The Wingham Advance, 1921-02-10, Page 9SM TURTIN IMAM ON 1 a seoxro,te polittoaa orvaniz�tAoli "NADA. 6'11041d,73� be tormed for the x4itilcal LquGIVA4 OtIll Onds oltmooslibl to ,do WIV!1*140 *t the farmera, uny anoro Ixogor ,to ater ortlats, bar Ut '�"y "cP thau objection has bee,A found -to the tier emineitit uctom and otbors, who Indepatident Labor -Party as ,, Pojiti� 1twe helpted to'nialte, her g4orlonsvinli. Cal Veblole for the Tr.x4es Unions. their gifts jaad their grmes, 4a, a way Tho fear that the, e.4 ,line Parties tba)t 0maada, hAs uot. yet ftoovered, Would doialuatte snah, 14 new pailtiog nor oven 4yea lal"Y ev4olroe of a ide. OrSIDIzation As l4le, am the old line pire to iuvttate, It bus -been 4% Ira- putlmn, Paltuelafts .%live no Idea of difta at ,Ottawa 14 dte b*bar poltti- desertili.r. ,their respective banners. ca,l veirdles thot -a =On who tshows lit- There �RT-e dWerences, of opluion emaT ab0ty stoW.d be vouldhsafed a among officials of tile U. F, 0. on,the , pp�ajce.dn the &4vX1 eerytao. So Are -hi. queNtIon. rillsed by tthe Premier.' Mr. bald LaAllipmpt. was enabled, to eke XOT4,9011 is Ill ftyOT Of gr0uP,gOV'C=- Olit ails oenodblve yeors until Ilia dell- '"Int and advocates the olecit4ou by, Of4te sp= of '111s, ,life Was cut. WE- olloctors and lawyers,of ,ropreeenta, �red Campbe:1 was also 14 'the 0WR , tives ,of 11htY,r own classes. Tbis is, Service, wid Fre;l�rlelc G_eoftwo Scott h0wever, Impossiblel 04, stleal proreg. is ha,pplly there totyA, his uob%e verse %ional% must alw4ya -be I -A a popullar tclemded.-DarlilaVs, on 4ocouilt of ,his minority, But jiuder under propor- bureaucW0440 abd1itY. But we ha,ve tioliva representation Ouch , groups, no Ilonars tar Bliss Oaxman, tand no w'111116 Voting for n�6 they favor, could national rocognItIon of any kind. Nor � W&o throw itltelT influence ,and "- for Charles 0. D. Roberts. In Cau- -used votes in tav,oir of men Mey ap- mda the Poets mus -t live as they can, Proved in other -classes. This Teature olod die it th,ey mu�ot, ,floir Wil Canads, of P. R. tends tn -improve the quaility *area. Sir John Xarth�'Harve7 spoke and character of legislators elected. alt 4;he Camodlan-Club In Toronto of Mr. Morris -on is n favor of the O.M.A, the need to consider the retunred, coming out and declaTilng whom they men, who oltv*ged obout the colititry sitiplyorte-d in an -election. This w-olad unable to find Smvmymmaut. He de- b3 of no advantage unless p. R, wa's prem4ed Ids,own, houOr tand said LaIdT availdble to imake second end other Martin it wao who really ,deserved it choices comt In the event or i�mlmre as she 1had a,alsed, ;25,000 tar chafrity <At the firtst choice vate. The mAdu purposes olurlmg rthe W=. In his -own f=t 4TL VU po'dtios lie thart a govam- company every man bad gone to 'the luent is supipoTted by,the people when. frc* and he was g"ald to :OUY QTOrY its ,legislation, 41t4 eonduat .of utfairs M11i but,th,rea had comebwelt. Those UPI Its honest7 n&pea-Is to them. If -who -came back, he sa6d Were better it fat's in any of these pxrticulars, at thei5r Jobe­"beitter actors. Em- wb4oh, it usue,ly does through re- ,nion ploTers, he tbought woMd tind file Neal or neglect to usit'jil. to .the aTi. Sallie. � They sQjould try zt lemst one dependent crIVIcs and press, end by ex-0oadieT in any job they had, open. gkV1111.1 Credf.11CO t3 dhal'OV7 triendS s k. jobn Imeattaned ,the cage of a. Who oupply �nfbrmstlan which is young soldier caturnIns; after the wa,r PI to I ten to, the Independent .eawalnt is ajud being offered at 25 the 011=0 Job raters express ,their opiniou at ,the ' at tile same, $Wairy he bad ,left at I.S. polls, and it must not be torgotten. This em-ployar tolld %Am Ole was �nelcY itliat tivo and a halt -per cent. of the to be offive at a& ,,No, s1r;" be re- voters can ;swamp an7 govemmenrt or pbled� 41the lwkY Me$ W -e !thoZe 'V%"ho party end ,the greatest ohanges Ill ture, dead." ,Sir i,olitilis comment on pa,Lltioa-1 history ftrave be -en tbought tMS wp,S nata,hla. 11.1 liope tto Ood, about bT nogreaterciratage ofopin:ion. Vannemen, none of us haVe 'ever lalnon.