The Wingham Advance, 1921-01-13, Page 9I it I WINOR" APVANOZ - 11V� 0 ,"MI I ..rox T,-! , , "I I P I f. 7,7 17 131111 "'W"T .1 , , , - , , � " - :7��&,r, . . . . . . . . . . �7 , L, - �,.., I T n!� F 1'. V " 11, ­,.", , . . . - ,,,:,, , .'" , , � I �, 14' � 1 , . , : . . � , " 01. I �, TO V . ,I I— � � �� , ''. ... ..J.,", I . . 11 � � I �,, I . ..'�. 11 � 71 `11 ,� � "O . . - j. I . , - 4 , ..i' � I . I . I � I -1 - ---I .... � - ­� --­ , , , - � ,. , ". . , � � , ­ ...... ,­ -"-.",- — I - �'­ -11 ­ I—— .. 11 -1 gj ;III 11 0 e 11, � . :� � - a --O--- � . ­ . - . - 11 , � I �� - , — I P. q I HIRM OF 0"'- . �. 0V**PPV.A*P-"" �] �� I . I , OF � � . I I'll I I M. L 11 � . . � . . J Be Quie O I � . I I I I . I I � . .. ILI� I � �ffl I I � -0 . ��. 11 I � � -­ -- , "t I TIM X00EN01 OF PARTY reports came in a few days or the POLIT1001 I destruction Of seyevli to)vur �oa the , �&.rtevtlll.6 slop" of the And". ,&u � Ven. Dr. ,Cody, tormer member of Irish rePorfer Must ha,Ve been on 1 -he the'legislatUre for N, N. Toronto, has $0�110 as,ble desimteh read: "Not 43 been expatiating; on the Merl . ts of the 14',I,,I,, ,house was left standing, and two party eysitem, And Pointing out those not destroyed were loft In. a how mucli more d0simbl`r it 10 lh,uA badly dallia . ged ton4dition." .At all liaving a multip*ity of partiefy,- or. events the disaster was . complete and government by coa,414ons or compilia- tious'of Parties. There will Prob- ably be little disposition to disagree ,with ,the yetierable gentleman on e abstract question. 'Me two party ,system, whether it be of the ins and , the out's or of 011ie More particularly designated diversity of opinion Is a fine old British ins tlitition,­ origivat- ed whe4 the Baron% tooXone side and King John took the other. The two parties Uave.�been modifleld in var- tons par4igulars since the days ,of King; John, There were Yorks and � .4 carters one time slid Cavallers Many were killed. Italy %asp had a shock with fatal 7esults at the same +fine. . In so tar as the outer phe- nomena, are concernett much more is known about earthquakes than was formerly the case.' The old Idea that volcanoes brought about earthquakes has been given -up, and indeed re- versed. Volcanoes are uslially the result of -earthquakes, Chemical de- posits influenced by the presence of water which gains admission throng% fissures wrought by earthquake ac- tion ,lead to voldanic actiou, and ex, 9 n 141- 11 t -e, * I- �. �­, It WAR little t1tat Hallett Willa Joe . ,�ee� Of the house, A4Y0 thAt It WAR a big, DA11 N Ty Pff" CIES I -:11'. .Old-fashioned buJ14JZX, With be&vy . I I i 0 bow W1114*wa, and a baseraut 1wo- - 1. . tected by wrouxlit-Iron rg;114. There OF FUI IN MORE - I I ,�, ' ' was no light In Any part of etlie bou6e, , . . ,not ,evoA as hall. I 1, � Twice the 14.1 young man wielded the � FIR"IF9190M 41 1 41 bIs brass knocker. arousin no*Irg, 41�� apparently, but a . , ii echo. As be , � "' raised It a third time tile. door was .. " thrown Open with disceritting sud.. �A DECORATOR TO"$ HOW TO r denesm, and he was aware of some COOVERT OLD FURNISHING4 one stAnding; within the, blackness O . I , i the ball. Hallett could distinguish 14TO ,NF,W. I I 1111111119 of -)his fealures, 411 Wish to see Mr. Groye-Stratton,li I By .VPOLA FLEISOHMAN 1 B314 Hallett, and tendered, a card.. — ­­ ­ - -- ­ . . - - Interiw naclsrnkor�� .— -�4-4 ;44ula PV Ar.winin W, TAKe - - - - . . I I , I It. Ile won't see you,,, lIte declared lit furnishing a bedroom there to with harsh abruptness, and only a a llimtt�eeoa variety of artioles from , sudden movement Of HalletVs 1"OOt .wliic.U' to eboose, suitable pleces. The prevented. the door being sI4mmedLJU his face. typical bed to be found In a atcond- His teeth gritted together, and he , hand shop Is the wooden style with J thrust the door ,back and, himself tall, head and footboards. This ,may love." the MR. He was all easy-t6m- be out ,#own and when enameled pered mail, but the deliberate dir white, kr lvor� . ,, ki very Pleasing. A courtesy had roused him to a col� Jituo batiO -de I coration. may be added, anger. I A roomy, commo.0a or chevalrobe I "That wilt do, my mrn,o he awlfj, = made from an old cbest Ot clipping Off each word sharply. 11f � , bureau or chiffonier. The' ... Avant ordinary civility,, and rm goini wood, Aramers are removed and In I to see that I get it. My name Is ,.their fitead are Inserted dr&wers ..... HaLett—James Hallett of New YDrR , MA4e ,Of heavy ,MT'00ard boxes with I NOW You go and tell your inaste; cretonne or chintz covering; glued on. � at 1Want to see lit- -'h—+ ­­ Swiligbag doors are hung ,on binge,$ plDs Oil$. en Q ed I'll- .- 11 I and Roundheads at ' . I . .. Into a I'mOt"r, land they fined s�paces.aud ignited produce tr�- P : 1� I : . I I . ­ I - property of his that has come ild the piece of furniture so reeon- , were I:eplaced -by Whigs and Tories . MY bands. Quick's the word." structed is decidedly attractive when. , mendous -explosions. Earthquakes maintain a household and this de- , . I I . There was a,Pause, When the man *refliRthed with, flat white paint, and .these by Liberals -and cons4rva� occur as the result of wrigling Or pends on the number of persons In it, . I and � in the hall, spoke again bi's tpme ,had onamc�L. AA oval mirror bung above tives and these again byll,%dicals and wave -motion in the crust of the earth, children, and so forth. The inall, In Ed N changed, "I beg Your pardon, Mr. it from two chemile tasselled cords . ' , 'lett, coMplotes its ef - due sometimes to planetary or solar lodgings has a larger anarglit, or sur- Ha, It is dark—I mistook you Unionists. These changes are go* . fectiveness. . , 6L THE MAIEILSTROM fo.r Some One else. I am sure 'Mr. TmnsiformeO Dresser. lug on all the time and sometimes a. attraction, and sometimes to, -the pres- pius -than the man Avh keeps ,house � Graye�gtratton would have heen hap- Would you believe that ,a ,good I � , , I . partisan observerr does not perceive sure of the earth -crust itself. The and raises a family. It is the size ply to see you, but unfortunately be Is dressing table can be Made from , I all titit Is happening. Nore0vor ,the' Andes with the Central American of the margin -that any man has avaI17 ' By FRANK FROEST, W, It you wKil leave. whatever YOW Cho Old-time ,walnut dresser With 11 public has been standing more and -range and the Rocky Mountains ex- able that should determine. his tax- I ave, I will see that It reaches him. maxb1p top? �Late Superintendent of the Critninal . 'uy the . Fo­ this renovating ' Investigati*n De- way, I am not a servant; I the -upper part holding the mirror ." . in -ore aloof from the Parties as it ,got tend througli the' Western Hemis- able income. Dsrentlal expenditures . partment of Scotland Yard. 1111 , am i doctor. Gore is my name," - should be removed and the wood '. I more intlitenog And authority. Tile phere and themes Into Asia Joining -should be rocognized In calculating � — Hallett thrust his !land in the fXamo, trimmed down to a -simple public, when, King .Tol ... and the the great rock,,Tibs of tile. northern Ithis margin,'a'ach as insurances up -to pocket th-It contained the checks. He wood molding. On each of the loug CHAPTER I. of the unskilled Inte.lectual classes— had no. intention of,.handing the sides, attach with hinges shorter, jar,rous, had their spat did not count peninsulas and Joining .the Manchur-7 a reasonable -amount, and capital Journalism. over without some information Abom aurrower ,mlrri�rs similarly trained. . . " , Xing.John, thouglit be� Was tile Pub- lan -and Tartar rango down to, the s4oald be treated ow a separate . has,li" Out o,f the -Fog. . . Equally, of course. it was Inevitable the girl in black, And he f,,,,,ud The maxble top should be discarded �� � - - I I , di�., The Barons thought they were Tibetan and Himalayan heights, all than Tevenue. Ail 'effort should be Hallett blundered into an unlit that fate, which delights to -take -a 'he detected a note of aiftx1p -upper drawer cut away iu . .ty In the alid the IT Thd public ,had to Its low li�e -these 4coinstitutifig a kind of - spinal made -to -encourage honesty, to put a lamj-post, swore with fervor, and hand at- unexpected moments, should doctor's voice as though, while forced the middle leaving a narrower drawer � BIrer Rabbit. After eight hundred system 04r back -bone of,0,the earth. premium on trankness and fall- deal- stood for a second peering for some interfere where he showed signs of in a Way to civility, he was anxious on each side of t�ie t6p. The triple � � years the ,party. consciousness 'Still � identifiable landmark In the black making a mark In his profession. His for the visitor to go. mirror Is. theu set In place lower Visit � Through the ,&fghan and Persian Ing, and If it -be ,right for Salary lists blanket ,of fog that swathed the uncle ,died intestate, and Jimmy leap- "I quite understand, Dr. Gore�', he as first used. The piece of furni- -tends , towards th-s OX01118-1011 Of the ranges this connects with .the Caucas- to be turned over to assessors It street. Where he stood, a slug- ed at a bound to affluence beyond said coldly. ,.I will ca.'I at some tUT6 could be refinished It it oom�- . . ptiblic, and'Still -the public 'stands tan, :and -so by the Carpathians with ,should be "USIly Tight to have divi- . gish. dense , drift had co4lected, for I his. wildest dreams. Other time. , I ,should like to return sisted of walnut, maple or birch by . . following the treacherous habit Ile stayed long enough in ,New York. fhe'P?4DP&ty to Its owner in person— folloivil3g ibe: Mahogany treatment � . f -er that to realize how extensive for a special reason,. Good night.'! after removing all of the old finlsh- and has in some cases and1n:sOme ain .mountain ays- --bank deposit interest -returns . turned . It U her. Of I 9t arlegated were the acquaint- ... Men YOU will not entrust what- Ing matemial, Or it could be an- . . ,more or less apart from; the lartie-s t-he� Alpine syiten�. Spurs and dexid li#s, coupon returns, and London fogs, It lay Inpatches. branches off this in About tin he co Id Lr ghostly lid v . -measures begull to �Orm a Party Of tem seein'to be most frequently �ro� Oyer to the Same authoritty. Tfie .noises of traffle, muffled and as from ances, who had s�pod by him In ad- ever You have to me?" I - . . . . I ameled to correspond wltlt the fin ufax, but AvIiether .the sounds came versity. They took pains -that he "I would rather " *Its own. This Is What Dr. Cody de- - ductive Of earthquakes, though like rich ,man Should be WO'Pr011,4 .to USIC 'gee ,%IT. Greye- ishing of the bed. ,Chairs and rock- . from bet -ore or behind, from right or should not forget it. And forthwith Stratton at some future thne," He ers simp'e in line could be selooted - - Vlories, The public should -not form the present shock, �they we frequent- favors not extended to the poor man. left, was more than -his bewildered be had taken counsel of Sleath the half turned to go. f . I o It. Certain distiIets Considering � Vie . international char- sebmis could fathom. W -Ir � . . a party of its ,own but sholild join On-$ li contiguous t -or enameling and hand4ecorate4 ( " ,, . . youthful -looking city editor ai the "One moment." The doctor laid Or stenciled. I . . I . Of the old piatters. This would, make have been found, which present evi- acter of capital Investment there are For the last ten minutes he had Wire, who breathed words of wisdom . a detaining hand upon his sleeve, "I A wooden apple butter box or,.p'afl I , " d , been wailting in a,spectrafelty imong In 'his ear. did not Wish to disturb my " patient In a ba X � ' 4verything mueIx pleasanter a ' a dences of a crack ,or fault ortissure litany problems In . taxa, tion the specters. A by -street had trapped "Go to Europe, Jimmy. Travel unnecessarily, but if you J May be, transformed to t be I I would save a great deal of trolable. In the earth's crust, i4le twoedges. of L . eague of Nations maybave to solve. 