ing on di,� Arnexlejan markets are cou-
s, 0ably luiver thian local Prices.
Wit� sc=,-,� :r,maif.�,atl�u of our reeMpts
,heie there is a poisIbillity of keeping
tdio marlwt reaaa-vabiY" stea,dy. Peed-
eTs are Rb.'ppIng unflul-shad cattle in
greater qrantlil" than can, readity be
absorbed, naskkng lower -prices ine-
vitable. 71le mo,vement of stockers
,�nd teFders bacle ,to this country bas
almost emazed. Them classes are
Oil the inarket In quantitias a,nd oan
be Purchased at the present time at
reasoun.b.'a pri-ces, but the 1)9=er
seems ,unw.111-ling to, buy, with the re-
sult that -_t6vsral loads of good qual-
aty ttookem and ,feeders go to the
Yodr. With a light -run of calves of
very 90,34 quality vatoes, have been
?t-i.dv -to 60t,- bislber tblvi dur-Ing the
�Jaeqiuus .-%Vwi'k_ 10h<Kc.-a veaA sold
,g<-neraSy.from $16 to �17.5% good
maVaq from $12 to $16 and lieavy
rough ca?.,ves of which there were
vcry flaw, from $7 to $11. The, calf
ma,rke�t Is exparde4 to hold steady for
Wnte time on the ba, -,Is of light ".
*elatm .
There waa. a light ran of oh,?,ep and
111)`�'-,� Cur: --.,i 1,11a) w""'. T:iu 1;aths
have been geaeWUy of p,car q.i W-Ity,
aftber Wei or ti��a thin. A tow
Ot (b)B diolce &oito sold -.'rom $11.5o to
$12 Ivith NIO maj,01417 going anywhere
from $10 UP. The isheep ham been
In good denl%od, handy welgiht� seil-
ing ircm $7 to $7450 with odd leads as
� h1PX 'as $8. Heavr Sheep INKed
fircHi'16 10 *7 and common Itsom 42.50
bD $5.
I H-ogs opened on Mond,ay a� ;15.75
,and MiZintalued that level throujKho,trt
the Nvt&vk closing firm, The run of
lbuTs hau not been heavy and the
OcmPeuuon In buying is vary keen.
O -A WednaAaY idw-vackers offered
$15.25, fed and waterad but .paad
$1545. TheTo is no oxpc,tation of
10'Wer htlog x1ces until the heavy
rails begin. .
Is Yout-Raime ,Baker.
"If it is," Writes one ot the Baker
fala,F, "Ton ma5l be interested to
know that it Is ,one Of the most his-
tork, rames in L�Inglrm-'d. The his-
tarY ot the -fanilly goes back many
centuees. There ara th!rty volumea,
16 .the Brildsh '.Nl.u,sc,um giving its gen-
ralo,;Iea� li!story, while Afr. Charles
Edhi,ard r-aki,:-. the 0�rc.,tt Nlorthcru
��,':atlanim-. ,��r -at ( , 'Aiyh-.'�. NPVIrg-
- , . �aal, 1� 11,,� h�, iiAnvt -to i eltirs after .fcx-
t,-,,-�,.,i.-r,11:t w. -s' �?t,rvllce nri -��1to 11 -as
,ij��,n-t li; 'eLcurE. f,- _,.,,�.* yeare, In
,,:-"1',Vc.:*,1:�, tnf��,rru.utiriu ebrWitt ,�hc P-qk-
,e tarr,�.!Y. ha, -.4 two -housand bavi!zs;
mO ,Pajiturs ruzoernln.-, t1lo Bak;�rs.
;�Iml -,xl� 'I'ln-d-ze"d ,-�, 1 ou."fily War
niedn�g n-irded to bt%irors of the
Tw, i-en-crinlitiat ct Pr:".!�,,h ,hrni-
OIA hvz) an unnual rovcnr.,D .,).,' $6j50,-
46;4�-v.�__. - � I - ..
Qac!r-13 Gattot Rznt Gompounit
.4 Ogre' relf.W-p 2.0"'RArt(nop
Ifted&me. Zwd in ibive deA
rl_.1.�,�. _!7�-�'N 7
1. o�,;",
. kK.��F-N_, 1.
.1 . . , . I
t�'i ..
Wee$ Of 8ttQU"tIV--hTO. 1 $11
.NO. �, Z3; N,., :1. -6 Dor Lox.
�1-41_1�; -
.. .
.1 �
Suld bV all &t ,,,,i..% or ripit
mpaid,on .�'" "P. ( R rwo.
- , .
, PUMA! I_ ill(rLsAf
. �;
ano!t P,1:71�?� .."'n. C04
TGRG!.!T'% 01" �:n,: , ri.VjE#r4
Tho Afwwarhus-�ott% Minimum NVaao
.1100rd 310A hand(14 dimm a deeleAon
granting _re,rubw,om,tn a minfilium
Nva�ro v� $15.41 j!or wook. This Is at
liw -,!.to of ,37 �-,011t-,; !1,1 )4wir, Sled on
, b'.',,� ig i,�' 4L 11 _)Uv,' !me,*vIwt woo' IC-
. 7.
Itisra Reparaft'vir.
, ck
r"It-res � V11,I) e
� imztc�". "a1v V�16,1
lus��l Frr 1,',%.,��w.
land lo."11"p, . , . )
,_",_` ,
1�11 11" of
I � 4`1_1� 11
"i-ilt-51"'I't"i.. �,
j 1.1.11"'?,4 im,li.i1
.1 ., .1
.0*411L %.".&*^..No
--..-- - �