- the Independent voters than olven a young soldierroaam far Q, re- Vaese two or .three In every hundred. plyot Such profound bitternetas,." Just The tendency of ,proportioma re,pre- before lelvIng Vile'And the actor ila'ad sentation therefore Is to sta.M.ize gav- breakfais,ted W1,th Premier V_oyd ernment, wbile providing forthe elec- George and th-0 Premier Spoke 961MOOt rtir-a ot only the best imen in ,Mail Gatircay -of tile axigiallits Of 'the Otalla- pa,rty, and ta�eo of affording conoid- d.ia-a troops PWtiqlr1a;T(1_7 of the second eraille xUlaoilities tatir repreeentatiton. ' battle, of ypwes When dn ,Spite ot the Where Country Fairs Flourish. n-ovaity ot,the Geq=xan geis ettatek, the Ic does not always justify an arrest. There, must be evidence and so far (,la,nad-isins held ' and sa,ved �he sit- on The country fair, Which IS a nov- ; . ,IZIXLg cap- llation s,3aa,d1,y, t.b., em. e�'y in Slam, Is 50, POPUI.Ir th- t the ' 3, ture ,af Vinly RIdgne; ibb,ird17 tho mar- I natives demand three or four during vellaus pier,ina of .the H1,jld,eub,,UT.g the yea.r. The -main feature consists L,jn,e Which the Germans 11ad ,regarded 'If Ox'llibits 'Of ,native squmll�s, ,croav, as impregnable; and fourth'.7, When quilts and p ". with blue ribbons for t�bfo 4Canaldip,lis on Ajuglist 19 amas-lied the winners. And the Siamese have * effort of ,the Germans to ,get -lately added, attmetions of their own. W�Gngh and 1,ud,endartt liltillse2 said As a result, lemonade vendors are -out "t Gemnan-Y WAS b03,ten. This was ,or luck, tor ithe natives arrive at the ,,i jmpertsh,$b�e memory ot wWcb 1a,1r grounds equipped NvAth their own -they must resolve to be W(YrbbY- They toapots, which tfiey ca,rry around ,and 1111mt not be, d-IsmaTed, by the utureot keep -hot during -the entire da.y re - I ja the woM. There bid beent sInjilar fre2aling tliemselves at intervals. The unjreq ejDber ,the NatDcaelordo, wars. tea drinking does n1crt Inteitiere with. ,t They needed more ql,aMmity between their en.Joyln,ellt; of the fair, for rthe emprjayera qnd empA,wed, e -ail the, am- cups and saucers are packed -with the . ployeas must not regard ,the QaTIK- teat,pot in the ,caddy and the ites is Ists as vampITes Whio, WeTe sucking drunk Standing before an exhibit, rid - I the life out of 4,11,0$8 W1110 116CePt5l Ing on the merry -go-Touaid or having their �wa�s. A-4 therBirl'i0e Ot Wslas one's fortune -told, with not a moineut tad sa,ld they ,must aU PtUl tclgetho,. lost, from -sight-joeing. aind as the 1 -:Ing htud'saad ind'wise 0111 ' ou'�er-ormw,eM, before! him, "Don't a a The mystery of Bout. forgetto keep yourpOWder drY-" He I asked in ;DonchISIOU 11h1at they a`1a Pl'xy" Abe game rbagethex as th;y' Irald (110111e SOM E INTERESTING 'POINTERS in r-runce, Duke's sonf, COA's, Son, FROM THE PEN 0110R. son of the =104onalre, said to Mle men, HAMILTON. thiat, they ido not 119tell, -to 'the 00isy __ feno,Vm ,031 the stre;et corners who ,�Thfe real. cause of golit 19 due to W=16 per,miade them -that there is tile excessive -use ,of CeTtaln ar,ticl" none otlaw ws.y *,'-un tshat of hones' of food and- drink, Which In time leads co, a disturbance of the functions of work to set th,e warrid .risftt. vio liver. As a result lisrmful. tPro- . . -4 ducts Suel, as uric acid are tliTowa . , r AASS .= . X)ItUlty ON CT PPX - - ,ntO thee blood, ceasing the condition known as ,gxymt. GOVni RN�MNT.' "C�ons�equeutly It taVjowa thalt. 41ba-Vi- � hos not tali,d to Drury Ing proper oltet and maintaining liver activity a curo com Ile eftected." tPremier � r -tip exrAted Interest by ,his 61)0��011 j;,��i�;b,jy no physician hois, achieved ,ton in,vilich he further e1,a,11vr­ at Md, as such success in, liver disease Dr. g*6,1 �tlj,a j&Lt previoud,y expressed I HanjAlton. His Pins cC Mart,41rake and r-,qV,tr'r- that itt was imposs!Ue ito, cUTY M a - nvt are everywhere a,ekw,wI­!,? 11. .10 0overnmeat ials, a farmers' .016"Taent be a specific for Slow, WE ,117,- SA,cale, �jjt jtiba�t the 0airty 4�upportttlg gishliver; they give tOne baw " ,A:Ity ,the gov6raujent lujivit vroaden cut to to -this oTgun that enm4blos I. lx.?r- - include all valo 'We're In empathy form itadutles witli -ease an , �-oala­ ty, Via, tile programme th-8 'government once 411118 liver is correlew", Dr. had adoptod, He thOngbit 'tho U. F. Hlmllt0n's Pills aPp:y their Pacullar orgaulvaAiou should ,remV.111 " it 'was men -it to tibe kidneys and ,eliminating c,rgaw. � This cleanties $be blood Mad oj�gajjlzed, non-poUtic,91, Vad that 66 sealds It back throlMll, the system, full ptilitleal ,a,inast of its membDra sitould of nour�shment and strotgth ' -be venblimbed .through % new omanlw­ Rheumatic tondenciei are no longer 1 Moir, "Th,o Farmers 00'111110t and noticed, for Pure wood k!"t's the pnrls�- on. that causes r1i,euniatlo aches. : ouglbt tot to rule Ole ocMutry. To Dull, aciaing twinges, stiff joinw, � do so WOU-11 1ye a sort of ty=mlly- we amd Alffiov*ty of e=rtioll become ,kro I,n , mluority, ,alid -%v4o ajqat tot thingsof the post. ut cour.1,* by T,houm!410111 Such ettuaivt, to do It, btomm We Ore' '-% This coulr�ljjnts ,a -s stla,tica, lumb&�" and . 