1181st 1, W21 or shoe case with enamel' and ore- . � lau� ,the difficulty, of course, Is ,'that . .� him within his limited area of sight. and Improver your mind. I Let the ,arrange you shall see him. "Vill YOU . tDrne Itninr. Thes,e ptails can he . which may slip p;Lst e - ach other. This' - He -lifted his hat and rubbed his head aharks forget you." come with me'! I am afraid It is StLuittl at warket -aalls, I as can large I . I .. I . .. . itheobstlnate public ilas actually gone Was the case in the Sin Francisco ,perplexedly as he came .to the eon- So Jimmy Hallett stood lost lu a rather dark. The electric llot has ,cheese boxes NIhich may be used for ... . ! 10 FALSE PRIDE; FALSE elusion that he was lost. It was as fog, somewhere within hall of Picca- &,one Wfong—frightfully awkward. �. off and formed two or t ae new ,earthquake. What is called Login . similar purposes. I e � . 1 14 SELF-RESPECT. u et out to teach dilly 'Circus, with an unopened pack- Hallett groped his way after his Apple Green Note. ..� 11 ��� . . . . . I parties in addition to the two ,Did line, after the eminent Geologist Sir . I the young man from New York a les- age In his hand. and the memory of guide, his brain busy. It was queer I � e There Is a. soldiers' paxty and William Edmont Logan (1798-1' Learning that there were many .1, wall -paper with white, ,'Light I ones. - 1 876), son. The log had him beat. a girl's .voice in -his mind. A lesd that the light .should have given *lit— grayer iv,)ry ground and simple pit- � . & labor party and a farmers' Party, is a fault of this riltupe -running -South thousands -of idle Workingmen I lit. De� "Ouess I shall fetch up Omewhere, observant man that HW.Iett could not queerer still that no apparent at- tearn In stripe effect, carrying apple I . and ,Perhap's aber8. They- ail want from Ungava and Quebec into New troit, 11a . yor Couzens offered a thous�- sometime," he muttered, and strode -have failed to perceive that the girl tenipt had been made at illumination gr"n, ,brown, blue and -lavender I ­ I . something or other -that the two old and jobs at street cleaning . and other doggedly on. 1� . was of. a -class unlikely to be In- either with oil or candler. � ., I wbruld be suitable on the *alls, 91Y- � ... ;;; .1 I York (tad Pennsylvania, and he tore- - He had gone perhaps a dozen yards volved in any street broil. The mail , The place was deadly quiet, but Ing a wholesome fresh appearia . .. . � -s in this region. municipal labor at -what used .t* When from tallead a quick burst ,of flattered himself that he ,was not im- that was only natural with a,sick man to the room. The hanging could I parties aTe ,unable,':or unwilling ,to told �eaxthquake shock I be a I Mae ! give. The public, In thia latter case� Union c Here Is Couzens, report: angry voices broke out. Then there pressionable. But he retained an in the house. He wondered why some be cf cretoornne w . Ith black grcraila and ; ,�,hocks have been felt 'but for- tat Wage. � . I PrOVIdes.4an incentive t1D `PaXt19aUShIP nat' "Of 265 Jobs at street cleaning, cani.6 a running of feet on the sod- Impression of both breeding and -.-eTvant had not anewomd'th-3 dqor� I I organizations tu ely so fa;�- none, of serioas couse- paying 46 per day, and garbage . col- den pavement. Hallett came to a looks, A man of -less hardened temperament floyal-design. in apple green, brown, . ! in .the Shape of new I quence. An interesting view held in I . blue and lavender. Handwoven rat � stop, listening. The fog- seemed to 'He dangled the packag;—it -.vas 'Would have felt nervous. i-ugs on the floor -should repeat the � . which promise what ii�'wanted- The the 'East about 'earthquakes is akin lectIng, 'Paying $6-50, whlotL the CM�. thin a trifle, small and alght—on. his finger, and The doctor's footsteps filling with colors in the Avall paper and hlang� I . public.dods, not 91'r ; , WAPt'-'P ' ty w ' hich to the tradition of the destruction of, offered, only. eight were accepted. The Out of the thickness the utlines of �moyed forward till an elec,�rjd stan- ghost,Zar Softness on the carp -2t In . �Zsl I Says: * "YOU Must take what we Sodom and Gomorrha and is founded "InemPlOyed apparently don!t -want 9. woman's figure loomed vaguely. dard gave him an -opportunity of ex- front of him ceased. . Lk colorful note may be given the . . � ithink,yourbould have.'! I hey want positions, -while, the She -was running swiftly and easily aminlug It more closaly. It waA "Here we are Mr. Hallett. H,eep . . ,, I , The public e,�niall Jobs; � t1 . . I to y ur left. ;his s th ro room by means of the bedspread. � I . 4D,% -the p.Tin-ciple ,that all natur . With lithe grace. As she noted the closely sealed at both ends Avith red 0 I e I � wants a patrity that Will give what it Om. If Patch -work coverings of this kind, . . I . Included, Is one whole. Wbat ,at- Detroit editors conclude ,that, after motionless figure of a man, she seallug�wax, but the wrapping Itself You will watt here a second I Will atilln-Ing Zeraps of ginghams, eam-� . desires. And, it Wants 0, Party that feets one affects all, and Man's In_ high wages in automobile factories, swerved .toward him and he caught had apparently been torn from an ,or- see If I can get a light. W�ere are bri, silks and satins may be made uP I 11 I I - 6 a. e ,,too the hurried pant a her breath— dinary newspaper. YOU ? Give me your hand." L in decidedly decorative spreads. For . � .1 twill be cleah,' hOUlezAt, efficient and' lquittes-and perversity,"toacting u4n. Detroit's,75,000 unemployed r . I 1. I d1i to do ,ordinary publi� labor. cauzed"rather,' he judged;, by emotion He hesitated for a 'moment and SHM, -delicate fingers gripped 'Hal- the room In question, the centre 901417 , . 1pr6irsssive- -T314 Public 'is lyecOun- nature� generate, oandittans ii*Wch prou . than by exertion. then tore It open. He could Scar- aett'js hand as he followed the direc- Ing 89 liltellig,eut that mere preten- precipitate -earthquake and other ca- Whereat a ,great editor, with the She,halted Impetuously as she came .ce,y shave told what he expected to - tion. He passed through- a doorway shDW.d consist of ivory color sateen with the broket and flower pattern I , � I lsi?ps to virtue are ,not suffleletiL It tastrophes, bringing thereby upon city slant an things wrote: opposite to him and he caught a find. Certainly not the thirty or and for a moment his back was formed of patches in -shades of blue, -11 "It is well lor mankind that men, glimpse of her face—the mobile face forty checks that lay in his hand. - turned toward the doctor, He heard I it .b the ,party Illat does these -things man his own totritution. It all -the green, lavender and yellow, the Apron ; � 4bat will be sUccessful. it matters evil of the world Is to be . Who formed a mighty army tin , great. of a girl. with parted lips and ar- One by one he turned them slowly something whirl in the air and a or drop -to 'be of a; soft, dark -blue I . ! .. � I - recompensed . vesting blue eyes. . She was hatless, over as though the inspection would � blow descended with crushing force sateen and the marrow bands of me- � , not whether .there be two or a dozen In earthquakes we have a desperate factory, assoclating with better fel- and,though 'Hallett could not have afford some indication of why they On his right shoulder. He wheeled, ,dIum, or lioht.,blue gingham, A i I � ; . ! parties the Party that Avoiks for the fate ahead ,of us. I . I lowls�,-than ever before, standing high- deserilled her attire, he got ail -Im- had been so unexpectedly thrust upon with a cry, but there ,Avar; no queg- ezaftsman 'br'bu#ou4o16 stitch MAY . . � � . I �- - preUloh of some soft black 'stuff, -him. A bare possibility that he had tion of resistance. ,.A'second blow- be used to join'tEe large sections, I Public will Win. . — . er .Socially and In ,their own zelf-TE , - I , I I I � I clinginj to a 511m. figure. She sur- been made an unwitting accomplice fell, this time better directe and a . , I I I THE LUXURY. TAX AND, spect than ever ,before ,should rebel veyed him in a quick, appraising In a theft was Aismissed-as be no- million stars I d, — I ; , . - . . danced before his eyes. ; . XERIT. ' � In pure pride ,against rolling a .gar- glance, and before lie could Speak ticed that the checks were dead— He dropped like a felled ox. TRADE DISEASES. � WEARING SILK BY TAXATION. bage can-or�Pcllas-lng street refuse, in had thust something into his hand. I ; . I t I Whatever my be tboilght Of the . . . . - they all bore the cancelling mark of (To be continued). I Removal of the luxury tax may a gutter'for $6 adlay, or any ,other , '"Take it—ruill" She gasped, and the bank. Why On earth should the — � bM,�v ,00v,,.rumept, At mug 1�e ad- I . . ­ , ." . tore forward Into the fog. girl have ppen running away with � Almost every malt ,Who work for . .. I I �0 � , 0 --- ; - a which have quite as unexpected effects as wage." It had all'Itappened In, a fraction of the usW.ess %becks? And why should ! a lor.g time at any one of a score of . I . - initted that itAs doing.1h14 its imposition. It Aris Intendled to And yet'the 'farmer does exactly ti ' have Men advocated by boih thelold- , me. She had checked, rather than she 'have So Anpulsively confided trades is pretty into to contract . er pa.rtiee, for years, but which either -check extravaganc - e, but It 1p doubt- those same thtn&i every day In his halted,in her fight. An exclamation them falling into the ,bands of her POEMS sooner or later the bodily ailment pe- . ful whether ,,th,e purchase of too barn and his feed lot and In his fie , Ids, burst from Hallett's. -lips and he was head -long pursuer? � ,culiar to that toado. Some of these - L OCCaSipil or courage was Wanting to che�p articles which,do not wear " Alid 's lit- u,mo�t startled Into obedience of ,the -Not that Hallett Arould have wor- You ShouRd Know 'naladles are slight, some dangerous, �0 , . be does them with -pride wad e Then heavier I and sonle mysterious, but Improved . I .. Y ,out. The. new rule Sa to the long as One g be well*for man- footsteps thudding near brought him had -the ,central figure been plan or %. . -,. 'working conditions and increased I I I Carr . hurried commalid. ried ,Overmuch about these problems I appointlnelit of k. ,C.'s is a case in ocL4 ,one at a price less I respect. Would It . — " I than is paid for ,the -two can be re- kind 3f the farmbr refused to clean to himself. He mbved to Interrupt commonplace. She. had Interested general knowledge of sanitation and point. , " The appointment of these garde�d as tTXconbmy.­ The, general out the cattle at -all every day or twl" the pursuer, ' As a man came 'into -him ' and his Interest, once aroused Joseph Blanco *White Avlas born of the laws -of health ar g:adnally re- I gentlemen it is UILIVersally admitteld, affect iof the luxury - tax as, appears to a day? ,Wbuld It be well ,for mankind view, Hallett's hand fell on his shoul- in ony person or thing, was always Irish parents In Spain, July 11, 1775, ducing the dangers. should 'not be made� a matter of' I ,Party I , der. vivid. I and died In London. in Jilay, 1,941, -11r, Sakers generally have bad teeth; , I 1. I li've been officially 01mitted waa to . lf,,Uie farmer, through pride$- refused ' "One moment, my. friend----�' z.een-eyed, he scrutinized the quit his father's counting' house to tho tioUr dust collects lit their teeth, . I preference. 'Sit, James 'Whitney r6C- restrict sales, which had not been In- -to trudge In mult. and diftbehind the An oath was spat at him as the' cliecks in an endeavor to decipher become. a Priest in 1796. . Because of. becomes acid, and gives -rise to a ognited 'this so far as to accept the I trudeO dt all. There Is no -more plow and cultiv r, followlng#lho ex- ,mail wrenched himself..free and was the signature. They Avere all, open polltlea�, disturbance 'in his- iiative sp�gclal kind of decay. Bakers vre . . . Tecbmillendatip I no made by the op-: � . 