The Wingham Advance, 1921-01-27, Page 3VnKOIUX ADVANOX I- _,_________ — - 11 ?`­ Z 7�ii I I ,7_,:�=-`_` , buto . .,,, . V W&WN I Ch- . 11-1'. -k -d . t ­w _C0 q I W.�"0%.1L4"k,,'.t1 "­�% IP . ;C1k N, 1h, b, .,. M,, �" .� I ,l ,.4; . . --- Ill, � , n hCt`14 Ilk- A.0 .". b., O..'r,"W . luku'l; "I" -4C.- W-. o- 0. ' -n- WALXtFt tloU��S,C T_Ct. b rkOAL ll.,I.W,.Uzht.t.�,,,I,N.I,,,-.,-,�o,,�ju,d-,, .'.13.4-11 1.0h Wm,. At tko'.MiCli'mr, 4 J.' - Ale I ,A - - O.C4.14 61 h%od-1.0- . 7h­C.)111Cwktf-CC111­C, TNWALxnup,,,�� . �C - .( pl-A -* . gw *-. -4 h... ilk - --'-C- 4 ".(.19 b -C. I t� fkrk 9 C. ib. , , oj_�t, W4 W _Vnd,C`*� MCC ��"" TQUr1C"CCW'1hyW"%9 8CWCd..WC". _ft,,,h.U.k,. .4. F- 0,C �C.t-., DIP4 .Cd. ih- .twtCe 'THE WALKER HOUSE, f ..1VR.,4TW,5P."9.5"aW, TORONTO "C"' " ­ ` ........ �,V��,, Or 1. I I __ ___­q=Z=====:=�_ �+q,,p,,*+*1*4.-11+41.1."4-1*-I�+,I-�.--I-++.p -1 I : 0 4.4 , SHORT I 4. + + ` Ill .1.0 + NEWS + * ;` * I " oil op ITEMS11. CV + . I. 1-154 -IFO,A.a:.!..ff..%O,.t-%.%.t..%.-�.v..%--.t�_.�.-..�,.---�.t-.*-.Ill During last year file population of Walkerville, jumped to 7,400, an In- crease, of 1,190, while a.qsessment of Property values increased to ;$8,701,- 580, an, advance -of $2,147,49-6. An order has been Officially ga- zetted fixing February I as the doite on and after which importation of aloo-holic liquor 1nt3 Nova Scotia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba R-111 be illegal. The Ferth Shoe company, limited one of the largest manufacturers in Canada -of w0mon's fine shoes, has announced the reopening, of a'I de- Partments of tlieIr factory, That there will be an Increase in -egg Production this Year In ,Canada was the prediction made by, William A. ,ErON%m, chief of the poultry divis- Ion Of the livestock branch of the department of agriculture. .. Albert Jackson -and [George Gran - dine, SDuth Dumfries, farmers both aged fifty and each 'With fIv4 chil- dren were killed when a beam fen on them and crushed them to death. The barn raising was oil the faxin of Fred Chariton, — The flial, commissioner estimates that the Mild weather has saved To- ronto householders .$1,072,000 in coal. -----I- A further reduction In prices on the menu In the dining cars and ho- tels Of the ,Canadian National Rail- ways was announced by Walter Pmtt, Toronto, Manager In chief of the sleep!Zg, dining, parrior ,cars hotel and news department. Ne,W menu I cards will he issued within the next two Weeks showing the reduction. Mr. Pratt stated that w1lile, prices halve been most reasonable despite the -high -cost of commodities and expenses, lie anticipated 4% lurther,re- duction, during .the year. __ Wl'ii= Fitzgerald, former supor- Intendant of insurance for the Do- minID-11 Government in the finalleede- partirient, died at Oftwa, in his 7Sth Y ear. He -was a native -of London, Ont, and came to Ottawa as assistant deputy minister and superintendent of Insurance on December 1, 1985, lIxovicusly he had lyrattised law in Toronto, . —_ The contract between tlro, Ontario Government and the provincial Pa- per Mills, Limited, whereby the com- pawr gets a pulp limit -ol' 1-120 Square I miles and'agrees to f.revt a paper mill. Ili Port Arthur, Includes .% clause to tile effect that tile mill will supply a!l the book paper vanited by the Ontario Departniont oZ Education for � a. period of tvrenty-onu yLays. - Ali announcement 1,, made from the ,ales offices ot Aiw,q, Holden, Mac- creatly, Ltd., 02 Montreal, that COM- rared witla prices quatetl big re.duc- tions Ill wholesal'a lotee.5 of shoes would be made all along the line In leather footwear to acooril with re- %oomolat values, The ,companyhas announced that It to basing Its pilleacl -on a,110t Profit of lour per cont. oil turnover. The ,conipanyle plants have been t1losed ,down since early autumn, but It is now piroposed to rt - commencer production on an active basis, In oolitiettion, with ,the request of . teachers Of the Ingersoll Imileglate Institute, for further Increases In W- &ry over a recent adjustment, tu ,ul- tima,tuin 'w" itubmitted 'by them to the amd of FAu0stiou. It V&s to ., _ 7.,-, , "11% ..­ �. I " 1, ,��_ I 1,11111F71F" , . � "'t", �Ii I , � , .. I +h. .#F.nlf� 41. 1 41t. "" V.0 Wy Trevlv the Inerew "Uad for aoir roxisnal tions Could -be vonolderod t(A 14ke ef feet Maxell. L The uaniegof the tol 110whis 8Jx teaeliers ,were sig4od, t the vommunlextion: prjuclp,4 IV. U , ShaleS, JeAn F- Martin ,Anaia 1, Dudsov, S. X. Nondall, Olive Y,, Clark, Volith Roach. Recently lbf teachers waited upon the, te;WbAr.17' committee reg.3rding g further in oreaso and the report,of the &immit, tee ,has not yet been reeeiveol by tile Board. — Reports that i110, D01111111DU 00YVI'll- mollt JnAV throw a large quantity lot Victory b0aft 4DU the markot, fart -her reducing bond values wt,r.o pgorre.d - to Sir Henry, Drayt6, Minister if VIIIA31100, Commentiag on the Te, Ports, Sir Henry vahl taiat ,tile c-rov_ OrnMOnt bad not (vll"n a 6luglo,oirder I to -sell, and ,that the Oovernment bad not Indicated ,t, single order would be � giv011. The bonds referied ,to are bonds. purchased on behaZlif of theGovernment by the Victory Loan fxadlng committee darIng the -period Of ,control. 'They represent Via dif. ference between tile aniount 1.7hiell was takenand the amount which the Committee Were, able to resell to Per- maneilt Investors. The ftr1lik -Chamb2r of Commerce 18 dealing with 'two prospects of Jo - eating, Canadian branches of Ameri- can industries, both desiring Vacant factory 'Promises. As there . are no factory, premises available Ili Sarnia at the present time it Is. pro. ,#os�d , tO erect ia factory building .to be leued to one of the firms tor a. term, Of five years. R. M. Stokes, of Stainiord, killed a monster porker. Although only eight month,- old It weighed 5-.78 pouxidsAlld Was In Prime condition. " T401nat Edward ATaloer while T,, - turning -from a ,hunting trip, fell through tile lee opposite the. Asylum at I'MotIlIX, Out., and was -drowned. HIS bOdY Was recovered by Fred Peacock, Capt Madden and Thomas Jewett Maher was a returned sol- dier ,and served over three Years in Fraure with .tile first battalion. He . llea,ves a widow and two sons, aged 9 and 12 Years. His HonOr Herbert Stone M41)oii- aid, I , many years county Judge at wockville, chan- cell,o)," of the :C)ioceso of ontaelo) and Prominent In, education fraierliallsm I and -the church, died aftex fou,, days, illness. 