46=06m,ey", says 'the Premier. neua,a 4"gla must be inalud'ad, for of- ro,ocr g ,it what some fhoilght �t ,at-,4inv ja ter ,all# wilat r they but n nifesta- a a . - " : might Proya to be ,a ,01009 11110velmont tiOns of rb"�r`j1l1R'tl'c'V,)"- on , ! ( � ,Is very popular alt"ho"11 Ono 10'r two I ­ ,,w It It T1 .4 alsily,foon that a wDrId a good is ,a.owni.Dlithed by Dr. Itewi- , llead,ing uiembaWof *0 V- V- 10- V-tl'- , ilton-s I)II,ys. .ketinj as a Ixo0d Ila- '4Aoulairly Storctary Morriom, 46 not li,>",tor and ,,% gotoral tonic for -1ho � - agreo w"th tile I,Teml,�r, The dig- be syis,bem their hen,atit - is 1A(13l-eu;!,y0- 250 P2r bn Or five ly'l-vas f0V $1-001 at eLgrocnlotit, hoWov&, �Oppearg Ito . a-,(,, demem, and he cure Volt ,got ,tile reswst of 4 mit',&PPrA-hensl6n, 0r ,�,nu;aa Dr. Hamlllton!s Pillv. XI ftruj�%,tg V-11 Tit -'t ratiso the 04, __. � oposmition of coth-or WW_'a Or ludiv0- -4 ThO a""93 s-`ila'ry at' tho 1 "le Awask ,44w. Itsol-e-od, *01 010,V0 to M& tenchom wag $1,,004 a 7ev., wtd tho OU btecoz $Mistanita to cATTY on. 00v- Zvafago Calary ,of the temole tedchero .0=1,,,U� " J� that# ozy reum VU7 � ;I WO -5 $600. \1_ WINORAX ADVAMM . . . I I I � � I . . I . �* I . 0 1 . . . . "I'll,', R�.,. 13Y FRANK FRQEST* Lato Suporintendent of tho 0ximirall Investigation I)o I p4rtment of 600tlawl Yard- 11 ill 1, CHAPTOR IV. Past nine. I don't know lioW If-allatt An Wnexpeatod 10411. struck you, Mr. Foyle, but according Weir ,,,)Mangles fitted his form to to his Own, account lie must have ar tile big ar � mohair that 113,11ked p cyt.ais rivedat Linstone Terrace Gardens a; , dealt ,and rugged a handful of reports secured by an elastic band front. his 11tue." . Foyle rubb,ed lite chia thoughtfully. brea,st pocket. Voyle anipped the ,, You mean lie may lj%va been there end off a ciga,r and, leaning liact, whert the -shot wits fired." Puffed out a blue cloud of smoke, hfolj�les made an impatient gas. "It been quick work, though I Bay ture. "I don't know, He may ba,ve It myself," observed Menzies -com- got In Immedle,t0ly afterward, I placently, 11especia,lly considering It's Own freely I don't quite take in this a night job. This night work is yarn, and yet the nittli strucl: me a% poisonous 'no way of getting about, genuine. He's got good credentials, no cortainty .of fluding the witriesses and it lie's mixed tip with the mur- you want, overy one angry at being der ,why did lie 'phone to mul?" dragged out of bed, and all Your Peo- "Search me," said Foyle, "What Pie knocked out the -next -day, when about tile daughter? You said there they ought to be treolx?, was a girl." F oylve flicked the ash from -Ilia Mangles stuck his thumbs in the olgar, and a mischievous gliminer sleeve holes of his� Waistcoat, 4'That's shone in his blue eyes. "It's tough another queer point. She ,was brought luck, Menzies, I know you hwte this up abroad, and scarcely oversaw the kind "of thing. Now 'tillexels For- 0-d man. Pembroke says she spent rester ---he's got uothi�,- In particular her -holidays with an old couple down on. If you, Ilke---JI . In Sussex, -to whom lie had instruc- Menmies's heavy eyabrows coittract- tions to pay three hundred pounds a ad as -be scrutinized ,his chief tusplo- Year, When she left sellool he -had lously. Untold gold would not 7alave the allowance paid to hor direct, She Induced him to willing relax his hold had a taste for painting, and was ap- of a case that Interested him. 11rin. pa,rently quite capable of looking Zt- not shifting any Job of mine on to -ter herself. For two years she has any one e:se's 1�houlders,.TM,r. Foyle," not called or given arty insttructions he said a4dly., about the allowance. "That's a,11 r4glit," faeld Foyle Im- "He wrote to Greye�Strattou, who, perturbably; "go ahead." retarta&that it Was none of his btlsl- Mangles tapped his pile of state- ness­ffat the allowance would be ments, "As faT -as I can boll down paid over to, his firm, and that It t1a what we've got, this Is how it stands-, girl did nQj; choose to ask for It, it Old Greye-Stratton. was a retired could accumulate. 