11 ato � blotted out in gloorn. Hallett theeks made out by the same person, land lie went to London and devoted also prone to consumption because of . tliarty pooblm In governmint -than ample of,the city workman Who de- position, but It WAS not claimed that . . . - ,shrugged his shoulders philosophica,- and Payable to "Self." The name he , h' Ims4el � f to lite,ature. the, hot air and dust they breathe and I . all appointed, really merited the dis- [ tairation. '-In fact it Is 'government ollned.to work on the stinestrV I ly, and made no attempt at Pursuit, read as J. E. Greye-Stratton. Who- NIGHT. the fact that their hours are usually , � . I and . sums up everything in its pria- It. -would mot be W , 611 for mankind; I 'Alarums and excursions," he mur- ever J. E. Greye-Stratton was,he had lrregm�nr, their working time belng tinetion. No, general opDointMA"Its- c1ples. A people Satisfied with Its Mankind would starve from . the face mured., "Worider what )JIts adl drawn within three tnomths,'in sums Myzterlous Night, v4ien oui, first mostly at night. ac4lermekers lose I have ,been ,made for a ,good 'ImAnY taxation, methods Is a well-goArPriled of the earth. .. � . about?" ranging from fifty pounds to three parent knew I their hearing because of the oontin- ' In nine and tweitty years. or life. Thee from report divipe, and Jie,ad ital ,racke't 'in which they labor. Years, and the Attorney-GOneril ex- ' Jimm ,hundred pounds, an amount totaling V name, .0 people as a rule, -for sooner ot, later The trouble Is that there Is .too y Hallett had acquired some- —Hallett reckoned In United Stater. One of the most'peetillar of the twessed -his Unwillingness to assunt the -exp*saditures will govern -the ex- much false prid# and too much false thing of a Philosophy that made him fierms—more than fifteen thousand Did he not tremble for this lovely trade diseases—peculiar In that a , I . , s responsibility Of Making & list- It -actions and call attention to defects self�tespeet auloil& 4111 the other false I content toaccept thing& as they Nvere.- 'dollars. I frame, Man, is Immune after htwilig exper- . has been detqdeo to lm'velhO Tft()M� . . saire only when they --affected his per- his This glorious canopy of light and lenced it'Onco—is brass, founders' � of administration,* The luxury tax thitio In our cities. Hauling gar- sonal wer-boing. Then he would sit He stuffed the checks into title? ague. Three -quarte" of the new meti&-tions to the Chief Justice Of was .not producing revenue as antlel- bage to the Incinerator and leleaning up and kick AThth both, feet. I -Its lack pocket as ail idea materialized In his Yet 'meat -h a curtain of translucent employees ,of b,rass foundries 4�xper. . � Ontario ,g4d Other �JegaA lulmillsTi0% patedand It was obstra4tin.- Iv- rt %m. the streets lir a good deal More im- of ourlosity'-was almost cold-blooded. mind. An opportun4L�, taxt pushed Its hue . ience it. They have severe chIIlw , represenflng till S148s of politics. 'the . -hose .Stealthily through the wall of Bath;�d in the ways of the great 'ond headache, cough a great deal, and . .Naturally -the course to pu-.-,. 1�*alq , ortant Work, so far as humanity is, There was, indeed, -a certain Inoffen- fog and halted at his hall. aetting,'flame, then develop a high fever. The III - understanding being that the distime, ,to abalidort it. The� increase �­ uli- Incermed, ,than worixing In an auto-" rive arrogance In his attitude toward -Think You call, fetch a post -office, sonny?" he demanded. 6 - n I the ordinary affairs of life. Ile Was 1T,.RPe,Us with the host Of %bA,a'ven ness pass�er, In a day or so, I-eavi 9 I flon will be tonferrod for merit and employment fias In some r- .- Ire Mobile &otoi,y, and the men who do the sort of man, who iould not cross "Get 'you anywhere, sit," assented came, I ikO bad effects. -It Is caused by In- . . I ability alone, It4 16 eptiaelVable been attributed to -the .tax, PUV'LM- those Jobs should have prideL in -the tile road to see a dog-wfight. the drlve�r,tihqerfully. haling hietallIc dust ojr vapor of zinc . I And, lo- creation widened in man's or ,Copper. that there may be objectionsAo',thlO ers holding (>fr with the prospipets of knowledge tbit they are accomplish- I Yet he always had a zest for ex- "Find Your way by the stars, I $up- view. D:acksmiths suffer from paralysis pIan fmm those who regard elf Pro- Its removal, and *this causing factor- Ing the necessary In this werld of citement, providing It bad novelty. A pose," commented Hallett, the tingle Who wou!d have thought, such *t the entAre right side, due to the motions; drd distinctionis as ,tbO,PrOP- les in amumber of instances -to close Ileople, I I man who has scrambled tor a. dozen Of fog still in his eyes. darkness lay concealed I years In a hoteli-potch of vocations Nevortheless, the driver justified continual shock of hammering, -.and I . �er rbw4rd for politle4l. activity 11,10ftc down. The loss -of revenue, will hd-ve — retains little -enthusiasm for common- him boastj and his fara Was Within illy beams, 0 Sun! or who -their eyes become weak from the I Irrespeetivo of,capaelty or,itileat. The shartly could find, g4al-6 of their forge fires. Cool's I - I to be made Up In Omer way, or BREAKFASTING POR k-FF[CIFNCY P�-ace's, engrossed With the letter "G" In the Whilst flower and leaf and Insect i better feeling of the community ,will When Hallett senior had gone Out London directory. There was ot* also .suffer from weak eyes, due -to the severe retrenchment will .be noces, stood revealed, effect of 'hot vapors. � lklen 'and womAn in business knew from the combined effects of a Wall one entry of,the name he sought, anti to L I favor the comforring of distinction% . That such .countless orbs thou "Naphtha Intoxication" is not rec- � tor Merit. alone. The Ontario -�ar siry. The budget is, already rO- w0l that It breakfast to Well PlePar- Street cyclone and an attack of.heart be aw4ftly transcribed the address mad*st us blind? stricted commendably �xd th-e.ro are td, well 'served and eaten tinder got- failure, his son altil heir had found to a. tolrgraph-b�ank, ommonded as 0, rub,ditute to- the old i Why do we then shun death 'with alcoholic T(. ,C.CtJoil. It. is peculiar I � already heart) &, 11191L reputations -and- difficult problems ahead for- there IrUal conditions, they may rise fron*L himse.1' with % hundred thousand (101. "Greye-Stratton, James PUlward, anxious Strife— to there fMD10yed In t1le ulanUfUCtUre ! at the ta'�-,16 ktiowhig; they are, prepared lars less than nothing. Young Hal- TTi;!rty-faur, Litist3n,-a Tf�"Ilcr` Gar- 1: ll�ght pan thus deceive us, whe,re- of this Product and to, tllose who use the course ,now adopted Is one th who phin further economy. As a to& wliatever the day may bring Jett Avent to his only surviving ,re4L- dens, Kensington, N'V.�t tore not life? I will Unquestionably ,enhatift this es- source of revenue &O Income UL7. aP- torth. And they know, equally well, tive—an elderly uncle with -a liver— Shrrtly the cA Is largely in ruliber .factories and . Itillisto. I b was again crawling —Joseph Blanco Wbite. ,other tr,ad;os. 11"'urlilture P0115hets pears to, be growing In favor, al- -that If breakfast Is badly DrepMed, and, with the confidence of youth re, th"ough the fog. sounding ils siren — I though not with .the tax_payer. The poorly served and partaken of tin- jected the offer of a cheal) stoo�l lit like .1 liner In mid -channel. All that ealt generally be Identified on ac- I der unhappy conditions, they go forth that millionalta's ,office. Ile believed the passenger could make out wa...; a A model coffin was the most Useful count of the eezeing, which covers i ]RARTItIQUAXES IN DrVZgS' thlet objection Is ,to the ,unfair Mall, to, a day . of vexatloh, worry and tur- he could get a living as-dn aotor— ha2y world, dotted With faint yellow piece of turlilture exhibited at a. fair the hands, arniq end fato. This la : . � � MAUS. ter of its Incidence. In proportion to moil. In many, ways breakfw�t Is J)ut a five weeks, tour In a fortieth. specks. Which now and again trans- it ,Shreveport 1-0. A nogro boy of aupposed to be Aup, to impuro- alcohol I A tr'emen:dous earInqualte, second this nicaus the Man with small income the most Ituportailt moal of the day. rate company which finaVY stranded forined flienis6lves into the lights as sixteen, who iv�rks In a Ulidelltaker's , Used In the nolishes, only in recent -years ,to that Vhlch 4lWiYA lifts much Moro .to Pay than It helps us to begin the da,y Well, it in the wilds of AfichigMn tOnvinced they drA-w twar. Liter the "now establislinient attends a high school " ----. wrecked ftu Vrtlnels6o In 1006 6t- ,tile man with Imt-ge, Income. The levy gives us the right start, it pr6par,,18 him of the futility Of that idea, Specks grew legg as they swerved off Avere he made a number of model cof- CEXERME POR ALL 4T4JDONT& � .1 to Meet with phllosoplly things - Thereafter he drifted over m wide the main M.I.d�. and in a little the car fins In the, manual training dtpart- i . th,6 folentifid is made on inconie Instead of on mm- U's A ftioderato, aittowit of �exerc,lqe wil . . tmeted th4m attention of - , that would WoTry us if we d .. Id 'not area of the United States. ftrin-liand, drow to a hult. I ment. lie ,exhibited one at the fair vl�vni,lll Irolvint: for all ,Studt)nts In XW, 14 December 18, It WILO thought gin of avttflable Inconle, and this Prim- havo the good start, railway-nigm, row -puncher, prespec- The driver indicated tho house DD- and Won three dollars for the most, All cohools and toll,eges. lastoad of lit - 0,11 tiplo must be recognizett If the In- — tor, and one very vivid voyage as a I pegito which they Were standing, with 1180fUl article or furniture showlt. I nra� that a submarine field had I Mmslve traintur, for a few Aulleteg, In I I I The till fields of Nev South Wales deckhand oil a (%ttle boat, it was I a jo-'k o�f his thumb, a,4 Hallett de- . i6ft the are4 of th4s shock somewhere collie t,ax is to be populsr, It re- MasOn waApg are -magniffee advaierted by Dr. Xrusenl, of the Do- i yielded ore worth more than $5C,- inevitilble, of course, that he should Scenhed, ginpers, being especitilly +_�xp­ _._ 1AVtment of pul)llc llo&ltb Abd Vjxr- I vent � of the ftut1h America coast, bat quires a certain minimum amount to 000,000 to the tlose of last year. , eyetitually drift Into that last ,refuge I "That'8 the place, s1r." ouilding tunnels. i0m. .1 , . I . 11 . "I � � 41 .— -�4-4 ;44ula PV Ar.winin W, TAKe - - - - . . I I , I It. Ile won't see you,,, lIte declared lit furnishing a bedroom there to with harsh abruptness, and only a a llimtt�eeoa variety of artioles from , sudden movement Of HalletVs 1"OOt .wliic.U' to eboose, suitable pleces. The prevented. the door being sI4mmedLJU his face. typical bed to be found In a atcond- His teeth gritted together, and he , hand shop Is the wooden style with J thrust the door ,back and, himself tall, head and footboards. This ,may love." the MR. He was all easy-t6m- be out ,#own and when enameled pered mail, but the deliberate dir white, kr lvor� . ,, ki very Pleasing. A courtesy had roused him to a col� Jituo batiO -de I coration. may be added, anger. I A roomy, commo.0a or chevalrobe I "That wilt do, my mrn,o he awlfj, = made from an old cbest Ot clipping Off each word sharply. 11f � , bureau or chiffonier. The' ... Avant ordinary civility,, and rm goini wood, Aramers are removed and In I to see that I get it. My name Is ,.their fitead are Inserted dr&wers ..... HaLett—James Hallett of New YDrR , MA4e ,Of heavy ,MT'00ard boxes with I NOW You go and tell your inaste; cretonne or chintz covering; glued on. � at 1Want to see lit- -'h—+ ­­ Swiligbag doors are hung ,on binge,$ plDs Oil$. en Q ed I'll- .