The Wingham Advance, 1921-01-27, Page 4A I T P 050 to, 05,000 1%T? A YEAR FOR LIFL, A CANADIAN COVERNIMENT ANNUM PROVIDES IT --NG bpticur 111C tav,�Staw= araLlable _Uliot tit, a �izcd Or lcvicd Upon for -.ny cam, —Will 1'1� if 104-t. stolen or destroyc-d —Not , q-!c11'P�C1d1111b1�Nr,­lV dQln�-,Vm")n —Vme it -cm, Doaainion Incorp-Tcog --Nii tuc,,"R4 Ycquircd Apyon(- orcy Of 5 Y'%irs rCs,.,1e!1E or domiciled in camda 'may pnrAlas�;., Any tv�o T-?rs-,ov2 pits-cbj 0,.s%t1y. .5-,. j - Zfrap")ycl-s pu'rAA-1ir3-,, i'or Vz�;ir selawl boards Cot cor tlL,.ir t. -.v r st, v, U T, P anA ta a (I.. S me a �r i f � Ge li�,t 'r irthi Mr. Alorrjszo-�-� evl&-ntly reads it "Us' How are tha poor to h- .4- A THE WINGRAN ADVANG17 Tbursday, Jan. 2 -7th, 1921 ORAWNY LOQUER IJAS SERVICE AFTER 4iBAI. VIRt despatch from Vaucouvpr. -ays that Lawrenee.K. Chase is a typical Isard's Sto'ck Redtic' nd lurnberjad; with an appetite of which no ing a hard working mun. need be ashamed but be made a little error of judgement when 'he stepped itgoa r.,$tjRUrantth3_t gaters .1 exclusively to the finger bowl trade. Cut glusS. shining silverwore, and snowy damask table linen, obsequious waiters, cut flowers, oil paintings and diflused lights 6con that i� this Place was no place for a hungry man, so he decided to limit his breakfast to an UPP2, ti er. lie did his best. using all the ;knive% forUs and qpoons. impurtia)ly.i I . . - ­`­ I , up 'Whenthebill was brought ona silvert traY Chase blinked. rubbed his eyes with the 41-14ve of his mackinaw coat and look- rV ed again. This is what he re.gd: 0 V ­.J . X%wax.1 Vats ..................... Only," while'-Nir. I)rUry prefers for the earnings of their boys and girls Two boiled -eggs .......... ey ��t t'_vs: "United For Ontario." between 1.1 ard 18, which in so many One rasher bgcon_ .70 '60 1 cases is absoNtely necessary for their sup- One glass hot milk .............. .10 In'order td further reduce our sfoelk before inventory is taken we will continue Reating off the two highwaymen. in port. while they are attending the com- t0,cuf and slash prices until the end of the mouth. WeeWs p4rL- -Will surely malm the Min. pulsory adolescent classeqP There Ought b1ft of Education a popular hero with to be some sort of consideration and cow. 4'Pretty— steep,, the logger re- Our sale prices have cleared out a lot of Winter Goods; we still have too much to carry Wiwi boys. pensation. marked to the debutootee who was filling' over In 49 cashier. and are making Juither price reductions in order to unload our stock. Hold-up men should not operate on INCOME TAX C"ANOES so "We cater to the high-clawse trade, Great Coat and Fur Sal ---The bottom of the bottom has Sunday. Hardly worth while to run risk me Persons c4wn't afford to patronize I e dropped out of the prices W Penitentiary for taking -a maWs collect- this exclusive 0411 -fay", explained the in these wearables. Save a quarters a third or a hall by buying here now. WU from Win. Amendments made to the Income Tax lady in a condescending manner, Act at the last session of the Dominion "Is, that 'so?" snapped back Chase. Well I can. Change that please." se. Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Suits, Overalls, Mackinaw Coats, Sweaters, Un - We way come yet to paper socla The Parliament will be of importance to the " -,That,- was a $100 bill, It took the derwear, Caps, Mitts and Gloves, all at prices that must sweep them out in the ,32PS are making large quantities of yarn Canadian. people in connection with the next ten days. cashier half an hour to find the necessary It will pay ypu to BUV NOW. foul paper, which is in great demand for payments of the tax this Year. The main $98.,55, making into bags arid cloth. Theirpaper change, so tar as the administration is "Of course I bad small change in my Aewlbk currency is almost absolutely untearable, concerned is that the first return is to be jeans," said Chase later, ,but at the Am Im filed by April 