11-8 *was stricken at his ,chambers -in tile court house. � - ­ Robinson, a, well-kilown eda- ' W cationit lOt Belleville 'Passed away after a few hours illness. Deceased was 76 Years of age, and for -a num- bar of Years was identified with ;the late J. W. Johnson, INT.P.P., in con- ducing the Ontaxio Bustuose ,C,ollege� lChiet Keeper R. R. Tacker has been promoted to the Position of Deputy Warden of the provincial Penitlentiaxy at Portsmouth, Made, vacant by the ,retirement of Deputy I War -den O'Leary. Mr. Tlicker c .ame from Dolmontoa Penitentiary oast March, and has beet doing diaty ever since ea chief keeper. 1-10 has ,had about five Or six Years penitentlary experience, and previous to that was Ili the Royal CCanadian mounted po- lice. lio wrote a book oa his Cox- Periencels, While in t,be. R. C. M. P. George W. Sml]eY, who for the past ofifteen ,years has been a bailiff ,of Z' Igin County, died at !its home in St, Thomas after .a lialigthy illness. Mr, Smiley, prior to being appointed I -bailiff, was in the hardware business I In WQodstock and St. Thomas and has been a resident ot that city for I -twenty Years. I I � A higher standard for moving 'Pic- tures is. to be set by tho now 210ard Of 'Censors, according to the attitude of MaJor A. S. .11amilton, chairman. Scenes ,of violence and other features, which are accused Of unduly inflaeno- Ing the mind of the young will have � serious treatment, though it is not ex- pected that the reaults will be very marked for some months. W. E. Kelly, lx�cl Of the firm of Rally and Porter Simeoe, is meu- tioned -as al possi�le .successor to the late T. R. 'Slaght as Crown Attorney ot Norfolk County. Wages in the lumber woDds,of V.esv Drunswickkave takoa a big drop this year. The prevailing Tate -01 -pay at this time is sixty dollars, per month with board, whereas last -year It was rseventy-five or eighty dollars per month. So far the pulp Mills have been busy cutting their ra-%v ma- terials in the woods, but there. are T111110ra, afloat that these Will short- ly ireduce tileir staffs. A 'Pli,11 Thvt Is Prized. -There -have been many pills put upon the market and pressed upon Publicattelation, but raw have endured so Iong, or met With iso much favor as parmelee, s Vo,ge_ table Pi'Is. Widespread use ,of them haa attes;tud their great value, and h furtlW%r co.olvertiseroemt than thIS having firmly established thenise'.ves In public kisiteein, aoy now rank as one of thei best in the list Of stalidard vegetable preparattops, 1111ismarek, who was all ardent lover of the game of thetkv,"s, ha(I ,�vllot: Was without doubt the most valuable chocker-board that ever -was. It squaros were made of 0old and Silver to represent the darle aull square8; the men were, maile -of some precloim ma,lal, ,with the add!- tioll of a diamond In tile 0011tro, of each gold oil+% Bistilarlo: told some triends once that It was practice of the game on that, vAluablv., board that gave him the strategy tie displayed in buildin,-, the German HImpire, - I Droad of Asthma nlake.,4 countlosel thousande mikerabIle. Night tdt-o bight tile ottatkig return iand �even When brief rospite, Is given tho mind is Still In torment fr0al contifitoa aft- ticipation. .Dr. J. 1). Xellog'-"lls. M-throta Remedy changea All this, WHor 0=es, and ,At 'One,a, Nv,hllq futum at,. tacko #,m warded oft, leaving ihe iti. flICUA One In ;% Awe of Pftbo Vmd hal).0koSs ht *Ue bolieted ho could file"r "". 11141POT49" 16U4 VM4 01most *Vq"Wba* I 1� IN n , "OVEN'', - YOW b W ill AVOID PAIIN � �1 Th4 One TO& HOW 11%W I W" uermfiw by T"g J Lydi4 F. Pwdumlrg VOC, lotable commund. ­­-1— Regina, Suk.— 'Tor two years 1 =04 fered from Periodic pains iout nausex , so I was unable to get around. X mother had ine take Lydia E. Pjahis Vegetable Compound, ad I am muck better and able to o,aboutallthatim, , wbich I could not 110 before, I MOM - mend Vegetable Compound to mytrienft if I know the suffer the same wap " You May pubrisli my letter it it w! I help a -ay one, as I hope it will. #,_mJs4 Z G_ B1UA0XWt .U�, 2= O$Ier Vlaoe, RegiMj,,� If everggirlwhosufrersasMisal3lack. well did, or from irregularities, painhif perlodo, backache, sideacbe, dragi��Ir down pains, inflammatiop or VIcergtion viould only give this famous root and , -Ilerb remedy a trial they would soon find relief f wra such sulTerinog. 60 It hardly Seems Possible that there 1* a woman in this courltrY who will con- tinue to suffer wlthout� eving Lydia F, Fbftmli's Vegetable C6!nytiuold -a trial ;after all the evidence thatis continually being published, proving beyond contra- dieticofi that this grandold medicine ba,% welleved more suffering ainong women Aban any other medicine in the world; 4Fors ecial advice women are'asked to vvrite le Lydia X Pin)cham Xedicine. Co.., Lynn, Xass. The result of fort,v- years experieuce j�q at your se,T*C%, � , . — RUST 18 COSTLY. Farm implements ,either wear out, rust 'out ,or break, A bres. k, us a riV^ does not Permanently disable th,Q Mac-lilne--a new part -repairs tile, damage. A Machine does not Wear -out for 0, 1=9 time unless rust is pbrmitted to got in. Its deadly work. And rust la so leasily prevented, A little good Met9J Palut having irust inhibitive Properties will prevent rust. A Emall supply 'of It kePt on every tarm, "Al Used to -touch Up bare spots as fast a$ ,they UPPe4;r WIDUM double, the life of most faxi-an lonachinery. . — I hfilberman's Fried, The Original and Oniy Qenuine. ­1-1��__ , , I �_,�-___._MT!J.��._,_ ; -14jelili'.�Wl 'N' -- --4-- - - , F . ,%7, -;rt,q � _� ,j t�f F , ,." -, 'I , i �Q , ).�.'­&;'#,'� I'll, ., I , §9 #14 1% .... HMNI� W.." , � ..... 11V I W -1� � " I � � , �.. I I . , ; . , - 1- � "' � �,i, M -1 , I ,,, ,� R 1, 't �Nvl--� - 1�11 0 � 1, i� ­ ­ , li, ­-4fl ' A . 4 T-;�" t..t%,J .�,_ , , Y i F, P'- q , . I t I I'll -�. ON AETI 3 . , � �-, , , ­�" ', 114' %P11 - I . ,� T I "" I � �, P , i � R . . . . . J I- I �Nl i - L , 5' I 1, - . , ��� I . I - , YARMODTH, N, S. , - -------+ I SOMETHTNG'S'WILAI.R. i"ATe scientists still trying to lea,ra the monkey language?" asked Mr. Gaipping. "I doW-t know,", said Dr. Dubwalte, h retty fair oubstitute they ought to lioten, I to my youngest daughter talking to, oRe Of 31eT 'r-th-raW friends over ther talepkone." - ==�±_-_�t - - SpanEelny t)oftn--r. Curel Don't think ebildrett caro,� be cutLd of bed- wettiusi byspanking them. iThe kroubie- iv, ocift- StitutionAl, the CWICI catinat help it. luin send FREE to a -,y mother my successfut hom, tm-A=ent, with full instructions. Xx your chfidran trouble you lit this vmy, amd tic money, bti� write-sne to.