'He did not seem West Indies merchant—dropped Out at aR'conberrled at her disappeaTance. of harness eighteen years ago. and Take It from me, Mr. Foyle, we shall, haS lived like a hermit by himself In run. across some more damned funny Linstone Terrace Gowdons ever -Since, business before we get to the bottom It seems there ,%vae some trouble of this, There's tot even a, ghost about his wife. She was a WIdD'w of a fluger-priat. If only we can named Errol when he married her, find Errol ....... and she had one son. Foyle was too old oL hand to offer "Five yeaxs before the crash there conjecture at so early a stage of the was a daughter born. Anyway, as I case- Nor did 'Menzies seem to ex - was saying, trouble axose, and he Pact OZY adVICO Hard as lie had kicked h14 wife out, sent the baby driven the investigatioa duriu- the girl abroad ,W be educated, and the nignt, the ground was not yet al. .1ared. boy— ­he Would then be about twenty Until he -had 411 the -facts In his Pas- -with his mother., Well, the wo- session it was useless to absolutW.7 man died a few years after, young pin himself to any one line of reason - Errol ca,me down to Greye-Stratton, Ing. kicked up a bit of a shindy, and was There was now 'one man who an given an allowance on condition thot, known facts might have committed he left the country. the murder. But plautylble as was the "He went to Oanada,, and thence -an supposition lbat Err6l Was the Man, tile detectives knew that at best it to the States, and must lia.ve been a was only a Euspiclon. And Suspicion bit of a waster. A year ago he re- turned to England and turned up in o-ow-a,-da,yo does not commit a man. Linstone, .Torrance Gardens. Iniare Ic does not always justify an arrest. There, must be evidence and so far we's a row, and he Went away Swear- 1-49 revenge. Old Groye-Stratton there was not a scrap 62 proof that stopped supplies, and neither the Karol had been within a thousand laywers nor any one else have seen int4eq of Linstone Terrace Gardens on the night of the inurder. anything of Errol. since." ered. Isocal buyers have (-ndoxv-c-red Pcy',e rolled a pancil .to and fro (To be continued.) a -cross his blotting pad with tho palm . ,of his hand, He Interrupted with - n) question, Wha.t Menzies stated I I - , as facts he know the chief luspec- I S" , , i W[FE OF HARVE, -_ —_ , - _ _ ______,.___ I tor would be able to prove by Sworn. I evidence It necessary. lie was mere- Alf'r vlr%fl"r,�,�M-��,� I KING G , " a and Nvatered hogesold front $15.2,15 to ly summarizing evidence, The in- � ference he allowed to be drawn and ' , - . w *_,�,,_, = �hi * so f2,r It seemed an inference that i . I I , 01 0 7,11'., 1 . " '�g V r"I'MAN-PI . ,ZKA-- 77�. 1 11 )�,, � .� - I .eg­ , jrq§1 �A` *Ade fair to Place a noose atratind 11 I I 5�-�., - , � , , 5 ,,- %RNI, , - I - .i�, ymn-- Rrrol's neck. .1 k. , rfg ,F., g,�,n,ro ,� I R* 04 _ , -1 - " � I. 11 "We have got this,", went oil Men- I , � K11 k .1 �, � r 'N NINE., zies, "from people In I.All-stolle Ter- I I I � �� �, V - � .rance Gardem, from Graye-Strat- r � I �i �;.*, * �*X,4901.ii` ton's old Servants, from the house ;;�-: . ,;I, - I agents from whom he mribed his ". �r-,�._!,:,j ,;!, �­�* ... I wr, ­.,$.��'- ::�;. , "k-, -,�;-::i.% N house, and from Pembroke of Pem- g�­.-. � 4 -1x..:.-....,.; - broke end Stephens, who used � .­P:"� '.. "; - ,;i:*:::e*,�!_ ;,,o be his solicitors. Greye- 11 I ., - .Stratton was ,seventy years old, as ,� I I -.::X*`.�X �il . W ­��.:�,�!'� I deaf as a beetle and as eccentric as a , I '. I ­­­ �­131' . <,". .1, C v. ­ < . -j"-'< , monkey. I EM ,, . . . . .1 g .. , , -1.'. - .. ,,�. f.ffl ,;X., , .:��,:.,f..--',� 1:��...---,:.`If.,�`i.. - , po ", "I 4,an't believe he has kept ally �111 ., ;:.. ,,,.i.: ...:-. �'.�,�,!j�;': 4 7 4 , '. , - . , �::_!.`-*.��;;*.,,,.,�` - - �. . I . 4 % servant for more than three months 4' :.. ___ I ., ._.. ­ h 1, I . _ . . 4. . .".. ...; . I -V .. ..,., 1 at a stretch—we have traced Out a != - - , M !�_" ,'-,',*; wt* - - . I'. _ - I ftz.,M�, * __� " V,,At-��?P- A do -.,L �11, and there must be scores mors. F, - , _- F _ � ... X_ , "W; !__ ,�A.',-.,,�,) ;, I '-,?,�,, L'�,iw. -But It is only lately that he has taken .