30th, and with it a first Price I thought I was entitled to a little X_x S10flillam James Gage. the well-known payment of 25 per cent Of the tax when service". D & I H rw 0 1 L %a V - Philanthropist, died last week at his home the return is filed. The balance of the Your 1920 account is due. I in Toronto. He was the moving spirit tax may be pai d in three subsequent in- Advertising Thai Pays We will appreciate your Prompt remittance. in the providing of several establishment$ stalmeats at intervals of two months. An'important change puts the enus on If its worth more than 25 cents and L VAMM 40 this Province for the care of consump- 0114010IRW din= the citizen to make his own tax return, you are sure that You have lost it ad- IN 0121 andfixtheamount hehAs to pay. The irertise for it in TuR ADvANcs and in new form, which is not out yet, will re- almost every case it will be returned to MORRIS TORNSHIP "Rosy cheeked to laugh and play Next thing in order maybe for the ' the owner. Mr. John Mowbray of $ing and BOWES' WEATHER FORKAS T : year.,; of age and was employed by mr. Drury Government to select some youth semble that used in the United State& Whitechurch, lost a -tug off the team Reminiscences Of 17 Years, on Board And all was as joyfull I as a happy, day Mills, a Hallett Township farmer, and *am, the rural districts and appoint him It will be remembered that the income harness. He advertised it in THB AD- Of Health in spring. 'I Mr. Jas. B. Bowes of Chatsworth, who Ared by the suPposed bravado of a caddy tor Hon. R. H. Grant, tax was Increased at the 19-V session of V41409 and Mr. L. S. Beninger who Sometime things did not has established a reputation as a weather bandit, after examing a new rifle secured who has Parliament by an addition of 5 per cent go as wanted t prophet, has issued the following predic- by his chum he' held up his chum's been Presented with six new, sticks since to the tax and surtax on incomes of found the tug read the advertisement and (Brussels post) and then, and then. tions for 1921. mother, Mrs. Alfred Lydiatt, Wednes, be broke one on a thief's head, $5,000Or more. Provision was also made it WAS returned promptly. A gentleman In the vear 1904. 1 was appointed to "Oh! lonesome shadow overall, Based on purely scientific principles as day Torning of last week and is alleged found a fur mit near the church sheds the Board of Health to succeed the late Because alittle child is missed,. I know them, they are for the northern' to have stolen st5 from her, Allbrigilt for the taxation of stock dividends and and brought it to TuR ADVkN0R. We Geo. Hood. When Mr. Hood departed Who Heres a nice friendly couple, in Perth, shareholders' bonuses. while the rViinister does not an',Wer to love's call hemisPhefe and mostly applicable to escaped into the basil aud after being advertised it and although the owner did this life he beld.13 offic.--s L> ot -,vb;,:il came J. Each is suing the other for divorce. of Finance retained power to take action not get this paper and advertised the to mr-, I be other going to P. A. McArthur, Or come at bedtime to be kiqsecf. regions aciout the 45tb degree of latitude. traced for six or seven miles was caught 'Ac wife says he'threw Pie in -her face against a taxpa'Yer whom be suspects is of Grey township. We do our work and go away They do not apply to districts whose tern- while hidiug in his employe VMhed -her face with butter, while he about to I wit lost in tinother papert a neighbor Knowing the thor- rs' cowshed, claims she Put carpet tacksin eaveCanada'so that the obrl- reader -showed him the advertisement Oughness. neatness and dispatch with Trust Peace will come in answer to our. perature is varied by air or water currents bY Chief Fitzsimmons Of Clinton, and the'rice gatiOns toward the income tax sbali like Britain or British Columbia. I have Uensall, The lad Vlklditfg- Surely little playful ways like be evaded, The new not, and he soon had his mit, Neither