&y. mytreattuent lsbigbl; reco endcd tc adultg troubidd vpith U14nc elfeul= by day or r4cht. Wiitc fmim 2n tkW treatniedt. Mra. M. summurs EWX 8. Nt INDS01t ot"Ad, __ — � JUDICL4& COURTESY, . Mrst Autolst—I thought you said if I were sociable with the judge, I could get off? Ge*ond Autoist—Were you? Virst AutOist—Yes. I said "Good Morning, Judge, how are you to -day!" 4nd he replied. llkline—twenty-fiv,e, dollars." I � � `� WOODIS PHOSPHOMNZ.�_ ­ - 7710 Groat Engust, PrIl Atonal, � 10 tones aod invigorates..'r. vlhole pervous sYstem, makes new Sloozi nt old Veias. Mkd for lvermx, -1 -0, IV Debility, Nenial and Brain Ulc-rv. giesponcren%, LAss of Energ. Palpitation of , 1� � ce1,S2Wrbox,3. for$$. SbIdby iii1druggists,ormaUcliin plain .P§c9-01lrCCdPt0fPfi,4e. NeWpaNphfelr,tailea J�ree.THE woob A1rp1CiWg C0.,T0aw,,4,r0,4)Ny, --.-- ___ THE HAADEST PART. Judge--Dld your -Wife hit you with % piece Of bilic-a-brae? MutlUR,an­131vil a brack about it* Yet honor, Just a brick. ­ � _-.1 - -111 ,- I --1-1 . ­­ COAN Cff4om- V'an� Gaalj��%w,;:d* A45 A sx�fe, :Wklo?e rq ukfiiiT � qr �,_ --. qnrlrlicwo� s-.14 in ti=m dT. ,� . �? No. 1,81, 4, - 4'r " N1 Of ormf"th- I - ,,,A, *o. n. Sa; No. x Cri .x�r tou. - ., i, %( ��'­�,-,If­-- � .11 I � -.".'i _4�­;,� � SZ514 all el;":af*�'t'l, or Rmt 0-4--, 1 t_ kip" ,�cnaff on rd'et ipt 0 -0. . , * arnphl. t. ri, .�� i � r , 1, 4 � , ,�,3, 1 , -tw - , .Wfac-s Tliz too"i Mtfngamn co.j y I . T03010, 014 01"rimp Infirst.) t..._.-..- I — — _ _. CAP.RlE$ 4 TON OF ZONE. The record yield of bone taken fram one whale, Was S,110 pounds. This -occurred lit IS830. �__ __ 110IN A Who"Z'rentr",_ ­­'Za I _.� Er 'kits, I I � 1&=_�t Refrosillan ee# N#1L 1 V, ,� %,L.l. Lefim-Mudue fl -14- ked. I . I 14099, lol'orenvu% lt,t;,toult- S M ;M, "_ flon'Ttehiligsw2pumirg - 0youttki, of the 'Eyes or Erato%. , Dfo% Aftft tbo co FJ � Wt ow 4A"*;._lW * eiamu . t.. I W E. war R t t&o ,W = b9aftuo 6 *Mk7i I - - __ --- --- - An tomed like 0, 11%14 *4 j6wa doi*g *,w 10tkins. . k I - 1. I 11 11 I . ­ I—— �, _11-- — r4l r S n"Dw1ho THE MAZL I K N 1 1� '''' � T � WE ROUND TABLE I $ . , . — I I I 11 I � "WHERF. WE MAKS FRIENDS OF BOOKWO . By FRANK PROEST. O'Strcioge,r Wall, His Sea,"' by Rob. le the position of noolu.,of-the-jamily tc L -ado SUP.*rIntondent of the C riminiii Investigatlotl Voi � , ert Watson. Published by .�U, ,01elland and Stewart, Toronto, Joh'i mother and sister. Couwgeous� Ir he struggles to lighten the finan- � .. PartMont of 8 cotlAricl Yard. A--,...,.- .- I- I'll..''- Itea-ders in seare.1% of,homespill, oil- clial burden of Ills widowed and 1-01, 1. . I I I � . 11 . 11 ��­ . i. i 0 .i . ­ �. -r I I ­ i _ �. �- =,� I � I 110 gave 4 'lumber Into the tele- "Wonder It I`x4 mak*11)g A damned tortailiment will find in "Stronger TI . 'an Ills '��oal" a cheery Chronicle poverighed mother 110 lidelivere milk, runs errands and does add jobs phone and hours seemed to olmpso, 'before tool of myself after all?", 'lie mutter- Of a Scotch lad's boyhood and the whenever Ite gets a -chance. And every , any th, lie at ale eaTils with . bogot Menzies. Inquivicrushog woTdshomadwhimselt known to the led with some misgiving as -be struck' a ma,tch and softly picked Ills way rollialogo of his youth. F o7 any 0 ne not greaVy coneerned wIth the .Iit0r* .helps thts ;louseliol.d expenses. It is a' COM. det"tIve %nd recited happa�iliugs of along the cm-ridor. T -Jo .was pe- ary quality of -his reading, Mr. Wat- nlentoxry lon the different source.% front which affeLtion and ladmiration tectivo and -recited the happenings ,of not to know ,culliarly sensitive to ridicule, -and lie knew tho,oho4f that would descend s011's tattOrY furnishes an Ideal e p.iulon for z -dull ov OM- oning; there,, Is spring that SandY 113 less lovable and 1053 convincing, too, In -his character that barely, a. 4,ozeii disconnected on his heiid If, It leaked out that -lie �sololetliing Indefinably warouinga. bout as stalwart paragon of all tile filial words had reached tbe detective. Ills . ,, strength wols waning and lie wanted had elaborately picked cut And brolt- on into a ,hous� empty for quite a the rich ,Pages of the book aro,so gen- arously sprinkled, Bollietimes hearten. virtues -than In Ills role of tile rebel- � Menzie to kilow everything before lie plausible reason: , Ing In the author's adventures of a lious ringleader of ,tile "Istrilter.9.11 Tile hero's transition trom boyhood . gave way. As he finished the re- There would be no ,way of keeping band of lilgh-spirlto4 sLiloolboys, to manhood is airestingly abrupt. In celver dropped listlessly Irom, Ills hamd, and for Me first time I Ills bf e, the matterd,ark, for every ineldelltof the night would have to be embodied FON will keep their hearts sealed against the appeal of the hero. 1,Ser. One chapter he Is a sehoW.boy and In Jimmie Hallett fainted. in xeports, Zvery )detective in Lou- IOUs ;$andy' 'Porter who partioubar.'y the next a man, The years of growth t`Na,PsW" almost as corbAtrarily At the other -exid of the wire Weir. don Is bound to keep an official diary endears, himself to 'hs as' thO Orgailiz- as they do, In !a, theatre programme, Menzies was aest with one of those�' of ,his work, however free a hand -he er ,of a 'Isfrilco" among ,Ills se"Ool- 4.11d the suspicion Ilitrude � h 6 little problems .tliat he ara sing bated. Is given In this methods. He mates, The demands of these unique "strilters" go has been hastened 'ay tile It was am Irregular hour- burned only one match touch a responsive chord alUIL't1l'or's Impatience to Introduce his . all hour when lie had reckoned on to enable him ,to get Ills bear- .In the ,reader's lolemory of Ills O I The blatug is M,ote being safely on uls way alome. For all the insistence of the voice at tile Inge. Noiselessly he descended the Stairs into the -tall, and his ,school days. 'I'lle "terms" 'OR which the pupils of Plershaw's School would ." easily ignored than It might be, how - because I I telephone It ,Might be -quite a trivial Qui* eye,observed a splash Ot light � consent to return to their at sses, as a ever, of the tenderness with which Mr. Watson tells the eirliple . affair. Menzies did not like losing sleep for trivialties. 