� ­ � T - :� e,h� to accusing them of being in a plot to � I I . ... _1111";�� . _ � murder -him, The last cook he had . , , 1 , .. he made taste ,everything she prG­ 0 F1 $11, 1 t 4. uared In his presence. . "He had no friends is the ordinary That thotumnots anol Inolwands w� ay, and few visitors, Twice With- 'rican farni. of dollars paid by Awe in the last, year -lie has been visited era fop agriculturnI niarlilnery to by a Woman, but who or what she the �NlcCorn)lck Tniernational liar - was no one knows. She came evi- l dentily by appointment, xan*0nlng vester Cc went rlg�t back )WO ellarity Nvas, brought out Ill 1he half an hour and went away. Iq "Practically all his business ,at- recent serious Illness of Mr,%' Cyrus MeCornifck Ill at Chicago, fairs had been carried on by corres- Mrs. McCormicit's charizy was not pondence, andlie was never known to the kind areompnnied by a brsiss destroy a letter. Yet we have found band. Is ill,- ootm))inwill I)im) OY ; few documents In the house that can a II inid-wv%tern %imlanthrollie or. i have eny bearing on the am,?, except gallizatinnt-, . possibly this, which was found in the ___ .- fpc-grate of the little bedroom he SIM Thread ,Direq� from the Spider. . He extracted from the pi:e of State- A sing,alar yarn-11-nd yet who will ments a squa,re of aouble glass, which venture tD disputz sts poss4blllty- 110 passed to rioyle. It coutained soveral chexred fragments of writing conuis from Madagascar, thio, home of paper, with a few detached ,words and the moot ind,liat"Ic."ts species of the letters discernible,, ,, ,�plder tribo in ther World. In Other I J. I,. Gre . . . Will 8�e - - - part of t1he world they are lugentatts, Id you _ . . lies . . . mother to her death . . . otis swine . Cro�ess anti Imeful. Ill vltvda-g�ses6r, . . . lot me hop, - � ­ Ilowever, they Work on the theory 1%rrol'a writing?" queried PoYle. that their function Is to vrOdU00 0,114 ,,I lja,vexl�r got a sm-niple yet, but still prooluze silk ildt by tile yard, but . I've little doubt of It. Now, here's anothe,r. It Iyas Groy"trattoWs � by the nulle. And nowit is supp;Med I custom to 1,*ck,1 up -the house overy ea o ,N to be X-SO.I.V10, 1W m ll�$ of % 'Paf%l- night at dusk himself. He, Would .I,y constructed Inatrijanent, 0 Vdiid r,ff go round with a revolve,r and see to ,� as jauch ,_qg two miles ol silk thread , every one of the bolts aud 1-3otenings from an ordinary apider ollao or tirice ead no one was allowed in Or 04i e I thareafte- lt was crue of tit , 0, 'Week! in Madagascar Silk Is be- grllevanc�j of the servants that they I 1,�jg juanutactured from the spider . , ivc,re Drisaners spon after four O'- I with con,,,!,e,2,uj17e var,ee;F.s, and -tile *u.,4ed, a Oak each day Intwinter. And though ll� always ,..lept wit.b t,4ha��. revolver,' 1111"31.0 Ila.; been too, for AnakIreg j u.ider Mq pullow, we ciu*t find It. I stocl�!n,,�.,,,. and ,-,-'.oves. Potbaps the . "I'1121 -C'S -anmJW,r thing. Gi,eye- I jj,�.,x+ prucri,,,�j Will be, as. tho 1.1111t. rltral.ton had EL little study, wlicre he 11 most of the day, and there was I 4 the "ilwtTulnolit" thrend IS thrJ.Wn Of � I 't'll"lit - ' a safe built Into t1u, wa:l. It 11137 I - ka. "'I il at 'Once 'Wy-'"'t It 'nt<) .00c' . tup.an nothing or atlything. but the I --------I-- I S%fo was open V.11d thero wa3 not a ,1 havo been Takich the yeang Rica how to shoot, I but don't 'Ifford, EL 6car couselenee, I thin.-, In it, Now, We able I , ver , to disoovor no ,tine who has -a for Instance. �,jf,,.n tilfit safe open before. IV$ � ­ . - (;Ur:*tjs, too, in View of Rellett's I the chAelts, th�lt We have I .��.�__­§� . --,.-. � ­ .- %*O,()00��.,; PHOSPHODANt. . ��,-ory about 0 not b�(% -able to lay our band,; on a Oiq��;T*he Ge*lf V11411sh Preparation. r zi.:) �fj�,-C� , ,I)MC., and thri%orates Me whole ,,�,,,,�J x I single thing that refors to a bank- , . ­ f�,-��,,,�; twrvoaq systaivi. niAltm ne�i Nood Ing trausaction—Tiot So 11111cl, as a ' -in. book or a. butiela of coull- , "I , -1. , lit 1*1 Irei'm used for Nerl'Aw �"%V"f-".��.�W��Debility,hit,titat and PrarriFV0n, paying t tol1olls. t "The the matt Wats Postonde-nev, Loss 6f ha V% Polp"'alion #),* A -e Reare, Patilaa Mem-ory.ellfrict Uppi, baA:,!. d"tors say Old fortS Sold by all druggi,it% or ffluiled in rlala .46110,t about .three hours befor() We rMt pUg.onreceiptotptice., Xeippaynpitlelwailed . there. Th%t would be (thauh 44P AU- 702 WOOA 1ACCIONS COJOR& %'4TQ,4MV. *� " . 0 W" _f SHORT NEWS , ITEMS I Mugla,> Stewart, former insPectur I of p,mitent'arles for Canada, died at 1 his .111-wo lit ottaw'I �rom heart f'All- tire. Ile was 10 yeitr.