one of which Mr. Hood did anything entrusted prayer Chief Whitesides, of . forms to be filled in I just labout eighty per cent of sciLtitifir those sboukin't be allowed as grounds for by April 30 will apply to the income these articles were worth much, but to to him I cQns1dered it quite an honor to While Heaven seems not so very'far Away , was made prisoner and taken to the 1920. for the owner they meant the saving of buy- be offered any -office which be had held. Becausii the little child we loved is I Principles on which MY theory is based, Clinton jail at midnight. He appearej yet I fully expect to be seventy-five per before Magistrate 8, 1. Andrews the tot - Ing new outfits. Dr� McA-qb was the M. H. 0. at that tim�,J there.." . ....... and -as succeeded in turn by Drs. Ham. At times like thk very little can be done cent correct. lowing morning, When arrested All - JANUARY bright had the rifie which he bad taken ilton, Stewart, Bryans and White, all of orsaid but we know by look and tone JI Very mild, from the Lydiatt home. On' Tuesday whom I have been associatad with ana I that our solicitude for and sympathy with I FEBRUARY night Allbrigh went across the road to fMj if found them gentlemen. Every one of them is understood and appreciated and Average his chum,s place and was shown the 4�;,� SIM them men of ability, good temperature; 12th cold and new "? , a' '­ .11, 1� - judgment sn�l this and kind words from othersmarUthe stormy, also week, gUn and how it worked and Wednesday common sen -se, vonscientious holders, of �Jda that lingers in our memory. the important office. Iftbdyerredit w MARCH morning he made a second trip when ac. as As to ttie financial 1;ide I see by the fin becidedjy cold, very one was In the house. principally because all the fae - of tile ancial report ending Dec. 15th, Ij)101 that with high, persistent wind for th r heavy snow fall It is alleged that 8 e fi si he then secured the $iS and went upstaim 07 ease ban not been reported As I under. Dr. Hamilton received $$.00; 1). Laidlaw, 15 days. A very Pronounced thaw sets and got the gun. Mrs. r,ydiatt hearing stand it Lhebusinessof the B.0, H,is sce that all to 1 $3 00,* N. A. Taylor, $3.()0; A, IVIcEwen,. in about the 17th. very warm until the churches, schools. %veil, a disturbance, came in and started tip the 4t '1 $2.00; H. Johnson, $�9.00 and by the last: last three days, then cold and stormy, stairs. She Was met by Allbright with School closets, public buildings, and I tatement I get $18.00, Dr. White, $50 00; VIQ s APRIL the rifle and the command: IQ if IMF& i laughterhouses are in a sanitary c6ndi- " I Reeve Elston, $6.00 arid Clprk AlcEwen, First three B19il"Am tiOn, to quarantine any One in the town. days cold, then very warm *" The woman slammed the door in $0.00 for looking after the'contageous Unti( the 21st wheii a Pronounced storm his faceana ran Out$1 ship having a dangerous. communicable diseases among the People of Morris dur-'af rain wind, snow and frost will prevail Allbright giving chase. de to raise an alarUl, diseaie, eccePt flu, is not On the list and ng they Ile diverted his surprise you ear. It is evident on the taceof. for about a week. line of travel however and headed for, to see that they are properly attend- - for the �� ed to and if at all possible to prevent the it that the B. q. B. does not wtrk MAY the bush. After getting in , to the basl, 'U Inust actually see and ride in the BicSIX to appre- money that is in it but doega lot tree for! Ve' disease from spreading. In this ' 0 e -'the good of humanity. Some seem to t ry warm and dry, he went several miles before doubling late its many splendid qualities. Its light weight and times people willingly assist and JUNE back to the Plikee where he -wasdi Yoi scientific balance induce unusually low fuel consurnp- fallv submit to the rallogs of th, 'race'l think that an, Office on - ttie, Board 9f 11 Warm arid drier than aveKage� rain and