'People Ili across, The flow, It -came f rom �a- ,der a doorway. He ,turned the hall- set forth In tile iscrawled.deolaration which greeted the flabbergasted love story of Sandy and Doreen Tel- . ,trouble axe apt to take distorted dle, and pushed. The door resisted. 'Loclted,ll Dominle Toderick from the gatepost ford. There Is nothing unfamiliar in this Pastoral Tomance. but the a thor ,.� views *f the Importance of t:beIr dit- lie murmured, and knock, ' "Hello jot the -selwol-houso, read-, � has successfully skirted the pill 0, t 0 ficulties. That Is why private In.- ad thundq,pusly- In there- No homework. . sentimentality, I .1 quirly agencies flourish. �)feilzies ,bed *nco been asked to Any one about?" Only the muffled reverberation of No kept -in panifibilient. 4 HVI-t-holiday-every Wednesday , "Stronger Than His SSW, Illus. trates perfectly the difference be- , I ­ Investigate a, highly important West 11nd robbery at the ,house of a duke. his own, voice -came back to him. Vrowning, lie strode to the doorwaY, Cushioned seats for tile a,assies, - A Ha-PannY a Week for Pocket- I tween the novel that Is literature and . The ,duchess herself had demanded ' slipped back the Yale look a1ld ad- money. I the story that Is elmou-pure, enter - I -tainment. It is good or its kind- the services of "the ablest and most -experienced detective possible," -and mitted .the noofforme4--mu. "If I had nerves, Mr. Flaw-k'SleY, Whon the aleader first meets .Sandy the, death of -Ills tie'er-do--well. lather I "aight fIctio0 that scarcely aspires , had ,refused to give. 4 etalls td any one this Place Would give me the Jumps," to the artistic dignity of holding the has Just left him, at the ,age of -5. in mirror up to life. I I . else.. Menzies went -to discover 'he observed. "There's something . ,that a pet Pomer-anian hold str�yed, wrong here and I guess it's in that tz� " - I "Madam," lie li%4 remarked after room. See, there's. a Ilght on." --- ---.;. . I � a TrIgIO tive minutes, "at one P.,rlod I I 4hould have been delighter to try `Thalt's�queer," commented the ,other. "It ,could only just have been * --1 for No 1117 Is th e 7"t -1 Ak %, I t . to Tiold your dog. I was then paid switched on. I difift notice it out- . m V ­ . " for such matters. I am now paid for other things. There are many men as compot-ooit as I -tot, tlib in- side", "Shiltters," 'said 'Menzies. "Slint- tere and -drawn curtains. Come on. Gardel"I'ling ucoffn Papter vestig 0011 to which you attach such I'm- going to see what's behind that � � Imporiance, I regret that -it Would door. . . I , lbe a breach of duty for me -to, uilder- There Was no finesse about forcible ,1 13y Edward Owen Dean. . . � take It I am merely a detective, hat the Salary I am Paid Tor the use ,entry this time. Half a -dozen well directed kicks ffhattexed. the hasp of Not much actual glarden work can In a limited area ,Quiet,, maturing - , �, I I of my time would be out of propor- tiOn 'to the T6541t, even- 'if successful. the look and sent the door flying OPSIL Menzies and his companion be done out of doors in . F ebruary, but it IS, all excellent month in Which crops and those Droducin! 18,Tge yields In proportion to the space ,Te- . I must water lour grace to the -local moved Inside. l to) begin preparations for the coming 11 quirod shofild be -planted-for exam - I I I . police-statioll, Good evealug.11 Since than lie bad been very can- ... For the moment ,the blaze of the electrioliglit dalizzled them M-enzies. -season .8 activities. . I A well-thaught-aut plan will go to Ple,J tomatoes, beans, lettuce, bee-ts, carrots, parslilps and onfous. Af- I tiolis of ambiguous niessages. He shaded his eyes -With his -hand. Then long Way toward making the home ter early' crops -have been removed . I thought of �ijs well -aired -bed and his glance, fell trom tile overturned vegetoible garden a Success, Space other vegetables may be planted Ill � sighed. Half was ale tempted to tolophone down to the prostrate fig. thell can be utilized to -the, best -ad- the same spa,ca, Radishes, lettuce, I turn ,over the ,affair, to the local di- ure .of Jimmie Hallett. He waS across vantage,,l and seed supplies and equip- onions,- or earbP beets may be follor�v- viston, of police to deal with the cage or lea,vo it to the night staff of tile the room in an instant, and made �swlft examination of the prostrate ment Provided Ili advance Or the planting days, -thereby saving Much ad by string -beans, late cabbagle� ,or ,cellery, In some locations the second orinlinal. * Investigation department, man. time -and *confusion. crop may be followed by a fall crop The -fact th&t he had been appealed ,- 'XI'llocked. clean, out of time!" he This Is -the month most of the seed of spinach, lettuce, or beets. In, a � .. to by"nalue ultimately Swayed him. diagnosed. "Help, Me get him on,the cittalogues are cut. It PUS Wall to small garden it would be unwise to L . ..... In two minutes he had set in.mo- iioa the machinery which would re- couch. Hello, th,eTe's anothor of ',am." 'He had observed the body Oft, 'study ;them aaretully. They con- tain a .great deal of valuable Infor- plant lsuch. crops as potatoes, corn, and cticumbeTs. These$ crops re- v,aal the point trorn which the 'voice originated. It needed no, compIlex the hearth rug. He bent over the murdored man in mation. . The garden Van i�hould be set down quire a large space in Proportion to the food produced. .1 � I I reasoning, no -swift flash of inspira- -close .scrutiny, but without touching Oil paper and should show where each vegetable is to be planted the nunt- � Quality -of ,Seed to Buy, . .1 -tion, L Re broke up a .,gam.8 ,of. dom.- _Uo.