- 11 I and Roundheads at ' . I . .. Into a I'mOt"r, land they fined s�paces.aud ignited produce tr�- P : 1� I : . I I . ­ I - property of his that has come ild the piece of furniture so reeon- , were I:eplaced -by Whigs and Tories . MY bands. Quick's the word." structed is decidedly attractive when. , mendous -explosions. Earthquakes maintain a household and this de- , . I I . There was a,Pause, When the man *refliRthed with, flat white paint, and .these by Liberals -and cons4rva� occur as the result of wrigling Or pends on the number of persons In it, . I and � in the hall, spoke again bi's tpme ,had onamc�L. AA oval mirror bung above tives and these again byll,%dicals and wave -motion in the crust of the earth, children, and so forth. The inall, In Ed N changed, "I beg Your pardon, Mr. it from two chemile tasselled cords . ' , 'lett, coMplotes its ef - due sometimes to planetary or solar lodgings has a larger anarglit, or sur- Ha, It is dark—I mistook you Unionists. These changes are go* . fectiveness. . , 6L THE MAIEILSTROM fo.r Some One else. I am sure 'Mr. TmnsiformeO Dresser. lug on all the time and sometimes a. attraction, and sometimes to, -the pres- pius -than the man Avh keeps ,house � Graye�gtratton would have heen hap- Would you believe that ,a ,good I � , , I . partisan observerr does not perceive sure of the earth -crust itself. The and raises a family. It is the size ply to see you, but unfortunately be Is dressing table can be Made from , I all titit Is happening. Nore0vor ,the' Andes with the Central American of the margin -that any man has avaI17 ' By FRANK FROEST, W, It you wKil leave. whatever YOW Cho Old-time ,walnut dresser With 11 public has been standing more and -range and the Rocky Mountains ex- able that should determine. his tax- I ave, I will see that It reaches him. maxb1p top? �Late Superintendent of the Critninal . 'uy the . Fo­ this renovating ' Investigati*n De- way, I am not a servant; I the -upper part holding the mirror ." . in -ore aloof from the Parties as it ,got tend througli the' Western Hemis- able income. Dsrentlal expenditures . partment of Scotland Yard. 1111 , am i doctor. Gore is my name," - should be removed and the wood '. I more intlitenog And authority. Tile phere and themes Into Asia Joining -should be rocognized In calculating � — Hallett thrust his !land in the fXamo, trimmed down to a -simple public, when, King .Tol ... and the the great rock,,Tibs of tile. northern Ithis margin,'a'ach as insurances up -to pocket th-It contained the checks. He wood molding. On each of the loug CHAPTER I. of the unskilled Inte.lectual classes— had no. intention of,.handing the sides, attach with hinges shorter, jar,rous, had their spat did not count peninsulas and Joining .the Manchur-7 a reasonable -amount, and capital Journalism. over without some information Abom aurrower ,mlrri�rs similarly trained. . . " , Xing.John, thouglit be� Was tile Pub- lan -and Tartar rango down to, the s4oald be treated ow a separate . has,li" Out o,f the -Fog. . . Equally, of course. it was Inevitable the girl in black, And he f,,,,,ud The maxble top should be discarded �� � - - I I , di�., The Barons thought they were Tibetan and Himalayan heights, all than Tevenue. Ail 'effort should be Hallett blundered into an unlit that fate, which delights to -take -a 'he detected a note of aiftx1p -upper drawer cut away iu . .ty In the alid the IT Thd public ,had to Its low li�e -these 4coinstitutifig a kind of - spinal made -to -encourage honesty, to put a lamj-post, swore with fervor, and hand at- unexpected moments, should doctor's voice as though, while forced the middle leaving a narrower drawer � BIrer Rabbit. After eight hundred system 04r back -bone of,0,the earth. premium on trankness and fall- deal- stood for a second peering for some interfere where he showed signs of in a Way to civility, he was anxious on each side of t�ie t6p. The triple � � years the ,party. consciousness 'Still � identifiable landmark In the black making a mark In his profession. His for the visitor to go. mirror Is. theu set In place lower Visit � Through the ,&fghan and Persian Ing, and If it -be ,right for Salary lists blanket ,of fog that swathed the uncle ,died intestate, and Jimmy leap- "I quite understand, Dr. Gore�', he as first used. The piece of furni- -tends , towards th-s OX01118-1011 Of the ranges this connects with .the Caucas- to be turned over to assessors It street. Where he stood, a slug- ed at a bound to affluence beyond said coldly. ,.I will ca.'I at some tUT6 could be refinished It it oom�- . . ptiblic, and'Still -the public 'stands tan, :and -so by the Carpathians with ,should be "USIly Tight to have divi- . gish. dense , drift had co4lected, for I his. wildest dreams. Other time. , I ,should like to return sisted of walnut, maple or birch by . . following the treacherous habit Ile stayed long enough in ,New York. fhe'P?4DP&ty to Its owner in person— folloivil3g ibe: Mahogany treatment � . f -er that to realize how extensive for a special reason,. Good night.'! after removing all of the old finlsh- and has in some cases and1n:sOme ain .mountain ays- --bank deposit interest -returns . turned . It U her. Of I 9t arlegated were the acquaint- ... Men YOU will not entrust what- Ing matemial, Or it could be an- . . ,more or less apart from; the lartie-s t-he� Alpine syiten�. Spurs and dexid li#s, coupon returns, and London fogs, It lay Inpatches. branches off this in About tin he co Id Lr ghostly lid v . -measures begull to �Orm a Party Of tem seein'to be most frequently �ro� Oyer to the Same authoritty. Tfie .noises of traffle, muffled and as from ances, who had s�pod by him In ad- ever You have to me?" I - . . . . I ameled to correspond wltlt the fin ufax, but AvIiether .the sounds came versity. They took pains -that he "I would rather " *Its own. This Is What Dr. Cody de- - ductive Of earthquakes, though like rich ,man Should be WO'Pr011,4 .to USIC 'gee ,%IT. Greye- ishing of the bed. ,Chairs and rock- . from bet -ore or behind, from right or should not forget it. And forthwith Stratton at some future thne," He ers simp'e in line could be selooted - - Vlories, The public should -not form the present shock, �they we frequent- favors not extended to the poor man. left, was more than -his bewildered be had taken counsel of Sleath the half turned to go. f . I o It. Certain distiIets Considering � Vie . international char- sebmis could fathom. W -Ir � . . a party of its ,own but sholild join On-$ li contiguous t -or enameling and hand4ecorate4 ( " ,, . . youthful -looking city editor ai the "One moment." The doctor laid Or stenciled. I . . I . Of the old piatters. This would, make have been found, which present evi- acter of capital Investment there are For the last ten minutes he had Wire, who breathed words of wisdom . a detaining hand upon his sleeve, "I A wooden apple butter box or,.p'afl I , " d , been wailting in a,spectrafelty imong In 'his ear. did not Wish to disturb my " patient In a ba X � ' 4verything mueIx pleasanter a ' a dences of a crack ,or fault ortissure litany problems In . taxa, tion the specters. A by -street had trapped "Go to Europe, Jimmy. Travel unnecessarily, but if you J May be, transformed to t be I I would save a great deal of trolable. In the earth's crust, i4le twoedges. of L . eague of Nations maybave to solve. 1181st 1, W21 or shoe case with enamel' and ore- . � lau� ,the difficulty, of course, Is ,'that . .� him within his limited area of sight. and Improver your mind. I Let the ,arrange you shall see him. "Vill YOU . tDrne Itninr. Thes,e ptails can he . which may slip p;Lst e - ach other. This' - He -lifted his hat and rubbed his head aharks forget you." come with me'! I am afraid It is StLuittl at warket -aalls, I as can large I . I .. I . .. . itheobstlnate public ilas actually gone Was the case in the Sin Francisco ,perplexedly as he came .to the eon- So Jimmy Hallett stood lost lu a rather dark. The electric llot has ,cheese boxes NIhich may be used for ... . ! 10 FALSE PRIDE; FALSE elusion that he was lost. It was as fog, somewhere within hall of Picca- &,one Wfong—frightfully awkward. �. off and formed two or t ae new ,earthquake. What is called Login . similar purposes. I e � . 1 14 SELF-RESPECT. u et out to teach dilly 'Circus, with an unopened pack- Hallett groped his way after his Apple Green Note. ..� 11 ��� . . . . . I parties in addition to the two ,Did line, after the eminent Geologist Sir . I the young man from New York a les- age In his hand. and the memory of guide, his brain busy. It was queer I � e There Is a. soldiers' paxty and William Edmont Logan (1798-1' Learning that there were many .1, wall -paper with white, ,'Light I ones. - 1 876), son. The log had him beat. a girl's .voice in -his mind. A lesd that the light .should have given *lit— grayer iv,)ry ground and simple pit- � . & labor party and a farmers' Party, is a fault of this riltupe -running -South thousands -of idle Workingmen I lit. De� "Ouess I shall fetch up Omewhere, observant man that HW.Iett could not queerer still that no apparent at- tearn In stripe effect, carrying apple I . and ,Perhap's aber8. They- ail want from Ungava and Quebec into New troit, 11a . yor Couzens offered a thous�- sometime," he muttered, and strode -have failed to perceive that the girl tenipt had been made at illumination gr"n, ,brown, blue and -lavender I ­ I . something or other -that the two old and jobs at street cleaning . and other doggedly on. 1� . was of. a -class unlikely to be In- either with oil or candler. � ., I wbruld be suitable on the *alls, 91Y- � ... ;;; .1 I York (tad Pennsylvania, and he tore- - He had gone perhaps a dozen yards volved in any street broil. The mail , The place was deadly quiet, but Ing a wholesome fresh appearia . .. . � -s in this region. municipal labor at -what used .t* When from tallead a quick burst ,of flattered himself that he ,was not im- that was only natural with a,sick man to the room. The hanging could I parties aTe ,unable,':or unwilling ,to told �eaxthquake shock I be a I Mae ! give. The public, In thia latter case� Union c Here Is Couzens, report: angry voices broke out. Then there pressionable. But he retained an in the house. He wondered why some be cf cretoornne w . Ith black grcraila and ; ,�,hocks have been felt 'but for- tat Wage. � . I PrOVIdes.4an incentive t1D `PaXt19aUShIP nat' "Of 265 Jobs at street cleaning, cani.6 a running of feet on the sod- Impression of both breeding and -.-eTvant had not anewomd'th-3 dqor� I I organizations tu ely so fa;�- none, of serioas couse- paying 46 per day, and garbage . col- den pavement. Hallett came to a looks, A man of -less hardened temperament floyal-design. in apple green, brown, . ! in .the Shape of new I quence. An interesting view held in I . blue and lavender. Handwoven rat � stop, listening. The fog- seemed to 'He dangled the packag;—it -.vas 'Would have felt nervous. i-ugs on the floor -should repeat the � . which promise what ii�'wanted- The the 'East about 'earthquakes is akin lectIng, 'Paying $6-50, whlotL the CM�. thin a trifle, small and alght—on. his finger, and The doctor's footsteps filling with colors in the Avall paper and hlang� I . public.dods, not 91'r ; , WAPt'-'P ' ty w ' hich to the tradition of the destruction of, offered, only. eight were accepted. The Out of the thickness the utlines of �moyed forward till an elec,�rjd stan- ghost,Zar Softness on the carp -2t In . �Zsl I Says: * "YOU Must take what we Sodom and Gomorrha and is founded "InemPlOyed apparently don!t -want 9. woman's figure loomed vaguely. dard gave him an -opportunity of ex- front of him ceased. . Lk colorful note may be given the . . � ithink,yourbould have.'! I hey want positions, -while, the She -was running swiftly and easily aminlug It more closaly. It waA "Here we are Mr. Hallett. H,eep . . ,, I , The public e,�niall Jobs; � t1 . . I to y ur left. ;his s th ro room by means of the bedspread. � I . 