ed. $cover- oard Health is of minor importance, but as, probable frost about the Judge Dick.,on gave the YOUng wait an tion and higgh tire mileage. its responsive 60-h. p. motor but at other time.,; it requires a lot of tact, tenth; rain m . With hot -spot intalce, Ilianifold gets maxim knowledge of just what shoul be done, good health is out best, most vaivable; last week. indeterminate sentence of six months t(> um Power from asset, without which no other blessing: a will to do it arid a willin ness to Over.] JULY two Years in the Ontario Reformatory. thevei, low 91-ades of fuel, driving the car With efficiency .9 can be enjoyed to the full, it thereforef Very hot and dry, with rains the first at will surprise you. look many rebuffs. In weriting this fars surpasses all other work in the prc ..... I ..... two sides must appear, e unpleasant, portion', and last week. tb Although the 13IG-Six has a wheelbase of 126 unappreciated side, and the other�'thougb that good health exceeds the possession I AUGUST NO TELLINU Of pOwer and wealth and without anyl About average t . evaperature and dry, not pleasant in the fullest sense Of thel I egotism the best men available should be' ins the first and last week. g and grim farmer of eighty inches atId seats SeVeq adults in perfect comfort, ra A totterin' meaning of the term vet understood.4 *if it. it is not a heavy car. It weiglils, in fact, but 3125 1 and appreciated, taken in I years went to consult a successful young i the spirit in, I SEPTEMBER Pounds—and is so peefectlY bakn�ed and so fl which it was jiv I I have always faithfully tried to do my i First 18 days average tempera lawyer, "Young man," said the farmer,, ture and q wan Ti'e ex- en, As I always like all, art and heartily thank a long sulTering i very dry until about the 22nd, when there Iransmis-14ft ;VWnSF positive ible that the touch of two fingers unpleasant thing done quickly. ha P t to leave all I posgess to my wife Z va it 12M�rfcss 4zehow a2.d a 11 municipality for their tolerance and for. iwill be a very Pronounced storm of rain as long as sbe remains my widder) and ofpowep- keeps it easily in the road. on the Wheel ever and 4one vith I wit take just two earaneel�th'uiy inistakes, for theb �,up.-il wind and frost and in 109alit* P after that I want everything to.go to the all is passiii instances of the unkind first. northern lies, applka4�opl as POrtAnd*many expression-, of good.'willisnom children." "Howoldis your Wife Sir?" The- BIG -SIX is the crowning achievement Of O�e morning I started for Brussels an -�w mY other incthod, I said the lawyer, �Severlt the unsurpassed manufacturing resources of busitiess of my 'I and appreciation of my services I thank OCTOBER yfour.', .Then Studebakei—the best that an organization of (j8 own when there I haPPel)" the present Council 'Board for their kind Very dry and very warm especially the wouldn't it be quite as sale,,) the lawyer ed to meet the NkI. H. 0. and he said he � words and their earnest desire to have me i latter portion, asked, "to leave out the discourteous Years of business success, and the keenest engl- bad some work to do iliat I could do for, continue at the work. I hope my ? Phrase about as long as she remains your succes- NOVEMBER neering brain% can Produce. him and as be was very buV be asked '�sor, Peter McNabb, Will be able to steel, Warm and drier than aye g,, with widow? Just leave her everythlngs me to do it, which I readily consented to. clear orthe snags, reta,71n,the e I . ra "Indeed I WOWt" said the old man 11B * Next morning I was called on the phone steem and rain and frost about the 16tli. at Compare Studebalcer Cars, Point by point, wi confidence of his fellow ratepayers which DECEMBER surely,,, said the lawyer. .,you dont other cars th bytheman whose bou�e We placarded,lbeno On the market, and we will rest our w holds, keep the office as long as I Very mild. think your wife—flow 74—will marry case with you. he being absent the