= 04%� iIII& pPAC�Jlsma pule Sao Ill the 'corpse. His, !lips vursed Into a whistle as he m=ked the bullet berof rows of;eacli kind, �;ld whother. iRefore ordering seeds or plants it . I . One to extract from the Kensington wound that ,showed among the, gray It is to be grown as an inter -crop, a succession crop, or will Occupy tile Is Important to -consider the size -of ,the caxolea and the number of persons 11, director a -list of thol,oughfares ond- iug in '40ardells,ll arid the names of looks at tile back of the head, He Was �Ztaxtled, but scarcely shocked. ground during the whole season. - S,o to be supplies. Most Of tile Inex er. p I ­ I . persons who resided at the respeo- tive thirty-lburs, the other with He straightened himself up, "This looks a business for as space will petmit, the garden Should furnish a supply of fresh vege . lenced gardeners order and plant ,,more seeds than .are ,needed. This . I � I and a telephone directory to eliminate all queer -altogether, 'Hawksley. You'd better get back to tables for table use throughout t -lie growing ,season And a surplus for van- ,resol'ts not only in a waste of Seeds but also in extra labor of thinning, or those, not on -the telephone, -And get -a move on," he added. "I the -station. Send -up the divisional surgeon and phone ,through to the 'Ing and storing, Ili Making the else growth is seriously checked by I doift want to hang about all night. Yard. They'd better let Sir Hilary pi�us these points must be consider- 00: Size, location, -and crowding ,of the plants. Two ounces of beet Seed will plant , Ask Riddle to come up and 'phone . 'am through the local people as Yolt Thornton and Mr. Foy�o knoW� I shall. need, Congreve and� a couple of arrange- meat of -the garden-, kind. of eilltiva- one hundred feet of row; an eighth t�k ^ cilleck 'em, off. Tell 'em they'll ob- J. men-, and You'd better send for Ca - tion to be practiced, soil; crops, -and vaxleties, aud their ada.ptlon to local of an Ounce of celery seed will yield about 200 plants, and a quarter of an � Hgome by sending out as -many spare less and anany of his staff as can he cr% C Ition. ounce of lettuce seed win produce ap- I . . I nlon. as they've got to ask at each ad- reached quickly. They'll know .the . Size of qGarden. proximately 150 -heads. dress if any one rang me,up!' -?He adjusted his coat with precision, district - Tba faculty of quick organization 4 garden one- elghl�l, of an acre in 1PIanting of Fruit Trees. - . � . I lit a cigar, and, sauntered over to the is one of the prime qualities or a size, it very productive, and inten- It Is getting time now to order underground station opposite. Bar- chief of detectives, and Menzies was sively eropped, skould supply the av- ;Bruit -trees, Fall planting of fruit . I . Ing ikeeidents, the -address �would be at no loss. The first steps In the erage, family with. fresh vegetables all ,trees has becomo popular In rece'lit *eady -for him by the time he realoilied investigation of most great mysteries the summer and -fall and leave a sur- years, but after all, the spring of the . . lteno�ingtoto. are autoonatic-the deterinina-tion. ,of Plus' for winter use. Gwdena, as small year is the rea,l`growlag sea -son. His anticipation was 'not disap­ the facts, as fifteen feet square will yield salads A viague, unnamed something is :felt . ) pololte&One ofthe advantages which It is a kind of circle (from facts to and herbs sufficient for a small ,fam- in the air, in the soll-everywhere- . . thef Yerim.1nal gav,4stlgatlog depart- �posslbilftiea from possibilities to ily� i that ,seems to compel lire and action. ment'llaff over the Individual ,amateur probabintie;1, and from probabilities Generally too little attention is . doteotive, beloved by Magersfantein to Irre6istible inferences. - But the given to the needs and preferences In Australia -the invention is ,clalm- . � 11bad, Is the ,co-operation at need ot original facts must be settled first of the, tamily when the garden Is ,ed of a chemical solution for treat- 0 � . I . a pmetloally. unlimited number of and for any person to fix them &�' planned. Crops that are not w,41ish- Ing apples and some other fruits �.nl , : . � trained men. gle-handed Is an impossibility. ed should never be grown unless Tor which enables them -to be kept for , % I .1. . - Truei ,ther detedtive statt at Ken, '_ There are certain alspects that naaSt experimental purposes. In many long perfods Without ,refrigeration. � ,sington b4ld long ainob gone home, be -settled by Stieciallsts; there May gardens tberal Is a too great ,supply An Inventor has patented a wedge . � . -sime there was no extraordinary be a thousand and -one inqVirles to of lettuce and string beans and not I of rubber to be nailed to a worn ,shoe I .. I business to detain, them, but in'this make In -rapid succession. Menzies enouM 4ok beets, carrots, and other I heel to make It level again, ... . . � caeb a dozen ordinary constables had no idea of,playing S, lone hand. , vegetables. In studying vegetables I Sir Frank BallIfe, XD.V., a pronl- . . . served as *ran, Nine of them had .re- ' F -or a ,coupl,o of ,hours a. steady to be planted, especially Where the Itiont financier, died suddenly at , -turned when Menzies walked -in. Stream of, officials and others des- 81)"ce is 'limited, the food and, .the I Wellesley 'Hospital following all Ill- , There was only one Who interested. . ceaded on the house, and -Linstone money Values, as well -as the space ness of several w�eks, He was ia .- I ivinit He had reported thathe could Terrace Gardens became ,the contra required, should be considered. his forty-sixth year, ..S got no replt'from Linstote Terrace of such Police activity as it had nev- - — ­ . — w , . - oa�olane. � 'er dreamed oflu its respectability I . . - "Did you find who lives thoreT" and, retireni�snt. I I 11 1. . I questioned the chief Inspector. Mon worked froln house to house I 11 I , I . . , The reply was vrompt. "Yes, ;Sir. interviewing ,servants, masters. MIS- I ., - ,.\ 11 � '� 11 , I . . old gentleman named Greye-Stratton. ' tross-eis ,gleaming .Suer facts as could . - -L , �_ � . I �.. Tle -lives alone. Htol ,two servants be� obtained of the lonely, eceeittric � 0 �, 7, 1 1.1, . I I .1 I �.ulltil last week, when he sacked lem. eA ,mail, his habits, his visitors, - :,::.:, ... __: � � � both bedaus6 Ile said -they had been friends find relations. . I., 1. - "`\ , I bribed to Poison him." . Inside -tile ,house the divisional I i I "Ali!" Menzies nodded' approval, surgeon had attended to Hallett ("No 1!�;!i�:- . I . . " I'lou're got Yoar wits about you, my serious Wury; maY come round -any ­ 1. . �!� -, * �'m - 1) ) t_;!/,V� I � # lad, Where did you get �a,U -this moment") and waited till flashlight ;� ... I- : ::,ti.I!, I . 1=­A�_11 ;. I 11 , , . ,Z , L I dro=?'