% ,of a- and "a was born in, W1111anisdale, Z"T.S. He entered Ilia Civil Service In 187.9. Lie aciped- as secreftary at sevemi Import- ant meedugs, imoluding the Canadian- Newtoutioll-and eonvertion. in 1892; ,,ria Peeretaxy to the Canadian arbi- trator at the D-ehing Sea Tribunal in Paris In 1893, and joint seeretary at the IntercolonlM Cotif,�reuco here in 1894. . — After a mo.-il a-ative career, Louis VIncent Bouvier, Toronto's oldest citi- zen, paseed away -recently. Ile -had attained the age of 101 yeaTs. and 8 mon.the and w3a hale und hearty al- most up, 0 the lasit. W a grmt lover of flowors, and every Summer might be seen busily engag- 0., lit Ills garden. I ' France <,xpects a new war this 1 .�,pring. . Armies -totalln-9 betweP,n 2,. � L , 000,000 and 3,000,00 imen wlE., be thrown against ea,ch other In a war between Bolshevik Russla� on the -one band, and Rcumanta., Poland and other cutpo*st -states, -on tile other, ae- cording to French military exper-ts. Ste Heary Dmybou ,Is acting as Secretary of Sta,te -pending the ap- .poltitment -of a .new Minister to fill the Vacancy created- by the deatli of Right Hou. A. L.'Zir-ton.. � . That -the ,Cama-disn Government Uas adOPt0d' a, MarCha,nt T11184116 T189 resembling ,the Swiss flag and lias thereby caused ,consternation - In SwItzer'and, which hopes soms day to have a. merchant marine flying the naticual Standard, is denied in,offacial circles at Ottmra- J. G. Desba-ra-ts, Deputy Minister of Naval Service, States that ,the red Union Jack ensign with. the Camadianomt at arms In the fly Is the Only flag that ,has been in I use by the Cana-dian inerchant max- itie for m= -Y yea.m. Mr. Desbazats explairred, however, that ea,ch Vana- dt'an ,'line opar4tfagg -.0anadlan, ragis- tered, vessels had in addition. tD t�e � Union Jack ensign. a ,distinct hollFe f: a ,-,, The opening c� ,the Federal Par- liament at Otta,wa, on February 14 ! wift be anowked by all the old-ttme display. , The ceremony will be full- dress and will be lied in the new Chamber of the Senate and tor the first time ,since the Outbreak of the War. Their Mxceflencles, tile �Gov- ernor-GeneraJ and the Duchess of Devonshire, WIN Subsequently ho'Sd a . drawin-groom. This will be held in the Senate Chaniber on the Sa �,, rd,y I after the opening of Parliament. Fol- I IoNiting Pie examp'e set in -drawing- rooms -at Buoldagham Palorce, feath- i epi and rosl'�e will be worn. TherP I will be tile ustial guards of liclior both 1 for itheopening,of Farliarnentand for �, -roolia. 1he dmlvin� ,I i i Walkerton has decided to hold 'an � -0-7d F,oys' and Girls' Reunion frorn I Just 23 to 30 next. Former citizens � of Walkerton and Bruce Collrity Will i be welcome. A -very extensive 1p�o-! gramme is bekig arrangeq for thel . . . �' whole Week and visitors can rely oil having a pleazant ttime. � The 13vard of Education .%t a spee- � 1 16J meeting adopted .the report,cf tile tteachers' committee, recommending Wary increases to ,six tcachcr­t of the c�cl.'vgate ln,3tLute, includirg Prin- elpal W. I,. Sh9,le2. The inerea-a,4s- are as requested by tile teachers, w.ho sbated that if they were u0t Xr-inted, their r,qIgna-1don. could bo ecjvdd�r- �ed t.-3 take effect March 1, but are for a six montlis' Period. The arrange- nient Will terminate June 20. 1 . � I . The 7qorma:; and Ntodtll Sch-Dol tea,chp.rs *f ,the Pro,vince $0',it a dOP- L utation ,to Hon. 11. 11. ,(Irant to Ptes% Xor .an. Increase In salar:.qs. L.A;t year tile teacherss. asked for 0. n per cent. Inereast ,And recMved about fifteen. per J�Klt. ,Vijay are now sc,�Ioirq, the bml;tuce of tile Original request. Tho miltioter prvinfi3ed con- ' 61deration'.' -- la View Of *11e "c! , lw,l ..d "1tV.;tll.l(-" ii'll, - . . (it lliany (�a*ip,�M.an brokc-A towv.d 'lle � . 31r .arpan,,oment .mafltv by -I Hen,ry Draytoil. niftlistee of fillanco, with ,, a-itts, brolwr,i and bn.nken�i naf. 0 i(ld. ,their famu", , " 'Ila, uey� fol, vile , , pur( se� .(,f -foroirn-heM ,poeur-1-Ues, the vclun- ,Ury conimittoo, by which ithis W . .- ,rat1e,fqll,q1t w.,l,g mide, a .pr--ctical eni- bar I L . (", ll%v�-, Wm dt, ,nl ed, ­4� N The Vr,,.Il '"'.rVIC0 C0l1ln!A­ql,)n nal- 11aullet,g tlj,.� pro.,mo,,Iou of C. .9. Ibicz- tt9 I train (111,90111-3 1"Muiner at 114"I'le- Vill 'a to, ,C,;)�,!ett(:1r -of vnstolilo, 9TAde 1 Der'. ---- A, P. Gundy, princiW Of 41%a't <'-:)I- lmyllte ln,_A,!-'.u;Le, ho.