4D,% -the p.Tin-ciple ,that all natur . With lithe grace. As she noted the closely sealed at both ends Avith red 0 I e I � wants a patrity that Will give what it Om. If Patch -work coverings of this kind, . . I . Included, Is one whole. Wbat ,at- Detroit editors conclude ,that, after motionless figure of a man, she seallug�wax, but the wrapping Itself You will watt here a second I Will atilln-Ing Zeraps of ginghams, eam-� . desires. And, it Wants 0, Party that feets one affects all, and Man's In_ high wages in automobile factories, swerved .toward him and he caught had apparently been torn from an ,or- see If I can get a light. W�ere are bri, silks and satins may be made uP I 11 I I - 6 a. e ,,too the hurried pant a her breath— dinary newspaper. YOU ? Give me your hand." L in decidedly decorative spreads. For . � .1 twill be cleah,' hOUlezAt, efficient and' lquittes-and perversity,"toacting u4n. Detroit's,75,000 unemployed r . I 1. I d1i to do ,ordinary publi� labor. cauzed"rather,' he judged;, by emotion He hesitated for a 'moment and SHM, -delicate fingers gripped 'Hal- the room In question, the centre 901417 , . 1pr6irsssive- -T314 Public 'is lyecOun- nature� generate, oandittans ii*Wch prou . than by exertion. then tore It open. He could Scar- aett'js hand as he followed the direc- Ing 89 liltellig,eut that mere preten- precipitate -earthquake and other ca- Whereat a ,great editor, with the She,halted Impetuously as she came .ce,y shave told what he expected to - tion. He passed through- a doorway shDW.d consist of ivory color sateen with the broket and flower pattern I , � I lsi?ps to virtue are ,not suffleletiL It tastrophes, bringing thereby upon city slant an things wrote: opposite to him and he caught a find. Certainly not the thirty or and for a moment his back was formed of patches in -shades of blue, -11 "It is well lor mankind that men, glimpse of her face—the mobile face forty checks that lay in his hand. - turned toward the doctor, He heard I it .b the ,party Illat does these -things man his own totritution. It all -the green, lavender and yellow, the Apron ; � 4bat will be sUccessful. it matters evil of the world Is to be . Who formed a mighty army tin , great. of a girl. with parted lips and ar- One by one he turned them slowly something whirl in the air and a or drop -to 'be of a; soft, dark -blue I . ! .. � I - recompensed . vesting blue eyes. . She was hatless, over as though the inspection would � blow descended with crushing force sateen and the marrow bands of me- � , not whether .there be two or a dozen In earthquakes we have a desperate factory, assoclating with better fel- and,though 'Hallett could not have afford some indication of why they On his right shoulder. He wheeled, ,dIum, or lioht.,blue gingham, A i I � ; . ! parties the Party that Avoiks for the fate ahead ,of us. I . I lowls�,-than ever before, standing high- deserilled her attire, he got ail -Im- had been so unexpectedly thrust upon with a cry, but there ,Avar; no queg- ezaftsman 'br'bu#ou4o16 stitch MAY . . � � . I �- - preUloh of some soft black 'stuff, -him. A bare possibility that he had tion of resistance. ,.A'second blow- be used to join'tEe large sections, I Public will Win. . — . er .Socially and In ,their own zelf-TE , - I , I I I � I clinginj to a 511m. figure. She sur- been made an unwitting accomplice fell, this time better directe and a . , I I I THE LUXURY. TAX AND, spect than ever ,before ,should rebel veyed him in a quick, appraising In a theft was Aismissed-as be no- million stars I d, — I ; , . - . . danced before his eyes. ; . XERIT. ' � In pure pride ,against rolling a .gar- glance, and before lie could Speak ticed that the checks were dead— He dropped like a felled ox. TRADE DISEASES. � WEARING SILK BY TAXATION. bage can-or�Pcllas-lng street refuse, in had thust something into his hand. I ; . I t I Whatever my be tboilght Of the . . . . - they all bore the cancelling mark of (To be continued). I Removal of the luxury tax may a gutter'for $6 adlay, or any ,other , '"Take it—ruill" She gasped, and the bank. Why On earth should the — � bM,�v ,00v,,.rumept, At mug 1�e ad- I . . ­ , ." . tore forward Into the fog. girl have ppen running away with � Almost every malt ,Who work for . .. I I �0 � , 0 --- ; - a which have quite as unexpected effects as wage." It had all'Itappened In, a fraction of the usW.ess %becks? And why should ! a lor.g time at any one of a score of . I . - initted that itAs doing.1h14 its imposition. It Aris Intendled to And yet'the 'farmer does exactly ti ' have Men advocated by boih thelold- , me. She had checked, rather than she 'have So Anpulsively confided trades is pretty into to contract . er pa.rtiee, for years, but which either -check extravaganc - e, but It 1p doubt- those same thtn&i every day In his halted,in her fight. An exclamation them falling into the ,bands of her POEMS sooner or later the bodily ailment pe- . ful whether ,,th,e purchase of too barn and his feed lot and In his fie , Ids, burst from Hallett's. -lips and he was head -long pursuer? � ,culiar to that toado. Some of these - L OCCaSipil or courage was Wanting to che�p articles which,do not wear " Alid 's lit- u,mo�t startled Into obedience of ,the -Not that Hallett Arould have wor- You ShouRd Know 'naladles are slight, some dangerous, �0 , . be does them with -pride wad e Then heavier I and sonle mysterious, but Improved . I .. Y ,out. The. new rule Sa to the long as One g be well*for man- footsteps thudding near brought him had -the ,central figure been plan or %. . -,. 'working conditions and increased I I I Carr . hurried commalid. ried ,Overmuch about these problems I appointlnelit of k. ,C.'s is a case in ocL4 ,one at a price less I respect. Would It . — " I than is paid for ,the -two can be re- kind 3f the farmbr refused to clean to himself. He mbved to Interrupt commonplace. She. had Interested general knowledge of sanitation and point. , " The appointment of these garde�d as tTXconbmy.­ The, general out the cattle at -all every day or twl" the pursuer, ' As a man came 'into -him ' and his Interest, once aroused Joseph Blanco *White Avlas born of the laws -of health ar g:adnally re- I gentlemen it is UILIVersally admitteld, affect iof the luxury - tax as, appears to a day? ,Wbuld It be well ,for mankind view, Hallett's hand fell on his shoul- in ony person or thing, was always Irish parents In Spain, July 11, 1775, ducing the dangers. should 'not be made� a matter of' I ,Party I , der. vivid. I and died In London. in Jilay, 1,941, -11r, Sakers generally have bad teeth; , I 1. I li've been officially 01mitted waa to . lf,,Uie farmer, through pride$- refused ' "One moment, my. friend----�' z.een-eyed, he scrutinized the quit his father's counting' house to tho tioUr dust collects lit their teeth, . I preference. 'Sit, James 'Whitney r6C- restrict sales, which had not been In- -to trudge In mult. and diftbehind the An oath was spat at him as the' cliecks in an endeavor to decipher become. a Priest in 1796. . Because of. becomes acid, and gives -rise to a ognited 'this so far as to accept the I trudeO dt all. There Is no -more plow and cultiv r, followlng#lho ex- ,mail wrenched himself..free and was the signature. They Avere all, open polltlea�, disturbance 'in his- iiative sp�gclal kind of decay. Bakers vre . . . Tecbmillendatip I no made by the op-: � . 11 ato � blotted out in gloorn. Hallett theeks made out by the same person, land lie went to London and devoted also prone to consumption because of . tliarty pooblm In governmint -than ample of,the city workman Who de- position, but It WAS not claimed that . . . - ,shrugged his shoulders philosophica,- and Payable to "Self." The name he , h' Ims4el � f to lite,ature. the, hot air and dust they breathe and I . all appointed, really merited the dis- [ tairation. '-In fact it Is 'government ollned.to work on the stinestrV I ly, and made no attempt at Pursuit, read as J. E. Greye-Stratton. Who- NIGHT. the fact that their hours are usually , � . I and . sums up everything in its pria- It. -would mot be W , 611 for mankind; I 'Alarums and excursions," he mur- ever J. E. Greye-Stratton was,he had lrregm�nr, their working time belng tinetion. No, general opDointMA"Its- c1ples. A people Satisfied with Its Mankind would starve from . the face mured., "Worider what )JIts adl drawn within three tnomths,'in sums Myzterlous Night, v4ien oui, first mostly at night. ac4lermekers lose I have ,been ,made for a ,good 'ImAnY taxation, methods Is a well-goArPriled of the earth. .. � . about?" ranging from fifty pounds to three parent knew I their hearing because of the oontin- ' In nine and tweitty years. or life. Thee from report divipe, and Jie,ad ital ,racke't 'in which they labor. Years, and the Attorney-GOneril ex- ' Jimm ,hundred pounds, an amount totaling V name, .0 people as a rule, -for sooner ot, later The trouble Is that there Is .too y Hallett had acquired some- —Hallett reckoned In United Stater. One of the most'peetillar of the twessed -his Unwillingness to assunt the -exp*saditures will govern -the ex- much false prid# and too much false thing of a Philosophy that made him fierms—more than fifteen thousand Did he not tremble for this lovely trade diseases—peculiar In that a , I . , s responsibility Of Making & list- It -actions and call attention to defects self�tespeet auloil& 4111 the other false I content toaccept thing& as they Nvere.- 'dollars. I frame, Man, is Immune after htwilig exper- . has been detqdeo to lm'velhO Tft()M� . . saire only when they --affected his per- his This glorious canopy of light and lenced it'Onco—is brass, founders' � of administration,* The luxury tax thitio In our cities. Hauling gar- sonal wer-boing. Then he would sit He stuffed the checks into title? ague. Three -quarte" of the new meti&-tions to the Chief Justice Of was .not producing revenue as antlel- bage to the Incinerator and leleaning up and kick AThth both, feet. I -Its lack pocket as ail idea materialized In his Yet 'meat -h a curtain of translucent employees ,of b,rass foundries 4�xper. . � Ontario ,g4d Other �JegaA lulmillsTi0% patedand It was obstra4tin.- Iv- rt %m. the streets lir a good deal More im- of ourlosity'-was almost cold-blooded. mind. An opportun4L�, taxt pushed Its hue . ience it. They have severe chIIlw , represenflng till S148s of politics. 'the . -hose .Stealthily through the wall of Bath;�d in the ways of the great 'ond headache, cough a great deal, and . .Naturally -the course to pu-.-,. 1�*alq , ortant Work, so far as humanity is, There was, indeed, -a certain Inoffen- fog and halted at his hall. aetting,'flame, then develop a high fever. The III - understanding being that the distime, ,to abalidort it. The� increase �­ uli- Incermed, ,than worixing In an auto-" rive arrogance In his attitude toward -Think You call, fetch a post -office, sonny?" he demanded. 6 - n I the ordinary affairs of life. Ile Was 1T,.RPe,Us with the host Of %bA,a'ven ness pass�er, In a day or so, I-eavi 9 I flon will be tonferrod for merit and employment fias In some r- .