� Photographs -of the room had been �;::, ;:':L. . :::.!,!:-­ I 0 Im . . The constable flushed with pleas- takeli from various angles ere exam- 11 1. �, :`:1: : ,,:: :. :. I k ure. He was young enough in the InIng the -dead mail, � .:n:7,1,01; .1 . .1 � �11 ...::­ ... . " .,; 1. P .. I-, I ;.;�:-., I . .1 ` - � . force to appreciate a -compliment (To be continued.) I 1i .:; t � . .;:.ml, ::. from. the veteran detective. "The . � ., . . I -_ - I ::. . ". . . I ::: . I servant next door, Sir," lie answered. BMLDINCT FP=D, � I 7 ,::1_.:. .... . .:! � � I 4.;, � ." , , I , � �r. ��. �:; *�! l . I . ... L :,:z:-:: . ; . z- . .1 I "That will do. Thank you." Mail- . 1:.:z ,; ,;�;!� i::,::::� � :: .�:�!.,!! X; .. , 1::.::1; �,; . I - �;:: `::�:�: ... .:::7:: .� :;:s �:�::. :. ,: t �:: 2les tubbed his hand withsatisfaetion Farmers have -for years wrestled . �_ �:I;::�, . 22%�� as lie turned on the untlormed illSD00- tot by, his side. . with the solved more or less satig- taoto."lly the various feed problems . (") 1 d Aue D fe "It begins to sound like a case," he presented by their -occupation. They e r?, e d I � mattered. . All -his Petulance had have had to deal with the question of DY D11, L= IL SAIXT11. I I �ronol, When he tame to tho 'point, the Mall, Was An enthusiast in his, Pro- the balanced ration in hog feed dairy. cow -feed, horse feed, chlck�a lfeed . Business men who muA speed up the WOr'..S and make business fe.,;sjoll. 1,1111 get you to come along I and even pla,littood. boom during these days -after the war -must recognize t he neces� with me, Inspector- It sounds ull- ,eoinmoiNy like a -on,se." And new ,appears on the farmer's horizon, a scientist who tells h1m, sity of keeping fit. When mind is befogged) when you have dull I I that even -his buildings laust be headacho� or feel logy, when not "up to snuff," keep the bowels CHAPTE'A 111. nourished, that ,It house, barn,or out- free with a mild laxative. In the morning take a topid Sponge bath The Firot Silap, ' building' that is kept painted with good pallit W13 last �Dver a ulifidrod. (cold water may be used if it does no't chill), follow with A brisk rub I . The ,eiahzent Tooting churchwar- dea, parched -on the stalwart shoul- years; whereas, .an unpainted one dowri; a gufficient "setting up7� exercise I good, air until you arc in n . ders ct his uniformed colleague, wrig- will. fail to pieces in ten years; that a. nog;leoted building dies Just as sure- I S WArIn 91OW, HaVO YOU tt!Cd it 11tely? I gled his way on to the roof -of the 'WAS Iyas a horse or cow that has nothing Don't lot th ' 0 POISOns AccumIllste iti theintestines either, but try . .porah, with an agility 013t J118- tiflablo neither to 1118 Years nor his to eat. a dose of castOr Oil the first thing on Arising, or a pleasAnt 1AxAtJVo5 . weigbi. -Ire Vas taldlig a eefftin Tbo argument is logical front a scientific standpoint, And It be- occasionally,such as one made up of Alay-apple, aloin andialap$ rolled . � amoirat ,of risk If there Were ad ser- , , ov attend to the p ho es farmers to ll, top. lnt(!)� A tillY Sugar-conted pill, and sold in every drug store as iDr. Jous emergency within the 1plgee, for er nourlehment of .their buildings. PiOrce'S Plem4ht Pollets. Then 4 OUP Of hot water beforo breakfas t, , -even a chlot detective Inspector May not brKk Into a house -Without justl- I I And you'll feel bettor than a kingl If you tontinue, in life thus., YOU 'I"""". Me tor *16116 with * big Tho coot or 'um X"nft ,of Wales, . Calft Pass a Life Insurance exsMination at gi,-vty, ,. )k Voilked. Al olasp kulfe,outhelittlol l4tding wtd- ,Mhadift tollr-$21�000­1# modest 001TINkribol Vith the e1p,ftdituro Ili- : It YOU wish to Prevent old age conflng on too soon, or it you WAnt to increase . dow *Ith a skill th4tt would 14VO I Volved In mmo pretifts noy%l jour- lour chances for a long life, you should drink pidnty ,Of 11 5. done eredit to malty of the vro,U ney,s- Xing George's visit to India' 80ft (tAin) or distilled water daily botw,aero meAls. Then Procure, at the � 111011 boat luftrly $1,250,000; v6`114t tha: trip cost 000,000. Kin* M, drug store- Dr. Plerce's Anutio (Afttl-urie-acid). Thig 4'Anuti40 driv�s �flhvrot:il,o = visit, os prince of Woao, to the U40 acid Out and relieves baekaelio And rhouinAtism P4 wW1 4a . sido. India In W6 owt 11^00. Idd4ey tro0k.. AnUtio (�WJVW urlo Ata J�y it ,40WI ',,*.� 1, I- _,_________ — - 11 ?`­ Z 7�ii I I ,7_,:�=-`_` , buto . .,,, . V W&WN I Ch- . 11-1'. -k -d . t ­w _C0 q I W.�"0%.1L4"k,,'.t1 "­�% IP . ;C1k N, 1h, b, .,. M,, �" .� I ,l ,.4; . . --- Ill, � , n hCt`14 Ilk- A.0 .". b., O..'r,"W . luku'l; "I" -4C.- W-. o- 0. ' -n- WALXtFt tloU��S,C T_Ct. b rkOAL ll.,I.W,.Uzht.t.�,,,I,N.I,,,-.,-,�o,,�ju,d-,, .'.13.4-11 1.0h Wm,. At tko'.MiCli'mr, 4 J.' - Ale I ,A - - O.C4.14 61 h%od-1.0- . 7h­C.)111Cwktf-CC111­C, TNWALxnup,,,�� . �C - .( pl-A -* . gw *-. -4 h... ilk - --'-C- 4 ".(.19 b -C. I t� fkrk 9 C. ib. , , oj_�t, W4 W _Vnd,C`*� MCC ��"" TQUr1C"CCW'1hyW"%9 8CWCd..WC". _ft,,,h.U.k,. .4. F- 0,C �C.t-., DIP4 .Cd. ih- .twtCe 'THE WALKER HOUSE, f ..1VR.,4TW,5P."9.5"aW, TORONTO "C"' " ­ ` ........ �,V��,, Or 1. I I __ ___­q=Z=====:=�_ �+q,,p,,*+*1*4.-11+41.1."4-1*-I�+,I-�.--I-++.p -1 I : 0 4.4 , SHORT I 4. + + ` Ill .1.0 + NEWS + * ;` * I " oil op ITEMS11. CV + . I. 1-154 -IFO,A.a:.!..ff..%O,.t-%.%.t..%.-�.v..%--.t�_.�.-..�,.---�.t-.*-.Ill During last year file population of Walkerville, jumped to 7,400, an In- crease, of 1,190, while a.qsessment of Property values increased to ;$8,701,- 580, an, advance -of $2,147,49-6. An order has been Officially ga- zetted fixing February I as the doite on and after which importation of aloo-holic liquor 1nt3 Nova Scotia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba R-111 be illegal. The Ferth Shoe company, limited one of the largest manufacturers in Canada -of w0mon's fine shoes, has announced the reopening, of a'I de- Partments of tlieIr factory, That there will be an Increase in -egg Production this Year In ,Canada was the prediction made by, William A. ,ErON%m, chief of the poultry divis- Ion Of the livestock branch of the department of agriculture. .. Albert Jackson -and [George Gran - dine, SDuth Dumfries, farmers both aged fifty and each 'With fIv4 chil- dren were killed when a beam fen on them and crushed them to death. The barn raising was oil the faxin of Fred Chariton, — The flial, commissioner estimates that the Mild weather has saved To- ronto householders .