day before, and was 1, be ishes and retire with his glory �ondim. I look. for three Very dry summers, mild again 4(ter your death, do you. The given till 12 o'clock to take the card d ' W I . I _ old Own J med. Perhaps it is idle to waste time winters, cold and wet spring a Man looked the other full in the face as and got other abuse the worst and hard. tid fall est to forgive of which was telling the other fellow all the wonderful weather—springs that will open up ea ly! he answered solemnly, -Well, sir, theres, that my wife 'Wings that7ybu have done, for be might followed by heavy rains, frosts and in r I young chaps like you had reported the case so I could get busy the I no telling what not believe you and besides it will be tire. earliest Cises, snow. would do for money.4 - and make a little moAey. I asked him some for him to wait for his chatic to Britain and 211 Other Places that get i how intich he thought I would get out Of4 tell the wooderfol tbiogs he has L-KENNEDYD donee so more heat than their latitude Call$ for ealer the job and he said W cents, thereby add- I I will just finish vrith these lines of Den, from water or ak Currents like the Gulf 0Fr BUSV' ing insult to abuse. It is unthinkable tinki �, fiett. any woman would send her husband to a 1,. _ Streatil will have very, Wet, Cold sUmthers. A little touch of kindness to others, now Don't talk of what You're going to do, place where bore was co-tagtous dis- i I Don't boast until youre. wholly througf, ease arid rua the risk of him bringing it j and then, 11 The Wish to be forgiving and life is worth Jime Novel Success means Work—it's up to you— home to her and their children tot So! Rea'din 9 'cents. Bab! tile thought is unworthy di -I the living Get busyl any One who Calls himself a man, May i As the g)ad world swings along. Wilfred Allbrigllt, the young man The idle won't get for ahead, be be Able to forgive himself for the pain Yours truly, charged with holding She cant got rich by Jyjag jibed 11, JOHNSON, up Mrs. 4'lfred The wise tnaft in big wisdom said.' The caused. In this tiarticular case 14 14yd'att, 14ull6tt township, and robbing i herof$16wa4 before Xiis Get busy! worked to oblige a hard worked -doctor k and accepted his thanks atid do not want Dickson oil Thtirsday, Op Ia8'qtOWu0,`ekJudTg0e Theft'l; work that's needed to be dotie saytbing more, FordY.Ce His Ronor he told quite a tale. Ile There's, Vfork enough for every one, Mrs.Jas. Snowden andson, Ufneati5f ')lamed his home e"VirOnment due to Don't think your II(eshould beall fuk The other was the dense igaorance I I th I 'Aurel, site visiting at mrs, P.Obt. siaines. whiskv for fi baa a rt ift life and ad. Get buoyl Ail met on the work just recently, where a I ------ large portion of t Mrs. Walter Tisdale, and family of Wittcdhaving served four year,, in the EndeAVOUr giveg to life htVf jut he W1911tige Addreised to St. Augustine, were visitors at Ltdjees. Indus y me Was protane, demanded to tee my trial 110me at Wifflico, where be DO11% look PtOund for a co4y, Wived some edircation, nest J*Velrs and I vms ordered to -Go Mr. and Ure. ITAtry Woods of 1)onny! 1`0 Worked. But just attirt in and. earn your reat_ brook. epent Sunday tit �vm. Wooda of near Blyth and was well treated. The but I will drawa veil over 11fix sidti for., st, I-Itietts. thought of the iate(l Get husyl give it all and try to forg�_t it. on tht. I which eaused big M - T mleson is'drawing '34W.ditst present trouble he $Aid W4#. Suggested other eide are hotbes we have by roAditig ditite- nove#, and to (�om,Uhl� BORN where Dr. and tut— --- — itt - — — tdA few of neigUbors and friends enjoy, Whittaid[ft he aditit td the dwovexy MAO ".2Z t ifig *tot as demeed, the little w. theftoeltft at Wth. ebiki"plopy# Igst that you ,cault pull off That kindi, lrAvloft—ln wroxeter on Thuts. t J At%= got W*Il a0d wem Out, *tt*, * d"Y" Aotlary igth, 1021, to ow Attd? 611Y More," AllbrIght ig about tA M. McT4VI** 0 daughter.