% boe,,,nk dpro,'�,teql to ,tile �S.auo.to -of VIC VTlllveraity 'of Toronto, Keeping Fit 33Y DR, SAMUEL IMUMTON, It is lv,causo of the war aat 00�� tile perfect Physical man 11113all at once become the idol of tile . world. You can make of yoursclf, aven rather late, in life, almolt axtything you like, You are not gaing to get fit % or.,,e 44W, one Mouth, or, perhaps, a yc,tr, tinkv,s you take enough outdoor excrcj!�a to heep the eirculatioil going and prae,11­a- the atlllcte'a first principle—to lizeep tho system c1can. He does not gjve his body a chance to absorb polsons. He not Only takc3 hiscold shower, after exercise, but lie knowsa cleansing of the intc!�,11= is important, and he takes ace-Iijoril-Ily a grood regulator and liver cletansor, �aich t��!� a dose of castor oil, or, what is much better, a tiny pill made up of May-a-))-,ile, aloi- , � . a and jilap, and sold hy almr-" 01 druggjsts in the lan4 as Dr. .Kcrec"s Pleasant pollets. IQ Neep, the kidneys in ,good orolm aLo. Avoid too muclx meat, alcohol or tea. Drink plenty of pnre i,,,.tt?r, preferably hot water before meals, and drive the urle acid out �. -f the . ; � .. F,ystem by taking "Anuric" (ant' 5-uric-acld). This- can be ob!-.�.Ined at almost any drug store, Send a b4ttk'of watter to the chemief, at Dr. Pierce's Inva'doW Hotel, Buffalo, N, Y., and you will receive free medical advice as to whother the kidneys are uEected, Whcm your kidney -4 pb slur -6h ., - ;.p 43r, - and clog, you sufter from backache, �Ack­heada­lico, dizzy spells, or twinges and pains of lumbago, A.,ewnatNtla or Wout; or sleep is olts- turbed two or three tim�io a night. Take heed, before too latel Get Anuric (anti-tiric-acid), for it will put now life into your hidne.y..., ead your critire system. Ask �our ne.­xect d1rugghst for it or scmd D.. ' Pierce ten cents fwz trial pndhage af "Anuric." I_____ ________,. — ___ .--- -­,­______.__ - I . - --------,-.—: ct Wln-o1v',,4,,x by, Air. Christie, �the LIVE 6 1 STOCK REPATI! I � O." i Tepoft of w"'c"' a"" as ",a %%: , .� ,TV � Pro= appIlyIng, 1200 lbe. Peir zero Of . 3 -S -G fertlfAmr 41hRme wao aa increase I — I ; a v.wo Wno peor o=3, from 400 IbS. Of Toronto (-Unlon Stock Yarolkq):- ; 3-S-3 Q,eire wia'-s an IncrOase of -five , Salles, during -the week 0011604ulA, Iff ;bcaw Par r,are. The own wAs well 6.162 cattle, 538 calves,, 3,229 sheep I rl-Dwed and. Well �eared. An w4ler . and 4,807 hogs, vftlat 409 hog�.4 were ! ottepowit ieaceds 4he ftat rtbat 1�the I . beneVicial �e�fect of fertilizers oanlid -recolved on through billing. With. ! �t be dJetinctly inoted. Each fe*Vize4 av-pooNimately 3,700 eaitVe on .sale on I ,P11cit ;an teller and of a dark green . Moll,day, tra1ng opening 'very flav,ggy ! cocor", . I and before much af .'&a cattle had I Matturity and Feedir#:; Quality. I passed ov4w the Scales, pirlieve W I HaTly rr�ilazelly bls a diren+ balir- I dropped a gcod GO c�,Yaui Iler bjua,alvd, I lit.9 ,nn fe6dln-, quililty ot car.a. A A few choice heavy steers sold fmrca I 3ona-t:am cw4FJv.1 oxparimenft� ou,n- $10 to $"01501 c�lolaa blltoc�hara f1ro'n' V) ; ,auvted by Purdue- Agricultural Ex - ,to $10, good trom $8 to $8.60, wid ! , perbr-cat FAtat%m, Ind. (Bulletin $8 to $9,vood,cowetrom $7 0 $8 and 17�), mh,aweli Ithat by,rlxMft_- 'fram fair froin $5 to $6.50. 0,1=erw told tile s0h stbage ,to, corn ripe for all- fraill. $3.00 to $3.50, and uultem frolli violpa, I&O lxot,e4n in the ollage w.%s $4 to $4.50, Gocrd bull% with lict too . kK""PX1 Zman 30 to 50 Per caut, anuch welgM sold trom, $8 tu $8.60� wilit7o t1he cairb,ch,y&mt?s and �vtvoah heavy N61% from $7 -to �7.50, and t0e !'.­:`,� .'i,:,,C,',,-.,-:r;,d %,,,�a L,"3 to ov,�r 200 .more common. grwle,s from $4, w. �d.-�d. per cent. Ripmed own, means ampill- Tba im':1.,rir and spring -PT trade, whila or rz,adn bdI.1% You on,n �get it by unc�7iaibged in pilea, t4iowed very �, f �rj 1M ,thds yela'r,s c,ro,p. ol,raggy� Under a light run during the . bulance of ,the week, mWe prices ,-----,---- ---,----,- closeA about steady. ' Tli.