$1,072,000 in coal. -----I- A further reduction In prices on the menu In the dining cars and ho- tels Of the ,Canadian National Rail- ways was announced by Walter Pmtt, Toronto, Manager In chief of the sleep!Zg, dining, parrior ,cars hotel and news department. Ne,W menu I cards will he issued within the next two Weeks showing the reduction. Mr. Pratt stated that w1lile, prices halve been most reasonable despite the -high -cost of commodities and expenses, lie anticipated 4% lurther,re- duction, during .the year. __ Wl'ii= Fitzgerald, former supor- Intendant of insurance for the Do- minID-11 Government in the finalleede- partirient, died at Oftwa, in his 7Sth Y ear. He -was a native -of London, Ont, and came to Ottawa as assistant deputy minister and superintendent of Insurance on December 1, 1985, lIxovicusly he had lyrattised law in Toronto, . —_ The contract between tlro, Ontario Government and the provincial Pa- per Mills, Limited, whereby the com- pawr gets a pulp limit -ol' 1-120 Square I miles and'agrees to f.revt a paper mill. Ili Port Arthur, Includes .% clause to tile effect that tile mill will supply a!l the book paper vanited by the Ontario Departniont oZ Education for � a. period of tvrenty-onu yLays. - Ali announcement 1,, made from the ,ales offices ot Aiw,q, Holden, Mac- creatly, Ltd., 02 Montreal, that COM- rared witla prices quatetl big re.duc- tions Ill wholesal'a lotee.5 of shoes would be made all along the line In leather footwear to acooril with re- %oomolat values, The ,companyhas announced that It to basing Its pilleacl -on a,110t Profit of lour per cont. oil turnover. The ,conipanyle plants have been t1losed ,down since early autumn, but It is now piroposed to rt - commencer production on an active basis, In oolitiettion, with ,the request of . teachers Of the Ingersoll Imileglate Institute, for further Increases In W- &ry over a recent adjustment, tu ,ul- tima,tuin 'w" itubmitted 'by them to the amd of FAu0stiou. It V&s to ., _ 7.,-, , "11% ..­ �. I " 1, ,��_ I 1,11111F71F" , . � "'t", �Ii I , � , .. I +h. .#F.nlf� 41. 1 41t. "" V.0 Wy Trevlv the Inerew "Uad for aoir roxisnal tions Could -be vonolderod t(A 14ke ef feet Maxell. L The uaniegof the tol 110whis 8Jx teaeliers ,were sig4od, t the vommunlextion: prjuclp,4 IV. U , ShaleS, JeAn F- Martin ,Anaia 1, Dudsov, S. X. Nondall, Olive Y,, Clark, Volith Roach. Recently lbf teachers waited upon the, te;WbAr.17' committee reg.3rding g further in oreaso and the report,of the &immit, tee ,has not yet been reeeiveol by tile Board. — Reports that i110, D01111111DU 00YVI'll- mollt JnAV throw a large quantity lot Victory b0aft 4DU the markot, fart -her reducing bond values wt,r.o pgorre.d - to Sir Henry, Drayt6, Minister if VIIIA31100, Commentiag on the Te, Ports, Sir Henry vahl taiat ,tile c-rov_ OrnMOnt bad not (vll"n a 6luglo,oirder I to -sell, and ,that the Oovernment bad not Indicated ,t, single order would be � giv011. The bonds referied ,to are bonds. purchased on behaZlif of theGovernment by the Victory Loan fxadlng committee darIng the -period Of ,control. 'They represent Via dif. ference between tile aniount 1.7hiell was takenand the amount which the Committee Were, able to resell to Per- maneilt Investors. The ftr1lik -Chamb2r of Commerce 18 dealing with 'two prospects of Jo - eating, Canadian branches of Ameri- can industries, both desiring Vacant factory 'Promises. As there . are no factory, premises available Ili Sarnia at the present time it Is. pro. ,#os�d , tO erect ia factory building .to be leued to one of the firms tor a. term, Of five years. R. M. Stokes, of Stainiord, killed a monster porker. Although only eight month,- old It weighed 5-.78 pouxidsAlld Was In Prime condition. " T401nat Edward ATaloer while T,, - turning -from a ,hunting trip, fell through tile lee opposite the. Asylum at I'MotIlIX, Out., and was -drowned. HIS bOdY Was recovered by Fred Peacock, Capt Madden and Thomas Jewett Maher was a returned sol- dier ,and served over three Years in Fraure with .tile first battalion. He . llea,ves a widow and two sons, aged 9 and 12 Years. His HonOr Herbert Stone M41)oii- aid, I , many years county Judge at wockville, chan- cell,o)," of the :C)ioceso of ontaelo) and Prominent In, education fraierliallsm I and -the church, died aftex fou,, days, illness. 11-8 *was stricken at his ,chambers -in tile court house. � - ­ Robinson, a, well-kilown eda- ' W cationit lOt Belleville 'Passed away after a few hours illness. Deceased was 76 Years of age, and for -a num- bar of Years was identified with ;the late J. W. Johnson, INT.P.P., in con- ducing the Ontaxio Bustuose ,C,ollege� lChiet Keeper R. R. Tacker has been promoted to the Position of Deputy Warden of the provincial Penitlentiaxy at Portsmouth, Made, vacant by the ,retirement of Deputy I War -den O'Leary. Mr. Tlicker c .ame from Dolmontoa Penitentiary oast March, and has beet doing diaty ever since ea chief keeper. 1-10 has ,had about five Or six Years penitentlary experience, and previous to that was Ili the Royal CCanadian mounted po- lice. lio wrote a book oa his Cox- Periencels, While in t,be. R. C. M. P. George W. Sml]eY, who for the past ofifteen ,years has been a bailiff ,of Z' Igin County, died at !its home in St, Thomas after .a lialigthy illness. Mr, Smiley, prior to being appointed I -bailiff, was in the hardware business I In WQodstock and St. Thomas and has been a resident ot that city for I -twenty Years. I I � A higher standard for moving 'Pic- tures is. to be set by tho now 210ard Of 'Censors, according to the attitude of MaJor A. S. .11amilton, chairman. Scenes ,of violence and other features, which are accused Of unduly inflaeno- Ing the mind of the young will have � serious treatment, though it is not ex- pected that the reaults will be very marked for some months. W. E. Kelly, lx�cl Of the firm of Rally and Porter Simeoe, is meu- tioned -as al possi�le .successor to the late T. R. 'Slaght as Crown Attorney ot Norfolk County. Wages in the lumber woDds,of V.esv Drunswickkave takoa a big drop this year. The prevailing Tate -01 -pay at this time is sixty dollars, per month with board, whereas last -year It was rseventy-five or eighty dollars per month. So far the pulp Mills have been busy cutting their ra-%v ma- terials in the woods, but there. are T111110ra, afloat that these Will short- ly ireduce tileir staffs. A 'Pli,11 Thvt Is Prized. -There -have been many pills put upon the market and pressed upon Publicattelation, but raw have endured so Iong, or met With iso much favor as parmelee, s Vo,ge_ table Pi'Is. Widespread use ,of them haa attes;tud their great value, and h furtlW%r co.olvertiseroemt than thIS having firmly established thenise'.ves In public kisiteein, aoy now rank as one of thei best in the list Of stalidard vegetable preparattops, 1111ismarek, who was all ardent lover of the game of thetkv,"s, ha(I ,�vllot: Was without doubt the most valuable chocker-board that ever -was. It squaros were made of 0old and Silver to represent the darle aull square8; the men were, maile -of some precloim ma,lal, ,with the add!