- Ire Mobile &otoi,y, and the men who do the sort of man, who iould not cross "Get 'you anywhere, sit," assented came, I ikO bad effects. -It Is caused by In- . . I ability alone, It4 16 eptiaelVable been attributed to -the .tax, PUV'LM- those Jobs should have prideL in -the tile road to see a dog-wfight. the drlve�r,tihqerfully. haling hietallIc dust ojr vapor of zinc . I And, lo- creation widened in man's or ,Copper. that there may be objectionsAo',thlO ers holding (>fr with the prospipets of knowledge tbit they are accomplish- I Yet he always had a zest for ex- "Find Your way by the stars, I $up- view. D:acksmiths suffer from paralysis pIan fmm those who regard elf Pro- Its removal, and *this causing factor- Ing the necessary In this werld of citement, providing It bad novelty. A pose," commented Hallett, the tingle Who wou!d have thought, such *t the entAre right side, due to the motions; drd distinctionis as ,tbO,PrOP- les in amumber of instances -to close Ileople, I I man who has scrambled tor a. dozen Of fog still in his eyes. darkness lay concealed I years In a hoteli-potch of vocations Nevortheless, the driver justified continual shock of hammering, -.and I . �er rbw4rd for politle4l. activity 11,10ftc down. The loss -of revenue, will hd-ve — retains little -enthusiasm for common- him boastj and his fara Was Within illy beams, 0 Sun! or who -their eyes become weak from the I Irrespeetivo of,capaelty or,itileat. The shartly could find, g4al-6 of their forge fires. Cool's I - I to be made Up In Omer way, or BREAKFASTING POR k-FF[CIFNCY P�-ace's, engrossed With the letter "G" In the Whilst flower and leaf and Insect i better feeling of the community ,will When Hallett senior had gone Out London directory. There was ot* also .suffer from weak eyes, due -to the severe retrenchment will .be noces, stood revealed, effect of 'hot vapors. � lklen 'and womAn in business knew from the combined effects of a Wall one entry of,the name he sought, anti to L I favor the comforring of distinction% . That such .countless orbs thou "Naphtha Intoxication" is not rec- � tor Merit. alone. The Ontario -�ar siry. The budget is, already rO- w0l that It breakfast to Well PlePar- Street cyclone and an attack of.heart be aw4ftly transcribed the address mad*st us blind? stricted commendably �xd th-e.ro are td, well 'served and eaten tinder got- failure, his son altil heir had found to a. tolrgraph-b�ank, ommonded as 0, rub,ditute to- the old i Why do we then shun death 'with alcoholic T(. ,C.CtJoil. It. is peculiar I � already heart) &, 11191L reputations -and- difficult problems ahead for- there IrUal conditions, they may rise fron*L himse.1' with % hundred thousand (101. "Greye-Stratton, James PUlward, anxious Strife— to there fMD10yed In t1le ulanUfUCtUre ! at the ta'�-,16 ktiowhig; they are, prepared lars less than nothing. Young Hal- TTi;!rty-faur, Litist3n,-a Tf�"Ilcr` Gar- 1: ll�ght pan thus deceive us, whe,re- of this Product and to, tllose who use the course ,now adopted Is one th who phin further economy. As a to& wliatever the day may bring Jett Avent to his only surviving ,re4L- dens, Kensington, N'V.�t tore not life? I will Unquestionably ,enhatift this es- source of revenue &O Income UL7. aP- torth. And they know, equally well, tive—an elderly uncle with -a liver— Shrrtly the cA Is largely in ruliber .factories and . Itillisto. I b was again crawling —Joseph Blanco Wbite. ,other tr,ad;os. 11"'urlilture P0115hets pears to, be growing In favor, al- -that If breakfast Is badly DrepMed, and, with the confidence of youth re, th"ough the fog. sounding ils siren — I though not with .the tax_payer. The poorly served and partaken of tin- jected the offer of a cheal) stoo�l lit like .1 liner In mid -channel. All that ealt generally be Identified on ac- I der unhappy conditions, they go forth that millionalta's ,office. Ile believed the passenger could make out wa...; a A model coffin was the most Useful count of the eezeing, which covers i ]RARTItIQUAXES IN DrVZgS' thlet objection Is ,to the ,unfair Mall, to, a day . of vexatloh, worry and tur- he could get a living as-dn aotor— ha2y world, dotted With faint yellow piece of turlilture exhibited at a. fair the hands, arniq end fato. This la : . � � MAUS. ter of its Incidence. In proportion to moil. In many, ways breakfw�t Is J)ut a five weeks, tour In a fortieth. specks. Which now and again trans- it ,Shreveport 1-0. A nogro boy of aupposed to be Aup, to impuro- alcohol I A tr'emen:dous earInqualte, second this nicaus the Man with small income the most Ituportailt moal of the day. rate company which finaVY stranded forined flienis6lves into the lights as sixteen, who iv�rks In a Ulidelltaker's , Used In the nolishes, only in recent -years ,to that Vhlch 4lWiYA lifts much Moro .to Pay than It helps us to begin the da,y Well, it in the wilds of AfichigMn tOnvinced they drA-w twar. Liter the "now establislinient attends a high school " ----. wrecked ftu Vrtlnels6o In 1006 6t- ,tile man with Imt-ge, Income. The levy gives us the right start, it pr6par,,18 him of the futility Of that idea, Specks grew legg as they swerved off Avere he made a number of model cof- CEXERME POR ALL 4T4JDONT& � .1 to Meet with phllosoplly things - Thereafter he drifted over m wide the main M.I.d�. and in a little the car fins In the, manual training dtpart- i . th,6 folentifid is made on inconie Instead of on mm- U's A ftioderato, aittowit of �exerc,lqe wil . . tmeted th4m attention of - , that would WoTry us if we d .. Id 'not area of the United States. ftrin-liand, drow to a hult. I ment. lie ,exhibited one at the fair vl�vni,lll Irolvint: for all ,Studt)nts In XW, 14 December 18, It WILO thought gin of avttflable Inconle, and this Prim- havo the good start, railway-nigm, row -puncher, prespec- The driver indicated tho house DD- and Won three dollars for the most, All cohools and toll,eges. lastoad of lit - 0,11 tiplo must be recognizett If the In- — tor, and one very vivid voyage as a I pegito which they Were standing, with 1180fUl article or furniture showlt. I nra� that a submarine field had I Mmslve traintur, for a few Aulleteg, In I I I The till fields of Nev South Wales deckhand oil a (%ttle boat, it was I a jo-'k o�f his thumb, a,4 Hallett de- . i6ft the are4 of th4s shock somewhere collie t,ax is to be populsr, It re- MasOn waApg are -magniffee advaierted by Dr. Xrusenl, of the Do- i yielded ore worth more than $5C,- inevitilble, of course, that he should Scenhed, ginpers, being especitilly +_�xp­ _._ 1AVtment of pul)llc llo&ltb Abd Vjxr- I vent � of the ftut1h America coast, bat quires a certain minimum amount to 000,000 to the tlose of last year. , eyetitually drift Into that last ,refuge I "That'8 the place, s1r." ouilding tunnels. i0m. .1 , . I . 11 . "I � � 41 plDs Oil$. en Q ed I'll- .- 11 I and Roundheads at ' . I . .. Into a I'mOt"r, land they fined s�paces.aud ignited produce tr�- P : 1� I : . I I . ­ I - property of his that has come ild the piece of furniture so reeon- , were I:eplaced -by Whigs and Tories . MY bands. Quick's the word." structed is decidedly attractive when. , mendous -explosions. Earthquakes maintain a household and this de- , . I I . There was a,Pause, When the man *refliRthed with, flat white paint, and .these by Liberals -and cons4rva� occur as the result of wrigling Or pends on the number of persons In it, . I and � in the hall, spoke again bi's tpme ,had onamc�L. AA oval mirror bung above tives and these again byll,%dicals and wave -motion in the crust of the earth, children, and so forth. The inall, In Ed N changed, "I beg Your pardon, Mr. it from two chemile tasselled cords . ' , 'lett, coMplotes its ef - due sometimes to planetary or solar lodgings has a larger anarglit, or sur- Ha, It is dark—I mistook you Unionists. These changes are go* . fectiveness. . , 6L THE MAIEILSTROM fo.r Some One else. I am sure 'Mr. TmnsiformeO Dresser. lug on all the time and sometimes a. attraction, and sometimes to, -the pres- pius -than the man Avh keeps ,house � Graye�gtratton would have heen hap- Would you believe that ,a ,good I � , , I . partisan observerr does not perceive sure of the earth -crust itself. The and raises a family. It is the size ply to see you, but unfortunately be Is dressing table can be Made from , I all titit Is happening. Nore0vor ,the' Andes with the Central American of the margin -that any man has avaI17 ' By FRANK FROEST, W, It you wKil leave. whatever YOW Cho Old-time ,walnut dresser With 11 public has been standing more and -range and the Rocky Mountains ex- able that should determine. his tax- I ave, I will see that It reaches him. maxb1p top? �Late Superintendent of the Critninal . 'uy the . Fo­ this renovating ' Investigati*n De- way, I am not a servant; I the -upper part holding the mirror ." . in -ore aloof from the Parties as it ,got tend througli the' Western Hemis- able income. Dsrentlal expenditures . partment of Scotland Yard. 1111 , am i doctor. Gore is my name," - should be removed and the wood '. I more intlitenog And authority. Tile phere and themes Into Asia Joining -should be rocognized In calculating � — Hallett thrust his !land in the fXamo, trimmed down to a -simple public, when, King .Tol ... and the the great rock,,Tibs of tile. northern Ithis margin,'a'ach as insurances up -to pocket th-It contained the checks. He wood molding. On each of the loug CHAPTER I. of the unskilled Inte.lectual classes— had no. intention of,.handing the sides, attach with hinges shorter, jar,rous, had their spat did not count peninsulas and Joining .the Manchur-7 a reasonable -amount, and capital Journalism. over without some information Abom aurrower ,mlrri�rs similarly trained. . . " , Xing.John, thouglit be� Was tile Pub- lan -and Tartar rango down to, the s4oald be treated ow a separate . has,li" Out o,f the -Fog. . . Equally, of course. it was Inevitable the girl in black, And he f,,,,,ud The maxble top should be discarded �� � - - I I , di�., The Barons thought they were Tibetan and Himalayan heights, all than Tevenue. Ail 'effort should be Hallett blundered into an unlit that fate, which delights to -take -a 'he detected a note of aiftx1p -upper drawer cut away iu . .ty In the alid the IT Thd public ,had to Its low li�e -these 4coinstitutifig a kind of - spinal made -to -encourage honesty, to put a lamj-post, swore with fervor, and hand at- unexpected moments, should doctor's voice as though, while forced the middle leaving a narrower drawer � BIrer Rabbit. After eight hundred system 04r back -bone of,0,the earth. premium on trankness and fall- deal- stood for a second peering for some interfere where he showed signs of in a Way to civility, he was anxious on each side of t�ie t6p. The triple � � years the ,party. consciousness 'Still � identifiable landmark In the black making a mark In his profession. His for the visitor to go. mirror Is. theu set In place lower Visit � Through the ,&fghan and Persian Ing, and If it -be ,right for Salary lists blanket ,of fog that swathed the uncle ,died intestate, and Jimmy leap- "I quite understand, Dr. Gore�', he as first used. The piece of furni- -tends , towards th-s OX01118-1011 Of the ranges this connects with .the Caucas- to be turned over to assessors It street. Where he stood, a slug- ed at a bound to affluence beyond said coldly. ,.I will ca.'I at some tUT6 could be refinished It it oom�- . . ptiblic, and'Still -the public 'stands tan, :and -so by the Carpathians with ,should be "USIly Tight to have divi- . gish. dense , drift had co4lected, for I his. wildest dreams. Other time. , I ,should like to return sisted of walnut, maple or birch by . . following the treacherous habit Ile stayed long enough in ,New York. fhe'P?4DP&ty to Its owner in person— folloivil3g ibe: Mahogany treatment � . f -er that to realize how extensive for a special reason,. Good night.'