�i ettocker and- feeder mirket remadneod VoL7 TO WOMEN pr holding off untell. the maxket be�- Conles a atile mcre settled. The OF MIDDLEIT-i-E ", oltuaity of the cattle 41hroughout the week was tsIr bre. many acada of good broody cattle were on the aiiarkiL%-t in rhis Woman!s Letter Tell& a b-iff-finished Qundition. With on V "r How To Pacm The ' additional Sixty to ninety day.q leed, 'L 0112 most ot Uese wou-',d be fat. With a Crisis sdely. Vght wun of calves or- the Tilarkat 1k)T ___ - the week tall classes aold at steady Lase.ellan, 11,Q,-"DuringrtheC4amge Prices On the bGSe4 Of tile Pre-v`10111's of Life I fclt so Nveak and run down I week's <-.lose. Choice veal i�;r,*d frcm. � � could hardiy do My work. The 4r)er- $15 to $17, medium. $12 to 05, -Com- spiration would pour over MY fac; so nion $8 to $12 and grass calvw� ,$6 that I couldn't see what I was do-ong. We live on a farm, so there is lc,�Is to 6, to $7. Tfae demand is 101� cb'08 but many who felt as I d2 wou,ld have qtLallty veal, and It appoars that tbeae beeninbed. I took Lydia E. Pinkhatil's will continue to bring good prices,. 1.1egetable Compound and it did ri(. a NN'Ith a fair �,ruzi e elielep and world of good. I trie-1 other n-modie,q but I Vegretable Cf of lambs an tho lnark.�-t� vale,4 weire a nut nillou-nd alf;ead them -all, and .1 lrll,i�ve-'-v r,xic. I �uuov! triflg eusiow w1lh oha'!ce wra!n4m how rnuch goof) it l4as dont-. n. .. '-- lambs sel'ing from $12: t) $12.50, Mrs. DmNca,\1 1131.1ow's, 11,nRce'lt,;�,... '.�;:c��% Qkr�ec. #Noica ,yeerlings from $8 to $9, and a� ,SucIlV,aljl.,,.1-! F,,Tr,VNf,..­.'A -..- z, ,- ­ .,f . " _'. " - - , tew as high ta,,% $10� Cdlxrw�k- llnldy- I - . I. . � mffmati.tn, J.... '. 1,'�ih�.4.�, :' I `� !­!� -, we.,, -ht 84,evp rtf,ved troin S7 V:) 10,�',. ' . I A I . � - ,. �',,'�'­IriW!�, ',",-Ir"i (" '-"L - ', , - - .�, , ' '. UAid heavy fat ,.,'ie�p and bmlir� fr.'all �­ , , '.. . ........ , ­ 1: , z. . ". .11.1-. , . . . . .� :1 j�� ,­­ � I .. � "i': �.J..!.", ..�",!­ ­ ' . ;, A . . . I $5.1;f) 'a $6.50. llexvy !-Uwl�i and !.­­., ,!!., I ....; !, ;.,,*, " , . . �� .. 1, . : . vory thin ;anibs wi,re hic-d t...) '11tove. � I . 'A. ... ..'�. � !-'­,"*­'­ ", "" � (',ioice sheep Seem to be In vcry 900d .. --a. I ! .', ii,,�,-%i,'. ,� , 4-1' ._'..­,._. r.. .­ I . , - wt.!.:,d.i-...1- ­�,::�'!'." !;""�-,'k,�'.V!6,�!�_ dc-Itand 0,11d S'Al re,�Ally. vvi'lul �-!­. I '. . ::, q�P,4y'ihroug.h tnf* Th,,re has been -a �tiixly good ,nall of .qf,.4 4% :. ��� I �: , �. - -,%Vla. _ I . . lioggs on the market aml on Monday , .� �! " ' � ' - f,ir:�Met&i�cz �c �!i,- , -, th(-Y .s,jld ,,,i; high _m ,010, fed nljd w.'U- ered. Isocal buyers have (-ndoxv-c-red 1.,-. ,;, , - '. . . . I ... "u. to liwer pr1c,cs for oonie .time and on .-( - � I.. . . , ..�;j'%'. .1 : ,,;,,'- ­ . . � Wednesday bid $15,20�, fool a,nd wwler- . I ". �,?,�,_ . I eiL Arourently, the,y wouid luc-it Wd "' '* . any more with tile ireault that Out- s1dki buyeirs obta.1w,,ol -tile ir4jcTkty oi ' -_ —_ , - _ _ ______,.___ the hogi at $16. Ott Thursday, fed a and Nvatered hogesold front $15.2,15 to A ChIldren't Stelloe. $15.75., Tile fu,tvte� of 411140 11CU lllla-� ke� appexna ,ta ;jo unse-LUe,l. p,t-RnLXZE1W ON COM4 PAY HAXDS0=L1r. I Long time eXPDXIMMIA in (�Orll r.row.b..."'. , .i(,Ctl."4i!,A ealcw .11-A."rLt'll .411- , cre'u-tis to bt) p�,,z,dble V, fc:t1!!1*r-�r o.1 M13-11 glade i"") apvll"d in ouffic"."n't qu.�xt!�1,1�9% 1;,,()j,,r xadluql - Mile, t(wn AA,,4,:-!(,xt1tura1 !.xy)(--!n1t%nt SWUM'1-18, , have r"Um'A it po�-'6:1h*x% .0 inef.m.u"11 ytj& by all ,jV(orakqo o.1 2111 c,:rn .11 bjwliels ll,�,r ocro. At Vlv- �Fmllw t',1110 d1lD In4ve&,10 in toold"ll! on -Clo ,oame 1)1(.Cl".Sex.ck�,.il.oil(�-li.i,l�t.")n. ,�:�rz�lxia-- irx,u,,�s_)� it nuide ca th,i civera,M.% Ott- tiw') ftrin, Would 1r) tit elrvr,�,�ucq% V34.W_ An Jit,temiol,ilf, ,t,PiaJt 4a dIa"R wv,%rd waa carried on Me, oummer In ,)=awo Vaulty, eecoa t Illf" tolva, A N..,;rrdVc, Hi.,gland, vivax� Is now �n the ,thia. of a school childrenN i strik!�, whieh Chi) labor ovembers have Dranil&ed .0 Jo.n. Tilts Is the lec- ond s,choclstriko which has octurred &it Nixfulllz tuid jilis been mil.Fed by- tho dtr-�Tae-,,nr�nrt of a hr-atindstreas ' . eplo to all acraw;enient of tile, VA;r- .14.,&; 4'kl).lrtxwn'e.,;. Tito lady In ques- VM)l had been tv,tching for eighte-eii. ye,a:­r, in th-at sann�, schon,l -qnd therO Ir. 0, ,g.rong fev'xag OlAt 410 113's nut beom treated tairly, __.__�,�_4�,_�;X- coem"'J, Mon rVaot compma � 0 ,A &?fC9 Vellghte- WeV44030' 11 I . ,1#,,? , ,� � . methome. i3014J !I.% thrcl &A ., ­ - ; - -�a� P,xq ef ntTongth—IM1. 1. 1311 !�; , 1! . _�, , .1 , �,�; Z. !'.1. ,1.3, NI). il, PA �.tr bQ14 � , 8011 I"y all drw�;%tf� 6% _... . � 11 Int � . , � .. , tepw,t *ft rbf,v." �'? 00. � .1 , ,rco J'amplolet. 4d re"t . i 1i I I VH11t took ViVARtICIM CO., 9 � II01101410.0NI. 4,-jr,-,rirW5f2*.)