- tioll of a diamond In tile 0011tro, of each gold oil+% Bistilarlo: told some triends once that It was practice of the game on that, vAluablv., board that gave him the strategy tie displayed in buildin,-, the German HImpire, - I Droad of Asthma nlake.,4 countlosel thousande mikerabIle. Night tdt-o bight tile ottatkig return iand �even When brief rospite, Is given tho mind is Still In torment fr0al contifitoa aft- ticipation. .Dr. J. 1). Xellog'-"lls. M-throta Remedy changea All this, WHor 0=es, and ,At 'One,a, Nv,hllq futum at,. tacko #,m warded oft, leaving ihe iti. flICUA One In ;% Awe of Pftbo Vmd hal).0koSs ht *Ue bolieted ho could file"r "". 11141POT49" 16U4 VM4 01most *Vq"Wba* I 1� IN n , "OVEN'', - YOW b W ill AVOID PAIIN � �1 Th4 One TO& HOW 11%W I W" uermfiw by T"g J Lydi4 F. Pwdumlrg VOC, lotable commund. ­­-1— Regina, Suk.— 'Tor two years 1 =04 fered from Periodic pains iout nausex , so I was unable to get around. X mother had ine take Lydia E. Pjahis Vegetable Compound, ad I am muck better and able to o,aboutallthatim, , wbich I could not 110 before, I MOM - mend Vegetable Compound to mytrienft if I know the suffer the same wap " You May pubrisli my letter it it w! I help a -ay one, as I hope it will. #,_mJs4 Z G_ B1UA0XWt .U�, 2= O$Ier Vlaoe, RegiMj,,� If everggirlwhosufrersasMisal3lack. well did, or from irregularities, painhif perlodo, backache, sideacbe, dragi��Ir down pains, inflammatiop or VIcergtion viould only give this famous root and , -Ilerb remedy a trial they would soon find relief f wra such sulTerinog. 60 It hardly Seems Possible that there 1* a woman in this courltrY who will con- tinue to suffer wlthout� eving Lydia F, Fbftmli's Vegetable C6!nytiuold -a trial ;after all the evidence thatis continually being published, proving beyond contra- dieticofi that this grandold medicine ba,% welleved more suffering ainong women Aban any other medicine in the world; 4Fors ecial advice women are'asked to vvrite le Lydia X Pin)cham Xedicine. Co.., Lynn, Xass. The result of fort,v- years experieuce j�q at your se,T*C%, � , . — RUST 18 COSTLY. Farm implements ,either wear out, rust 'out ,or break, A bres. k, us a riV^ does not Permanently disable th,Q Mac-lilne--a new part -repairs tile, damage. A Machine does not Wear -out for 0, 1=9 time unless rust is pbrmitted to got in. Its deadly work. And rust la so leasily prevented, A little good Met9J Palut having irust inhibitive Properties will prevent rust. A Emall supply 'of It kePt on every tarm, "Al Used to -touch Up bare spots as fast a$ ,they UPPe4;r WIDUM double, the life of most faxi-an lonachinery. . — I hfilberman's Fried, The Original and Oniy Qenuine. ­1-1��__ , , I �_,�-___._MT!J.��._,_ ; -14jelili'.�Wl 'N' -- --4-- - - , F . ,%7, -;rt,q � _� ,j t�f F , ,." -, 'I , i �Q , ).�.'­&;'#,'� I'll, ., I , §9 #14 1% .... HMNI� W.." , � ..... 11V I W -1� � " I � � , �.. I I . , ; . , - 1- � "' � �,i, M -1 , I ,,, ,� R 1, 't �Nvl--� - 1�11 0 � 1, i� ­ ­ , li, ­-4fl ' A . 4 T-;�" t..t%,J .�,_ , , Y i F, P'- q , . I t I I'll -�. ON AETI 3 . , � �-, , , ­�" ', 114' %P11 - I . ,� T I "" I � �, P , i � R . . . . . J I- I �Nl i - L , 5' I 1, - . , ��� I . I - , YARMODTH, N, S. , - -------+ I SOMETHTNG'S'WILAI.R. i"ATe scientists still trying to lea,ra the monkey language?" asked Mr. Gaipping. "I doW-t know,", said Dr. Dubwalte, h retty fair oubstitute they ought to lioten, I to my youngest daughter talking to, oRe Of 31eT 'r-th-raW friends over ther talepkone." - ==�±_-_�t - - SpanEelny t)oftn--r. Curel Don't think ebildrett caro,� be cutLd of bed- wettiusi byspanking them. iThe kroubie- iv, ocift- StitutionAl, the CWICI catinat help it. luin send FREE to a -,y mother my successfut hom, tm-A=ent, with full instructions. Xx your chfidran trouble you lit this vmy, amd tic money, bti� write-sne to.&y. mytreattuent lsbigbl; reco endcd tc adultg troubidd vpith U14nc elfeul= by day or r4cht. Wiitc fmim 2n tkW treatniedt. Mra. M. summurs EWX 8. Nt INDS01t ot"Ad, __ — � JUDICL4& COURTESY, . Mrst Autolst—I thought you said if I were sociable with the judge, I could get off? Ge*ond Autoist—Were you? Virst AutOist—Yes. I said "Good Morning, Judge, how are you to -day!" 4nd he replied. llkline—twenty-fiv,e, dollars." I � � `� WOODIS PHOSPHOMNZ.�_ ­ - 7710 Groat Engust, PrIl Atonal, � 10 tones aod invigorates..'r. vlhole pervous sYstem, makes new Sloozi nt old Veias. Mkd for lvermx, -1 -0, IV Debility, Nenial and Brain Ulc-rv. giesponcren%, LAss of Energ. Palpitation of , 1� � ce1,S2Wrbox,3. for$$. SbIdby iii1druggists,ormaUcliin plain .P§c9-01lrCCdPt0fPfi,4e. NeWpaNphfelr,tailea J�ree.THE woob A1rp1CiWg C0.,T0aw,,4,r0,4)Ny, --.-- ___ THE HAADEST PART. Judge--Dld your -Wife hit you with % piece Of bilic-a-brae? MutlUR,an­131vil a brack about it* Yet honor, Just a brick. ­ � _-.1 - -111 ,- I --1-1 . ­­ COAN Cff4om- V'an� Gaalj��%w,;:d* A45 A sx�fe, :Wklo?e rq ukfiiiT � qr �,_ --. qnrlrlicwo� s-.14 in ti=m dT. ,� . �? No. 1,81, 4, - 4'r " N1 Of ormf"th- I - ,,,A, *o. n. Sa; No. x Cri .x�r tou. - ., i, %( ��'­�,-,If­-- � .11 I � -.".'i _4�­;,� � SZ514 all el;":af*�'t'l, or Rmt 0-4--, 1 t_ kip" ,�cnaff on rd'et ipt 0 -0. . , * arnphl. t. ri, .�� i � r , 1, 4 � , ,�,3, 1 , -tw - , .Wfac-s Tliz too"i Mtfngamn co.j y I . T03010, 014 01"rimp Infirst.) t..._.-..- I — — _ _. CAP.RlE$ 4 TON OF ZONE. The record yield of bone taken fram one whale, Was S,110 pounds. This -occurred lit IS830. �__ __ 110IN A Who"Z'rentr",_ ­­'Za I _.� Er 'kits, I I � 1&=_�t Refrosillan ee# N#1L 1 V, ,� %,L.l. Lefim-Mudue fl -14- ked. I . I 14099, lol'orenvu% lt,t;,toult- S M ;M, "_ flon'Ttehiligsw2pumirg - 0youttki, of the 'Eyes or Erato%. , Dfo% Aftft tbo co FJ � Wt ow 4A"*;._lW * eiamu . t.. I W E. war R t t&o ,W = b9aftuo 6 *Mk7i I - - __ --- --- - An tomed like 0, 11%14 *4 j6wa doi*g *,w 10tkins. . k I