! after removing all of the old finlsh- and has in some cases and1n:sOme ain .mountain ays- --bank deposit interest -returns . turned . It U her. Of I 9t arlegated were the acquaint- ... Men YOU will not entrust what- Ing matemial, Or it could be an- . . ,more or less apart from; the lartie-s t-he� Alpine syiten�. Spurs and dexid li#s, coupon returns, and London fogs, It lay Inpatches. branches off this in About tin he co Id Lr ghostly lid v . -measures begull to �Orm a Party Of tem seein'to be most frequently �ro� Oyer to the Same authoritty. Tfie .noises of traffle, muffled and as from ances, who had s�pod by him In ad- ever You have to me?" I - . . . . I ameled to correspond wltlt the fin ufax, but AvIiether .the sounds came versity. They took pains -that he "I would rather " *Its own. This Is What Dr. Cody de- - ductive Of earthquakes, though like rich ,man Should be WO'Pr011,4 .to USIC 'gee ,%IT. Greye- ishing of the bed. ,Chairs and rock- . from bet -ore or behind, from right or should not forget it. And forthwith Stratton at some future thne," He ers simp'e in line could be selooted - - Vlories, The public should -not form the present shock, �they we frequent- favors not extended to the poor man. left, was more than -his bewildered be had taken counsel of Sleath the half turned to go. f . I o It. Certain distiIets Considering � Vie . international char- sebmis could fathom. W -Ir � . . a party of its ,own but sholild join On-$ li contiguous t -or enameling and hand4ecorate4 ( " ,, . . youthful -looking city editor ai the "One moment." The doctor laid Or stenciled. I . . I . Of the old piatters. This would, make have been found, which present evi- acter of capital Investment there are For the last ten minutes he had Wire, who breathed words of wisdom . a detaining hand upon his sleeve, "I A wooden apple butter box or,.p'afl I , " d , been wailting in a,spectrafelty imong In 'his ear. did not Wish to disturb my " patient In a ba X � ' 4verything mueIx pleasanter a ' a dences of a crack ,or fault ortissure litany problems In . taxa, tion the specters. A by -street had trapped "Go to Europe, Jimmy. Travel unnecessarily, but if you J May be, transformed to t be I I would save a great deal of trolable. In the earth's crust, i4le twoedges. of L . eague of Nations maybave to solve. 1181st 1, W21 or shoe case with enamel' and ore- . � lau� ,the difficulty, of course, Is ,'that . .� him within his limited area of sight. and Improver your mind. I Let the ,arrange you shall see him. "Vill YOU . tDrne Itninr. Thes,e ptails can he . which may slip p;Lst e - ach other. This' - He -lifted his hat and rubbed his head aharks forget you." come with me'! I am afraid It is StLuittl at warket -aalls, I as can large I . I .. I . .. . itheobstlnate public ilas actually gone Was the case in the Sin Francisco ,perplexedly as he came .to the eon- So Jimmy Hallett stood lost lu a rather dark. The electric llot has ,cheese boxes NIhich may be used for ... . ! 10 FALSE PRIDE; FALSE elusion that he was lost. It was as fog, somewhere within hall of Picca- &,one Wfong—frightfully awkward. �. off and formed two or t ae new ,earthquake. What is called Login . similar purposes. I e � . 1 14 SELF-RESPECT. u et out to teach dilly 'Circus, with an unopened pack- Hallett groped his way after his Apple Green Note. ..� 11 ��� . . . . . I parties in addition to the two ,Did line, after the eminent Geologist Sir . I the young man from New York a les- age In his hand. and the memory of guide, his brain busy. It was queer I � e There Is a. soldiers' paxty and William Edmont Logan (1798-1' Learning that there were many .1, wall -paper with white, ,'Light I ones. - 1 876), son. The log had him beat. a girl's .voice in -his mind. A lesd that the light .should have given *lit— grayer iv,)ry ground and simple pit- � . & labor party and a farmers' Party, is a fault of this riltupe -running -South thousands -of idle Workingmen I lit. De� "Ouess I shall fetch up Omewhere, observant man that HW.Iett could not queerer still that no apparent at- tearn In stripe effect, carrying apple I . and ,Perhap's aber8. They- ail want from Ungava and Quebec into New troit, 11a . yor Couzens offered a thous�- sometime," he muttered, and strode -have failed to perceive that the girl tenipt had been made at illumination gr"n, ,brown, blue and -lavender I ­ I . something or other -that the two old and jobs at street cleaning . and other doggedly on. 1� . was of. a -class unlikely to be In- either with oil or candler. � ., I wbruld be suitable on the *alls, 91Y- � ... ;;; .1 I York (tad Pennsylvania, and he tore- - He had gone perhaps a dozen yards volved in any street broil. The mail , The place was deadly quiet, but Ing a wholesome fresh appearia . .. . � -s in this region. municipal labor at -what used .t* When from tallead a quick burst ,of flattered himself that he ,was not im- that was only natural with a,sick man to the room. The hanging could I parties aTe ,unable,':or unwilling ,to told �eaxthquake shock I be a I Mae ! give. The public, In thia latter case� Union c Here Is Couzens, report: angry voices broke out. Then there pressionable. But he retained an in the house. He wondered why some be cf cretoornne w . Ith black grcraila and ; ,�,hocks have been felt 'but for- tat Wage. � . I PrOVIdes.4an incentive t1D `PaXt19aUShIP nat' "Of 265 Jobs at street cleaning, cani.6 a running of feet on the sod- Impression of both breeding and -.-eTvant had not anewomd'th-3 dqor� I I organizations tu ely so fa;�- none, of serioas couse- paying 46 per day, and garbage . col- den pavement. Hallett came to a looks, A man of -less hardened temperament floyal-design. in apple green, brown, . ! in .the Shape of new I quence. An interesting view held in I . blue and lavender. Handwoven rat � stop, listening. The fog- seemed to 'He dangled the packag;—it -.vas 'Would have felt nervous. i-ugs on the floor -should repeat the � . which promise what ii�'wanted- The the 'East about 'earthquakes is akin lectIng, 'Paying $6-50, whlotL the CM�. thin a trifle, small and alght—on. his finger, and The doctor's footsteps filling with colors in the Avall paper and hlang� I . public.dods, not 91'r ; , WAPt'-'P ' ty w ' hich to the tradition of the destruction of, offered, only. eight were accepted. The Out of the thickness the utlines of �moyed forward till an elec,�rjd stan- ghost,Zar Softness on the carp -2t In . �Zsl I Says: * "YOU Must take what we Sodom and Gomorrha and is founded "InemPlOyed apparently don!t -want 9. woman's figure loomed vaguely. dard gave him an -opportunity of ex- front of him ceased. . Lk colorful note may be given the . . � ithink,yourbould have.'! I hey want positions, -while, the She -was running swiftly and easily aminlug It more closaly. It waA "Here we are Mr. Hallett. H,eep . . ,, I , The public e,�niall Jobs; � t1 . . I to y ur left. ;his s th ro room by means of the bedspread. � I . 4D,% -the p.Tin-ciple ,that all natur . With lithe grace. As she noted the closely sealed at both ends Avith red 0 I e I � wants a patrity that Will give what it Om. If Patch -work coverings of this kind, . . I . Included, Is one whole. Wbat ,at- Detroit editors conclude ,that, after motionless figure of a man, she seallug�wax, but the wrapping Itself You will watt here a second I Will atilln-Ing Zeraps of ginghams, eam-� . desires. And, it Wants 0, Party that feets one affects all, and Man's In_ high wages in automobile factories, swerved .toward him and he caught had apparently been torn from an ,or- see If I can get a light. W�ere are bri, silks and satins may be made uP I 11 I I - 6 a. e ,,too the hurried pant a her breath— dinary newspaper. YOU ? Give me your hand." L in decidedly decorative spreads. For . � .1 twill be cleah,' hOUlezAt, efficient and' lquittes-and perversity,"toacting u4n. Detroit's,75,000 unemployed r . I 1. I d1i to do ,ordinary publi� labor. cauzed"rather,' he judged;, by emotion He hesitated for a 'moment and SHM, -delicate fingers gripped 'Hal- the room In question, the centre 901417 , . 1pr6irsssive- -T314 Public 'is lyecOun- nature� generate, oandittans ii*Wch prou . than by exertion. then tore It open. He could Scar- aett'js hand as he followed the direc- Ing 89 liltellig,eut that mere preten- precipitate -earthquake and other ca- Whereat a ,great editor, with the She,halted Impetuously as she came .ce,y shave told what he expected to - tion. He passed through- a doorway shDW.d consist of ivory color sateen with the broket and flower pattern I , � I lsi?ps to virtue are ,not suffleletiL It tastrophes, bringing thereby upon city slant an things wrote: opposite to him and he caught a find. Certainly not the thirty or and for a moment his back was formed of patches in -shades of blue, -11 "It is well lor mankind that men, glimpse of her face—the mobile face forty checks that lay in his hand. - turned toward the doctor, He heard I it .b the ,party Illat does these -things man his own totritution. It all -the green, lavender and yellow, the Apron ; � 4bat will be sUccessful. it matters evil of the world Is to be . Who formed a mighty army tin , great. of a girl. with parted lips and ar- One by one he turned them slowly something whirl in the air and a or drop -to 'be of a; soft, dark -blue I . ! .. � I - recompensed . vesting blue eyes. . She was hatless, over as though the inspection would � blow descended with crushing force sateen and the marrow bands of me- � , not whether .there be two or a dozen In earthquakes we have a desperate factory, assoclating with better fel- and,though 'Hallett could not have afford some indication of why they On his right shoulder. He wheeled, ,dIum, or lioht.,blue gingham, A i I � ; . ! parties the Party that Avoiks for the fate ahead ,of us. I . I lowls�,-than ever before, standing high- deserilled her attire, he got ail -Im- had been so unexpectedly thrust upon with a cry, but there ,Avar; no queg- ezaftsman 'br'bu#ou4o16 stitch MAY . . � � . I �- - preUloh of some soft black 'stuff, -him. A bare possibility that he had tion of resistance. ,.A'second blow- be used to join'tEe large sections, I Public will Win. . — . er .Socially and In ,their own zelf-TE , - I , I I I � I clinginj to a 511m. figure. She sur- been made an unwitting accomplice fell, this time better directe and a . , I I I THE LUXURY. TAX AND, spect than ever ,before ,should rebel veyed him in a quick, appraising In a theft was Aismissed-as be no- million stars I d, — I ; , . - . . danced before his eyes. ; . XERIT. ' � In pure pride ,against rolling a .gar- glance, and before lie could Speak ticed that the checks were dead— He dropped like a felled ox. TRADE DISEASES. � WEARING SILK BY TAXATION. bage can-or�Pcllas-lng street refuse, in had thust something into his hand. I ; . I t I Whatever my be tboilght Of the . . . . - they all bore the cancelling mark of (To be continued). I Removal of the luxury tax may a gutter'for $6 adlay, or any ,other , '"Take it—ruill" She gasped, and the bank. Why On earth should the — � bM,�v ,00v,,.rumept, At mug 1�e ad- I . . ­ , ." . tore forward Into the fog. girl have ppen running away with � Almost every malt ,Who work for . .. I I �0 � , 0 --- ; - a which have quite as unexpected effects as wage." It had all'Itappened In, a fraction of the usW.ess %becks? And why should ! a lor.g time at any one of a score of . I . - initted that itAs doing.1h14 its imposition. It Aris Intendled to And yet'the 'farmer does exactly ti ' have Men advocated by boih thelold- , me. She had checked, rather than she 'have So Anpulsively confided trades is pretty into to contract . er pa.rtiee, for years, but which either -check extravaganc - e, but It 1p doubt- those same thtn&i every day In his halted,in her fight. An exclamation them falling into the ,bands of her POEMS sooner or later the bodily ailment pe- . ful whether ,,th,e purchase of too barn and his feed lot and In his fie , Ids, burst from Hallett's. -lips and he was head -long pursuer? � ,culiar to that toado. Some of these - L OCCaSipil or courage was Wanting to che�p articles which,do not wear " Alid 's lit- u,mo�t startled Into obedience of ,the -Not that Hallett Arould have wor- You ShouRd Know 'naladles are slight, some dangerous, �0 , . be does them with -pride wad e Then heavier I and sonle mysterious, but Improved . I .. Y ,out. The. new rule Sa to the long as One g be well*for man- footsteps thudding near brought him had -the ,central figure been plan or %. . -,. 'working conditions and increased I I I Carr . hurried commalid. ried ,Overmuch about these problems I appointlnelit of k. ,C.'s is a case in ocL4 ,one at a price less I respect. Would It . — " I than is paid for ,the -two can be re- kind 3f the farmbr refused to clean to himself. He mbved to Interrupt commonplace. She. had Interested general knowledge of sanitation and point. , " The appointment of these garde�d as tTXconbmy.­ The, general out the cattle at -all every day or twl" the pursuer, ' As a man came 'into -him ' and his Interest, once aroused Joseph Blanco *White Avlas born of the laws -of health ar g:adnally re- I gentlemen it is UILIVersally admitteld, affect iof the luxury - tax as, appears to a day? ,Wbuld It be well ,for mankind view, Hallett's hand fell on his shoul- in ony person or thing, was always Irish parents In Spain, July 11, 1775, ducing the dangers. should 'not be made� a matter of' I ,Party I , der. vivid. I and died In London. in Jilay, 1,941, -11r, Sakers generally have bad teeth; , I 1. I li've been officially 01mitted waa to . lf,,Uie farmer, through pride$- refused ' "One moment, my. friend----�' z.een-eyed, he scrutinized the quit his father's counting' house to tho tioUr dust collects lit their teeth, . I preference. 'Sit, James 'Whitney r6C- restrict sales, which had not been In- -to trudge In mult. and diftbehind the An oath was spat at him as the' cliecks in an endeavor to decipher become. a Priest in 1796. . Because of. becomes acid, and gives -rise to a ognited 'this so far as to accept the I trudeO dt all. There Is no -more plow and cultiv r, followlng#lho ex- ,mail wrenched himself..free and was the signature. They Avere all, open polltlea�, disturbance 'in his- iiative sp�gclal kind of decay. Bakers vre . . . Tecbmillendatip I no made by the op-: � . 11 ato � blotted out in gloorn. Hallett theeks made out by the same person, land lie went to London and devoted also prone to consumption because of . tliarty pooblm In governmint -than ample of,the city workman Who de- position, but It WAS not claimed that . . . - ,shrugged his shoulders philosophica,- and Payable to "Self." The name he , h' Ims4el � f to lite,ature. the, hot air and dust they breathe and I . all appointed, really merited the dis- [ tairation. '-In fact it Is 'government ollned.to work on the stinestrV I ly, and made no attempt at Pursuit, read as J. E. Greye-Stratton. Who- NIGHT. the fact that their hours are usually , � . I and . sums up everything in its pria- It. -would mot be W , 611 for mankind; I 'Alarums and excursions," he mur- ever J. E. Greye-Stratton was,he had lrregm�nr, their working time belng tinetion. No, general opDointMA"Its- c1ples. A people Satisfied with Its Mankind would starve from . the face mured., "Worider what )JIts adl drawn within three tnomths,'in sums Myzterlous Night, v4ien oui, first mostly at night. ac4lermekers lose I have ,been ,made for a ,good 'ImAnY taxation, methods Is a well-goArPriled of the earth. .. � . about?" ranging from fifty pounds to three parent knew I their hearing because of the oontin- ' In nine and tweitty years. or life. Thee from report divipe, and Jie,ad ital ,racke't 'in which they labor. Years, and the Attorney-GOneril ex- ' Jimm ,hundred pounds, an amount totaling V name, .0 people as a rule, -for sooner ot, later The trouble Is that there Is .too y Hallett had acquired some- —Hallett reckoned In United Stater. One of the most'peetillar of the twessed -his Unwillingness to assunt the -exp*saditures will govern -the ex- much false prid# and too much false thing of a Philosophy that made him fierms—more than fifteen thousand Did he not tremble for this lovely trade diseases—peculiar In that a , I . , s responsibility Of Making & list- It -actions and call attention to defects self�tespeet auloil& 4111 the other false I content toaccept thing& as they Nvere.- 'dollars. I frame, Man, is Immune after htwilig exper- . has been detqdeo to lm'velhO Tft()M� . . saire only when they --affected his per- his This glorious canopy of light and lenced it'Onco—is brass, founders' � of administration,* The luxury tax thitio In our cities. Hauling gar- sonal wer-boing. Then he would sit He stuffed the checks into title? ague. Three -quarte" of the new meti&-tions to the Chief Justice Of was .not producing revenue as antlel- bage to the Incinerator and leleaning up and kick AThth both, feet. I -Its lack pocket as ail idea materialized In his Yet 'meat -h a curtain of translucent employees ,of b,rass foundries 4�xper. . � Ontario ,g4d Other �JegaA lulmillsTi0% patedand It was obstra4tin.- Iv- rt %m. the streets lir a good deal More im- of ourlosity'-was almost cold-blooded. mind. An opportun4L�, taxt pushed Its hue . ience it. They have severe chIIlw , represenflng till S148s of politics. 'the . -hose .Stealthily through the wall of Bath;�d in the ways of the great 'ond headache, cough a great deal, and . .Naturally -the course to pu-.-,. 1�*alq , ortant Work, so far as humanity is, There was, indeed, -a certain Inoffen- fog and halted at his hall. aetting,'flame, then develop a high fever. The III - understanding being that the distime, ,to abalidort it. The� increase �­ uli- Incermed, ,than worixing In an auto-" rive arrogance In his attitude toward -Think You call, fetch a post -office, sonny?" he demanded. 6 - n I the ordinary affairs of life. Ile Was 1T,.RPe,Us with the host Of %bA,a'ven ness pass�er, In a day or so, I-eavi 9 I flon will be tonferrod for merit and employment fias In some r- .- Ire Mobile &otoi,y, and the men who do the sort of man, who iould not cross "Get 'you anywhere, sit," assented came, I ikO bad effects. -It Is caused by In- . . I ability alone, It4 16 eptiaelVable been attributed to -the .tax, PUV'LM- those Jobs should have prideL in -the tile road to see a dog-wfight. the drlve�r,tihqerfully. haling hietallIc dust ojr vapor of zinc . I And, lo- creation widened in man's or ,Copper. that there may be objectionsAo',thlO ers holding (>fr with the prospipets of knowledge tbit they are accomplish- I Yet he always had a zest for ex- "Find Your way by the stars, I $up- view. D:acksmiths suffer from paralysis pIan fmm those who regard elf Pro- Its removal, and *this causing factor- Ing the necessary In this werld of citement, providing It bad novelty. A pose," commented Hallett, the tingle Who wou!d have thought, such *t the entAre right side, due to the motions; drd distinctionis as ,tbO,PrOP- les in amumber of instances -to close Ileople, I I man who has scrambled tor a. dozen Of fog still in his eyes. darkness lay concealed I years In a hoteli-potch of vocations Nevortheless, the driver justified continual shock of hammering, -.and I . �er rbw4rd for politle4l. activity 11,10ftc down. The loss -of revenue, will hd-ve — retains little -enthusiasm for common- him boastj and his fara Was Within illy beams, 0 Sun! or who -their eyes become weak from the I Irrespeetivo of,capaelty or,itileat. The shartly could find, g4al-6 of their forge fires. Cool's I - I to be made Up In Omer way, or BREAKFASTING POR k-FF[CIFNCY P�-ace's, engrossed With the letter "G" In the Whilst flower and leaf and Insect i better feeling of the community ,will When Hallett senior had gone Out London directory. There was ot* also .suffer from weak eyes, due -to the severe retrenchment will .be noces, stood revealed, effect of 'hot vapors. � lklen 'and womAn in business knew from the combined effects of a Wall one entry of,the name he sought, anti to L I favor the comforring of distinction% . That such .countless orbs thou "Naphtha Intoxication" is not rec- � tor Merit. alone. The Ontario -�ar siry. The budget is, already rO- w0l that It breakfast to Well PlePar- Street cyclone and an attack of.heart be aw4ftly transcribed the address mad*st us blind? stricted commendably �xd th-e.ro are td, well 'served and eaten tinder got- failure, his son altil heir had found to a. tolrgraph-b�ank, ommonded as 0, rub,ditute to- the old i Why do we then shun death 'with alcoholic T(. ,C.CtJoil. It. is peculiar I � already heart) &, 11191L reputations -and- difficult problems ahead for- there IrUal conditions, they may rise fron*L himse.1' with % hundred thousand (101. "Greye-Stratton, James PUlward, anxious Strife— to there fMD10yed In t1le ulanUfUCtUre ! at the ta'�-,16 ktiowhig; they are, prepared lars less than nothing. Young Hal- TTi;!rty-faur, Litist3n,-a Tf�"Ilcr` Gar- 1: ll�ght pan thus deceive us, whe,re- of this Product and to, tllose who use the course ,now adopted Is one th who phin further economy. As a to& wliatever the day may bring Jett Avent to his only surviving ,re4L- dens, Kensington, N'V.�t tore not life? I will Unquestionably ,enhatift this es- source of revenue &O Income UL7. aP- torth. And they know, equally well, tive—an elderly uncle with -a liver— Shrrtly the cA Is largely in ruliber .factories and . Itillisto. I b was again crawling —Joseph Blanco Wbite. ,other tr,ad;os. 11"'urlilture P0115hets pears to, be growing In favor, al- -that If breakfast Is badly DrepMed, and, with the confidence of youth re, th"ough the fog. sounding ils siren — I though not with .the tax_payer. The poorly served and partaken of tin- jected the offer of a cheal) stoo�l lit like .1 liner In mid -channel. All that ealt generally be Identified on ac- I der unhappy conditions, they go forth that millionalta's ,office. Ile believed the passenger could make out wa...; a A model coffin was the most Useful count of the eezeing, which covers i ]RARTItIQUAXES IN DrVZgS' thlet objection Is ,to the ,unfair Mall, to, a day . of vexatloh, worry and tur- he could get a living as-dn aotor— ha2y world, dotted With faint yellow piece of turlilture exhibited at a. fair the hands, arniq end fato. This la : . � � MAUS. ter of its Incidence. In proportion to moil. In many, ways breakfw�t Is J)ut a five weeks, tour In a fortieth. specks. Which now and again trans- it ,Shreveport 1-0. A nogro boy of aupposed to be Aup, to impuro- alcohol I A tr'emen:dous earInqualte, second this nicaus the Man with small income the most Ituportailt moal of the day. rate company which finaVY stranded forined flienis6lves into the lights as sixteen, who iv�rks In a Ulidelltaker's , Used In the nolishes, only in recent -years ,to that Vhlch 4lWiYA lifts much Moro .to Pay than It helps us to begin the da,y Well, it in the wilds of AfichigMn tOnvinced they drA-w twar. Liter the "now establislinient attends a high school " ----. wrecked ftu Vrtlnels6o In 1006 6t- ,tile man with Imt-ge, Income. The levy gives us the right start, it pr6par,,18 him of the futility Of that idea, Specks grew legg as they swerved off Avere he made a number of model cof- CEXERME POR ALL 4T4JDONT& � .1 to Meet with phllosoplly things - Thereafter he drifted over m wide the main M.I.d�. and in a little the car fins In the, manual training dtpart- i . th,6 folentifid is made on inconie Instead of on mm- U's A ftioderato, aittowit of �exerc,lqe wil . . tmeted th4m attention of - , that would WoTry us if we d .. Id 'not area of the United States. ftrin-liand, drow to a hult. I ment. lie ,exhibited one at the fair vl�vni,lll Irolvint: for all ,Studt)nts In XW, 14 December 18, It WILO thought gin of avttflable Inconle, and this Prim- havo the good start, railway-nigm, row -puncher, prespec- The driver indicated tho house DD- and Won three dollars for the most, All cohools and toll,eges. lastoad of lit - 0,11 tiplo must be recognizett If the In- — tor, and one very vivid voyage as a I pegito which they Were standing, with 1180fUl article or furniture showlt. I nra� that a submarine field had I Mmslve traintur, for a few Aulleteg, In I I I The till fields of Nev South Wales deckhand oil a (%ttle boat, it was I a jo-'k o�f his thumb, a,4 Hallett de- . i6ft the are4 of th4s shock somewhere collie t,ax is to be populsr, It re- MasOn waApg are -magniffee advaierted by Dr. Xrusenl, of the Do- i yielded ore worth more than $5C,- inevitilble, of course, that he should Scenhed, ginpers, being especitilly +_�xp­ _._ 1AVtment of pul)llc llo&ltb Abd Vjxr- I vent � of the ftut1h America coast, bat quires a certain minimum amount to 000,000 to the tlose of last year. , eyetitually drift Into that last ,refuge I "That'8 the place, s1r." ouilding tunnels. i0m. .1 , . I . 11 . "I � � 41 � 41